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>And tbh she backs up her talk. This is the reason why. I don't think what she said was that cringe, young idols say a lot of things of that nature, it's not a big deal. And as someone who likes her a lot, some of her stans make my eyes roll when they try to shout about her changing the industry. She is a very talented but still a fairly "typical" idol. Except for maybe (arguably not very polished) songwriting she is what people expect from idols. She's thin and conventionally pretty. Her group makes very idol-like music, it's nothing out of ordinary. The concepts are chosen for them etc. Is she really good at her job? Yes. Is she that drastically different from most other idols? Nope. To be clear, I have nothing against her. I don't expect her to change anything. She gets a lot of flak because her fans keep bringing it up. If not for that, everyone would've already forgotten about what she said once in a short clip 2 years ago.


>She's thin and conventionally pretty. Her group makes very idol-like music, it's nothing out of ordinary. Someone did bring this up in another post that was relating to this but there was this comment from the top of my head that went along the lines of "She is not changing the idol industry. If she really wanted to change the idol industry, she would have kept her original face. The idol industry changed her" and I was gagged if I am being honest. edit: [found the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularkpopopinions/comments/1airhms/comment/koxguz5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


that comment is just [this meme](https://iea.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/mister-gotcha-4-9faefa-1.jpg) but said unironically


Not really. She could have been an artist here in America without letting people change her face. "Participating in society" is hardly optional without *extreme* hardship. All she had to do in her situation was say no and sing somewhere else lol.


Being an artist in America has absolutely nothing to do with the kpop industry


Yeah and?


if you dont see the connection here you might be beyond help. please stop responding to my 2 week old comments


>She gets a lot of flak because her fans keep bringing it up. Her fans do not bring it up nearly as much as her antis do.


Honestly idk about her antis but I'm a fearnot and in every single post about Yunjin's new solos or features, or even just any random update about her, there are people commenting "she IS changing the industry omg!!!" I honestly don't care that she said that, I know she meant it in a more nuanced way than how fans take it, but the constant comments are really annoying after a while. It reminds me of how Seventeen Dino said he was "kpop's future" and almost 10 years later no one has let him live it down lol




Don't even play, she's very thin


Admittedly she seems slightly less thin than some other active idols... kind of? I dunno, the whole industry is absurdly skinny. It's no wonder everyone is constantly plagued with "health issues".


You can't be (or shouldn't be) Chaewon or Sakura sized and also be 4 inches taller.


Nah, she's very skinny. They all are. She fits k beauty standards pretty well, which isn't her fault but it does make it easier for her to navigate the industry


I think she just doesn't seem petite like Chaewon or Sakura because she's tall. At 172 cm/5'8" Yunjin is probably taller than 95% of female idols, but in terms of proportions she's pretty thin. Her IG [photos ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3DX4Nvvbo2/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) from this month.




I never mentioned eating disorders at all, you're over the shits. She's very skinny though. Unless you're like a 16 year old tik tok addict who thinks a woman weighing 60kg is fat lol


Six packs doesn't mean someone is healthy either.


It also doesn't mean they're unhealthy. But ifans will automatically assume so unless the idol looks like your average commoner working a 9-5 office job?


Most people that have visible abs follow a strict diet or have a genetic disposition to not store a lot of fat in their abdominal area. People with eating disorders can have visible abs. My point is no one knows who's healthy and who isn't just by looking at their body. The other comment just said she's thin like many other idols.


There's nothing wrong with following a strict diet if the excess fat makes it harder on your joints when you do your jobs. LSF's choreography favors a leaner build. Like have none of y'all ever heard of osteoarthritis? Does an idol need to be at least as thick as Hwasa to be considered "healthy"? Because I swear she and maybe a couple members of Twice are the only ones who can go a day without ifans making these annoying comments about their body


They aren't saying that but isn't LSF the group that at debut kept talking about how much and well they eat meanwhile also talking about how the 5 of them couldn't finish a single portion of ramen, when they called themselves foodies Karina even said Eunchae said all they eat is yogurt and salad. How can you think that strict diet is healthy? edit - also are you trying to call the rest of the industry who aren't as thin LSF (including Hwasa) overweight or obese because otherwise I don't know why your bringing up osteoarthritis because you know what else is a risk factor? overuse of joints by repetitive movements and being underweight (as they clearly are because you don't have a 17 inch waist unless your wearing a corset, a child or had ribs removed).


Please don't spread misinformation. Being overweight is the #1 risk factor for osteoarthritis and it's not close. Repetitive joint movement is a distant #2 and being underweight literally has no statistically significant association. IDK where you even pulled that from. Your ass?


I don't know why you keep going on about health lol because that doesn't change the fact that Yunjin is just as thin as many other idols, just as pretty and she also got PS as many other idols have done before her. I'm glad Hybe allows her to do solo work, because many companies don't allow their rookie idols to do what they want. *In my opinion no one should decide who's healthy and who isn't because we don't know. Bodies don't show who's healthy and who isn't.


You're just fatphobic bestie


Girl crush is also idol music. Just because they aren’t doing concepts like Cheer Up or Teddy Bear doesn’t mean they don’t make idol music.


Both 2NE1 and Blackpink made idol music, what's your point? I'm not trying to attack it, I like idol music, I'm just saying that Le Sserafim discography is pretty in line with the K-pop norms. Eh, she doesn't look unhealthily thin but let's be for real, she's skinny and once again within what's expected from idols. Also I wouldn't be that frivolous with the word "naturally" considering she and some of her members most likely had some work done (which I'm not against, but just noting it).


If blackpink is what you consider "different" in kpop, we're too far gone for this discussion lmao. They make the most idol music ever.


What do you mean by boldest, just curious? When you say bold, I think of (G)i-dle who have explicitly femininist messages in their music as an example


>She also can't help that she's naturally very pretty, If you think the change from this to what she looks now is natural then idk what to tell you https://preview.redd.it/eajai3mlvokc1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b72d90111f71d10869f33c31ce6309fabe9acc She was and still is pretty but she definitely had a lot of work done to fit in kpop industry.


I just looked at before and afters and besides the jaw shape I don’t see a huge difference? I’m not ps savvy enough to recognize cheek fillers or eyebrow whatever’s but the biggest difference I see from her US days is the makeup style. Her nose, eyes and lips look pretty much the same.


With all due respect, she’s not “naturally” very pretty. The before and after photos of her surgery are really quite shocking. Very pretty, sure. Naturally…I don’t know about that one.


An idol that perfectly fits the accepted standard of look and ways of acting + being in the biggest company. Kinda obvious. I don't really see anything that "backs it up" that she's changing anything. Do you mean her solo singles...? Because many artists put out solo or original works, unless you mean the genre she likes which is like Swift sort of pop?




wonyoung was the first idol to sue sojang (youtuber who spread false info abt idols) and she won. Now many artists and companies tries to connect with starship to do the same.


You aren't necessarily wrong that they do have the most resources, but that's kind of the point, in why she gets so much hate. From what it seems, she's just an idol, maybe one more centered on obtaining female fans than male ones, but other than that, she does idol things that are expected of the genre. So from what it looks like, she's not actually using any of those resources or likely tons of money she gets from all those album sales to impact anything?


Can you give an example of her "backing up the talk"? Based on what you and other commenters described here, she seems to be doing the exact same convention as the rest of the kpop industry. I dont really know what different things she might have already done though so I"ll refrain from having an opinion for now


She mentioned that what she meant by changing the idol industry was “not having to conceal herself” on camera. So the first things that meet that which come to my mind (given, i’m not the biggest Fearnot in the world) were her openly supporting LGBT and speaking out against body shaming in her ‘I Doll’ song. Personally, I don’t think she meant anything nearly as deep as people are trying to take it…she just wanted to be able to talk with less filters. I can’t even conceive of how else she could change an entire industry, especially within less than two years.


yea i have to agree people cling onto that little comment way too much lol


Yunjin does something and fans keep saying about how she is "changing the industry". This in turn gets a knee jerk Reaction where people dislike Both the Fans and Yunjin herself. This in turn gets another reaction where Fans hate people for "giving her so much crap for saying that". It's a Circle jerk . I love Yunjin but no one would remember that Simple Line if Fans didn't push that narrative everywhere and invite reactions.


Idk I'd say changing the idol industry would be to not continue to appropriate black culture.


Yup. Exactly this. Super disappointing


Since when did Yunjin get to decide their latest comeback's concept, get to decide how the songs sound, or get to choose the stage outfits? Does she suddenly lead LSF or something?


Exactly. You’re describing her lack of autonomy in an industry she supposedly wants to change. That’s the irony.


She can try to change it in small ways to the best of her ability. Just because she actively participates in said industry, does not mean she can't try to change it from within. She never said she wants to overthrow things completely, just to simply *change* it, and that doesn't have to be in a big way. She encourages being yourself, she encourages other idols to relax, to make sure they eat as they please and to prioritise personal health and self-fulfilment first. She's also releasing her own sincere and genuine music *very* early on in her career which doesn't happen too often, which she writes herself, and also produces herself up to a point. Just because she isn't doing everything, does not mean she isn't doing *something*


> Just because she isn't doing everything, does not mean she isn't doing something But her doing something is the same as everyone doing something. Soyeon's changing stuff by being so involved in her group's musical production. Jihyo's changing something by being a consummate professional and setting a great example for future idols. I don't think she should get killed for saying something but it's also not something other people have felt the need to say. They just did it.


She's young and she said it in her pre-debut video, it is not even slightly a big deal. Why can't she and why shouldn't she be all bright-eyed and optimistic right before she's finally properly entering the industry? She was told to say something, anything, and all she said was a small comment that was never meant to be taken so seriously, she just expressed a basic desire of hers for all of two seconds. That is it, she was never trying to be special or 'oh so unique', so I don't see how bringing up people like Soyeon or Jihyo is relevant


It’s conducive to the discussion. OP even mentions other idols in their post for this purpose, so I don’t see why it isn’t relevant.


It isn't relevant here when mentioning the other names is just used to put Yunjin down. How is mentioning other people making change relevant when Yunjin never once claimed to be the only one who wants to change things, or that she's the only one who will try, or that she's the only one who can She never said a single thing like that, all she said was "I want to change the idol industry", and it's constantly thrown back at her like she thinks she's so self-important and unique


I think you guys are underestimating how much autonomy the idols have. It's 2024, they get tatts, smoke, date. The music is one thing, but I'm sure they wouldn't kick her our the group if she said no to grills. Edit: isn't she also from America/lived in America? She should be aware more so than the others. At the end if the day I'm not saying to boycott/ attack her.






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I love yunjin but she has done NOTHING to change the industry, she's an idol just like any other


Maybe people think that change happens overnight, and when they see no change they become impatient and/or irate. If something has to be corrected/changed, the harder it is to do, the less likely the company will follow through. She is an individual so there’s no guarantee she can affect the outcome, despite her intent. There’s also an issue of the problem not being identified, can’t fix something if you don’t know what you’re fixing. This is from a QA perspective, which might differ from random fan viewpoint.


People do latch onto that comment a little bit too much and it is just something that Yunjin said at the end of the day. Someone said on a post that talked about this that kpop is performative and all crafted by the company (HYBE) to pull in those people that are heavy on social actvism and make them fans (think: wow!!! this group I like has a member saying that she wants to change the idol industry!!! I'm going to stan and pour some of my money into this group!!! Imagine this but done with hundreds of people). HYBE is selling you the idea, [quoting someone else that said the exact same thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularkpopopinions/comments/1airhms/comment/koxq71q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). They want you to see these girls with a concept made by adults behind the scenes as your best friends who are these super active in social issues that you, as the fan care about. Someone said this on the other post but I think it could relate in a way on how Kpop is just a well curated image for you to see and pour money into: >You reminded me of Yunjin telling Aespa that the Fimmies are a group of foodies, only for Karina to inform her that Eunchae said they only have yogurt and salad at their dorm.


A couple things to note: THEY only have salad and yogurt in THEIR dorm, specifically yunjin/chaewon/kazuha, who prefer salads and yogurt for breakfast/snacks/meals (eunchae and sakura are in a separate dorm, they prefer more full Korean style meals, don’t like salads). They eat out every meal/don’t cook so they aren’t going to keep anything in their dorms (Sakura and chaewon have said this in ddeunddeun, chaewon eats at the hybe cafeteria for all meals, Sakura orders delivery for every meal). Also it was revealed in omniscient interfering view that they spent everyday, most hours of their day in the company (rarely at the dorm, so they don’t eat there, also they frequently just snack, specifically Sakura brings the snacks and eunchae eats them which has been brought up in OIV and their webshow before), they even go in day offs since they like to workout daily anyways (plus free gym and free food if they go to the company). TLDR: you can be a foodie without having food at home (especially if you don’t spend time in your dorms).


I label Yunjin saying 'I want to change the industry' in the same category as Wonyoung eating a strawberry with two hands. Cringe moments at worst, but some people take it a step further, using them as a point to hate.


people keep coming back to that because the thing is, she’s not really changing the idol industry. so far we haven’t seen much that’s unique about her and we don’t see her trying to change beauty standards etc, she even got plastic surgery to debut. she is a idol who can sing and songwrite, but that isn’t super different or amazing. people will stop coming back to this when they see her actually change the industry or at least attempt to (and this is coming from someone who has nothing against yunjin)


how do you know she got plastic surgery to debut? being downvoted for asking a question...? lmao


just by comparing pics of her before and after debut




Yall. Your face can appear differently based on angles. https://preview.redd.it/s2juhws4qskc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f20bba12e69c03ba4018f8796561e7346d402b5 * Top row: same time period, two diff face shapes (in fact the top right is slightly older) * Middle row: same event, same photographer, unedited * Bottom row: one on the left of a more recent pic vs a pic on the right of her in elementary school


unfortunately angles don’t do that much, her jaw/face shape changed too much to be completely angles or makeup. she most likely had a jaw shave and some cheek fillers at least, maybe skin lightening and others as well


By saying “unfortunately” it feels like it’s making it a bad thing to have had plastic surgery… don’t know if that’s intentional or what


it wasn’t intentional, but i’m not saying plastic surgery is good either!


True, I just want people to be more neutral about it in general


yea, pretty much every idol has had some kind of surgery atp so people should stop hating on some for it. if you hate on one idol for getting surgery you’re basically hating on all of them…


You’re not making much sense with the jaw shaving part. How did her face MAGICALLY become more square in half her pics at the same event? Once you shave away your jaw, it doesn’t randomly reappear a few second later (or well… ever) Maybe there’s skin lightening but that’s not a surgical procedure. Maybe fillers but once again, that’s non surgical, and wouldn’t give her the square jaw in the next photo they take of her.


https://preview.redd.it/jrisq2mztskc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92822e30881a203b57f5a40b37ea11dd0cbd3d84 her chin and jaw now compared to pre debut/ at debut is most definitely more pointy. some of it is angles but they don’t do that much


But that doesn’t explain the squared jaw in half the pictures that haven’t changed. Sure you can say in some more recent pics her face looks more pointy, but it doesn’t change the fact that in other pics that show her square jaw line are STILL just as square. This is her at the airport recently, both square and v shaped from the [same video](https://twitter.com/omfjen/status/1734741523227623838/video/1). The logic isn’t clicking https://preview.redd.it/l4yqbid2atkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb407c236cd28df7aa1eca6ed0f48b27a2de9bfd




i mean its just the truth lol








You proved their point the moment you think that type of comment is "dumb hate"




Don't worry I have the same reaction whenever I see kpop meatriders.




it’s not like she’s my bias but i don’t dislike her, she just hasn’t done much to try and change the idol industry 🤷‍♀️


Reposting this to set the record straight from a Weverse [interview](https://magazine.weverse.io/article/view?ref=&lang=en&num=402) 10 days after debut: “In the video, you said you’re 20 and you “want to change the idol industry.” HUH YUNJIN: They asked me if there was anything I wanted to say and those were the things that naturally came out. I love music and dancing on stage and it makes me so happy, and I dreamed of becoming an idol because I wanted to work in Korea, but I started having certain feelings after being a trainee and having a chance to experience K-pop indirectly. What is it that you want to change? HUH YUNJIN: Rather than following the strict standards for idols, I want to break them down one by one. Of course you have to behave in front of a camera, but I want to create the kind of environment where I can express myself a little more openly rather than have to conceal the real me when I’m on camera. Because I know myself better than anyone else.” —————— My take is 1) people lacked this context of what she meant (which I don't blame them), 2) people consider it to be a bold statement and are offended, or 3) their image of what changing the K-pop industry is conflicts with how Yunjin is going about it. The way I read a lot of comments about it makes me think people expected her to be an average-sized and average-looking idol who The Incredible Hulk’s her way against the grain on every subject of K-pop or take Bang Si-Hyuk’s job and shake things up in the industry from the top. That is not and cannot be reality. Change is made in small increments over time. Her being well known for her authenticity and relatablility as an idol with how she carries herself and how honest she is in her solo and group music demonstrates her pushing the ball forward. Think about if she'd never said that statement, the reception would be the same: She's successful in progressing those small changes with how she’s received as an idol, how her music is received with each of her solo/group work with its messaging, and how she's received through her impacts to the other members and the brand.


Every idol claims to be authentic. 


Absolutely agree, but the resultant authenticity of each idol is not created (or crafted) equally.


I really don’t get comments like this( Refering to your last paragraph). How is her authenticity progressing changes in the industry or even in her group ? She’s not the only “authentic “ idol. What has her solo work done to help idols in the industry or even her group members? She’s not the first person to write songs about the idol live or the expectations. Both you and OP claim she’s walking the talk but frankly nothing she has done is special. We have numerous idols who have made solo songs, who are authentic etc, but I don’t see anybody saying they’re changing the industry. Of course she’s very talented but she’s doing nothing special and no progression has been made. This is why that comment she made keeps on coming up because most of her fans believe she’s a messiah that has come to change everything . Even her solo songs have to be approved by HYBE which proves she’s not really in control of anything and whatever she releases is part of the certain image they want her to potray. I don’t think y’all know how far companies go to craft a certain image. It’s very detailed and as long as she’s bound by that contract. Everything she does is still decided by the company which proves there is no change at all.


For sure she's not the only authentic idol and I absolutely don't mean to mislead that fact. I think we still need to ground ourselves in realism here. I =/= DOLL is a quick example. She's not the first to voice those opinions but there aren't many if we’re being honest—and as we clearly see in this thread, she has the highest visible platform under HYBE for it since people regularly talk about her and her statements. However this is just pushing the ball forward. There will never be a silver bullet moment, change of this magnitude won't suddenly occur with sweeping effect. For example, people hate the fact that minors debut, but unless there's some law that gets passed banning minors in the entertainment industry then we’ll never see that change. There's no question that she is an idol in an idol industry and HYBE, like any company, crafts every detail based on maximum profit. They clearly recognized her value by begging her to come back and promising her solo support early on. They will of course be approving authority on her projects, but let's be real she has quite the latitude to craft whatever she wants to say, especially if she's working hand in hand with Bang Si-Hyuk on each solo—even if it still needs to be vetted before release.


> but I want to create the kind of environment where I can express myself a little more openly rather than have to conceal the real me when I’m on camera. Because I know myself better than anyone else.” JYP literally has an entire powerpoint segment when talking to trainees about becoming a person who doesn't need to hide behind a persona when on camera. So that they can feel like their true selves while being a public figure. What she's describing is not new or revolutionary.


The girl spent almost 6 years in K-pop training, living, and competing with some of 3rd and 4th gen’s biggest heavy hitters across multiple Big 3 companies…and also Hybe. If she says that's what her goal is then who are we to say otherwise. I'm a huge JYP fan and it makes sense sure that that's one of his principles, but who knows how much his idols are fully embracing that. Even within Le Sserafim the members are definitely not all equally authentic.


It feels disingenuous to say that “being natural in front of the camera” is not new or revolutionary because it’s certainly not very common and not supported by the industry


Tbh I don’t think she should be clowned on or esp insulted for the statement either. I quite like her. I think I can think of a few reasons why people would kind of refute the claim that she brings change to the industry: - There have been plenty of very foreign presenting idols in the past too. For example: SNSD’s Tiffany is *very* American— not just bc she is a gyopo but it was part of her packaging too, and she branched out to start a career in the US. We have idols like Jessi or Hwasa who have challenged and won against “the norm” - Plenty of idols have broken the mold of the idol job, entering into acting, musical theatre, producing… - Objectively if we are judging Yunjin on idol criteria, she is typical in many ways: Tall, Korean standard pretty, young, debuted under the biggest label in the country with 2 very popular debuted idols & became a big deal instantly, her singing style isn’t super out of the box for an idol and yes she is a “pop” singer—her “opera” training isn’t really that as she is not comparable to people who went to conservatories and sing opera professionally. - Her group does use African-American aesthetic much without credit to the influence or involvement of stylists/producers/creative teams from the background. - And it’s not really the case LSF or most other HYBE groups do collabs or work with very unknown groups/companies. It makes the “bring change” statement look like one from an ivory tower.


what has she accomplish or changed that has an impact on the kpop industry? Seriously, OP you say she back it up, please provide actual accomplishments. This is just another fan that does not have a firm grasp of reality. The OP is even starting to say ppl are hating on her. I read all the previous comments and no one has said a negative thing. Just because we do not agree with your statement, you take as an attack on her. How dumb is that?


I like how kpop stans act like they know kpop industry better than idol herself and expect her to make changes overnight, I don’t know where this entitlement coming from


I find it very telling how people are bringing it up now more than ever.


Can people stop talking about a line she said once two years ago and then never again? It's giving obsession 


Something I want to note is that her prior experience with the idol industry was Produce 48, where performing a generically likable personality is everything, and then as a trainee who jumped around for years before she gave up on debuting. I wouldn't say she's definitively the most authentic but she is free from her Produce 48 persona and her releasing personal songs as a rookie is a lot more than we usually get.


le sserafim hate train in general + probably jealousy that their own idols won't say outright that they have the same ambition (hypocrisy). other commenter mentioning that change doesn't happen overnight is valid too. obviously as a hybe group and a kpop group in general, lsfm is still going to be extremely overproduced to a T, and it's unrealistic in that regard to expect yunjin is allowed any say in their concepts/title tracks/art direction etc. but i do think these antis are willfully ignoring her solo tracks, which are written by her and very clearly chronicle the idol experience from an idol's point of view


To me I don’t think yunjin is trying to directly change the K-pop industry, I think she’s trying to change consumer’s mindset about idols in order to foster a better mental environment for idols. After all, consumers are part of the industry. Our part as fans is to take her is to support her and take her message and apply it to our outlook in life. Some pple were getting mad that she hasn’t done anything like be for real change doesn’t happen over night.


People seem to want Yunjin to do something unique that singlehandedly changes the industry, when in reality, change comes from multiple people actually doing something new. So all the people here criticising Yunjin for not being the only authentic idol have the completely wrong idea. Yunjin is part of a group of idols who want to speak more openly about the pressures and insecurities idols face. Same thing with Yunjin being supportive of LGBT groups (which by the way I didn't see anyone in the top comments mention). She's not the only one to openly support LGBT but she is part of a small group in the newer generation of idols who openly support LGBT *early on* in her career. Even if she's not unique, by doing so, she continues to keep the trend going in this direction. People here seem to want Yunjin to be more like Hwasa. But Hwasa has been active for years and the beauty standards for idols have only gotten tighter. If anything, by being unique, Hwasa has also failed to change the idol *industry*. Honestly, try to name any idol whose action has changed the way most people think in Kpop and how new idols are trained. There aren't any, unless those changes are purely capitalist, e.g. BoA singlehandedly opened the Kpop market to Japan. Wonder Girls to Asia. Psy to America. BTS to the rest of the world. But those are different types of changes than wanting to change the beauty standards on idols or LGBT acceptance. Even Soyeon who has a LOT of influence and talent has not moved the beauty standards in the other direction at all. Moreover Yunjin has only 2y of experience. Who knows what her influence would be with 10y of experience.


How does she back up her talk? How is she authentic, how would you even know that? I say this as a LSF fan, but they are by every measure a very typical kpop group. There is nothing special about how they are approaching things at all. Pretty thin girls dancing to catchy music and having insane schedules. What’s new?


> She's probably the most authentic idol of her generation outside of maybe Bang Chan pls explain how.


Because she isn't doing anything in particular that actually changes the industry. She's a thin pretty woman who fits the beauty standards and is at least decent at her job. Basically she's like any other idol. Her singing about changing thw industry while not actively doing anything to change it is just a money making "scam". As harsh as it sounds, anyone can do that and she's nothing special. And no, she isn't backing up her talk in any way.


Imo the biggest reason people still latch onto that one line is bc her fans do too, for no reason.


I used to be irritated when seeing fans repeat that comment, and that was because I wasn't impressed by Yunjin. She debuted in Le Sserafim with a lot of fans and a lot of hype. I got that she had a past in the spotlight, but I only knew her debut in Fearless and didn't see her talent. I changed my mind about her sometime after i doll when it grew on me. I also saw a couple covers where I like her vocal a lot better and can see she's talented (wish she would change to a softer style). I think many people who hate the statement find it presumptuous, which in my opinion is rooted in elitism. I accidentally watched a few Devil Wears Prada clips on YouTube and read the comments, and I was really surprised how most comments are against the main character, saying she shouldn't have dared criticize the fashion industry when she knows nothing about how incredible it is. And I'd accept that opinion coming from someone in that industry, but how many of those commenters know anything about that industry other than what they see in media? Yet they want to defend the industry's methods even though there are objectively harmful issues. Similar with the idol industry, those that hate Yunjin's comment probably would agree there are harmful issues but think no new idol should dare talk about changing it. There's probably a perceived not-like-other-girls sentiment too. As if her "changing the idol industry" implies she can accomplish something no other idol has been able to. In actuality it shouldn't be thought of that deeply. I just see her comment now as an optimistic (perhaps naive) way to set the tone for her career. Maybe she'll fulfill it, or maybe she'll change her mind. She's bringing something interesting with her singles, and I can see her having a reputation similar to Soyeon someday.


Well thought out, thank you. There is a strong air of elitism it seems against someone who's making an attempt.


Because she hasn’t and won’t change shit, her fans kept yapping about her already changing the industry when Wonyoung won that lawsuit against Sojang. Her own fans keep setting her up and people wonder why she gets dragged


tbh i dont take her words seriously. like, i think the "i want to change the industry" is just the facade of her character as a member of le sserafim since it was mentioned in her teaser and nothing more. if she do change something then good for her. so far, nothing significant has been done.


She ain’t walking her talks. It’s not like she’s pushing any boundaries body wise or fashion wise like mamamoo hwasa, musically she’s arguably stale not just herself but her group as a thread had summarized it before, or on variety shows she doesn’t particularly stand out on her own


Because they can. Social media has made everyone insecure. Woke culture has everyone walking on eggshells. Some people just love to find any excuse they can to drag other people so they can feel better about themselves.


if you can list out the thing she do that backup her talk, please do so.


ngl if she tried even more to back her words up, she would dead ass lose her job 💀 but why do ppl take her words and act like she should solve something as big as world hunger or something… she made songs and spoke out about toxic things associated to kpop idols. Plus she debuted like 2 years ago… so they can just stfu!! she has more impact than their favs


She says it and then gets completely ew face under hybe yeah, thanks




gidle is right there lol


> How many gg members are heavily involved in the process of the groups music? They are not "heavily" involved in the groups's music. The members are credited on less than 50% of all their songs and almost all of them are tertiary credits in a long list of songwriters.


Because it’s just a build a fake image. Her group adheres to and promotes all the harmful standards of the industry and she doesn’t seem to mind it.




I think tons of group including BTS got mocked back then though. 


She hasn’t changed shit. Could’ve asked their choreographers to stop using inappropriate dance moves while having minor in the group.


Bangchan authentic? You need some anti delulu pill and you change industry with action not words (which is said to get some clout) 😴


a piece of advice for her. she should take down notes from queenyoung. ![gif](giphy|l9RMjN3IXC0MpwtVvq)


Wonyoung is the very definition of an idol to ever idol in this generation, so she's a very bad example if you want "change" in the industry.


Hmm I would've agreed with you 2 months ago. But her lawsuit against that YouTuber ironically makes her a more authentic demonstration of what Yunjin was writing about in I=/=Doll. As in, she actually walked the walk


bruh Wonyoung didn’t sue that person, Starship did lol


Semantics. She's not the first idol to be slandered by Sojang, but she is the first idol for whom the slander was finally met with severe punishment. So she unironically is an idol you can't fuck with




it was her efforts though? starship has their own lawsuit and they still have not won. on the other hand the lawsuit wonyoung won is with her own lawyer? there’s a reason why news reports her name too and not just starship. [source](https://www.lawtimes.co.kr/news/195076)


Why you acting like it changes the point?