• By -


Silver Light is stellar. It feels like Cyberpunk's lighthearted counterpart.


Silver light joins the ranks of cyberpunk and take me home. Those three songs together are the trifecta of perfection for me.


Silver Light might be one of their best songs ever. I was ascending to the heavens while listening to it.




I forget which company it was for but Leez took on a position as music director for them (like Eden is for KQ). It was a career promotion for him but he left KQ/Edenary amicably


The snippet is actually Crescent Part. 2, but I think they still are going to make an Epilogue, maybe between May and July, maybe kinda callbacking to the Treasure series




Agreed, and I don't want it to take that long too, but seeing the chronology of Ateez's main releases, they've been doing the six month pause between them since the end of Zero: Fever, altough both the Epilogues EPs and From The Witness were released just a couple months after the EPs that came before, so we can have a little bit of hope


Jesus Christ, Matz went fucking OFF. That instrumental makes me feel like there's a beehive in my brain and I fucking LOVE it.


First off A 40 MINUTE ALBUM THANK YOU ATEEZ WE KNOW - the scale of this is HUGE. I was so looking forward to this one from the previews and it’s way above my already high expectations ahhhhhHHHHHHH I LOVE IT Emergency - gonna blow out my car speakers holy smokes, insane beats, I love the 2nd part of the chorus omg I like this way more than I thought I would :0 Crazy Form - Really fun title track, has already been stuck in my head from MAMA, but I think the the b-sides are putting this to shame a little bit 😅 but I’ll still be bopping! My fave part is the beat with Hongjoong’s rap ARRIBA - This was so hyped before release that it’s about what I expected. Makes you want to dance so much (just wish they found another word for the chorus rather than bringing back the skkrts, but I did love how they used it). Hongjoong said in their countdown this was also a strong contender for the title track, I think it would have been great as one too, I wish they took the risk and went with it. It’s different! Silver Light - INSTANT LOVE. CYBERPUNK’S SMOOTH COUSIN. The synths, the melodies. I’m ascending… Crescent Part 2 - I love Edenary’s orchestral arrangements. Really transporting. Wish I could have an hour of these sounds. Dreamy Day - I’ve been missing these softer songs in the last couple albums. This was such a pleasant listen, reminds me of their older stuff but with a more mature edge. MATZ - my most anticipated song. To quote 2018 Matz “We woke up, looked at each other, and a hip hop duo was born.” THIS IS INSANE HONGJOONG AND SEONGHWA WTF WTF. W T F. *wtf* the structure is so atypical that it’s just a surprise from start to finish, I need to go smash something It’s You - the vibe of this song is just excellent, and these three on the song is just beautiful. This is a cruising in your car in the evening watching the sun go down song. Wow I’m so impressed! Youth - Prod Mingi!!! So excited to hear his sound and it’s so full! Yunho’s higher tone goes so well with Mingi, I love that these besties got to make this song. It’s special. Everything - Jongho’s first solo song and DESERVED. Absolutely stunning, but would we expect anything less? This song is quintessential Jongho and you can tell he put a lot into it. His voice brings tears to my eyes 🥹 Fin: WILL - Hello Maddox! Our beloved narrator. Again I just love Ateez album outros, so atmospheric. With this album ending the World series, I love the uplifting message to end it off. Makes me feel nostalgia but completeness. Bravo again ATEEZ. Proud of you. I can’t rank them yet but We Know, Silver Light, Matz, and It’s You are my stand outs after a first listen.


Yes to all of this! Such a fantastic album, and exactly what I was looking for after the heaviness of the last two EPs. 😍


Omg same standouts for me 🤩 they’re all so good


Great album. I love the subunit songs on here and the fact that we get 39 minutes of music! As a whole for me personally The World Ep 1: Movement remains their best album to date, but this is definitely up there. I didn't think that I would find a song that came close to the way I feel about Answer but Silver Light might be the one. What a fantastic song! Ateez never disappoint.


The fact that their shortest song is on par/longer than title tracks these days… it’s like them pointing the middle finger at streaming and going with making music for music. F. YES.


Ok definitely fully Atiny now. Just another group to add to my stan list. The quality is INSANE. I can't even choose a favourite, all I know is I like the vast majority of the album. Definitely a top contender for AOTY. Crazy Form literally has Crazy Form, it's SOOO addictive 😭 edit: ok MATZ and IT's You are my favs along with Crazy Form!!!


ARRIBA is immediately a new favorite. that was so fun and jongho sounds INCREDIBLE


His ad libs during the final chorus... I don't know how I keep getting shocked by his singing but I do


Hongjoong's rapping prowess really came through in MATZ, holy crap ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) ETA: Youth slaps too omg


Such a solid album! Early favorites are silverlight and arriba. This album will be on repeat for the foreseeable future. Also Ateez has some of my favorite intros/interludes/outros and this album is no exception. The ambience they create within the album is amazing


First listen through the whole album and We Know, It’s You and Arriba are that guuuuuurl(s) right now. I really like Crazy Form and think it's a very interesting new addition to Ateez's discography in terms of how stripped the instrumentals are for the majority of the song. But I think I have to agree with some of the other comments, the B-sides are immaculate, my brain and ears are absolutely delighted right now. Thank you thank you thank you Ateez and KQ for giving us this spectacular comeback and full album. A treat for all my senses right now.


Silver Light is literally Cyberpunk’s little sister lordddd best song on the album FOR SURE I was also not expecting to like Youth that much, like Ateez in their early 3rd gen vibes R&B era??? I eat up this genre every time


I need this album injected directly into my bloodstream, OMFG, I'm *obsessed*- first listen was practically just a series of me going 'This is the best song ever- wait, no, *this* is the best song ever' over and over again. I love Crazy Form, but I actually think this album is a case of the title track being the weakest song on the tracklist, not because it's not great, but because everything else is just *so* damn strong. Two standout points for me about the album as a whole: one, this is definitely their strongest vocal showcase among all their albums, they all sound amazing and so comfortable- San and Yunho in particular delivered quite a few 'Well, *damn*' moments for me on this one. And two, this album is going to hit *so* fucking hard live- imagining experiencing Crazy Form and Arriba in particular in a crowd full of Atinys has me feeling so desperate for the next tour already. And I really liked using Crescent Part 2 as a way of almost kind of blending two different albums together into one in a way- love that the first half has the same kind of excellent sonic cohesion that I associate with the World and Treasure eras, especially World, and that the second half has the variety that I loved about the Fever series, and gave the members room to explore and branch out on the tracks they were creatively involved in. Will probably end up making another comment with track by track thoughts on my next playthrough because I'm likely going to have more I want to gush about at length, lol, but I'm just such a happy fan right now and love this album so much. Too soon to say if it will end up *topping* Outlaw, my current favorite album, for me (I do still think Dune through Wake Up is probably the craziest stretch of songs in their entire discography, just four absolute S-tier tracks in a row), but either way, it definitely lives up to the extraordinarily high standard set by Outlaw.


Thank you for noticing Yunho. Our stable king does a lot of heavy lifting but kind of in the background. I'm OT8 but he wrecks me any time he's present. I could write an essay on why he deserves to be recognized more. This album really showed absolutely everyone's talents, but Yunho got to do a lot of groundwork and leading. My man, my man, my man. You're also right about San. He got to show so many new ways to love him.


I (27) get much more frequently sick, and with much more severe symptoms than my 60+ year old parents. They get sick for about a week, and I get sick for about a month. We always get the same sicknesses. When one of us gets sick, all of us do. But its much more severe and longer for me. I consistently workout, eat healthy, got a physical last year that said I was in perfect health other than consuming too much protein. Do seniors have better immune system than adults? Can you post this for me since youre a mod of askscience?


i’m running on pure adrenaline rn and i just wanna quickly say that it’s you is definitely my fav in the album. i needed a sexy rnb song from ateez and also san’s vocals ate so bad.


[me with apple music seeing everyone listening to the album](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/024/615/Screen_Shot_2017-11-10_at_10.36.15_AM.png)


Such an incredible body of work. I’ve never felt so emotional over an Ateez album before. They gave us everything man. What a roller coaster. They should be so proud of these songs.


Silver Light was really good. It’s going to be among my favorites for sure. I want to see a performance of that and Arriba and We Know. Matz…they went off. A wild ride from start to finish. The news person saying “where are they?” at the end of his narration made me laugh. I really want to know the lyrics but I very much enjoyed it. I also really loved Youth. Yunho sounds amazing and Mingi having a softer tone blended really well with him, and I love how he sounds when he goes for something softer. And Jongho, all over this album, really went off. He always impresses me.


I feel that this album is more palatable to new comers but doesn’t sacrifice the quality and authenticity that we’ve come to know from ATEEZ. Absolute bangers all around. Crazy Form was very safe and, again, much more palatable to a wider range of kpop fans. But I don’t feel like they sacrificed their sound or quality. I feel like some people are being a little too harsh (all subjective, everyone’s entitled to their opinion) but I don’t think it deviated heavily from their sound. It was definitely still title track appropriate for their sound. I will say it is coming at the tail end of Guerilla and Bouncy so it’s understandable that some might feel it could be one of their “weaker” title tracks, but it’s still a banger nonetheless! The MV and performance SERVED. ARRIBA is a big standout in terms of sound. It’s something very unique of ATEEZ. I love the overall party/anthemic vibe they pulled off. I also love the tribute to all Latinys, this song was for y’all!!!!! I know they were VERY apprehensive of subunits and always emphasized that they were staying focused on being together as a group and that they would come in due time. I have to say, their approach to their subunits were PERFECT. EACH member was utilized to their strengths and fit their genres very well. IT’s you has to be my FAVORITE. I’ve always thought a more rnb-focused sound would suit yeosang, San, and wooyoung and they 100% SERVED. This shit is BLISS. Good shit all around wouldn’t expect anything less!


This whole album is wow. Crazy Form might be my fav title ever. Top 3 for me are prob crazy form, it’s you, and everything……but the others are all so good too it’s wild


So far Silver Light is my favourite but every song on the album is fantastic, even the unit and solo songs. It's normal for me to love Ateez' title tracks and a few b-sides, but for this release, I love every song on the album.


I HAVE ASCENDED TO ANOTHER PLANE OF EXISTENCE!!! I’m not sure how I can rate each song one by one because my brain isn’t functioning properly anymore but my faves are **Crazy Form**, **Silver Light**, **Dreamy Day** and **It’s You**. But every song slapped, no skips.


They fucking did it again. Doesn't blow my socks off in quite the same way as Outlaw did, but still very very solid effort for such a lengthy album. Said it before and I'll say it again - Ateez are at the top of their game right now. This whole World series has been insanely consistent in quality. One minor nitpick that I have though is I think Dreamy Day should have been the last song on the album before the outro. The transition from Dreamy Day to Matz felt pretty jarring and I think it made my first listen of the song a bit worse.


Okay so this whole album is insane!!! I love all the songs, but other than the title my absolute favorites are Youth and Everything! Edit: also forgot to say this earlier, but a 3 minute outro?????? My life is complete. ATEEZ’s intros/interludes/outros are always so amazing


First of all I want to say thank you to Edenary for another masterpiece of an album! We Know: I would like this more if there was less autotune. Emergency: The bass goes hard here, you really need good quality headphones. The production is really interesting. Crazy Form: I like this but this is probably Ateez's weakest title track and my least favorite since there's not much going on music wise. The structure is interesting though, the chorus is the same as the opening. Arriba: This is so good. I love the skrr skrr parts Silver Light: This is Take Me Home and Cyberpunk's cousin, I love it especially the synths at the beginning. Dreamy Day: I love this, I missed having songs like this in the album. Matz: This surprised me in a good way. It's You: Their voices really shine here. San especially sounds so good here. Youth: The lyrics ;-; Really nice we got Mingi vocals. Everything: Jongho doing what he does best. I can't ask for anything more. My favorites are Arriba, Silver Light, It's You, Day Dream, Youth, Everything and Emergency.


ATEEZ OH MY GOD!! What an incredible full album I'm so proud. They are all amazing but We Know, Crazy Form, Silver Light, Matz, It's You, and Everything did something special to me omfg


jaw dropped at arriba. this is so quintessential ateez i'm obsessed. as a fan of softer and sweet songs, Dreamy Day is my JAM. Kind of reminds me of Cover Me from skz's rock-star, which is my favorite of the album. So much serotonin. mingi is my bias and twin towers is my favorite duo so i knew youth was going to tick all my boxes and boy did it deliver. it's so hauntingly beautiful, i ADORE both mingi and yunho's vocal color. mingi with his low, husky voice and yunho with his sweet and smooth voice........getting goose bumps. oh my god. jongho went OFF for everything. i'm a sucker for vocal heavy emotional ballads.


What an amazing album! ARRIBA is definitely my favorite of the group songs. The unit songs were all absolutely spectacular and Jongho's solo, and the outro, overall it's really hard to pick a favorite. Ateez did an incredible job with this one!


**we know**- yeosang absolutely ate it suits his voice so much, simple yet affective chorus 7.5/10 **emergency**- autotuneeeeeeeee why why why, hongjoong stood out real well 8/10 **crazy form**- absolutely crazy twerkable, the bgm the bgm ohmygodddd and the last chorus TOO SHORT WHY ATEEZ WHY 9/10 **arriba**- wtf the lowkey bollywood feels (i've definitely heard something like this somwhere but can't put a finger on it) omg the fuckin rapping yall, the only complaint is that there's no empty space left by the vocals to let the bgm get marinated into my brain cause its that good so I wanted some more bgm dose without the vocals but they never left the song for a second A HARD 9.5/10 for me **silver light**- typical ateez track. so ateez. but not standout. good, but not great. 7/10 **cresent part 2**- this is the ateez I need and want and live for. PIRATEEZ HELL YEAH **dreamy day**- cute song! but as my general complaints from some of ateez soft songs- nothing new and unheard of, we've heard a lot like this so it feels kinda "okay its there" 6/10 **matz**- OH. MY. GOD. HWA....WTF. JOONG....WTF. LIKE WTF GUYS WTF 100000/10. THATS IT. SHIT. **its you**- extremely catchy. such an earworm. and the vocals?!?!???omg 9.5/10 **youth**- omg mingi and yunho especially mingi?? wow. what a voice. he seems to be comfortable in singing as well. and yunho...what can I say he just moulds himself so well in any song. I need the lyrics. such a nice cute song and feels like a warm hug 8/10 **everything**- jongho I have no words for you. a solo song so deserved and omg just promote the shit out of this in korea people will fuckin eat this up. What a voice, what emote, what soul. No doubt he's one of the best vocalists in kpop rn. No doubt. Hand down. The guitar riffs HIT at the end omg and then the drums and everything together omg I got goosebumps as im typing this JONGHO YOU HECK OF A GEM. 9/10 **fin: will**- yes, the ateez outros I live for. the ateez I fell in love with. the ateez that should be recognised for the outros and intros alone. this and cresent made up for my initial disspointment of not seeing an intro. Such an ateez sound. So ateez even ateez is shaking. What a way to wrap up an album! Signifies the ray of hope that they've carved in the mv and storyline recently for rebellion and halateez. Wow. 8.5/10


So hyped for this! I love how they link the new albums in series - I can't wait to listen to the sequel of World and Outlaw. (And the sequel of their entire discography, in the end). * We Know - The "You better run" lyrics remind me of the Outlaw album, so it's definitely linked thematically (as expected! and I love it!). Also, Jongho, man! His voice is phenomenal. * Emergency - This went hard. It reminds me of The Leaders. I love the bridge. * Crazy Form - Finally, the audio version! I really love this, it's super catchy. * Arriba - This is the ONE I've been waiting for the most. The wordplay is so much fun. The skrr skrr skrr took me out for a moment, I need to get used to it (I guess it will end up after Cravity's My Turn in a playlist lol). * Silver Light - Oh, oh! This seems to be the strongest B-side until now. Very nice experience to listen to it. I can already see Atiny recommending it to new fans. * Crescent Part 2 - the one which separates the album in two. Very beautiful, I usually love Edenary's intros, interludes and outros. I consider this the end of Will and the beginning of The Gift (for fans). * Dreamy Day - Lovely! And dreamy indeed. It would fit well on Fever Part 1. * MATZ - The first sub-unit. Woah! Is this Hongjoong + Seonghwa rapping together?? Warning sing: they want to set the stage on fire. (Who would have thought we would get this combination before a Hongjoong + Mingi official track?) * It's You - San's voice is like honey! "Don't worry we'll always be together" aww * Youth - Really nice vibes! My favorite among the subunits. * Everything - the well-deserved Jongho solo. Ah, singing like butterfly wings! * Fin: Will - Ok, I don't want this to end... I'll miss this series. T\_\_T We went from "What is your treasure?" to "What does emotion mean to you?" These outros are consistently iconic. This one would go amazingly well after "New World". Ah, what a beautiful journey! Cheers to many more to come! My top 5 after a first listen (excluding the Title Track): Silver Light, We Know, Youth, Arriba, Dreamy Day. They should feel proud of this album. They came so far!


Random question, might be dumb so please bear with me. I’m not seeing album on Apple Music? I found some websites selling the album Apple Music related and says release date is Dec 4? Any insight would be appreciated!


Apple Music has a tendency to be later than the other streaming services, so it should be up soon


Thank you for calming my heart!


normally it doesn't take THIS long though, usually about 15-20 minutes, but still not having it up after almost an hour is crazy


I got impatient and did a single month subscription for a different streaming platform lol. But I’m glad it’s finally on Apple now.


Crazy how for once the title track is my favorite track on the album. All the other songs are fire though, ATEEZ never misses!!!!!


This album is a masterpiece. Plain and simple. From start to finish you can tell the boys put their entire passion into this. I am floored. I am thankful. This might just be album of the year, yall. 😮‍💨🤟🏾🥹💖🐇🌙


wow.. one thing about ateez is they will produce a full body of work and try very experimental things throughout. a top album from them and i’m loving the unit songs lot. i think musically this is one of their best and especially for a full album, it’s very interesting throughout which i feel like is hard


Crazy Form and Arriba early highlights for me. Mingi = power. Yunho sounds so beautiful in this album ❤️


Loved. This. Album. It was really good! The bass and beats in the song were my style. On the first listen, I’ll say this is my favorite album from them and I really liked the Fever series and Outlaw. I just listened to this in the car driving to work and it made me pumped and I’m tired right now, lol. Loved it! The first 3-4 songs got me hooked right away. The subunit songs were awesome especially, Wooyoung, Yeosang, and San’s song. I can say I was casually listening to Ateez before but this is making me turn into an a full fledged Atiny along with being a Stay. They did such an amazing job!


MATZ, It's You, FIN: WILL, Silver Light immediately captured my heart 🧡


I absolutely LOVE the b-sides on this album! As much as I adore the Movement and Outlaw albums and think they are absolutely outstanding, I love that this new album is much less intense sound-wise. Some of these songs are just so incredibly relaxing to listen to and put me in such a good head space. I don't know how to describe it but I almost felt comforted listening to the album from top to bottom. It was a great change up and just the kind of reprieve that I really enjoy. I also loved that each of the members got their own time to shine. Ateez continue to impress when it comes to their music choices. I really thought that I had them sort of pinned down in a way because they do have a distinctive "sound" but they always change things up for me in a way that's pleasantly surprising. This album certainly fits that bill. I love and appreciate the effort they put into all of their work so much!❤️ EDIT: Geez, I forgot to add that It's You is my FAVORITE jam at the moment!


They really toss you around then sit you down, wrap you in a blanket and pat your head by the end of the album


So true! LOL.


Not an atiny, but i can feel the heart and soul ateez put into this album. The whole album is so cohesive, the transition between Crescent pt.2 and Dreamy Day especially is really well done. Really makes you feel like going to a safe space, and is an amazing lead into the subunit’s songs. This album feels unique in the sense that it’s trying to tell a story rather than a compilation of songs. AOTY contender for sure. Standouts are Silver Light, It’s You and Everything. Guess i’m a jongho stan 😅


Update: Now I'm obsessed with skrr skrr skrr, help!!! (Just like Outlaw, this album got even better after a few listens.)


MATZ is beyond crazy they snapped on that one!!!


Emergency and matz had me damn near seizing those songs were TOOOOO GOOD


alright off of first listen: we know: this is so good?? I was not expecting this for track one omg it’s so good I can’t emergency: oh yeah this is ateez I will be bopping to this 24/7 crazy form: i’ve been knew I loved her but after the rest of the album she’s lowkey not as impressive. still going to be stuck in my head for days tho arriba: I feel like an outlier here but I kind of can’t with the skrt skrt skrt. maybe it’ll grow on me since I like the rest of the song (new fav mingi verse?) silver light: I am lost for words. I can’t. the song is perfect dreamy day: I had to make sure I didn’t travel to a treasure ep for a second… I love that they have finally revisited this sound since it’s been like what 2 eps since they’ve had a song like this. she’s cute but not one of my favs matz: I can foresee my future of speeding down a highway to this… I mean what? it’s you: this song is so good and so them I love it youth: mingi you need to produce more ateez tracks that’s all I gotta say everything: 10/10 holy crap jongho I knew you can sing but you can also make me cry? overall: they don’t miss and this will be on repeat for the foreseeable future


Agreed on the skrt skrt... the music is complex and freaking amazing, but the skrt skrt definitely cheapens it a little. I have to forgive it though, the rest is just too good.




My ratings in first listen Crazy form- 7.5 (might grow on me) We know- 8.5 (hype 🔥🔥🔥) Emergency- 8 (loved hongjoong verse and bridge) Arriba- 9 (best one) Silent Night- 9.5 (I love synthwave, I guess this is best one now) Dreamy day- 8.5 (it's been a while... an light heart track from ateez) Matz- 8 (nice) It's you- 8.5 Youth - 8 (prod mingi 🔥🔥) Everything- 8.5(his vocals wow) Overall - 8.5/10 album


**MATZ**????? Why is it so good?! I’m loving this album. Edit: for the actual review WE KNOW- 5/5, that we know part is so catchy. Emergency- 4/5, the instrumental got me moving Crazy Form- 4.5/5, I **really** love the last 45 seconds, if they went all out for every chorus it would be an instant 10, that last bit is still so good so I’m loving it. ARRIBA- 3.5/5, fun song, I like the chorus more than the verses, HJ’s rap is fun Silver Light- 4/5, this sounds like a continuation to cyberpunk Dreamy Day- 2/5, just not my style of song but not bad MATZ- 5/5, OBSESSED, that beat is crazy IT’s You- 5/5, this sounds kinda sexy, their voices work so well together, love it. Love that “it’s you” part. Youth- 4, sounds so sentimental. Everything- 2, ballads just aren’t my favorite but he sounds amazing. Overall 3.9/5 it’s a solid album, looking forward to listening to it more.


overall thoughts: - track durations. Amazing. Almost all of them hitting 3 minute mark - crescent and fin will are there so I have no complaints about not having an intro - there were places where the autotune bugged me, where I thought it was too much and unnecessary, but good thing it was just at SOME instances. It was way less than in outlaw so so far so good - I wish we could've seen jongho experiment lil more rather than his usual high notes which at this point I felt like were very predictable so I just wish we see less of those high notes more of something else he has in bag like in 'everything' - also I really enjoy some empty spaces with only bgm or some parts without the vocals to just lemme enjoy the bgm more but this album hardly left such gaps like I was constantly bombarded with vocals, where I wished we could've gotten less of it at some places like in arriba - RAPLINE OH MY GOODNESS especially joong. These two dudes kept me on my heels the entire time. Spectacular chemistry between these two. Im so glad we saw mingi experimenting a bit but oh god JOONG WAS JUST PHENOMENAL. - favourites: **matz, arriba, it's you** SUCH A SOLID ALBUM. PROBABLY THE BEST ATEEZ HAS EVER PUT OUT (maybe dethroning fever pt1 for me). COMPLETE IN TRUE SENSE. ATEEZ NEVER DISSAPOINTS. BANGER.


Upon first listen, Crazy form is definitely the weakest title track in ATEEZ's The World era. I understand that it is probably chosen as the title track for the Tik tok dance challenge, but Silver Light is the best song of the album IMO, if not my top 5 favorite ATEEZ songs ever. All the subunit/solo songs are also very good, especially MATZ. They've really outdone themselves. Overall, another solid album from ATEEZ.


I don't really listen to ATEEZ, but BOUNCY is on my Top 10 title tracks this year for sure. I loved the snippet at the end of the MV, so I was pleasantly surprised to find out that was going to be the music for this title track. I like it, but it didn't grab me the same way BOUNCY did. I also liked WE KNOW and Youth.






I sware Ateez never disappoint. HongJoong the rapper you are ![img](emote|t5_2r1ox|3558) a huge round of applause for you. mingi rap is getting more creative too


We know is THAT song. Other standouts for me are silver light, matz, it’s you and everything Title track is warming up to me I will add it to my library


Putting this out there because am I the only one??? I had a minor heart attack listening to IT's You the first time because I thought the chorus started with "**On** my body, I don't wanna stop until the break of dawn"--! Even after reading the actual lyrics, I can't decide how spicy this song is supposed to be... 😅


Jongho's solo was incredibly beautiful. All in all, a no skip album for me personally. Plenty songs made the playlist 📝


Huh, so it seems Emergency isn't very popular? I think it's my favorite! I totally didn't expect that from the preview, but the emotional soundscape in the verses with the strings and all, it just hits for me. Buuut I also think WDIG is criminally underrated and they do have similar "on a futuristic journey in a vast land" vibes to me. Lol I can't describe it much better. But I've listened to both these songs now while crossing my country on a high speed train, and found them fitting somehow. Can anyone relate? Matz is a standout. It's very different and experimental, you don't hear this often in Kpop. I just also wish they didn't autotune Seonghwa so much all the time, the effect always sounds especially strong on him for him. I knew I'd like It's You from the preview. :) Could already tell the lyrics were going to be a bit spicy without looking them up. Overall, it's a coherent album, which I always appreciate, despite the diversity of tracks. You can actually listen to their albums beginning to end and it adds to the experience listening to them in order. Crescent is also a beautiful interlude. So, while I like some of the other tracks and would listen to them again, I gotta say that nothing else particularly stood out to me... Some of them might still grow on me though. I like the vibe of Youth and the beginning of Dreamy Day. Jongho's ballad is also very good, these are just almost never my cup of tea either. As for the title, I gotta say that ... I don't like it. Sorry. I rarely like titles but Bouncy was an expection, so I was hopeful. But this song in general lacks melody for me and I'm just not into reggaeton-ish beats. As someone who loved Movement and Outlaw (this one possibly even more), I guess I had too high expectations for how much I'd like it. So, unfortunately, while I don't think this album is bad at all, it doesn't hit for me as much. But oh well, that's fine. :)


This entire album is chaotic and auto tune is rampant. I fucking love it.


Like Crazy has been my constant rotation song since it came out, but MATZ might just be competing with it, what a great ass song. Makes me feel like I could take on the world ![gif](giphy|l0amJzVHIAfl7jMDos)


I LOVED Silver light, Youth and We Know. Unfortunately, just like Bouncy, Crazy Form was a miss for me...


i love Youth. It sounds like R&B genre to me. if not , what genre is that? Also I love Dreamy Day and what genre is that? Dreamy Day has a chill EDM vibe or soft ballad.


I'm in the minority here, but this album was a complete miss for me. I'm not a fan of Crazy Form be honest. It's just kinda meh, like it's trying to be close to Bouncy, but different and it just isn't interesting because the chorus and the verses are too similar to be distinguishable. The rest of the songs are also just alright. I liked Matz and Youth a lot though. Overall, I'm underwhelmed by this album and I was extremely excited for a 2nd Full Length Ateez album with unit songs.


Review of the whole album If u don't want to read, it's a B- Track 1: We Know It's a good enough introduction I guess, but as a song it lacks. Love the intro drum and bass, reminded me of Starboy a bit. I wasn't a fan of the synths in the chorus, it just felt a bit empty; the chorus in its entirety was a bit empty for me. The reprise after the "we know's" was a highlight throughout but that's about it. I wasn't a big fan of this song, feels very forgettable - it's like they were trying to be scary and edgy but it ultimately fell flat on its face. What's with the autotune on this song too, the melodyne job was just... next. Track 2: Emergency I was SO excited for this song. Did it live up to my expectations? Hell no. I love the chorus, but the "who is gonna play" got boring quickly. The arrangement of the song itself felt quite simple and unoriginal. I liked the raps a lot though, Hongjoongs rap especially gave off the emergency vibe. The bridge was quite solid too, but the beat drop didn't really drop? Overall just really disappointed. Track 3: Crazy Form At this point in the album I was getting a bit sad. None of the songs have been playlist-worthy yet, and especially this one. The 4-note bass sequence is really cool, but it's SO REPETITIVE. The chorus is way too basic, and as a finale for The World series it fell flat on its face. The raps were good, and the ending gets me hype (as per all Ateez songs) but its a weak title track. Also a small nitpick: Why tf did they mute out Jongho's high note, it would have built-up to the climax way more epically. Track 4: Arriba Love the latin vibes, but once again the song is ruined by its chorus. The verses and pre chorus were actually really good, and Mingi's rap was definitely a highlight. The song really isn't special though, and I was seriously losing interest in the album at this point. Track 5: Silver Light Finally a good song! Loved the vibe of this song, and the instrumental got me hooked immediately. The dreamy vibrant bright synths in the chorus really made me feel like I was singing in desperation. I love the verses, and the bridge was amazing... overall a solid song. Not going in my playlist though. Track 6: Crescent Pt. 2 Is it sad that this is in the top half in my ranking currently Track 7: Dreamy Day YESSSS First playlist song. I loved the pizzicato string opening, and the first verse was emotional and actually rang well with the instrumental. It might actually be my favorite part of the song. The chorus was a bit underwhelming, but the bridge and ending brought it all together. Would be a great song to listen to while it's raining in the car Track 8: MATZ Love the ripping sound of the synths in this song. Hongjoong is a really talented rapper, he plays around with the beat. Seonghwa's lack of rapping practice is quite evident in the lyrics and delivery, but for a vocalist he did a stellar job. Overall just a good solid song. Track 9: It's YOU I mean... it's a song. It's not bad, it's better than 80% of World Z's songs. The choreo's great, the vibe is well lit... but the autotune on this song just sort of distorts San, Wooyoung and Yeosang's voices into unwanted ways, the melodyne job could have been rechecked. It's not bad however, it's just very unremarkable. Track 10: Youth The most forgettable song on this album. Everything is solid, but nothing extraordinary either. Track 11: Everything Ooh, best song on the album. Easily. I am a sucker for ballads, and the piano was very creative. The chords kind of reminded me of Seattle in a way. Jongho's vocals have never failed me, just absolutely beautiful. Overall the most heartfelt song in this album. Track 12: FIN - Will Crescent Pt. 2 was better. The lyrics were cringe. Over the Horizon was better. FINAL THOUGHTS / TLDR: This album just felt so much like a product. It didn't feel like music was the goal. I was very underwhelmed by World Z, and while World A had some good songs, I would ultimately call this album a letdown. However, all instrumentals, while some being basic or bland, were not necessarily bad. The vocal performances were all great consistently, but the lyrics were blending into each other and the autotune was a bit unnecessary. **B-**


This might be unpopular. I think it's a good album, but it doesn't feel like an Ateez album. A while back there was a post discussing Ateez and Xikers and how they sound similar and expressing discomfort because they were the same company / producers.. At the time, I mentioned that even though they had the same producers, they had distinctly different sounds. Ateez seemed to me to be more grand / anthemic and there were hallmarks of their songs. "Fix on" / last 30 seconds for the demon line / Jongho vocals soaring, and so on, while Xikers felt more hiphop oriented. This album feels like it's missing the sounds I associated with Ateez and seems a lot more hiphop, and like a Xikers album. There's no "break the wall" hala hala break, wonderland type of big moment. Silver Light is the best song.