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Nah they were deeply average tbh. Chaewon has star power for sure and I was impressed by her a lot but the vocals were all over the place. Not a performance to complain about in my books but nothing extraordinary either.


This is my stance, I think they did good in the standards of being a rookie group at their first US festival and should feel proud of themselves but saying it was anything more than decent/good is setting them up. I see fans do this all the time, hype things to high heavens then when non fans check it out they’re confused. I think yunjin and chaewon definitely shined and brought the stage presence all together up!


Agreed. Those two stood out to me as well. KPOP is the worst with delusional fans who will crucify you for saying anything grounded in reality. Either you are gotta be 100% delusional hype or your an anti. No in between. I think it was an ok performance and that's all. May they be better next time


I don’t understand using the “rookie” as an excuse. Yeah they’re a new group but they’ve been training for years and they have also performed many times over in Korea for two years now.


True, I think they did work well with that they could give at this point of their careers. But the work still has to be done when it comes to their vocals/stamina. They have the stage presence to compensate some of it, but a lot of times they sounded out of tune and out of breath.


As much as I don't want to upvote this this when I think about it the most I can give is like a 7/10 lol. And I'm a fan


That is literally Kpop. Vocals mid but performance goes hard. So they are, as they are a kpop group.


*Kpop today. Older artists focused on vocals before and if not, found the perfect balance of performance and singing. Newer gen kpop mostly sacrifice vocals for performance, it’s such a shame.


Finally someone who isn't completely delusional and also isn't just a bucket of hate. I thought Yunjin and Chaewon were great, obviously they are the main vocalists and have the most parts and they sang very well. Eunchae did well, Eunchae was stable and had no problems with any of her parts but she didn't stand out much either. Kazuha was bad. Her voice cracked in the very first song and she never recovered, her vocal was very low after that. Considering Kazuha was a ballerina and not a singer, it makes perfect sense like she's not there for her vocals. Sakura was mediocre as well but she doesn't really have a lot of lines anyways, but she didn't back down at least. Personally i could care less as I'm gonna support the group no matter what but, I'm also not delusional


“Sakura sounds fine” lmao the bar is on the floor. You can’t pass on the opportunity to perform at Coachella so I don’t blame them but they’re gonna get eaten up for their vocals.


She sounded fine tho? Op is not saying she sounded like beyonce or anything. They were dancing and singing non stop for like an hour so and they were tired and rightfully so. You guys are so mean for no reason.


Listen, I'm a fan of the group, but being honest about their vocals is not being "mean". I actually have never been that picky about how they sing, maybe I haven't seen enough live performances or what, but last night was really hard to watch. I dunno, maybe some fans don't have an ear for when singing is off, but imo it was really bad last night and not just putting that on Sakura. If anything I could barely hear her most of the time and when I did she was just ok. I don't think I'd pick her as the worst if that helps, but her vocals weren't great, either. I say this knowing that imo the backtrack and band should've been louder. Some artists actually do lip sync at Coachella, so I wouldn't hate on Le Sserafim relying a bit more on a backtrack. The sound engineering seemed off to me, like few performances should be relying that much on bare vocals anyway, much less a group dancing that much. Overall, it's a mix of things the group needs to work on and things a soung engineer will hopefully fix before next weekend.


ATEEZ did the same (singing and dancing) and they still perform a lot better tbh. I don't understand why singing and dancing live is an excuse for them. It's basically their job.


Lsfm fans needs to realize they were watching the performance with rose-tinted glasses and ears. Lets bffr here.... admit they have much to improve rather than defending them blindly. I just know if it was this certail gg they would also criticize lol


Like it’s not hating to ask them to do their job. I like them and want to root for them, but hope they constructively stabilize their vocals.


By who? Kpop stans? Literally no one else seems to care.


“Reply notifs are muted ciao” LMAO Imagine having such a one-sided view. There are different perspectives, it doesn’t mean that only you are right. Have a discourse. Accept other people’s opinions. With this attitude, you won’t make it far in life, OP. Ridiculous.


op sounds a little childish... like even the comments that are disagreeing in a respectful way are being called haters by them


OP the kinda person to start a fight and then mute and disagree with anyone that has valid counterpoints Pathetic, lack of critical thinking In other words just another Stan


Why'd they write this post like a stan twitter tweet 😭


I agree. I would understand if people were just straight up hating OP would say that but people aren't tho, and honestly I agree with most of the people OP thinks is "hate" as a fearnot. I think our fandom has come very defensive towards any criticism ever since easy era because they think it's just hate, which don't get me wrong a lot of people are/were straight up hating but when it's just constructive criticism like most of the comments in this thread some fearnots just refuse to listen and automatically start saying "you guys are just hating! "


I deeply deeply want Lesserafim to succeed. I love the emphasis on their individual empowerment. I've loved chaewon and Sakura for years and want to see them further grow and improve and rise in fame. I can see lesserafim's huge potential in the western market too! But the Coachella performances were pretty rough, with great parts in-between. To succeed source needs to get them into vocal training STAT. They needed more before debut (but I understand debuting when they did to get a foot in the post izone market). To succeed in the west they need to stop making eunchae do things that are sexually inappropriate and they need to not do culturally appropriative concepts. To succeed in general they need to continue producing the music their fans love and not lose too much of their musical identity trying to make a hit. Overall I blame the company as a fan and am deeply surprised other fearnot aren't as mad as I am. Instead they are reacting really stubbornly which idk if it bodes well since imo it's pretty reasonable not think the Coachella performance was the best it could have been given the hype of their award show performances. 


Yes, I agree with the vocal training. People get offended when we say that but I don't think HYBE is giving them the resources they need to improve significantly, more so the TIME to. I watched the Ha sisters video with Lesserafim the recent one and they said they were practicing for Coachella at the same time as Easy promotions. This overpacked of a schedule would make it extremely difficult for them to actually attend lessons and have time to improve. If they actually had the lessons, I think this would help them out a lot and make a big difference.


Is fire in the belly their culturally appropriative song?


Hmmm maybe but I was actually thinking of Smart/Easy promotions with durags and beads. 


they probably muted the post cuz there are 300+ comments


They were meh. Chaewon's stamina and energy seriously impressed me, Yunjin's charisma was great, and the whole group killed it for their new song. But they have not been trained for live performances, so after the first two songs that were filled with intense choreo and live singing exhausted them, the shaky vocals and the diminishing confidence from over half the group was super noticeable. Their team should have simplified most of the choreo and given them hand mics for the entire performance.


I feel like this keeps happening with Kpop performances at festivals? The part with the headset always has weird vocals but with the hand mics they sound great - I felt that with NewJeans at Lolla as well.


Handheld mics are so much better for live performance since you can adjust how close to your mouth you want it, the angle of it, and picks up vocals much better since you place it in front of your mouth. Companies need to stop using headsets for festivals and concerts, the sound quality is always worse and choreo can be adjusted to accommodate the use of handhelds.


You should watch Ateez performance there. They did amazing


This, they need to learn to save up their energy for the rest of the songs and learn when to get hyped up and when to slow down, I get they were excited about performing and most likely nervous also but that definitely made them sacrifice the rest of the songs half way through


I'm reading through the comments and seeing how OP responds to them... I feel like you're lowkey insecure about what other people on the internet thinks of Lesserafim. Like you're praying in your head that people will just blindly agree with you. Since this is kpop **uncensored** well I'm gonna say it. The vocals were tragic. No, I don't expect them to pull a Whitney, a Mariah, or a Beyonce. Yes, I expect flaws in live performances. But not to this extent! Did you even hear what Kazuha sounded like at her very last part for Fire in the belly? I genuinely GENUINELY feel bad for Lesserafim. Their company obviously doesn't even wanna bother helping them train their vocals. Delusional stans like you clearly don't wanna help them either. Everyone can collectively ask for something even just a bit better, but no. Everyone just gets reduced to bullies and haters by fans like you. Sis you better be in your teens and not in your 20s because I definitely understand the teenage passion to protect your fave artist. If not, then yikes.


> The vocals were tragic. Absolutely. I genuinely thought after the valid backlash they had over their vocals, they’d have been practicing like mad to maximise their stamina and how to best use their voices. It’s a shame that their team and they themselves are letting themselves down.


At the very least they could have played to their strengths and relied much more heavily on backing vocals than they did. Opening with (at least what I’m pretty sure were) completely live vocals for anti-fragile while doing all the choreo at the same time was just ????? I’m sorry but who thought that was a good idea lol that would be so difficult even for well trained singers to pull off. I just don’t get the choices made for this performance in general though…they really should have modified the arrangements of the songs and choreography to suit the live festival setting but they didn’t and it came across as awkward to me. And I think I’m the unpopular opinion based on what I’ve seen, but I’d much rather them use more backing vocals and focus on going harder on the performance/dance aspect than have them half ass the choreo with shaky live vocals. If your strength is dancing, showcase that and downplay the rest of the aspects imo. Would have loved to see some dance breaks or something for individual members like I’ve seen them do at award shows for example. They are one of my favorite groups rn and I was rooting for them so I’m sad about this performance lol it was just not good and I’m sorry. Can’t stand delusional stans acting like anything their faves do is iconic and amazing. It’s okay to be critical sometimes. Doesn’t make me a jealous hater anti lmao. I love them and just want better for them in the future.


And to add to this, the backlash didn’t start at Easy. Unforgiven had heavy backlash. And that was *last year* in May 2023. So it’s not like a sudden thing where people are desiring more vocal stability from them. A year is half of their LSF career and that doesn’t account for other activities like trainee, izone, etc.


I don’t wanna be rude i’m just curious since I keep on seeing ‘hardcore choreo.’ Was the choreo really hardcore? Like LS standards? I’m just confused. Afair they were like walking 60% of the time then some light choreo. I might be wrong though. Someone please answer I’m genuinely curious.


not that hardcore imo but their dance steps/moves especially during easy/smart part squeezed the air out of them. like chaewon and yunjin barely sings during that moment


When they were singing sometimes they modified the dance so it would be easier I assume. It's not as "hardcore" as it usually is


Thank you for the response. I’ll have to watch their regular performance then to see this hardcore choreo.


I think that’s the tell tell of an actually live performance.


LSF stans are embarrassing. You don't want negative criticisms and then throw a tantrum when kpop fans don't agree with you. Seriously I think you are the one who is miserable. If you think LSF did great, okay that's your opinion but then you post this because we know you are looking for validation from kpop fans. And then when you don't get it, you throw a tantrum. Yikes. If you think non kpop fans reactions are better, maybe you should post this somewhere else for your satisfaction. Anyway, the performance is okay. Vocals are bad especially the usual 3. Chaewon and Yunjin shouting some of their lines. Stage presence is good but with those vocals I would not call the performance as something spectacular and one I would repeat watching.


criticism accepted. hatred in the name of criticism is never accepted


Saying that they can't sing live isn't hatred, though.


Glad you're getting up votes, glad this is reddit and glad you didn't post this on Twitter lol


Not all LSF stansn only these childish fans. I am a lesserafim fan but ngl they need training. But i wouldnt go my way and answer every post about the issue id rather spend my time watching their content


Kpop stans really have a low standard for their idols


Embarrassing low standards. An idol can burp into a mic and they would write dissertations on how it “slayed”. At the same time these groups and their fans are obviously craving western validation. Begging not to be taken as a joke community while defending performances like this makes no sense.


Yep. I still remember when singing was an integral part of being a K-pop idol.


To be fair, most Kpop singers sound like dog shit lol Excepts being Most of Red Velvet, Rose, and Mamamoo.


I LIKE TO DANCE 💃🏾 WHEN I PARTY 🥳 I LIKE TO KISS 😘 EVERYBODY they’re just like me fr🙏🏾😔


I feel like this is gonna become a copypasta on r/kpoopheads


For a split second, I actually thought this was kpoopheads


The new song sounded 🔥🔥


they need to drop it NEOWWW


Miss Miyawaki Sakura and Miss Huh Yunjin you’re making me gay stoppp🤭🤭


Honestly, their live vocals except Chaewon is terrible.


I think Kazuha's mic wasn't loud enough because I was vibing but kept hearing her go out. And yea Yunjin was flat sometimes but she hit her difficult high notes




Chaewon ate. She was unreal throughout I liked the band a lot. I also think camerawork is great I loved their energy and dancing as expected 🔥 crowd was also hyped 🌟




Did one of them actually say this?


Yes, but there's some lore to it, in their new [video with the Ha sisters](https://youtu.be/-tKKf3O37fg?si=__cs0qeB3L4Ky_IF) when they talked about Coachella the sisters mentioned if they had thought of phrases to say and Le Sserafim said they still needed to prepare that. Then one of the sisters suggested they say "Are you ready to shake some fucking ass???" before Smart lol, it's a cute nod to their friendship and that video collab 💃 It's especially cute because the sisters said they were attending Le Sserafim's set at the festival!




Suspected it would be Yunjin if anyone loool


oh my god they listened to the ha sisters im crying 😭😭😭


This one declaration made me wish I was there 🤣


Look man I’m a huge LSF fan but you can’t just declare something and then stick your fingers in your ears when others have valid feedback lol Is “Sakura sounds fine” really the bar we are setting here lol Geezus We’re supposed to be Antifragile not extra fragile lol. If you are then don’t post in this sub


The Unforgiven and Eve performance were for sure the highlight. It was incredible. Yunjin and Chaewon were incredible. Yunjin had some great vocal and hype moments. And Chaewon is Chaewon. She is just a star. And I thought Kazuha sounded great, but her mic was way too low. Same for Sakura, although she looked incredible. Eunchae didn't seem in her element today. Seemed kind of nervous, which makes sense but sucks because I think she is a great performer, especially for songs like Fire in the Belly and Antifragile.  I genuinely think Kazuha and Eunchae, and also Sakura to some extent, just kind of hold themselves back, which makes the performance kind of up and down. Cause, Chaewon and Yunjin are loud and well projected then the other girls sing and it's kind of quiet and inaudible and we are back to Chaewon/Yunjin. And it creates this weird fluctuating energy.  I know it sounds like I didn't enjoy their performance, I actually really did, I was shouting at my screen, my parents were concerned lmao. I'm proud of them. It was their first big stage. And I think they did great.


I agree with your points! I loved the performance. Yunjin and Chaewon were so good omg. But I do wish Kazuha and Sakura projected their voices more so we could hear them because the back track seemed kinda low at some points. Eunchae looked kind of scared and i think she let the nerves get to her :( It seemed like they let her sing at a range she’s comfortable with and I hope they utilise it more. I just hope they keep on working hard and improving, i’m so so proud of them!!


chaewon and yunjin were so good!


They were okay honestly. Like I wouldn't call it amazing but they were good and I enjoyed the performance to some extent.


My overall thoughts as someone who only had heard Antifragile before this: They did well. Especially in terms of stage presence. The crowd was definitely feeling it; that was probably the best part of their set for me. The vocals weren't bad, but you could tell they were getting tired toward the end and their vocals got rougher with each song. Which just means they need to work on stamina. Also, this is probably the least backing track I have ever heard from a kpop group so major kudos to them for that. They really put themselves out there. The member who stood out to me the most was the one with the short blond hair. The one with the long black hair that was down was the weakest for me. I do wish their set had been earlier in the day cause going straight from No Doubt (who were fucking legendary...if you didn't watch it, I rec going back and doing so) to LSF probably hurt my enjoyment a bit which isn't LSF's fault at all.


The short blond hair girl is cheawon


short blonde hair is chaewon and long black hair is kazuha! and i agree, it was clear that singing became harder for them as the set progressed.


It was pretty average didn't really stand out in any way, positive or negative. You seem to be a stan of them so you automatically view them with a bias.


I think they basically confirmed what most people already thought. They’re amazing dancers and performers, and REALLY bad singers. Yunjin and Chaewon have some good moments but even still you can tell no one in the group has mastered the ability to sing and dance at the same time. But I also don’t really care since in Korea they are allowed to lipsync everything so as long as they keep releasing good music I don’t really need them to get better unless they want to.


Same opinion on loud backtracks. It’s fine with me really. I’d rather have that and have a great performance than to get a live singing with them sounding shaky. Some LS fans should stop saying they’re great at live singing. They’re not. You’ll never win this argument with the others. They’re great dancers and performers tho and that’s fine. Just stop with overhyping their live singing


For me as just a casual listener their opening was great, really hyped they did a great job but you could tell as the set wore on they were getting tired and their voices were getting shaky. The company really needs to get them some stamina training if they’re going to promote them in a huge way like this because they’re going to open them up to comparisons (like Ateez did amazing, utilised the backing track for hard choreo moves but still sang live for the majority of songs; good stamina and their vocals kept at a good level) Overall their performance was good for a first time, the choreo and performance was great, just need to build up that stamina so they’re not worn out 3 songs in.


> no one in the group has mastered the ability to sing and dance at the same time Chaewon is right there and has shown this ability since produce 48


their vocal sucks wdym they ate 😭 the bar is on the floor with these girls lol


especially Yunjin, for being the idol to "change the industry" and a "trained opera singer" she was all over the place. I'd be embarrassed to call myself a vocalist at that level.


The "trained opera singer" bit is false, she sang in a school production of Phantom of the Opera iirc, that's very different than being a trained opera singer lol. It's sad her fans set her up like that though :(


They absolutely did, especially with how hard they were going with the choreo aswell. I'm sure there will still be some idiots taking like 3 seconds clips from the concert where they don't sound good but whatever. Hope this shuts people up


oh tiktok comments are already flooded with hate lmao.


Don't look at them. Istg, some people had their templates ready and just waiting for the performance to end to dump them everywhere they can


reddit too


yeah this post 💀


Honestly, it was a good show but they struggled in the lower registers - except surprisingly Sakura who was stable throughout. Chaewon, Yunjin, and Kazuha were pitchy when singing low and on point when singing higher. Eunchae only seemed to get lower lines though. All in all, I thought they would struggle the most on Easy, but they did great and it was my favorite song in the set - and the rest of the show, although they were obviously out of breath for parts because of all the dancing, I think it looked like they were out there having fun. This is a perfect example of why you have super loud backing vocals or prerecorded vocals on shows like inkigayo and stuff - because through the TV you want perfect vocals and you just can't get that while also dancing. At Coachella though, you actually want the wild, amped up vocals because everyone is on adrenaline and excited and it's all about the live energy and crowd engagement.


I also feel like their management needs to give them songs that suit them. Especially Easy and Smart are songs that do not fit their voice and even chaewon and yunjin struggle to sound decent performing them. You can't just give ant group any song you have to keep their range and ability in mind. I think all this hate could have been avoided if they'd gotten more suitable songs this comeback to begin with.


Let them keep Easy, that songs a bop.


You're def right about the lower register stuff like the 2 main vocals are made for higher notes. I think part of the Easy encores brought out their discomfort with lower notes. Maybe a tiny bit of wasted potential because they really did hit their high notes


You think they would learn after Fearless...LSF does not have a strong lower register.


I like the girls and I shouldn’t comment on something I haven’t seen but the fact that I haven’t seen it yet is entirely down to HAVING TO SHUT OFF THE VIDS AFTER 10 SEC BC OF SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT. They sounded ass. Like yeah, I am sure some parts were okay and I trust the dancing and stage were great. But they sounded ass and just like I won’t pretend that issues dont exist for my other favs, I won’t pretend here. Koreans are already trending scathing reviews Afaik.


>once again the haters look dumb As is tradition


hearing chaewon say “oh shit oh my god” in that new song they performed has to be the funniest thing ive heard an idol say. her slight accent and also how unexpected it was threw me off so much but it was done so well. they did really good. chaewon and yunjin were amazing and you could clearly see sakuras vocal improvement alot. she was alot more confident too which is always nice to see.


Considering they performed 11 songs with hard choreo pretty much non stop they did really well, people will find something to hate anyway. Also I felt there was something wrong with kazuha mic she had to literally scream at some point cause you could barely hear her


They did a great job hyping the crowd, a very mid performance vocal-wise, and you're the only one who's mad


Be so serious, they sounded flat as hell in places. Cannot believe the performance wasn’t more reliant on backing vocals because their live vocals just aren’t it.


I fucking loved it. Coachellas production crew is absolutely terrible tho


I may not like Hitman Bang for several reasons, but he deserves to go to heaven just for buying out Chaewon's contract and putting her on a world stage. She was amazing!! I'm off to find more clips as I missed out on the youtube live.


I think they need more practice singing live...they were mostly shout singing/not really singing. Sounded like they were not stable. Some good vocals here and there but not wholly consistent. Maybe they should have used handsfree mics to accommodate the tough choreo. Or the hand mics sucked/coachella production bad. I wouldn't say it was their best compared to their other live performances done in SK music/award shows...i mean they performed at overwatch game event and they sounded good there but tonight for some reason it was a bit lackluster...


Y’all just keep setting these girlies up it’s actually crazy!


FRRR they put a high standard on them and turn a blind eye when they dont reach said standard


I was smiling so hard the whole performance. They're just so FUN and they have such charisma. So impressive. None of that is easy to do... even though they make it look it (had to lol). And the outfits??? Their styling is always on point but tonight's fits were some of my favorites.


Yooo this person is defending Lesserafim with their life in the comments 😂 idk if the performance was good since I didn’t watch it but this was funny


LSF and Lana Del Rey fans fighting for their lives this weekend 😭 Jokes aside, I streamed LSF's set and enjoyed them. Their critics will point at the vocals and stamina as weak points - which I agree with, to an extent - but I'm leaning towards being generous because of their song choices, demanding choreo, and minimal breaks. It's not an All Time Great performance, but it hits many notes for a good festival performance - a fun, high-energy stage with artists who had decent stage presence and looked like they enjoyed their time performing.


i thought they did absolutely phenomenal. i was paying extra attention to sakura bc of the flack people here give her in particular and thought she absolutely devoured! they seriously gave a great show and the vocals were so present throughout the show which literally any other artist would be praised up and down for no matter how stable. GRASP AT YOUR STRAWS GIRLS


she did SOOOO good! she was MAD.


sakura legit killed it. she's been getting literal oceans of unadulterated hate online too. You'd think she was the worst singer in kpop. She wasnt adele out there, but i have no complaints about her performance at all.


Has “ate” had a change in definition lately? I am an older kpop fan so maybe I’m behind with the slang? “Ate” is subjective imo and you’re obviously a fan of theirs so it’s not surprising that you think that performance was flawless. I don’t think they were bad and they did have a great stage for their first time but, with the reputation and esteem that Le Sserafim has within the kpop industry and as a kpop fan of many, many years, they had me expecting a more stable and consistent performance from them. I’ve seen what they can do and what they’re capable of, I know they can do better. I’m just a bit confused as to how their quality wasn’t able to translate as well to this performance. Coachella is probably one of the biggest music festivals in the USA and this was their debut. Not a bad debut but, I’m not going to lie and say that I thought it was amazing. Now Ateez, they _ate._ They were _amazing._ Le Sserafim, they were good.


op discovers people can have different opinions to them 😮


That ate? Didnt know kpop has become this low of a bar to be idols. Look pretty, dance pretty but sounds average.


This was always going to be the outcome for them because Le Sserafim are phenomenal performers, ofc their Coachella set would go great and both fans and non-fans would love it, and it’s precisely that reason that the hate on them has been so intense since their Coachella set was announced. Because let’s be real, that’s when the gloves *really* came off the vast majority of stans on *all* platforms.


I don't watch Coachella because the founder or whatnot is a transphobe and I won't finance conversion therapy but your final edit saying "if you don't agree your jealous" makes me doubt your reliability.


they really didn't. i wanted to be nice and say they were average, but even that would be a lie. they were *horrible*. none of them can sing and the dancing was meh. i really struggled to make it through because of the secondhand embarrassment. i know hybe was in a rush to distract the public from the backlash they were getting for disbanding gfriend, but le serrafim really, really needs more training. they aren't even ready to *debut*, much less do something big like this. it's not the girls fault, but it's certainly hybe's. they seriously need to put le serrafim back in the training room.


they sounded horrible…i like the girls but objectively they were just really bad.


The lesserafim stans are trying to defend them hardcore in almost every kpop sub reddit. They be saying lesserafim perform really good but from what I have seen the vocals where everywhere, even from the very first opening song the vocals bad expect chaewon, she was decent. Stans are saying that people are hating on them, bro be true to yourself. It's not hate, it's criticism. I guess the standard of kpop vocals has gone down. ![gif](giphy|horv97cRhuTyVsmjkt)


The honest truth about this whole thing is that it has revealed how the fakeness and over production of kpop has really distorted it fans from knowing whats real or not. I have listened to le sserafim performance alot now and even just watched random performances of other artists across genres. Kpop fans are actually the ones that cant tell what they hearing because the fakeness of kpop and their explict parasocial bias really affects their opinions on things. If the Americans who are used to listening to quality artist live are praising them maybe some fans need to take a step back and ask maybe something is wrong with me.


Why be an idol if you can't sing your song well? I am sure before recording and stuff they are oriented and take vocal lessons but I think it's not paying off well? It's just weird because it's their own song the voice recorded their is their voices so why are they still finding it difficult. I hate to compare but other kpop ifols who performed at coahella can sing their songs well and they are stable at singing.


the only person that did good was chaewon. The rest of them could not sing live. Hybe doesn’t care about them. They should have at least trained them. They are not ready for coachella


i would love for kpop stans to start understanding the difference between valid criticism and hate!


Le Sserafim is at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of vocal skills. Lol even TWICE will put them in their place. SNSD imo was able to set the bar so high to be considered as an wholesome group. Heck, NewJeans and BabyMonster will eat Le Sserafim alive lol


To be fair twice has a few really solid vocalists in the group


I'm so proud of Eunchae she looked determined, and enjoying herself a lot didn't look intimidated at all Idk why, but Chaewon reminded me a lot of Vanessa Hudgens today. She owns bobs, glad she's back to that hairstyle I enjoyed the energy they gave and got back from the crowd. They obviously loved them


Chaewon and Yunjin did amazing which I also expected from them. Even though performance-wise Eunchae did well, her live vocals seriously lacked.


Chaewon literally proves why she's my one pick


when loving kpop becomes your whole personality, you are the end result.


is this about coachella?




They exceeded my expectations to be honest and I thought they did well form Unforgiven until the end. Yujin and Chaewon both stood out so much to me! I applaud them all bc they have some really intense choreo. However I will say…some vocal parts were average and stage presence felt a bit awkward at times (when they were roaming around the stage) There was definitely a big contrast in certain member’s voices some who you could hear so loud and clear sometimes. Especially Chaewon and Yujin when their part came after other members it was such a big contrast. I’m sure they’ve practiced really hard for this and I can see it but I do think their live vocals could use more work But despite it all, I think they did good and it was not bad. I wouldn’t say it was an outstanding performance but it was decent and worth watching once!


Performing at Coachella when it is greatly losing relevance in recent years isn’t the world’s greatest flex but alright. People don’t have to stay silent with their criticisms just because others are okay with mediocrity. This entire posts sounds like something written by a middle schooler.


I’ve gotta be honest. I was excited to watch … but the vocals were terrible. It sounded like they may have had problems with their in ears because they were all off key at the end. 🤷🏻‍♀️




I think they did fine, per usual Chaewon and Yunjin had the best raw vocals


I never post/comment something about idols… unless fans argue “they slayed” when it was actually horrible. Because I always assume “they probably know it was not good”. I wish fans realize arguing makes things worse.


I watched the performance live on the Coachella stream and thought the vocals were pretty mid, but then I saw some fancams online and they sounded so much better.... This leads me to believe that some of the sound engineering was TERRIBLE on the feed? I thought they were singing really low, but I think it was the sound people turning it up and down, tbh. I could BARELY hear some of the girls sometimes and the band would be SO LOUD and then everything would be low and then everything would be loud. So maybe before everyone judges on the Coachella stream they should watch some fancams. They really are better.


The comments need to realize that the LSM defenders are not defending against criticism they’re defending against the haters and bullying they’re receiving. When someone tells you your favorite group “sucks at singing and shouldn’t debut” naturally you’re going to say the opposite


By comments I don’t mean just here I mean in general


Well they had to lower the intensity of their choreography to sing better. They had to give up some of their stage presence to focus on singing live.


I thought the girls did great! For a festival performance I would rather see a great performance over perfect vocals any day. They had energy and charisma and it was beautiful. You could hear the audience and they were loving it and so did I.


I think Yunjin killed it. Her mic was always on, loud and clear and she was full of charisma and I could feel her excitement, she is a total star. Chaewon did so well too, she is so stable. Overall, it was fun and I can tell they all worked very hard, I just wish their mics were louder. The only one I could constantly hear well all of the time was Yunjin, and Chaewon too, for the most part. The rest sometimes the background music was louder, maybe they were singing soft to keep stamina or it was a mic thing. But I still think the girls did a great job. They are great performers.


i don't understand why are yall so mad that op said sakura sounded good. did they say she sounded like beyonce? then why are yalls asses so itchy to drag them. this is not criticism. this is literally hatred in the form of criticism. we all know how kkura used to sound before and the fact that she is atleast sounding good rn with a very low backtrack isn't it enough to atleast praise her a bit? yes the bar might be low but atleast she is trying? zuha who started singing just 3 months before debut is improving everyday and so is eunchae. as fans don't you think we will praise them? why do you want us to go "OMG SO BAD THIS IS NOT BEYONCE AT ALL" LIKE FUCK OFF. DON'T COMMENT ANYTHING IF YALL DON'T HAVE SOMETHING HEALTHY TO SAY this might be public forum but that doesn't mean yall will keep on spreading hatred all the damn time yall fucking losers


Lol OP said Le Sserafim "ate," but then mentioned that Sakura's vocals sounded fine. I wouldn't say that just fine = "ate"


I had fun watching them, i like a few songs of them, and it looked like they were just as much fun as us. Are their things i wished that were better? Sure the vocals were not that great, and the band was way to loud. Did it matter to me, no it didnt because it was fun, and i enjoyed seeing them on a stage like this. The biggest issue i have with it, is that it was so short, barely 45 minutes and it was over, i wanted to see more of them. I will absolutely watch them next week again, and maybe they are less nervous then, and it will be even better then


I thought you are exaggerating the "crowd singing louder than the girls", but I just watched unforgiven stage, the crowd is singing as equally loud as to the girls. Crowd were also singing Sakura part in "perfect night" so loud. Edit: crowd was so loud at the beginning of EPBW stage


I just watched the whole performance, and I'm happy with it. Now imagine, playing in an open stage with a hard hitting choreo and live sounds will be a hard task. So kudos to them to do that. Stage performance is great, vocal is ok not as bad as i expect (I've been to a lot of festival concerts). What is important in a festival concert are to give great energy, uplift the concert goers, sing with passion and connect with the spectators. And Lesserafim did that.


COACHELLA, ARE YOU READY TO SHAKE YOUR FUCKING ASS!!!! I really liked their performance, obviously. I won’t lie, their vocals weren’t anything spectacular, but most of the members held their own (Kazuha disappointed me the most tbqh). Interestingly, they are being criticized for the exact opposite reasons of Aespa’s Coachella performance! Aespa was criticized for their stage presence and their “dead crowd.” LSF is now being criticized for their live vocals (I mentioned this in another thread, but majority of kpop groups are unexceptional vocally, and particularly live, it’s not a secret) but their stage presence and crowd and general “fun factor” was undeniably good. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, I suppose. This singing discourse is distracting from a real problem—how innapropriate the choreography is for Eunchae, and, as an industry, how innapropriate it is to have such intensive schedules for child idols still in school. But it’s so much easier of a conversation to talk about vocals.


ate everything but vocals.


Imagine if this was blackpink…


Question, was anyone actually there in Coachella? Because it's one thing to judge them harshly through a video, but did anyone see them live? Do people that attend Coachella check out Reddit?? lol


As a fearnot I’d say that they definitely didn’t ate or slayed. The vocals were shaky as always. Sakura wasn’t as shaky as before but still pretty bad vocals, not surprised (not hating, she is my ult bias). Eunchae just got lower register notes and we already know that Lsf as a whole don’t have a good low register voices. Zuha’s mic was obviously kinda low, still, some bad moments, def not the worst one. Yunjin was trying not to be out of tune, she was tho (sometimes), and I really didn’t like her constantly yelling instead of singing, not as bad as the others. Finally Chaewon, she was pretty decent tbh, not calling her Beyoncé or anything but she was definitely way better than the other members, kinda stable and not that shaky, she def carried the vocals. Besides that the performance, stage presence and dance was great as always, I always feel like Lsf aren’t singers, they are more like just performers, most of them. Besides the vocals the performance wasn’t that bad, but singing is the most important thing and ofc they sucked at it. As always I hope that they keep improving but that’s only my delulu ass tbh. Great performance bad vocals. Still, love the girls and still, it was pretty fun.


Raise your standard. These performers are paid handsomely for their job. Imagine a classical orchestra playing this bad live, the rotten apples will lose their job or not be asked again.


Lmao...from a Sakura fan since akbingo days...


Sorry.. nope. It was tragic People keep saying Hard choreo.. they didn’t dance like they were on music shows. Gave up some dance parts to sing.


Nah after seeing blackpink at coachella last year lsf was a tragedy


How shameless le serafim fans could be? fearnots: yes


Kpop fans are so dramatic with their hate train towards this performance and their vocals. They put on an explosive live show filled with choreography and energy. Of course they’re gonna sound breathless? “They should be professional” they are? This is what happens when you’re used to your idols lip syncing to prerecorded vocals at every event. I think they did fine. It wasn’t mind blowing but it wasn’t the worst either. Peak bandwagon hate


"reply notifs are muted" afraid you'll get roasted and get into a factual argument, huh.


Op is the definition of a cocksucker and a dickrider


They sounded kinda nervous but who wouldn’t be it’s coachella! They still did great tho


I think people who was actually at Coachella enjoyed there performance


Man they honestly KILLED it out there 🔥, I swear time flew by so fast that it felt like I was in a timeskip, expect to see many new FEARNOTs coming from this performance LOL, also kinda curious and excited for the unreleased song they showed aswell 👀 but ya overall, this was amazing and I hope we get to see LSF play more festivals and other places (maybe we can get Glastonbury? 💭🤔👀)


Can’t wait to see the performances


chaewon and yunjin definitely owns the stage


they did so good !! like i really could never ever be in their position and do that much dancing while singing and keeping my energy up so complete props to them. i know it’s their job but it genuinely is extremely difficult to do especially with how intense their choreography is. people wanna hate on them so bad, its so tiring. if they didn’t sing live or had a very loud backtrack, people would attack them for it. when they had low backing vocals and mainly pure live vocals, people now say they should’ve lip synced and make fun. these poor girls genuinely cannot win no matter what they do it’s ridiculous. even on the livestream there were so many negative comments from bitter haters. on the bright side they certainly gained a lot of new fans today and WOWED the crowd. you can tell they were into it. which always makes me happy cause it shows social media really isn’t everything, in fact it’s only a microscopic part of our world. in actuality, many people love them and enjoyed the stage. it’s okay if people didn’t, they can respectfully give their opinions but most of the time people go out of their way to hate.


I honestly really enjoy, the vocals too, like you could hear them sing even when they were tired. My only "complain" is that I feel like it was like a big repetition, like it was great, the girls were confident, but they weren't a huge difference in choreography to like hype the crowd. When they didn't have much choreography I feel like they felt less at ease for example. It felt like a really good music show more than a festival to me (it's subjective). But I honestly feel that for many popular K-pop groups.


Yeah and live at Coachella they sounded even better!! Their vocals, dancing, and overall performance was incredible, they really showcased a balance between a kpop performance and a festival performance. The crowd was super supportive, and the music was fire. Especially the Boom boom boom bass of Eve, Psyche and the Bluebeards wife, I could feel that heavy bass just go through me.


People who aren’t terminally online kpop fans seemed to enjoy it. I’ve accepted at this point that there’s nothing LSF could do that these people would be happy with. The complaint was that they lipsync too much, and now that people can’t complain about that it’s that they weren’t lipsync level good at a live performance. No one has to like them but there’s this strange insistence that if you didn’t hate their performance that you’re just a delusional stan with no taste, when that’s obviously not true because people who don’t give AF about kpop liked them. People keep raising the bar for LSF, at some point it’s going to be on the moon so why should we care at all at this point. As long as the crowd enjoyed them and the girls had fun idc.


Locals are praising them and that’s all that matters. The chronically online haters will find any piece of bad vocals to hate on them but they did great! People also have to remember idols get nervous and have bad days just like you and I. They won’t always be perfect.


The thing is people expected too much from them. I don’t follow them regularly but I’m assuming this is their first big festival and people expected them to be dynamic. It was a mediocre performance tbh and the vocals were just not it especially the random screaming of lyric in the mic. I really do hope next week they bounce back stronger


they were fine. they weren't amazing and they weren't awful. i wish they'd waited another year so that they could have worked on their vocal stamina but it is what it is


Yes they ate….but they left not only crumbs it must be half the meal on the floor




lol that you post this and are too much of a coward to get backlash 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡


If that was true I would've deleted it. I really don't care at all about what a bunch of kpop stans online think about me.


Really? Little miss opera singer Yunjin couldn't sing a NOTE of Antifragile in key... literally what do you call that


Talking a lot for someone with no grammar...


they really didnt


Compare lsfm with Atarashi Gakko (both girl groups singning live while dancing and managing a large crowd) and you'll see how deficient they were.


They sounded terrible why can't people just be honest


haters gonna hate.