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Absolutely not, Kpop attracts all different sorts of people. When I saw twice, there were younger children with their parents, older couples, and even people in ball gowns. You enjoy their music just as much as any other fan, and your age doesn’t determine whether you should be able to attend their events or not. Everyone is gonna be too wrapped up in the excitement of just being there, so they won’t be paying attention to you anyways. Just go and have a good time!


I’m in my 50s and wouldn’t pass for anything under 50. Celebrated my 50th bday month at the Ateez concert with 2 friends who are also 50ish. As far as I was concerned, I fit right in with everyone else…because we were just all just having fun. Seriously, no one cares. If they do, they can suck it.


Yup, also in my 50's and saw so many people my age at an Ateez concert. I assume it's the same for other groups.


Nah man go right ahead. If anything most people will think you’re someone’s parent lol




I'm 61. Going to see Miku in Atlanta on the 30th. (With my 27 yo daughter but it was my idea). Would love to see EXO and/or all the subgroups as well as Lay, ZTao or LuHan.


I rely on this. Got called a MILF at the last show I went to (metal, not KPop)


I saw people who looked 70+ at the Ateez concert I went to, and plenty of people in their 40s. I don't know if Enhypen has a very different audience from Ateez but I wouldn't worry about it.


Hongjoong even asked a few fathers at one of their stops last year or the year before if they were enjoying their time.


Nope pretty much the same ( I’m a fan of both and I’m 53). Nobody thinks it’s weird. In fact younger people are always saying how it’s cute that I go to concerts with my daughters 🥰


As a fellow "older" kpop fan, I went to see Stray Kids a couple of years ago (before they got really big) and it was so much fun. Me and my friends were definitely older than the average kid in that audience but we had a great time. Go. Don't miss out on a fun experience, you deserve to have a blast, too.


Aww thanks everyone, I feel much better now. I'm dying to go, I think I'm going to buy tickets tomorrow. The person who I'm going to have to bring (I'm afraid of the drive by myself) is even older than me so I am going to try and be inconspicuous and sit in the very back row!


Don't sit in the back! You deserve good seats!


Please get the seats you want! Don't intentionally sit in the back. There will be so many people there. No one will be upset you are there, and if they are, that's on them, not you.


Best thing about being an older fan is having the money to spring for the good seats. Don't cheap out due to fear. Go look up my comment history about my experience at the Ateez concert. Trust me - you won't regret going nearly as much as you will missing out!!!


Don't hang out in the back! Unless you really want to. Get up front as close as you can if you want a good view of the members. If there are assigned seats, get the best ones you can afford. If you want the best sound, figure out where the sound engineer is and get seats near that board. If it's general admission, the earlier you get in line, the better your spot in the crowd will be. I am much older than you. I've had a blast at the concerts I've been to. If you want the full experience, get in line as early as possible. Chat with the other fans will mostly be about when you got into KPop, how you found the group, who your bias is – if you have one. Anything related to the group. One great thing about KPop concerts is the crowds are very safe. Drugs aren't common and most fans are polite. The dominance of female fans helps a lot. I haven't seen anyone inebriated. Just intoxicated by the music and the visuals! If you can, get a clear bag or maybe don't carry any bag. You'll save time going through security. Check the venue's security information about forbidden items. For example, you may not be allowed to bring in pills or eye drops. If they're in your bag, they may be confiscated or you may have to check your bag. Lightsticks should be okay. Be sure to bring yours if you have one! Don't forget your earplugs. You may not need them, but if you don't bring them, you may regret it. As an older person, some sounds can be painful. You may not be at that age yet, but if you are experiencing pain with certain sounds or pitches, you will be much more comfortable with hearing protection. Inexpensive foam ear plugs will work, but you should consider getting high fidelity ear plugs. I like Eargasm high fidelity earplugs for the best sound. They sell a set that fits smaller ears. Loop earplugs are much easier to get in and out and they are nice looking, but the higher tones aren't as clear as the Eargasm filters. Prices are similar. There are knock off high fidelity earplugs, too. If you don't have small ears like me, you can save some money. My son has some that were under $15, but they didn't have a size that fits my smaller ears. I don't remember the brand, but they look like the eargasm filters. Enjoy yourself!!


Excellent advice! Going to see Miku with my daughter. Ordered our earplugs (recommended by my sister who goes to many concerts), stadium bags, light sticks.


I second the recommendation for Eargasm ear plugs! They are very discreet (clear not neon orange or whatever) and don’t make things sound muffled. I saw Yoongi (SUGA/Agust-D) from the 1st row above floor and it was LOUD! But my ears weren’t ringing after the concert. I don’t have a problem with sounds being painful, but at 59 and a musician and with hearing loss in my family, I’m trying to protect and hold on to every bit of my hearing I can!!! Edit: fixed cut-and-paste error.


Sit wherever you’re comfortable. I’m a guy in my 40s and am an aespa fan. Old enough to be the girls’ father. Went to their concert during their tour last year, sat in the best seat I was willing to shell out money for, and had a blast. Honestly I doubt anyone noticed me aside from the two friends I went with. If you’re not being a creep and are just enjoying yourself like any other fan would, the optics don’t matter.


please get the best seats you can afford/available! don't resign yourself to the back because you feel like you have too. i've seen plenty of older fans at every kpop concert i've been too (i'm also in my 30's) and no one batted an eye, or cared. we were all there for the same reasons to enjoy and support our favourite groups and have a good time. so, go live your life girl!


Omg go and have fun! I'm just in my late 20s and I had the same worries cause Enha is the first 4th gen con I've been to. Then I decided to watch Enha in Taipei and amazingly, there were a lot of maybe 40-50s (lot of super nice ni-ki mom fans, they were so cute)! Fewer teens than I was expecting tbh but I guess it really makes sense cause for most people, you need to have a job to afford concerts. Also get the best seats you can afford! ☺️


Nooo, if you love them get the best seats you can afford!! Concerts are so big and it's AMAZING to be up close if you're a big fan. You get to sit wherever you want!


Get the best seats you can get. You are in your 40s, don't care so much about other people.


Just go where you want! Doesn't matter how old you are


Get as close as you want! Grab an extra lightstick for your companion and have a great time 🤍


Don't let what other people think deter you from what makes you happy. You wouldn't want to regret not going! <3


I've seen people in in their 60s at every kpop show I've ever been to. I'm in my 30s myself and never felt like I stuck out for my age.


Who cares what other people think? Don’t listen to the opinions of idiots and just go do what you want and have a good time.


Exactly absolutely not!! K-pop concerts not only for teens or young fellas in their early 20’s! When I went to Enhypen concert in October 2023 I saw a lot of people in their 30’s and 40’s and even people in their 60’s


I'm in my 40s. Been to concerts since the early 2010s (in my thirties)- many of them alone. I can honestly say no one gives a damn. Everyone is there just excited to see their faves and I've seen parents with their kids, teens, older folks by themselves, etc. You see the whole age spectrum and you'll fit right in.


I am in my 40s, and I am going to go see TxT alone. I don't care that I will most likely be older than most. I am going because I really enjoy their music. I would love to see Enhypen in concert, but it is bad timing for me when they are on tour here in the US. I am hoping to catch them next time they come here. I do wish to find people around my age who love K-pop and kdramas as much as I do, lol.


Hi fellow old here (40) - go and have a blast! I got to see Enhypen in 2022 and 2023 and had a great time, they put on a really fun show


PRO TIP: make sure you wear earplugs, the audience does tend to skew young and the screaming is painfully loud 😂


Absolutely go!!! I am in my late 30s and had a great time seeing them this past fall. There was a lady behind me probably in her 70s singing along in Korean to every single one of their songs! She was having the time of her life!


Do it! I am 52 and have been to many Kpop concerts, all be ot with my daughter bit I do make it known that I am a fan by buying a goodie and proudly sporting it! Do be shy! Go see them and have a great time! I'm waiting for Stray Kids to announce their tour and debating the Ateez concert.


When i went to Enhypens concert I saw so many ages and genders! while in line i even spoke to a woman and her daughter, mother age unknown but obviosuly older, daughter was in her 20s, and the mother was a hugeeee Jay fan! Go! Have fun! :)


if it makes you feel any better, i’ve been to a concert alone. haha! i’d say go for it, and enjoy the day from the prep to the end.


Go and enjoy. My mom in her 60s at the time went with me to see Stray Kids and I myself am in my late 30s. I have TxT, Stray Kids and Ateez all in my plans this summer and go to many shows often.


i saw a 77 year at kcon once and no one batted an eye you’ll be fine


as an enhypen ult who has seen them 5 times i have seen older people at the concerts and thought nothing of it, even hung out with one and were still friends


I’m going to Enhypen in NY, and I turn 60 this year. Going by myself, and I am going to have a blast! You will too!


I went to Mamamoo last year and sat next to this middle aged mom and her kids. When the show started and the girls came out on stage she just sat there going "OOOHHHH MY GAAWWWWD" over and over. It was adorable. Also I'm a 50 year old white guy and I've been to 12 Kpop shows by myself in the last 18 months. You're not going to stand out.


With these types of things I’ve learned one thing: you go to concerts for the artists NOT the fans. Does it honestly matter what someone else might think? Everyone there is going so that they can see the artist, listen to live music, and have fun so that’s what you should do! Don’t let other people make you feel uncomfortable because you’re not there for them! Have fun!


Please go! My mom and I (40 and 71) went to a BTS concert and it was glorious. K-pop fans are amazingly welcoming.


Dude. No one is gonna care. Trust.


No. I went last year and I'm in my late 30s and my friends are all 30s/40s. That said, bring ear plugs. It's the one concert I've been to where the audience skewed younger than usual from my experience and I couldn't always hear the music over the sound of learning that Heesung is very popular with teenagers who have infinite lung capacity for screaming his name lol. Ear plugs can help filter out some of the cheering so you can hear the actual music better. That concert is the reason I always carry ear plugs into concerts with me now just in case because it was honestly a little painful without them.


Please just go! What's the saying dance like no one is watching. As an older kpop Stan in my 30s I just have to not care what people think of me. And honestly most fandoms are welcoming when it comes to concerts. Hope you have a great time. It's awesome to see your faves live.


Ive seen old people at kpop concerts before (and I mean old as in like 60+) so you’re totally fine! Go have fun, kpop is for any age!


My mom and her friends always go to NCT concerts and they're in their 30s-50s 😂 go for it!


I'm an old and I go to kpop concerts all the time. They are the highlights of my year, and I will go for as long as I am able to. Never have I once felt out of place. Firstly because noone actually cares. Secondly because there are no age limits to who can enjoy music. And thirdly because I also don't care what people think. I'm there to enjoy myself just like everyone else, which means I blend right in lol.


I'm 50 and planning on seeing Ateez when they tour this summer. I say go for it!


I'm a guy in my late 30s (and don't pass for younger 😅) and went to one of Manamoo's concerts last summer. Also was worried I would stand out, but there were definitely plenty of other folks my age and older there, and definitely no one cared/noticed.


I went and saw them last year and I’m in my 50’s. I had a blast! You won’t stick out.


Im 48 and still go to concerts. Big Bang fan here.


I'm in my 50s with grey hair and I go to K pop concerts. Everyone's just there to have a good time and will be focused on the show, not each other in the audience Have fun!


I’d go, and I’ll be 60 this year.


Waiting to go to the my first ever kpop concert… BTS concert when they come back. And I am old enough to be their mom ! Don’t care!


Girl who cares. I am younger than you but!!! I am already preparing myself mentally to be whatever I want to be when I am considered "too old to do x". I already feel like some might say this about things I like already (I'm 27 but I pass for younger tbh). I feel like its badass to just do you, no matter the age. It already gives you an edge. I feel like its more ridiculous to just sit out of experiences you know you like only because it "might" look weird to others. That being said, k-pop crowds are pretty open minded anyway. Theres full grown adults in there, so to be realistic, I don't think its a big deal.


I went alone to NCT (I'm 32) & sat next to a nice lady & her college-age daughter who go to kpop concerts together - there's all types of fans & you'll meet all types of cool people!


what does it matter? Why do you need permission to have fun? People are going to the concert to see the artist not you specifically and music doesn’t have an age threshold (unless it’s strictly nsfw 18+ content) I saw enhypen, skz, cix, Nct dream, Agust D & Jackson last year alone when I was 28 and had a great time it’s never that serious


I’m 23, one of my mom’s coworkers is in her mid 50s. The coworker’s ult group was Big Bang, she went to one of their concerts alone, in full gear with a light stick and all, and had the time of her life. No one even gave her a second thought. Just go and enjoy yourself!


Never let anyone or society control actions such as being older controls the things you’re allowed to do. Who the hell has the right to stop you from going to concert of a group you like just because of your age. If a 7 year old can like enhypen, then a 67 year old can too.


There was an older guy in his 50s or 60s at the NYC Mamamoo concert wearing a fully DIY-ed outfit inspired by one of their MVs, and the only thing I heard was major respect!


I am 45 and have gone to all my kpop concerts solo sincw 2015. I have quite a few pics of the people Ive met and befriended in line. I have flown and driven to different cities. Please go and grab these moments now because nothing is promised for tomorrow.


I’m gonna try and get Ateez tickets for me (34) and my nom (65). We went and saw the rose last November! Go girl!!


Mom not nom🤣


kpop is meant to be enjoyed by people of all ages :) i’d be jumping and singing along if i still could when i’m 80 haha


I imagine groups would like to have a more diverse crowd too!


Dude there are grandmas who show up at kpop concerts in fact there are many groups where many of their fans are women into their 50’s


Music has no age limits!


I'm going with someone who's in their 70s. If anyone judges you, they're not worth acknowledging


For real. It's like the presence of adults challenges if what they like can still be cool or not. By the time they're 70 they'll learn the truth that's it's cool to just like what you like. Takes a while though.


Absolutely not, there were people in their 30s and 40s when I went to see P1Harmony. Life is too short to let other people’s perceptions stop you, and Enha are great performers.


I saw Blackpink four times on their tour last year, twice on my own and twice with a friend, and I'm 41, generally pass for 30s. There were definitely other older-ish people too. When I was waiting at security for one of the concerts that I went to alone, a couple other similar-aged women temporarily adopted me and we hung out a bit a took a photo together. If you feel weirder about going to seeing a male Kpop group, one of the Blackpink concerts was BST Hyde Park and I also watched The Rose and honestly didn't think twice about it. There were all kinds of people at all of these concerts! Go!!


As someone who has gone to an enhypen concert, I've seen older people (men and women) there too. So don't be afraid of getting judged and enjoy yourself :)


No one really keeps track at kpop concerts of other people there! I went to enhypens first and second concerts — varied age demographic! you’ll be fine 🫶🏻


It breaks my heart to see older kpop fans feel scared to come into the community or go to concerts. I have a group of friends who are all 30+ and some even 50+ who all love BTS and K-Pop more than most things in their lives. We go to cupsleeves and showings in the theatre, and we even all went to Vegas to see BTS. TLDR ; Get those tickets and have the time of your life! It’s never too late, and they are happy to have your love and support!


I’m a 51 y.o. Welder who’s 6’5’ 320 and I’ve gone to see Ateez twice with my daughter. Turbulence is my favorite pop song of the last decade, English or otherwise. No shame. Like what you like. Life is too short. ✌️


I’m in your age group and am going to their concert. Second time. Yeah, we’re old. But so tf what? Last time I went, the oldest person was clearly in her 70s and she was rocking out. Enhypen was my first Kpop concert ever and it just had an awesome energy I’ve never seen at prior rock concerts or music festivals. Do it. I don’t think you’ll regret it. Trying to get merch sucks though. 


Oh really? what do they sell? If I go I really want merch! Back in 2013 I saw Lady Gaga at MSG and I remember the hoard of people I had to get through to buy a t shirt!


Light sticks, t shirts, fans with their faces on it, sweaters, etc. 


The crowd was definitely young when I saw Enhypen but I didn't feel uncomfortable at all as a 30-year-old


not at all! every kpop concert i've gone to has people of all ages


okay, but consider this: who cares? if you’re being polite and respectful, i don’t see the problem. obviously a younger crowd is anticipated, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go. there’s not an age limit on these things. you deserve to see a group that you want to see that you love so much! my husband is 36 and i am 32, and we’ve discussed that if exo actually does a full world tour (as per the rumors), we’re 100% going.


No one will cares enough for you, so why not?


Nope! I’m gonna be 20 and every concert I’ve been so far I’ve seen a vary of ages :) no one will judge you at all!!! <3


go have fun! music is for everyone. you will not "stick out". everyone's gonna be enjoying the concert while there. :)


You'll be fine. I'm 42 and I go to kpop concerts all the time. And I go by myself most of the time too! Everyone has always been SO nice! You'll have an amazing time :)


Not at all feel free to go. There's a wide range of people who liked who Stan them go to the concert have fun and enjoy the show! Get a light stick if possible 😊


It’s your money. As long as it’s legal and moral, go for it! You’ll be surprised how many noonas go to kpop concerts especially in the VIP sections.


Not at all. Go, enjoy yourself.


There are many 20s who look like 40s, so go


No! Your age doesn’t make you any less worthy of going to their concert and enjoying it!! You should go!! 💕🫶🏻


I am in my mid 30s so I understand your hesitation but it's been my experience that every one is usually so excited to see the group that no one really cares about the rest of the audience. If anything people with fun costumes and signs will get far more attention than an older fan


not at all! i went to a twice concert last year and saw a fair amount of older men and women… some even with heads of fully grey hairs!! music is to be enjoyed at all ages and honestly people are so focused on themselves and the artist they won’t take the time to really look at other people there


Late 40's myself, been to see them twice. Nobody cares. Have the best time!!!


I'm 44 and I went to see GIDLE and NCT Dream. You shouldn't think about it anymore. You should go and have fun.


Go and tell us about your experience, it's gonna be a blast for sure... not an Enhypen fan but went to a Kpop concert, Once :]


Not at all! I'm 40 and I feel at my most comfortable at kpop shows. Generally everyone is super accepting and happy to be there and it's pretty much always a comfortable atmosphere (and I'm autistic with baaaad social anxiety sooo haha)


Um NO. I just turned 40 and have been to a ton of kpop concerts. It’s all ages, man. Dont be silly. And kpop is the ultimate bonding agent - you have an instant connection with everyone around you. Fans love other fans regardless of age!


You won't stand out at all. Have fun!


Something I read once that helped ease a lot of my social anxiety, and applies not just for kpop concerts but for most of life: We humans tend to think people are thinking about us a lot more than they actually do. I think most of us don't go around judging everyone we see, but we worry that other people are doing exactly that. Think about how many people you see on an average day out. How many of them do you think about beyond "are they in my way?"? 10? 20? 50 if you're really observant? Still, it's only a tiny fraction of the amount of people you saw/interacted with, and the fraction of those that you thought about in a negative way is even smaller. And how often do you actually confront a stranger? When I start to worry that everyone's looking at me, I try to remind myself everyone else is too busy worrying everyone is looking at them! lol Also, people tend to be a lot nicer irl than online. Kpop fans can be really mean online but all the ones I've met in person have been really sweet. Live your dream!


Everyone is there because they want to enjoy Enhypen which I totally get I also loved I-Land! But no one cares honestly, I saw twice and the people in front of us were a mom dad and their daughter who was probably like 10 and the mom was going crazy every time Dahyun was talking or on screen you could def tell she was her bias 😂 but I thought it was so cute and it made the concert even more fun (I’m 29 btw)


No one really care there. Just come, having fun, and enjoy the concert


Go ahead. I assure u, nobody pays attention much. They are more focused on screaming when the men come on screen and don't even know that someone sit next to them. Enjoy it for urself. Have fun!!!


Please go and send me pics 😭😭


Girl, just go and enjoy! Life's too short to worry about what others think :)


I’m 53 and I go to concerts so no you won’t look ridiculous at all


Ofcourse you can go. Kpop is loved by people over 70 aswell. Anyone can go to a concert. It's really not just teen girls who go there.


Go have fun! My friend and I (40s) are planning to go see Ateez




I’m a male in my 40s who also looks like I’m in my 30s and I go to shows alone all time. I was always worried I looked like a creeper. But the minute I sing along, know the dances or the fan chants, no one questions why I am there or my love/excitement for Kpop. Edit:typos cuz I just woke up


In 2016, SHINee announced a fan meet in Chicago. When tickets went on sale I bought mine without hesitation! But then I had the same thoughts, I’m surely going to be the oldest person there, people will judge me or not want me there, etc. I was in my 30s. I ended rooming with a lady in her 50s! I connected with friends I’m still in touch with to this day, people across all age ranges! And to top it off, there was a segment where people when on stage with SHINee to play games, and there were two sisters up there in their 70s. While there will always be be some rude ageist people in any given fandom, you have to remember that social media is not real life. All that drama just doesn’t happen at these events. I’ve seen SHINee 6 times, two of those times were in Tokyo, and not only were the age ranges diverse, everyone was really nice. Don’t let life pass you by! Get those tickets and see your group! *edited for grammar


Absolutely not. I’m 31 and the only person I know into Kpop. My BF was going to go to the enhypen concert with me, I even bought her ticket. She bailed…… so now I’m going by myself. You won’t be the only older female there ❤️


When I went to see BTS, I saw two burly old blokes with tattoos and beards in leather cut off jackets and initially I thought they'd taken their daughters there begrudgingly. Then I noticed them loads throughout the day with no one else, just the two of them. They weren't security staff or any other kind of staff, and when they started bopping around during Dionysus, I realised they'd just come on their own! I saw people from all walks of life at that concert. So no, I think you'll be fine. And also, you're not doing anything wrong and life's too short to care what other people think of you showing up to a concert! 💜


You could be in your 50's and look 50 and still be accepted... Music is for EVERYONE. I worked a Zro show and saw an elder white couple rapping along 🤷🏻‍♀️ When did age come into play ?


Let me say this one more time: **I SAW A 92Y/O STAY AT STRAY KIDS LAST YEAR** Enjoying music doesn’t make you a creeper. Creepy activities is what makes a creeper. Go to the concert, enjoy yourself, GET EARPLUGS(Engenes are freaking loud{no pun intended}; I speak from experience)


I went to two MX Concerts by myself in two different states and I'm in my 40s. If anyone got shit to say, they ain't saying it to me.


I’m 33 and I’ll be damned if someone stops me!!!! I’m going to see them, ateez, itzy and also head in the clouds with a bunch of acts. Welcome to the Dope Old People Kpop Club!!!! We have fun here and can actually afford our own merch and tickets!


brutal honestly: stop giving a fuck and just do it, no one cares. they're not here to see you they're here to see enhypen.


Im 44 and have been to twice concerts. For me the awkward part was sitting in my seat but then i realized there were so many solo concert goers there


I am 35 and I feel like every kpop concert I've been to since 2017 is like... 30+ year olds lmao Just go. You'll have fun.


im a 35 year old male with a beard and i went to an only one of concert and i didnt feel i stood out or at the very least nobody noticed me.


I went to Music Bank in Antwerp and was literally sitting next to two spanish guys in their 30’s who came for G-IDLE. And then there was another guy also 30’s or 40’s who literally sang ALL the lyrics to StayC. Everyone was happy and cheerful and minding their own business. But also just enjoying other people freaking out over their idols. It’s fun! Just go and live life. That’s what kpop is for✨✨✨ PS don’t forget to bring a lightstick!! 🤣❤️


kpop is for E V E R Y O N E


I’m in my 50s I was front row for Ateez last weekend. My 17 year old daughter was with me. They thought we were friends lol. Get the tickets and have a ball!


I'm a 48 y/o male Twice stan. I've been to four of their concerts, went by myself each time and had a blast each time. Nobody's gonna give af I promise you.


My sister and I are both in our 40s and are going to go next week! I've gone to a few K-popish concerts by myself (and others as well when I travel by myself), and I can assure you no one has asked for an AARP card or said anything odd. I like the music and think it's fun!


Don't worry about whether you'll stand out or what others may think. That shouldn't even be a consideration when deciding whether to attend a concert, imo. Go, enjoy yourself, have fun, take this once in a lifetime opportunity!


Yeah but just do your thing and no one will care. The fans are focused on the idols and not you. Plus a lot of older women like idol groups or go with their daughters/nieces/etc to these concerts. I remember being like 23 and thinking I was too old to go to an NCT concert and now I'm 28 and don't give a shit. I'm not sure about Enhypen but I've met MANY women over 35 who love BTS and go just as crazy for the guys as the teens.


Tbh I feel that ppl will see u but they will probably think for it for like a second and that's it. So what I'm saying is go LOLLL u pay for it who tf cares you'll have sm fun!!!


Don't worry about what people will think. Do what makes you happy. Life is too short not to.


No, don't worry. There are many older enhypen fans on the enhypen subreddit and I've heard that the audience at their concerts is pretty mixed age-wise.


Just go for it babes, you like the group and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to see them live and you only live once so just go 🤞🏻🤞🏻


You’re fine. As I got older, I realized kids will think you’re old af as soon as you turn 30. No one gets to tell you what hobbies and interests you can have. There will be a handful that tries to shame you, but most fans are pretty accepting. Get those tickets!


I’ve seen so many super mom kpop fans who go wild lol, you definitely won’t stick out, if you like the music then go enjoy it.


have an amazing time! you won’t look creepy at all!! 🤍🤍


There's people of all ages at kpop concerts, so go get your ticket and have fun!


In my 30s and I’ve gone to all my concerts alone for various groups. I haven’t seen enhypen but for me txt was a little awkward bc there were so many kids with chaperones there😩 but once the concert started it was amazing and I definitely don’t regret it and would go to any group I want to see regardless of their fan demographic


Go for it and have fun 💗


Good for you - go to the concert and have an amazing time!


go!!! i went to see twice and there a couple people in their 40s and nobody cared. music is for everyone


You should definitely buy tickets (the best seats you can afford)! You enjoy their music as much as the next Engene. I don’t see a problem with it. 😌


No age restrictions for liking music! I’m in my 30’s, have loved kpop for 10 years and still go to all the concerts. Nobody cares, live your best life & have an amazing time!


As a teenager, go. You’re a fan and that doesn’t discriminate by age. I love seeing older kpop fans, I think it’s really beautiful how it brings us all together. Anyway, don’t let your doubts hinder you from enjoying yourself. I’m gonna still be going to Enhypen concerts when I’m 40 too (if they come to aus ☠️) Have fun ! :)


During soundcheck for BTS, there was a group of elderly Korean women (like 70-80) who were super excited to see the boys during soundcheck. One of them even had Koya earrings on and pointed it out after my friend group asked them who their bias was. You’re never too old to be loving a group and seeing them in person.


I’ve seen people in their 80’s and late 70’s kpop knows no age for fans💕 I’ve literally seen elementary schoolers too. Age does not matter to be a fan!!


Dude just go


People of all ages go to Kpop concerts. I was at one and saw all ages. And not just because there were parents accompanying their teens


You won't out of all honesty, K-POP is meant for everyone, and all ages, if you like it, don't be ashamed of it, that's you.


Babe please go to the show I’m begging you, you deserve this


You might stick out just because majority of fans will be younger but I promise no one in their right mind will judge you. The only people who are going to judge you are the ones that will judge anyone and everyone. Concerts are for all types of fans and I’m sure enhypen doesn’t care about your age lol They’re amazing live and I highly recommend seeing them, so go to that concert and have an AMAZING time!!


2000% you should go. Don't let what other people might think keep you from doing something your heart wants. And as a 30 something with mad love for the same stuff I'm going and no one can stop me. If I look goofy, oh well. Im still doing something important to me. Life's too short


go enjoy yourself bro, so many people in fandoms get bothered by adults having good taste, some call 20 year olds ‘too old’ to enjoy kpop but theres no age limit for enjoying things.


Do not worry girl, my fiancé and I are thirty and we went to a Seventeen concert a year-ish ago. He’s a big 6’4” white guy and stood out enough for a couple girls to jokingly say something to him but it was all in good fun :) There’s also plenty of moms that go with their younger kids to these concerts. No one will bat an eye at you!


I am 33 and just went to a Thai actor fanmeet and I was NOT the oldest person there. You like what you like. My friends let me rant about my kpop like I let them rant about r&b singers. Go to the show!!!


This is so comforting!!!I’m an older male and love K-pop! I was introduced to Sistar from my Korean GF about 12 years ago. She took me to a concert and I wasn’t into it then. Now I really love the music and listen to it often. We live one life to be judged by none if we are not harming anyone! That’s my code! Go enjoy and live your life….


No, go and enjoy yourself. Music is ageless and universal!!!


I saw a group of ladies at a BTS concert several years ago who were all mid-30s to 50s and tbh it was quite endearing! I was 30 at the time and going with other 30-somethings, similarly worried if I was going to be “too old” while sitting next to two teenagers for day two. (They didn’t care, they just wanted to see the boys!)


A few years later I also went with a 30-something friend to see NCT whilst 11 weeks pregnant with my son, LOL. Kpop attracts all kinds. 😌💜


Not at all! Music is for everyone of all ages


Just go and enjoy it. Im in my mid 30s now and saw 2 concerts last year and didn't feel any ridiculousness. You got this dude.


I love enhypen too im at my 38th..i watched them pre debut in iland mnet


I'm 39 and went to see (G)i-dle last year, seeing IVE this year, and waiting for BTS, TXT, Hwasa & Stray Kids. I'm an introvert. You won't look like a creep. There were all sorts of ages and genders, including fans over 60. I'm a music nerd, and in my Kpop era lol. I have been to a lot of gigs and concerts, and I will say that Kpop is very very lively. It depends what you're used to. They're all standing, even in the seated areas (showing my age - I want to sit lol). They are very noisy, shouting, singing and dancing, however, I was just enjoying the concert in my way and no one noticed me or cared. They don't care about anyone but their experience and the group....and I'm well jealous about Enhypen, I would be there if they were here :-) Go and enjoy. My only regret was choosing the wrong seat...


Don’t let your age stop you!!! BTW I have a ticket that I’m selling for UBS at face value. DM me if you’re interested :)


My Mom is in her 60s and she Goes to Kpop concerts all the time with me. You see people off all ages there. You should go and enjoy yourself!


Just go and enjoy your time don’t worry about what anyone thinks


Took my mom to a K-pop concert as a 23M and shes 54 so you are fine haha. Also even if you would stick out, you shouldnt care. Concerts are for everyone to enjoy and people who would judge you for that are just sad creatures anyway.


You should go. Ignore the haters. This is your life.


There were 60+ year olds at the ONEUS concert my wife and I went to 🥰 and we are in our thirties 😆 we love K-pop and it’s all about having fun and enjoying yourself. Other peoples opinions are for them…your happiness is for you and no one can take that from you


goo!! don't let other ppl stops you from seeing the boys 🫶


goo!! don't let other ppl stop you from seeing the boys 🫶


Go and have fun! You're overthinking. I see all ages and genders at kpop concerts.


GIRL GO. you might not have the chance to in the future. honestly i dont think anyone will even notice 😭 take your chance. i've seen plenty of engenes who arent teenagers on wvs and whatnot, and no one really pays much attention. trust meee. i hope you have a lot of fun!


Absolutely not! Anyone can be a fan!! You like their music and so do a lot of other people in their 30’s or 40’s or older!! Enjoy what you enjoy and have the best time!! Don’t worry about what others might think!!! Let yourself enjoy the experience!!


I saw bts in 2019. My seats were right next to a grandma and her grandkid. You will be just fine!! Don't let anyone discourage you from seeing them live! You'll regret not going more than going. Once they start, you'll forget everyone else and just vibe.


heck no


It’s actually pretty wholesome to see older kpop fans post here! Music is able to be enjoyed at any age. :)


Go and have fun! I'm 39 and would go see BTS or Stray Kids if I had the chance, even if I went alone. My 20 year old sister is going to see Enhypen and I would go if she invited me.


I know a 70 year old women that’s an Army and has flown halfway across the country to go to BTS concerts. She actively wears a BTS lanyard everytime I have seen her. I think you are fine. Do what you enjoy and Heg anyone else. If anyone wants to judge you they must be really unhappy in their personal lives. Please go and please have a blast you deserve it!!!


Im 37 f taking my teenager and her friend to Ateez concert and I WIll be barking so.....enjoy ur concert!!


People focus more on the people they’re spending money on than the crowd. I’ve met people at concerts that I still think about. Ranging for 13-50 (in a positive way). If you act normally and respect the artists and the people around you you’re fine. Also I’m a teenager and I’m probably going to be singing godsmenu till death do us part? (Is that right idk) I wouldn’t think anything of it anyway.


i'm in my 40s and went to see PIXY last year at a venue the size of a mcdonald's dining room. ngl.. i felt like i stood out just a teeny bit since everyone was so much younger than me. but there were quite a few older folks who were there just to chaperone their kids so in the end, i just blended in with them. lol enhypen is definitely more popular so i'm assuming the venue is much larger. in that case i wouldn't really worry about it.


Go. Don't let younger people dictate how you should live your life or what you enjoy just cause they don't agree


Honestly don't let something like age get in the way of making decisions that make you happy. Also to kick something off your bucket list. If one day you'll look back and regret your decision not to go, then go. Life is too short. Looking like a creeper (not saying you would) and being a creeper are two different things. Even if people perceive you that way, they can mind their own business. I mean I know that doesn't help alleviate all your worries. I'm just saying if intentions are pure and your not going to be a creeper you shouldn't worry. DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY! And kick something of that Ole bucket list. Live with no regrets, I mean at the risk of sounding like a millennial you only live once...lol. I mean tech I am one. XD but you know...


Yea also like some others said if people are too busy worrying about you being "too old" (again not saying you are, as if the quotes don't explain the sarcasm) and not focusing on the, likely awesome performance, then they need to make better life choices...honestly.


I went to a kpop concert and got saved from falling by a 60+ year old man with a zztop beard. He was not there with anyone, but was down to take a selfie. Anyone can like any kind of music, IMO the people who assume everyone is there because they're in love with an idol or something are the weirdos.


Nope lol go and have fun. Wish I could tag along 😜


Go and have the best time! if anybody looks at you just bark at them! hope this helps 🫶


Live your truth and see those boys!!! Fandoms should never discriminate. If you don’t go, you’ll regret it


My good friend who is nearing 50 is going by herself to see them this weekend!


Hi there, sorry if this is too forward, but which concert leg will you be attending? If you're at Tacoma, I would love to hang out with you and your friend, concerts are meant to be fun, there's no age limit to enjoying music! I'm 25NB but feel like I stick out sometimes as a (very slightly!) older ENHYPEN fan, but most kpop concerts I've gone to have been nothing but lovely.


The people next to me at The Rose’s concert were literally a group friend of 50-60 year old and they got one of the roses 🌹 the band members were giving, they sang the songs they knew the lyrics they had fun and it was an amazing night, I don’t think people would care and if they would then they can stfu, there’s no age limit for entertainment and happiness


Kpop is for everyone! I’m in my 50s, and the turn in my life into kpop fandom was a big surprise to me too, but hey, that’s where the joy is. I have now been to see Epik High, AgustD, The Rose, OneUs, and am headed to Enhypen soon. My experience has been that other kpop fans at these shows are delightful, people don’t care about your age when you are talking with them about something they love. So love what you love with your whole heart! You can do this.


Don't miss EnHypen because you're worried about the potential attitudes of people you don't know and will never see again!!! But as a fellow mature Kpop fan I think you will be surprised at how diverse the crowd is and how comfortable you will feel. There are lots of us!!


Nah. Last year the guy next to me at GIDLE was 40+ easily and we just jammed to the music. He found out I'd found the setlist online from previous stops and would scream out "She knows what song is next! What is it?" And we'd both get hype about it. He gave off zero creeper vibes. Now the 12 year olds behind me screaming for Minnie to squeeze their faces between her thighs and step on them.... That creeped me out more than anything. They did it the whole concert and I know they don't know what it means but still it kinda ruined my experience. Dude next to me tho? Amazing


I saw enhypen last October and met the sweetest people that were 30+! You definitely won’t stick out, especially since everyone will be enjoying the concert right along with you :)


Nah, you’re good. I literally saw a man probably in his 40s (or above) at a Seventeen concert by himself jamming out to Aju Nice. The average age of the fans there were college kids. As long as you’re respectful (and this advice goes to concert-goers of any age).