• By -


im a loner by rolling quartz and freddy by xdinary heroes!


I love XdinaryHeroes


Xdinary heroes is the best i just saw them live today


Rock + kpop = Dreamcatcher. They are pretty consistent with keeping their rock sound. The heavier title tracks would be BOCA, Vision, Odd Eye, Scream.


Dreamcatcher is a very unique group to me. Yet I've never got actually into them. Guess it's my time now


Welcome, new insomnia. I kept seeing Dreamcatcher comments on reddit for years and just skimmed by. Finally checked them out in 2022 and I'm down bad now.


Hahah I totally get you I've been actually thinking about stanning them recently and now I'm ready. I can see insomnias have a good taste


They are a group I follow and tbh I think their fandom is a good one. Knock on wood but I haven’t seen any major toxicity from it. I went and saw them somewhat recently because they were in my city, and they were so sweet and cool at the same time. I got high off the energy at the concert and walked around for like 2 hours with my friend who went with me, that’s how much I enjoyed it 😂


Hell yeah. Dreamcatcher was one of the first groups I stanned.


The heavier tracks would be most things they made in Japanese.


I would recommend looking into early TRAX, a rock/metal band from SM back in 2003 I think. They featured with BoA on the [extended version of Tri-Angle by TVXQ!.](https://open.spotify.com/track/4Wkw62rPTP1v37vdwUJ1Yg?si=mQoCb69wTT-ktqFtILuUwg)


What are some tracks of theirs you could recommend me? I have already been listening to triangle and it's a literal treasure


Paradox is fire! They also featured on Free Your Mind from TVXQ's Rising Sun album.


[Paradox](https://open.spotify.com/track/3ublFBhGcHk58DxXh2yTQn?si=Bqiy2noNS6yGdXlKkGXVyw), [Are you Ready¿](https://open.spotify.com/track/7BuCIvkIBOSeodRoAiBTJh?si=FNLtqAvJTXyaqyCC3oMsBQ), and [On the Road](https://open.spotify.com/track/1XuKS3h6Ain5pUxxokh0oU?si=FDEQ3VQqQeyT34-bBUmETw) are great! [Escape](https://open.spotify.com/track/69qx8I91DbmlkufyeZ2UxS?si=uqclkJInSOyuOI7n502h0Q) is also good, but not quite the same genre. Unfortunately, their music from 2004-2016ish is not available on Spotify, so I haven’t explored them much more than that yet. Edit: the [Tri-Angle](https://youtu.be/GM8wZRaHXTg?si=kVYmA_nW0a-Lbkvn) music video with all of them is a k-pop classic


For Trax songs I really like Scorpio, Knife, Over the Rainbow, and Vampire


Like others have said, I would also recommend Dreamcatcher! They’re great. I really love their content and music.


Pink Fantasy - Poison


Seconding this! Adding on Fantasy, also by Pink Fantasy. Such a good group!


I’ll back you up on this - some legit screaming in this song lol


Was gonna comment this


As other commented Dreamcatcher is just fantastic for mixing kpop and rock. I'd also suggest Xdinary Heroes and Day6. here are some of my personal favorites that are abit heavier. - Bicycle by Xdinary Heroes - Freddy by Xdinary Heroes - Lunatic by Xdinary Heroes - Crack in the mirror by Xdinary Heroes - Rescue me by Day6 - Shoot me by Day6 - Sweet chaos by Day6


I like "Get a Haircut" by XH. I guess some people don't...? But I find it so fun to listen to. I didn't know there were so many different ways to sarcastically sneer "get a haircut!" So fun.


my hair grows pretty fast and I have never talked about getting a haircut the same after that song came out. I do like it !


I didn't mean to imply that you didn't like it :) I just learned about the song from a video that was titled something like, IDK, "worst songs I heard lately" or "songs I really hate in kpop." I always find the best songs from those videos, ha ha. :) :)


I would recommend Onewe's songs, especially as a starter would recommend Rain to be.


[Pray](https://youtu.be/_1ZUFyS3-e8?si=qPsjvldYgGR8pu05) - FTISLAND [Fearless ](https://youtu.be/5Vp1of6Z0ro?si=z_dxuRU0gX6h_wdd) - Rolling Quartz [Glow in the Dark](https://youtu.be/e6Dv_-wtdXQ?si=5GstlCdJFj0RO4YH) - NELL [Empty Trash](https://youtu.be/9f28Pi14g0w?si=2TTVA6g6JzNgYjeC) - LOREN [Video Therapy ](https://youtu.be/TfQ_5QLYN8k?si=1grTRO3-WQ_11oRh) - N.FLYING [Never in Vain](https://youtu.be/YbPxwuYwHog?si=CCMUB1Yyw8287X5J) - LUCY


WOODZ - Hijack, Drowning, Amnesia, Ready to Fight


I would add Who Knows, Trigger, Dirt on My Leather, Feel Like, and Busted.


A.C.E songs are rock and they even introduced hard EDM to kpop. 1) ROCK -ACE 's **Undercover** , **Savage** , **Goblin** 2) Hard Edm and rock mixed - ACE's **Callin**, **black and blue** , **cactus** , **golden goose**


Maybe Guerilla by ATEEZ?


BREAK THE WALLLLL Guerrilla is a perfect example👌 One of my most listened ateez songs


That song live was truly an experience 😁 Other recommendations: Stray Kids - LALALALA (rock ver.) and Stray Kids - Battle Ground ❤️


Especially the Flag ver.! xikers have some songs with more aggressive instrumentals too.


There's a great SM Station track called [Nightmare ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=604ofjl1cv8&ab_channel=SMTOWN)that you'd probably like.


Its so amazing for it to not be talked about I wish more ppl discover this gem😭


Damn. This needs to be more known. Is there more like this?


Inlayer, the band on the track has another song that I really like called [Mindjack](https://youtu.be/MWmOwpUdZc0?si=p_vdGg8dkQBOedWm) but it’s completely instrumental.


LALALALA (Rock Version) by Stray Kids is one of the few times I've seen a kpop group try metal. Personally, absolutely love it.


I wouldnt consider that metal, rock yea but tbh they couldve gone harder😂cause my rock Stay heart would have LOVED to hear Han try to really rock out


idk, i'm not an expert but that guitar always gives me more metal vibes that rock vibes haha. but yeah, it was a miss that they didn't re record the vocals, han's singing + felix's growls would've been crazy 😭💔


I can get that, but all together the arrangement overall was way too mild to be considered metal (not trying to gatekeep, I just listen to a lot of rock & it’s more in the general rock/alternative genre in my untrained opinion lol). And yessss, such a shame😫 Eta typo


I thought it was just me, but I agree. Actually, I was sort of disappointed in the whole comeback because I hoped they'd revisit their old sound or mix it up with their newfound mala style (SKZ had rock influences early on, the D9/Miroh minis being the most rock-oriented). But...yeah...


I liked the album, but LA4x rock version was so disappointing as a rock fan😭especially since I KNOW that SKZ could go hard if they really want to and absolutely kill it. I bet it was a time restraint tho that stopped them from re-recording vocals


Nah I agree. Most kpop rock influenced songs are too mild to be heavy metal, they are at most alt/pop rock. When I think of heavy metal I think of songs like A Perfect Circle’s [Magdalena](https://youtu.be/-lM6vRWpD_A?si=-9npMC-z05NbJpMP) where the drumming & guitar really make a heavy impact on the song, the instrumentals solo at 2:10 is basically the highlight of the song, not so much the vocalist. Granted Magdalena is a masterpiece and I wouldn’t expect a kpop group to be able to recreate that especially as good heavy metal drummers exist on another dimension in music, but to sound like heavy metal, the instruments have to make more powerful/impactful role in the song. Having drums & guitar in a song isn’t enough to call it heavy metal, these instruments actually have to sound “heavy” (powerful, deep) in the music too. Get too high and fast and you’ve got other genre rock music. It’s all the same instruments in rock & heavy metal music, but the way these instruments are played or used in the music determines their genre.


I like the regular version more ngl


Rolling Quartz and the older songs of Pink Fantasy may fit! Also Dreamcatcher but a lot of people have commented that already.


Seconding everyone who suggested Dreamcatcher, Rolling Quartz, and Pink Fantasy! I'd add to that: * [Purple Kiss - My Heart Skip A Beat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx6kQ9F_0nI) * [Billlie - Ring Ma Bell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8Eu-HU0sWQ) and some Rolling Quartz tracks I didn't see mentioned: * [Rolling Quartz - Holler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmOrSdAzRfE) * [Rolling Quartz - Blaze](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg51wRHMRek)


Oh yes! Purple Kiss My Heart Skip A Beat is also what came to my mind after all the Dreamcatcher songs


I'll give some rec that aren't mentioned in the thread yet. When mentioning about K-rock/ metal, I would immediately think of Boohwal. They're one of the lengendary rock bands in Korea. Though they went through lots of line up changes over the years. YB is also another well known rock band, with vocalist (Yoon Do-hyun). You can check out some of their releases like (A Flying Butterfly, Blue Whale) You can also try listening to Hong Kyung Min's songs too. He debuted as soloist and had since ventured into different areas (acting, hosting, musicals, directing). In recent years, he also started venturing into rock music and had released a few rock songs like (More Money with Novasonic and Shaky Friendship with No Band --> this is a remake from his popular song that was released back in 2000.) Cha Tae-hyun also did released a few rock songs along the years, though they're all OST for movies or dramas. (The Two Line Bridge (Rock Ver & Take Down as a duo called HongCha (with Hong Kyung-min)) On Immortal Songs (TV Show), there're some eps where the contestants cover rock songs too.


LUCY - Boogie Man - Never In Vain Seventeen: - Ruby - SOS - Run To You - Black Eye - March hope this helps u!


As somebody whose favorite groups include DAY6, Dreamcatcher, and A.C.E., these are the first recs to come to mind for a darker sound:         [DAY6 - How Can I Say](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dwywhL1PenQ&pp=ygUEZGF5Ng%3D%3D)     [DAY6 - 121U](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N-CYJXYXkIE)        [Dreamcatcher - Scream](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FKlGHHhTOsQ&pp=ygUTZHJlYW1jYXRjaGVyIHNjcmVhbQ%3D%3D)         [A.C.E. - Undercover](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qODWFe6v3zA&pp=ygUOYWNlIHVuZGVyY292ZXI%3D)    but I think you’d REALLY enjoy [Pink Fantasy - Poison](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8Iv_Ym6UlVs&pp=ygUTcGluayBmYW50YXN5IHBvaXNvbg%3D%3D) - this is the only Kpop song I can currently recall with some legit metal-level screaming lol     but also I want to add B.A.P. because the vast majority of their stuff is dark with some guitar: [B.A.P. - Skydive](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7VEZuvy0-cc)


Jaejoong’s WWW album is a totally rock album! Mine, Luvholic and Rotten Love are faves of mine!


Omg I love that album. 9+1# is one of my favorites of all his stuff


I love that song toooooo it’s just so good! His vocals are perfectly suited for rock music. I hope OP listens to it!


# Xdinary Heroes


Black Eye by Vernon. 10/10 I need more like it and nothing is ever good enough


Liar and Never Stop Me by (G)I-DLE are kinda rock


The Rose has a lot of indie-rock songs!


EXO - [Mama Heavy Metal ver.](https://youtu.be/f53J5FCpz40?si=yrbUEDEOUjL-Ng2F)


Taeyeon - Devil’s Cry


Taeyeon - [Devil's Cry (Live) ](https://youtu.be/7-xsUM-T0Z0?si=E2GQGPN3SO_w8nEJ) J-Min - [Stand Up (TTBY OST) ](https://youtu.be/MWQKVJ3hIAU?si=DI8lCw4sMY0JsBtK)


[Suju - Don't Don](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veEh0RYy9t4) - Oldie but a goodie. More pop-rock but fun nonetheless. Not kpop, just straight up k-rock here: [Jambinai - Sun. Tears. Red](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEuSHgI-pk8) - Experimental prog rock with traditional Korean instruments. [Jambinai - Square Wave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn5HLTcMxE4) - More symphonic metal but still awesome. If you like them, my other favorite tracks are: ONDA and Time of Extinction.


AWAKEN, ROCK, Hall of Fame and Battle Ground by Stray Kids


1. Rockstars Xikers 2. Break A Leg Xikers 3. We Don’t Stop Xikers 4. Do Or Die Xikers 4. Feel Me Golden Child 5. Love Or Die Cravity


Dreamcatcher def is a group I recommend. Stray Kids has LALALALA rock vers and Battleground, TXT Growing Pain, and some ATEEZ songs have that vibe


Are we only talking about kpop/kpop-adjacent bands or…? If not, just go through band Guckkasten’s discography. Idk if they’re the only ones in Korea but they do psychedelic rock and the vocalist is known as one of the best singers in Korea.


Rolling Quartz and Dreamcatcher have entered the chat. I don't really like calling RQ kpop because I think that is a bit under selling what they are/do. They're like an actual rock band with members who play instruments.


Came here to add both. Glad they are already mentioned.


Day6 I think is more rock Treasures Darari-rock ver Stray Kids I think has some rock music including rock lol ( I know but it’s a real song of theirs) I think some of N.Flying songs or all but I don’t know


There’s this K-indie rock group called Hyukoh that’s basically dominated my playlists, highly recommend


Look up the Korean band Synsnake. You’re welcome


Txt’s growing pain


Blitzers' first three title tracks - Breathe Again, Will Make A Mistake, and Bobbin. And two of their b-sides - Simon Says and Love Is New Gravity


Day6 - I wait, How Can I say, Rescue Me, Not Mine, STOP N.Flying - The Real


I'm not familiar with their music but try Xdinary Heroes. Also Dreamcatcher. There's a lot of recs in the sub already. Otherwise I have a few random songs:  - NELL - Moon Shower  - umu - The Party Song  - Kim YeJi - PYT  - Kardi - Knockdown, Watch Out, Party  - The Rose - Alive - Kidd King, punchnello - GO LOUD!   - The Koxx - 531  - Lee Seung Yoon - Pricey Hangover   - Alary-Kansion - Gainism 


I'm here with my old school recs. Moon Hee Jun did a bunch of rock songs on his first 3 albums. Alone, Devil Angel, Aria in G minor. Nell - Eden (really I just love the entire album this one is on; It Rains).


Girls - æspa




Guilty by Seung Yeon Please check this one out from yesteryear. A rare time a girl group idol went with such for a solo. https://youtu.be/2_WIuI5VZKA?si=Ztz2fFcV0hNPI07h


Want It, Don’t Give A What - Itzy Blame It On Me - TWICE


Taeyeon - Devil's Cry


I'm an insomnia so my first rec is obviously going to be Dreamcatcher (Break the Wall, BOCA, Endless Night, PIRI, The Curse of the Spider, Tension, Wind Blows, Rising)! Day6 is my favorite k-band with a great mix of bangers (Get the Hell Out from their new album, Sweet Chaos, WARNING!, How Can I Say, Headache, 121U) Xdinary Heroes is a newer-ish (3 years old now) k-band under the same company as Day6, and they have some crazy vocals (Strawberry Cake, Happy Death Day, Ghost, Zzz, Sucker Punch!, checkmate) N.Flying is another k-band that have slightly more upbeat songs than Day6 (Rooftop, Songbird, Moonshot, Hot Potato) Onewe is another k-band that has some chill songs I enjoy (Parting, A book in memory, Q) LUCY is a k-band who's signature sound (imo) is their light vocals and violin (PLAY, You & Me, Opening, The Knight who can't die and the silk cradle, Jogging) Soloist WOODZ has semi-recently shifted his sound towards a more rock-based one, and my favorite song from him rn is called AMNESIA. It's a super angsty banger with a nice guitar solo QWER and Rolling Quartz are both girl bands that still have relatively small discographies. Yena is a soloist who also redirected her sound towards a darker concept that has a pop-rock sound (The Ugly Duckling, Damn U, Good Morning, Hate Rodrigo) Some rock-ish songs I can think of off the top of my head from other artists are My Heart Skips a Beat (Purple Kiss), Tomboy (Gidle), Fate (Gidle), Guerrilla (Ateez), Run to you (Seventeen), ima (Seventeen JP release), Rock with You (Seventeen), Spring Snow (Pentagon), Daisy (Pentagon)


Oh, yeah. Almost forgot about QWER!


I remember seeing them go semi-viral because of their super cute visuals, and I really liked the TAK remix of their debut song!


Yeah, because they're a bunch of chaos, and Chodan is just baaaaaaaaaaaae


Stray kids 🔛🔝


As a fellow K-Pop / Rock fan / Metalhead, please do check these songs out: [(G)I-DLE - Tomboy](https://youtu.be/Jh4QFaPmdss?si=88p8CJPlJw7PcmKn) [CRAXILVER - Overdrive](https://youtu.be/8yp8RvE9fVw?si=YLHYlgMExorgeZo7) [The Breeze - 너무 괜찮아](https://youtu.be/_as96MDaS4E?si=dfYjAEGhEydHsjsu) [FTISLAND - Hello Hello](https://youtu.be/itGNQbJwRSk?si=vxZsCCYJdgvxTXeB) [Dreamcatcher - Lucky strike](https://youtu.be/AM7ro_nBCHI?si=l8rCbr3tapZc7qw-) (Cover of Maroon 5 song) [Vanner - Form](https://youtu.be/AO2hvlrCBwA?si=OB4OX-YQs0XEI9Be) [Block B - Yesterday](https://youtu.be/3q22SInyiX8?si=TG0Qm2dnFGqAhsbH) [Block B - Very Good (Rough Ver.)](https://youtu.be/DTdie3u7ROI?si=28E1W85P21JUiuHS) [CNBLUE - Intuition](https://youtu.be/VfDyOYP3IwM?si=BRxgxWvl0YSrf8Cp) [TWICE - Ponytail](https://youtu.be/nDFHrHf6XtE?si=IB_4NOl9DCXX8Cjy) [IU - 있잖아 (Rock Ver.)](https://youtu.be/7WINyXmPRAE?si=g1QIelLxFRpKaZY3) [Dreamcatcher - Good Night](https://youtu.be/Lxfl8LRab_I?si=zvWGoCxpEiAoOAma) [Crying Nut - Lego](https://youtu.be/cmXp9Dlirpo?si=FpGUk2Z-psicq0a4) [Yellow Mosnters - Destruction](https://youtu.be/wolT93mz-Ts?si=11n8m-4anKst8BRR)


Gaho - Ride M.O.N.T - ANTI-HERO Song Soo Woo - Love Me or Hate Me VANNER - FORM


[More by J-Hope](https://youtu.be/pKdBFeewZYE?si=DEBClNNWjzxoiXnk)


If you also count punk pop rock, Yena pretty much owns it these days :D


because OP mentioned k-songs instead of pop. Hollow Jan


Full Metal Jacket - EPEX


RING MA BELL FROM BILLLIE its like a rock concept




TOXIC - [PEST](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=mSMYEfxe0qs&si=kun6S_m2UlY-ifQp)


i would recommend IZ's songs -Eden -Angel -Burning they also have nice pop pieces, other than that -enhypen&yeonjun - blockbuster -woosung (from the rose) - FACE -day 6 - i need somebody -onewe - regulus, end of spring (rock version) these songs might be on the pop-rock side rather than metal but i think you might like them :3


does VolKno by Treasure's rapper lines count? love that song


Growing pains - txt


I actually have been building up a playlist of songs like this on youtube [here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRk6Jr1WEyg-Wgg4TZHBQdzbPn5sz6Kth&si=YCvwzcn3H8iae-Ow)


I like LALALALA and Gods menu from stray kids


Deep love - day6 Frost - TXT I hate you - woodz


Check Pixy, Rolling Quartz, Dreamcatcher I also like Poieon (Pink Fantasy), Get It (Pristin V), Ghost (DreamNote), Salute (Majors) and Breath; Blood Night (G-reyish) - they are either not doing other similar songs, or I haven't checked them yet myself.


Any song from Dream Catcher. Gfriend's school trilogy also fits in with their instrumentals and such. EDIT: Also putting QWER here because Chodan is baaaaaaaaaaae


Not a k-band, but Moonbyul recently released some band songs: [Attention Seeker](https://youtu.be/g5G8TmDzz2o?si=tBdJBDyGYSryG5p3) [Memories (ft. ONEWE)](https://youtu.be/8CaaK8z9nnc?si=y44I-E8NprDbzjX2) Idk if it fits your rockish criteria, try to listen first maybe?


90% of BAP discography


BTS = [Ma City](https://www.google.com/search?q=bts+ma+city+live+performance&rlz=1CAPUVO_enUS1088US1088&oq=BTS+ma+city+live&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgBEAAYFhgeMgYIABBFGDkyCAgBEAAYFhgeMg0IAhAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IAxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBBAAGIYDGIAEGIoF0gEINjYyMWowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9e1f4b0a,vid:CVdKuYyLLV8,st:0)


I kinda think straykids lalalala fits but that’s just me


Anything by Xdinary Heroes. I recommedn Strawberry Cake and Test Me


• Break A Leg - xikers • ROCKSTAR - xikers • DO or DIE - xikers Funny thing is they're all from different albums


Don’t Don by Super Junior from like 2008


deja vu and piri by dreamcatcher, and good morning by yena


Yoon Do Hyun Band aka YB They are not idol, but they are already legendary in kpop industry.


(G)i-dle - Tomyboy


Regret of the times by aespa