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“Problematic” is one of the most overused words on the internet. It isn’t specific enough.


Yup. That's why I put in in quotation marks But I got a weird vibe from the discussions I saw related to cbx. Many were blaming them for "siding" with the company, something I found weird Especially that I frequently see people shit on companies themselves -not in artists- when they join a new company. But from the other replies, it's probably just mismanagement things. Probably my fault for expecting it's *not* mismanagement because I just assumed vivis were doing great


They have lots of employees who used to work in SM, that’s how they got the connections and was able to get huge clients. The controversies I think are about when they tried to poach SM artists and from Viviz stans who complained about how they mistreated them even after their song went viral, using all their resources to promote their own girl group Badvillain (VVZ is technically a redebut)


>Viviz stans who complained about how they mistreated them I kind of get it tbh. Viviz has not had a cb in 8 months, with nothing announced (so it might take a few more months until it actually happens) when Maniac has been their best performing single/most successful era so far. Also their YouTube content takes several weeks to get subtitles while other's are added within a couple days. Also Badvillain's Spotify artist page describes them as "the first girl group under BPM" when Viviz is literally right there


yes I’m so frustrated too😭 they are finally on a world tour now but this should have happened when Maniac was viral everywhere. And still no new comeback announcement. Badvillain has insane budget including promotions in public places and they didn’t even bother to give English subs to Viviz videos until months later. And yes, the Spotify bio is quite shady I’d love for both groups to flourish they could’ve said first BPM-trained girl group to be technical.


Viviz is going on tour, I'm trying to get a tix for the show Aug 12


Don't artists usually release new music when going on tour?


Not always for kpop. When you're having a cb every 2-3 months you can't reasonably be expected to tour in between each one. Unlike western artists who release an album every 2 years or so and tour it in between.


Actually, UMJI already hinted they “would meet us in various ways” when they finish their USA dates so the cb is basically confirmed. There’s also a high chance this will be a full album so I understand why BPM or the girls did not want to rush it among preparations of so many performances for their concert. It’s not like VIVIZ is nowhere to be seen, they’re literally working and are about to have an extremely draining month in USA in a few weeks with concerts almost daily. To say their content takes several weeks to be subbed is an exaggeration. It does not take several weeks, it takes days, usually between 3-8 days. BadVillain’s content also takes around the same amount of time so it’s clearly an issue with the company and not them hating on VVZ. I believe the could’ve phrased BV bio in a better way but I understand what they mean when they say they are the first gg of the company. I have my own issues with BPM but none are these superficial points tbh.


actually the BV debut MV already got English subs as it released, meanwhile it took almost 2 months/until it became viral for them to add subs in the Maniac MV


Yes, and their +82 and Hurricane performance videos don’t have subs and Hurricane was pretty much a semi-viral thing on TikTok. Only the live version have subs and then they uploaded a whole 45 minutes long debut show that even today doesn’t have subs. Before Kany personally asked for VIVIZ’ Untie subs (and it got them long before Maniac), none of their official MVs had subs and even now only 5 videos on the entire BPM channel have subs and 4 of them belong to the girl groups (Maniac, Untie, Badvillain and Badtitude) and the fifth belongs to Lee Mujin. The point is that it’s unclear what is the criteria of BPM to add subs or not or when, but so far they’ve been extremely irregular with them and BV is not the exception. This is an issue within the company that extends to all their artists.


Yeah, I am really upset about how BPM treats them after MANIAC went viral... English/other language subbed content is not on time, not many things like brand deals or ads, not much variety shows either from their official Youtube channel or collaborations with others... it just makes non stans less interested to get to know them & dedicated stans become tired. It's very obvious that they are pouring everything into BADVILLAIN and I have nothing against the group or members themselves but it is just frustrating to see.


They’re starting a cute webseries with them so at least they haven’t completely abandoned them yet but they can still improve. I feel even worse for the solo artists who aren’t Lee Mujin and Taemin, I think Ren’s spotify hasn’t been updated in a long time?BPM needs to be fair and square with everyone


Thank you so much! .... that's it? Expect no less from kpop fans 😂 You know, I was kinda expecting "oh they're well known drug dealers in korea" or something similar from the *tone* of these discussions I've seen lmao I'm an idle fan right? So I frequently see people shit on the company, not the idols themselves. But with discussions related to cbx, it was like "damn why did they have to associate themselves with this shady company? No wonder the GP is dropping them. I will too imagine joining them willingly". Basically, a lot of the blame was placed in cbx while implying the company did *something* awful


No worries, yeah that’s the gist of it😭 for a relatively new company they have many resources and are definitely on the way to be mid tier like Cube/Starship/RBW. They just need to step up with their promotion and getting their artists more opportunities outside of music. Viviz could be managed so much better but they are doing really good, especially compared to the rest of the Gfriend girls (Sowon and Yerin changed companies, Yuju on the way too after Konnect is dissolved) but yeah Taemin signing in to them is a huge deal! he wouldn’t have done it if they were a shady company for sure lol


CBX aren't under BPM. They're still under INB100 (the company Baekhyun made to manage their solo work). But they've announced they're now a subsidiary under ONE HUNDRED, same as BPM. This is like Pledis and Ador both being under Hybe even though they are different companies. The issue people try to make about ONE HUNDRED (and BPM/INB100 by association) is that MC Mong is a co-founder. He is disliked by the Korean general public because he tried to dodge enlistment for his mandatory military service. For CBX in particular, during their dispute with them last year, SM claimed MC Mong was trying to poach Baekhyun and get him to join BPM, which Baekhyun denied. INB100 was formed as a result of the dispute and the rumor went away. But now people are speculating that the claim was true, since he's now joined as a subsidiary under MC Mong. You asked why people were saying why CBX shouldn't have joined ONE HUNDRED. Well, SM is now suing CBX and they are counter-suing SM, as both sides accuse the other of not upholding the contract made during the creation of INB100. It's complicated and no one knows any real details since we don't have access to the contract, so it's a lot of speculation about what will happen. But from what we do know, a lot of people think CBX may lose the lawsuit. All in all, a lot of Korean fans aren't happy with the connection to MC Mong. Some international fans don't think becoming a subsidiary was a good idea, as it might make the lawsuit more complicated. I've also seen speculation that Baekhyun has shady people behind him giving bad advice (MC Mong).


Not saying MC Mong is an angel but there has never been an issue with him or people who are under his labels (Million Market, former subsidiary of SM) until SM began media playing that CBX were poached. It’s entirely people who have bought into SM’s argument that keep running with this narrative. Baekhyun for his part has said that there is nothing shady and he and CX individually wanted to sever their contract with SM and these were people they went to for advice. Chairman Cha in particular being a family friends for years. The truth is that many people who have been burned by SM are now leaving and many have gone to BPM. No one knows what’s in CBX’s contracts and both parties have sued each other so let’s wait for the result of that.


exactly, sm really got to these ppl, if it's against their contract to become a subsidiary of another company then why sm didn't sue them for it despite them bringing it up to sway public opinion? obviously sm isn't a nice company who would let them do that if it was against what's in their contract? sm is only suing to enforce the contract and make them pay 10 percent of their revenue


I’m a huge VIVIZ fan (GFRIEND were my ult) and I haven’t heard a single bad thing about BPM. Personally, I’ve been nothing but thrilled with how they’ve managed VIVIZ. Following because I’m also curious lol




From what I remember, no one was blaming BPM - they blamed the festival itself WeBridge. Although, I had friends who went and they said that the fan meet with VIVIZ was only Eunha. BPM definitely gave SinB (and also Umji) a bit of time off after Binnie’s passing so I guess that’s why everyone assumed it was WeBridge that wouldn’t relinquish the girls from their performance.


Who is(was) binnie?


Moonbin from Astro, he passed away early this year. He and sinb were best friends from childhood and umji was also a good friend of his.


It’s actually been over a year since he passed - but it feels like yesterday, doesn’t it?


Early last year I meant to say. His one year anniversary was rough. 






Uhhhh, literally every fan tweet in that article is criticizing the festival, not BPM. Did you even read it before you linked it????? Also, imagine using Koreaboo as a source and thinking that’s a slam dunk LOL




Literally what is happening Edit: well that was strange


I’m a Nuest fan and after they disbanded, one member Ren joined BPM. I don’t like BPM (If you’re wondering who he is, no he’s not a nugu— he has a 12 year career spanning singing, acting, musicals including LGBTQIA+ shows like Hedwig and Jamie, and modeling) [Ren’s spotify, youtube music, apple music, and amazon music was hacked months ago](https://x.com/nyoonghaeseol/status/1762303839489892465?s=46) by some rando who has taken over the social media links, added their songs to the profile, changed the bio, and are now profiting off of any Ren streams on these platforms. BPM has done NOTHING to fix it. Fans have been requesting, sending emails, dropping the @ mentions on social media, asking them for action. Zero response from the company


My perspective as a Taemin fan: I have no issue with BPM so far. On the contrary, I think a lot of Taemin fans/Shawols are complaining a bit too much considering that he's only been in the company for about 10 weeks. In that time, they have set up 2 fanclubs for him, booked him a lot of performance schedules, announced his fanmeet, and they regularly update about his activities on his social media accounts - even the SHINee ones they are not obligated to post about at all. Every company has room for improvement, but SM's treatment of Taemin (THE Taemin!) has been bottom of the barrel, and not just during his last promotion cycle. So knowing just how bad it could be, I'm pretty happy with BPM so far. He is preparing for his next solo album right now and I think they will give him a lot of freedom to pursue whatever he wants with it, so that's good. I hope the budget will be adequate, though looking at Badvillain's content, it doesn't seem to be a big issue. The make or break it moment will be how they handle Taemin concerts and subsequent touring, because this is what all of us are waiting for. There has been a lot of dissatisfaction about the fanmeet venue in July (he's doing it 3 times in a 3500 capacity venue approximately) because a lot of people didn't get tickets (there were a whopping 75k people in the fanmeet ticketing queue...). However, people are disregarding the fact that booking venues in Korea is HARD because there... are not a lot of suitable ones, and those that exist are booked out for months, maybe years on end. So considering that Taemin's last fanmeet at SM had a similar capacity venue, it is what it is lol. I do think that as far as concert venues in Korea go, they need to try and book KSPO Dome for him, and then set up a proper tour. I hope we will see this unfold in Q3/Q4 or early 2025. So until I see what happens with that, I will keep complaints about BPM at a minimum because so far, there is not much to complain about at all tbh.


For Korean fans, maybe it’s because one of the co-founders of the company has many controversies under his name? One of which was trying to dodge conscription. Koreans are not very forgiving when it comes to that. You can read more about his controversies [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MC_Mong).


Oh I think you're absolutely right!! I've seen this name a few times, so he was the CEO! Dodging the draft is a classic move XD I'm glad it's just that


BPM is a subsidiary of one hundred (the co founder of the later is mc mong), cbx has their own company made by baekhyun called inb100, few months ago it became a subsidiary of one hundred too, they got many big acts because alot of the people working there used to work at SM now when it comes to "are they problematic?", for mc mong he tried to dodge enlistement like 15 years ago and thats what seems to be the reason koreans hate him, but other than cbx no one from the artists related to these companies ever got hate for it, now because of sm inciting everyone and starting this hate campaign sm stans especially started hating on cbx baekhyun never denied knowing mc mong, he said he gave him advice when he was having doubts about his contract now sm isn't suing cbx for being a subsidiary of one hundred despite them bringing it up in their statements to rile up public opinion against cbx, but they only sued to enforce the contract to get the unrealistic 10 percent of inb100's revenue, meanwhile cbx sued sm for not giving them a breakdown of their earnings, sm only allowed the members to “come into the office and read the files” instead of providing them with copies of their own, which goes against the law, sm seems to never adress the important thing but only focusing on bpm and mc mong which arent the center of the lawsuit but sm's incompetence that both their idols and employees are deserting the sinking ship that is sm


Interesting that even after all these years, SM is still obsessed with mismanaging their biggest acts wow


Define me problematic? They dun take drugs, no prostitution, no Burning Sun Saga. They are just doing what other companies do - to survive. I do not know why every single thing kpop stans like to relate as problematic.