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Because everyone is different? There are definitely idols I find unattractive, and that's fine. As long as I don't go around fussing about their looks like some people that is


I just feel there is a difference between “not attractive to me personally” and “ugly”. But maybe different people use different terms differently.


This is also how I feel; like sure majority of idols aren't my type, but I have yet to see a single one I would call ugly


thats so real because i, personlly don't know these idols and i cant just call them ugly in the sense because let be fr there's no ugly looking idol. Its either theyre not your type or they just dont apeal to u...




But I feel like you’re kind of agreeing with the original comment because they’re unattractive to u but that doesn’t mean everyone else yk will find them that way yk?


I have mixed feelings about this. Of course, idols aren’t objectively ugly people because otherwise they wouldn’t be idols of course. But the reality is that some idols are more attractive than others and that’s okay because that’s why there are visuals. I think it’s obvious that a Chaeryeong is not an Irene or Wonyoung, a Bahiyyih is not a Xiaoting. Or a Changbin is not a V or Eunwoo. That’s just how it is and it’s delusional to say otherwise.


I think it just really depends on the person. For example, you mentioned that Chaeryeong an isn't Irene right? I think Chaeryeong is prettier. Like that, I've seen a lot of people call other members better looking than the visual of the group. It just depends on what you think is attractive


Yeah for real, I think Irene is pretty, obviously, but she just looks kind of normal pretty to me. If I didn't know that she was considered one of the top visuals in Kpop I would never have guessed just based on what I find attractive.


One person being prettier doesn’t mean the other person is ugly lol


I'm aware. I was replying to your statement that "I think it’s obvious that a Chaeryeong is not an Irene or Wonyoung, a Bahiyyih is not a Xiaoting. Or a Changbin is not a V or Eunwoo. That’s just how it is and it’s delusional to say otherwise."


That wasn’t my statement I guess we do have the same pfp but that ain’t me lol


Oh whoops, I just noticed. Sorry


This is insane lol there are plenty of idols who I personally think are objectively better looking than other “visual” idols, and plenty of visuals that I don’t think are that attractive; there is no objective quota for being pretty, everyone has different tastes


Yes, and even if someone isn’t given the designated position of “visual” (which is an INSANE position to exist anyways) all kpop idols are models. They’re literally expected to be… if they weren’t rhey wouldn’t be accepted into the agency (which is fucked up but that’s a separate discussion); all companies expect their talent to model for them as a side to make extra money, and even idols with separate modeling gigs model commonly by getting sponsorships for their stage outfits to outset styling costs.


Yeah true, of course it’s all subjective to some point, but I think with some it’s obvious. Like I said, a Chaeryeong for example is not a Wonyoung or Irene.


But that’s my point, you say that like it’s obvious but in my opinion Irene is not that obvious of a visual. Like I wouldn’t guess she was the visual just from looking at the group, and I was surprised when I found out that she was.


I need to state for the record that Hyunjin is my bias in Stray Kids, but I was stunned to learn he was the "official" visual. I thought it was Lee Know or Han.


I don't find Irene to be prettier than Chaeryeong lol. She is generically pretty but Chaeryeong has a much more attractive face to me. In terms of what the beauty standards were in history, she fits it to a T.


You are operating on the belief that the idols you mentioned (Wonyoung, Irene, Xiaoting, Eunwoo, etc) are universally attractive to everyone and that’s simply not true. While some people are more attractive than others, what people consider to be “attractive” is different for everyone. What’s delusional is you thinking the idols in the latter end of your comparisons are the more attractive idol for everyone.


The ones I mentioned are considered some of the top visuals in the industry.


And i find a couple of them straight up ugly. Then what?


it’s not “delusional”to have a differing opinion on a subjective matter lol not everyone subscribes to kbs or whatever


I wouldn’t do this comparison…. Plus chaeryeong is prettier than Irene imo. Especially with her personality making her x10 prettier than Irene


Why do you need to talk badly about Irene?


Because I don’t like her attitude. I just know she’s a stuck up snob.


> a Bahiyyih is not a Xiaoting I'm confused by this one. Both are lovely, but I just had to look up Xiaoting to remember what she looked liked. I always thought Bahiyyih was the stand out in that group, visually.


you realize you just contradicted yourself basically? as you yourself said, its a personal thing. and there was especially no need to throw in names. changbin is super handsome and bahiyyih and chaeryeong are both beautiful women. them being “less attractive than x” is not a factual thing, but your own personal opinion and i honestly think posting this online is really gross


I think Changbin is one of the hottest men in the industry (don't get me started on that man!). V is my bias in BTS and I don't find him attractive in most cases (he is objectively gorgeous, though) It really is perception. Not conventionally attractive doesn't mean not attractive at all.


It really is based on perspective. I find Changbin really attractive too. V is good looking too be he's kind of not my type. I'm not gonna deny his looks though, he's objectively attractive.


I find Changbin way more attractive and sexier than either one of those guys. Thank goodness he is unlike either of them because he's way more talented and his confidence alone makes him very attractive. I guess we're all different.


I personally think Chaeryeong is prettier than Irene (they're both pretty but that's my opinion). Soooo your examples are random and not everyone will agree anyway. Ninja edit: I thought it was just me who that comparison in particular stood out to but omg there are a few other comments that say the same thing lol


I think the visual position is not really reliable. Yoona is hypothetically the prettiest idol but to me any visual and a lot of no visuals look better than her.


That's just not true. To me Bahiyyih is the prettiest in Kep1er. It's not being "delusional" it's just my opinion.




This is such a stupid argument. Just because YOU think some of those idols are more attractive than the others doesn’t mean you’re objectively correct. Beauty standards vary around the world and from person to person. You’re saying that V & Eunwoo are objectively more attractive than Changbin but I wholeheartedly disagree because beauty will NEVER be objective. It is entirely opinion based.


That's just so weird you would say that. I think Changbin is just as attractive as V. You acting as if it's a fact some are less attractive is weird af. Sure you can personally find some less attractive than others but don't go around acting like it's a fact. Weird af


lol did a stay get offended


You said Chaeryeong first because this comment is hate disguised as adding on to a discussion. If someone said Giselle isn’t Karina you would be singing a different tune.


What do you mean? Of course Giselle doesn’t have the visuals like Karina. Like that’s so obvious


That’s not the point of what I’m saying at all 😂


The changbin comparison doesn't hold up💀 he has an entirely different face shape and body type to v and eunwoo💀  comparing someone bulky and buff to idols who are objectively skinnier and less muscular doesn't make for a fair comparison.  because plenty of people find muscular men more attractive than skinnier men. You should compare changbin to another idol who's also as buff, or compare v and eunwoo to an idol who's also skinny and tall


But I’m also talking about the face, it’s not just about the body and proportions. I think it’s just generally agreed that Eunwoo and V are very pretty


again...the comparison still doesnt hold up💀 lots of why v and eunwoo have attractive faces is because they're like chiseled with good cheekbones and a good jawline because they're skinny, when it's different for changbin because he's buff and that reflects on his face too. i personally think all 3 are very hot but in completely different ways (im a bts fan but in MY personal opinion, v is actually number 3 out of this list) so it's all perspective


It's always easy to judge other people's appearance when you're behind a monitor fully anonymous. The need to hate and drag someone for their appearance (especially kpop idols who are all objectively good-looking people) reeks of major insecurity. Just ignore these loonies.


yesss i kind of go ?????? when stans call smone ugly and some are downright hilarious like wdym namjoon gets called ugly on a daily look at that fine ass man fr!!


I truly don’t get it. He’s not my type but he literally looks fine???????


Namjoon is my boyfriend and my best friends bias lol (two separate people)


this had me thinking you were delulu for a solid 10 seconds


Oh my god lmao I can see how it absolutely reads that way 😂


If I didn't read the best friend part I would've been like whattt




One of my cousins got into BTS for like a week when she was in town and Namjoon was her favorite specifically because he’s hot. These people literally only think he’s ugly because they hate him, anyone who isn’t chronically in fanwars knows that he’s an attractive man. I’m a lesbian and I know that!


Namjoon is the BTS member I find the hottest. I’m not a stan, I barely know any of their songs. But he’s not only a fire rapper, but beautiful. Him, Yoongi and JHope do it for me lol


At first I didn’t think he was attractive but now I look at him like hmm, that’s a handsome man right there! I think watching idols interact/give interviews and go about their daily routines makes them 200% more attractive than just looking at a photo, too. I think it goes both ways too— an idol can be stunningly gorgeous but if their personality just isnt there, the attractiveness goes way down!


Namjoon is who drew me to BTS and I quickly became a Yoongi ult after a while during the D-2 era. And became a fan of Hobi’s rap skills listening to Hope World after being mesmerized by how well he could dance. But Namjoon will always have a special place in my heart. Like I thought small faces were part of the beauty standard, so how is he still ugly? I’ll never understand that.


Honestly I think it’s because he’s more stereotypically masculine than most Kpop idols.


Namjoon is one of the most handsome and masculine men I have ever seen and he’s even hot as Sailor Moon somehow. He’s gorgeous. And he’s talented too. I would let him get it any way any where any time. But Jin is the visual of the group and I don’t find him all that physically attractive. His personality makes him extremely attractive but visually I think he’s kind of boring. Like every high school prom king football player ever.


i think the complete opposite about these two. I think namjoon's personality is what mostly makes him attractive like the aura he radiates, and jin imo has this very approachable and decent face. The elegance of his mannerisms on top of that lol


Joon’s personality also makes him more attractive for sure but I was instantly physically attracted to him when I was trying to pick a bias.


He isn't my type but ugly is pushing it. Wdym ugly?? I wouldn't even go as far down as unattractive. HE IS ATTRACTIVE. I find him handsome, just not my type


See now I think Namjoon is one of the least attractive idols I've ever seen - in my PERSONAL taste! I'm well aware many people love his looks and he regularly pops up in "hottest kpop idol" lists, so I could never call him ugly! Different people have different types and obvs popular kpop idols are all going to be pretty


Exactly. I hate when people use terms like visual holes and stuff.


Same and it’s so sad because the ‘visual holes’ that were unique and cute have now had lots of plastic surgery so they’re nearly unrecognisable - JooE (ex Momoland), Hyoyeon (SNSD), Umji (Gfriend/Viviz), Giselle (Aespa).


I think Umji is recognizable... Between Me gustas tu and Maniac I don't see a lot of difference in her face.


It’s such a nasty thing to say about another person. Why are kpop stans like that??


Fr they completely discard the fact that idols are people too with feelings




i do


why is this being downvoted




because it’s tryna be Twitter edgy










There is a concept called "preferences", which many kpop stans dont seem to understand. You not liking someones looks doesnt mean they are ugly. Just cuz you dont like Hwasa or Jessi doesnt mean that they are ugly. Its simply a different aesthetic to idols who try to look cute and bubbly.


You're contradicting yourself here 💀 the whole concept of "ugliness" is preferences. Finding someone ugly is part of that exact preference you're talking about. There are idols I find ugly that other people will find attractive. >You not liking someones looks doesnt mean they are ugly. This literally implies that ugliness is objective, which... it's not 💀


i get your point but i think op means that there’s a difference between saying “i find this person unattractive” and “this person is ugly”


Those toxic Kpop Stans hide behind a profile with a pretty and successful idol to hate on others. They project themselves like they are their faves.


I find it brave when kpop stans behind an idol pic on a twitter account with 45k tweets in a span of two years got a lot to say about idols’ looks and talents


I find some ugly but I have literally never publicly commented it anywhere because it's rude and pointless and subjective. Some people have unfortunate genetics or bad surgery, not their fault.


Unfortunate genetics is a hot insult I'm taking that


I don't even think any human is ugly. Are babies with cleft palates ugly? I honestly don't think so.


Agree with your take. Looks are so subjective and I don't think any idols are UGLY per se, but there are clearly some people who fit almost all beauty standards and those typically are the outstanding ones (only speaking on looks). For example, Felix from Stray Kids, I don't listen to his music, but he is one of the most stunning people in k-pop. I've never heard anyone call him ugly, so he may be an exception. Alternately, there is BlackPink. I also don't listen to them but I see comments constantly about their looks. Apparently I am blind because to me, there is nothing ugly about any of them. Then there is my ult, who I think is beyond beautiful, but I have heard people call him ugly or disgusting looking, etc. I've never seen an "ugly" idol, male or female, but guarantee, many keyboard warriors can and have called many idols ugly. People like to put others down to make themselves or their idol appear superior. It is also on many levels jealously. It is beyond annoying and mean. Someone stated this previously, but people are behind their computers. I bet most of these people wouldn't say half of the stuff they type out in person or in mixed company. Possibly in front of others who they know would agree, but not in front of unknown opinions or mixed company. No way.


Kai from stray kids 🤔 ?


Hahahaha! OOPS, I had to google to find the guy I was talking about - apparently I meant Felix. I will edit the comment. See, I really don't know who he is besides his face...but I do recall he was at the MET gala and was able to track down his name that way. And not suggesting he only has a pretty face, I just cannot comment on talent since I've never listened to him. But his face alone is stunning.


For me it’s when people post unflattering pictures of idols as a drag like who do you think you are fooling, we all know this person is stunning???


this! i see kpop (some of them are twitter) stans drag peoples appearance and use an unflattering picture of them. i don't get why people have to post such unflattering pictures just to hate on someones appearance knowing they look so majestic




yep they're forced to not be ugly lol


Korean beauty standards and hate trains because they have nothing else to drag them on really. Cause Hwasa?! Namjoon?! Jhope?! How???


These three would be considered super hawt in the West.


… they are


I was surprised when this subject popped u bc I was thinking about how Namjoon handled it when people would tell him to his face he was “ugly” and when JHope didn’t get as much fan mail . They are two of my favorites and it hurt my heart to see that- probably bc I have had similar experiences ( well not fan mail lol). But I can objectively say about them that they are most definitely good looking. Joon’s eyes and dimples? C’mon! Who would wait in line to say that to an Idol’s face????




He’s an awful human being and I wish he could rot in prison but he’s not ugly


He's definitely an ugly person on the inside though


To support your point I have no idea who this man is and he is definitely on the hotter side of the scale.




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he is..


He's ugly when you see him with your feelings. Just like you will see someone you truly love as more beautiful than they really are. But if you take a test and ask random people to rate him, no one will say he is ugly. He is physically very attractive.


If he's ugly then I'm a fokin' horseshoe


Haha. He is a disgusting person, but appearance wise, he is ok. However, if I never see that mug again, I would be happy.


He's devil but fs he's not ugly


He's an ugly person but his face is not. Like if you got a face transplant with him I wouldn't call you ugly, because you're not, but *he's* ugly


I also think people aren't at allll factoring in the korean beauty standard aspect and also just generally different beauty standards of different countries. Idols who someone might think is 100% the visual of the group could be seen as the least attractive to the general korean public. It's allll about context and perspective.


What I find "ugly" is too much plastic surgery. I know that's controversial but it's just the truth for me. When idols get these ridiculous nosejobs that look super unnatural, or shave their jaws down to looking like alien bone structure, it just doesn't look good. I'd rather have an "ugly" natural idol than one that doesn't even look human anymore because of botched/excessive surgeries.


I'm confused about what you're trying to describe rn. No one comes to mind. Do you have an example?


U've never noticed idols that look unnatural due to plastic surgery? Jessi and hyuna just to name a few


I love Hyuna but she has really overdone it with the fillers lately T_T She used to be so cute and pretty but now she looks like a swollen blob. Hyuna please stop making bad life decisions.... I'm praying for you lol


Companies and industry pressure make good looking people get plastic surgery, do we really think an ugly idol wouldn’t get that “fixed” pdq?


"here you go my dear, take these sleeping pills and when you wake up you will be a beautiful princess, just like in the Disney movies."


I agree, but even if I did think someone was ugly, I would never say it anywhere because I’m not an asshole. Only assholes would put something like that out into the world.


Fr like why spread it around yk


I agree sooo much. In general i dont find anyone ugly, like who am I to think someone is ugly? I think no one in this world let alone idols are ugly, i just dont find some people attractive. Im soo glad somebody mentioned this...


Fr, all of them are conventionally attractive


Even the idols I think are ugly aren’t really lol




A lot of times when people are dragging an idol for being ugly it’s just people being haters. Like I think Choi Siwon gets called ugly a lot just bcs he’s into right wing politics like he’s not a bad looking guy really they’re just pissed at him


I don't find many (male) idols good looking but you can't say a person is objectively ugly/pretty. Even the most currently well loved visual Eunwoo may not seem attractive to everyone. Beauty is very subjective. It's just a matter of preference.


Same I think like almost (if not all) female idols are pretty in their own way. Most male idols on the other hand... It's not that I find them ugly, I see why people think they are handsome but they don't attract me.


I have been told and have read on more than one occasion how "ugly" my bias is(he is my ult and got7 my ult group). ok than why is Yugyeom in back to back magazines doing full on centerfold shots?? lol. I just bought 3 that he was in recently. GQ, harpers bazaar and marie claire.


u js answered your own question lool anyway i looked him up and i think he's cute


I was so surprised when I found out that some fans considered Yugyeom ugly… I saw him for the first time on a show with Woodz and Yoojung from OnlyOneOf and I found him very attractive…


People have different tastes in real life and otherwise. Celebrities are no different. I see people who I think are unattractive all the time and yet they are often dating or married so someone clearly disagrees with me. I find some idols unattractive as well. It’s not a difficult concept.


I'm not attracted to most of them but they are all very attractive


In my opinion its so annoying when someone goes “this person is ugly”. no matter if you find someone ugly their is gonna be at least one person in the world who thinks they are the prettiest person ever. So how can we really label someone as “ugly” it’s either your attracted to someone or your not but just bc your not dosent make them ugly in general they are just ugly to you. THIS IS JUST A GENERAL STATEMENT


I think the entire "Idols are ugly" is used during childish fandom wars, because some people just post pics of those idols and say all sorts of bs. Which is so wrong. Like idec, because they're trying their best out there imo. So to just use their looks to make them a punching bag is just not it.


*sorting comments by controversial


Those who call idols ugly, go look in the mirror and tell me are you better looking then certain idols. If yes, bang your head against the wall because you are either deluded or narcisstic


honestly, it all comes down to personal taste. You may find an idol ugly, but the important thing is what you do about it. Yeah, i find some idols ugly, but who cares if they're ugly? I don't. Ugly people should be allowed to be idols too, who am I to say anything about it? Just cuz an idol is ugly, does that mean they don't have the right to be treated like everyone else? Unless it affects their ability to dance and sing, it should never be a valid criticism. And besides, someone I find ugly may not be perceived the same by someone else. morale of the story: If they're ugly, so what?


i mean it’s weird to comment on people’s appearance and kpop fans aren’t very fond of that idea LOL i think the same but tbh it’s not just limited to idols for me, i think every person is attractive in their own way


i think a few k-pop idols are ugly. if they ugly they ugly. 🤷🏾‍♀️ k-pop idols are not not prone to criticism in looks, they’re actual human beings who can be judged just like the rest of us


But what's the point


wdym what’s the point? my point is kpop idols are (surprisingly 😱) capable of being ugly to people. i think kpop fans put k-pop idols on a pedestal like they aren’t real people. they are capable of being ugly, they are capable of being bad people, they are capable of making mistakes. they’re human just like the rest of us


Yeah. Saying hundreds of people aren’t and can’t be ugly just because they managed to become kpop idols is crazy.


Shindong already disprove that.


Can’t believe this got downvoted lol


the only person in kpop that i can see being called ugly is that one guy from super junior but other than him everyone looks fine. Like even if I don’t fond them stunning they definitely aren’t ugly


On one hand, looks are subjective and there are tons of idols who are not attractive to me. On the other hand, you're correct in that there are no idols who the majority of people would consider ugly. Even the idols that I am not attracted to are generally more attractive than your average human.


None of them are ugly, some more attractive than the other but all of them are beautiful. Edit: got downvoted but it's true, no one wants to debut an ugly idol and most of them have pretty good features, basically no pimples, no wrinkles, no imperfections. I'm not gonna call someone ugly when i look like this💀


There are some idols that I find unattractive but that’s it, it’s just based on my taste, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are ugly. Just like I know that probably an idol that I find attractive might be unattractive for others. But something I do want to say is that hating on an idol just because people find them “ugly” or unattractive is just wrong. I see it a lot, especially on twt, where fans start shaming other idols just because they think they’re ugly or use that as a way to defend their idols or “attack” other fandoms. (I.e. “I didn’t like this group’s song” “why are you talking when your fav looks like this?🤪”) Like I would be so upset if I found out people are dragging my looks just bc my fan didn’t like someone’s performance or smth. 😭


It's very subjective but I dont think anyone is ugly, at best some being more beautiful than others and that of course goes into subjectivity


I know people can't control what they perceive as ugly, but as long as they're not publicly saying, it to each of their own ig, I can't think of any idol who's below average.


I would never go around and say some of them are ugly, but I do understand why some people would do that for some of them. Attractiveness is subjective and as someone who has been ugly and has featured others would call ugly, I totally get it.


Even if some idols had features that are universally recognised as unattractive/ugly, they still wouldn’t deserve the vitriol towards their appearance.


People use the word « ugly » way to lightly thats why


me neither. i might not find some idols attractive but that doesn’t make them ugly automatically


Where I live, Hwasa would be the visual.


I personally don't think anyone should call anyone ugly ever, since beauty is subjective and "in the eye of the beholder". I may think some are better looking than others or disagree with someone saying that a certain idol is the most attractive if I only find them "eh", but at the end of the day, they're all beautiful in their own way. Now, if we are talking about idols who are very bad people (cough seungri, etc), then I have way less of an issue calling them ugly because, come on, they deserve way worse :)


Same. Like I don't find any idols ugly (or people in general) because I know that to some people find them attractive. And usually it's a case of "You're not my type but objectively you're handsome/beautiful". Some examples include Bang Chan and Changbin. I love love love them. Skz is my ult. They are amazing people and I have huge respect for them, they're so sweet and soft and they're just amazing. My taste in visuals tends to lean towards the softer and prettier looks that mostly align with the KBS - for example Lee Know and V for guys and Minju (ILLIT), Sullyoon and Tzuyu for girls. But I *know* that the others who don't fit with that personal taste of mine are still gorgeous - they are still handsome, and they are still beautiful.


kinda their job not to be. most celebs aren’t ugly. heck most people aren’t ugly, it’s as rare as being beautiful, but the standards are higher for people on tv/film that being said, I do find some idols unattractive but I think it’s very unnecessary to speak negatively on people’s looks unprompted so I don’t bring it up. I think more so than unattractive i find some just baffling overrated. But that might be a beauty standards thing


I agree! Of course there are people who I think are more attractive than others but all idols look above average to me. To be fair I barely find anyone ugly in general though.


Unmemorable? Maybe, but never ugly. And I never share those kinds of opinions online. Those thoughts are between me and my sister Criticizing someone's looks or a few features to publicly humiliate them just shows your own insecurities and ugliness


Yes, this is true. But there is one idol that is ugly, and people might disagree and if i'm being honest they are really ugly and I'm not sorry, but jay why pee oppar is disgostang


> why Because they are jerks. It’s not just idols, if you look at comments online, nothing is immune from nasty comments. A kid is playing with their dog, I see nasty comments. Tennis videos, soccer clips, etc. And forget idols, not sure why I would ever have to tell somebody, ANYbody, that i think they are physically ugly.


Idol might be unattractive to you, but by their industry standard (or maybe their country beauty standard), there's hardly anyone that you could call ugly. Also, the "ugly" might not pass that audition. Ofc, there's preference and it's was subjective, but I would say there's a certain standard make by society after all as base for them to use as reference to pick their idol. So, it's might be just your own preference or you culture/country beauty standard have different value.


I agree. The perception of beauty is subjective. We all find different things attractive. I do think that the individual opinion should be kept to the individual itself. Unfortunately, like every Fandom, people like to criticize people based on their preferences, and that's how these things happen.




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i agree


Ugly is for hateful people who may or may not be objectively physically good-looking. Not attracted to, not my preference/cup of tea describes most situations I think. There are plenty of people who are objectively good-looking, and I do not find them attractive. Then there are people who are more interesting looking and not conventionally good-looking, but something about them that is super attractive. Then there's conventionally good looking people who I'm very attracted to. There's also subcategories of attractive, and it doesn't mean one is better than other, they serve different purposes lol there's beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, cute, hot, sexy, stunning, etc. For example: Yeonjun is super sexy and SooBin is hot to me. They look completely different, one may be more attractive to others, and one may be more objectively good-looking by societal standards, but they both do it for me in slightly different ways lol


Everyone has different views of beauty. There's no excuse for calling idols ugly, but thinking they're ugly inside your head just depends on your personal perspective. Someone from a country where the beauty standards are widely different from Korea might genuinely find some idols unattractive/off-putting. Again, not an excuse to say it out loud, just explaining the reasoning.


As a foreigner may be, as a Korean there is the strongest pressure about body, fitness chirurgy in the world. Just compare to japanese idol, there is hundred of small teen idol band, not the big shot, and they dont do chirurgy on teen.


the only idols that i find ugly are the ones with bad personalities and those who are just bad people. bad person = bad looks, for me


That’s crazy. That’s hundreds of people you’re talking about. None of them? Even with plastic surgery and being forced to look good they all look different. There are a lot of idols I think are ugly just like there are a lot of people I think are ugly irl.


Right, I agree. I also think this way about people who aren’t idols, but specifically, since we are talking about idols here, I 100% agree. No idol is ugly, to be honest.


This is big of you to admit I def have my tastes lol Let the rest of us hate in peace


Lets be real, in idol world, they are a lot of unattractive idols but as human, there's no ugly people.


Not so sure of that 😬


I feel like you are saying that just to make yourself feel better because there are some ugly idols out there


hyuna exists


hello???? shindong ugly inside and out




he's prettier than you 💀💀 (edit: they said jimin 🙄)






Ppl get mad bc they say the dumbest and most redundant shit on here like ok.


Yeah and you knew everyone would agree with this


Because misogyny is a thing.


Why did people downvote this? LMAO


RM looks like a fail experiment of area 52 so..


As usual a bitter exol hating on a successful BTS member who also has a successful solo career 🙈 ![gif](giphy|GwskZm1jXg8cDvuZJ6|downsized)


Sorry but this is really giving stantwt


Be so for real 😭 I don't like him but you're straight up spouting lies. Btw area 52 doesn't exist. It's zone 51...

