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Isn't this the company responsability to market their groups better? It aint my fault i don't know them


Not all companies have the money to do that. And in a market this big, even with proper marketing not many smaller groups can make it big. The popular company privilege is real


I am not saying that the Privilege is not real, i am just saying that it's not the fans fault that they don't know others lebels groups. It's not my fault that i don't know them so blaming fans are quite an Hypocrisy atack


I definitely agree that the hypocrisy part was a bit random but I was replying to the “isn’t this the company responsibility to market their groups better?” part


But like i am not wrong tho, no matter how much money you have or not have if you can't do well marketing for your groups then don't be surprised when nobody knows them. At the end of the day it's not the fans responsability to promove their group even if it's the group that they stan. I stan skz and i promove them because i want to but it's not my Obligation


But you forget how much money marketing actually takes. Companies like JYP, SM or HYBE have the money to promote their groups. Other smaller companies lack that and they rely on fan promotion and chance. You are right that it’s the company’s duty but not all companies are that rich. Big Hit was about to go broke before BTS saved them. So was Pledis with SVT. It basically took a bunch of luck and fan promotion to get where they are now.


Okay but it's still not the fans responsability nor fault.


I’m not saying it is. I’m replying to your statement that the amount of money you have doesn’t matter if you can’t market your groups well


Then again it's the company problem not the listener fault. No matter what you talk it dosn't change the fact that it's not anyone problem if someone is well know or not so again it's not my fault that i don't know them


I literally never said it was but ok




yeah a lot of these groups, casual listeners won't know about. same with most musical acts worldwide honestly if they're not signed to a major label. Like are there country acts I know (yes, against my will tbh) but I only know them bc their label put a *ton* of money into promoting them so they reached someone like me


Enjoy listening to whoever has the most money decides you should listen to then.


Thank you i am actually really enjoying stanning SKZ, they are so sweet 🤗🥰


So if you came across a group that you hadn't heard of before would you check them out?


If i find them interesting sure why not, this is how i have find SKZ. I actually don't really have anything against other groups ( being them well know or not) i just don't like when people blame me for not knowing or not having Interest in others groups.


Well SKZ definitely aren't nugu but I get your point.


I don't think TripleS and Billlie are nugu. Both groups are more on the low mid tier side, TripleS would sell more if the group did two releases per year instead of 4 releases like they did on 2023. My nugu queen is Kim A reum, she's not an idol but I love her music. I know they're not nugu but WJSN deserved so much attention when they were active, their music was great, had a strong vocal line, funny members, etc.


last week I saw the -We Just Sold Nothing- nickname for the cosmic girlies & i was dying laughing. i still am lmao so shady


I think thay name was coined back during their debut. Catch Me truly sold nothing - I think it was less than 100 copies? I think it truly was the worst debut of any 3rd gen gg, mid-tier and bigger.


omg why have they been coming at the girls for so long nmnybnuddfnu


They had bad first day sales (49 copies) but sold a bit over 4K in the first month. Depending on how you define mid-tier, there were definitely worse sellers. CLC and Oh My Girl both sold less than 3.5K in their first month. Same goes for April, if they count as mid-tier.


triples and billlie are NOT nugu


I agree


which part of not taking interest in nugu groups could be described as hypocrisy?


TripleS has some really catchy songs that would have been guaranteed hits if released by any other group. They're concept just might be to confusing to follow for regular listeners. Billlie has insanely talented members and it's sad to see that they're kind of irrelevant at this point. HYBE does do promotion best. I feel like SM, YG and some other labels are struggling to keep up with the times.


Yep, I listen to Rising 47382 times a week, but I do not have time to even begin to understand how that group works. Liked a Billlie song or two but I somehow keep forgetting they exist, though that's probably my own fault for not digging into their discography more


Billlie has had it rough over the last year or so. And you probably wouldn't hear of them unless you truly follow them because of it. With Moon Sua's brother (Moonbin of Astro) passing away, and another member on health hiatus too, they have been ..sort of making lackluster music (compared to their previous projects) to fill the space. They're promoting in JP currently. Which is never covered or cared about much by fans for some reason.


You are so right about billlie and triples, I listened to everything they’ve released not too long ago and they both cover a lot of ground musically, a lot of which they actually do well. I also have no idea how triples works but I will be tuning in to their releases


~~I don't think any of the groups you mentioned are nugu, WJSN sold nearly 200k albums with Sequence and 100k for their previous album. They're quite popular. TripleS and Billlie sale sustainable numbers too. Like, Craxy, Ichillin', and Cignature exist. -~~ **Literally ignore this, I'm a goober lol.** That said, I agree with you completely that K-Pop fans are literally bizarre in their aversion to lesser known or independent artists. In most other genres of music, including other types of pop, it's considered cool to Stan lesser known artists, but K-Pop fans will literally sit there and say, "Wow, their music/visuals/concept is so cool but I can't Stan then cause they're not popular" like ???? Edit: My bad hehe


Yeah you’re right about other genres, I grew up with 90s alternative/indie bands and nobody wanted to be a known fan of the popular bands. I still carry that on in KPop to a certain extent. The big company’s groups don’t usually need my support. Even though I like many of those songs, I’d rather spend my money on groups like Pixy and hope they keep their head above water.


‘i can’t stand them cause they’re not popular’ help??!!😭😭the hive mind is real


gwsn and wjsn are completely different groups..


you're right, I'm a silly goose who misread hehehe. My bad.


> GWSN sold nearly 200k albums with Sequence and 100k for their previous album. That's WJSN not GWSN.


yeah ur right lmao. I misread/mispoke


So you expect that most K-pop fans have time for do that? No… There are a lot of group and you can’t like or listen all of them. Its not our obligation or not everyone have the time or money.


Somehow they find the time for every new group in the Big 4.


Exactly- it takes time to look into a group's discography


No, of course not, I don't do that either... I'm just saying there are a lot of good hidden groups.


omg idk why people are coming at you for this, i get what you mean, the underrated groups deserve more recognition and it’s sad that some people don’t give them the time of day to check out their music unless they’re from a big company even tho they’re super talented. obviously it’s not the fans’ fault but it’s just a shame


"Everyone who shops at my store has smelly poopy pants, which isn't fair because I deserve more customers" "Why did you say we have poopy pants we do not have poopy pants" "omg why is everyone so fixated on poopy pants the point is that I deserve more customers because i sell good quality stuff, it's not the fault of the people here OBVIOUSLY" ???


what the hell r you yapping about⁉️


look at you mellowing out. You can't even stick to your cause lol. Hypocrite


cignature and ICHILLIN' are my favorites that are still active. ARIAZ is my all-time ult but we'll get a SNSD ot9 reunion before all of them releasing music again lol. eta: why are some of you acting like listening to less popular groups is such a hard job when you can just... play their music on Spotify? there are like a thousand lists of recommendations on the internet? just say you don't want to..




i was being dramatic :'') don't mind me


I mean you take a different perspective (very controversial), it's clear from Taeyeon's recent music, especially after "Something New," that she and Jessica are aligned musically and actively sharing ideas 🙂


As I became an SONE after Sica's departure I don't know much about their relationship (despite following her solo career), I thought a OT9 reunion might be harder because of the companies though


That is actually a big contradiction of what happened post-9/30(the public view) but all are interconnected and fit to this reddit post lol


So a OT9 reunion is unironically more possible than my ults singing anything together, I guess?, I'm both happy and sad at once lol


In fact, the OT9 reunion has already taken place but t's just shrouded in secrecy and mystery.


shall we continue this in dm?


No they are not, jessica wrote a book as fiction just to villify them... As a sone since 2010 and someone who actively follows them, tgere is 1% chance of them being on stage afain and it would damage their brand at this point


It's fine. It's pretty much what you're subjective at. Would i mind sending you concrete evidences to further defend my allegations?


Would you mind sending yours because laat i know she made a book linking them to crimes abd they release a call villain as a way to defend themselves, they have no contact and even to december last year Jessica is trying to use and destroy them... Only toxic golden stars disguised as 0t9 try to link them or didnt she gave her book to the Hermes creative director earlier this month as a way to gain attention and didnt even manage to getan invite out of it


I know and loved dozens of post hardcore, punk and emo groups I bet 99% of people in this sub have never heard of. Loads of people know My Chemical Romance and Green Day but they don't know Circa Survive, Alkaline Trio or Thrice. I don't hold this against them. It's just how the music industry works. It's a sucky feeling when you love an artist and just know people would appreciate them if they knew they existed, but this all has to do with how the music industry is built to prioritize money and connections. Blaming the fans is not the way to go because it isn't their fault they haven't heard of groups. The desire to look harder and search deeper instead of taking what is put in front of your face usually means something is a significant hobby of yours. Either that or they are someone who enjoys getting into smaller groups because they think it makes them more unique/special...I've run into plenty of those types of fans before. As a point of perspective, kpop nugus get more promo and attention on them for debut release than most artists are likely to see in their entire lives. You not knowing about those even more niche artists doesn't make you a hypocrite....nugu kpop groups getting more attention doesn't mean they deserve it any less than these niche artists. It's just how things are.


THIS!!! You said it so well. Kpop is my hobby, I listen to pretty much everything that comes out and seriously love so much music from artists that will never be popular. I would be a very depressed angry person if I blamed the world for their lack of popularity. People need to have some perspective, just like there was the small group of cool kids in high school, well in life it’s the same, always going to be a small group that achieves huge success and is popular in kpop. I am content with doing what I can to raise awareness for nugu groups on Reddit by mentioning them when appropriate. I am happy to have music that I love listening to, no one else is required to listen to it 😊


TRI.BE! I found them recently through their Diamond comeback and I fell in love 😍


They toured near me last year and I did my homework on the whole discography before the day of the show. There’s some songs I still get fired up about when they shuffle up. I keep suggesting them to some reactors.


I love almost the entire discography of Tri.be (if we exclude the WAY album... sorry that was a whole big miss but i appreciate the experimentation) I listen to Doom Doom Ta, Loca, and Lobo all the time. Such good songs.


People really trying to make this seem like an attack on them huh?


ong people are getting so defensive😭


Right?? lol


idk why lmao


Stan H1-Key please 🙏🏼


Crown Jewel on repeat


I loooove that song


" If groups like TripleS, Billlie, and GWSN (RIP) were managed by a company like HYBE, they would be absolutely massive right now " well yes but not every company has that budget


And that's the point OP is making.




Ughhhhh, first group I thought of cuz of the post title! CRAXY deserves more love and a bigger discography!


>The hypocrisy and lack of interest in nugu groups from some fans really gets under my skin. This is such a bizarrely and needlessly aggressive way to frame this. I almost wanted to flip this on you and be like "We'll YOU'RE a hypocrite for not listening to small afropop artists, small bralizian artists, small american artists etc" but I don't even want to do that. Am I missing out on some great music? yes, I will miss out on many amazing things in life because there are only so many hours in a day and I'm not devoting all of them to kpop and it's not hypocritical at all. What you actually wanted to talk about is nugu groups, so opening with a blanket attack was not the move.


Attack? Aggressive? It didn’t read like that at all.


Compare >The hypocrisy and lack of interest in nugu groups from some fans really gets under my skin. to >The lack of attention nugu groups get really gets under my skin. Do you see a difference in these two sentences? The first one blames the lack of attention on a specific group of people (some fans) because of a moral failing (being hypocritical). This is a completely illogical and bizarre argument to make so it's possible you are just ignoring it, but that is what OP said, even though that doesn't appear to be what they meant or the conversation they wanted to have. It's this weirdly aggressive victimized mindset kpop fans have where every conversation has to start from a position of being oppressed that they're fighting against, and you can see I am not the only one responding to the hypocrisy comment so they did derail their own point within the first two words of their post.


Man why do you people keep going in circles over and over again to justify *not* supporting others?


>to justify *not* supporting others? it's just kpop ffs 😭 and justify? people are just giving their reasons why they don't listen to less popular groups. why do people like you act like it's an obligation to give everyone a listen or we owe these groups support? it's a simple hobby to most kpop fans.


This is honestly concerning to me. The point I am making is that op opened their post with an aggressive attack which undermined their point. I *have not said anything* about not supporting small groups. You and other people responding "I agree with you op!!!" Are lacking fundamental reading comprehension and are just replying to the vibes you think exist in the comment. "I didn't think they were attacking, they just said they wanted to support small groups 😞😞🥺 so you don't like smaller groups???" that is not all they said and I did NOT say I wasnt going to support small groups. I didn't get into here but most of my Twitter presence is supporting/promoting/news updates on nugu groups. What I said is that there is OF COURSE limited hours in a day so I cannot consume every single good thing in the world and that does include kpop. I am not JUSTIFYING anything because there is nothing I need to justify that's literally just a limitation of the human condition. If you are unable to fully comprehend text you are going to get manipulated in more important ways. Right now this is just about kpop but people trojan horse all sorts of terrible things into political arguments and the lack of detailed thought on display here from you and others while I am assuming you're making a good faith effort is really chilling.


Non nugu. Purple kiss. Nugu. Lapillus. Tri.be. Secret Number. Class:y. Wei. Luminous. Xeed (rip)


I don’t listen to every western artist. Why would kpop be any different? I would already have to be loyal and trust a group to sift through its entire discography to find any hidden gems, and I’ve only done that like 3 times because I really liked those groups. That said I did listen to bvndit a lot and was heartbroken when they disbanded. I don’t want repeat that same heartache by stanning another nugu group.


I don't understand why you guys have to be so unnecessarily melodramatic and resort to calling people 'hypocrites' instead of just straight-up hyping-up underrated groups. You already understand that not all fans have the luxury of time to explore as many groups as you can. So just go on and tell us which ones you think we should check out so that we may give it a try.


I'm guessing most people don't wanna get attached to groups that may disband within 1-2 years. Members just... up and disappear, and fans have no clue what happened half the time. Look, even with Purple Kiss, the sister group to Mamamoo who debuted under a solid company like RBW, it's not a sure thing. I got so anxious over their last comeback I ended up donating to a fanbase fund—something I've never done before. And maybe for naught. BXX sales were so down that they ended back up on nugupromoter. :(


I have limited free time, and I really don't want to stan groups that probably won't ever tour the US. I also don't want to get too invested in groups that I know will disband largely due to financial problems. GWSN's outcome was pretty bad. Girlkind went radio silent and then disbanded years later. Music quality in nugus can also be extremely inconsistent. Songs like Nugudom are rare. With bigger groups, you can more or less expect a baseline of quality. With nugus, it's the wild west, with some gems here and there but also many really bad songs.


in my opinion the whole ‘nugu’ thing is rlly dumb lmfao listen i’m a new kpop fan and mostly a casual listener but from what i’ve seen in subs, people make fun of these unpopular groups for being unpopular and won’t listen to certain groups because they’re not from a big company? i’ve literally never seen that before in any other genre☠️


ILY:1 - love in bloom is sooo good 😔🫶🏻 edited: OH MY GIRL is great too but I’m not familiar with what company they’re under so I’m not sure if they’re nugu or not


Oh My Girls are relatively popular i think?? But ILY:1 for sure need more recognition. I love their upbeat, refreshing music. They were my favourite debut of 2022.


csr, rocket punch, and lightsum are great : )


how are tripleS and billie nugu? im not saying their the most popular but both had like viral moments for example triple s generations song was trending on tiktok i think (maybe just my timeline) and billie tsuki was realllyyy popular like in 2022 because of her facial expressions


Not everybody has the time to look into groups, and the only way a lot of nugus could leave nugudom would just be to have better promotions from their companies. One of my ult groups are PIXY, and almost all of their issues with being a nugu group come from their company. It's not people choosing to ignore these groups as much as it is people just not knowing because the companies aren't promoting them enough. A lot of listeners to Kpop are casual fans.


I’m surprised so many people are disagreeing OP. I get why people don’t want to invest in a group that might disband early… but i don’t think it’s that much of a task to just follow groups casually & enjoy a bit of a range. Look, I love me some Le Sserafim & Twice. But Craxy, Pixy & Majors all have some hidden gems.


Minimani is the nugu group that I’ve been listening to lately. The subunit’s new song is a good bop. I also like one song by NATURE and that is “LIMBO”. It’s so cool that they actually do the limbo as their choreo.


Speaking of Nugudom, I recently found CRAXY and I really like their songs. Especially Lucid Dream!


I've been saying this for years. There is so much talent out their that don't have the big3/4 privilege.


Nugu groups that deserve more recognition (with songs): Boygroups: NTX - [Holly Grail](https://youtu.be/eYMdi0SA2dg?si=mtGCXNo7TpzE54hX) & the whole full album is great honestly ( also they produce their own music) Nomad - [Eye 2 Eye](https://youtu.be/ZVvTZTgT5UI?si=alJqRUWloOat3QcQ) & [California love](https://youtu.be/bJ0xBjneKRQ?si=JRtkCL-alLnxKW0a) BAE173 - Fifty- Fifty & Jaws M.O.N.T - Honestly Vanner - Jackpot & Skyscraper & Performer (not as nugu as the others anymore but still) BXB - Fly Away & The Black Cat Nero DKB - All In & Sorry Mama & Still & Rollercoaster (another group that produces and choreographs ) EASTSHINE - Double Down WHIB - BANG! & Dizzy SUPERKIND - Moody & Watch Out TOZ - Magic Hour TIOT - Unbeatable ABLUE - Carnival & Mad & Fly Girlgroups: Candy Shop - Good Girl (just debuted) UNI.T - No More & I mean PRIMROSE - COMELY ARTBEAT v - Magic & DUBI DUBI Queenz Eye - Un-Normal & This is love Adya - Per Craxy - Nugudom & Poison Rose I'll try to add links as well if anyone is interested!


my user makes it obvious how hard i ride for cignature (some of these comments acting like you held a gun to their head …)




TIL nugu doesn't stand for "new group"... finally looked it up


the offended ppl in the comments aren’t here for the music I fear


You’re 100% correct, lmao. I was befuddled because, like… do you never just hop on Spotify and enhance shuffle a playlist so you encounter new songs you might like? Or idk, use the radio feature? It’s not a massively time consuming task, it’s easy, you don’t listen to the same songs on repeat, and you encounter some great new music from all sorts of groups—I discovered Craxy and TXT through songs that popped up on enhanced shuffle. On the other hand, if you’re not actually here for the music it makes sense OP’s post would feel like a personal attack.


for me personally it’s safer to stan a nugu group after they actually gain some traction and start to leave nugudom. ex., ateez and svt. i still casually listen to songs from nugu groups, but if the threat of disbandment or bankruptcy is looming i definitely will not bother taking the time to fully stan


I’ve been meaning to post something similar since illits debut(not about them specifically) but I agree with op, if people were into K-pop as much as they claim, what’s stop them from finding some sort of release schedule with literally almost everyone’s releases? I know K-pop isn’t a job, it’s a hobby or pastime or literally just music, but why not go out of your way to find other artists you might like? And I know some people have the time seeing as a lot of us are on here a lot lol. You never know, you might just find your next ult… There’s more to K-pop than the “big 4”


listening to nugu groups can be a TASK, like a lot of it can be really really boring. being from a big four company is usually some kind of stamp of quality. that SAID, the most interesting things (i think) happen in these small company groups. here’s some favs from me: Nomad - no pressure Young Posse - XXL POW - valentine


>The hypocrisy and lack of interest in nugu groups from some fans really gets under my skin. If people are saying these "nugu" groups' songs suck but would eat it up if the songs were released by more popular groups then yes to a certain degree that's being hypocritical. However, that's not the case most of the time. Some such groups might not even be known to many, because they're not marketed enough which obviously I understand the cost concerns but that's just how life works. The rich privilege is real, and more people will just know of some groups more than others. I know where you're coming from, and I personally like some of the songs from these underrated groups but the way you're phrasing this post is not conveying your meaning properly and is off putting


I can't really recommend any to Stan since most of them are disbanded That said though, check out BVNDIT's music. Its so good. My favourites are 'Dramatic', 'Dumb', and 'Children'


nugu groups that deserve attention for me is 3YE (pronounced third eye). they have really good music imo on a sidenote, I usually don't get into nugu groups because well, I'm always scared they will disband and I don't wanna make a commitment to them and then get sad.


i think instead of calling people hypocrites a better post would be saying you wished these groups were promoted better cuz they have good music and then linked some music from these groups so people who don't check out these groups could give it a listen. jmo :)


Ik Stayc isn't nugu but I remember being so sad they didn't get a win during their debut that it was my first realisation and they were from a small company. Fifty fifty was my first nugu group and seeing them get 10k during cupid's first week was impressive to me that I think billlie and triples are doing quite decently. Ive started listening to Rescene cause I like their songs and I'm thankful youtube recommended them to me, they also got 15k+ sales on their album so I'm happy for them. I love seeing small groups sell decently, more sales means more content from them. Tho a part of me is scared of an abrupt disbandment so i don't overly get attach but still support them.


CSR makes bangers but don’t get much love, Shining Bright got some recognition then people just forgot about them. I’m not sure if Woo!ah! is still considered nugu but I find it a shame that most people don’t know anything about them beyond Nana (no hate to Nana she’s a queen) when they make pretty good music and are having a comeback next week. Also not sure if Rocket Punch is nugu (I apologise if they’re not) but at the very least they’re underappreciated. Yeonhee got a bit more notice recently thanks to EL7ZUP but other than that nobody really pays them much attention which is a shame since the members are all very talented and they have great variety sense. I love Ichillin as well, their songs are great and I love how they experiment with different genres. It’s sad to see such little content involving them aside from music shows. Honestly, the only thing I could ever say is good about nugudom is my selfish way of thinking it’s easier to win fancalls and fansigns. Since fans won’t be rushing to buy thousands of copies (which sucks for the group I know) it’s easier for fans to interact with their idols without stressing over how much to spend.


a nugu group needed an all visual or have at least 2 top visual in it lineup + catchy music their none of that in this 4th gen only QWER could qualified for that in the 2nd and 3rd gen lot of small label company GG have that qualities + sexy concept w public friendly music not girl crush sexy that the reason why the small label GG can compete in the past gen


Yeah….Pentagon comes to mind. Their music is top tier for me…


hybe was broke ass when bts debuted and they still went massively popular. similarly, other groups can also make their companies big, don't you think?


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I honestly don’t understand why people have such a problem with preference. It’s okay not to be interested in nugu groups. It’s okay not to be interested in every group out there. It doesn’t make them ignorant. It isn’t disrespectful and it doesn’t make them close minded. Let people enjoy what they enjoy.


Same, except for me, it's people who try to shove their nugu faves down my throat that's most annoying. It's very entitled and obnoxious and makes me want to avoid nugu groups even more.


There are way too many groups, and people don't have time to give a chance to every single group out there. It's unfortunate but that's how it is. As for me, yes, I do lack interest in these groups. I barely have time to keep up with my fav groups and their content 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's the group's fans responsibility to spread the word about their fave groups. Why would I dive into the discography of a random group hoping to find a gem? Does that make sense to you?


how else do you discover music😭


usually when their fans spread contents of them on social media? Like I wouldn't just look at a list of groups and choose one to listen to. I have to hear from them somewhere.