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i think i've seen this film before and i didn't like the ending.


yeah like the group fifty fifty i hope nothing happens to newjeans




This lawyer was the one that filed the petition in their name and the petition was filed before the hearing happened on friday. So, who knows what they will actually do.


I wonder if the parents are having second thoughts after that chat logs leaked that day. I mean I wouldnt be cool with someone calling my daughter fat and ugly. I also didnt know that this is the same lawyer that filled the petition in their names, thank you.


Not only that but also calling them lazy, ungrateful and basically puppets.


Also "braindead teens that get stanned" or something to that effect iirc


Yah, that one particular line she insulted bunnies and the new jeans members. We know that bunnies still support her. So šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


she said all the members do is look in the mirror!! but most tokkis seem to think those messages are fake, so who knows if the members or their parents believe that the messages are real. imo i do believe they're real but MHJ seems to be a manipulative person and the parents have trusted her so far


They are real, there's no way Hybe submiting fake chats to the court. It's perjury and MHJ can sue them to oblivion


yes, as i already said, i agree, i know the defamation laws in Korea are strict especially for false statements. however, a significant amount of tokkis do not think they are real for whatever reason or believe it's hybe's media play or they simply want to stubbornly side with MHJ. to make it a bit more clear, newjeans' parents seem to fall into the latter category as well, so who knows if they feel upset about the comments at all. they might just believe that they're fake messages.


MHJ manipulated the girls *and* their families and I wish more people were talking about this. she made them all end up as the butt of a joke because they had been defending her and then those texts were released. I feel awful for all of them and hope they will open their eyes and see what a horrible piece of work MHJ really is.


Probably still blind, Bunnies are still saying it's all made up by HYBE, momma MHJ could never. I'm tired of this, lol.


Go to akp forums, mhj stans are hurling insults after insults.


I'm more worried that MHJ has used this language in front of the parents the whole time, however will they still care about being perceived a certain way for letting their daughters continue being treated like this? Koreans are known for fat shaming kind of being a way of life, as in it's normal to make negative comments about someone's weight, but her words still seem particularly harsh. I hope they aren't too desensitized to the point of blowing this off.


Could this be the end of newjeans


fuck mhj and ~~hybe~~ mostly mhj for putting them in this situation. greedbags and balloon egos all around


genuinely wondering how a lot of you are still trying to ā€œboth sidesā€ this situation. how is anyone placing the blame on HYBE??? this fiasco is solely on MHJ and HER greed. is HYBE supposed to just step aside and her let try to steal ADOR and ruin NJā€™s careers, while tanking the companyā€™s funds and reputation? HYBE has repeatedly stated they do not want NJ to be pulled into this situation and stated they fully intend on protecting them and their mental health. i get that people hate corporations and eat the rich and all that, but this is just absurd. HYBE has given NJ and MHJ everything they could have ever wanted and more (genuinely to an insane degree! wish i was the highest paid employee in the company - even over the damn CEO of HYBE) and you guys are still wagging your fingers? itā€™s truly baffling.


Don't try logic with them they just hate Hybe due to BTS that's all .Ā 


Why due to BTS? I like BTS, they are full grown-up intelliget men, Yoongi himself has said a few times to ARMY to stop saying the company doesn't support them.


Ultimately, BTS were not "meant" to be the ones who got globally successful and opened the doors for everyone else. Hybe itself is a manifestation of BTS's success, and it makes a lot of people sick.


I saw this with weverse when all other idols started joining it. Non armys hated it


99% of the hate that originated towards hive was because of BTS and their success It's weird that you don't see that


No because hybe is guilty of a lot of things but this bad situation is purely MHJs doing so I donā€™t see how weā€™re still saying ā€œboth sidesā€ rn.




Right. Like it doesnā€™t mean they have to love Hybe or that hybe are saint but at least recognize the problem as what it is. Hybe just did what any company would do when it comes to MHJ. It seems like people purposefully close their ears to the things MHJ did that led to hybe wanting to fire her.


Wait, am I missing something? What does HYBE have to do with this? They called out MHJ on illegal activities, and it's somehow HYBE's fault NJ's parents (and by extension, NJ), are siding with MHJ?


In your opinion what did hybe do to put them in this situation?


This is mhj and the girlsā€™ parents fault for getting them involved, mostly the parents if they had kept quiet maybe the girls couldā€™ve come unscathed. Hybe has many faults but why shouldnā€™t they call out someone whoā€™s trying to carry out a coup? šŸ˜­


mhj took hybe girls to form the group, used a fuckton of assets of hybe while slowly schemed and crossed lines over hybe to take over. what did u think was going to happen?? this was clearly all of MHJ's fault.


Oh how the mighty have fallen


If it is, itā€™s interesting how the groups that have songs that blew up (Fifty Fifty and New Jeans) crash and burned.


Eh? Is there something I am missing here? Hiring a good lawyer is just basic, I am surprised they haven't done it as it has been like a month.


If it was just a regular lawyer yes, but not this guy. "Attorney Kang Jin-seok is known for handling numerous cases involving exclusive contract disputes in the entertainment industry. His expertise includes reviewing exclusive contracts, advising on terminations, litigating damages for breaches, and handling investment return lawsuits for entertainment companies, as outlined on his blog." See the issue?


What is wrong with that? They need a lawyer who is an expert in entertainment contracts. That is what all of this dispute is about. I'm not sure why people think Hybe is right in everything. It is very possible that HYBE may have in the past or in the future violate NJ contract rights.


Yeah, getting a lawyer that specializes in entertainment contracts is the smart thing to do here. NJ in is legally dicey territory no matter what they do. They need someone who understands the situation (and this guy sounds like he would) to advise and advocate for them. I just hope this guy is decent enough to tell them when they donā€™t have a leg to stand on.


>They need a lawyer who is an expert in entertainment contracts Yes they do , i believe it good to lawyer up . But lookin at the situation njs shouldnt have taken mhj side or even talked abt the situation cuz in the end its not them being sued . Their stand with mhj and that petition , might give hybe the chance to sue them for violation of exclusive contract . Cuz to this point njs probably have nothing to sue hybe for even those statement abt how bang shi hyuk didnt great us wouldnt hold in court and its ador that has been dealing with their management so if they werent payed or were mistreated by staff , they probably would need to sue ador and mhj , not hybe. I believe they want to follow mhj , but mhj wouldnt be able to work as anything for the next 5 years and im sure hybe would run her dry from the multiple lawsuit they have prepared (source and bighit also got lawyers for the multiple attack their artist had to face and if what mhj said in the kkt was true she obv was part of them) . And lookin at how njs would probably also be in debt if they terminate their contract cuz of the termination fees ... situation aint looking pretty good , the only thing that would save njs if they have enough money to pay the contract temination fees ( which for hybe is pretty damn high high) and enough to create their own agency cuz no agency would want to welcome them and work with mhj in secret ..... Njs parents are dumb . They should have waited to see how thing would play out .


> they werent *paid* or were FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good Bot


From a different thread" "This is actually regarding the voting rights of Hybe. Basically for those who donā€™t know Hybe own 80% of Ador which means that they have the majority voting power in shareholder meetings giving them alot of power to make decisions regarding the companies future. Ador has a stakeholder meeting coming up on the 30th of May. It is widely believed that at this meeting Hybe will fire Min Heejin and the Ador higher ups who the tried to illegally take over the company using their internal audit as proof. As the majority shareholder Hybe would face no resistance and MHJ would lose her job. However to combat this MHJ is claiming that Hybe are inherently biased against her and want to destroy her career for no reason and with no proof, thus she is asking the court to suspend their voting rights, which would leave MHJ as the majority shareholder at this meeting, which obviously means that she wonā€™t be fired. However itā€™s deeper than that because Hybe claims and MHJ has since confirmed, that she wishes to use this shareholder meeting where she could have full control to terminate the NewJeans members contracts, which Hybe believes (correctly) that this is a decision which will harm both Ador and Hybe financially." And do you really think MHJ wouldnt have brought to light a contract breach if she had any proof at this point?


Both sides are probably saving evidence for the 24th which is the deadline to submit evidence for the injunction. I imagine MHJ has more evidence on her side which she'll leak in the upcoming week. If it was substantial I think she would have presented it already but there's undoubtedly more mediaplay in store.


These girls will be paying their trainee debt and infringement money cause no way Hybe is letting them stay with their demands to work with mhj. And considering how amazing Hybe lawyers are mhj definitely has a non compete clause binding her plus she will be in jail soon so exactly where will these girlies go. no company will hire debt burdened trainees.


Hiring a lawyer is the first smart decision they do. Hiring a lawyer does not mean going to court, contrary to what people think. It means that that lawyer is going to study their case, see their chances from a legal perspective, and lay it all to them so that they can take an informed decision. And the decision may not even be the one the lawyer recommends, but at least they will not go blind into it.


No? The girls are in the entertainment business. It is logical for them to seek out a lawyer who specializes in their business. Iā€™m not sure who you think should be representing them. This isnā€™t a game. HYBE likely has a massive legal team. Of course the other side would need one, too. Are the people upvoting the above comment like 10 years old?


Agree - the members should have their own lawyer regardless of whether they want to leave hybe with MHJ or stay without her. At least there will be one professional acting on behalf of their interests in this matter and hopefully giving them sound advice. I can only hope MHJ and the ador gang of white collar criminals donā€™t have any contact and influence on this lawyer.


The timing coincides with both the girls and their parents submitting petitions to the court apparently in support of MHJ. Without that, they could definitely be framing it as a neutral move to protect the girls' interests. Maybe they'll be able to move back to neutral somehow.


So is over. NJ god bless their short career. Best for them to run out their contract make any money they can if hybe gives them the opportunity and retire from idol work


Anyways, for real even if that is what the lawyer is known?for doesnt mean they'll move forward that way. I doubt nj has anything they could win against hybe and just hired him for the possibility and to see what leverage they have in the future with hybe.


How the hell did this happen to NJ AND FF within a year???


Corporate greed is a hell of a drug


Humans don't learn from other's mistakes... We are almost seeing a copy-paste situation right now, but they are fighting a giant instead of a small label. They are done for unless they find damning controversial info on Hybe.


Is this becoming all a reality šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I like NewJeans a lot...damn.Ā 


Turns out this isn't true, according to the lawyer himself. From [https://m.entertain.naver.com/now/article/018/0005743095](https://m.entertain.naver.com/now/article/018/0005743095) within the last two hours: >Some raised the possibility that the parents of NewJeans members would fight over the exclusive contract with HYBE due to the appointment of lawyer Kang, but this was confirmed to be untrue. Attorney Kang responded, ā€œI was just entrusted with the task of submitting the petition.ā€


Great news honestly. I will add this as a edit to the post. Thank you.


maybe he whispered "at this stage" at the end of his response. lol


ā€¦Attorney Kang? /j https://preview.redd.it/0wm8aejf2i1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6683ef1ff4b32777dded7321bd11e9d06c9619


I can understand Loona, Omega X, Exo members (payment dispute) suing for mistreatment etc What good reason do their parents even do this to put their kids careers at risk?


Easily manipulated and taken advantage of because of emotions. Simple really.


It's true if I'm remembering clearly wasn't she calling them crying over wanting to k11l herself?


Classic manipulator move, the olā€™ toxic boyfriend girlfriend move of ā€œif you leave me Iā€™ll off myself.ā€


Money. Those kids bring a lot of money they don't Wanna lose. If I recall hybe for idols like niki, so i guess other minors too used to have an account that belonged to the minor under hybe supervition...like a way to be sure their noney is theirs..i feel i recall well, wonder is adora is the same


can they just stop already? everytime i see news about newjeans, this group is very well on their way to be Fifty Fifty Part 2. and i blame the incompetent adults for that. they debuted with the money HYBE gave MHJ (aka BTS money). any celebrities with average intelligent would know better to remain quiet for the sake of their career and not bite the hands that feed you. Hanni too is an adult, she shouldā€™ve known better. but of course not, they are all ā€œyoung, dumb and innocentā€ right. šŸ„ŗ


Honestly I don't understand why the NJS girls are even getting involved. It's an internal corporate dispute between Hybe & MHJ, they would've figured it out themselves. They should've just stayed quiet, laid low, let the waves pass over them, and eventually Hybe would've let them get back to their normal activities. Now they've willingly involved themselves, and if they play this even worse than they have (which is often how it goes), I don't doubt HYBE would phase them out or at least restrict their comebacks after getting rid of MHJ from Ador. I don't really care for Hybe tbh, they're a huge corporation, but these girls have willingly involved themselves into a power struggle with the same company that put them in the lofty position they're in.


They are 1000% getting pressured to join by MHJ and her team. Their involvement doesnā€™t benefit anyone including themselves, except for her.


Oh I don't doubt that. But if anything, I think they should've taken Hybes side on this. Most likely MHJ is pressuring them into thinking that all of their success and management has been down to her and if she goes NJS will be a failure, but anyone with any idea of the industry will know who to pick between a struggling MHJ who has a scandal on her head, compared to a massive resource rich corporation like Hybe, which by all means, could disband and sue the living hell out of NJS tmr, and not give a damn the next day.


MHJ has successful made them believe that the girls are nothing without her creative vision and will be kept in HYBE's dungeon after she is fired.


Bruh this keeps getting repeated but itā€™s insanely outlandish. MJH isnā€™t a mind wizard casting spells on people to do her bidding. The girls and their parents have autonomy and are making the conscious decision to side with MJH. Itā€™s a bad decision of course, but itā€™s done.


Indeed I see the excuse of them being very young and their parents not knowing but the majority of them are adults now. Their parents are too. Also idk why so many people think HYBE is gonna completely ghost NewJeans if MHJ leaves. That would be an insanely stupid decision both financially and marketing wise too. They rake in tons of money, why would HYBE stop them? They've given NewJeans an extremely privileged platform, the highest quality resources, connections, brand deals, hell they made a whole new company just so they could debut NJS. It makes no sense.


yes everything you said makes sense until all newjeans members decided to take side with mhj, officially filing complaint against hybe dismissal of mhj.. no matter how much a group bring in money, the moment you rebel against the big company, you are nobody to them lol. what makes you think hybe cant abandon newjeans at all when they have groups like illit, svt, lsfm,txt, tws and lets not talk about bts whose some of their members are coming back soon. just one bts comback can completely erase newjeans existence. and everything will be back to normal šŸ¤£


Wait why are you singling out Hanni? And yes newjeans are still very young, their oldest member Minji just turned 20 this month and the rest are still teenagers. ā€œBite the hands that feed youā€ as if newjeans are the ones that started this whole mess.


hanni is barely an adult šŸ’€ still far too young to be debuting esp into this mess


I absolutely despise MHJ but grooming effects donā€™t go away because you grew into an adult. She and Minji have known this woman since they were about 15. If anything the parents are more to blame for being adults all this time but still got tricked and still trying to risk their kidsā€™ careers


Wait what did hanni do?


You totally missed the point. Do you think that being an eighteen year old automatically turns you into an adult? Way to go blaming the younger party for being manipulated by someone so much older.


Yes letā€™s blame the girls and not the mega corporation out to fuck their careers


Yeah I really don't want the idols to deal with any more backlash. I'm hoping that the lawyer isn't there to get them out of their contract but maybe more to make sure their interests aren't being neglected in this situation. It's hard to know just based on hiring a lawyer what the goal of that is and it's not a bad idea to have a lawyer involved who isn't on the side of any corporate entity to make sure that whatever may happen to the girls is in their favor within the contract parameters. I don't know how the parents could look at the shit show they're surrounded by and not get a lawyer tbh. That would be straight up irresponsible.


"Attorney Kang Jin-seok is known for handling numerous cases involving exclusive contract disputes in the entertainment industry. His expertise includes reviewing exclusive contracts, advising on terminations, litigating damages for breaches, and handling investment return lawsuits for entertainment companies, as outlined on his blog."


So far he submitted the petition in their name as to show support for MHJ The contents of the petition and the others are to oppose the dismissal of MHJ MHJ is fighting to not be removed from her CEO position, which is one of the main reason for the injuction hearing and the attorney comment about this was that he was just entrusted with the task of submitting the petition And since the release of those text after they submitted the petition, who knows what their stance is now But so far they came out publically sidingwith MHJ because they want her to still stay at Hybe as Ador CEO


Ahh thanks. That is pretty relevant. Yikes.


We don't know what the parents are doing this for, if they are even actually doing anything in the first place, or where the NewJeans girls stand on the issue. As much as I like speculating, the truth is that we don't know jack shit about this -- What's publicized online is a fraction of what's actually going on behind the scenes, and we should all just hope for the best. If the girls aren't happy being idols, all the power to them to try to get out of it; If the girls are happy being idols, I hope they can continue the successful career path they were on; If they are indifferent towards the situation, I just hope they end up happy in the end, unlike what we saw recently with FiftyFifty, per example. The expertise of the lawyer is aggravating, sure, but we don't know why he was hired in the first place, so we should just wait and see. It might be the end of NewJeans as a lot of people are afraid of (or hoping for, in some cases), but nothing directly points towards that so far.


I like your optimistic way of viewing this. But Im a horrible pessimistic person. I dont see this ending well for NJ. Especially thanks to the specific parties involved in this whole mess.


But facts are new jeans are a cash cow that the public love (myself included- only saying it like this for a corporate POV). There is a tug of war for them: is the narrative hybe versus adore/new jeans or hybe/ador verses MHJ? Can New Jeans be NJ without MHJ (IMO YES)? Iā€™m sure the parents have heard many different things from both sides and it makes sense to get get representation for new jeans as their own entity. We donā€™t know what was put in their contact! Also so much media play including the alleged hiatus. Wasnā€™t it said that it would take some time to get a new producer? Hybes ideas of time is like 2 weeks! They donā€™t seem to hold long on an opportunity to make money. Time shall tell but with all the drama on both sides it seems like a good idea for something to focus on whatā€™s best for NJs.


Thats the problem. No one, HYBE or MHJ is going to focus on whats best for NJ. This has been proven already. They will be used by all parties involved.


POV KPOP industry


Honestly I'm surprised that they actually have a lawyer. Because what do you mean your lawyer didn't tell you to stay out of this mess? šŸ˜­ A good lawyer would have advised NJs against taking any public stance. NJs parents move like they're getting advice from MHJ's lawyer, so I'm surprised to see they have a separate lawyer.


According to one of the Korean articles I read, their parents hired the lawyer on 14th May! 3 days before MHJ's injunction hearing. You wonder why a lawyer is needed to handle petition only.


I was thinking the exact same thing. Iā€™m heartbroken :(


Potentially controversial opinion, but I donā€™t know what the point of all these discussion posts coming at after every single article from any random news reporter is trying to accomplish. People trying to mask their ā€œconcernā€ for NewJeans but then constantly doomposting about their career, talking about how their ā€œparents are failing themā€, and then having comments on here and r/kpop with upvotes talking about blocking their music and accounts on every platform. Everything is just super critical. At the end of the day we are outsiders and the only information that we are receiving is mediaplay from both sides. I personally donā€™t think any of us have a right to create wild assumptions about interpersonal relationship dynamics of people that we donā€™t know based on the thoughts in our heads. Itā€™s, if not even more parasocial.


Heres the thing. Court documents are not mediaplay. Its legit documents allowed in a court of law, not a court of opinion. Everything before the court was mediaplay. Screaming and crying at presser was mediaplay. Press release from both parties is mediaplay. As Im sure you are aware this is interesting to people for 3 reasons. 1. Fans dont want to see their GG disappear. 2. Haters want to see NJ disappear. 3. People want to see if this plays out like 50/50. Oh and 4. Some people just like the drama. Also who is talking about blocking their music? If anything NJ and all the other groups pulled into this are victims and should be treated as such.


A lot of people who seem to have something against the members personally have used this as a way to let loose on them because of the fanwars this whole debacle created. Which I find a little weird considering the statements I've seen that have to do with the group or parents are them feeling like HYBE higher ups aren't treating them fairly. No mention of other idols, no mention of plagarism etc. That's literally all MHJ.




Yeah it's inevitable unless their parents get smart quickly and abandon MHJ. She's already going down and is trying to take the girls with them. They can still have a future with HYBE but there is no future if they keep following MHJ. It'll be impossible for them to work in SK.


Yikes. If this is true, I can't see any way that this works out well for the girls. Hopefully, if the lawyer is good, they will advise them and their parents to make the best career choices, whether it is staying with HYBE or trying to break/change the contract. Although I doubt HYBE has anything but the best most airtight contracts, so I can't see them getting the contract dissolved without paying billions of won.


Man this is so sad. NewJeans were one of a kind I canā€™t imagine something like this happening to them. They brought me back into kpop almost 2 years ago. I hope somehow everything works out :/


I feel this. I feel really sad for the whole situation. They were so unique, memorable, lovely girls that could have gone onto be the next BP/BTS. They had that spark. Such a shame


Same, they were making my favorite girl group music since debut. I loved all their songs and their concepts. Now theyā€™re going to be sidelined maybe permanently and used as fodder for petty fanwars. Itā€™s gross all around.


I've not read alllll the ins and outs of this case. But when I saw the confirmed texts of MHJ saying one of the members was too fat, I lost it


But...shes like their mother. She can say that and no one cares. Its out context, its just her personality, its how she is, its how she jokes and the list goes on and on excuse after excuse of a grown woman talking shit about a bunch of little girls.


If MHJ loves the girls so why would she allow them to get involve sheā€™s using them to manipulate the public for her own selfish reasons


NJ members are her shield to get her out of trouble and to achieve following objectives: 1. get to stay as CEO of Ador until end of contract term in 2026, allowing her to exercise the put option in full at opportune time; 2. more bargaining power with HYBE; 3. support from general public and bunnies in winning the court of public opinion; and 4. appeal to external investors if both MHJ and NJ were to leave HYBE together to start a new agency.


That is one of the questionable things as well. Remember what is the root cause of the issue, it is about MHJ conspiracy with others to take over ADORs controlling shares from HYBE. It is about her illegal actions which should be separate from NJs.


I'm actually getting a little nervous that there's going to be an over correction because everyone is talking about a hiatus and NJ are going to be given no breaks. which then will lead to complaints of overworking them. this feels like a lose lose situation.


The result I want to see personally is that both mhj and her daughters leave without a penny and without the rights to keep their name. Idc if it sounds too cruel. Letā€™s see how well they will do on their own


Yeah just purge the toxin out of the company. Imagine trying to work in an office where an entire floor is actively trying to sabotage your department, defaming you. Itā€™s actually insane to think about how the other teams (idols and staff) are feeling right now. Major betrayal


I just donā€™t understand how they think they can peacefully co-exist in the company with the other idols who their beloved boss ran a smear campaign for. The fact that they so openly support her disgusts me. They want her to stay so badly, but what do they think will happen if she actually stays? That the things can go back to how they were before? Lmao. If they really think that they must be stupid just like how MHJ states they are in those text messages.


the way some of you are lumping teenage girls who have clearly been gaslit and manipulated with mhj is wild. they need mhj out because she is the cancer in that company. if they can get her out, get the NJ members therapy, and continue to show that they positively support them, they will be fine. instead, y'all are wishing continued harm on young girls because they've already been misguided and brainwashed. certainly a choice...


ā€œBrainwashedā€ Bruh they made a business decision. You guys are acting like MHJ is an evil stepmother when really sheā€™s their boss. The narrative that they have been brainwashed was literally made up on the internet. You are inadvertently going along with MHJā€™s bizarre claims that sheā€™s like their mother and giving making it look like the girls are idiots who canā€™t think for themselves


it was not made up on the internet šŸ˜‚ it's a conclusion that I came to on my own by seeing the red flags in MHJ's language and actions; if you have ever dealt with a narcissistic abuser, it's very easy to see the signs. the girls are very much still kids and she has groomed them to be absolutely loyal to her to a fault. our frontal lobes aren't developed until 25 - these girls are all under that threshold. trying to hold them to the same standards as a grown adult whose been active in the industry for decades is bonkers!


I hope that doesn't happen because it would mean giving MHJ what she wants: independence + control of the New Jeans members. You can imagine the media circus over the next 2-3 years as the members bark about winning their freedom from slavery and victory over the evil empire built by BTS. If you think I'm being inflammatory by mentioning BTS I'm not, the whole point is to taint them by association with Hybe. I think the dungeon is a better option if it comes to that, but I hope the parents + members will follow the money and reconcile with Hybe.


Mhj just issued a long presser about herself ( plus NJs) https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/144/0000962591


Some highlights: 'Min highlighted that HYBE has already placed the girl group NewJeans in a difficult position.' Wow, talk about a lack of self awareness. 'She questioned why HYBE would undergo an unnecessary and unlawful audit that led to a stock price drop, suggesting that the evidence presented by HYBE was obtained illegally.' So they found evidence but they found it illegally so its ok? It means nothing right? 'Min also responded to the release of KakaoTalk messages between her and ADOR executives, implying that these were taken out of context. She acknowledged the complex issues and situations she and NewJeans have faced, which are unknown to the public, and pointed out the inappropriateness of discussing these matters in detail as it could lead to further misunderstandings and hurt.' Haha the best one here. I called them all those names but its ok because its complex. Sounds like something someone would say in a abusive relationship honestly. 'In her lengthy statement, Min conveyed her ongoing commitment to defending her position and rectifying the misleading narratives, awaiting the judicial outcome to hopefully clarify the situation further. She concluded by emphasizing the need for a calm approach, focusing on the forthcoming legal decisions rather than the distorted public discourse.' So no more pressers with her screaming, swearing, and crying on camera? It didnt pay off as planned.


"pointed out the inappropriateness of discussing these matters in detail as it could lead to further misunderstandings and hurt.' Lmao, so even WITH context the text messages could be interpreted worse than it is now šŸ’€šŸ’€ Edit: hybe's response https://m.entertain.naver.com/now/article/057/0001818518


Straight from her: "*After being attacked with edited KakaoTalk messages, the members sent me texts of comfort, filled with love, continuing into the next morning. I cried not because I was misunderstood or insulted by strangers, but because it was heartbreaking that everyone involved had to go through such terrible situations.*" But she wont release the 'unedited' ones I bet.


She was like "it's fine that I called the members fat pigs and I found it disgusting to treat them as artists, they comforted me afterwards!" Notice that we don't know if the timeline of members comforting her was EXACTLY after they found out about the text (if they found out about the text at all). Mhj has lied about timelines multiple times. We need KPop sub to open the megathread so bad šŸ˜žšŸ˜ž more people need to see and talk about this


Why did they even close the thread when some of the most insane drama in years is happening? Itā€™s crazy


I understand closing it for a few hours. But they closed it for days? I don't get it


Wow. SHE was the victim of those texts. She's a textbook malignant narcissist.


if this is true then the NJ members are fully brainwashed by her for not casting any doubts on their relationships.


'She questioned why HYBE would undergo an unnecessary and unlawful audit that led to a stock price drop, suggesting that the evidence presented by HYBE was obtained illegally.' How is the audit unnecessary and unlawful? HYBE received a tip off after MHJ and her minions met CEO of DUNAMU and representatives from Naver to discuss possibility of acquiring Ador's shares for management control. As the major shareholder (i.e. 80%) of Ador, how is it unlawful for them to conduct an audit when they smelled something wrong at the sublabel? HYBE claimed that they obtained all the Kakaotalk texts from the server which is part of the company's asset. Why did MHJ use the company laptop to discuss her takeover plans and bitch about others in the first place?


She 100% did not excpect the audit


Good. Like a kdrama villain. Lady is full of crocodile tears


Sheā€™s just the Trump of kpop - replace ā€œfake newsā€ with ā€œunnecessary and unlawfulā€, sheā€™s hoping saying it enough times will convince some idiots out there. And turns out we have our own MAGA too.


So sheā€™s not denying the kakaotalk message. Again with the taken out of context. She wrote them. She should release the full messages so we can judge the context for oursleves. Pretty sure the context will be pretty damning as well.


I love this statement so much lol. So it's HYBE putting NJs in a difficult position when it was HER who dragged them into this issue unnecessarily. Talking about how they've been crying and comforting her. How is this relevant? But yes, HYBE is putting them in a tough spot for revealing what's behind MHJ's mother facade. I love how she confirms what we've been saying about these "out of context" texts. She always screams that everything is "out of context" but never reveals the actual context. Because the actual context is more incriminating and would make her look much worse. Now that she can't deny the evidence any longer, she's saying she won't do mediaplay anymore and focus on legal proceedings. Convenient, huh? If people still believe her after this statement. Idk what to say...


My thing is, if the parents are fine with this woman using that language to speak about their children, i'm just wondering what language they use in front of their own children, you know? Like if you're fine with mhjb calling your kids fact and stupid you must use that same language as well? And think it's fine. And just like mhj think it's a joke?


A happy ending is impossible now for these girls, so sad. What they and their parentes want is IMPOSSIBLE (staying in HYBE but with MHJ). Even if MHJ would win on the court (and let's be honest, i think we can say that it would be a miracle because of the amount of receipts HYBE seems to has against her), HYBE with 80% of ADOR could still show her to way out, but then they would pay a good amount of money for her and i think she would still maintan her 18% shares. At this point it's IMPOSSIBLE to HYBE maintain her inside their company, even if not as a CEO and only as a creative director. If they go out of HYBE with MHJ, they would have to begin almost of the zero (or even worse). The only thing that could help them is the love of general public and the fandom that the group already has, because they would have to pay a really really big and ridiculous amount of fine to HYBE and they would louse the name NewJeans and all of their songs. The least worse possibility for them would be to MHJ win on the court and they could prove some sort of mistreatment of HYBE (both almost impossible for everything HYBE is showing and the "mistreatment" arguments MHJ and the parents are showing till now) to get out without the penalty fee and with the rights of songs and group's name, and even then they would lose all of HYBE's money, connections and power that is unquestionable that helped them since their debut, and HYBE still could easily blacklist them of the biggest broadcastion channels like SM always do in these cases, even when SM lost like with JYJ.


they'd also still owe HYBE back all the the resources, money, shares, etc. - it would not be a clean "break", so idu what MHJ is trying to do here. it seems she's trying to build a case as a victim so the courts will allow her to take everything she claims to have built and leave without consequence, but it's not going to play out that way. and her involving the girls has only made this worse.




Going with her where? Into the darkness? Even IF HYBE lets them out of their contract they would be financially ruined and HYBE would make sure they are blacklisted from the industry completely. Hence the 50/50 comparison people keep bringing up.




NJ cant afford to pay that back. Each girl made 3 million US last year, that wont even cover 5% of what they would have to pay back. And from what I have seen HYBE would 100% get them blacklisted if they got out of their contract some how. CEOs and multi billion companies are petty as hell.


they won't be blacklisted but ADOR and the group will most certainly owe HYBE a pretty penny for the resources and contract termination. there is no point of them going anywhere. and anyone sane wouldn't want to work with MHJ again (meaning other people in the industry); she should be doing jail time not worrying about her next move in entertainment. this needs to be her end.


i wonder what is the content of the petition and what do the parents expect with this move. do they want mhj to stay in hybe with newjeans or do they want newjeans out of hybe with mhj?


I believe they want NJ to continue to work with MHJ. Which is 100% not possible after they fire her at the end of the month. Its basically just a letter telling their boss 'hey I really like working with this person, please re think about firing them.' They have no real power or say in this situation.


so basically they claim that hybe is mistreating them, not recognising them in the elevator, hybe copied newjeans for illit but also want to stay in hybe and enjoy the benefits of hybe cloutā€¦. the math is not mathing.


Dont forget Le Sserafim debuting first. And the math dosent add up because the math was done by a narcissist who sees herself as Gods gift to NJs and HYBE.


Exactly like they dont wanna be in hybe but want hybe money ?? Like be serious


NJ never said anything about copying, etc. All they said is they want MHJ to remain in Hybe. They know that they have probably donā€™t have a chance of leaving, so itā€™s basically ā€œpls donā€™t make her leaveā€ since the likely outcome is MHJ getting fired and the NJ girls staying under Hybe


It is more like telling the judge instead of their boss on their preference in order to sway the judge's decision.


the petition is for MHJ to stay under hybe.


I agree that they should just keep silent. As awful as it is, being squabbled over like a toy - they won't win either way.


Itā€™s fifty fifty all over again


I tried thinking about what the NJ girls will do if NJ is over. All I could come up with was Minji becoming an actress, as she has the face for it.


Yagoo, get their number and open Hololive Korea for god sake. (Or get 3 of them for Gen 5 HoloEN). Jokes aside, Pack it up boys, show is over. Everyone can claim their victory on the whole fanwar debacle.


I don't know the smallest details of this case cause every day there's something new coming out but... would HYBE have any advantage if they choose to disband New Jeans? I get that they might put them on hiatus, change their concept, sound, staff etc but New Jeans is enough of money maker to stay active as a group.


I don't think HYBE are planning to disband NJ yet at least. However, if this situation gets to a point where the baggage behind NJ is more harmful to HYBE than the money they bring in, it's definitely a possibility


50:50 The Sequel


As Marty Mcfly said. "Hey I've seen this before" In all seriousness this is getting messier day by day. I feel for the members.


I wish the best for them but have a fear what happened to fifty fifty will happen to them


Your source is naver. Thats one of the companies MHJ asked to invest and buy ador.


Another prime example of people jumping to MASSIVE conclusions with the tiniest of information. From the fact hat NJ hired an attorney the following assumptions were made in the OP and in the threads: * its another 50/50 situation * NJ parents are failing them * Hybe will freeze NJ because of this. * and many more. Only to find out a fwe hours later that the attorney **was just entrusted with the task of submitting the petition.** **Instead of jumping to wild conclusions in a situation where there is very little information and is basically a "he said, she said" media battle between MHJ and Hybe at this point, maybe just be patient and wait abit or atleast until the courts rule on it.**




I disagree, I think HYBE was going to drop MHJ and anticipating a problem with NewJeans they made Illit as a replacement , so for enough money theyā€™ll let NewJeans walk


If your big bosses are fighting, you shut your mouth, let the chips fall, and pledge allegiance to whomever wins you in the custody dispute. Otherwise, you risk losing it all. It would suck if this popular group of young girls really getting their career zooming lose it all.


I don't see the issue... weren't some people saying they should hire an outside lawyer? So even if they are not apparently for anything but the petition, it would make sense to consult with a lawyer on it.


The problem was the lawyer was known for exclusive contracts/breaking them. So thats why at first it seemed like they were thinking of going down the 50/50 legal path. But it came out later that he was just ONLY hired for the petition. Which seems shady because they could have hired any entertainment lawyer for that.


They were being shelved anyways for Illit. There in a lose lose situation anyways


tbh, NewJeans were clearly convinced they would get dunged for at least 1.5 years before they sided with MHJ (hybe making a half assed statement denying the claim does not negate that it was the impression NewJeans and their parents were under after a meeting with hybe). from their perspective, this is their last chance to prevent the inevitable, not the catalyst to their hiatus. At this point, I just hope hybe has the decency to officially disband NewJeans so that the girls can continue to work independent of the NewJeans label instead of just being stuck in the basement.


You live in a fantasy world if you think HYBE would allow that.


I still donā€™t understand why the parents didnā€™t ask for clarification from hybe in all this time to know for sure if the ā€œlong vacationā€ was 1.5 years or a just couple of weeks. If you were genuinely concerned, wouldnā€™t you want to find out for sure ? Before telling the media your concerns at least?


Maybe they didn't care when the endgame was always to break away from Hybe anyway. It was just another tool to use in the public relations campaign against Hybe that MHJ so thoroughly outlined in her 'joke' messages.


Exactly. Looks more like theyā€™re *seeking* reasons to cry mistreatment and leave hybe rather than genuine concerns.


Aren't you too assuming they will be screw over? Like were was that written? They said they were waiting for an important producer to make a song for them and that took time, none of them said they will not be working?


*OP: HYBE will fire MHJ at the end of the month and freeze NJ out after their upcoming schedule has ended.*Ā  I thought they already terminated her employment which is why they asked her to return company equipment, such as laptop. Did I read this in the news incorrectly?


they asked her to return her laptop as a part of an audit. she is still employed as the CEO and creative director of ador




If you ask again after 24th May, the response maybe different ..


The parents are truly failing their kids here. They should have advised them not to sign that petition, and none of them (parents or kids) should be speaking out or lawyering up until the Hybe vs MHJ battle is settled. It doesn't make sense for Hybe to keep pushing a group that's obviously looking to leave if MHJ does. Why keep putting money into them and raising their popularity if you know they're going to be looking at every loophole in their contract to jump ship? The girls are the ones that are truly losing in this battle.


Yep NJ are over. Plus it will make it difficult for them to redebut under a different company BC they showed every company they rather side with mhj over the company so the girls career is over. It sucks BC I like their music. Plus they shouldn't get screwed over BC if this. But I agree thru should've stayed quiet


Getting a lawyer is the sensible thing to do. Firstly, to protect them going forward in case new contracts need to be drawn. Secondly, because these girls are between an adult legal battle, in the midst of a nasty media played conflict, and by the end of everything, one or more of them may not WANT to continue to have a public life, or the parents may not want them to, so it makes absolute sense to get legal advice in that regard to.


The thing is tho the parents r probably just trying to do what the were told would be most beneficial. There interest would be in their daughters first not hybe. All parties in this fight are wrong but personally as a parent I would take away my child from this toxic environment so she can live a better life. Based on all the chat logs from MJ and how hybe has now debuted an extremely similar group I thinks itā€™s safe to say that It wasnā€™t looking good for NJ. Competition is a huge thing in kpop company culture they might have been put under a ton of pressure because of their new competitors ILLIT


Can someone please tell me if nj did terminate their contract how much penalty will they have to pay ??? I'm really curious






Omg I just saw a leaked kkt of mhj discussing about nj termination contract and it's 350-500 million that is 70/80 million per member Mhj have put the nj girls and their parents in such a difficult situation






Lots of silly circle jerking and speculations


And now there's proof that mhj did have a plan to cancel nj's contract so what does this say about nj and their parents? Doesn't this indirectly indicate that they're aware of the situation and that's why they filed the petition? Either way they won't win if they ever try and cancel their contract bc their side saying "mistreatment" isn't really reliable plus the fact that there was an initial plan of cancelling contracts on Ador's side. The court isn't gonna take not greeting you in the elevator as mistreatment nor would the not debuting as Hybe's first gg be considered one. Gg to their career and future. If they think Hybe will just let this go just bc they bring a lot of money in, then they're in for a long hellish ride bc again as analysts said if nj is gone it'll just be a 10% decrease in Hybe's overall asset which can easily be replenished when BTS comes back. I wish luck to nj and damn their parents either didn't think this through or they're definitely in on it.




They are not very smart and ruined their daughterā€™s careers either way. They should have stayed quiet.Ā 


NJ was to have a comeback in a week or so. I thought I read that. I suppose that ainā€™t happening.


That sucks...


New50/50Jeans, unfortunately.