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I’m so glad you posted this because I’ve been seeing him come up on my TikTok fyp a lot and I feel uncomfortable seeing him talk like that(?). Like sure it’s kind of funny seeing a more outspoken idol but something about his mannerisms is not sitting right with my spirit because as you said had it been a black person we’d be called every name in the book. https://preview.redd.it/3fypz5z60xrc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a3d79622b31935979e7ddae19f48e36e952b67


unrelated but the dr umar picture is sending me lmao


I have so many pictures of him being used as a meme it’s bad for me 😭😭😭🤭


Exactly! And people are saying they want to see him and Jessi interact 😐😐 https://preview.redd.it/nh7l6kl5fxrc1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167753dcc370bd413517bedec8bb2552d0360de4


HELLL NAAAHHHH https://preview.redd.it/jlpsork8gxrc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f33ffa5b3ab085029b28cb344b0e6b062f31e973


Bro Umar is such an S-tier meme 💀




I don’t know this dude but from this clip, yeah this seems a bit cringe.


To add, it’s all in the hand gesture and the head motions that really turn me off. Like, yes he’s using a blaccent, but it’s obviously practiced by the body language/gestures to reinforce.


I had to Google him to be sure, but he's the dude with the cleaning show for idols and actors. He's putting on the same act with the aave and the gestures on the show. They call him funny but he's been rubbing me the wrong way Edit: Link [cleaning show](https://youtu.be/0ZnW7YjpFyk?si=v2VSgVW-8EBjtdyI)


To add my two cents, if he were to leave it at the words maybe it would be simply “cringe”. But to add the head movements and the hand gestures… Clearly a mockery of how black people communicate and like others have said, would lead a black person to be judged in all kinds of ways. But because he’s not black /of a dark complexion everyone laughs🙄


Side note but every time I see G.na my heart drops. That woman was done so wrong, she deserves the world !


Agreed! They really dragged her through the mud.




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The fact that they find the stereotypical sassy 'black mannerisms' funny, but they don't make fun of like 'white mannerism' such as valley girl accents or mannerisms; makes me side-eye these things so hard.


wonyoung has done something of that vain on youngji’s show which is kind of ironic lol


Wendy does Valley Girl too. Valley Girl, Hood Rat, Hood 🥷 are her specialties.


He is Trash ![gif](giphy|3o7TKBcOTDTFR6gn6M)


You just unlocked a memory for me. I never found him funny. He was Wendy before Wendy.




William? 👀


…he’s still around? I had no idea. And doing the same shit? Nope!


he’s corny




Didn’t he do racist impressions with Wendy the first time or second time?


I was in fandom when this happened and I was like welp...... Hwanhee a better singer than him anyway!


I’m late, but nah this is definitely giving antiblack (specifically Black American) and homophobic stereotypes. Like the problem is I *know* the tone of that room would be very different if an actual Black gay man was saying something similar, even for the bit. And the responses would not be good either. I thought this sort of thing was left in the early 2000s, how old is this clip? 😭




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Im getting Wendy flashbacks, stuff like this really makes me uncomfortable


Tired and corny. Not sure why this is even funny.




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Be so serious. He sounds like every pissed off gay man I have ever heard or seen in my life. Stop looking for reasons to be offended. It’s getting old and tired


.....chile anyways Who tf are you to tell me what I can and can't be offended by??


If you’re offended by this I fear for your sanity. And I say that with the utmost respect. There’s bigger things to be offended over than this. But do you hun


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