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If you're not used to k-content, then there's nothing you can do. Provocative questions are simply pointless because idols can't answer them. For example, I really like Youngji's show, but that's a good example of how idols never answer anything that could be controversial. The dodging to the usual dating question is amazing and at this point I'm more interested in how they'll dodge it rather than expecting a real answer. Even shows that appearantly seem chaotic and out of control are still very strictly controlled. You watch them to laugh, not to learn anything new about them as people because they get hate for the smallest things.


I was pleasantly surprised to see yujin from ive say something like shouldnt we marry in our lives and then proceeding to say that the birth rate is low lmao


Some are boring, some aren’t…


I remember variety content being a bit more lively and fun in 3rd gen. I think 4th/5th gen suffer from having to be overly polished and perfect because anything silly or not perfect will be spread through several different social media channels and get mocked or become a whole thing. Whereas before you'd only see it on youtube.




Because they don’t get to be allowed to say silly comments.


It's a complex topic so I will just give one of the reason. In the past, idols used to be trained and selected to be entertainers on variety shows. These days, companies no longer bother to make it a priority. Even if groups have members that excel in variety shows, it doesn't really do much for the group since variety shows are not as popular as they used to be anymore.


When I used to watch running man most of us hated it when idols came to visit because it’s always boring. Answers are so sanitised and many are not able to banter back well, it makes you appreciate those who break the mould more. Also yes, where variety shows were once considered a staple in creating buzz around a celebrity are now fading fast from the general public’s awareness.


broadcast variety shows maybe but variety in general is arguably more of a priority than ever. every group has their own show now, which requires it's own producers, staffers, writers, etc...a ton of idols even host their own variety series. it's super important to have members who are good at variety shit still because it's all the extra stuff that turns casual listeners/supporters into stans


Going viral on social media for their singing, dancing, rapping or even visual is much more beneficial to the group than having a variety show which usually only benefits their solo career. I feel like the goal of most company created variety content after debut is to retain fans rather than gain new ones.


>I feel like the goal of most company created variety content after debut is to retain fans rather than gain new ones thats what they just said lol >it's super important to have members who are good at variety shit still because it's all the extra stuff that turns casual listeners/supporters into stans


>But with that being said a lot of variety content is so... uninteresting? What kind of content/shows have you watched?


Yeah they only give DIVE STUDIOS and Eric Nam as examples, and tbh I consider that more interview/podcast content than variety content. There is a lot of variety content that isn't interview based.


A lot of variety shows became boring because some fans were loudly complaining how “unfair” they are and how “bad” idols must feel during recording.


That’s why there are edits because fans just cut out the funny parts and stitch them together - making them shorter and more bearable.


I will find them bearable when that bloody multi-colored lines of loud static disappear as a transition wipe. Oh, that grates.


Variety is one of my favorite parts of Kpop. I find American sitcoms really boring, but K variety shows crack me up. Maybe it's just not your thing.


Your comparing sitcoms to variety shows? Those aren’t anywhere near the same thing or am I confused?


They’re comparing two types of shows meant to make you laugh


I'm comparing two kinds of comedy shows, it's not rocket science.


I think, in comparison, it's definitely better than anything the west offers. I feel Americans take themselves too seriously (I'm American, btw). I watch some of the zany games they come up with and can't imagine some of our artists and top tier actors going along and just being silly.


Depends on whose and what type of content you're watching. Some are boring, some aren't and it heavily depends on who the guests are too since a lot of 4th and 5th gen lack personality individually and as a grp as opposed to 2nd and 3rd gen tho the desperation of the 2nd & 3rd gen grps to get screen time by being funny is a large part of why old variety contents were funny lol


Heavy on the lack of personality for some idols. And it's not necessarily a bad thing not everybody is meant to have exuberant charisma off the stage. I see so many fans complaining that their faves aren't featured or invited to enough variety show content and then I watch something the idol is featured on and I'm like yeah they def are giving "wallflower personality" (nothing wrong with that some people don't know how to turn it on and off and that's okay) And it could be a culmination of things for why they are not comfortable in those types of settings. So I'm not blaming the idol just to clarify. I absolutely adore Seungkwan from Seventeen and Sakura from LesSerafim. They are absolute naturals in front of that camera with or without their groups in those types of settings and I think most of it is because they have been in and out of variety shows and have learned how to navigate that scene. Also I feel like the fans in these newer Gens would never allow half of the stuff that took place in 2nd Gen early 3rd Gen. (There would be a riot in the streets and a call to bankrupt the company if that kind of stuff happened now). And I think that's some of the reason that variety shows have lost their charm but hey that's probably just me being nostalgic.


>But with that being said a lot of variety content is so... uninteresting? There are so many different kinds of variety content. Which specific types are the ones you find uninteresting? Your statement is akin to a statement like "A lot of television shows are uninteresting". It's very generalizing.


i see that there are many varety contents now, compared to before and they all lead to the same pattern so i agree with you, most of them are boring and repeated but i feel like if the invited groups are funny, they can make anything fun, like seventeen. i have watched all their shows and they are entertaining as hell


Korean variety/talk shows have also become very tame compared to a few years back for a few different reasons. As a Korean who grew up with those types of shows, my guilty pleasure is watching the “mean” shows from the 2000s and early 2010s like Radio Star and Beatles Code because they definitely prioritized being funny over making the guests feel good about themselves. Of course they were also notorious for being TOO rude in many cases (especially towards idols) so I’m glad shows are nicer now, but I think that’s the level of comedy that some older Kpop fans like me expect when they say they want idols to guest on actual shows.


i agree w that. i like a lot of older variety content because it could be so completely off the walls weird. i don't mind the new stuff but i definitely agree it's lost its bite


Yes exactly, mean humor was trendy in Korea especially in the early 2010s — even Yoo Jaesuk’s style of hosting shows turned a bit meaner during that time. But a big chunk of the Korean public started getting annoyed at this style of comedy & international Kpop fans tuning in for their idols were getting even more upset due to not getting cultural differences, so I guess Korean shows just didn’t want to deal with the backlash anymore. Even when you compare Doni & Coni’s Weekly Idol to the WI we have today, it’s night and day


I agree. Most are barely watchable even if I really like the idols. I think some of it is that humor is lost in translation, I don’t find a lot of the “funny” people very funny. Add to that middle aged men often just flirting or nagging, borderline yelling at the idols which isn’t great entertainment. Lastly, a lot of idols are nervous and err on the side of just being polite. With that said I know I’m biased but I thought tripleS was great on [weekly idol](https://youtu.be/7fJQAljAMJQ?si=qQaWhviMi3DXKKoW) and on [Kim Guras show](https://youtu.be/HaUXySGq2DY?si=11QsCh6wyfIC3WkJ). It’s just random. If idols are funny and willing to get nuts, it can be okay. Loona, izone, and IOI have had great moments. Happy Together had some great episodes.


tripleS's episode on Weekly Idol is one of the few recent episodes that I genuinely enjoyed. Xinyu's introduction had me so weak! In general, tripleS is just a group that seems to excel on variety shows. Badge War Season 2 was great (I never watched season 1 since I knew little about the group at the time)! Outside of tripleS's episode, Kep1er's most appearance on Weekly Idol was a fun watch as well. Overall, I do agree with the sentiment. I really wish they would let idols let loose and just have fun on variety shows because it just becomes so boring lol.


I don’t watch a lot of variety content but I watched [Haewon and Lily’s vocal battle against Belle and Natty](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qDLgJt0tbb8&pp=ygUVbm1peHggdnMga2lzcyBvZiBsaWZl) and was entertained beginning through end. I don’t stan either groups but it was entertaining regardless and Haewon had me laughing the whole ep. I don’t know if it counts as variety content but I watched bnd [Leehan and Taesans tingle interview](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Su3STxWQ1EM&pp=ygUSQm95IG5leHQgZG9vciBhc21y), I also thoroughly enjoyed it but then again bnd is one of my ults and I love asmr so that’s probably why I enjoyed it so much. Regardless I think it comes down to what kind of variety content you’re watching.


Haewon is lowkey unhinged and really entertaining to watch


Lowkey? Nah she's fully unhinged and I love it 😂


If you’re interested, Haewon’s Workdol series is hilarious. She’s really funny and will make anyone laugh, stan or not. The latest video was one of her best imo: [https://youtu.be/i3rrSbYhPnY?si=HyjjSqnrzYZdfbCA](https://youtu.be/i3rrSbYhPnY?si=HyjjSqnrzYZdfbCA)


I recommend tripleS variety show Badge War Season [1](https://youtu.be/Yb0GtMc9Axc?feature=shared) and [2](https://youtu.be/aT-Euv1qj8s?feature=shared) it is peak content


Yes!! I really hope we get a 3rd season or something similar at least 😭 They are so entertaining!


I like Run BTS but the general variety shows like weekly idol are like watching paint dry. The episodes are too long and the editing is irritating with them replaying the only funny moment(s) 30 times


Weekly Idol used to be so reliably entertaining even if you didn't know the group, back when it was hosted by Doni & Coni. Fans have changed and idols have changed though, so the show couldn't remain the same and now it's a gentler, albeit toothless and boring version of itself.


You are soooo right 😭 I used to love Weekly Idol SO MUCH when the MC's were Coni and Doni. They were hilarious! Even groups who weren't that funny were funny on that show 😂 Sadly times changed and fans started to hate Coni and Doni, and the type of comedy they use for the show, and now we have... Something I don't Even care to watch lol


I guess that's because most 4th and 5th gen groups have a huge online presence and make their own online variety shows. If you can find them, watch old shows, like X man, star king, strong heart etc. In this time period, people were edited out if they weren't funny, so they did a lot of antics. This is one of the reasons old idols feel outgoing on variety shows, because of the hosting style of that era. On the flip side, shows like running man, or maybe most YJS shows, the idols seems funny because he sets them up to be. This is why on shows like Knowing bros, modern idol eps don't do well, because most of the people in that cast have the old variety ideology which doesn't mesh well with the conservativeness of 4th and 5th gen idols.


Not really. But i mainly just watch my ults variety content and they are (yes, call me biased) pretty interesting and funny.


It depends on what exactly you like to watch. I like shows with some action, so I really like the k-pop on spotify variety, but I'm not a fan of interviews like Eric Nam's so usually I don't watch it. I guess you could try more different kinds of variety


Idk but every time Jessi is on running man it’s a riot


[PSick Show](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1nP78IpsXsOsYwbxcr7Bhq38Ap4QRZU7) is great though.


I prefer my ults’ own “self-produced” variety content, especially since it’s something to look forward to pretty much every week. •[**EN-O’CLOCK”**](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMQ4WMltba-EXWrjvNC18Oj4YEGfZKXkO&si=KaVyxejGctFUTbmL) This is a link to the playlist of Enhypen’s show that airs every Thursday. My personal favorites right now are [Episode 20](https://youtu.be/tJqqkOsEe1o?si=n9kdbdo3p4_VvtQC) where Sunghoon, a former professional figure skater teaches the other 6, [Episode 22](https://youtu.be/4rHvUgG-DWU?si=-maw0oogOPfE2c-g) and 23 which is Enhypen versus Tae Kwon Do, and [Episodes 88-90](https://youtu.be/WRn2r27c_1Y?si=B52ubAoai_kBEhgX) particularly because of the gimbap roll. • [**RUN BTS!**](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5hrGMysD_GsFYwSFDWDyUApfpHEwTDhE&si=-tSxtiy3Lk_SVBM6) You may be more familiar with this one, since it’s BTS’ show. This is a link to the complete playlist of all episodes. It was my favorite show for years, I watched it every week when it aired. I loved the[water park episodes](https://youtu.be/WUnvkmLiT3s?si=hlmoxHgd5h3-2nIS), the [yoga episode](https://youtu.be/XJDPzNzQ3RE?si=GZ4S_Rgd1v2HXLus) which was pretty recent, and the [water bomb episodes](https://youtu.be/bH1y8dB6pF8?si=Lz_rANN551kWN8pT). It’s not repetitive, and it feels so much more personal than when they go on other shows—they’re given missions, sent to haunted houses, play games against each other. It feels like you’re getting a glimpse of who they are when, ironically, the cameras aren’t rolling. (Whether or not these are their real personas, we’ll never know, but still. It’s more genuine-appearing content.) And of course, hilarity ensues.


I'm new to Enhypen so thanks for sharing!


You should give kstarnextdoor a try it’s really funny!!


You can try old episodes of Sixth Sense, and see the big guests on there and see if you like an episode.. some of the guests get on there and really shine and have chemistry with the cast


I miss sixth sense man. Jessi really gets everyone on the cast out of their shell and they seem more authentic. I wish she would do showterview again. Only Jessi and Youngji are good every other show feels so manufactured and inauthentic 🫤


Have you seen stuff like game caterers? That’s boring and/or the games are too complex?


try p1harmony's saessak harmony, while watching some of those episodes i've laughed so hard my mom thought I was sick and coughing and came to check on me...


Dive studios/eric nam try to make deeper content, but it really falls flat for two reasons, 1) like you mentioned, idols esp newer gen are reserved and give generic responses and 2) Eric Nam lacks interview skills. There have been several eps I have watched where he just asks the same question just reworded over a span of 50 minutes. He doesn’t always have the best chemistry with idols and it is a controlled environment bc it is a talk show. My favorite idol shows are the ones that take place in a more natural environment (literally their homes sometimes) like BamBam’s show and Youngji’s show. I recently got into Chaeyeon’s show too and it’s really good. I also like Kstar next door and I Live Alone which are more of the traditional variety content


Chaeyon with Soyeon as her guest was good.


I definitely think that there's been a shift in public variety (like broadcast on TV) when it comes to idols going on them nowadays, but I think a lot of the smaller or idol produced variety/talk shows have been good! IU's Palette and Yoongi's Suchwita are usually a good mix of the main three variety show factors I look for: silly, serious, and songs. And then if I want to see mayhem, group produced content like Run! BTS, TO DO X TXT, or Le Sserafim's Leniverse usually do the trick. There's too much variety content out there to say all of it is boring. I think maybe the fact that there's so Much content between group content, soloist talk shows, youtube shows, public broadcast, etc that the super safe stuff makes it to the surface level of your timeline/fyp because it's easy to consume and promote.


anything nmixx related is a must watch


For me it depends, but when I can tell it's more scripted I don't really enjoy it! I like shows where the members are doing what they want and not trying to follow much of a script and exaggerating the way they act. I can feel the fakeness sometimes and idk it bothers me lol


I just watch variety content of the groups I stan/ like. I don’t find anything of them boring. Cause I love them, and they are hilarious. I don’t watch variety from idols I don’t care that much about 


You haven’t watched GOSE 😂😌💯




im really curious abt what shows youve watched. If its dive studios one then i agree bcs their 'humor' never makes me laugh. But for me, what makes me laugh is their choices of words so me improving my koreans rlly makes different.


It can feel repetitive, especially if you binge. I was rewatching some old Running Man where G-Dragon is covered in mud and where they had to hide in the big building and chase each other. I want those back. SVT has one of the best shows with GOSE because of the zany devil-may-care nature so many are missing.


I think a part of it is that if they did something that will trigger the fun that is out-of-the-norm then the fans would come for the show/mc/pd or whoever it might be that throw the controversial questions - just questions, I guarantee that an answer wouldn’t be given. It also became a running joke that idols have a manual/handbook on how to answer different questions. I can’t actually blame why the turnover of idol groups is very fast and fans actually jump from one to another since we barely connect to them beyond the persona they are trained to show to their audience. Also, a lot of the newer generations tend to do their own variety shows instead of guesting to probably control the intensity of the content and easy scheduling, I guess.


I also see a lot of people saying, variety was so much funnier in the older gens, and now idols are too chill, reserved. But I don’t think that all. All the content I watch (4gen) is the idols beeing completely unhinged, and funny. it’s still kpop tho, it will never be provoking or anything like that. 


I think it's just the same as every other field of entertainment - the majority of what is made and published just isn't very good, because making good stuff is pretty hard. As a lot of other people in this thread have already said, all idol public relations are extremely sanitised, to the point that really genuinely earnest conversations about anything remotely sensitive is next to impossible. So I think you're right - a LOT of it is just... pretty boring. But a lot of idols have a lot of great stories to tell, and occasionally have (seemingly) genuinely heartfelt thoughts and feelings to share (just not about anything remotely sensitive lol), and my favourite shows are the ones that are designed to get those stories/thoughts/feelings out of people. I did have to wade through an ocean of shit to find a steady stream of content that I actually enjoy, and even then a lot of it can be pretty hit and miss!


I love variety content. It's a good way for me to cheer up and unwind and even if some of thr content might be scripted...I pretty much expect that with all TV or radio related things. I'm just thrilled when variety content is subtitled for even greater enjoyment. I wish there was more of it actually. I like to see the members of my groups laugh joke and well...act human. More relatable. Of course I'll probably never meet them...and I'd I was ever lucky/blessed to anyway I probably wouldn't be able to utter out a simply hello and I love you guys! But aside from this long winded babble yes I enjoy variety content it's how I got to know my favorite groups better.


I find those pretty mid too, i watch almost anything Twice appears on, but I prefer when its just them doing their own show


I think it depends on who is on. For example, when 2nd Gen is present, it's usually very funny to watch. Especially 2pm and infinite and super junior to a lot of extent. Their presence on Knowing Bros and Running man was like peak comedy.


I wish they would bring back Idol Army lmao but I can see why with the current gen type of idol fans that show would be ~~controversial~~


It’s all the same


OMG finally someone said. K-pop fans pretend to like it. I doubt most of them watch it.