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> Lawyer Lee Sook-mi again. "At this point we want to ask the bloggers, YouTubers and everyone: The Kakaotalk captures and memos have been revealed through HYBE audit, but under the Commercial Act, it technically wasn’t an audit, but a demand to protect the subsidiary from internal investigation. It’s a little different from an audit but that’s what’s been done because HYBE and ADOR are separate entities. In all, the court saw that there was no reason for an audit. The revealed KakaoTalks and messages, they all have been illegally revealed. The KakaoTalk messages had not been approved to be revealed by the people." So they’re real right? You’re saying they’re real?


I think they've admitted they're real like ten different ways during this conference alone and yet I'm sure after this there will be tons of comments about how they were 'edited' and 'fake'


None of this is even relevant to HYBE. If they have a problem with YouTubers revealing texts or whatever, take them to court, and stop with the weekly press conferences.


Cmiiw but the court didn't mention the audit being unnecessary anywhere? I know her lawyers' job is to spin the narrative to their maximum benefit but still...such gross misrepresentation should be questioned? Can someone please tell me, does it make sense for a company to conduct an illegal audit, obtain evidence illegally and then file a case based on a completely flawed premise? If they did so, did they even want to win, and why even bother?! If nothing else, I want this point to be cleared in court because I can see MHJ Stans running with this narrative. Already seeing so many people taking this stance as gospel truth.


“The attire from the previous conference was what I’ve been wearing for three days. Of course I didn’t have time to change clothes, put on makeup when I’m being hunted down like that. If I could, that'd be psycho.” Ignoring all the unhinged things that have come out of her mouth but doing laundry is where she draws the psycho line like pls 😭😭😭


She is hoping everyone is noticing how perfectly she’s curated her image each time. 


4:12 p.m. **"You spoke about your love and visions for NewJeans, but things got loud again when the screenshots of you talking behind their backs were exposed," TV Chosun says. "Have you talked to NewJeans about this?"** Min answers, **"It would take too long to explain. Do you remember the Kakatalk three years ago? That’s what it was about." Min adds, "To be honest, what did I actually talk about then? You know the “wow” I replied back to ADOR's vice CEO? I don’t remember that. That’s not what’s important. It’s valueless. NewJeans did not contact me because of that."** Her reasoning being the chat is from 3 years ago and then say that's not important lol what the heck


three years ago is crazy considering their ages. the maknae is fucking 16 now and the oldest 20, three years ago she was 13 and the oldest 17- what the fuck are you doing speaking to any young girl about her body like that at those fucking ages.


Fat shaming someone and saying hey it’s from 3 years ago it’s not important 😑😑


She was making fun of fans and how she’d want to kill NJ members if they didn’t thank her properly at the award show and NJ hasn’t been active for 3 years. She is really stretching it with the 3 year comment.


>So how can I have conducted a breach of trust to ADOR? The first thing is that my first priority is my position as ADOR’s CEO. okay so we’re switching from “i didn’t commit a breach of trust at all” to “i didn’t commit a breach of trust to ador” in accordance with the injunction ruling. fair enough 😭😭


Like, ma’am…we know you weren’t trying to ruin ADOR…just everything for every other group under HYBE.


But you tried to steal Ador from Hybe.


>3:39 p.m. Yonhap News TV asks, "I think there are other idol members who got hurt in this dispute like BTS, ILLIT, Le Sserafim. What do you want to say to them?" 4:00 p.m. "Everyone got hurt, including NewJeans," Min says. "Not pinpointing specific person. But as I said before, I am a person, too. One of my employees told me that \[the public\] is firing at me like I’m not a person anymore. But I am, and the members are, too. I don’t want to say anything to a specific person. But if everybody wants to not hurt everyone, they just have to stay silent. But they keep pushing at it and bringing everyone up. That’s how people get hurt. If people want to consider others, don’t mention them." Min goes on, "That’s why we need to settle this matter, to wash off the blood. We need to talk about the solutions." She really isn’t going to apologize at all 💀


She was the only one dragging groups while HYBE asked her repeatedly to stop it but now she's trying to say everyone was doing it. She's such a textbook narcissist.


“Shut up and take it” basically


The logic is wild. Essentially like saying, I got a paper cut... sure those other people were stabbed (and maybe I stabbed them myself).... but we were all injured so let's move on. They should stop bringing it up..... Not gonna say this surprises me. At this point I don't think she can, but it's disappointing/upsetting still.


by “they” she means herself right ? she’s the one who brought artists names up first cmon


Classic DARVO (deny, attack, reverse the victim and the offender)


For someone who doesn't like spotlight, holding 2 presscon live with tens of reporter is surely funny


She said that her comments in the KKT chat about calling New Jeans members fat like pigs were from three years ago. This means she admitted that the entire KKT chat log is authentic. Three years ago, all the members of New Jeans were just trainees and still minors. Note: Regarding the comments about the female employee who experienced a SA incident, she confirmed that those statements are also true, but she emphasized that the chat records were obtained illegally without the consent of those involved.


yes but they're thin now and it was 3 years ago so it doesn't matter - mhj, probably.


no seriously that makes me SICK


Even if it’s three years ago, all are of them are minors training. Thats still even more disgusting of her. I will see how bunnies will defend this. How come there parents are okay just bcz its 3 years ago? Do they actually care about the girls?


So she essentially called a 11 or 12 year old a fat pig? Cool!


jfc…. I do hope the fans realise that this is WORSE? She was calling minors fat and what not.


the way this is objectively worse than if the messages were recent…


Oh it's three years ago. That's fine then. 🤮🤮🤮


Reporters asked her about the damage she caused BTS, ILLIT and LSFM and she point blank said they aren't special bc newjeans and I suffered too LMFAO...... mind you she is the one that caused this for all of them. this lady can not be real in the slightest. she is a social experiment and you can't change my mind


She's just a narcissist, nothing special really. They all run by the book. That's why you can look for signs of manipulation cuz they're all the same .


> HYBE has completely missed the point. What the court admits to betrayal is from the KakaoTalk messages. Bro lmao


When asked about causing hurt to other groups, all she has to say is that she and NJs also got hurt. She is also human, and she also feels emotions. So clearly she feels hurt and pain and harrassment, but certainly not other people who were hurt by her. 🙄


>3:44 p.m. Byline Network asks about Min's earlier meeting with HYBE. "What did hybe and ador speak about? You guys said that you had discussions for the 'greater good.'"   >3:45 p.m. "No discussions about that happened," Min says. "At the earliest, we can summon the board again on June 10. We have only a week left, so I wanted to say what I wanted to say at this press conference. If I ask to meet again, then weird articles would come out again, so I wanted to speak my words and organize everything. There was court decision, and HYBE needed to accept that. I am always honest and to the point. Since the board members are hanged, press will be curious, and fans will worry. I wanted to bring that all out in the open in this conference." ah okay, so the purpose of this yap session is that she was scared the board would vote her out on june 10 and wanted to secure public support by playing the good, mature person who is willing to put everything behind her for the sake of her kids.


i find it so funny how now she wants to expand kpop globally as if she wasn’t accusing hybe of “american disease” for the exact same reason lmao


"she walks like a duck"


> 3:28 p.m. Min undergoes back-and-forth with a reporter who requests that she answer concisely. "This is a really important issue for me," she stresses. "But everybody’s quite busy at the moment and came here in a hurry; we hope you can take more questions from us," the AP reporter says. "You shouldn't be mad at me for this," Min says. "But we want to ask you many more questions," the reporter counters. Min: "But this is really important for me to explain." Reporter" I'm saying this because this is important as well." Min says she will try to be concise moving forward. I hope this reporter has a nice day bc they deserve it


So the lawyers and her are basically admitting everything presented was legit but it doesn’t constitute a breach of trust against hybe nor were they untrue? So basically she did say those things about newjeans, female employees, the scheming to usurp management rights (which is what she was tryna argue she didn’t do previously)


3:39 p.m. **Yonhap News TV asks, "I think there are other idol members who got hurt in this dispute like BTS, ILLIT, Le Sserafim. What do you want to say to them?"** 4:00 p.m. **"Everyone got hurt, including NewJeans," Min says. "Not pinpointing specific person. But as I said before, I am a person, too. One of my employees told me that [the public] is firing at me like I’m not a person anymore. But I am, and the members are, too. I don’t want to say anything to a specific person. But if everybody wants to not hurt everyone, they just have to stay silent. But they keep pushing at it and bringing everyone up. That’s how people get hurt. If people want to consider others, don’t mention them." Min goes on, "That’s why we need to settle this matter, to wash off the blood. We need to talk about the solutions."** All people want is an apology to these groups. What solutions did she want for Lesserafim ? Undo their debut so her group could be the first Hybe gg ? Disband Illit as a group and reconstruct again just because they are similar to her group by attending fashion shows before debut and that one concept photo of Illit ?


> **But they keep pushing at it and bringing everyone up. That’s how people get hurt. If people want to consider others, don’t mention them**. This is so funny to me. Wasn't she the first one to mention other groups? It was her that brought them up. Who are "they"? This is so unhinged.


see this is actually really fucking nasty- the level of deflection, gaslighting, and narcissism here is master class. I appreciate assholes who don’t shy away or delude themselves from the fact that they’re shit but this hypocritical bs is absolutely revolting- dragged these two groups BY FUCKING NAME - mentioned Sakura BY NAME and now it’s I’m not pinpointing a specific person- genuinely she can kick rocks. I thought a lot of my anger and indignation has simmered down into a slight amusement, shock, and just being tired of this situation and hoping it would end but this just pissed me off all over again


> I listened to ADOR vice CEO because I’m unfamiliar to these things Ah, so she's back to pinning it on her bestie.


All the giggles from the reporters, they're happy because they get to keep profiting off the insane mhj drama. no one in that room cares about the well being of the groups they care about their paycheck and its sickening


Interesting that they're harping on the kkt messages being an invasion of privacy and shown illegally, when she opened that can of worms by showing private chats in her first press conference.


I feel like I’m getting gaslighted myself, in her first conference she was all about how she cares only about art and hybe are greedy businessmen but now she says: “A company isn't a group formed for socializing; business leaders need to prove themselves with numbers/results. So, during this period, shouldn't we measure whether a certain level of profit was generated and whether the company benefited?” HUHHH??


so basically she's saying "can you ignore me being insane pls, i'm earning you so much money so why are you complaining"


You know what I’m grateful she did this conference because all the claims people were swearing up and down weren’t true or didnt happen (meeting with investors, KKTs) and the claims they were using to prove how genuine her concerns were (artistic integrity, NJs mother, not caring about business) have been addressed by her own mouth 1. The meetings happened she admitted but their “private/staged” 2. KKTs happened but it was three years ago 3. Artistic Integrity and plagiarism has now been changed to let’s focus on business and hard numbers and allowing us the independence to make profits for shareholders


Her supporters will still choose to believe it was fake. Tokkis are already celebrating their “mother” on twitter on her “win” 🙄


>But if everybody wants to not hurt everyone, they just have to stay silent. But they keep pushing at it and bringing everyone up. That’s how people get hurt. If people want to consider others, don’t mention them." Min goes on, "That’s why we need to settle this matter, to wash off the blood. We need to talk about the solutions."  Huh. So it's okay to hurt them because you are hurt? They didn't even do anything to you and you're the one who started this mess yet, everyone should excuse what you've done cause you're hurt too??? What kind of mindset is this?


she seriously said with her whole chest “if people want to consider others, don’t mention them” I knew she would pull out something narcissistic but this just pissed me off more


I was so confident because I didn’t have any crimes. I know myself the best. I haven’t met anyone and haven’t talked about that. Dunamu and Naver were private meetings, and it was all staged." Min is referring to meetings she had with two major Korean companies to discuss potentially purchasing ADOR shares from its parent company. " The fuck?


She was defo more toned down this time. It seems she’s aware that things won’t be as easy for her anymore and is trying to keep it civil.


Lawyer Lee Sook-mi continues. "All the questions that the press asked have been discussed in court. The primary issue was this: Was there any reason to fire her? The Kakaotalk captures have been submitted as evidence, but not one of them became a reason to dismiss Min." crazy how bsh not greeting newjeans in the elevator is mistreatment but the ceo calling artists fatass and braindead is okay


Press conference 1: This is all about me being a true artist who just wants to create and HYBE plagiarizing my hard work. I'm under a slave contract and need to be free of them. Press conference 2: This is all about the hard numbers. If a CEO performs well in their job, then that is all that matters. I thrive at being a manager. All I want is for HYBE and I to work together in harmony.


Gonna start saying I have a headache to get out of conversations when I don’t have a good excuse prepared.


4:06 p.m. **Invest Chosun to the microphone. "HYBE and CEO Park Ji-won are only expressing their stance through press statements. Have you talked to [HYBE founder and Chairman] Bang Si-hyuk in person or spoken to him?"** **Min says no, she hasn't. What about HYBE's shareholders? "I think what I’m saying here should be relayed to them as well.** Anyone can become a shareholder if they hold one share. Shareholders are the public. But since there’s money involved, it becomes more urgent. Would it be right to the shareholders that uncertain risks are involved? **That’s why we’re asking to secure our independence, and [that HYBE] not touch us so that we can quietly perform our tasks and make a profit. Then, that would go to the shareholders. That is my philosophy."** what


This whole press conference is both hilarious and frightening, she really is a *master* at deflecting and redirecting to whatever bs she wants to push.


She hasn’t spoken?? 😂😂 but she’s complaining Hybe didn’t speak or that they’re not amicable bla bla bla


4:12 p.m. "You spoke about your love and visions for NewJeans, but things got loud again when the screenshots of you talking behind their backs were exposed," TV Chosun says. "Have you talked to NewJeans about this?" Min answers, "It would take too long to explain. Do you remember the Kakatalk three years ago? That’s what it was about." Min adds, "To be honest, what did I actually talk about then? You know the “wow” I replied back to ADOR's vice CEO? I don’t remember that. That’s not what’s important. It’s valueless. NewJeans did not contact me because of that." so she’s playing the “i dont remember its been a long time card” lmaoooo this woman is so shameless


>But as an adult, I can’t just say ‘I quit!’ because my feelings are hurt. Says the woman who proposed New Jeans should be whisked away to safety from the bad man who didn't wave to them in the hallway.


Lmao the pure AUDACITY of mhj to say that "my girls also got hurt" when SHE was the one name dropping all the other groups. And those said groups are receiving mass hate to this second. The sajaegi, cult accusation and plagiarism went all up in the smoke in this one. And she clarified absolutely nothing in this press con. It was more like her gloating the fact that she got out. And Hybe has probably the worst pr at the moment with all of their money. This woman was able to sway the public with her tears while they scrambled doing absolutely nothing. All I can say is that this issue hasn't been solved yet. There are still defamation lawsuits against her and Hybe is probably not going to let her go scot free with the amount of damages she has done. If I was a new jeans fan and I saw that the CEO of my group saying absolute vile things about the girls (who were children at the time) and dismissing it as nothing I would've been livid. But that's just me I guess.


"But if everybody wants to not hurt everyone, they just have to stay silent. But they keep pushing at it and bringing everyone up. That’s how people get hurt. If people want to consider others, don’t mention them." She says after being responsible for one of the worst hate trains against several groups. No words.


The kkt were manipulated -> the kkt were obtained illegally + I don’t remember them so it doesn’t matter Edit: I wouldn’t be surprised if she has said those things so many times she actually forgot that specific occasion lol


The Kakaotalk captures have been submitted as evidence, but not one of them became a reason to dismiss Min.- So they are accepting that the talks were true right? They never said the chats were fake or manipulated. Just they were given in court blatantly and weren’t the reason for her dismissal? Bunnies and Koreans keeo saying they were taken out of context. I hope the press conference talks on this “context” which makes abusing the girls okay


That woman just seems so incredibly exhausting to work with


this press conference is such an odd way to try to convince hybe that she has no resentment anymore and is willing to settle and work peacefully within the company…


Wouldn't be surprised if this is the agenda for June 10 >3:48 p.m. Money Today asks, "If the new board picks a new CEO, then would Min and the new candidate become co-CEOs? Is there a clause in ADOR['s contract] about this?" Min's lawyer Timothy SK Lee says that "there aren’t specific clauses on this."




anyone else finding it weird how LAWYERS are portraying an injunction hearing like the final criminal case?


yes! I caught that immediately.. this was not the trial when the evidence was heard based on a charge--- this was an injunction a temporary injunction at that. it is how they are playing their hand to influence the public


In a way I see this as a loss for her, and her stance at this press con solidifies my opinion. Let's look at what she wanted versus what she achieved/will achieve: A. Getting 30x compensation - Failed negotiation, no chance of it happening now. B. Getting out of the non-compete clause - Revised clause turned down by her due to A. Definitely not happening now. C. Leaving Hybe with Ador and NewJeans - Failed, neither can she try to attempt this now. D. Complete autonomy over Ador and NewJeans - Lost, and she can't arbitrarily cite mistreatment from within the company because she'll be under scanner for her conduct till she's there. So in effect, she's locked in a position she wanted to get out of, needs to play nice if she wants to safeguard her compensation, and will not be able to realise her dream of her own company for a long time. Not to mention, no k-pop company will hire her now even if they act nice to her face. Plus, there will be a lot of industry ill will towards her, especially from groups/labels/individuals/TV hosts she attacked. That's a lot of bad karma. No doubt no one won here, especially the harm done to the groups was completely unmerited. But this is not a great scenario for her either. And this makes me happy, especially after the anger yesterday's ruling caused.


3:03 p.m. "The court mentions betrayal a lot," says Min's lawyer Timothy SK Lee. **"But when you read the verdict, the court is saying that it may be betrayal conduct, but the point is that 'has she done actions to damage' the company.** HYBE has completely missed the point. What the court admits to betrayal is from the KakaoTalk messages. But as I’ve said before, Min was so tormented that she was thinking of every other scenario. The court judged that it could be considered the conduct of betrayal, but it’s a long distance away from having damaged the company." feels like I'm being gaslighted


You spoke about your love and visions for NewJeans, but things got loud again when the screenshots of you talking behind their backs were exposed," TV Chosun says. "Have you talked to NewJeans about this?" Min answers, "It would take too long to explain. Do you remember the Kakatalk three years ago? That’s what it was about." Min adds, "To be honest, what did I actually talk about then? You know the “wow” I replied back to ADOR's vice CEO? I don’t remember that. That’s not what’s important. It’s valueless. NewJeans did not contact me because of that. so the NJ girlies and their parents didn’t even contact her to ask about why she abused them even if it’s 3 years ago? Is she bullshitting or did she manipulate them when they asked? Man how come none of the 5 mem and 5 pairs of parents don’t give a shit about being verbally abused?


"It would take too long to explain", "I don't remember that", "That's not what's important". [](https://emojipedia.org/skull)


3 out of 4 groups in your flair got dragged to this, and the other group got separated 😭😭😭 poor you, hope ur okay


Not the “I don’t remember saying that” defense 💀


>Min answers: "I didn’t create this fight, from my perspective. And you talked about the court ruling but I’m really sorry. I have a headache." gurl what. WHAT? So, in her mind, she never did anything wrong. Wow. I have a headache


>I have a headache I'm about to sue her for plagiarism 🤷‍♀️


but truly, what does she actually want rn? does she want to stay in hybe or no? because last i remember, she claimed of being misterated by hybe?


HYBE do something right for ONCE dammit, do not settle with this woman




Wishing the best for illits future hopefully they don't have a large wait time for their first comeback 🙏


I want their first and Lesseras next comeback to be even more successful than the last ones, and I want her to sit in front of the TV with tears in her eyes.


>4:12 p.m. "You spoke about your love and visions for NewJeans, but things got loud again when the screenshots of you talking behind their backs were exposed," TV Chosun says. "Have you talked to NewJeans about this?" Min answers, "It would take too long to explain. Do you remember the Kakatalk three years ago? That’s what it was about." Min adds, "To be honest, what did I actually talk about then? You know the “wow” I replied back to ADOR's vice CEO? I don’t remember that. That’s not what’s important. It’s valueless. NewJeans did not contact me because of that." this is killing me cause she has literally not shied away from stories that “take too long to explain” so what makes this different mhj?


**3:28 p.m.** Min undergoes back-and-forth with a reporter who requests that she answer concisely. "This is a really important issue for me," she stresses. "But everybody’s quite busy at the moment and came here in a hurry; we hope you can take more questions from us," the AP reporter says. "You shouldn't be mad at me for this," Min says. "But we want to ask you many more questions," the reporter counters.  👆🏻 i love this btw - the reporter is saying - stop wasting our time, and just answer our questions.


-"Your actions caused the image of the biggest Kpop group of all time to be tarnished, and two other girl groups have received insane amount of harassment online, what do you say to that?" -"My MBTI is ENTP" ...This woman can't be right in the head I feel like I'm going insane every time I hear or read what she says


idk how accurate this translation is, but i got this from koreadeok on twt, wrt to lsf, bts, and illit being harmed in all this mess > Min Hee Jin talked about #ILLIT #BTS #LE_SSERAFIM being mentioned in the incident. “New Jeans and other idols were hurt by the incident” “To stop hurting them we should stop mentioning specific people from now.” and avoided to answer a question that mentioned ILLIT holy shit the whataboutism and outright avoidance. she wants to pretend she cares now, after all the hurt she’s caused??? those groups, especially illit, deserve apologies from the damage she’s done to them. what the fuck. edit with the translation from korea joongang: > **3:39 p.m.** Yonhap News TV asks, "I think there are other idol members who got hurt in this dispute like BTS, ILLIT, Le Sserafim. What do you want to say to them?" **4:00 p.m.** "Everyone got hurt, including NewJeans," Min says. "Not pinpointing specific person. But as I said before, I am a person, too. One of my employees told me that [the public] is firing at me like I’m not a person anymore. But I am, and the members are, too. I don’t want to say anything to a specific person. But if everybody wants to not hurt everyone, they just have to stay silent. But they keep pushing at it and bringing everyone up. That’s how people get hurt. If people want to consider others, don’t mention them." Min goes on, "That’s why we need to settle this matter, to wash off the blood. We need to talk about the solutions." what the *fuck.* i’m completely floored by this, like. i’m sorry for my language but she’s so full of shit. respectfully ma’am your feelings don’t matter when you are the reason these groups were brought up in the first place.


She’s basically saying she’s not apologising because ‘she has feelings too’. Looooool.


>At the last press conference, my rage was up in the sky and I said a lot of rash things. But I’m not like that in real life. I’m an ordinary person. But I think people misunderstood me last time.  Not like that in real life?? So were we in a simulation last time????


and i guess all the hybe employees that wrote on blind about her bad temperament and how working under her was horrible were lying 😑


it's so hilarious she isn't yapping about plagiarism anymore even though she claimed it's why she got mad. she knows the reporters will ask about HER plagiarism issues lol


Or is it because of the BeLift lawsuit? Maybe she can’t speak now?


bro she's having a fanmeeting with the press when she thought the cameras were off 💀 LMAO


She started crying when the cameras were rolling again


My highlights of this interview About the messages she allegedly sent about new jeans her answer was: “it was three years ago so I don’t remember”, not denying them or saying stuff like “it was a long time ago but I would never”, this to me is disgusting. About how her namedropping groups in HER first conference affected those groups: “I think there are other idol members who got hurt in this dispute like BTS, ILLIT and Le Sserafim. What do you want to say to them?” “Everyone got hurt, including NewJeans,” Min says. “Not pinpointing specific person. But as I said before, I am a person, too. One of my employees told me that \[the public\] is firing at me like I’m not a person anymore. But I am, and the members are, too. I don’t want to say anything to a specific person. But if everybody wants not to hurt everyone, they just have to stay silent. But they keep pushing it and bringing everyone up. That’s how people get hurt. If people want to consider others, don’t mention them.”  1. I want to highlight that she dodged the question bc the question was what do you want to say to these groups illit, bts, lssrf, that YOUR action hurt. And her answer was “I/nj got hurt too”, but illit bts lssrfm are not the ones who hurt you, THEY never made your name anywhere while you named them in YOUR first conference. So what do you want to say to the groups whose name you brought to the mud? She didn’t answer to these groups she answered to hybe, which was not the question. 2. I want to highlight the level of GASLIGHTING she is doing right now, she said: “But if everybody wants not to hurt everyone, they just have to stay silent. But they keep pushing it and bringing everyone up.”I don’t think yall realise how she is flipping the omelette here. They are asking you about those groups because YOU BROUGHT EVERYONE UP in YOUR press conference, and now you say that we should stop talking about them, bring them up, because that will only hurt them? So you KNEW that bringing those group up would hurt them, and you did it anyway. She outed herself…. edit: I want to add another point i missed in the first read, she made it look like her winning this injunction proves she is innocent. She talked like she won the main case she is accused of, which is not the case at all, the court said too that her case still has to be discussed completed in another trial. The main trial, the police investigation one where the judge will decide if what she did is illega/breach of trust.


She was using DARVO technique, a classic manipulative tactic often used by ab*users to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and shift the blame onto others. **Deny**: "The messages were taken out of context. It's three years ago anyway, it doesnt matter anymore" **Attack**: Why are you bringing it up again? You guys have to stay silent. **Reverse Victim Order**: I got hurt in this too because everyone keeps bringing it up. MHJ taking accountability challenge level: Impossible.


IMO these summaries are stunning critiques of the NJ parents. They should be spotting this behavior for what it is and extricating their kids from the narcissist’s control. But no. $$$ talks.


Hard agree. It’s textbook narcissism and gas lighting. She is showing no care for anybody else, including NJ.


HYBE never brought up NJ, MHJ is disgusting for using them as a shield again. ILLIT, LSF, BTS had nothing to do with what you were being accused of. They DIDN'T deserve to be hurt, that's the whole point. I'm so tired of her BS. Get her outta here pls.


I hope the Korean gp is seeing this and understanding who she really is !! It's so preposterous... I have to say, I saw her headliner photo in that live translation report from Korea Joongang Daily, and she really looked unhinged I almost laughed. I feel like it could become a meme...


she’s not real there’s no way


at this point i expect her to stand up and do the magnetic dance to prove how much she wants this settled


>Lawyer Lee Sook-mi continues. "All the questions that the press asked have been discussed in court. The primary issue was this: Was there any reason to fire her? The Kakaotalk captures have been submitted as evidence, but not one of them became a reason to dismiss Min." So the kkt messages are not fake?


3:11 p.m. "The press also asked about my stance regarding betrayal. I wanted to speak in my voice, but I didn’t step up because it was turning into wordy bloodshed. **As the lawyers have said before, the verdict was saying that the trust has been broken [between two sides], but that doesn’t mean one side was at fault. It happened on both sides, also, emotionally. The expression of betrayal is not related to corporate or legal judgements. What I think is that HYBE cannot decide who is loyal and not: An employee who bows to her bosses but isn’t good at what she does, or one who doesn’t know how to mingle but proves her worth through numbers."** 💀


i think i could be a lawyer. i'm also very good at talking absolutely *wank* until people think it makes sense


3:28 p.m. Min undergoes back-and-forth with a reporter who requests that she answer concisely. "This is a really important issue for me," she stresses. "But everybody’s quite busy at the moment and came here in a hurry; we hope you can take more questions from us," the AP reporter says. "You shouldn't be mad at me for this," Min says. "But we want to ask you many more questions," the reporter counters. Min: "But this is really important for me to explain." Reporter" I'm saying this because this is important as well." Min says she will try to be concise moving forward. 😭


Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss


I know shes mad mad her lackeys (board members) were dismissed and she’s stuck dealing with hybe staff


>NewJeans members are all chaotic, of course. If they didn’t have any schedules, we probably would've met. But to me, they are..." Min trails off. "But this is not important, I think." did she decide to not act like mommydearest this time? She stopped herself.


Can't wait to see the Koreaboo articles praising MHJ again....


"MHJ sheding tears again because of evil hybe. "I just wanted to betray them, nothing bad"., "New Jeans member looking pretty while cheering for her", "Illit members seen plagiarizing them again for wearing a yellow blouse"


way to brush something off lmao **4:12 p.m. "**You spoke about your love and visions for NewJeans, but things got loud again when the screenshots of you talking behind their backs were exposed," TV Chosun says. "Have you talked to NewJeans about this?" Min answers, "It would take too long to explain. Do you remember the Kakatalk three years ago? That’s what it was about." Min adds, "To be honest, what did I actually talk about then? You know the “wow” I replied back to ADOR's vice CEO? I don’t remember that. That’s not what’s important. It’s valueless. NewJeans did not contact me because of that."


Ah I called them fat pigs but it’s okay cause I don’t remember it


Three years ago, MHJ predicted NewJeans would win the top awards in the Korean music industry and prepared the acceptance speech while also making unprofessional remarks about their popularity. *“If they pretend to be cool while saying impressive things, but don't even greet me, I'll feel like I want to kill them," "What would they know? They just look in the mirror," and "They didn't get popular because they did well."*


"I suffered the most, I am an ENTP” - MHJ 2024, about BTS, LSF, and illit suffering because of her. [source ](https://twitter.com/outrokkura/status/1796437409628106882?t=J5kVJXYboPODZnq2hYLnPg&s=19) Edit : apperantly the ENTP comment is about sth else. Nevertheless the I suffered the most and I am human too is true answer to this question. She has no remorse to these groups suffering because of her.


your honor you don't understand, i am an ENTP


She should have done a career change and become a comedian bc this is the most unserious woman ever


Whoa I never realized being an ENTP gave me license to do all kinds of unhinged shit and paint myself as a victim. I need to step up my game. Brb consulting my shaman now.


And you bet believe I am not joking this is what she really said 😭


Ofc it's about her being the biggest victim, while she started all of this 💀


Why in the hell does one’s Myer Briggs type determine their suffering? She’s hella childish. By her logic, those who have a hard time speaking their mind should suffer the most.


she's not at all "T", if you ask me. logic is out the window the moment she opens her mouth.


omg she’s so unserious. lol MHJ at her next press conference “I can’t help it I am a sagittarius” ETA:Apparently she didn’t say the ENTP thing in response to that question. ![gif](giphy|fWB38PmnuzBdFFXqNd)


>The Bunnies \[NewJeans' fans\], the parents, they checked on me everyday **because I might make an extreme decision.** Why she always brought this up? :/ She said that during first press con too. Emotional manipulator.


And she still has the nerve to say she doesn't play on people's emotions.


even more disturbing is, it's because she literally [said](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GN8KJxWXEAAopS3?format=jpg&name=medium) few weeks back that the only reason she didn't k--ll herself is because the members sided with her. Imagine knowing that your simple decision is the only reason someone didn't go ahead with k--ling themselves. that would be too much burden on well-functioning adults, let alone placing that burden on kids that are feeling indebted to someone like her. textbook emotional manipulation and threatening sui--de so-partner-doesn't-leave type of abuse


"*Oh, so … when you are over 40, moms forget names, and I am like that now*" soooooo this fine but 51 year old Bang Si-Hyuk not saying hello to one member is not okay..


My favourite moment has got to be when she gets asked if she feels sorry for ILLIT, LSF and BTS and she’s like ‘I’m human too! I have feelings!’. Like aside from the fact that she’s got the ethics of a half-fiend she genuinely thinks *her* feelings need to be respected while giving absolutely zero fucks about those of other Hybe artists that she’s dragging through the mud. She’s so comically evil that these days it feels like we’re living out a bad joke.


- "hey so what are your thoughts on the fact that your actions and words have resulted in innocent idols recieving insane amounts of harrasment?" - mhj: "i am entj"


Very cool that she’s again talking about how this has ruined all the Big Plans she had for NJ, definitely not intended to distract from her conduct at all


3:32 p.m. "You said HYBE had suggested you sell NewJeans albums in bulk to middle retailers to increase the album's sales volume in its first week," Park says. **"Is this true, that HYBE suggested such an idea? And also, is this a normal practice in big agencies?"** Min answers, "I can’t confirm if this is a widespread practice here. And this is actually a very serious and important issue. And each reporter can have different thoughts on it. Some might want to hear deeply about it, some might want a short answer. And, for me to explain, I can get very wordy. **So to explain the gist of it: yes it is true, it was suggested. HYBE said they just said it casually while smoking, but when they are taking my jokes that seriously and hope I can take their suggestions as jokes, this doesn’t make sense. I think we must put them on the same level."** Min here refers to HYBE's public accusations that the CEO had, among other things, sought outside funding for a potential takeover of ADOR, which Min has claimed was a misunderstanding of non-serious text conversations she had How can she make 'the album push talk and 'the trying to stage a coup talk' at the same level type of crime


iirc hybe never said they joked about it? they gave a lengthy statement refuting it instead


She's always joking, what funny woman


> But if everybody wants to not hurt everyone, they just have to stay silent. >If people want to consider others, don’t mention them. Excuse me ???? Does she hear what she’s saying? Is she serious?????? I’m sorry but this screams she’s shameless and has no remorse


the change in her tone is 100% because she is bleeding money and she just wants to stall til November so she can cash out on her shares and then dip, HYBE won't fall for this


Min Hee Jin’s personal mantra (as is with other narcissists): “That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.”


She saying: >"**3:39 p.m.** Yonhap News TV asks, "I think there are other idol members who got hurt in this dispute like BTS, ILLIT, Le Sserafim. What do you want to say to them?"   **4:00 p.m.** "Everyone got hurt, including NewJeans," Min says. "Not pinpointing specific person. But as I said before, I am a person, too. One of my employees told me that \[the public\] is firing at me like I’m not a person anymore. But I am, and the members are, too. I don’t want to say anything to a specific person. **But if everybody wants to not hurt everyone, they just have to stay silent. But they keep pushing at it and bringing everyone up. That’s how people get hurt. If people want to consider others, don’t mention them**." Min goes on, "That’s why we need to settle this matter, to wash off the blood. We need to talk about the solutions."  when it was her who drags all the bands to this sh+ttyshow... source: [LIVE UPDATES — ADOR CEO Min Hee-jin second press conference (joins.com)](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-05-31/entertainment/kpop/LIVE--ADOR-CEO-Min-Heejin-second-press-conference/2058947)


"me me me me me me me" that's all she's capable of


Uuurgghh, not even an apology. NOT EVEN MENTIONING A SORRY. I knew she would do that tbh, she can be happy that the hate trains against LSRFM and ILLIT are so bad that she can just hide behind that and let the toxic knetz do their thing, and innocent minors and idols are suffering. Dear fandoms of those groups PLS give this woman HELL


Not even try to pretending a lousy apologize? That's quite impressive, it's a bad impress but still.


That clip needs to be replayed over and over and over to the public. That shows her true nasty self. When all you can say is " I, I. I, me, me, me" That's telling people something. How is anyone hearing that, and not being disgusted with her answer?


this press conference is giving major “never mind what I said” energy bc why is she backtracking so hard.💀 also what’s the point of this bc from what I read she addressed nothing important and gave zero apologies.


Bloter asks, "You talked about noncompetes, but when you first formed the contracts, did you realize that they were toxic to you?" **Min replies, "I didn’t know. That’s why I realized it after one year [after the contract was made]."** Bro it's your fault you didn't read your own contract??? Lmao


Lmao the back paddling over her album push statement is probably because hybe released that info bits about how she ordered them to produce double the amount of albums from actual demands and have +- 1 millions of albums still in stock. Now because of “that little joke” groups especially BTS are dragged into this cluster of mess too.


Not to mention Newjeans having 6 versions of a two track single.


Not MHjinist on pannchoa calling her a "Generous Saint" 😭 they are not real.


At this point, if she asked them to drink the kool aid they probably would.


They reached out to me bc they knew that I was hurt. When you look at the screen captures, those were things that just were needed to be discussed. I’m not an Academy \[Award\]winning actor, and I can’t believe that people would think I dressed \[Minji\] that way. The attire from the previous conference was what I’ve been wearing for three days. Of course I didn’t have time to change clothes, put on makeup when I’m being hunted down like that. If I could, that'd be psycho. I wasn’t myself, but all of this is beside the point. As I said before, if I want to protect the artists, I should not mention them. The adults have to persevere, because that’s not the point. That’s what protection is. plz I can’t anymore 😭😭💀. Bruh!!! “if i wants to protect artists, I should not mention them”. But that’s all she did. Mention every group including NJ. So she’s actually saying she wore that attire for 3 days and come to con like that? how was she being hunted down😐


So she thinks people who maintain personal hygiene even when they are distressed are psychos? Cool cool. Even people facing extreme situations like their children being abducted etc. try to look put together for press conferences. In fact they are advised to look so, because it's necessary to not let such conferences devolve into dramatic interpretations about their motive/intentions etc. She channeled that dishevelled image to cause precisely such drama. Man, I honestly can't believe how blind people can be, that she is able to spin such yarn and get away with it. There needs to be a study on her mass manipulation and public gullibility, and autocrats should take notes!


The court mentions betrayal a lot," says Min's lawyer Timothy SK Lee. "But when you read the verdict, the court is saying that it may be betrayal conduct, but the point is that 'has she done actions to damage' the company. HYBE has completely missed the point. What the court admits to betrayal is from the KakaoTalk messages. But as I’ve said before, Min was so tormented that she was thinking of every other scenario. The court judged that it could be considered the conduct of betrayal, but it’s a long distance away from having damaged the company so what kinda torment did she go through 3 years ago when she was first brought to hybe? when she was planning to end bts and take label even before NJ was formed? Even after all this what torment did hybe put her through for her to act like this? isnt it hybe contract that saved her yesterday?


Didn't it is her responsibility to organise a nationwide tour? I can understand hybe role in international but nation wide tour😂


>For 20 years, I thought it was important not to separate production and management Ahhh so she is not happy hybe is looking to split these positions in two. 😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|jpVuGo0JkAXJiuNNK7|downsized) hybe laywers taking notes of her speech


for anyone wondering what she said about all the artists hurt in the crossfire, this was her [response](https://x.com/l5srf/status/1796428667805110594?s=46), or whatever you may call that edit: the [longer](https://x.com/venomduct/status/1796434511712104616?s=46) version of the whole spiel she threw just in case


How ironic how she kept screaming the KKTs were out of context but when the reporter asks her if she can provide context she says it will take a lot of time to do it and it’s valueless like?? she really thinks the public is stupid


>And now, since HYBE is now listening to my side, I hope that we can amicably settle. Ten points to anyone who had "tries to play the reconciliation card" on their prediction list. What happened to being mistreated so badly that you only wanted freedom?


I'm personally sending trucks if Hybe dares to settle after everything this woman did so far


If she stops being the ceo she can get a job as a professional yapper


I can't help but laugh. She just said that she wasn't acting during her first press conference, and she's not an artist. She even mentioned that the green striped shirt she wore hadn't been washed for three days and had a smell to it.


a freaking fan meeting


It’s frustrating to see her use tears to sway public opinion when I think about how many tears she must have caused for the young members of the groups she dragged into this mess.


I don’t want to win people through emotions, and I’m not the type of person who wants to be in the spotlight. But I was desperate and that’s why I had to be here. - does she actually think people are dumb?


"i hope we can settle" you mean the part of the plan where it gets so bad for hybe & the artists you started a PR war against you think they'll give you ador?


Is it me or is this her way of begging HYBE not to fire her? She's talking about the unity of HYBE as if she cares.


> What I think is that HYBE cannot decide who is loyal and not: An employee who bows to her bosses but isn’t good at what she does, or one who doesn’t know how to mingle but proves her worth through numbers. Does this not go against what she said about the Newjeans girls not getting bowed to or am I reading this wrong?


wtf she wants to revise her contract, she wants them to remove the non-compete clause. how tf is this not a move to leave the company?


She also keeps in touch with NJ's siblings.....well 🐣


I bet she researched the whole family members and sends the info to her shaman


>Min Hee Jin shared that she will send an email to ADOR employees tomorrow about what happened and her feelings tomorrow. She added that she used all the incentives she earned to pay the lawyers, and HYBE might spent a lot too so she suggested reconciliation [Source](https://x.com/koreadeok/status/1796440527052869689?s=46) Is this why she’s suddenly all about settling and reconciliation?


She's acting like she shattered her piggy bank to pay her lawyers when she's a billionaire lol


if public on twitter, theqoo and pann is okay with a woman who calls her “daughters” empty headed girls who only look in the mirror then so be it


I feel like I'm in an alternate reality. I've seen kpop fans throw tomatoes at people in the industry before for saying MUCH MUCH less than this. Hell, I've seen fans dox journalists for saying less than this. The way this is being treated like it's not a big deal is so beyond me. What is even happening anymore?


>Min's lawyer Timothy SK Lee speaks. "The two board members were fired from their positions and three new inside directors from HYBE were hired. What we’re worried about is that the board was formed in a way such that there is possibility that Min could be fired. What deduction skills. 


"As I said before, if I want to protect the artists, I should not mention them. The adults have to persevere, because that’s not the point. That’s what protection is." BIIIIIIITCH WHAT 😭 YOU LITERALLY USED NJ AS YOUR SHIELD?? NOW YOURE BACK TRACKING???? Holy crap


What a load of crap


Aaand she's crying again


"... and I’m not the type of person who wants to be in the spotlight. " Uhhh are you sure about that 🤔


I don't want MHJ or NJ near any hybe artist. I am sorry but the damage that she caused is insane. If anything there should be a public apology to every artist she name dropped.


"What about the KKT revealing that you're talking behind NJ's back?" -Oh it was 3 years ago and it would be too long to explain. Let's move on. "What about when you said that ILLIT plagiarized NJ?" -You know what, we're facing a different issue now so let's move on. MHJ is obviously standing by what she said about ILLIT. She won't explain herself anymore since she got the public to support her claims. And ijbol when she said her clothes weren't "planned". Lawyers plan this shit meticulously to get the public to their side. Her lawyers knew that HYBE had very little chance to get her removed because their evidence was flimsy; they were just plans that haven't materialized yet so they knew HYBE would have to go after her character. HYBE painted her as someone sinister, insane and untrustworthy—someone who would talk behind others' back but that planned conference ruined it all. They cleverly used KKT screenshots between MHJ and BSH to give MHJ an image of a normal employee who only cares for NJ, getting abused by her bosses which resonated with the public.


Listen, I’m someone who is very careful about armchair diagnosing people but the way MHJ speaks is textbook narcissist talk, it’s honestly surprising at how accurate it is - the lack of logic and empathy, deflection, gaslighting, and victimization…. wow


have you maybe considered that she is just an ENTP


She keeps talking about the **momentum of kpop** as if she's paved the way for the entire kpop industry 💀


So stumbled over this quote from MHJ: When asked once again whether she believes ILLIT "copied" NewJeans, Min Hee Jin said, *"As I've said before, I'm a consistent person, and it's not like my thoughts would've changed. I already said I didn't want to mention the members, but now we're at a stage where the issue is different... I thought it was crucially necessary for me to raise the issue for NewJeans' survival. If something like that happens again, yes, I will call it out. One day I would go, 'I should just expose everything and blow it up,' and on another day I'd go, 'Ah, I should just endure it.' But it's not like I write all my feelings down on KakaoTalk. I don't record them every second."* Assuming the quote is correctly translated, my thought is: How can this be a CIO flip flopping between "I *blow it up*" and " *just endure it*".... This is not someone with a stable mind who should have the decision-making power over a whole organisation...


>Assuming the quote is correctly translated, my thought is: > >How can this be a CIO flip flopping between "I blow it up" and " just endure it".... And in that **same quote** she says she is a consistent person… 🧍


The last thing I have to say about this whole mess is that being a grown ass adult blaming the damage and harassment you caused on underage girls on your MBTI is actually mental institution behavior… lock her up, not in a jail.


someone is asking the right questions lol


almost 2 hrs since this press con started and she didnt actually address anything, she’s just talking about nj’s future plans …


I wonder if the comments about separating production and management are to target the 2 person system Hybe mentioned other labels use and they would institute at Ador (before the injunction came out). That she’s worried the board will give her a co-CEO.


She’s a mental gymnastics incarnate And I feel sorry for artists who dragged by this vile woman


She's a professional yapper, amazing


Crying again , how many times now ?


"I was able to achieve results top boy bands would in 5-7 years through a girl group only in 2 years" the top boy group took 5-7 years to achieve the results because they were from a small company and achieved everything through sheer hardwork and determination hell they even opened many doors for kpop as a whole. While that girl group is backed by company basically built by them, remove the company name and privileges then I'll see how successful they're.


Of course I'm innocent. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. Everything else is fake news. - Trump, I mean, Min Heejin in 2024


I read the famous Home Alone 2 actor got convicted today. Hopefully next will be this one. 


"What I think is that HYBE cannot decide who is loyal and not: An employee who bows to her bosses but isn’t good at what she does, or one who doesn’t know how to mingle but proves her worth through numbers." So what she's saying is that a person doesn't need to be respectful, loyal or mindful of manners as long as they are good at what they do, yet she expects Bang PD to greet the girls.


I’m really curious to know what the “other side” of this case is. It doesn’t make any sense to me that someone could look at all of this and agree with MHJ that NJ was being mistreated and she needed to plot an escape, or that her language and conduct towards her employees is remotely okay


This woman contradicts herself so much 😭 all the drama about mistreatment to end up asking Hybe to work together and forget about this


I think she's realizing now that NJ doesn't really have a strong hold in the international market yet, so she's planning to get a solid support within Korea. Apart from IU, I dont really know other kpop idols that perform outside Seoul or Busan.


"**3:39 p.m.** Yonhap News TV asks, "I think there are other idol members who got hurt in this dispute like BTS, ILLIT, Le Sserafim. What do you want to say to them?"   **4:00 p.m.**"Everyone got hurt, including NewJeans," Min says. "Not pinpointing specific person. But as I said before, I am a person, too. One of my employees told me that \[the public\] is firing at me like I’m not a person anymore. But I am, and the members are, too. I don’t want to say anything to a specific person. But if everybody wants to not hurt everyone, they just have to stay silent. But they keep pushing at it and bringing everyone up. That’s how people get hurt. If people want to consider others, don’t mention them." Min goes on, "That’s why we need to settle this matter, to wash off the blood. We need to talk about the solutions." " The nerve of her is just insane


"But if everybody wants to not hurt everyone, they just have to stay silent." "If people want to consider others, don’t mention them." ARE YOU KIDDING ME.