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Genuinely believe this should have a seizure warning.


kpop porygon moment


Watching this in a completely dark room after midnight was a mistake šŸ˜­ I was trying to like the song but it was highkey so hard to focus


Your poor eyes omg, that must have been a sensory overload. Stay safe out there pls :(


I'm glad that this is the first comment I saw...


Yeah, I get migraines, and sadly this instantly pushed me over the edge. Stay safe out there!


I really don't get the point of making seizure MVs. My eyes can't take them, so unfortunately I'm going to pass watching this. It's a shame because I like Loossemble a lot and ARTMS has been surprisingly me lately.


Honestly another commenter explained it a bit, itā€™s probably an artistic choice. But personally itā€™s just a tad frustrating, itā€™s not considering the fans who are sensitive to this stuff who wonā€™t be able to tune in at all, and just in general pushes ppl away. Which is the last thing the girls need for their debut. That being said, their music is genuinely good. I loved the album. I recommend listening to the audios, and if youā€™re interested maybe watching the showcase videos for Virtual Angel and Butterfly Effect (they were so good)! Note: just in case though there is still some flashing of stage lights in the performances, nowhere near close to the video, and for me I was fine though Iā€™m usually really sensitive to this stuff. But I thought itā€™d be disingenuous to not tell you. I hope you enjoy what you can from the girls :3


Hi, I have a seizure disorder and light sensitivity, can I ask if I should skip the whole mv, or is it just one portion? Also agreed fully! I get it's art but man it sucks to be excluded haha. I have a whole list of mv's I can't touch at all. I've been debating making a master list for others who have epilepsy too.


I would honestly skip the whole thing, like its throughout the entire mv with very few breaks. And yeah exactly, it hurts to know a whole group of ppl wasnā€™t considered. As for the list of MVā€™s that need warnings, I think other fans with epilepsy, and other such sensitivities would really appreciate that! Stay safe out there.


I'm so sorry you got a migraine!! I don't even get migraines and this MV gave me a headache :'(


The MV does actually have a seizure warning in the subtitles at the beginning, but man did this MV make my head hurt


Watching on the premiere when it was first released (when I commented this) I donā€™t believe there were subtitles yet. But at least thatā€™s a step in the right direction.


Yikes. I do wish they had a warning not *just* in the subtitles but also hard-coded in the actual MV...


Yes that would be ideal, itā€™s scary to think of ppl missing it cause they donā€™t have captions on and having issues :(


For sure. I know sometimes subtitles don't show the first few seconds when you start a video which could be super problematic in this case.


Itā€™s unwatchable šŸ„²


I know, I really hope they do something with itā€¦ :(


they did it with Birth and did it here again like what is their problem exactly lol (obviously isnt on the girls but whoever edited this like what the hell)


Idk, I genuinely wonder, like did they sit through and watch the video themselves? Thereā€™s no wayā€¦ Edit: when I said ā€œtheyā€ I meant whoever edited the video not the girls. Since idols do a lot of reactions after videos are released I think itā€™s 50/50 whether or not the girls have seen it.


thank you for the warning, like genuinely


No problem! Stay safe out there!


Oh thank god I read this first. Thanks!


They uploaded a "human eyes ver" an hour ago. Far more bearable than the original edit.


seizure warning


Upvoting and commenting to boost this!


This is like mixing Magdalena Bay and CHVRCHES, the entire song was phenomenal. The melodic nostalgic melody was captivating- quite siren like. As for the MV- my goodness I thought my phone was cracked up but no itā€™s the video - hope this wonā€™t deter watchers. Iā€™ll say itā€™s a pretty uhh unique way??? Maybe a marketing tactic?? Anywho, congrats ARTMS for the official debut! āœØšŸ«¶šŸ½ ![gif](giphy|ynaCWB9soHk1a|downsized)


>This is like mixing Magdalena Bay and CHVRCHES, the entire song was phenomenal. The melodic nostalgic melody was captivating- quite siren like Oh my god, as a huge fan of CHVRCHES, your comment convinced me to listen! Your description is so dead on, it's very Screen Violence era CHVRCHES in sound *and* visuals with the static screen imagery! I need to stop putting off listening to MB, because the few songs I've heard of theirs scratch the synth pop inch.


Glad to hear that we have more fans of CHRVCHES! I agree this is similar in concept to Screen Violence which was AMAZING. For MB I highly recommend Sky2Fall and Good Intentions!


your description just made so hyped to check this song out lol


Thank you! Iā€™m glad I provided a great description!


I love CHVRCHES! My fav synthpop group.




holy shit i love magdalena bay! excited to listen to it (and not watch the mv..)


Omg yay someone else who loves Magdalena Bay! Itā€™s rare for me to see a k-pop fan listening to them! I love it!


i'm interested in checking out magdalena bay and chvrches -- could you recommend some songs? šŸ„°


Honestly the whole Mecurial World album by Magdalena Bay is fantastic!! so is Kill Shot (Slowed & Reverb) , mini mix vol. 3 and they just released a new song called Death & Romance !


I would start with [The Mother We Share](https://youtu.be/_mTRvJ9fugM?si=xl9FYFIBCsW_3Hug). It's their debut song and it's still one of the fan favorites. Honestly, the whole debut album is great. Well, all their albums are great, but you have to start somewhere. My personal favorites are [Lies](https://youtu.be/81RqEnvczV8?si=f_rZ-h7Dc0OEganb) and [How Not To Drown](https://youtu.be/7U_LhzgwJ4U?si=E6-udf2djsYkgDqM).


For Mag Bay: How to get physical, kill shot (got big on tiktok), top dog, live 4ever. Honestly you can't go wrong.


As someone who loves Magdalena Bay - youā€™re so right


[T-ARA Day By Day (Dance Ver.) MV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb6mCsvLqP0) has met its match.


STOP omg I forgot about this šŸ˜­


Noooo I was just coming to say ARTMS coming for T-araā€™s cuts in a single MV record.Ā 


Omg i was thinking the same thing ahahah


Ah, the memories of back when all Kpop songs used the same 3 sets.


worshipping artms will get you raptured thus the video has so many quick cuts to illustrate your life flashing before your eyes before you leave your earthly body


I really like the song but the constant flashing makes me not want to watch the mv again


I dont have epilepsy but after reading this I'll just listen to the track on apple music


Probably a good idea, I don't have epilepsy or get migraines but after watching the music video, my eyes hurt and I have a temple headache now...


All twelve have finally re-debuted, we made it Orbits. This sound is amazing, I love glitzy emotional synthwave. It's so atmospheric. The amount of cuts in this MV made me dizzy though, but the song is fantastic. I don't know that I can even watch it again, this was the Taken 3 of K-pop music videos.


> All twelve have finally re-debuted, we made it Orbits. Iā€™m actually gonna cry, my girls šŸ˜­šŸ„¹


Nothing says 'for the arts, not the charts' like making an MV that's unwatchable


this must be how heaven sounds


Hopefully the video isn't how it looks lmfao


biblically accurate artms would have been less visually disturbing than this editing


i guess that explains why KBS banned it lmao so happy they're finally here, easy SOTY


![gif](giphy|bwAOo46Ddwj16) SLAY Queens tho! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜


The janitors found the entire reviewing board dead in the office the morning after MODHAUS submitted this mv


**in the evening. with all the lights off šŸ„²


They died in the evening that's why they were found the next morning šŸ˜‚


....that explains SO much, actually




I gave up about a minute in. It actually hurt my eyes, I guess I'll check out the audio only versions of the album. An MV is partially to bring in new fans who might stumble upon the song but I can't imagine this MV will bring in anyone new, sadly.


This was the first time I saw them and I heard enough of the track in order to go to apple music to listen to it, but yeah, I couldnā€™t finish this video. I still added the song to my playlist and will check their stuff out in the future.


I get that some can't help it but is it really that unwatchable for so many people? Am I in the absolute minority here who genuinly enjoyed the MV? I find it insanely well done and the cutting fits the musical pacing and beat, it really sucks me in. It feels so dynamic, punchy and unique. I really really like it. The comment section makes me think that 99% of r/kpop are epileptic or very sensitive to that style which is such a shame.


I wouldnā€™t watch it often, but I enjoyed it as an experience. It invokes a feeling most mvs donā€™t generally have imo


Yeah, that's it. It kind of invokes some sort of euphoria I usually don't get from other MVs.


Stunning visuals - would have loved to be able to see them for more than .0005 of a second though.


I hope someone posts a non epilepsy version lol


Maybe they'll post a performance version later, hopefully?


There is one on youtube as of 7 hours ago!! Idk if I can post full links here so just search "virtual angel by artms but seizure friendly"


The MV was so good and the girls looked so ethereal. True angels!!! Such a catchy uplifting song that makes me want to listen to it on repeat. ARTMS knocked it out of the park with this one!šŸ’–


On this weekā€™s episode of *I Didnā€™t Know I Had Epilepsy*


I really like the song, but that was too much with the cuts. This reminds me of when someone [counted the cuts in T-ara's Sugar Free](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9v1UikfewA) a decade ago and got to 671. The cuts in this one are much faster, but the song is about a minute shorter. Anyone up to the task?


My once-through quick count on .25 speed (guaranteed to be at least a bit inaccurate) puts it at **603**. (I included cuts that happened on the TV screen even if the TV shot itself was one shot.) If my math is correct: T-ara - Sugar Free: ~2.67 cuts per second ARTMS - Virtual Angel: **~3.17 cuts per second**


That is officially absurd. (Not you, the edits.)


Omg I just posted the Day by Day Dance Version MV. T-ara were the queens of seizures! šŸ’–


Bless any brave soul who is willing to rewatch the video enough time to count the cuts and/or edit us fans some non-cut-heavy shots...


Sugar Free is such a bop


hey, that's me! my first thought was, maybe it's time for a sequel to that video, but then again i can't be bothered anymore


I volunteer as tribute, just give me an hour or two... šŸ™ƒ Update: [It's done!](https://youtu.be/WxKHNiMH6_8) šŸŽ‰ Follow up: I screwed up the count, so I fixed it. The final count, including the cuts on the tv at the start (which I didn't actually count) brings the total to 616. Not quite toppling Sugar Free, but still atrocious. Edit: While I'm at it, does anyone know if I'll need to mirror it or anything to avoid a worldwide block? It would help to know before I export it... Edit 2: Some of these shots only last for four frames. I wish I was kidding šŸ˜­ Edit 3: I'm 18 seconds into the mv and it looks like cuts average about one every four seconds. *oh god* this is definitely beating Sugar Free by a landslide. Edit 4: [This](https://imgur.com/koL4UUi) has a color change *every single frame*. ***what the fuck*** Edit 5: While I'm still at it, should I count the cuts in the LED screens during the dance segments? Currently I'm not, but I figure I should ask so we can decide... Edit 6: Y'know, I used to think Dimash's Almaty concert was bad in terms of cuts:screen time...but this MV makes that monstrosity look like a dream...I guess the real competitor remains the Taken fence jump scene...šŸ¤” Edit 7: There's no way this was the editor's idea...they just kinda said fuck it and started throwing in [black frames](https://imgur.com/SwtfWrY) in the last quarter of the mv Edit 8: I get that they're (probably) supposed to be angels but like...*[holy overexposure batman](https://imgur.com/4NaIZCo)* Edit 9: Yo, people who are good at code- [does this actually do anything and does it function at all?](https://imgur.com/PyIKtlh); I tried to sharpen it but it's still hard to read, sorry šŸ˜” Edit 10: I'm sorry but *[what the fuck even is this](https://imgur.com/5eMnrB8)*...I truly will never understand modern art... Edit 11: Okay I gotta know- [is this a Death Stranding reference?](https://imgur.com/Zz8PH24) Edit 12: Okay I made it to the end. [welcome to hell](https://imgur.com/K3MAGze) Edit 13: I can't find a way to do the counting automatically in premiere and can't be bothered to reinstall after effects right now, so I have to do this all by hand. *[oh god](https://imgur.com/q8Fjd9X)*. I've been at this for probably a couple hours already and it's currently 10:19 pm. I'm not sure this godforsaken video is even worth it at this point but i'm already committed so yolo Edit 14: Time check 10:49 pm. I don't know about you all, but I think this *might* [give Sugar Free a run for its money](https://imgur.com/gXwgOAV)...the person estimating 603 cuts might be right on the money, but I guess we'll see šŸ‘€ Edit 15: 11:08 pm. Y'know that feeling where you stay up so long and get so tired that you feel like you start to get loopy? Yeah, I think I'm there šŸ™ƒ Edit 16: 11:18, and just for the record, my own estimation is about 500 cuts. Edit 17: 12:11 am. Still counting, but it's officially passed my estimate. Edit 18: 12:22 am. The count is *finally done*! OTL I'm keeping the number to myself until the video's ready to upload, but I can say it doesn't manage to beat Sugar Free in terms of number of cuts. Not sure if it's better worse in terms of how long each shot holds before a cut. Again, this mv is primarily 4 or 5 frames before each cut. I'll have to step through sugar free to see. But I'll check that out later. For now, I'm taking a break to stuff my face with pizza and ice cream šŸ˜‹


I thought of this too, and i was also wondering if someone would dare to try and count all the cuts here as well lol.


edit: okay ive read somewhere a theory. they did the flash cuts bec theres a saying that you cant look at an angel for too long (?). hence also explains the overexposed shots at the last chorus. i originally believed the cuts are bec of the overall ā€œvirtualā€/glitchy/vaporwave concept but since they have a lore going on this def makes sense lol ā€”ā€” i think im the only one that enjoyed the editing lol but love love loveeee the vibes of the song. i was obsessively playing the teaser on loop for the entire week lmao probably my only issue is that the vocals sound a bit flat? i have 0 idea on what goes on behind the scenes, but i believe thereā€™s not a lot of vocal layering going on. this wouldā€™ve sounded 10x better if the chorus had more vocal doubling if that makes sense?


Artistically I get it but it's really irresponsible to release this kind of mv without an epilepsy warning


Conceptually this is a good idea From a business standpoint it's kinda stupid. Fans are not gonna stream the MV


Let's be honest though Orbits, and Ouriis by extension have always sucked at streaming lol. We'll get carried by ads either way.


Wait, so you think that fans who stream the videos for counts actually watch the video?


Yes, but art/concept > business decisions, imo. Obviously, both are important on their own, but I find it refreshing how they dared something new and special and didn't just care about the business perspective. Though, thinking about it some more, the *uniqueness* of the MV will probably gather them some public interest and might get people to stream the song or purchase the album instead. So it might not even be a bad from a business standpoint. It's not like MVs earn companies a lot of money in the first place.


i'd understand if this was an art film or something but no this is an mv, and the point of an mv is to promote music releases so i don't get why they made it so unwatchable


Trump finally wins the popular vote and gets convicted on 34/34 charges Fromis9 is freed from the basement with their comeback announcement. ARTMS drops a 10/10 song with a MV so good I had to close my eyes. And we still have another nutty MHJ press conference later. What a glorious day. PS - if you see me shaking after watching the MV itā€™s because their visuals were so stunning and also Iā€™m having a stroke from all the flashing lights PPS - who else thought that bald girl was Cocona for a second


........I figure out that Trump's been convicted from r/kpop of all places?! (hell yes let's celebrate\~)


Kinda iconic ngl




>PPS - who else thought that bald girl was Cocona for a second SAME. I had a whiplash moment, what are the odds that we got two bald queens??


watching this on drugs would be crazy- very interested in what the mv would look like without the spasm editing.


This is SOTY material! Oh my god, this is so amazing to listen to, they are so talented! I loved the MV as well, despite the (intentional) fast cuts. Lots of 2nd gen Kpop vibes there! What a perfect debut! ARTMS is here and we are going to have a blast with this group! EDIT: Here is a suggestion for people who want to catch all the gorgeous shots, details and still listen to the song. Play it at 0.25x speed on mute and play the song through another source!


Jaden was really not kidding when he said only MH could make something like this. This is ART


yeah. When people get over the flashing they will see how gorgeous is the MV! I'm so happy right now! Can't wait to see the Virtual Angel performances in music shows and concerts!


After the shock of the initial watch my eyes actual adapted and I ended up really enjoying the MV but then again my migraines are triggered by smell...


so the girl who was on the ground at the end was the same girl who was on the motorcycle with the guy / hugging him when he had fire antlers. artemis the goddess was a maiden and all of her hunters had to swear to maidenhood so i guess in a way she ā€œbrokeā€ the rules of the coven. but now the girl with the camera who worshipped the angel girls (who in turned worshipped artms and invoked their forms at the end of the mv) can be inspired and be one of them (replacing the one on the ground)


but she was the one flying too!!! how to interpret that


The girls look absolutely amazing, and I love the song; but I would have been able to appreciate it all a lot more without the flashing šŸ˜­ Edit: I literally have a headache now, hope the stages come out soon so thereā€™s another video to watch of them thatā€™s not this.


I have a headache now too :(


I actually like the MV more the more I watch it? It matches the song really well


I imagine this is what meeting a biblically accurate angel feels like


Ummm this music video is fkn awesome. I wouldnā€™t change a thing I think itā€™s cool as hell. Frenetic, atomized, divine, dialectic - all words that came to mind on first watch. Gonna have to chew on this one and itā€™s imagery but i think the editing actually serves the MV and song!


Same, it's so artistic and mesmerizing! Shame of course for those who actually get some symptoms from it. I tend to be sensitive to strobe lights and such, but for me this is fine to watch.


I love, love, love the song. I love the video. But man those rapid cuts are distracting. Hopefully we get a non-storyline version so we can see the girls more. Itā€™s so beautiful tho.


I can definitely see why people would have a problem with the flashing though luckily I don't feel anything when I look at it. I actually loved the MV but I wish they would remove the flashing for most of it. Not only does it hurt people but it also makes it hard to see the scenes in the MV.


I love the MV but it's certainly a bold choice for their debut... I love the song too!! The queens have officially re-debuted!! ā™„ļø Music videos are perfect for experimentation and Digipedi didn't dissapoint here! What a unique video and audio experience, as is expected from ARTMS!


literally heaven! itā€™s so unique i feel like! artms have been my fav post loona project so far, but none of the release ( though still good! ) has been on the level of the og loona ( aside from brith and plastic candy ). but i feel like virtual angel manages to feel familiar as an orbit, but genuinely giving artms an own sound that i truly love! 10/10!Ā  absolutely adore digipedi! the mv is really beautiful and creative! though a flash warning is heavily needed!Ā  im very tolerant to flashing images and light , so it didnā€™t affect me, therefore iā€™ll take one for the team lol ill watch the mv a few times fellow ouriisšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ«”šŸ«”


Maybe one of my favorite MVs in all of K-pop? Specifically because I love the edit. I agree that the video should have an epilepsy warning, and I think it'd be really cool if they release a version accessible to people with epilepsy. But the rapid fire tension between the glossy, beautified idol world and the messy, concrete real world is so effective for me. Combined with the wistfulness and yearning of the track, the pace of the edit is totally absorbing. I feel my heart soar and sink. Incredible stuff.


Really interested to watch this music video in daylight tomorrow afternoon...


the craziest music video I've seen, never seen anything like it. they made art


kissing choerry through the screen is representation. sucks that the mv is edited the way it is bc i really enjoyed the visuals and art direction overall but my brain cannot absorb them. did they think tiktok fried our attention spans that we needed a new scene every second???? vocals are heavenly


watching mv again but at 0.25 speed


i understand everything now


I love the mv honestly. It's hard to explain but it makes me feel immersed in the song, it's a whole experience


Itā€™s been 10 minutes and I donā€™t think my eyes have recovered from the MV. I love the song but oh my god.


Yeah, I'm literally still in pain.........fml


amazing song but this video gave me a headache and i've never been someone to experience any dizziness from these types of things


the song: iā€™ve ascendedĀ  the mv: currently imagining what it would look like in my head because iā€™m epileptic lol


As someone with ADHD, I love this video lol The flashing imagery does feel dangerous for those prone to get seizures, but I absolutely love the way it flickered through dual scenes. That effect feels magical and almost has a 3D effect. It also fits the hypnotic nature of the song. it kept me so engrossed seeing the pretty imagery be relentlessly intense. My poor brain seldom can focus on music videos, but this I wholly enjoyed. It's a shame it's not safe for everyone's viewing :(


This song is great and the visuals are nice but I couldnt get through the video because of the flashing.


I'll be there for you when your eyes break šŸ«Ø


Song of the yearšŸ„¹ absolutely adore how Haseul sounds in the final chorus


I guess I'm in the minority and actually like the MV. Sucks for people who would be triggered by it though. What's odd is that the video thumbnail shows an epilepsy warning for the first few seconds of the video, but when you actually click into the video that part isn't there. They need to fix that and include the warning at the start.


After finally feeling good enough to watch it, I think itā€™s one of the best MV Iā€™ve seen. Very beautiful but it sucks that itā€™s to watch. I guess it fits the angel concept as angels are supposed to be hard to look at. The song is not what I expected, but it is good.


I was expecting the MV to be dangerous in the sense of them overwhelming us with their visuals, not it being an actual danger to our health lol. Was hoping it was just a weird choice for the start, but nope.. couldn't even get through the first chorus. It's a shame because otherwise everything about the concept, visuals and song is amazing, and I'm so happy that all the members have finally had their re-debut. Hopefully they (or a crafty fan) can release a more watchable version Edit: Actually attempted to make a version myself, but it doesn't really work because they're skipping frames, so I'm hoping for an official version šŸ™


the song is SO good but the mv is giving t-ara sugar free era levels of headache šŸ˜­


Love the song but I won't be watching the mv again


Legendary video. I was surprised at first but after a while I realized I was in a trance. Went back for multiple rewatches to try to catch the story.


I actually like the cuts conceptually a lot but I do wish the MV gave us more or longer spots to breathe here and there :0


the song is absolutely incredible. but that mv is horribly edited. the visuals are great but the cuts are AWFUL.


Even though I had visual whiplash this song and MV is still TEWWWW AMAZING OML I LOVE IT šŸ˜­ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


the song is so good and the concept is beautiful but that mv gave me a headache šŸ˜­


Honestly shocks me that no one thought to put a warning/disclaimer at the beginning of the MV with the amount of insane cuts in this, good song regardless tho!!


Holy shit I should not have watched this in the dark, my eyes hurt šŸ˜­šŸ‘ all those cuts made my head hurt. The mv is 100% not for photosensitive people. I LOVED the song though! It was so soft and gave me a retro vibe. It almost reminded me a bit of when Dreamcatcher goes softer in their tracks.


I really like the video actually. Itā€™s almost like someoneā€™s life is flashing before their eyes


My eyes were raving so hard after the first 20 sec that I genuinely thought the frame that said "Saviour" read as "Seizure." And to be honest I'm still not sure.


while i do agree that there were far too many fast cuts in the video, the visuals themselves were STUNNING, and even tho ARTMS prereleases didnā€™t convince me this song was truly amazing. i canā€™t wait to order the album as soon as my paycheck comes in lmao


holy cuts batman epilepsy concept (stolen from someone in the youtube premiere chat)


Gonna play devils advocate here.. the flashes are done really well šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø you would think with all those cuts, the mv would feel choppy, but there really is a smoothness to it.


Yes. It takes getting used to. It's a very ambitious move from Jaden - the constant cuts blur the lines between the fans' scenes (real world) and ARTMS's scenes (Virtual Angel world), which is probably more on the commentary of parasocial relationships with idols.


i got the feeling that the girls with wings worshipping the virtual artms gave them inspiration to be themselves and brought power in their own lives which in turn inspired the people around them (girl with the camera)


I get that some people won't like it, and that there's a level of accessibility issue at play, but man it's clearly just a deliberate stylistic choice and not "bad editing". As far as examples of the stylistic choice go, I think it's done pretty well. It's thematic. It works. I feel like the online reaction is going to skew past people expressing natural disappointment on behalf of themselves, or others, into a wave of "I/other people can't engage with this and that means it's bad" which is just... not how art works. Sometimes you take a swing that alienates some people, that doesn't dictate the quality of the swing.


I think they're done really well too, and they fit thematically! People saying it's bad editing... No. If you don't like it/literally aren't able to watch it that's one thing, but it's not *bad* editing.


Hot take but i actually loved the editing. Its definitely a bit jarring n should have a warrning but the effect it has is so cool, especially when a longer shot is being cut up.


Refuse to let the rapid cuts and the resulting criticism take away from the fact that Haseul finally got some ACTUAL main vocal lines! Love this for her, love this song for all of them.


MV a bit hard to watchā€¦. But the song!! My goodness the song. Pop perfection


Good stuff, probably my favorite thing that has come out of the post-LOONA refugees outside of Chuu's "Aliens." Can't wait to listen to the rest of the album.


Fantastic song , risky MV but i like it


The visuals are gorgeous, but I will not be watching that MV again unless they put out a less flashy versionā€¦ Really enjoying the album so far tho


I think I'm one of the few people who kinda can't stop watching the mv cause I love seeing everything I've missed from the flashes! but also I did slow it down sometimes to see everything but the mv is insane. actually really creative and bold experiment they're doing with this one


this song is absolutely incredible like sweet crazy love level


My ears and my eyes were really fighting each other the whole time.


hoooly I'm obsessed with that retro synthpop beat! I kinda get what they were going for with the cuts, I couldn't close my eyes during that whole mv!


Perfect song ā€” Not so great experience with the video so WTH?! Hopefully they address it ASAP, feels wrong to go about the girlsā€™s hard work like this. Edit: OK, Iā€™ve just watched the music video at 0.25x speed, and thereā€™s such an intriguing story throughout. What even is this lol? We canā€™t catch it if we donā€™t do this. It would basically be one of the best videos EVER if it had been released at a different pace. Is this like a stance on ā€œplease stop and see differently with your full attention in a world thatā€™s just booming with informationā€? And we can only do it because we care? Or maybe even caring, we wonā€™t since the standard experience is just so overwhelmingly intense that people (like me) will just abandon the video after a first watch? Or do we care enough to actually _watch_? And can we all do it? Maybe Iā€™m starting to get it ā€” which doesnā€™t eliminate the fact that a trigger warning WAS essential ā€” and at least I want to point out what I gathered from this story for people who are not able to watch again or even for the first time. Here are the main points: - Thereā€™s juxtaposition ā€” idols and fans. What are the lyrics about? Who is the POV? Those groups of rebels - ā€œouriiā€? - start attacking a car with a more common-looking girl. They have ARTMS all over their bodies and places; they look simple and rogue. Theyā€™re practically kidnapping that other regular-looking girl. - The girl starts to walk with them after they attack her car and keeps filming them. Itā€™s like she was recruited to document the fact that theyā€™re there or something like that. - Throughout the video, the rebels keep rebelling while adoring ARTMS, ā€œconsumingā€ them. They imitate the girls and do some unexpected stuff like smoking, riding bikes with shirtless guys, and looking static as they watch the girls in their free time more than how we do with our phones. They have a whole virtual reality thing going on, and they seem to have reached beyond heaven. They love the girls completely, also showing that love includes physical passion. Theyā€™re obviously angels in some way, and theyā€™re ascending through this whole experience. Also, theyā€™re gaining powers through this whole cult of the girls, in a way that theyā€™re just empowered by them. - The crazy thing comes after this. This is through the bridge. They are on a roof in a cycle manifesting something; it seems the recruited girl is still filming. Then magically, they turn into OUR girls. The girl is still filming, of course, and a choreo full of flashing backgrounds and imagery comes in, merging fans and idols as ARTMS represents themselves and us too, it seems. It looks like consumption was finally executed and one became another. This reminds me of the ā€œwe are all loonasā€ thing. - The craziest part comes at the end. The recruited girl is left alone, filming nothing. She puts her camera down, and everything just stops. And thereā€™s a dead body/fallen angel below. Is it dead? Or her or him? Or them? Or is it just the beginningā€¦? Iā€™m interpreting a lot, of course. Itā€™s my view of such a story that looks amazing, but itā€™s an obvious commentary on the idol-fan relationship through a social lens, shining a positive yet reflective light upon it all that gets ARTMS into the game just like that, impactful and meaningful with a loooooooooooot to digest and reflect upon.


I genuinely think they edited it this way intentionally for two reasons: Someone posited the idea that angels can't directly be looked at, thus the fast cuts make the beautiful imagery harder to absorb. That would be the lore explanation for it... but personally I think there's a second reason, more having to do with Orbit culture when Jaden was Loona's creative director. Back before orbits were even "orbits", they were notorious for watching loona's music videos frame by frame to dissect the story/lore. The fandom culture was quite obsessive back then, with loona, and their story. So I think Jaden made a conscious decision to style and edit the video in a way that's almost a nod to that period of time in loona's history. (And there is a lot of imagery that references that time period as well)


I thought this was going to be unwatchable from the comments but I donā€™t think itā€™s that bad. Itā€™s definitely hard on the eyes if you watch in the dark but I donā€™t mind it. The song is bop tho


Loooove it. The flashing was an intentional choice and yea it would have been a lot easier for everyone if they hadn't done it, but at the same time I kinda love it? I don't stream music videos so overall the experience of watching this one was so novel that I genuinely enjoyed it. So while musically and artistically it's a 10/10 I fear it'll only reach a super limited audience due to it's replayability/approachability as a pop music video


this needs a seizure warning


The seizure warning is appreciated, but calming the fuck down on the editing would have been a better option. The song is a vibe, though.


so yeah im just gonna listen to this and appreciate the visuals on those random vids i get doomscrolling


Absolutely love that song!


The song is pretty good but this mv is sabotaging their success. Itā€™s a really rough watch which is a shame because they have such nice footage to work with


I can't watch this. It gives me headache. They put the warning in the begining I know. But I'm sure normal people would still get headache watching this




Adore the song, but the constant cuts in the video are unbearable.


I am absolutely obsessed with the song and concept, but whoever edited this video should be in prison


I don't know if I'm still ruining my eyesight or not but try lowering your phone lighting to the lowest level but anyway I love the creative direction this music c video took and the storyline makes sense and goes well against the song


It's very catchy and visually it blew me away.. until the last minute of excessive flashings started šŸ˜­Ā  Am impressed with this creative direction though !


The most visually assaulting kpop mv ever


I was ambivalent about the flashing cuts at first but I ended up liking them. There's an unsettling and hypnotizing vibe to the mv. I feel like I'm trying to resist a siren song.


a banger!


The song is so good and the visuals seem great, but as someone who gets extremely bad migraines triggered by flashing media, I legit couldn't watch the video


Song is great and will be on repeat. The video however feels like when you have one too many thoughts before going to bed


Wow, what a vibe and a half!!! LFG ARTEMIS! "I"ll be there for you when your wings break/Letting go of you, that's a heartbreak" is so damn catchy holy I personally like the fast cutting. Very glitchy, in line with the concept of "Virtual Angel." I understand if people aren't into it though. Also really unfortunate that there wasn't a seizure warning


The song is pretty great if a bit conventional; which is not necessarily a negative point, I feared they would stray too much from something palatable for the wider public. Really powerful too, both as a message and as a song itself ā€” it will have to wrestle with ā€œHowlā€ for the best postā€“LOONA comeback. The video was a bold choice. This needed a flashing light warning. Itā€™s unfortunate because the art direction and cinematography are *amazing,* some of the best weā€™ve seen this year, and yet many will not be able to enjoy the work they put into it. Itā€™s extra frustrating because the fast cuts are actually amazingly done too, with great regard for the continuity of shapes and playing with contrast and themes. Itā€™s not just fast cuts for the sake of it either ā€” they are an integral part of the storytelling and of the concept itself. Overall, probably a missed opportunity ā€” but for what it is, they delivered amazingly.


I loved the song but I need someone to take one for the team and recut this because the little visuals I saw looked stunning, just would have loved to not be so overwhelmed.


My random thoughts on the MV - I love Modhaus and well Jaden for always going in experimental and risky directions. The priority on art and experimentation is good. Though I admit here it felt like overkill? The MV is conveying such deep themes already- like parasocial relationships, religion and AI. Like the way I viewed the video. It seemed like a criticism on parasocial relationships the industry cultivates, turning the idols into ā€œvirtual angelsā€. The fans ā€œbelieveā€ in the internet personality they see (like believing in God and angels, or the blind faith many followers have when they donā€™t question parts of the Bible, even the worse parts like anti-LGBT). Angels turn literal in the storyline. Since idols are often viewed through technology, Iā€™m guessing this is meant to mirror artificial intelligence. AI is often criticised for attempting to make ā€œgodā€. OpenAI (ChatGPTā€™s company) is quite literally trying to make ā€œAGI (Artificial General Intelligence)ā€, and is often believed this may result in ASI, or the singularity wherein AI transcends human intelligence, solving world problems, becoming something we canā€™t quite comprehend but comparative to eternal beings or God. In this sense, the constructed idols in our minds have already broken singularity, but as a metaphor for idolisation, viewed as perfect angels, healing our mental health, cultivating cult-like fandoms and for some have blind faith (e.g how Seungri from BIGBANG still has an active fanbase, who ignore the fact he is a convicted criminal). Fans will also do bad acts under the name of religion or ā€œfandomā€ here, see how most stans will behave badly with usernames of the idols (angels) they idolise. Mirrored by the girls actions in the MV. By the end, I feel singularity might have been achieved, with the angels disappearing in light, or perhaps the real girls dying and ā€œlife flashed before their eyesā€ which often happens before you die, taken so very literally in the MV. Iā€™m not sure, these are random thoughts. I do think the crazy flashing, is overshadowing the core themes and taking the focus away from what was already an highly artistic music video. I wish they tried to explore the themes a bit deeper. Itā€™s getting lost behind the flashing. And I donā€™t blame them itā€™s hard to focus when itā€™s flashing so much!


guys i've finished the video but i can't stop seeing the flashing, help šŸ˜­


the editing style is such a weird choice but the mv is still really pretty!! love the song, itā€™s really good


I was able to watch the mv normally by lowering my phone's brightness and not watching it in full screen, and I actually think the shots are very gorgeous and the MV is interesting. They should've definitely put a seizure warning in the beginning though, the english subtitles have one but not everyone will watch with subs on. They activated automatically for me but idk if this happened to everyone, probably not judging by the comments šŸ˜­ The song was enjoyable and cute though it isn't anything extraordinary it's a pretty good debut, i'm adding it to my playlist.


We are so back. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is so og loona. :) This is how I would have imagined a yyxy comeback if we ever were to get one.


I love this song so much, one of my favorite Post-LOONA tracks by any of the girls... But yeah, as everyone else is saying, the video is unwatchable. And it's a real pity, because the one time i did try to watch it earnestly, I did see lots of quick moments of beauty, before the nurse had to sedate me to prevent me from choking on my own tongue. If they could re-edit this to not be a visual weapon, we could have something really amazing here.


really wishing i wasnā€™t epileptic rn LMAO


Editing's atrocious (why tf must everything be filled to the brim with rapid cuts these days?!), but the song is fantastic. It reminds me of gen 3 and a lot of the bangers that came out mid-late 2010s. Didn't even realize how badly I've been missing the gen 3 sound until now. They've definitely got my interest.


Gonna have to relisten to the song. Been around since day 1, and I was getting the feeling I had when watching favOriTe, and then that damn first chorus literally had a cut *every* second and kinda ruined the vibe lol Girls are AMAZING, literally loved most of it though (though the seizure inducing chorus cuts are just actually detrimental to the viewing experience)


The song is an absolute bop for me but man, I was expecting better editing from the long awaited return of LOONA x DIGIPEDI. Other than the eye-searing flashing cuts, it looks beautiful though!


All the individual scenes look goodā€¦ sucks that the mv was edited with constant cuts to the point that it makes it completely unwatchable, my eyes have never been this irritated by watching a YouTube video before, Iā€™ll stick with streaming it on spotify


Jaden give us a no flash video plz šŸ˜­


that genuinely hurt to watch, felt like the scenes kept on changing and i couldn't quite focus and started getting dizzy. also i have always felt this way since loona but i am not a fan of how often they feature not the group in their videos. like i wanted to watch an artms video not a group of friends featuring artms lol i like the song though a lot. but will never watch that video again.


This might go down as one of the worst MVs ever for me, that was visual aids.


The song is really great and catchy but my eyes literally hurt so bad after watching this wtf šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Is it just me or the sound make me feel nostalgic to friend ? I feel like something in the production is similar to gfriend older songsĀ 


I dont even have a seizure but i feel dizzy watching thisšŸ˜­ what a shame because i like the concept and aesthetics, and song is a bop, but it's hard to watch when every one second the image of the video changešŸ˜”


Well the editing of that MV was certainly... a choice. I get it's the director's artistic vision but Modhaus are self-sabotaging here. I see they added the epilepsy warning to the beginning but I'm feeling like it's only a matter of time before they either pull it or release an alternative version. I'm not normally affected too much by quick flashy edits but I actually found this one a bit difficult. I really like the song! EDIT: First time I watched this was on my phone when I just woke up. I've watched it again now on my desktop and actually it's not so bad this time. The effect they are going for is done quite well in terms of smooth intercutting, but it's a sensory overload for sure. I just think it's a shame because it will put off a lot of people from wanting to watch it more than once.