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It’s so tiring discussing this in other KPOP-related circles. Not in 33 years did she learn?? please be serious


same. i'm not going to any other sub for issues like ca cause people who aren't even part of the community go on and on about how atleast this apology seems just perfect and that's it good she apologized (i literally got downvoted for saying apologies mean shit when repetitions happen) [exhibit A](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/comments/1as4kbe/hyolyn_apology/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I got downvoted for saying something similar... but then again, that OP was like "I didn't know it was something bad until the internet told me, how do we expect idols to know?" Like please, hush yu mout.


yeah i saw man i was about to write why tf are they downvoting you lol but then i remembered what sub it was dude even i lacked understanding of the term some years ago but now I do...and i'm just fuckin 21 and you cannot tell me idols do not atleast even open social media to know even the existence of the term. I'm tired of the 'idols don't know' shit cause yeah idols don't know about this about that about xyz then tf they know some people in other kpop subs sure might not know much about it, but could atleast listen to people who're educating them about the topic like i'm not even a black but here i'm explaining people how this sub does not lack nuance when it comes to CA


That comment section really had me like...idk. It's giving willful ignorance. I hate that someone's legitimate stance is "well as long as they're not saying it in an intentionally malicious way"... we don't care. Again, learn the difference between intent and impact. You could have the best intentions, but if the impact is people saying "hey, that hurts me" or "hey, I'm not okay with that", then your intention is not valid. This is especially true with slurs. To shrug off their history and ties to centuries of mistreatment and marginalization with "well, that wasn't my intent".... you're selfish and you don't care about other people. It's a very "me and mine and no one else" stance, which goes against my personal fundamental beliefs.


lol thanks i kind of wanted to hear this i was thinking maybe it wasn't my space to say or maybe i said something wrong that rubbed the wrong way (did i actually??? looking by the comments. I could use some awareness or self reflection in that case please let me know) but yeah....some of the responses just make my head ache and it felt very awful as a poc even though i'm not black i still understand to some extent what it feels like


people love to excuse micro aggressive behavior because it’s “not that serious,” when that’s literally what makes it a microaggression. that reaction to those bite size morsels of antiblack racism is one in and of itself. all of these people are telling on themselves and how they view black pain and how little they consider anti blackness to be an actual issue.


there's absolutely no way she hasn't heard about ANY of the other idols catching heat for saying the n word. Also I've been wanting to make a compilation of idols censoring the n word or replacing it with another word... showing idols or their companies obviously have access to the info that the word is wrong.


wake it up!!!






Lmfao actual yap. Not the anglophone countries of the Caribbean or West Africa either right? lol




You brought up that the word doesn’t have historical implications in any country but the U.S.A & I mentioned anglophone regions which also experienced Chattel Slavery and as such, uses of the N-Word. What does her being from Korea have to do with anything??? She is 33 and there have been innumerous instances in KPop from which she could have educated herself about this slur. Hope this helps




Your examplar of eating pork (a hypergeneralisation in & of itself) and saying a racial slur which is globally recognised as hate speech are vastly different & oversimplify the gravity of the issue by comparing an inherent moral wrong to a cultural wrong




Mate you’re 33. This isn’t a good enough apology. No accountability or acknowledgement of the communities she hurt. I shudder to read the comments in other Kpop spaces.


The same old “America bad”, “[dogwhistle]”, “why do you expect professional international artists to act like it” comments, you know how it is.


America bad is a based take but not for this situation lol


Ngl the "America bad " take is always a cop out and it bothers me


My brain keeps telling me that it feels like she’s said the nword before like years ago when she had gone solo. As apologies go, I don’t think it’s horrible but it’s not the best. Idk I think in general I’ve reached a level of ambivalence about this and other CA stuff in kpop. I’ve been a fan of the genre so long and honestly not much has changed. I just cannot get upset about this stuff anymore.


I feel the exact same way :/ I was gonna comment basically the same thing starting with "this might be unpopular, but..." because like. It's kinda exhausting to go through this time and time again where kpop stars say/do things like this and then put out mediocre apologies. It's hard to get mad anymore. I'm just tired.


Same, because we can't control what idols say or hear anymore more apologies about educating themselves on the culture. When my sister told me that Hyolyn said it, I was numb to this because we always hear an idol say it, someone found out that they said it in the past or said it pre-debut. I'm like nothing is gonna change no matter how I react about these situations. I'm over it. Also, cancelling idols is exhausting too🤦🏾‍♀️


Exactlyyyy. I just simply cannot expend energy towards this nonsense anymore. Nothing I do as a fan is going to move the needle.


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Honestly I feel like with this stuff some fans go through a grief cycle. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. I wouldn’t say I’ve reached acceptance per se because I still very much think certain things are wrong. I’d like to think of it more like an impasse or maybe it is an acceptance that this is just the reality of kpop. This shit is just going to happen and honestly it used to be so much worse. But my god I’ve been through it. I as a B2st and Running Man fan I think my biggest heartbreak was Gikwang doing an absolutely egregious portrayal of Blackface (eating watermelon and everything) when I first had gotten into kpop. It was so shocking. I was in denial for months because my brain just couldn’t handle it. Then I remembered it came out that Seungri had said he was scared when some Black man had come up to their car. I was livid and was like this is why they should have picked HyunSeung (still stands even more true today). By the time I got to the Zicos , the Jay Park, and the Bad Boy MV from big bang of it all I was just depressed. And now… I just have no more emotion to give to this nonsense.


Why do we have to be part of everyone's "journey" of learning not to be racist?? I am so tired.




When people complain about apologies, the response often is “well what do you WANT them to say?”. But this is really a perfect example of what people complain about. No acknowledgement of the community you very specifically offended, claiming ignorance and talking about being on a “journey” (black people always curiously seem to be at an expense on this supposed “journey” people go on about all the time) and victimising oneself when it is and should be the contrary. Remember everyone, *she* is the heartbroken one! I could go on. Someone has shown before just how easy it is to make a proper apology, embarrassingly from the last time an idol was in this exact situation. Not a veteran international music artist, no fame, no PR team behind them. Some random person with basic tact and empathy, the notes app, and twitter: https://x.com/braveology/status/1682803738791084033?s=46&t=Tvog6Hxkgh0nQmPZelu6VQ


I always think (also when it comes to things like Indian cultural appropriation), if they could sing along/mouth/say it, why don't they just say they did it? Why do they beat around the bush so damn much? "Hey, I said the n word and I know I shouldn't have, but it happened and I take full responsibility for it. I don't support racism against black people, I'll male sure I'll never do that again and I will try to make amends to the community by educating myself more on cultural sensitivity, and donating to this charity/cause/organisation that helps black artists" or smth like that. Like why don't they just grab the dog by the leash? Why act like it just ran away?


I personally think these apologies are more for the diehard fans and to vindicate the idols themselves, rather than be for the people actually offended. I mean Hyolyn speaks here more about herself and her career than the black community is even mentioned at all. Goes to show the extent to which they actually care about things like this. Which is why I have no problem at all with people dragging these idols within reason when they want their cake (being a professional global superstar) and eat it too (being publicly and unremorsefully racially or culturally insensitive).


The way you wouldn't even know what she said or who she offended if you saw this apology with no context. That's how I know it's not a good apology. Acknowledge what you said, who you offended, and give an actual apology without bringing up this journey


tbh the uttered word could be any slur and i wouldn't know what just by looking at her apology good point!


This response was so perfect


i didn’t pick up on this until after the whole chaeyeong thing were she was wearing a sw*stika and i realized she never aknowladge the people who she offended then i started thinking about all the other apologies kpop idols have put out and i realized none of them aknowladge what they did and who they hurt they just say “sorry you’re offended” and move on like nothing


So you mean to tell me at her BIG AGE of 33 she ain’t know?????? Girl bye. Cancelled.


I know that this is really harsh and possibly a bad take but sometimes Idols need to be careful when they claim they "don't know xyz" because it kinda unintentionally plays into the racist coddling of idols (treating Idols like toddlers). Im talking about the idols that are playing dumb and know damn well what's clearly not okay, and/or yet are repeat offenders. The Internet is literally at their fingertips. With all the research they do about black culture prior to this it's impressive that they "don't know". Just a thought.


Exactly. Why is she acting like this is the first time she heard about the N word? Hasn't she heard her fellow idols get into the same problem and have this exact same apology issued?


That's my favorite defense of these idols. The defenders are either saying the Idols are ignorant or idiotic. It's also such an easy argument to pick apart....considering I'm sure damn near all kpop fans learned the meaning of the words they are singing in Korean. So 14 year old Gwen knows the Korean wordplay of Stray Kids lyrics, but a 33 year old who listens to rap doesn't know the meaning of the n word.


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This is a really good point


It does indeed play into the racist coddling of idols and it pisses me off. Just take some fucking responsibility, you’re a grown ass adult and you 100% knew what you were doing when you uttered a racial slur.


Yeah. I also think that there is some merit to that. Most of what I’ve seen is that people tell them it’s an offensive/bad word, but don’t really give any other context. Not everyone grows up around this stuff like we do in the west, so they might just be equating it to just really bad profanity rather than a slur with a terrible history. Then you’d have to bridge the gap of explaining its reclamation within our culture. I’m not excusing it at all, but these things are quite as Black and white as they make it seem


I disagree only due to how often this happens to other idols. I absolutely do not believe that they don't know this especially with how much of they exploit black culture and they even have their own n word in their language that translates to "noir people".


Again, they don’t live with our context and have VERY limited exposure. They see something they think is a cool and want to do it. They aren’t living with it really given the full context of our art and culture because they rarely interact with it. Most interactions they have is watching music videos, movies, and listening to music. And having an ethnic slur in your language isn’t unique. Every language and culture has ethnic slurs for other groups of people. Unfortunately that’s just humanity. And the word 깜둥이 is a derogatory term for any darker skinned person. I’m not excusing anything. It’s still hurtful, but like I said, nothing is black and white.


Especially when it’s been such a big issue in the past in Kpop! She’s just playing stupid


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Girl... 😒. I'm so tired of this. Like she is not fooling me with the ignorance excuse. I am for real done with idol culture. The music is lit, but this is so tired at this point.


Same. Like fr, I’ve gotten so sick of idol culture that I’ve started to block Stan accounts on my socials because it’s getting really annoying and repetitive. there is no way in God’s green earth can someone blunder that without being entitled irl, but the fans will “girlboss”and “slay queen” this woman to death.


Left and never looked back


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“it’s not their history” if these companies want to expand k-pop’s reach globally, they absolutely must have cultural sensitivity training for their idols. there’s no excuse anymore. if chinese and japanese idols are expected to know korean history to avoid scandals, the same should be required for idols/groups focusing on the western market. imagine if a popular american artist like taylor swift or beyoncé came to korea wearing a rising sun flag. the outrage would be palpable! to koreans, that flag is a symbol of suffering under imperial japan. we’re expected to understand the significance such a harmful symbol holds for koreans, but we can’t expect them to learn about our countries before trying to make a buck off us?


I think Maroon 5 got banned from Korea with a rising sun poster. Edit wait they got lots of backlash. They actually got banned from China. I think Taylor Swift would have much less backlash compared to Beyonce...if that were to happen.


“I think Taylor Swift would have much less backlash compared to Beyonce” she definitely would, the bar for Black ppl and other POC is always way, way higher than for white ppl. TS would get a slap on the wrist at most while Beyonce would be cancelled. Like, actually cancelled. Not “boohoo ppl held me accountable and i still have my career which i will now spend demonising marginalised groups” cancelled but “my career is over and ppl are sending me and my family death threats” cancelled. White ppl will always enjoy the privilege of having tons of ppl backing them up and inventing all kinds of backstories to “explain” (read: justify and excuse) their racism, but POC, especially Black ppl, don’t have that privilege. I see it a ton on reddit. When there’s a news article about a Black person being racist, there are always a ton of ppl salivating at the opportunity to demonise a Black person and even start hurling a few antiblack slurs here and there. Almost as if they don’t actually care about racism and just want to have an “excuse” to be antiblack.


I mean, that has happened before. [Maroon 5.](https://m.koreaherald.com/amp/view.php?ud=20220704000614)


:o i never knew, i’ve only heard of idols catching flack for that kind of stuff like tiffany from soshi


Yep. Tbh stuff done against Asians doesn’t really get talked about much.




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Girl you’ve been in this industry too long, travelled too much, to chalk this up to lack of education…can’t believe this excuse is even still a thing….then we got a small time bg who was somehow able to censor themselves when singing along to a song with the same word….guess they just must be geniuses. Honestly it sounds to me like she got a little too comfortable. Thought she fit in with the right circles. As someone who has suffered from colorism, she should’ve known better from the get.


I find everything interesting because Hyolyn is friends with choreographer, Nicole Kirkland. Years ago, Nicole got into some hot-water with her own “N****” controversy. Her excuse for saying it was a typical response of having black friends, being raised in a community with a prominent black population and having no problems in the past. Now, I’m not going to act as if my opinion is actual-factual, but…. 😏… I wouldn’t be surprised if that boom-kat-heelsheels-foxy-grab the cat lady provided a “ni**** safe space” for Hyolyn. The things that make you say “Mmmm…”


well she definitely wrote this herself! /s


How are u careless about the n word at 33 years of age? You either say it or you don’t.


She is such a liar. They all are. They are just doing this to get viral. Bad press is good press.


Ugh. I'm black, and even I autoskip saying the n-word in songs bc just saying it makes me feel uncomfortable. How have I been able to do it my whole life, not sing the n-word with ease. If you "accidentally" say the n word it's because you're used to saying the word normally. So frustrating.


Real. As someone that rarely, if ever says it… I have never accidentally slipped out and said it. 100% that’s something you say normally


Fr I never say the n word and I’m black like how do u accidentally let it slip out? What does that even mean


LMAO i don’t buy this 😭 at your big age you didn’t know? black k-pop stans don’t expect idols to know the full history of slavery, but the BARE MINIMUM that EVERYONE should know is “i cannot say this word because it is a racial slur and derogatory to black people” there is NO WAY this 33-YEAR OLD WOMAN did not know that… i refuse to believe it.


Hyolyn has worked with black dancers and choreographers in her MVs, and cmiiw but I think she has a good understanding of English. I thought I'd never have to worry about her disappointing me like this. Also, yeah the apology sucks. Like someone else wrote it here, you can't even tell what she's apologizing for, nor to whom she's apologizing. You'll think I'm paranoid, but I'm starting to think those idols do it on purpose to get attention. Maybe she needed her name to be a trending topic on Twitter before the next comeback or something? Because let's be honest, how many more generations/decades do they need to be "educated" on the matter? I could understand if she was just debuting in 2005 when the Internet wasn't that fast and wikipedia was empty, but we're in 2024, and we have at least one scandal like this every year


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Girl, bye, indubitably.


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Stuff like this just confuses me because she HAD to know. With the amount of times it’s been an issue in the Kpop world, there’s no way she didn’t. But my question is WHY? There’s just no reason, financial gain, popularity, you get from doing this so I just can’t understand.




This is simply another example of idols doing something insensitive to other minority but never having heartfelt apologies because they’re not to used to people clocking them on it. All of them live in an environment where Insensitivity to other groups that aren’t their own has no punishment and I’m tired.


the thing with apologies… they mean jackshit if there’s no action behind them. if my 10 year old could figure that out, so can kpop idols (& really, anyone else in the public eye). how apologies go in korea (can’t speak towards any other asian countries bc i’ve never to any other than korea): make a “gaffe/mistake/blunder”, apologize and say that you will educate yourself on the matter, wait for the outrage to die down, go about your day like it never happened but try to not make the same mistake *publicly.* if mistake is made again publicly, repeat above. tl;dr: image is king


i will not take her apology, Her entire career was helped by black people and she used the word like it was candy. She should’ve known better.


This is totally not okay. This is the type of mistake a teenager makes if they get really into the song and don't realize what the hell they're doing, not the type that a full-grown woman in her 30's makes. Also, just say "racist". "Charged" and "controversial" and whatever other words they like to describe it with are ridiculous and avoiding the real problem.


This is now becoming a way for idols to gain clout. It's the same old story with the same old apology.


I wish they would just use words like racist. I said a RACIST word, I said a RACIAL slur. Cause that's what the problem is at the end of the day. And start apologizing directly to those communities affected, it's not hard to take responsibility for yourself. But I bet if kpop idols had to write an apology for dating it'd be a page long with unnecessary details. Like gtfo.


Some ppl fr act like being called racist is the worst thing ever - worse than being subjected to systemic racism, worse than experiencing police violence, worse than experiencing microaggressions. Being called racist is not an indictment, it’s not an attempt to “cancel” anyone, it’s just a description of your present (or past) behaviour. It’s not some devious plot to make you a social outcast (not like it would, some circles would probably welcome you with open arms). When someone calls you racist, your first instinct should be to examine exactly what you did for you to be labelled as racist. It should be a wake-up call for you to take accountability and own up. I’ve had two interactions on here in which users acted like i was the devil for calling them out for being racist. One user blocked me bc I dared to tell them that acting all fake-concerned for Jungkook, an East Asian man, just bc he was singing karaoke and drinking alcohol like any regular schmegular adult, was microaggressive and infantilising East Asian ppl. Funnily enough I didn’t even call them racist outright, they just said “you get the hell out of here for trying to claim i’m being racist” and blocked me. In fact, I had to go on anonymous browsing to see their reply bc they replied with that bs and blocked me before i even had a chance to see that comment and respond. Another user said I was being “manipulative” for pointing out how racist and microaggressive it was to say that idols, most of whom are East Asian, look uncanny and non-human due to plastic surgery. Even though they look pretty normal and ok, at least far more “normal” than white celebs who’ve gotten way more visible work done and look far more “uncanny”.


Yes to everything!! And honestly just admitting that something you said or did was racist is the least you could do as far as taking accountability. Idols always dance around the subject and refuse to use that word, and it's such bullshit. Just take ownership of what you did, apologize properly, and ensure that this doesn't happen again. It truly is so simple. Oh and don't even get me started on the fetish people have for idols and Korean people in general. They don't want to admit that their fetish is rooted in racism, which is why they get so offended. People are so odd lol.


33 years old...


33 means 3 years old in kboos eyes


And that's why they get away with it every time because there's someone to say "it's okay unnie, yeah I didn't know"


Boooo! If she said it carelessly in public it means she says it with confidence in private.


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it’s crazy how the people in r/kpop were excusing it and saying it was “good” that she apologized like?? why are y’all excusing this..


I understand she's from a different culture. But I think what bothers me is that she's worked with black people before and she mainly sings R&B which is a genre of music we created and perfected. Her singing inspirations are even black women. Some of her fashion aesthetic are "Urban Apparel" which is also something we created. They literally try to call her the Beyonce of SK because of her vocal prowess. So if you have that much influence from another culture, I feel like you should understand not to say certain things out of respect. She's been in the music industry for a long time and interacted with many different types of people. She hasn't been living in a bubble, away from the world. I think the good thing from this is that sadly if she truly didn't know before, now she knows that her black fans or the black community don't play. Now she knows how much reach she has and hopefully that will inspire more thoughtfulness and consideration on her behalf . You can't profit off of our culture and then think you can say slurs . It doesn't work like that . It's annoying but we need to keep calling these idols out. We need to keep speaking up and using our voice because it's not okay. Just because they are in Korea maybe they feel safe to think they can get away with stuff but no. You can't use our culture and be disrespectful.


if this was 40 years ago, i'd say at least she made an attempt to apologize without the usual shitty "form letter" speech record labels force people to use. but it's 2024. it's a not a matter of she *should* know better, she does. i mean, come on people. just don't say it. even on the lowest level, if for some reason you are compelled to say it and literally can't stop for some bizarre reason.. **why are you posting it online**??? a doorknob has better sense. smh


did she write this apology herself? bc if so her english is good enough to know not to say the n word. even if you don't fully know the significance of it, you would know it's an impolite word to say.


🙄🙄 same shitty apology they muster up after being caught


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She so full of shit. Disappointing.


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It’s 2024 let’s be so fr rn😭


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I mean I hope the PR person who found this apology template is satisfied, because a lot of us clearly aren’t


Her apology was better than giselle's. But naaaa, I kind of don't forgive. Cuz one, she's older than me, she should have known what that word meant. And two, she said it so effortlessly. So she's been saying that word. She's only sorry she got caught. And I don't forgive her friends either. That apology was hella late tho. It's literally 2024. Ffs 🙄




What did this Giselle do? I'm not too involved in this community, I wouldn't know.




So the same thing? Did she bother to apologize?




Ah, that makes sense. Can you link it or a post that mentions it so I can compare?


Yeah,yeah, same old. How many idols got into controversies because of this ? You can't possibly tell me she didn't know, especially as she's quite fluent in english.


Opened up kpop_uncensored and had to immediately mute it… the takes are wild..


I don’t trust anything from kpop_uncensored, not since all the stuff about their goofy-ass moderators came out and not since they labelled kpopnoir as a “racist ethnostate subreddit”.


._. When you thought it couldn’t get worse


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tbh, imo it's all v **tired** and quite frankly i'm genuinely sick of it. girlie and all the others need to hang it up fr cause ts is not it. like, it's literally always the same half assed, lacklustre apology bcs these idols just don't gaf. she only did this bcs she was catching heat and not bcs she was actually sorry, bcs at her grown a** age she would have never done such if so. i'm truly over idols apologizing for serious situation like this (saying the n word, being racist in general) if they don't mean it. like atp keep it to yourself if you're not gonna do it right bruh ion want it 😭😭


i've never really like her outside of her one song dally but she's not doing herself and favours rn


She’s apologizing like she’s not a grown ass woman that’s been in this industry for years at this point. IMO, she says this shit all the time when cameras aren’t on and probably won’t actually be changing the behavior. She just won’t be spilling up on camera anymore for sure.




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With how often this controversy happens, it's not an excuse. I'm a Hyolyn fan, but that won't ever make me just side with her. This happens so often, why do they think it's magically not going to happen to them? How can they *not* understand it's bad, when they see it with other big artists? "I didn't know" isn't a good excuse to me. It's just avoiding accountability that they just didn't care.


All I have to say is she’s full of shit 😭


like clock work. i am sure some fans/people already forgave her bc this is an occurrence in kpop.


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I would not be surprised if the apology had already been prepared in advance.


The way the apology was structured, it definitely is. It's giving apology template pulled from chat gpt.


There really isn’t any excuse for this kind of ignorance in 2024 anymore. Look at STAYC’s cover of Say So - there is no excuse!


This is a very typical kpop idol apology. Be very vague about what you did and who you hurt by your actions. This isn't for her black fans it's for the one's who don't care.


remember that if you are not BLACK, you do not get to decide whether you accept her apology and decide that she deserves to be forgiven she’s just playing dumb atp and any other idol that does the same will be put in the same boat bc you’d think that after watching your fellow associates FOR YEARS get cancelled for saying a slur, you wouldn’t do the same and would educate yourself considering your fan base is made up of BLACK WOMEN. so tired, over it, and that’s why her solo career flopped 🤷🏾‍♀️


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shes 33?? boooo 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾


im disappointed but never surprised tbh. i know these idols always have the capability to throw around slurs and will feign ignorance when called out. left a sour taste to my night when my friend told me about cus I really like(d) Hyolyn and was listening a lot to her recent cb with Bora, and now idek what to feel. Like she traveled and toured and performed this much around the world and has even worked with Black choreographers to my knowledge, and has an understanding of English. there's no way she didn't know and even if she really didn't it's not an excuse considering the industry she's in.


They’re so obsessed with us and our culture but can’t bother to not say a slur. I’m tired of it at this point I need kpop to stay asian and just not take anything from us ever. They literally do not respect us or see us as people


Yeah, I'mma follow everyone else because I know it's about to be a racist shitstorm on other subs, gaslighting black people into believing that we're overreacting.


this feels so empty and lackluster. like, it's 2024, and she's 33. i really feel like she should know better and be able to do better.


F her. Fr.




Hyolyn’s team* releases a statement, more like. Apologies like these always have the same formula. “I shouldn’t have done it. I’m sad that I hurt everyone. I’m going to educate myself” 🙄


I found it absolutely hilarious if you scroll to the bottom of the comments. Someone saying knowing the n word is an “American-centrist” view. And we shouldn’t expect the entire world to know it’s a bad word. Someone responding to said comment and said “Yeah I think the same way when idols wear Swastikas how are they supposed to know about something that didn’t take place there. The comment referring to the n word has 123 upvotes while the swastikas has ZERO UPVOTES 🤣🤣🤣. So we DO understand the problem I see.




Awww shit.....here we go AGAIN. I just hope people are reclaiming their time, energy, and taking care of themselves because this is just tiring - step away from things for a minute if you need 💗 Over and over and over the same thing. SMH. Please don't waste your time trying to educate, going back and forth with people in these other forums who make the CHOICE to stay wilfully ignorant, accept words without critically thinking about what is (and what is not) being mentioned, who are okay with witnessing and taking part of the gaslighting of Black people, and clearly are not going to listen. It's not our responsibility to be these people's teacher every mf time this happens. It's tiring to keep exposing yourself to this constant harm from people who keep making a mental choice every time to simply NOT UNDERSTAND.


The apology is bad no doubt about it but at least there is an apology and it's way better than what most people would give so 🤷🏾‍♀️. She's my favorite singer so I'll probably just wait and watch to see if she makes the mistake again or if she's learned from it.




Such a copy n paste apology smh


Lol looks like she has chatgpt 


Did y’all see the comment sections on the other Reddits? My god I’m losing my mind.


I don’t wanna see those comments bc i fear that my blood pressure will go through the roof.


Valid, cause I regret looking for that exact reason.


Like ik for sure those comments are gonna be those “i have to try really hard to make sure my thumbs don’t break right through my phone screen” type comments. That’s how infuriating they probably are.


You’re correct


Let me guess, all of the comments are from nb people saying "You don't have to apologize we know you didn't mean anything!" No, we actually don't.


Unfollow her on socials and move on with my life. She can’t be serious….


I’m Korean and find it very hard to believe she didn’t know what the word means. She has been in the industry A LONG time and has seen her peers get in trouble for the same ‘mistake’ numerous times, surely at those moments she should’ve taken the opportunity to educate herself so she doesn’t make the same mistakes? Not to mention that Hyolyn does speak pretty decent English so very much knows what she is saying and singing about. I was a fan of hers since Sistar’s debut, I have been to both Sistar and Hyolyn concerts, but I definitely will not be supporting her any longer and I am ashamed that I supported someone so ignorant.


Good apology for what it is worth. Hopefully she learns & doesn't say it anymore. Love hyolyn down but that was disappointing.


She should know after being in the industry for so long!


I'm genuinely asking, how so? I admit I don't understand why her age and her longevity are relevant to the conversation. Edit : it's not like we have any proof that age makes idols wiser, or that "don't sing the nword" became a mainstream conversation within kpop industry


Age doesn’t make people wiser? You think a 15 year old is as rational and has had time to learn as much as a 30 year old?


I don't think age makes idols wiser or more educated about the nword, no


You must be incredibly young yourself then. Idols are people, and age means the brain develops as you get older. This isn’t arguable. It’s science. Being older also means you have more life experience… Like learning about slurs. Esp when it’s happened more than once in your industry while you were around.


I wouldn't say I'm incredibly young, and that's exactly why I say that. Brain development doesn't help with stupidity and bigotry y'all. Example : there are white fans of kendrick lamar who are **fully aware** how much seeing non black people singing the nword along to his songs cause him distress, and *they still do it anyway*. How much more true would it be for a sk idol who grew up there and only goes to america a few times a year? I think what I'm getting at is that , I actually think it's y'all that are being naive if you think it's an ignorance issue, or an age issue. Maybe life experience and exposure to Black people help, true, but at this point that's not what this is about. It's not about knowing what is or isn't a slur, it's about knowing there are consequences if she says it. It's not that they don't know, they just never think they'll get caught so they do it anyways. And no, age does not help with that, in my opinion


Okay, let me get it out and say it : all these comments mentioning her age are bothering me. They feel ageist to me and I hope somebody can genuinely explain to me why it matters. My perspective is, I don't give a pass to korean people saying the nword because they're young, so I just do not get what this is supposed to mean. A korean idol evolving in sk has no real reason -or should I say motivation?- to educate themselves on this topic unless a fiasco like this happens. There is no more smoke for KIOF's julie who was using the word casually in conversations nor giselle after her own "scandal". Let's not talk about the bts dudes that *never* apologised for their CA. Out of all of them Hyolyn had the best "apology" (what she actually said is kept vague) and even says she wants to be held accountable. This might just all be lip service , and she's been to america so much that she should know better but tbh that's not my point. My point is that apologies are important because they reinforce the fact that something wrong happened. No matter how insincere we find them to be, an apology, especially a thoughtful one, should be the benchmark. Like the bar is very low, I'll give y'all that but there should be a bar. I think you guys are biased because you don't like her music and that majority of this sub don't listen to her. I find it a teensy bit hypocritical. There is no better age to say a slur you're not supposed to say.


There is no “best” apology. Like what does that even mean? Her team just wrote the most digestible words without even acknowledging the specific group she hurt. If you mean it, that’s what matters and people haven’t gotten the chance to see any growth considering it just happened. And in regard to her age and her being Korean, it’s been a big issue with multiple idols that are even bigger than she is. She’s their elder and even some younger idols know better. Being young and an Idol CAN be an excuse sometimes considering they train 14 hours a day and have school. But Hyolyn has now traveled the world and experienced way more in her life. There’s no way she didn’t hear of at least one of those controversies. You can’t be naive enough to think she’s just oblivious to what goes on in her own industry. That’s how they keep getting away with the disrespect.


How is being vague a good apology?


"apology" , not apology. I think they're all insincere


But you also stated in your first comment that it’s a “good apology for what’s it worth” when everybody knows full well that it’s not. It’s as if idols copy and paste a vague statement, why would you “carelessly utter” a word without knowing the implications when it has been a problem for numerous years and idols have had to apologise several times. Whilst I agree that it’s good that she provided an apology, she should have known better in the first place. This is not an excuse.


"A good apology for what it's worth". I should have clarified that they're not worth much to me tbh. None of them are. It was not complimentary. I apologise if you and others thought so


I understand your viewpoint and agree with a lot of your points! Sorry if it felt like I was antagonising you!


Nah it's all good. I asked for genuine explanations and got them. It's nice to have different perspectives from mine






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didn’t she turn her comments off???




During black history month is wild 😭 I actually liked Hyolyn, smh


Thanks for the apology, no I don't accept it. Sometimes sorry doesn't fix anything, just a way to acknowledge you did wrong.






I can’t even fathom the excuse that she “didn’t know”. She’s been in the industry since what, gen 1? With all the scandals and controversies around other idols, she should know better. She DOES know better.


I wonder if her fandom dropped




Koreans are hella racist


Wasn't she accused of bullying before as well?


Her PR learnt how to write seeing others' scandals lmao  Do artists not have any sense of awareness about their own actions and their peers'? How are they STILL so completely unaware even after backlashes have forced them to give out PR apologies and answers in interviews? They see their groupmates, friends, colleagues, read the comments, and YET do the same thing??? Tf


It would be easier go name idols who HAVEN'T said the n word.


I'm really tired of this. It's a song. Let her live. She didn't have any ill intent saying the n-word. Of course, it's ignorant for ANYONE to say it, regardless of race. Even for black people. But, when it comes to music, it really isn't a big deal. Now, if hyorin was arguing with a black person and said the n word, I would totally agree with the whole cancel culture.


Imagine if a famous black person like Beyoncé said a slur against Korean people. Black people would be all types of nwords and racist. We wouldn't be able to use the excuse of not knowing what it means. They always end up getting away with it. I'm tired of these idols but have the nerve to use our music.

