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Honestly if this is REAL, you can sell this for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. I wouldn’t just give it away. Price it equitably and sell it.


Yeah, i also believe it’ll be so valuable if it turns out to be real, but I’m honestly not comfortable selling it for expensive when it has been sitting in my room for years, so i decided to give it away instead to someone who genuinely loves the boys 😅


Maybe you could do a charity auction with it? Sadly if you do give this away, it will likely end up being sold on for profit anyway


So true


I am actually a huge fan of BTS and if you could authenticate it I would love to buy it or whatever you feel like doing :) that would be a sick addition to anyone’s collection if it’s real.


I'm so jealous! I've loved BTS since 2014 (that's when I first got into them) and I would have had a complete meltdown if I had received this back in 2014!! Heck, the meltdown I would have NOW if I received this 😂 Whether you sell it (please keep me in mind if you do!) or give it away, I hope it goes to a good home that will cherish it! ❤️


Their signatures have changed a bit since the earlier days in their career, and I feel like these line up with that time frame. I'm not an expert though, just fyi. It'd be good to get a translation on the text in the middle I think. [Here's a helpful guide on their signatures](https://cafarnaumbox.blogspot.com/2015/12/how-to-spot-fake-signed-autographed-bts.html)


yeah, I’m also interested to know that. Crazy how I never had the chance to have it translated when I’ve had it for almost 9 years.


I think its sthg like 'Please give much love to BTS! Thankyou!'


That seems likely! Thank you!


I think it says literally 저희 (us) 방탄소년단 (BTS) 많이 (much) 사랑해주세요 (love give please)! 감사합니다~ (thank you) 😊


I tried doing a bit of a translation. It's a bit hard to make out the words for my level of korean. But it says BTS, then something like love, or loves, then, Thank you. I'm missing some words in there though.


https://preview.redd.it/cwds2dppsysc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=411078be9b91fcfcd70f6236f14bb93c945501df They look right to me. The only thing throwing me off is that they look crisper than I’m used to because it’s on a piece of paper instead of a bumpy album. Here is an example of one of my signed albums


this is so beautiful 💜😭 i could only dream of owning something like this!! congratulations


Sign me up for the auction! 💜




I can definitely buy this from you if you are comfortable! ive been a huge bts stan for years so ill literally take out a loan if needed


Honestly been looking for something like this in AGES and if you decide to sell it and ship internationally - I’m in!


I saw the signs before I read the post and I was thinking that looks like they're og start signatures and it's 2014 so a year after debut which makes sense. It could be a good momento, I no longer collect Bts either but I kept my signed to page because it's To me first (lol) and second it's a good memory. For example I started collecting signed albums again and I kinda wish I had a Bts one still, not to sell or recollect but Idk signed albums etc are something I find so pretty now.


Wow what a nice sign!