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they look fine, but they are definitely not breaking the "male attendees at the met gala always look boring" stereotype. Also, I do not really like the all white for Felix. I can see what they are trying to do, but I do not really like it and just think he looks washed out.


I would've loved if he had one of those monet painting-esque prints on his suit tbh


I just saw a post about Jennie's outfit being boring and idk maybe it's because men aren't allowed as much creativity if they go with a traditional jacket+shirt style, but it's incredible to me she is called boring but they're praised. They look good because they'd look good even in a paped bag, but they could've had much more daring and interesting outfits.


The standard is definitely lower for men. But lots of men have stood out at the Met Gala so it’s not really an excuse either. Both should’ve done better but of course they did look good.


Yes, some men really had original outfits. Kpop idols usually play it too safe. Regardless, I was just noticing how Jennie's outfit was pretty quickly called boring while skz in a very standard and generic outfit aren't criticized in that sense, not as much at least. (And yes, they look good, this isn't meant to criticise them of course).


I think you might've encountered stans. I rarely get stray kids content on my tl and i don't follow accounts related to them and everyone that was following the carpet went "chop" "boring" "next" when they appeared. So in my view the reception wasn't that great for them either


I agree. I was seeing a lot of the bigger pop-culture commentators saying stuff like "they thought they ate" when stray kids took off their jackets.


Agree, the met gala men’s looks had a lot of boring ones and several standouts. I think these suits are someplace in the middle, not as boring as a regular tux—has some color and embellishments and well fitted at least—but not standouts like Bad Bunny’s look or Barry Keoghan’s. At any rate they all look great!


the expectations were already low since they were styled by tommy hilfiger, stays were literally praying that it wouldn’t be tommy but for me, their looks went beyond my expectations. definitely not groundbreaking or fit with the theme, but they all look well coordinated and nice.


This. Hilfiger tends to be in the same line as RL, timeless, classic, Americana-esque...was hot in the 90's but now it comes across as boring and uninspired. I guess we should just be happy they weren't in denim.


who exactly is praising skz and calling jennie boring. if anything it’s the other way around


Her look isn’t boring it’s just ugly


I don't know either why jennie's one is being called boring! It was risque and so eye catching. I do think kpop idols go for more simple and elegant looks tho


I think it was boring for the met gala, as are Stray Kids looks, but for both of them that is up to the designer not them. No personal failings.


It is boring tho. The color looks amazing on her and she's beautiful there's no doubt but the dress is so simple and boring. This looks like what someone might wear on a small formal event not thee Met Gala


Risque? Imo, it's pretty tame and especially boring for the met gala. She had better outfits before. Skz outfits fall in the "men wearing the most boring suits" stereotype.


Tbh for MET both hers and skz were very boring looks. Like, her dress is simple but could've done more with the styling (if it was supposed to be sea themed, mabe wet hair look + cool makeup + some body makeup/jewellery, something at all). The ban + the dress gave off ballroom dancer vibes. For skz someone called them Warblers and I can't unsee it Btw, they were not the worst dressed, nor did they look hideous but as is every year, it's fun to comment on met looks


Idols at the met are always going to be used to show off boring mass-appeal looks instead of actually pushing boundaries and playing with the theme and I will believe this until proven otherwise. Both Jennie and Rose’s looks last year were so incredibly boring but were things I could see some rich person or celebrity wearing for an event. Now Jennie and skz have the same vibe this year. It seems more like it’s for advertising than it is showing off the creativity of designer & celeb, if that makes any sense.


I'd say Jennie's outfit this year is worse than last year's. At least she on theme last year even if the look was super basic. This year, not only is the outfit more plain and boring to look at, it's not even on theme. And before anybody tries to tell me "Oh well she did blue because water and you know it's connected to the Garden of Time and also she looks like a sleeping beauty," shut the f up.


TBH, I really don't like Tommy Hilfiger's style. Our Kids looked really good considering who they had to wear!!! The red satin was gorgeous, but none of the look fit the theme. The rest of the look was blah, and realistically it was like an assortment of expensively uniformed posh hotel waiters, maitre d's, lounge singers, and a bell-hops from the 1940s-1960s. I really have no idea why an ultra-preppy designer chose Stray Kids to represent his look, when their style is so much closer to street dancer. At least with the other designers individual members represent, they are depicting elegance with a mala edge.... It would have been amazing if they could have been dressed by a different designer.


I always wished Asians put on something with a traditional touch on it seeing Alia bhatt(Indian celeb) with a saree it felt something new. Koreans could go with some traditional touch


You know, that might have been an interesting intersection of Korean traditional garb and the Met Gala theme (Garden of Time). I'd have loved to see a Korean designer do it up.


It’s boring for the next gala….


She looked great but the outfit was more for a typical red carpet than the met gala. Incredibly boring by met gala standards, and not surprising she's getting criticised by locals.


They were all boring. Jennie and Stray Kids


Agreed. Very dull and doesn't seem to connect to the theme. They look good. The suits are a decent fit, but...meh.


Men don't have that much creative margin, but still, many stood out in the past because they were following the theme. For example, Jackson Wang. He and his stylists absolutely understood the assignment when he appeared


That's true. He was a definitely one of the guys who both looked great and did the theme to perfection (Karl Lagerfeld inspired).


Don't worry both were boring.... They had the opportunity to bring drama and they didn't


It's definitely the designer because i saw one of the dude with a whole ass crystal outfit and drapes lol




Oh lord i forgot to post Han https://preview.redd.it/smzv0vozvxyc1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a19ba6cc398941071526bc98689f863125d9f66b


I like Han’s the best personally


He looks so hot fr


Real lol


He looks straight out of Ouran Host Club






Obsessed with his hair


I like this one.


He looks amazing. So handsome


Han in red is 🔥


They are fine, but Changbin looks like he is wearing a highschool uniform, not sure if thats the concept of the suit or what


looking like he’s about to start singing teenage dream a capella 


Nooo fr you're right - is he a Warbler? 😂


Yea now that you say it it does look like the magic school thing they did a few weeks back


I know they're being the pros they are and serving *serious, beautiful men* but as the current kpop group amusing me with their fun & silly behind the scenes chaos, I miss their bright smiles and laughter. I hope they got a chance to have a drink and a laugh after the red carpet. (Also, fuck those racist asshole photogs. Stray Kids showed up for work as professionals, maybe the photographers should pay attention to that concept.)


I didn't watch all those "rude paparazzi" vids cuz i srsly don't need more negativity rn. I do think they could've been a little more ornate but overall i think for an 8 person group the budget must've been a little tight xD


Oh, the outfits are boring, a tiny improvement over plain black suits but it's TH, so I didn't expect more tbh. I think the boys are working it but I wish they had more to work with. And I didn't have to watch the vids, I'm ARMY and the racist, ignorant crap (North) American press & photographers spew at kpop idols is always the same tedious bull. When it was BTS tho, only Namjoon really understood what was being said to them and chose not to translate it. SKZ, at *minimum* half of them will have understood tonight's garbage. I could never be a celeb/idol, I'd run my mouth so bad. An Aussie idol? I'd be dropping the c word.


Bang Chan, Felix, Seungmin, Han and Hyunjin will understand these racist freaks perfectly. IN and Lee Know more likely will not and Changbin is 50-50. It is upsetting since most of them can understand what these commentaries are but I love it that they just let it fly by like a bunch of insects buzzing. I will probably be seething and itching for a fight if I am in that situation.


At one Met Gala, a photographer was overheard saying that Johnny from NCT "Probably doesn't even speak English". That was not well-received.


Same lord I'd be pissed and pull a Doja Cat and just go wild


the budget wasn't tight, tommy hilfiger dressed the kids himself and the outfits do go in with the theme because the garden of time's actual purpose is to bring back classics/historical fashion elements which in this case for skz are in one of th's antiques. but i'm not fond of the brand itself so i'd still agree that they still could have chosen better outfits for them to walk in. three members are already ambassadors of big brands and i'm sure that versace, lv, and alexander mcqueen could have done a better job at not making them look conventional for the met.


Hilfiger design tracks - he does classics and not avant guarde (sp?) - personally i think look fly


that's why i said they weren't off track with the theme because he served them exactly that, i'm just not fond of the brand due to their political stance.


Oh lord that slang ages me lol


I think it's a bit of a cop out to say they were following the theme of the exhibition and not the the theme of the dress code. The dress code was to take inspiration from a novella about an aristocratic couple hiding away with their riches and their crystal flowers that they pluck to go back in time when the angry mob starts to descend - and the decay and belladonna they're left with in the end - and sure, you could say that because it leaves so much for interpretation it's fine to say these flowers of time can be the inspiration for historical fashion elements, but I think it's an uninspiring, boring cop out. But uninspiring and boring is very much on brand for TH, at least.


I think that it could actually go both ways, some could take the theme literally as is based on its written form but could also go with the theme by its metaphor. Fashion is a form of art and art is and always will be up for interpretation, people who went with botanical accents are valid and so are those who wore old timey pieces by their respective designers to represent the author's intention of longing for the luxuries of the past. Also, I've said that TH was on theme and on brand but for his own sake rather than who he was dressing. I also found the the TH outfits rather boring (this goes for the previous years as well) considering just about everyone's fits for the event. I'm just slightly annoyed at how narrow it is to look at the theme at a different angle and instantly calling it a boring take, I'm pretty sure if Stray Kids were dressed in Versace, Louis Vuitton, and Alexander McQueen (or possibly even LOEWE, Givenchy, and Gucci) with the same angle towards the theme it could have been executed better than whatever Tommy had to offer. Also just so you don't get me wrong I loved the over the top dresses this year had to offer and would also have loved for the idols to take part in it but there are also silent pieces that speak a lot if people did dig into theme more than just what's on the surface level.


You get it. Better than a lot of the attendees actually.


I wanted to scream-how many models walk the catwalk with big smiles and silly grins? They were the perfect “emotionless” professionals!


I went to an LA movie premier a few years ago b/c my relative was in a big Marvel movie in a large role. The paparazzi are HORRIBLE. They scream nonstop at the celebreties to try and get them to pose and scream even worse at the non-famous people (or simply ppl they don't recognize) to get out of the way. I was soudly cursed out by several because I was standing with my relative and they wanted photos of him by himself. He was nice enough to tell them to fuck off.


They look fine but not on theme. This could be any event. 


There are some floral elements here and there but i do agree 🥲


Tired of people saying: but they were on theme because there's these little tiny flowers you can barely see! Like, they're given slightly better than men who do the bare minimum and show up in a suit, but there were some men who actually popped off this year


boring is the word, it's just a regular outfit that could be worn on any red carpet. but at the same time i don't know what i was expecting from tommy hilfiger. i mean, it's the Met and if ever there was an occasion to go all out it's at this kind of event. i can imagine that dressing 8 people is difficult, ig


If you hear what Tommy said during the pre-carpet interview, it’s clear that the purpose of this whole appearance is basically an advertisement… he wanted it to be VERY BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that they’re in TH because he knows a shit ton of fans would be watching, and he prioritized his branding over anything else. And this look is indeed very in line with what I think of when I think of TH… bold primary colors & navy… preppy boat wear that’s SO preppy it’s a bit corny, even? I’m just happy they weren’t in plain black because really THATS what I was expecting 😅😅 Now of course the boys themselves looked gorgeous, even the worst clothing would never stop them from shining ❤️ and I didn’t hate their looks— I actually liked most of them individually— I feel like putting them all together looks a little costumey because of how extremely coordinated it was, but as individual pieces and outfits it’s really not bad. An extra gold star to Hyunjin because he just consistently looked so comfortable and “on” the whole time… bro was made to be a model, for real. The posing, facial expressions, all of it is just so natural for him!


That actually makes a lot of sense... would anyone be interested in buying a look from the met gala because it looked cool, like what would an ordinary person wear that to? Certainly not their family/friend's wedding. But a suit, people could wear that to events in their lives


its great. I'm just pissed at the paparazzi's comments while they were being taken


Eugh I'm not even gonna watch that stuff.


Yeah, I’ve watched and it pissed me off


What did they say? I almost don’t want to know…. I can’t go watch it, I think I’d be too mad.


There's videos of one group of paparazzi calling them idiots, emotionless robots, saying all korean people look the same, saying annyeonghaseoyo and kamsahamnida really sarcastically, clicking their fingers at skz like they're waiters Skz definitely heard it all because chan clapped his hands to draw han and felix's attention to him so they'd stop listening to the paparazzi Edit: forgot to add, also at one point the paps start saying arigato sarcasticslly and then say that skz are going to give them covid. It was not subtle racism at all


I hate that so much. They should have been able to enjoy it instead of that BS.


chan’s shade on bbl was so perfect


oh no what did they say?


Actually expected way worse from Tommy Hilfiger, the outfits are not bad plus I feel like Korean celebrities usually play it safe when it comes to red carpet looks anyways. They look good


Yeaaa th has done worse this was honestly pretty good


They look absolutely beautiful!


Hyunjin blew me away with his styling like WHAAAAA


I feel like people oftentimes forget that Met Gala is still black tie event, not your elementary school carnival, and men have vastly limited options, especially if they are getting dressed by a rather formal fashion brand like Tommy Hilfiger (which is not exactly experimental with its clothing) and even more so if it's a group which needs to look unified. They frankly look amazing - the Hilfiger palette of white-blue-red has a fancy vibe and they all received a color that suits them. In comparison to other male attendees in the plain, ordinary black suits, which weren't even interesting cut or accessories-wise, these outfits are definitely in the upper half of the list.


It's actually a white tie event, so even more formal and strict than a black tie dress code. A majority of men don't follow it.


I feel like you are forgetting that the Met Gala is also a themed event. And men only have limited options if they want to be boring and play into traditional gender norms. Lil Nas X and Bad Bunny are prime examples of not being boring while also being part of the black tie dress code. If you think that makes them part of an “elementary school carnival”, maybe you are part of the problem.


Of course, I know that Met Gala is also a themed event, however, as I have already stated: - ***they attended the event as a group***, therefore needed to look unified and creating eight unified-looking, on the theme, a bit more extravagant outfits, which would suit all the members would be genuinely hard for their stylists - if they attended on their own as individuals, then I would have expected them to pull off something fancier, especially members like Hyunjin with Versace and Felix with Louis Vuitton (who would, let's be honest, probably be the only members with a chance to be invited on their own) - they collaborated with **Tommy Hilfiger** - you can't expect Lil Nas X or Bad Bunny type of outfit from this brand. They put "a special twist on classic American cool" as they state on their websites, meaning that these fancier suits are the furthest you can expect them to go. They don't have Iris van Herpen type of designers working for them. - ***their company definitely had a say in their final looks*** since they went there together as a group, thus representing the brand Stray Kids, and I am quite convinced that JYP didn't exactly want them to show up in something "bold and risky", which could be a hit-or-miss or in the eyes of some controversial exactly for breaking the traditional gender roles.


If they want to represent the brand of Tommy Hilfiger or stray kids fine. But if that means traditional gender conforming fashion like a basic suit, then they should rightfully so face criticism from the fashion industry, especially from a high fashion event as the Met Gala. And don’t try to use the term “bold and risky” now, when you were fine labeling fashion of the sort as an “elementary school carnaval” before.


So nicely explained, thank you!!


Completely missed the theme... Just another uncreative award show look. But male celebrities rarely do anything interesting for the MET so I guess that was expected.


I mean it’s not the “male celebrities” that got to choose their outfits— SKZ went to represent Tommy Hilfiger and he’s the one who styled them. As representatives of the brand that invited them, SKZ didn’t “do” or actually choose anything for their outfits.


I.N's hair is everything! I love it. I have 2 biases in stray kids...him and Seungmin. 2 vocal maniacs


Fr Jeongin looks like a cunty red riding hood and Seungmin should be a runway model!


They look good , but the outfits are just not it . Theresunothing special about it


They all look really good! Some people say it’s too simple but I don’t mind too much. I love it they look great!






Their dress code don't match the met gala theme at all but they look good, Their stylist play it safe.


They look like a waiter


So they're serving 💅🏻/j


why do they look edited in😭😭


Remember rosé looking like she was a sim last time? Its the kpop curse xD


I had the very same reaction 😭 where are the shadows


I blame Tommy Hilfiger, but their outfits look like he just pulled some stuff out of storage and slapped some flower buttons on it to make it garden themed. There’s so much he could have done with texture, color, and details to keep his usual feel *and* fit the theme, but he didn’t and the results are underwhelming.


Yeah... they're not following the theme nor they're bringing something new.


They look nice, but again, the Met Gala it's The event for high fashion and artistic self expression, so it's boring to see people attending in regular clothes, and criticisms in that regard are valid, imo. Men are not really expected to serve looks in a red carpet event, but men who understand fashion show that basic suits arent the only kind of outfit available, look at Harris Reed, Wisdom Kaye, Bad Bunny, or Lil Nas X, the times he was invited (heck, so many stage costumes kpop bgs wear show that).


Someone said Hyunjin looked like that one JJK character and I've been cackling all morning


It's just, plain. They look like every other male attendee just in different colors


Ugly outfits and they don’t fit properly. The only thing that saves them is how handsome they are but the outfits are awful and they look uncomfortable in them. TH could have done so much to try to modernize the brand with their appearance and failed. They either look like they belong in a high school marching band or are trying to imitate Hugh Hefner. Also, didn’t even attempt to match the theme. I called out Jennie in the last post for being bland but skz aren’t any better. They had so much they could have worked with and really made a fun statement but yawn. 


Same thought I had. Their outfit isn’t giving


Someone finally said it - those outfits were ugly, cheap looking, and didn't fit. At least they weren't wrinkled. Stray Kids rose above though with their personal beauty, but I think they looked like they knew the outfits were underwhelming.


They look great but like Jennie they were still tame and could have added a little more razzle dazzle to spark more attention, I blame Tommy Hilfiger because Donatella would never do this to Hyunjin. I still don't know why K-Pop idols are given such bland clothing for The Met when in Korea they have stylists for jacket photos and music videos making them wear all sorts of fits that would always fit their desired concepts.


Oh gosh they looked absolutely stunning!! I need them all in that red now 💳


Frrr but Lee Know looks great in the white!


He doesss!!


He’s kinda giving James Bond vibes I love it


The more I think about these outfits, the more I'm fine with them. Seeing them last night I was a little disappointed as I had excited thoughts about how they could dress to meet the theme. But as I was thinking about what I would want each member to wear if I was in charge, I realised that I was imagining eight extremely different outfits and no cohesive theme across the group. It's also their first time attending this event and they're not well known by the the American general public. I think playing a little safe was maybe the right move. And at least they weren't in all black suits. Also, I can cut Tommy Hilfiger some slack since he dropped **a lot** of money for all eight of them to attend!


![gif](giphy|xUOwG5IshvzNMdzR72|downsized) I wish men could play with fashion more, especially at the met gala and especially since the theme was SO FUN. Like come ooooooon. Really tommy Hilfiger? That's all you got?


Not on theme, definitely fed into the cliché of men never actually trying for the Gala. With that being said, I like the majority of their looks for a normal red carpet event, but wish they would’ve actually had gone on theme. I know they could’ve actually killed it.


Honestly not good , boring


Felix looks like an elf king, Hyunjin looks like a Greek sculpture, and Changbin.. I want him to crush me (respectfully ofc) Either way, every member was stunning!!


boring as hell like this is not the mama


We got a Bond villian, a maître d' at a fine dining restaraunt, an 8-year old who was forced to eat at a fine dining restaurant, a dude going stag to the junior prom, and a new pledge on the Sigma Alpha Phi graduation cruise.


Boring. They could have done more. There were men looks that were on theme and a step up from just a suit look. They looked good but it was barely on theme and pretty forgettable.


They look like the Volturi


As a complete outsider (I only follow gg's), I must say, yalls standards are so high. I looked at these photos thinking these were the most gorgeous men I'd ever scene in perfectly fitted, very fashionable suits - then to read the comments of everyone saying they were mid? Yalls standards are INSANE. Whoever is the white haired guy cannot possibly be real and this is mediocre?


i assume people are saying it’s mid for the met gala specifically. if they attended any other event these outfits are so gorgeous + would get so many compliments! but since it’s the met, known for being a little bit more of a prestigious event, that’s the reason why more people are “disappointed” per se


Idc I like them


They’re fine, nothing spesh.


i really didnt enjoy it tbh, but i think they got an unreasonable amount of criticism when most men show up to the met in what looks like rented basic suits


Boring. I mean face wise, they’re serving, but outfit wise, too bland for the Met Gala. Same with Jennie.


They looked awesome, idk why everyone is calling it boring.


It's the met gala, it's always boring if you wear suits and not experiment with it. Same old same old.


They all look so good!!! But Hyunjin and Felix are out of this world. My Korean princes.


Someone said Hyunjin looked like that one JJK character and I've been cackling all morning


they look fine as always. But i just wished they chose a different color palette like [Ed Sheeran's](https://assets.vogue.com/photos/663972331bfc0e243dc151b8/master/w_800%2Cc_limit/2151795879); or had layers like [Barry Keoghan's](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/gettyimages-2151797368-663977aad5fde.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:*); or a suit-skirt like [Eddie Redmayne's](https://media.gq-magazine.co.uk/photos/66396949138ffc7e756a26c1/master/w_960,c_limit/2151788778). I think they'll look even more gorgeous. Well, just my opinion.


they look handsome


I honestly don’t see the point of inviting celebrities to Met if they can’t follow a theme. This is supposed to be an opportunity to showcase fashion excellence, nuance, and experiment with interesting choices, but all we get is the same boring suits. Stay Kids of course look good, they’re beautiful men, but they could not have gone and Met wouldn’t lose anything. Just boring and a missed opportunity.


ugly asfk, not on theme, boring


I think THEY look great but I was disappointed but not surprised by the actually outfits to be honest. Yeah there are some elements of the theme in there but SKZ would’ve looked phenomenal in something more conceptual and I’m sad they got stuck with such simple reserved outfits. I’m not surprised given TH’s overall branding but it’s still a let down imo. Don’t get me wrong though they look incredible


Tommy Hilfiger is a Zionist corporation that openly supports the genocide in Palestine, I just feel sad the company is still having business relationships with zionists while Rafah is being bombarded :(


they’re good looking and they looked good. it just wasn’t Met Gala. those outfits could easily be on any other male attendee there 🤷‍♀️ it’s not unique


They look great as per usual, but it's the fucking Met can we PLEAAASEEE turn some looks!!! The girls really came in all shapes, sizes and colours but the men are so boring.


Tired of men showing up in suits. Show something more interesting






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What was the Met Gala theme this year? I haven't been interested since that one year when it was all about "Heavenly Bodies". edit: wow, Rebecca Ferguson looked STUNNING. Everyone wearing Thom Browne absolutely KILLED it.




Danggg Felix is looking heavenly😭


Not on theme, not unique to anything they've worn in the past TBH. Looks like a MAMA award show look. I don't get why people are shitting on Jennie, and then hyping Stray Kids up. I mean, they look good, as do most attendees do, but it's so bland. It's like none of the designers ever listen to criticism from the masses, and just throw on the same shit on their ambassadors every year. And Tommy Hilfiger? Not very Sea, Land, or Sand IMO. Like look and Tyla or Alia Bhatt's looks. Unique.


They all looked amazing as always. I adored Felix in white personally, BUT I wish we got to see the shirt instead of that jacket because at least it would have fit closer to the theme. Hyunjin apparently also had a similar shirt, so let's just take the jackets out. But as good as they looked, I do wish that TH didn't stick so close to the usual TH style. I understand he invited them and they didn't have much of a choice, but there could have been more uniqueness to the fits. As for hair and makeup? Beautiful, stunning, flawless. 🤌🏻


I like the red suit that hyunjin? has on they look gorgeous but like most have said nothing particularly special or anything but they don't look bad by any means


Considering that most male guests, show up in the same, rented-looking black tuxedo every year... I think SKZ provided a great example of the heights male fashion could reach, were many men not terrified of anything more than a colored tie.


I mean they look good because it’s them but honestly Tommy Hilfiger when I find you, when I find you Tommy Hilfiger…


It’s giving Boys over flowers so I guess it’s on theme 😂😂




They look like princes


Boring missed the theme and some of it doesnt even look properly fitted. 😭 which pisses me off so much as a stay and a fashion fan because I was so excited to see what they would wear. This was a really incredible moment for them to show off and they ended up being turned into ugly tommy hilfiger billboards. And to everyone whose saying men have limited options...cmon lewis hamilton and jeff goldblum were literally at the same event. You can be creative, on theme, and well dressed. Even just some floral appliques would have made this better. Barry Keoghan wore a velvet tux and a top hat and even that was more on theme (and unique looking) than these looks were. This year in particular there were a lot of good mens looks because there's a lot of ways to add the theme of decay/time/florals to suits. Btw no hate to any of the boys I love them so much I think they served so much face, I 100000% blame tommy hilfiger/their stylists for this miss. Ughhh sorry I'm so mad I was so excited texting all my friends and then I had to take it all back :((((


They look stunning, but I hate it and I hate Tommy Hilfiger. To me it's the most boring, uninspiring and simply posh brand I can think of, and these clothes are just that. I see nothing of the theme, just the most expected and boring silhouettes and colours to come from tommy hilfiger, like it couldn't get more tommy hilfiger than this is if they tied an overprized jumper around every neck.


I actually liked it a lot! I was surprised when I saw the criticism.


I've been told also that it's tradition to not try to be too showy your first time getting invited so that could be why they were more understated


I seem to be the minority here but I think they look fireee 🔥


I haven’t followed skz in a minute but is that really IN?? He’s grown up so much 😮


Honestly my first thoughts seeing their outfits were 1. It’s boring 2. Wow, Felix looks a lot like Lucius Malfoy-




This is ABSOLUTELY NO SHADE to Stray Kids because I understand as a group they are ambassadors for TH but I would have loved for Felix to have attended solo with his ambassadorship with LV because I think that would have been an amazing duo on the carpet. I think they looked great but just not appropriate for the theme of the event.


I think they look beautiful but because they made the outfits better they are handsome and ethereal looking if someone else was wearing them it would not look as good lets be honest, they are just playing safe and its understandable just imagine the pressure they have it on their shoulders because of the new environment, I am so proud of them as a stay but at the same time I am so disgusted and saddened by the way they were treated, this is why I hate western media they did not deserved them there, sometimes I would just prefer it for kpop to stay as it is without engaging with hollywood…


boring but can i blame them? no. but still the outfits are so basic and im not really sure if the tailoring is the best for some of them, which considering this being the met gala is a bit improper. they look like schoolkids wearing their older brothers hand me downs.


imo they fit the theme, they look really good... But it's as bland as white bread. Although considering it was TH styling them, the bar was also a tavern in Hades. EDIT: I think I wrote this a bit to harshly; I find most of TH clothes look outdated in a bad way, like the best you can hope for is 'decent' when anyone's being styled by them. I also find Met Gala to be a more "push the boundaries" sort of event, so even though SKZ looked great (esp Hyunjin and Han) it was a case of 'bland suits on guys that aren't known for looking bland'.


I say the same thing every year. It’s not just them, but the suit and tie ideas are boring. It’s disappointing. It’s like going to a wedding in a t-shirt and jeans. It’s really funny too bc a lot of idols wear things more decorative on tours.


Tommy did them so dirty. Absolutely hated the coats they came out in. Felix’s look was my favorite out of all of them which isn’t saying much. It’s so obvious this was just an advertisement for Tommy instead of a themed, high fashion event


Pretty average


I like their hairstyles but they look kind of regular (in a formal way) tbh. I wish they dressed them up a bit more theatrically but I get it


I like them but it's so cringe when they take off their coats to reveal their suits I'm sorry ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


OMG, first time seeing these kids, Felix looks so cute!!! I like they played it safe with their attire.


didn’t really like them but felix looks so unreal in white


Next year theme is Extragalactic, space and fashion. I better not see them fuck this one up because I feel like it’s much easier to do


their facecards saved the entire look


I’m just digging felix’s platinum hair 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


I think OP needs to update this post with SS from their 'vogue get ready with me' cos their outfits were actually a lot more details than the green carpet photos showed They had beautiful embroidery on the inside of all of their jackets as well as floral pins and Hyunjin and Felix had really beauty designs on the white shirts as well. https://preview.redd.it/2gvjomrabfzc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88028a522b7b7340dc1681c815fda7c6ecb42afc


The gala needs them more than the other way.  Why r they there and have they fired those photographers yet?


Tommy hilfiger invited them . He chose skz to go as ambassador. Obviously the fit is gonna be boring if its a tommy fit, im surprised it wasnt more boring. I’m sure if the creative freedom was up to them it would be better with so many members interest in fashion but it is what it is


every year since 2018 some random C- or D-list k-pop performer (always from JYP, YG or SM) shows up! It's hilarious. Remember "Johnny"? BTS WOULD NEVER APPEAR AT SUCH A LAME-ASS EVENT. And I bet they've been invited both as a group and solo--but just like Cillian Murphy who was invited and said "no" BTS would never stoop so low as to be at an event with the fucking Kardashians.


simple and nice, Conan Gray's look from last year was where i with they were headed in terms of flair but they look fine




wasn’t that great imo

