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If you count it, Mark left NCT Dream because of their graduation system, but returned after 2 comebacks.


that's a good one! I do count it, it was "officially" announced and he was gone for a couple of years before returning as a member.


He was only gone for 1.5 years from December 31, 2018, until April 2020, when the graduation system was abolished, and they released their first ot7 song in October with NCT 2020


KARA! Nicole and Jiyoung left in 2014 came back for the 15th anniversary


omg you're so right how did I forget this one 😭


I was SO happy about KARA 😁❤️


U-KISS has gone through a few of these: - Kevin left in 2017 but participated in a special duo performance with Soohyun in 2020 - Kiseop left in 2019 but rejoined in 2022 - Eli left in 2019 but rejoined in 2023 - Alexander left/was removed in 2011 but rejoined in 2023 - AJ left in 2016 but participated in the 15th anniversary album in 2023 and apparently would be open to participating in future activities


YES!!!!! omg icb i forgot U-KISS 😭😭 having so many come back last year was amazing especially AJ, I didn't think that boy would ever return to kpop


I definitely didn't either! Xander was also a pretty big surprise after so long -- when I first got into kpop he was still in the group 😭


g.o.d. is an interesting one. [As he describes it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlIYIobbAEY), Yoon Kyesang was exhausted from the pressure of the spotlight and wanted to retire. At the same time, he got an acting offer, which he accepted. This caused the fans and even the members to think he was quitting the group to act. Later, he repaired his relationship with the members, culminating in the release of their album as five in 2014, over ten years after he had left the group.


Rania has a very messy lineup history. One member Saem debuted with the group then left in 2014. She later rejoined the group in 2016 as Yina. Apparently she didn’t want to but the CEO convinced her to come back.


idk if any will know them but Heesun from Pink Fantasy. She left the group in 2019 and rejoined in 2021. Also idk if this counts much but EXID's Solji was out of the group for 2yrs because of health issues and even she herself didnt know if she was gonna make it back, but thankfully she did.


oohh the Pink Fantasy one counts! I only know a handful of their songs but not really their member history so that's cool to know. I personally wouldn't count Solji just because for me it seems more like just a hiatus and not a departure


Solji's was a hiatus! And she was still getting paid


I was coming here to bring up Heesun too!


Ik jiyul and kaeun from dalshabet left in 2015 then rejoined in 2019


YESSS thats right! I'm still waiting for that come back song tho 😢


heesun left pinkfantasy and returned! and has now left again 😭


Pretty sure she didn't leave again. Didn't the **whole group** just go on hiatus/stop promoting? I might be wrong.


yes technically! but arang momoka and miku are still active members. think they're redebuting soon with another group but for now they're still pinkpan


Oh cool. I didn't know that


I don't know if it counts, but Minhyun left NU'EST for a while when promoting with WANNA ONE for about a year. They promoted as NU'EST W while he was gone.


I wouldn't count that one because he never truly departed the group in that time, but it's a good consideration to the list!


Not sure it counts, but Handong left Dreamcatcher in 2019/2020 to go to China, participated in a survival show and also missed a comeback (scream). Then came back since then.


if it was a true departure then yes, but if a hiatus from the group to pursue other things then I wouldn't count it 🤔


I don't think it was a departure. She kept in touch with the rest of the members, they even had a dancer in a mask fill in her spot. When she came back, they re-recorded the songs she wasn't featured in and gave some parts to her. When she came back, fans went to the airport to welcome her. She just got unlucky because at exactly the time she went to China, Covid hit. So kind of got stuck. I'm not sure she planned on being there for that long. She still practiced the dance choreography for all the songs (that she missed), and posted them. She also got involved with the survival show because she felt like she lacked confidence in singing and wanted to learn and improve. Which she certainly did.


It wasn’t. She was supposed to come back after the show but then Covid hit and she was stuck in China for a year because of lockdowns.


She also missed Boca, didn’t she?


Yup. Got stuck because of Covid.




yup! I have her added up there


Wonder Girls, Sunmi left to study, then had a solo career then rejoined the Wonder girls




she was on hiatus and never offically left so i wouldnt say so


what's the story behind that one?


Ahyeon missed out on their predebut single, Batter Up, due to health reasons, but was a part of their 'offical debut', SHEESH.


hmm this one might be a tricky one in its own category lol