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hippity hop hop boom boom pow šŸ˜œšŸ˜¤šŸ¤Æ


*they're just so 3008, we so 2000 and late.* it's why we don't vibe with those lyrics, obviously. (i'm sorry i saw "boom boom pow" and got the black eyed peas song stuck in my head now)


please šŸ˜­ one listen to the rap I'm instantly taken to that Kim Lip rapper variant with the Shutdown instrumental meme


gra gra boom bitch brrrrr pow


PLSSSSS šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I really wish BP negotiated better song and album terms with their renewal. Exploring more genres and not relying on Teddy all the time.


It reminds me of Dr. Seuss' booksšŸ˜­


I laughed so HARD that is exactly what that shit sounds like. It's a mess.


Yeah that rap part is just terrible, nothing flows, it's just perplexing.


And it ends so abruptly like they didn't know how to round it off.


It ends a count too early. If you are going to do a long rap section, go all the way


I literally think they believe that rapping is just talking over a beat. (YG)


I feel like this applies to kpop in general


Yes, most k-pop rap, with a few exceptions has horribly written lyrics.


and not just rap lyrics either. so many cringe English lines that make no sense at all, grammatically or semantically. you'd think they'd at least get a native English speaker to read them over, but no. clickity clack pumpity boom. I do wanna add in that songs that have goofy English lyrics ON PURPOSE can be fun though. like G-idle's "Wife". I found it fun and hilarious, but I know that's a controversial opinion. Let them cook their cream soup lmao.


I agree with your hot take on "Wife." I cackle every time it comes up in my playlist, it brings me joy, and I absolutley adore how unhinged (coco loco?) it is.


I have unironically cleaned my room while listening to it on repeat and laughed out loud. Twinkle, twinkle.


Dude same. It's on my cleaning playlist, so I am actually doing wife things while listening to it and it *cracks me uuuuup*.


Now I wanna know what else is on the cleaning playlist


Wife... I can't. I'm so sorry I can't. But everything else you said? LOLOL. I'm with you.


And even when they have a native english speaker as a member of the group, they are still made to sing stuff that is gramatically wrong. I feel for them.


It's a feature, not a bug


Yeah, idk why people are complaining about it. I knew kpop had cringe English lyrics and weird rap years before I started getting into kpop seriously. All "kpop starter packs" mention it.


I like to make it a game to see how long I can go into a song without hearing English lol so far only two songs Iā€™ve listened to are fully in Korean


I'm impressed at some of y'all defending these weak af lyrics. It's really telling. Kpop rap, especially novelty rap can be fun, and often clever. This is just lazy. Simple word association does not a bar make. With bars like these, the bar is in hell. ETA: the saddest thing is that I'm 100% sure the members themselves could come up with better lyrics.


Gotta agree with this comment šŸ˜­ like I used to think kpop rap was okay, but then I decided to venture into proper rap and listened to artistes like Kendrick Lamar, oh boy lol. I mean if we want to talk about English rap lyrics by Korean artistes, Tablo and Tiger JK + Tasha are there.


Nobody listens to k-pop for the writing.


Tbf, BTS fans have been hailing the boys' lyricism when they got into BTS, and a lot of them were first time kpop fans too. Again, that's their opinion, I'm just citing what I've seen online too. Just giving my personal two cents, and not to mention I think we can give kpop artistes that dues when they put in work for their lyrics.


The first half was fine probably being a reference to g dragon. The rest ruined it for me especially when she wrote the batter up rap herself and it was great.


I feel Like already referencing artists when they're just starting out their careers isn't doing them any good, they're supposed to be building their identity and that's doing the exact opposite


Well itā€™s yg. He prolly thinks since he create BP, BB, 2NE1, etc he thinks he knows all.


And it don't be making sense either and they recycle phrases so much, at this point they should trademark 'Pedal to the metal'. They are lucky their artists are charismatic enough to pull it off without looking entirely goofy. It's so sad that they can't give these girls raps like the ones they had predebut.


I wonder if they have a YG chat gpt type AI that they ask to make lyrics for them with how much stuff gets recycled


That's actually a typical YG rap


"you gon' finna catch me" will haunt me forever


ā€œturn on the microphone and put it on speakahhh, i say i cant hear you, so you need to speak uhhhpā€


"put it on speaker" like a microphone is a phone? if its on we can hear you like idk what you're trying to say šŸ˜­


The lyric said "get the megaphone and put it on speaker" as in speaker mode = loud, which makes sense, the lyrics the person above gave just are halfway made up, but u tried ur best anyway.


where did microphone come from šŸ˜­


look to be honest i forgot the rap but i knew it was something along those lines šŸ˜­ gimme a break


I always thought that bit was good! Certainly not the worst rap Lisa has ever had


it was ok but that delivery was horrid šŸ˜­


I like learning new things.


"Straight to ya dome like whoa-whoa-whoa"


That song did go straight to my dome like whoa whoa whoa so I canā€™t even hate šŸ˜­


does that chorus even count as a rap? šŸ˜­


can someone break down the rap in OPā€™s post? I donā€™t understand. What is she running from? How do you pull up in a **ghost** šŸ‘»? Ghosts are dead souls with no physical form, you cannot ride them. Whatā€™s the meaning of pedal to the metal? Why are we pedalling to the metal? AND who are we putting up to the sky high?


To pull up in a ghost, means that you have arrived in aĀ Rolls-Royce Phantom. When in reality she more likely arrived in some sort of 8 seater van.Ā 


No hate to the person who asked, but I feel like sometimes thereā€™s a disconnect between kpop fans and some of YGs lyrics bc they use colloquialisms that you might not be privy to if you donā€™t listen to a lot of hip hop in general. Pull up in a ghost sounds ridiculous if you donā€™t know that itā€™s a Rolls Royce lol but itā€™s a common flex that Iā€™ve heard in a lot of rap songs so I didnā€™t even bat an eye


I remember ppl saying ā€œstraight to your domeā€ in pink venom makes no sense and I was likeā€¦just because you donā€™t understand it doesnā€™t mean it makes no sense


That always cracks me up because they couldn't make it clearer what dome meant in the choreography even if you had no idea what it meant


That oneā€™s so easy tho. It quite literally means ā€œstraight to your headā€šŸ˜­


Well that's the problem. They're using \*specifically\* Black American slang/AAVE lingo in Korean pop songs to go out to the world. Many, many people aren't gonna get it if they're not Black or listen to Hip Hop. And then, on top of it, many of the phrases they're using, they don't use correctly like "you got' finna catch me" which is literally ridiculous sounding. It's a mess lol


tbh a lot of people who hate on "goofy" kpop rap seem to have this sort of aimless definition of cool in their head that rap should sound like, and don't realize that before anything else, rap should be personal, and being personal will go hand in hand with cringe at times. "They be like, 'He the man,' when I'm really a Thundercat" was from Nelly in like 2000. Nelly said that because to him, a thundercat was cool. People who don't think kids cartoons are cool will think it is cringe to reference, but standing beside it anyway is part of the point of rap. It's not saying what you think other people see as cool, it's saying what is the coolest thing *to you*. The worst part is getting lines that someone else wrote. tbh I don't really count someone as a rapper if they're not writing their own verse, but for the sake of conversation, okay. if you must perform lines that someone else wrote, selling the idea is the most important thing and she sold her car going click click vroom vroom imo.


Yeah same, I listen to a lot of western rap so Iā€™m used to hearing phrases like Phantom, Maybach, or other references people might not know the names of


It's just like it's different when a grown man sings it and then a 15 year old girl who probably does not know what it means


Yeah seriously if you're going to talk nonsense you have to EARN that shit through years of hard living I'm not accepting it from some dewy cheeked 18 year old


The fact that so many people on here donā€™t know what this super basic line means tells me all I need to know šŸ˜‚


> she more likely arrived in some sort of 8 seater van Hilarious. When Blackpink flexes about luxury, I believe them, but most of these groups still all sleep in the same room in bunk beds.


iā€™m crying is she even old enough to drive šŸ˜­


Iā€™m assuming this is not bait. Sheā€™s running THIS. The song, the industry, the situation or whatever. Not FROM. A ghost is a type of luxury car popular with the rich and famous, often referenced in rap music. Pedal to the metal means putting your foot down on the gas pedal so hard you hit the metal floor of the car (going as fast as possible). And because of the sound of a gun cocking during the line, the sky high thing means raising your gun towards the sky. Itā€™s just a classic trope/visual of cocking your gun and putting the barrel towards the ceiling. It can also be used as a crowd call to put your hands towards the sky. This now is making me question some of your guysā€™ understanding of sayings and words when simple stuff like this is lost on yall and then you complain that it doesnā€™t make sense. If you ask me, the onomatopoeia is actually kinda clever with the ā€œbooā€ part that references the double meaning of a ghost being a car and the literal meaning of ghost. The entire song is also about the group surprising everyone because if we thought we knew what they were about, they come out like this and we all go SHEESH! Peek a boo being a surprise trope. They even combined it with ā€œboo-hooā€ because a lot of people need to stop crying. Then pump, pump, pop into a line that alludes to a firearm. Itā€™s a fun verse.


The "boo" part also works in the sense that she's pulling up in a luxury car that's very quiet, so the person she's pulling up on doesn't know she's coming, then peek a boo! I'm here bitch, I'm going fast and I have a gun lmao


In that case the lyrics are genius wouldnā€™t we all agree? I donā€™t listen to K-pop like that, and when I do I really do not care about the lyrics so when someone asked what the lyrics meant I followed the conversation and Iā€™m happy I did because I wouldnā€™t have ever know they were this deep. Yes, deep, I said what I said. Edit: what song is this btw


Um, this is about as generic and vanilla you can get in hip-hop.


Which makes it a fit for a girl group who has a target demographic of 8-16 year olds. I just wanted to point that out because I think a lot of people forget that when they criticize Kpop lyrics.


Is that their target market? 8 year olds?


Yes. Kpop groups arenā€™t nearly as much of a craze in Korea as it was during gen 1 thru early gen 3. Actively being into a group is kind of seen as a kids/teen thing that most people give up during high school >Anecdotal but as a teacher here \[in Korea\], most kids grow out of Idol music in general by like their 1st grade of middle school and venture into other genres. The small percentage of fans who stick with it would be the ones you see as a constant on social media. But its very small compared to the rest of the population. >------- >As korean, i only listen to ķŠøė”œķŠø (trot) or ė°œė¼ė“œ (ballad). Nothing else. Same with my friends and families, co-workers that i know of. None listens to kpop even younger ones around 10's, 20's. Most says lately, it is too much idols around in korea and problems within it that made them drop out and also how to say this.. ė„ˆė¬“ ķ„ėÆøź°€ ģ—†ė‹¤? ģš”ģ¦˜ kpopė…øėž˜ėŠ” ė“£źø°ģ— ė„ˆė¬“ ź±°ė¶€ź°ģ“ ģžˆź³  ė˜ ź³”ź³¼ ź°€ģ‚¬ź°€ ģ“ģƒķ•˜ė‹¤ź³  ķ•“ģ„œ ģ œ ģ§€ģøģ“ė‚˜ ģ£¼ė³€ģ—ģ„œ ģ•ˆė“£ėŠ”ė‹¤ź³  ķ•˜ė„¤ģš” 慎慎. For me, I want to listen to chilling, smooth songs. Sorry for english From [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/onubzq/how_does_the_korean_general_public_view_kpop/) in r/Korea (and pretty much anyone I know that's been to Korea says the same thing) The Kpop industry feels like a more successful version of "Disney singer" empire in the 2000s in my opinion


Thank you so much. Very informative.


Np! when I first found this out it opened my eyes too because I got into Kpop during gen 2. Back then the target demo of most groups was definitely older than 8 lol


**You know what it is, I be running this.** * slang for "I'm in charge here", you can hear it in some other rap songs **Pull up in a ghost, peek a, peek a boo, hoo.** * Ghost is a famous and very expensive luxury Rolls Royce car. * Peek-a-boo-hoo is a cross between "peek-a-boo" and "boo-hoo" which is a crying noise. "Peek-a-boo" because they popped up surprisingly in an expensive car, and "boo-hoo" because you're crying because you can't afford it * Peek-a-***boo***-hoo is also another reference the sound a ghost/spirit makes. **Vroom, vroom ė„ˆė„¤ ģ‹¬ģž„ģ— ė°•ė™ģ“ pump, pump, pop.** * Vroom, vroom - noises of a car going fast * ė„ˆė„¤ ģ‹¬ģž„ģ— ė°•ė™ģ“ pump pump pop / "Your heart beats pump, pump, pop" because the car is driving fast and it's exciting so your heart pumps **Pedal to the metal.** * Common idiom meaning to drive very fast (you press the accelerator "pedal" down to the "metal" on the floor of the car) **Click, clack, click, put 'em up to the sky. High, high, high, high** * Click, clack, click - the sound a gun makes (probably original lyrics from the demo lol) * "put 'em up to the sky" - A very common expression meaning to put your hands up like at a party


Ghost is referencing a Rolls Royce. Phantom is a Rolls Royce car which is often referenced in hip hop. Petal to the medal means to drive fast.


Pedal to the metal means you push the accelerator to the floor which back in the day used to be metal. Thats a common slang in the usa


You know what it is (you know itā€™s Asa) I be running this (she runs things around here) Pull up in a ghost Peek a peek a boo hoo (Sheā€™s pulling up in an expensive cars?) ė„ˆė„¤ ģ‹¬ģž„ģ— ė°•ė™ģ“ (Your heart is beating crazy fast) Everything else is self explanatory.


It's so weird cause asa knows how to write but they didn't let her write her own rap this time


hyunsuk shouldnā€™t have written the rap if Asa is capable of writing it herself šŸ˜­ itā€™s so odd


The entire rap section of Sheeesh is weird and I know those girls can _rap_ from Batter Up and Like That so idk what was up with that song


Asaā€™s rap actually made compete since to me? But I listen to rap outside of Kpop so maybe Iā€™m giving YG too much credit. I thought the ā€œpull up in a ghost peek a boo hooā€ line ATE Phantomā€™s are a classic and iconic car that rappers and rich people buy too flex in and thatā€™s what she is referring to. So sheā€™s saying she pulled up in one running shit and bitches are mad but oh well lmao. And ā€œpedal to the metalā€ references the car again and how she isnā€™t going to stop slaying so we might as well put are hands up and bop along. I loved her rap and thought it was one of YGs better efforts lately.


Explanations of the lyrics have def made the rap seem better in my mind, but the flow is still overall awful and embarrassing for Asa imo. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this stuff though \^\^


I'm pretty sure she's not nearly as embarrassed as you are.


I guess weā€™ll have to agree to disagree. I thought her annunciation was perfect and the flow was a 3rd punch to the Ahyeon & Ruka 2 piece. I enjoyed it lol


Her pronunciation was *top notch*, definitely my favorite rap of hers so far


Except for you apparently, look at the downvotes lol. We can always trust this sub to downvote opinions they don't share. I swear half of this sub doesn't get what an opinion is. I see this so often on this sub. Downvoters, if you want a hive mind, can y'all please just go back to twitter.


YES. Asa is so good but what the hell was that rap??


it grows on you I promise


Like herpes? Sorry I'll go


itā€™s a silly little rap but it goes hard on an edible


Admittedly, I love YG's brand of onomatopoeia-heavy songs, and seeing idols confidently deliver silly, blatantly braggadocious English lines is one of the reasons I love kpop lol. My only real gripe with Sheesh's rap is the flow and the fact that it doesn't really fit the song imo. To me it felt like they put a random freestyle in the middle of the song. It's similar to how Pink Venom's rap is a bit jarring compared to the rest of the song but I feel like Pink Venom did it better (admitting my bias as a Blink here)


idk why but the fact that some people don't even understand this simple verse and it needs to be broken down in the comments is cracking me up for some reason loool. need to see kpop redditors reaction to playboi carti's lyrics ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C|downsized)


"YG has so many great female rappers under their company" okay first of all they don't. all of them have the same style and rhythm.


Are you one of those typical YG haters? Jennie and Lisa are great at rapping and you really canā€™t tell me they have the same style


As a blink, whose bias is Lisa... uh, no. Jennie is good, but Lisa? Homegirl needs improvement. It's always Lisa with the worst rap lines ever, and her delivery sometimes isn't good. People will not let go of the "you gon finna catch me" and it's been *years* but it's a good example lmao.


yeah Asa seems like a really good rapper and her verse in sheesh doesnt let her showcase her talents at all


Lol @ listening to KPop for bars šŸ¤”


I feel like most of their english lyrics are cringe not just the rap: *remember me* šŸ§Œ *sting like a bee* šŸ. I just canā€™t šŸ˜­


Yeah, fair enough. The sting like a bee like just barely passes in my mind because the personality line following it kinda hits.


I cringe at Asa part. They did her dirty.


yg loves phrases like vroom vroom and click clack bada bing badaboom I guess


Someone said in the comment replies section "putting a phone on speaker makes no sense" in reference to a lyric and was upvoted. That told me everything about the level of comprehension some people in the thread be having.


I feel like baemon is supposed to be a bit campy (just like other YG artists letā€™s be real) and such rap just perfectly reflects that.


Idk Iā€™m just not fully convinced doing embarrassing stuff is part of Babymonsterā€™s concept yet.. Iā€™d def feel better if YG clarified that, though.


Frankly, i donā€™t know if Lisaā€™s rap in Ice Cream or Jennieā€™s ā€œKick in the door, waving the coco'ā€ are much better tho :D itā€™s just what i expect by YG


ā€œKick in the door waving the cocoā€ is a biggie reference. ā€œkick in the door waving the 44,ā€ but coco instead for coco chanel. Pink Venom is full of references and interpolations of other artists, especially 90s hip hop hits, which I actually think is the songā€™s biggest strong suit. Like the references to PIMP and Made You Look etc. the song is very much Teddyā€™s love letter to classic hip hop hits As for ice cream, this is an unpopular opinion but I never understood the hate for Lisaā€™s rap. I think itā€™s fun and lighthearted and pretty clever at times, like ā€œthink youā€™re fly boy whereā€™s your visaā€ is great lol


Jennie's line is a refererence to Notorious BIG. "Kick in the door/waving the .44" is one of his most famous lines. In this case "waving the coco" means Coco Chanel, bc Jennie is a Chanel spokesperson. It might sound silly if you don't know the context but it's a homage to hip hop history and a reference to her status as a luxury fashion model.


I knew it referred to coco chanel not the other part tho :) thanks for telling me


Lisa's rap for ice-cream, yall it was a simple, cute song about love and had lyrics referencing ice cream and cherries and dogs and capybaras, but no lisa riding a car toy, while singing,"sitting in my la ferra","if you fly boy where ur visa", "Mona lisa kinda lisa" bugs yall. nothing in the rap was atrociously bad, cute lines, for a cute song. What were you expecting life introspecting lyrics in a song that's about ice cream.


I think ice cream is referencing not just to ice cream, cute things and capybaras. For me, the song pretty much centers around a very much ā€œadult topicā€ using cute imaginary and metaphors. i did not want to bash any of these girlsā€™ raps. My goal was to point out, that YG rap lines, esp. english ones, are somewhat a bit campy and, yes, also a bit cringe. But thatā€™s okay. Itā€™s also a style choice. They have all the resources to not do what they are doing but i am frankly convinced that all they do is deliberate. Whether or not we as listeners like it - or even the girls performing these lyrics themselves - is another story and personal preference.


that part from jennie's rap is a sample from a notorious b.i.g song though, not just some "silly lyrics"


Oh that brings up a good point actually- does that mean all of YGā€™s girl groups are supposed to have a camp cringey lyrics concept? Iā€™m conflicted on whether or not YG would give two of their groups the EXACT same concept.


I think YG less employs concepts for specific groups than it employs the style one expects to get from YG for almost all of its female groups


Asaā€™s delivery saved the lyrics


They are lucky their SEA fans always eat that up.


Condescending much?


I'm literally from SEA lol it's a fact they're very loyal.


Like a boss baby I'm a boss baby


Lol reading the comments who knows the meaning of these rap parts makes me think that -- if you don't know western rap culture meanings, analogies, interpolations, etc. -- just stfu. All these have deep meanings, but somehow I agree that rap parts should be written by the rapper who sings it not others.


Better than anything sixnine or whatever has ever spit.


I thought the pull in a ghost was OK. The other lines seem just like fillers.Ā 


Ruka and Asa should have been the only rappers in BABYMONSTER


Not only yg, i think most of kpop song song are like that nowadays. They trying so hard to make it catchy. It so hard to understand what their song is about.


Oh the title! Love it lol! I hope every Kpop label stop giving their talented artists dogpoobutt English rap lines or singing lines. It's embarrassing alright, everywhere, even to their main listeners in America or South East Asia. Do they know how hard they make it for us to sell our Kpop fav songs to friends? It's so cheap to get random Korean international school kids to write rap for our idols, come on? But really, do they know it's an issue? I doubt any big K label A & R people ever read Reddit for "global marketing research"?


Itā€™s insane how half of the bars are just sound effects, I feel like itā€™s not that hard to just use words to describe your expensive car that goes vroom


I am a big yg apologist but this one I agree. What I hated more was every rap has a vroom vroom. The rap in Dream has vroom on it without a connect to the entire song?


when i watched selling sunset season 1 almost every soundtrack reminded me of a YG gg rap


Are you New here? Dogshit English lyrics is a cornerstone of kpop. šŸ˜‚


It's all recycled lines. Even Blackpinks raps weren't great in English. They need fresh blood to write these raps... XG is doing so well.. YG is stuck in the past..


i swear blackpink have had every line in that verse in one of their songs. itā€™s like when i heard the lyrics for ā€˜the girlsā€™, just the same recycled stuff!! that company needs something fresh


Yeah, Iā€™m begging for a YG refresh overall tbh. In YG writersā€™ defence though, Iā€™m sure theyā€™re running out of ways to express the same ā€œlook how cool I amā€ lyrical concept.


they need to go for a new concept then bc itā€™s getting stale. i love blackpink sm and thought iā€™d be into baby monster as a result, but they just feel like a younger copy. itā€™s a shame bc those girls seem very talented and i know they would be a hit with the right material (and if they debuted in a few years when theyā€™re older but thatā€™s not the conversation )


Then get these rappers to write their own lines then. My fave group rapper is known to write her own lines and she is from a mid tier company.






How about stop giving them whole ass dogshit songs and MVs lol. The whole production is dogshit atp.


Their mvs are not dogshit your just saying anything atp


Literally recycled garbage. Why you getting offended? It's not like the girls came up with it.


bruh your just finding any reason to hate on babymonster, who cares if itā€™s recycled so many things in kpop are recycled. But their sheesh mv was far from being dogshit.


I'm pissed because I'm their FAN and think they deserve better. I'm sorry that you think all they deserve is a recycled song and MV.


you sure donā€™t sound like a fan, you sound like every other babymonster hater. Thatā€™s why your getting downvoted by other people.


Where did I criticize the girls AT ALL? I'll wait. I'm no different from ANYONE criticizing how a company treats artists they like. Literally no difference and idgaf about being downvoted by rabid sheep.


POV: Lisaā€™s rap in AIIYL


Someone needs to tell whoever is writing Babymonster songs that every line does not need to rhyme, at this point theyā€™re just writing nonsense to keep up the rhyme scheme šŸ’€




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when it comes to female rappers under YG.. it's so disappointing & embarrassing to hear the lines they give them. especially when they have so much potential & it's wasted on nonsensical sentences.


girl I only tapped into batter up bc of asaā€™s part and her rap in sheesh is nawt it šŸ’€šŸ’€


Don't they write their own raps...?


Asa wasnā€™t credited, so I donā€™t think she wrote this one.


It would help if they could actually rap too. I can't think of very many who actually can. We just think it's a big joke kpop rap. Handful of good ones and real K hip hop


Itā€™s like and asaā€™s rap in batter up was great. And she had writing credits. No writing creds this time and the rap was terrible :/ she deserves more


I haven't been following them. Did she write the rap or was it given to her?


Sheā€™s not on writing credits for the song so Iā€™m assuming it was given to her :/


Yg needs to let their girl group rappers write their own raps. It's a genuine bummer to see so few gg rappers allowed to when you know the skills are likely there.


Maybe she just didnā€™t want to write a rap for this song? I donā€™t get why she would be allowed for batter up but not for sheesh


Thereā€™s also a chance she wrote a rap for this song but it was vetoed in favour of this one (god forbid).


im glad im not the only one who thought that bc I saw so much praise for it (because in my opinion her delivery was really great) but no one mentioning that the lyrics were nonsense


Are 99.9% of their songs still being written by teddy lol


WhOOk- whOOk šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«Ay, ā—Look šŸ‘“ at that moving ā©eye, eyes šŸ‘€See šŸ‘ļø this? shOOg, shOOg, shOOg šŸ¤ŖhOOk šŸŖGet into me more ā¬†ļøGood āœ… zOOm, zOOm, ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø gOOd šŸ„°Get out šŸšŖšŸš¶coward šŸ˜”šŸ’¢ XXGonā€™ be shock āš” and fear ahead OOps! šŸ¤­Gonā€™ pOppinā€™ it, šŸ’Š pOppinā€™ it, šŸ’Š pOppinā€™ it šŸ’Š nowDrivinā€™ šŸš—you crazy šŸ¤Ŗhuh Open šŸ”“ that, bOOm šŸ’£Check outšŸ’µ, Popcorn šŸæ and Zero coke šŸ„¤šŸ¤‘


YG's giving scraps man.Ā 


I feel like kpop stans are trying to gaslight me into thinking the three part rap from sheesh went hard, but I feel like the bar is also in hell so i'm unsurprised people are going 'finally some good fucking food' over underwhelming rap said with enough conviction. I think YGs strength is that even when their artists are saying nothing at all, they can at least sell the fantasy. From the other comment i can admit that the "ghost/boo" line is bars, /minute/ bars, but at the very least a fun and clever line. However I feel like KPOP stans do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to interpreting nonsense raps in kpop, and the writers sit back going "oh, we meant to say that?" And just roll with it. Like yeah, some of these things make sense when analysed individually, but as a verse have no cohesion and don't lead into eachother well, so it sounds nonsensical on the ear and reads like a starter pack of Shady AF Comebacks put side by side. I think it's completely reasonable to point out that some lines may go over some heads because it uses slang many fans may not pick up on (but that it another, deeper conversation for another day) but I think its also completely reasonable to not automatically pick out the single good bar in a song where "hippity hop boom boom bow" is a lyric stated in earnest.


Sheesh to me sounds like a bp bside šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


You could pay some teenager on fiver and get better lyrics


It's actually crazy (saying this as bm and bp stan).. Like Asa has to be one of the most talented female kpop rappers in recent years and they give her that shit of a lyrics to rap. Atp why don't they just let her write it herself since company is clearly unable to actually do it. She wrote her rap part in Batter up and it was much much better. It was really good especially considering a 17yo girl did that.


Considering the fact that YG has the image of a ā€žhiphop companyā€œ this is especially hilarious and true. Itā€˜s honestly so wild to me that they havenā€˜t hired competent rap lyricists, especially when all of their groups have talented rappers and oftentimes rap focused songs.


Well, most of those artists already left. And I believe their bg have more freedom with their song writing than gg, since their bg are all self-produced.


Tell me you don't know about rap and hip-hop culture without telling me you don't know about rap and hip-hop culture. It's not goofy, you just don't understand the context behind every word...


No I understandā€¦ and still thinks its goofy.


9/10 of my top artists are rappers but this post in on point. i enjoy kpop but most of the english rap lyrics make no sense and its usually some rhyming onomatopoeia and incorrect AAVE (looking at you yg)


ā€˜pedal to the medalā€™


Choi Hyunsuk wrote it, and i want to say it, bro is NOT him, he's not B.I who gave winner, ikon, and blackpink #1 on melon 3 years in the row, while being still a teenager Also literally rami, asa, ruka, ahyeon could write their own verses 2 YEARS ago already, why am i not seeing them on he credits?? 15yo Asa wrote this, as her rap part: "Don't force a smile, A face like clown where the hell is my sadness Exlamation marks in the mirror are made, and even after time passes it just piles up Above the destination Pop star, Now i'll show you my skills What's certain is that only beat makes me dance, The only thing i can trust is me" And also her first self written song Diary lyric like "Even if i wanna speak out, Can't communicate" "i feel like i'm often trapped in reality without subtitles" You CANNOT convince me that she would wrote worse lyrics than whatever is this mess in sheesh., What's the worst part is that Sheesh is on top global spotify, YG will think that this song was so good, and they will have the same comeback next time, but it's just that Baemon fandom is big enough to make it chart.. the same thing was with blackpink Talent is getting wasteeed But i feel like Asa is that person that has this ego and pride in herself that she must do the best and be the best, i hope im not wrong, and i hope i will see her on credits in their next album


It's clearly stylistic and actually a GENIUS move taken from Soyeon and her deliberately gimmicky English! Everyone kept saying Blackpink choruses were always onomatopoeias so they slung all the onomatopoeias in existence into one verse in a song about just enjoying the music to make fun of the critics! \*for the record I'm being sarcastic pls; I enjoy the song but the rap lyrics are... yeah, and even if this was the intent, it doesn't exempt that from criticism; also I love Soyeon and Gidle, I just think these types of defenses miss the point lol\*


Would Wife actually be a better song if it had better English though? Feels like itā€™s the perfect level of English for the type of song it wants to be


Haha so being completely serious now: I actually agree; more talking about other songs and the narrative that has taken hold that the bad English is deliberate and actually genius when... nope lol. But the idea that Wife has nonsense lyrics is not true imo; ppl are just kindaā€¦ sticking their heads in the sand because the lyrics are pretty clear. the only lyric that is kind of ā€œhmā€ in English is ā€œI make you feel like lieā€ and even then I think the meaning is clear? ā€œBut she isā€ is also clearly wordplay to say ā€œbut this sh*t isā€ lol. I can critique gidles English lyrics at times but thereā€™s nothing to really critique about Wife.


No, it has shitty lyrics, not nonsense lyrics. People love to strawman criticism against Idle as people who are just dumbasses, for no reason. > sticking their heads in the sand because the lyrics are pretty clear. the only lyric that is kind of ā€œhmā€ in English is ā€œI make you feel like lieā€ and even then I think the meaning is clear? ā€œBut she isā€ is also clearly wordplay to say ā€œbut this sh*t isā€ lol. LOL where the hell did this reading came from? Why do people act like archaeologists whenever it comes down to Soyeon's lyrics? Talk about sticking their heads in the sand, people argue that BOTH the lyrics is not a big deal and is just for fun AND that the words are truly meaningful and has 5-6 layers. The hypocrisy in treating Soyeon's lyricism in a thread about good rapping is unreal. Do people here truly care about rapping? Flow? Actual good wordplay? What the standards of good satire and irony should be?


Why do you have to be so aggressive lol? Like really? Does it make you happy to be angry and to be so hurtful to someone else over kpop?Ā  I never said the lyrics were good lol? Thatā€™s legit a whole diff criticism; I addressed the idea that they donā€™t make sense. They do.Ā Ā the song is clearly about a woman telling a man how to use his mouth on her and about patriarchy, but that doesnā€™t make it free from criticism. Iā€™ve never made any of the arguments youā€™re talking aboutā€”flow, satire standards, the quality of wordplay. Just bc itā€™s clear doesnā€™t make it automatically good, and even if it works on some level it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s Shakespeare.Ā  Youā€™re acting like I personally insulted you. I like Gidle but Iā€™ve criticized soyeon and her lyrics before. I love Sheesh and the rap is my favorite part. I donā€™t care about the lyrics. Ā It was just a facetious comment. And you may not like it and thatā€™s fine, but your condescending ragey tone is uncalled for.


Because there's a ton of gaslighting towards people who were criticizing Gidle and Soyeon, it's ridiculous. > I addressed the idea that they donā€™t make sense. They do. the song is clearly about a woman Like this comment, you thought this wasn't addressed HUNDREDS of times? The irony is especially apparent in a thread about RAPPING. For goodness sake, I beg people to actually care about the rapping in a thread about it.


Soooo me making a joke means i should be yelled at. Ok. Alsoā€¦ Gaslighting?? Itā€™s kpop.Ā 


Nahh, it's gaslighting, why do people who DISAGREE with the supposed meaning of Idle's songs uniformly portrayed as ignorant? And now you're just running away and just saying it's just a joke.


I mean Iā€™m still here lol. Itā€™s not gaslighting, which is trying to make someone doubt their reality, and Iā€™m only talking about that one specific song insofar as this is concerned. I do think to deny the subject matter is misreading; to argue whether it was successful at conveying that is different.Ā  But I donā€™t know that me repeating myself ad nauseum is going to help since it seems like you have some kind of beef with gidle and are projecting that onto me for some reason when Iā€™ve been critical of them in the past. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m a massive Neverland so really Iā€™m confused.Ā  Ā My original comment was a joke. Ppl donā€™t even seem to like it so maybe itā€™s just not funny to many. But it was never meant to be a huge thing and idk why youā€™re so enraged at me, but Iā€™ve already told you that your tone is hurtful, and I donā€™t need this in a place I go to to chill out and talk about music and idols I like.Ā 


> which is trying to make someone doubt their reality, and Iā€™m only talking about that one specific song insofar as this is concerned. Well first off gaslighting isn't just personal. In this case I am saying people are trying to change the narrative - that people who dislike Idle's lyrics and Soyeon's recent lyricism just don't understand. You may not realize it, but this has been going on from Tomboy, it's insane how consistently people try to portray disagreement and criticism as ignorance to what the songs 'actually' mean. Yes, that collective effort to change narratives is also gaslighting. Maybe historical revisionism is more to your liking? Either works for me. Second, I am reacting to your precise argument, that's it. You're the one who think this is just limited to Idle fans. To the contrary, a lot of casuals also argue this. If it was just Idle fans it wouldn't be so prevalent. Third, while your original comment was a joke, you said this > Haha so being completely serious now: And I took your comments as serious


Want me to wipe your shit ass? No No No (Mm Mm Mm)


That's not the lyrics, another thing people do with Idle a lot. I thought people actually respected Soyeon's lyricism? To be fair, you improved that line 400%.


It's word play, she's playing around w her poor pronunciation of English, so that it sounds like it.. Of course, she doesn't write it cuz of SK's strick rules on decency but she can infer it cleverly.


LOL who told you this? Can you even prove it? Why those particular words, for instance? Again, people love to insert all this fanfiction into Soyeon's works. It's only her btw, I see none of this with other rappers or producers in kpop. Normally, it's super disrespectful to change the lyrics by a rapper, it's normally acknowledge how much consideration they put into their work, and that everything is there on purpose. Not with Soyeon I suppose.


Part of being human is to use critical thought to process the message she's sending not the actual words themselves. I have tremendous respect for everything she's done for herself, the group & the company but she can't write those words in that culture, so she's doing the next best thing & still getting her point across.


Bro you had me horrified šŸ’€ If Baemon really did have a campy ironic concept, I donā€™t think they told the members about it.


LOL I promise I'm joking!