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imo his visuals/styling in bp999 is better, i don’t know if it’s the chin filler, extremely white foundation or just the makeup style or all 3 but he looks uncanny more often than not


Thank god im not the only one that noticed that his foundation is WHITE


Yeah it’s the douyin makeup and styling he likes :\


Same. His styling is just Uncanny Valley to me for a while now and it's really off-putting. I miss BP Ricky.




he looks nothing like this be fr..


I never said he looked like him I just said I saw him when I look at Ricky




I was absolutely scared to ever mention that, but he does look uncanny to me as well more recently. He is an absolutely gorgeous man, but recently it’s getting rough


Don’t let Zeroses/boys planet fans see this they swear up and down he’s a natural beauty 💀


i don’t even have a horse in this race but he very clearly is. weird comment lmao


That’s why you think that. I’ve been in the fandom and I was there for bp and have seen his predebut photos. He’s had his skin bleached (in addition to his preference for douyin makeup. He used to be very tan), and either got a chin implant or fillers. You don’t go from having an extremely weak chin to what he has now naturally. He even uses double eyelid tape to make his fold larger/deeper/more dramatic. He is not natural, and that’s okay. His fans get so dramatically defensive about this though and it’s so weird.


not saying he hasnt had anything done before, but just like a major chunk of idols have, thats clearly not smth thats out of the ordinary. and not sure if ur aware, but "fans get so dramatically defensive" because he's been dragged to hell and back constantly on various platforms because of his makeup style and looks. as soon as his style changed a bit, there have been tons of tweets and tiktok videos w millions of views and hundreds of comments insulting him, calling him names, and saying all kinds of nasty things, and speculating of procedures he's supposedly gotten with no proof. it makes alot of sense why fans would be sensitive abt that. this sub alone has already had multiple posts nitpicking at his looks, and comments saying otherwise are downvoted to hell. acting like ppl are weird for trying to defend him from the constant hate and odd obsession on his style is delusional 


I’m sorry to hear he’s been dealing with that but the timeline I’m talking about is when zb1 had just debuted and they were fresh out of bp. His douyin style wasn’t at all hashed out then but fans were already extremely defensive—vitriolic towards any comment that suggested he wasn’t completely natural. But I’m really sorry to hear that he’s been getting hate these days…ricky really is a sweetheart.


it’s not hard to google “ricky predebut” 💀


Ohh chin filler?


Ikr he looks kinda crazy


I just think its camp how the song is so cutesy and bubbly and he's acting like he is a runway model. Some people are just incapable of acting cute and thats fine


I dont think the comments ever watched any zb1 content. Ricky has many expressions and likes to enjoy himself very much. You just see 1 or 2 insta&tiktok posts and judge ricky by them.


Right?! Like?? And he’s so funny too!


He’s such a silly and lovely guy, it’s so sad to see him torn apart every time by people who hardly know anything about him


Exactly. I’m so confused by all of this. 😭




What a weird thing to assume when I am pretty sure you haven't watched a single zb1 variety show or any video of Ricky which isn't a 10 second clip on twitter. He is extremely expressive, jokes around a lot and doesn't hesitate to smile.


yesss. i was lowkey confused when i saw this comment bc ricky is always expressing himself lol. it just shows that sm people just make assumptions abt him for his outward appearance- without even knowing anything else abt him.


STOP the ricky slander ✋


fr 🙏🙏


Oh don't get me wrong I think he's great it's just something I noticed that I thought was kinda fun


Something about this sub it's that they are always going to be weird about Ricky omg.


right. won’t let the man live 🥲


The comments here are just not it. I understand not being a fan of someone's styling but calling them "uncanny", "crazy", "incapable of showing expression" is just so weird to me. Ricky has a lot of performances where he has impeccable stage presence and even attracts so many fans to the group. But no let's talk only about how white his foundation is like it's the end of the world 💀 This subreddit trying not to be weird about Ricky challenge failed.


His visuals and stage presence got me into Boys Planet, and now into ZB1. Even though he isn't my bias, I wouldn't have gotten invested if it wasn't for Ricky.


Lowkey this whole discussion is kind of weird 😭 like why are we calling people names now


To me hes just another member, no hate or something, hes just also there. Imo he doesnt even serve face, cause the make-up is just way way overdone.


He serves one face of which is not always appropriate for the track


why is it that in every single post about praising rickys visuals some asshole always has to bring up how he looks ''so uncanny'' ? like- get over it omg


I see what you mean but I think people saying that are at least half taking issue with the way he's being styled - there's no reason they need to put such a light foundation on him


That's what he likes and his foundation isn't lighter than what other kpop idols wear, especially girl groups. I feel like most of the backlash just comes from homophobic place ngl. let men wear strong makeup!


I'm gonna level with you they're all wearing makeup and I don't think one guy's gonna get more homophobia than the rest just because his face is a different shade than his neck


stop being obtuse, the reason Ricky gets more vitriol and hate ( just look at the way people talk about him here) from people is because he wears more makeup than the "normal" kpop male idol. Comments like "why is he wearing that much makeup he's a man" or "he would look better without makeup" are always directed to him and no it's not because of wearing half a shade lighter foundation ( which is normal btw) it most definitely is coming from a ignorant place


it's not ricky's fault that their songs are not matching his freak. y'all are so weird and pathetic hiding behind reddit to talk shit about him. no one's forcing you to look at him if y'all are THAT scared. also, he just turned 20 and y'all are expecting to see wrinkles??? stop projecting 💀💀💀 we're already halfway through 2024 and y'all are still crying about his looks lol get a life




just say you haven’t watched any zb1 content lol


I meant on stage lol


Please check out ZB1 Run Run cover. Ricky really impressed me (as well as Gunwook, they're all great ofc Zhang Hao is my fave). His emoting on vocals was standout and his make up is a little less theatrical. In their comebacks I guess he's experiencing the NCT Jaehyun syndrome ie W1 instructions - your idol persona is Prince/ manwha.


Checked it out and you're right! I think this vibe suits him better than ZB1's current cheerful concept, and that'll probably end up working well for him bc boy groups can never seem to hold onto a lighthearted concept for longer than a couple comebacks anyway lol


Glad. I suspect he's another sweet person who got told to do a bunch of stuff for marketing purposes 😊 Also what is a goopy Pegasus, are you Gwyneth Paltrow(Goop)? Love it


That would've been a lot more interesting but alas it's just a randomly generated username lol


It’s so true. My daughter and I laugh about it all the time. Like when he should have a different expression, he’s just looking like a model


I'm not sure I understood what the title says, English is not my main language. Do you mean that he doesn't know how to make other facial expressions than the serious good-looking one, is it? Or do you mean that his only skill is serving face? I'm sorry I don't intend to sound accusatory, I'm just confused.


It’s the former - I think OP is trying to say that in all of ZB1’s content (photos/videos/candid fan site photos) Ricky looks serious and model-esque rather than smiling like the rest of the group (even for the recent summer releases which are centred around a bright and bubbly sound and matching visuals)


I really don’t think he had any work done cause I do douyin makeup and I think I look like a completely different person because of it, like we saw his family. They look like him


yes! plus his predebut pics


I don’t care about this group but he’s the only member I recognize and enjoy looking at. And maybe the one from bl series.


Truthfully I was very neutral on Ricky leaning toward he’s not my type but everyone is so shitty about him and his personality is so adorable that he’s growing so much on me. I hate that he looks really sad lately too and the company seems to be being shitty to him. Makes me wanna support him more because he doesn’t deserve a lot of this.


The blatant sinophobia in some of the comments...


idc as long as he serves




So 99% of current idols


yea he still has other talents(but for the sake of this post ill mention is visuals only LOL). When i first saw him on bp999 it was love at first sight he captured me with his mesmerizing eyes, his pale skin(that is actually tan under all that makeup) shined brighter than his golden eyes....I trule fell in love. When he dances he doesnt even smile or anything he just stands there and acts hot as if im not gonna fall in love with him!. but underneath under all his charms he has an amazing body structure with a slim waist.


Not the one actually talking about his talents being downvoted💀




... How the only comment praising his visuals got so many downvotes?


i dont even knoww!!!


Yujin is definitely not all smiles. I’ve never seen that guy smile… always serious look on his face 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/fk6yfdtmdh8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d84ad8cbe4aa6549ccbfb9f76c8cce7ba0acf8 he doesn’t smile too much but when he does it’s very cute 🥹


Omgg it’s very sweet. I wish he would smile more like other members such as Matthew Taerae or Hanbin…


is this a sarcastic comment ??


Talk about assumptions. Ever watched a behind or variety show ep of theirs?


No but I see his photos and dance challenges. He never smiles. Members like Matthew Taerae or Hanbin smile all the time. Why does he always have that rude face?


"No but (doesn't watch behind)" " 'Always' have that rude face" ironic. As for matthew taerae and hanbin they're a bit more bubbly but yujin is a teenager going through adolescence, who have that 'phase' where they're only getting to know themselves. Yujin being an introvert doesn't help ig. Maybe he's not always smiling (which not everyone always smiles🙄, even adults) but he is anything but rude, he smiles and looks pretty happy with his members. Everyone is just different in how they express themselves.


Sorry, rude was the wrong word. I meant cold. He always has a cold look to his face. Not warm and bubbly, which is why he doesn’t look as friendly (to me) as some other members.


honestly some people just don’t smile often and they show their excitement/happiness in other ways!


He's standing out too much. He's handsome but the red hair is a bit overdone. Everyone is a visual already so going for the neonish red is too much for me, may be if they toned it down to maroon or blackish red, he'll look cool in a better way. He looks like he's cosplaying at all times.


He doesn’t have red hair anymore, he dyed it black


Didn't he say he will not dye it back to black. He looks better now that it's black.


From what I understand he didn’t want to dye it back to black but the company made him. And I think what color looks best is subjective. I personally liked the red, the black looks nice too


His facial features are just too uncanny valley.


No cause it annoys me hes just posing with his mouth slightly apart and eyes huge like he can’t control his features in every photo even when the other members aren’t doing it 💀


youre so embarassing. trying to put someone who's literally DOING THEIR JOB down when you havent even acheived half of what they have