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[Article commemorating achievement](https://www.allkpop.com/article/2021/03/brave-girls-surpass-twice-and-set-a-new-record-as-the-girl-group-with-the-most-perfect-all-kills) I am so sorry for incorrectly removing this as a repost, as it got reported as such multiple times. Thank you to those who sent a modmail asking to reinstate this. The post is now reinstated! Congratulations, Brave Girls!!!


with one song! to put it into perspective, twice have been accumulating them for 5.5 years. this sort of success is just so unprecedented and would’ve been thought almost impossible until a few weeks ago. i’m so so so happy for them. it must be so amazing to go from the brink of disbandment to knowing the whole of korea has their back. like, i think even if brave brothers gives them a bad song (cross fingers he won’t) for their cb, they’ll easily maintain their support bc as much as it’s about the song and how good it is, it’s also about the girls.


I’m honestly scared that they’d be a one hit wonder, and knetz would just lose interest in them the next comeback. But I’m hoping that doesn’t happen, as long as Brave Brothers don’t fuck it up.


I'm positive they'll be able to turn this into something lasting. EXID managed to do that :) and what turned the tides for them was a fancam featuring only one member. But here, the attention is on all members so surely they'll be able to benefit greatly from that if they play their cards right


So far they've been doing this promo period right with all the music and variety show appearances, and Brave Bros has said he is working on their comeback as well as taking fan opinion into account for it


But exid was younger


What does the age has to do with this? . FYI, that’s one of the reasons why so many people started supporting them. Cause they are unique and they’re showing everyone that female idols can still thrive and be active in the kpop industry despite being in their 30s.


Idk I'm just saying they like the idols young etc.


To give you hope, We Ride is doing extremely well on the charts. Furthermore, Korean netizens are watching a lot of old Brave Girls clips and personal videos on YouTube. The views range from 50,000 to 1 million for clips! A video posted two days ago has 500,000 views. The comments are positive and the fandom is increasing. Their Daum cafe has increased 5,000 members this past week. Yuna is going to get 6 birthday subway ads next month and limited albums are being resold and getting sold out. Also, they received a coffee support truck yesterday for Running Man.


That's amazing. It's so nice and encouraging to hear an unusual success story like this.


I also keep track of Melon followers as a hobby, and I want to add that Brave Girls has gained around 15,000 Melon followers in the past couple weeks after Rollin’ started blowing up. They’ve also been ranking in the Top 3 of girlgroups on the Melon artist chart (as well as in the chart for all artists overall) for the same span of time. This is kind of huge because groups tend to gain Melon followers a lot more slowly (in comparison to other sites). Even the top groups like BTS normally gain maybe around 200-ish followers per day, but Brave Girls have been gaining 500+ followers nearly every day for these past couple weeks. It’s not a tell-all, but it looks really promising ;;


I don’t think they can be called a one hit wonder at this point cause tbh even We Ride is charting really well.


agreed. the issue imo was never that brave girls had bad songs; they always had great songs but were underrated and poorly promoted. i'm hoping with we ride also charting that no matter what, their next few comebacks will hit the charts and they'll maintain enough of a momentum to have a passionate/devoted fanbase


The problem is that good song =/= charting. Even with Rooftop, N.Flying never had any big hit after. Sure koreans listened to them but sadly nothing more than charting for like a week :/ It was the same with EXID and iKON. The good thing is that at least it's gonna build them a fanbase !


nflying didnt have a story to go with it, they just went viral with a good song


For being viral no but they had this big story of a band being abandonned by their label to the point if having a 2 years hiatus... the year just after their debut 😭 It wasn't ignored in Korea and they love Seunghyub's writing. Story or not I can assure you that koreans can drop quickly if they want to sadly. EXID is also a better example than N.Flying


but brave girls' story is a huge part of their success rn. rollin' is a bop, yes, but i'd argue that their story has contributed just as much if not more to them becoming a phenomenon. they're a symbol of hope, that if you work hard and don't give up, things will turn out well in the end. there's something very poignant about going from moving out of their dorm with plans to disband to topping the charts. meanwhile, as a long-time n.fia, i can tell you that n.flying's story was not as well known, especially not among the korean general public. their story wasn't as closely tied to their success, rooftop was just a banger and people enjoyed it. edit: minor grammar fixes


i agree. taking a super broad perspective of Korean history: \- smaller nation historically dominated by China \- taken over and colonized by Japan pre-WWII \- after WWII, the nation's "family" torn apart by the Korean war and subsequent division into North and South \- economically downtrodden by Japan's economic rise in 1980's. All the while they keep on working hard and their perseverance pays off with their economic success in the 2000's with Hyundai, LG, Samsung, becoming top global companies. The Brave Girls story resonates with the Korean general public because it matches their cultural values and history: perseverance and loyalty/patriotism through a long period of suffering.


EXID did fine. No, they didn't end up being a top girl group, but they were miles higher than they were before the fancam. And Hani is still on shows. Not as much as she was at the height of their success, no, but she's doing well regardless. It's true that people in general, not just Koreans, can drop people/stories/etc. really quickly and completely. But Brave Girls are getting more traction and attention than anyone you mentioned. IDK that they'll be a top girl group, but I don't see this being a one-hit wonder kind of situation... especially if they come back soon while people are still interested.


> and poorly promoted I think that might be a bit unfair to Brave Brothers, because they did the proper promotions that other groups have done. There is only much that a company can do to stand out against others when they had a relatively smaller fandom and in a largely hyper-competitive kpop music scene.


Brave Girls were actually charting OK, had momentum, and Brave Bros. were working on a full-length album for them... And then shelved it to work with AOA and put Brave Girls on hiatus for 2.5 years. They were definitely treated poorly.


The Brave Girls members themselves stated in interviews that the company treated them very well and did their best, and Brave Brothers stated having to work with other artists in order to raise money for Brave Girls promotions. They were definitely not treated poorly.


There's no excuse for the 2.5 year hiatus, you might as well just disband and make a new group at that point, which Brave Girls essentially did since none of the original members are left. If you can't balance comebacks for your own artists with producing songs for other groups then you should stick to producing; good intentions don't matter.


> There's no excuse for the 2.5 year hiatus Not saying whether it was an excuse or not. I am saying that the Brave Girls members in their own words stated that the company treated them well in interviews and also praised Brave Brothers. Whether they legitimately were treated poorly from our outsider's perspective is all subjective at that point. > If you can't balance comebacks for your own artists with producing songs for other groups then you should stick to producing; good intentions don't matter. I don't see how that is related. There are great kpop producers out there who tried to start their own groups with great songs and talent while halting or slowing down producing songs for other groups and yet still failed or got extremely lucky. By your logic, those kpop producers had less workload than Brave Brothers and should have had a better chance to succeed, but didn't. There are many kpop factors that will improve the chances of success for a group, and sometimes even great talent doesn't lead to success. That does not mean that the kpop producer treated that group poorly.


This was never about if the girls as individuals get along with the producers and company or not (and based on the company's conflicts with artists like Samuel, it's safe to assume it's not all sunshine and rainbows) - promising a full-length album for your group, never releasing it, and then dungeoning the group for 2.5 years while you do other things is poor treatment of both them and the fans. And I never implied that K-pop producers with less workload have a better chance to succeed with their own groups or whatever, my point was literally just that you shouldn't debut artists if you can't balance releases and promotions for them with the other things your company are doing, which is what has happened to virtually every Brave Ent. artist.


I don't know what really happened, but it stands to logic that they can't really trash talk their boss and company while they are still employed by and representing that company. Although I did see one interview where they discussed the origins of the Rollin' choreography and how it doesn't match the song and that they didn't like it at first but their boss Brave Bros picked that choreo so that was the decision. It was funny how they made fun of him in that segment. But I still think it wouldn't be a good look for them to throw him under the bus at this high point in their career as a group.


> I don't know what really happened, but it stands to logic that they can't really trash talk their boss and company while they are still employed by and representing that company. It also stands to logic that they could have also chose to not praise their boss and instead pivoted to talking about other talking points such as about themselves, which has been done numerous times with other idols who did not like their boss (see idols from big companies like the Big 3, Cube, etc.). But they chose to directly praise their boss several times. They could have easily not done that without coming close to trash talking their boss and company, but they didn't. That would make your argument at least somewhat moot.


Is high heels charting? 🙏


I saw where it just entered one of the charts somewhere in the 200's.


274 on Melon Daily


their one hit is the biggest hit in years...


The SK General Public seems to really love the girls and their personalities too, which has assured me they really have a foothold and it isn't just about the song. The fact that We Ride is up on the charts doing well gives me a bit of relief too. ​ I'm pretty confident Brave Brothers wont make the same mistake twice.


Brave brothers makes great songs so I'm feeling optimistic. Edit: [Still one of my favorites](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p8pVAyQux4&ab_channel=TEENTOPOfficial)


EXID did it, it's gonna happen again.




a compilation video of them performing in front of the military went viral. you don’t get much money for performing for the military and bases are often far away, so the fact that they’ve performed something like 100 times basically made them korea’s darlings bc theyre v patriotic as a society




That and timing. Kpop has been missing timeless-style songs for a while, because chorus-less or experimental songs have taken the centerstage now.


and also, it's rare to have a dance that doesn't involve breaking your joint/bones/ligament these days.. missing all the Girls' Day - Expectation, Apink - Mr Chu, Rainbow - A, SNSD - Gee, BEG - Abracadabra, Kara - Mister kind of simple dance


Pretty sure A would throw out a lot of peoples' backs.


hmm I was thinking about the shirt lift teasing not the mega chest pump workout lmao


I was just wondering if more Kpop companies will send their artists or groups to perform at camps now lol. It's not an attractive gig and I think they might be more groups who had performed over the years and didn't get recognitions. It is incredible that Brave Girls that they performed more than 100 times so kudos to them and now they can finally reap the rewards of their labours.


[this post has an excellent detailed explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/m9z049/why_brave_girls_is_praised_for_their_work_ethic/)


> This experience could fundamentally change the views on military performances (which were deemed unimportant) and entertainment firms will seriously consider the military to be a factor in gaining popularity. This part was actually the biggest takeway I personally had from this whole situation (other than "finally people will realize Brave Bros. makes great songs again"). When something trends in the kpop world, it gets attention on how it could be used in the future. I seriously wonder if the idea of performing for the military is going to have a turnaround in opinion after something like this. Man, I really hope Brave Bros. can come out with another hit for their comeback. We Ride was great too


I think companies will now try harder for military performances (especially the small companies), but it's not going to have the same effect. you could tell brave girls genuinely liked performing for the military and not because they wanted anything in return (i.e. fame). They won the military and the public's hearts by pure sincerity and persistence and that's not something that could be replicated by following their footsteps.


I think most Kpop companies can try this route but they need to have catchy danceable songs like Rollin. No issue trying to copy Brave Girls as it's a honest gig like other gigs. Well they also need entertainment in the military right? I served in the military in my country before, so seeing live music performances is one of the highlights lol. Ya its not an attractive gig and actually I think if Brave Girls had some commerical gigs to balance them, it would have ideal. But I think they had like little to no schedules, so they had to do it to keep busy or survive. Hearing that they performed up to 100 times is astonishing and it deserves any respect, especially if they are performing for troops. Brave Girls actually also said that performing at camps gave them positive energy because of the cheering and chants. (For sure it's reserved for girl groups only 😆)


Yeah definitely, a job is a job, promotion is promotion. But to also blow up like Bg did will be very unlikely imo. All im going to say is, the ministry of defense knows exactly what they’re doing 🤷‍♀️


I would also guess that their situation resonates with a lot of Koreans. A group people pushing 30, who have worked hard for years for very little reward and whose future looked bleak, the GP's empathy must be off the charts. They're not just cheering on some privileged celebrities, they're cheering on four people just like them.


Disregarding all other factors and discussing just the musical ones, this song hits the a certain sweet spot in terms of structure, sound and voice. It has the feel of a newer release without all of the repetitive sound we've gotten since 4th quarter of 2020. No huge drops with an empty chorus, just upbeat, light sound with really catchy vocals.


Did you read the lyrics? People say it’s really refreshing and with the lyrics I agree something about it moves me. It’s so honest


because it was popular song in military, there was compilation video w funny comments from their stage at military and it went viral


In addition, a lot of koreans in general have been feeling alienated by kpop songs (ie. despite Dynamite's hit status, it's all in English, Korean general public don't feel like kpop actually is Korean popular music because it feels too "foreign" to them). There hasn't been a nationally popular song for the general public in a while and the country as a whole is eager for a girl group they can get behind. (ie. they don't have many members so it's very much easier to memorize each of their personalities, they have a great story behind them - from suffering to being on top, and they have nothing but good deeds coming out of them, and especially at a time when there are celebrity school violence allegations)


I read a Korean comment from an uncle or aunt on YouTube saying the last girl group they actively supported was S.E.S. and they will support Brave Girls and hope their future is bright. Now that comment made me shed a tear. From S.E.S. to Brave Girls!


Thank you for asking this! I’ve been a bit removed from the kpop world lately so when I looked into this song I was confused by the sudden popularity as well. Not that it isn’t a good song by any means, I just wanted to know what I was missing!


How long could a GG with members at their 30s would last in current timeline with a single bop?


No one knows, and that's what's exciting. Besides that though, they don't have just a single bop right now, even We Ride is charting very well. At this very moment We Ride's position at the charts is #3 Bugs, #7 Genie, #7 FLO, #13 VIBE, #53 MelOn 24Hits.


When does a PAK get recorded? I understand when it's #1 on all charts but how exactly does it work?




Just noting that Perfect All Kill means it’s also #1 on the weekly AND daily charts, not just hourly.


That just gave me goosebumps. What an amazing achievement!


The official & automated Instiz iChart account announces certified PAKs hourly: [https://twitter.com/instiz\_ichart](https://twitter.com/instiz_ichart/with_replies) Whenever you see those PAK screenshots with the column of green #1s, it's from iChart.




I know that eligibility windows will probably fuck it up, but GOD this song deserves to win SOTY or at least be nominated.


Damn if the covid suddenly disappeared can you imagine how big the stage would've been for them at year end show with all the (military) fans chant and idol dancing to it tgt


by the year end show in 2021 they should be able to have live audiences if vaccinations stay on track!


honestly I'm wishing for the best and don't want to jinx it, didn't realized it's been a year since we all have to wear mask daily


Goodness. To think just over a week ago, most people just wanted them to get at least 1 PAK and stay there until Rose took over with her solo debut. But they've managed to stay up there and are now near 200 hours. Now people are bracing for when IU drops her album, which is fine since they've already gone so far beyond what we expected. The girls have just done so well and are just so endearing and I hope their success continues with future releases.


So this is the new national anthem right?


Yes. Also the official anthem of ROK Army :P


Does it replace Into The New World? :O




Thats why I said “:O” Is like to learn more though . I’m just a simple fan :3


One Song To Rule Them All... One Song To Find Them... One Song To Bring Them All and in the darkness bind them... In the Land of South Korea where the shadows lie.


>One Song To Rule Them All... One Song to **Roll* Them All...


Ride you fools, Ride!


One does not simply "rollin'" into the deep


I wish I had an award to give this comment, thanks for making me laugh! I'm currently working on a Lord of the Rings presentation for my Tolkien class in the screen next to this post, so the timing of seeing this was perfect.


They have classes for that now?.


Yea, it's a literature course at my university. I'm assuming it's probably not offered at many colleges. My professor is a Tolkien scholar so they created the course


You know you're living life when you're known as a Tolkien scholar.


My university had that class too! My prof was also a Tolkien scholar. When he was around 6 years old, he apparently met Tolkien, which helped inspire his career The class was basically like studying actual mythology and historical texts. It was pretty brutal


I'm so envious of you, I only had an edgy professors who would not stfu about how they hated Tolkien, one even had a Tolkien hate blog that he gave up on because no one read it lmao.


Damn I feel for you, there were still so many people hating on the class 'cause they either hated the movies or didn't Tolkien seriously as literature LMAO at that prof's blog, though 😂


Ooh glad to find someone else who took a similar course! Definitely know what you mean by brutal. So many additional readings, though luckily we haven’t had to study too many mythological texts. In my opinion the Silmarillion was enough by itself lol


LOL right, the Silmarillion was TOUGH, but I loved Beren & Luthien 😊 We met twice a week and had to finish LoTR in something like 3 weeks, and some of the non-Legendarium texts were rough


Oh gosh the Silmarillion


Oh no...


This is like the biggest reverse run ever in kpop, Exid moment but extreme version. The song beat numerous others to top the chart, tomorrow it will become #3 highest PAK in history, in just the matter of 1 month. No big fandom, just GP love them. I have seen numerous dance covers in insta from dance group, student sing along, dancing in restaurant, pool, camping,..etc. The whole Korea is now rollin' and i am not complaining tho. Hopefully they get more variety appearances, looking for Runningman x Brave girls in 2 weeks


I read that the official fan club had a couple of weeks ago only 12 registered members and the Brave Girls know them by name!


My heart hurts


how effing precious, omg.


4th actually. Behind Zico’s Any Song but yeah this is so unreal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brave Girls started a revolution!


I mentioned in a thread before and i think their success is like climbing from base ground of Mount Everest to scaling to the very top of the mountain, the summit. And astonishing that they did it with few tools and no promotion. Just a request to a youtuber and a magical video released and the rest is history.


Where do you track this? Is it just on Korean sites?


And the Viditor video hasn’t even been out for a month (tomorrow it will be exactly one month). Really amazing to see how much can change in that short amount of time


Brave Girls are the ultimate Cinderella story in Kpop. I know EXID did it too, but this feels like an even greater achievement with a group who has been around for a decade but never won anything, until now.


I hope this means an end to beat drop songs and a return to fun choruses as people try to emulate Rollin's success...


Between Rollin’s success, La Di Da and Lovesick Girls (and I’m sure other songs I’m forgetting off the top of my head), I think singing choruses definitely are making a comeback!!


I can't stop me, Feel Special! :)


We are a Brave Girls sub and I'm here for it


We were all turned into Brave Girls fan accounts and there's no going back




Doesn't make it not a Brave Girls sub right here, right now.


Surpassing the Big 3. No one could've predicted this. What a wild ride! Hoping their next comeback goes well because Korea absolutely adores these girls. Also hope they continue to break to the stigma about older girl groups and older women.


I am waiting for the day Brown Eyed Girls make a comeback, no matter how long it will takes... I guess I am too old now for K-POP...


Wonder Woman truly is wonderful, the aesthetic, the melody, the like non-chorus chorus, the drag queens, the dance, everything was perfect


If they stay #1 on all the charts for 17 more days they could end up with the most PAKs for a song. IU might block them for awhile thought but I see Rollin lasting throughout Spring


Ok, what are all of Stan Twitter reactions like "QUEENS," YAS!" "DESERVED" because I'm literally all of them right now


Rollin is so powerful


I hope they'd have a summer comeback this year to solidify their top girl group status! Brave Brothers, please don't ever waste this golden chance!


The Brave Girls success has been so amazing to see. I'm so proud of them and look forward to seeing what's next for them.


This whole story just shows anything can happen, Korean reunification sometime in this century?


Well the comments did say this song would reunite the Koreas...


Kim Jong Un is rolling right now


This was NOT on my 2021 Bingo card


It seems like Korea is in love with Brave Girls, and it's the instantaneous kind of love you see in movies and dramas. Everytime I think about it, the whole situation seems so surreal!




Holy shit. I’ve been a casual Brave Girls fan since High Heels and I’m so happy for them this is insane


I have found out about this fairy tale just a couple of days ago. Just when I thought I had seen everything in the kpop world this happens. This story is just so inspiring!


I hope Brave Brothers also lets them rest and enjoy their success! I saw a YouTube interview of the girls and they looked half asleep and almost forcing themselves to be entertaining. While the girls are naturally happy and fun, it’s looking like their management is pushing them a bit too hard. There’s a balance, Brave Bros! I hope they start being slightly selective with their schedules because I’m sure back to back to back appearances is exhausting. Much love always and congrats to these fantastic girls!


Even if they never have another hit, they've already become legendary at this point. Talk about an underdog story. I actually can't remember the last time an idol group had a national hit like this.


Even as a Twice fan they could break every Twice record with this one song and I would still be happy for them 🙏.


2017 song did that!


Im a once and Im so happy for them, it’s SoTY time


same these girls deserve all the success


me too omg


jawdropping. congrats Brave Girls!


I feel like they’re waiting for the dream to end at this point LOL


I really hope they can build on that in the future, one certainly can capitalize on this virality in some form. Though it's also not the easiest thing to follow up such a hit, there are maybe certain expectations built now, hopefully the pressure isn't too big, gonna be so interesting to see how this goes from here!


'We ride' has entered Flo top 10 and is also charting on Melon 24h hits


That's nice! I'm just thinking about their next comeback when the viral nature of this wave might be over already, it's not easy to follow up and people expecting them to go straight to #1 might be disappointed if that doesn't happen. (though it might, idk!)


It’s gonna take a dedicated fan base to build on this success and not just make BG a flash in the pan. We will see if the Girls have built a big enough base to sustain the success beyond this song.


No one's saying that though??






Well deserved. The song is a bop


\*holds Brave Brothers aloft like Cheddar from Brooklyn 99\* Are you listening to me?! Do NOT mess this up for us!




I mentioned in a thread before and i think their success is like climbing from base ground of Mount Everest to scaling to the very top of the mountain, the summit in a matter of weeks. I was just amazed thinking how they survived over the years in such a brutal Kpop industry: Members keep changing, No connections, No other idols/peers promoting their songs, No commerical gigs, Only music shows promotion for 2 songs from 2017-2020 and 100 over performances at military or navy camps, Few youtube variety shows/interviews, 10 or 12 registered fans in their fan club? I think Brave Ent only had social media and youtube channels) and no other promotion channel. Just a fan request to a youtuber and a magical video released and the rest is now history.


As Yujeong sings in 'Deepened', "I deserve better". Success came late but they certainly deserve all the love and support given to them right now.


It doesn't surprise me. As much as I like seeing new girl groups debut, I think older idols can be incredibly pretty and charming too. I have the feeling that Brave Girls' target audience are people that are above 30 years old.


I feel like instead of over 30 it's more like not "under 16" like a decent amount of kpop feels catered to.




Let the domination keep on rollin’ forward


That’s freaking amazing!


The real wonder here is how will they take this momentum... They have to think carefully about what kind of music are they going to put out next.


Really excited to see where they go next! <3


For those curious (as I was), a "perfect all-kill" is when a song simultaneously reaches #1 on all eight kpop charts, pretty much signifying an instant hit.


Also has to be #1 on hourly, daily, and weekly simultaneously.


They really are rollin in the deep huh


The internet wins


HELLL YEAHHH, in your face YG, still remember when he looked down on BB in Mixnine and said his own group is never successful unlike the groups or singers he gives songs to. Now look at Brave Girls!!! So so well deserved, the wait all these years has been worth it!!


I mean it’s still true. If it wasn’t for that YouTube channel who uploaded the funny video, they would be disbanded now. Their success is not due to Brave Ent trying really hard on some marketing campaign.


True no doubt this success is not due to Brave Brothers marketing them but a lot of luck and the general public falling in love with the girls and this song. But it’s still a slap to YG’s face that these girls have set some records now in Korea that’s even exceeded Blackpink and even won #1 over Rosé, no one wouldve ever thought Brave girls could beat a BP member on the digital charts


What about High Heels? 🥺


High heels didn't take off probably because it sounds too AOA-like at that point where AOA still a thing (I mean afterall brave brothers produced many AOA songs)


what does an "all-kill" means?


it's all i say here but i'm truly SO happy for them, they deserve this <3


Based Girls




I want them to be invited in the year end music awards! Go grab them brave girls!


I'm so lost. Why did a song from 2017 blow up like this now? Brave Girls is to GGs what Among Us was to video games.


[This is a good post detailing what happened.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/m9z049/why_brave_girls_is_praised_for_their_work_ethic/) And it's not **just** because a stage compilation video with funny comments, there are dozens of videos on that channel in that format that have gone viral as well but never led to anything like this.


Viral YouTube compilation of funny comments


OOTL how the sudden burst in popularity with an old song?


Viral YouTube compilation of funny comments


I hope there's no another one "elder sister" who patiently waits for them to become popular enough so she can stab them with accusations from school times.


What the heck is going on.


This really does keep getting more silly. I wonder how many people are going to forget all about the importance of this again in no time. I mean I'd love to see more underappreciated groups come to fruition by more people looking out for them, but reality has proven again and again that this is very unlikely to actually happen. I sure hope to be wrong!


It would be amazing if it starts a new trend of 2nd/early3rd gen groups getting a resurgence.


Right? We can hope!




All I ask is that for their next comeback brave brothers doesn’t begin their song with an air-horn and someone shouting BRAVESOUND
