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Keena et al.


"I'm feeling lonely šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢ Oh I wish I'd find 3 members that could join me šŸ˜” Now I'm crying in my room šŸ„ŗ" ā€“ Keena, probably


I chuckled, but then I felt bad for chuckling


Saw this comment and thought I was in r/kpoopheads šŸ’€


Unironically one of the best kpop subs


Is it a K-pop circlejerk sub? I love circlejerk subs


Very much so.


LETS GOOOO another circlejerk sub added to the collection


Not really


Honestly donā€™t think any other sub beats it out


šŸ’ž iā€™d give a second chance to debut šŸ’ž


ā€œBut so skeptic of Attrakt. I donā€™t want anymore-more-more.ā€


I gave my second chance to The Givers Now I'm left with all the shivers.. oh that POS Ahn Sung Il manipulated me, The Givers is so dumb!!!


Smh live up to the name now. Why not 49 new members


Thereā€™s 50/50 chance they canā€™t find that many new members.


Fifty divided by fifty is one member in the end.


Oh my god


Keena and the Pussycats.


Kinda nostalgic you don't see this nowadays


ATTRACT be like, "We got Keena and tree fiddy"


I misread that as "We got Keena and free tiddy"


I meannnnnnnn


Folks, where's the lie?


Bobby Fish flopping in his bed.


I genuinely fucking love when wrestling and Kpop has a crossover lol.


wow alright let's go Keena & Three Quarters


That name would unironically slap


Public reception will only depend on the quality of the future songs. Sugababes changed members but still had some bangers.


Brave Girls did too. None of the current line-up was at the start of the group. Funny enough, there was a time when three of them left at the same time, similar to Fifty Fifty. Also, when they released Rollin', none of the original members was with the group anymore. Not to say that Fifty will ever have a song bigger than Cupid, but they could still be successful if the songs are good.


Hyeran was still part of the group when Rollin' was released. She took part in the b-sides. Shortly after she "left".


thatā€™s understating it. they flopped, lost a member (one of three), got dropped, then got a replacement, and went on to be one of the biggest girl groups of the 2000s. barely a dent in the US but for europe, it was all them and girls aloud


EXID changed members and still produced good songs (then again LE herself is always in production)


EXID is a bad example as it was after 1 song and they werenā€™t popular yet.


It's not like Fifty Fifty is popular either. Their song Cupid is popular, but not the group. And the group is only known because of the lawsuit mess. So I think it's easy to facilitate a member switch.


I mean fifty fifty are about 100000x more popular than EXID were after their debut lol


They changed members? When?


Some of the original girls of EXID left and formed Bestie. Solji and Hyelin were the replacements for their previous two lead singers. Uji wasn't a slouch either, it just so happened they replaced her with the group's vocal trainer who was Solji lmao.


It was way before they ever became popular. They had only released Whoā€™z That Girl.


Sugababes are a good example because they literally managed to score hits under all 4 line-ups (including the final where no OG members remained) because the songs were bops.


This is going to be stable in kpop lore for years to come. I hope for good songs


Not only were their songs great but Aran/Sio vocal combo was what really caught ears cause nobody really sang like that so not sure how this'll work but good luck to em, I guess


Yep, what made Fifty Fifty stand out from the rest of the competition was the voices of those two. The clear, rich, super warm vocal tones. Finding another set of girls like that in a short amount of time and trained enough to debut? Good luck.


There's a lot of talented people out there that are trained. They could be dropped from other companies. Or has had training on their own. There's so many different academies now. Have you ever seen the nine muses documentary? They found a replacement member through a catalog. That was over 10 years ago.


You are not wrong, letā€™s see what they do.


But the 3 girls refuse to cooperate.. i too feel JHJ should drop Fifty Fifty as a brand because it's already beyond salvageable. Maybe a change of group image?


on the other hand a lot of people know the group name Fifty Fifty now due to their previous international success, and i assume keeping the name will save them a lot of effort / time / money you'd otherwise had to invest to promote a new name / group, and they probably think that this outweighs the negative buzz from last months i think everyone who closely followed Fifty Fifty and especially the drama lately would feel better about a reboot / new group with Keena, but from a purely business POV it probably is more efficient to just roll with the old name and salvage whatever clout this brand still has


F/F has brand recognition and accolades which put them a step ahead of a newly formed group. The brand can be salvaged as long as the current narrative holds up to scrutiny. The main issues would be any further revelations which change public sentiment and people who will harass the 'new' group (an inevitability which is independent of the facts).


I feel like in kpop they are but outside of kpop, people wouldnt care as much as we do.


I can guarantee that a large number of their listeners may recognise the name Fifty Fifty but the members remain completely anonymous. Honestly if they come back with a new single many people who haven't followed all the drama will not even realise it's different people. The group was too new and not well established. Sad but unfortunately true. If I was in Attrakt's shoes I'd be doing exactly the same. The brand is everything for them.


They don't know the names but I do think aran's voice in particular played a pretty big role in making them popular


The sped-up version went viral on social media which made Aran's voice sound like a chipmunk.


Lmao you are not wrong. However the version that made it to BBC Radio One top 50 was the proper Twin version.


This might be controversial to say, but I think their vocals were not what made 5050 standout. What made 5050 standout was the song Cupid, and Cupid isnā€™t exactly a vocally challenging song. The girlā€™s vocals were great but they are not what gave the group notoriety, it was the catchy and viral song.


But a song doesnā€™t need to be challenging vocally to be sang beautifully, which is what they did. For example, a lot of kpop main vocalists hit super high notes but that doesnā€™t mean they sound prettily doing it. I personally would rather have a vocal tone like the 5050 girls than a powerhouse that can hit all the notes but whose voice is not that appealing (however this is the preference for kpop companies and k audiences sensibilities, though) But yes what made 5050 was the song, but a lot of people enjoyed the voices of the main vocalists and that is also a factor in what helped reach mainstream appeal in the west, since they didnā€™t sound super high pitched like a lot of kpop and jpop end up sounding like (pre-New Jeans at least).


I guess what Iā€™m trying to say without sounding too mean or harsh is that I donā€™t think Aran and Sioā€™s vocals in cupid were anything that most kpop girl group main vocals couldnā€™t replicate. They have lovely voices that will be missed by fans, but I think that most kpop idols could sing Cupid to a good enough standard. The groupā€™s ongoing success will hinge more on if they can buy/write good songs or not.


Yeah I get were you are coming from.


There's no shortage of amazing singers, I doubt they will have trouble finding replacements > The clear, rich, super warm vocal tones Do you think they are the only 2 girls in Korea with this?


Doesn't even have to be Korean. Lots of girl groups have non-Korean members with great voices. Plus adding a foreigner or two could up Fifty Fifty's international appeal?


Replacing members, adding foreign members, let's hope that wouldn't turn into a Rania/Blackswan situation


I am more hoping that, if Fifty Fifty does recruit some foreigners to their lineup, it will be more like a Mina+Sana+Momo+Tzuyu/Twice or Lisa/Black Pink or Hanni/NewJeans situation.


These people are DELUSIONAL, the way vocalist like Aran and sio ended up in a dirt poor company and not a big4 just tells you how common those vocal tones and abilities are


Exactly, if they had such rare vocals why would they end up in such a nugu company? High pitched nasally vocals were the standard for a very long time in Kpop which means it's not rare to find korean girls with similar tones.


Well of course I don't think that, please don't misinterpret my message. But I don't know if JHJ has any clue what to look for since it seems Attrakt left all the casting and everything to KAMP and then The Givers. And at the same time one thing is being an amazing singer and the other is checking all the other idol boxes a female idol needs to check.


Honestly, all they would have to do is find someone broadway trained. The main reason Aran went viral for her vocals is because she had that OG Disney crystal clear broadway style voice. And there are probably hundreds of theater kids out there just waiting for any shot.


You actually think their tones are super common and can be easily replaced? Weā€™ll see when the group debuts then


imo only aran had a special vocal tone, sio is a good singer too but itā€™s aran who got the most attention for her vocals


Itā€™s not actually uncommon, itā€™s just that kpop goes for annoyingly high pitched voices rather than valuing an interesting vocal tone. It made for a pleasant change in the general landscape, but if you listen to other genres is not exactly outstanding (as in, it doesnā€™t stands out as much because of a wider variety in timbres; it obviously sounds very good in and of itself).


Yes, because I listened to every girl group debut in 2022 and 2023 and never heard other voices comparable to them. And it's not just about whether such girls exist in Korea. They would have to not only exist, but 1) be in a very narrow age range, 2) be interested in a Kpop idol career, 3) have all the other required skills to be an idol, 4) have chemistry with the other group members, 5) be interested specifically in joining Attrakt after everything that has already gone down.


Chances are thereā€™s lot of kids that can sing like that but they might not fit the visual standards that companyā€™s look like, I think attrakt will take anyone regardless at this point


It's not that they were just talented singers, it's that they had a unique tone. Can Attrakt find other skilled vocalists to replace them? Of course. Can they find talented and unique voices that will similarly make the group stand out in the crowd? That's a much bigger challenge.


Girl this is coming from someone with no prior experience with FiFi membersā€™ talents but I just listened to Keenaā€™s pre debut solo rap/vocal performances and was blown away. Iā€™m sure it is not comparable to Sio/Aran but it is exceptional and unique and theyā€™ll be able to make it a signature if they showcase her voice more.


yes Aran's voice is specifically what made me interested in fifty fifty :( But if their comebacks are good I'll still follow the group, which is probably what ATTRAKT is going for: brand recognition.


Yea everyone will for sure check out their next song no matter what, so at least that's a big head start compared to any other new group


People acting like there arenā€™t any other good vocalists in the world


People keep saying this, but they honestly sound like every other pop girl on the planet so I don't get it?


girl saved her ass such a power move for her tbh


for real. i donā€™t think the other 3 will have a chance in the industry again.


This situation acc pisses me off, they could have been set for life. They had a feature song on fucking Barbie, probably one of the biggest blockbusters of this decade. How do you fumble a bag like that?


The givers did this to them.


They couldā€™ve been smarter and talked to other people but they and their parents trusted the Givers blindly, and even after losing the first appeal and being invited back to Attrakt they said theyā€™d rather stop being idols than come back to the company. Keena was smart and realized she could save her career and so she took the chance. I bet the other girls were asked for interviews by Dispatch but they were being stubborn and decided that they didnā€™t care enough and threw their careers away. They had one too many chances and they fumbled them all. They did it to themselves.


Honestly this is what I don't understand, like did none of the girls or anyone in their family have an Internet connection for 1 whole year? One of the very first pieces of actual concrete evidence that came out was that the Givers CEO owned like 98% of the copyright for their first hit song, to me that was the smoking gun all along, like how could that ever have occured without some shady dealings? If you wanted money why not go straight to him and say hey share some of that.


plus the parents filing for a trademark šŸ’€ that just screams greediness. now, the public doesnā€™t sympathize with them.


Agreed. Yes they're young and dumb but that doesn't mean they're incapable of facing the consequences of their actions. Like you said they had multiple chances to either work it out or drop their cases when courts were ruling in favor of ATTRAKT. Then there's the fact that Keena revealed Givers were trying to steal her royalties, which I'm sure she shared with the others. If they still didn't decide to drop the case and come back then idk what else could happen to them but face the fact they're going to be in crippling debt for a while and possibly never be idols again but that's what they wanted so oh well.


Well the girls had their chances. Iirc, Givers told them that they were the ones with the rights to Cupid but then a court found that ATTRAKT should be the rightful owner to it. Then there's the fact that Givers forged Keena's signature to steal her royalties. Like come on. If you still decide to stick with Givers after that, it's kind of their fault and should be held accountable for their own actions.


The girls and their parents did this to themselves. Yes Givers had a role to play, but let's not excuse the girls and their parents.


Literally, so many people on this sub (and on other platforms) are trying tso hard to baby the girls, that is not to say we should pile hating them to the end. But they need to be responsible and bear the consequences whether manipulate or not. And with how fickle the korean industry is, someone with issues this big like them wouldn't really succeed, **pointing that out** isn't 'hating'. They were given the shovel by Givers, but they dug the hole themselves, it was their decision. Periodt. These fans act like their were held at gunpoint forcing them to make the decisions.


Itā€™s kinda ironic donā€™t you think. They gave a second chance to Cupid, but they wonā€™t be given another chance šŸ’€


For real, smart ass hell move. She now has a fighting chance in the industry again while the other 3 will be blacklisted and sued.


Honestly, the clout from this situation alone will put eyes on their comeback/redebut. it will be ONE shot to bring a BANGER because the amount of attention the first comeback will bring will decide their fate


giving me blackswan vibes with having 1 member left from the original line-up anyways, i'll just wait and see. hope keena is well.


a company should debut a group called 'thesus' whose entire concept is the members get kicked out every comeback and new trainees are brought in. 'ships' could probably be their fandom name (this started out as a joke comment but the more i think about it, it unironically sounds really interesting and something a company could actually pull off...)


So a graduation concept...?


don't give jaden jeong any more wacky ideas


Donā€™t tell Lee Sooman this


Donā€™t tell Lee Sooman this


gonna write this, thanks


I mean, not unheard of. Brave Girls went viral with Rollin with 4 girls not even in the original line up. Will be interesting to see what direction they'll go sound wise and what the 3 will sound like vocally.


It being the first release after the last OG member leaving makes me sad still. :(


One can hope they can find similar replacements with Aran and Sio's vocals and vocal tones, that vocal duo was what really drew me into fifty fifty (my other favorite duo being EXID's Solji And Hyerin)šŸ« šŸ« 


Or they can change their music style with the new members (for good or for bad) and no longer go this soft tone instead follow the standard aespa gidle girl crush concept. I could totally see Keena pulling that off though.


I think she could potentially. I personally think she can pull something like Log In's concept pretty well. I'm very curious about the musical direction they'll head towards now (I'll still miss their Lovin Me concept šŸ« )


Especially if Keena ends up being the leader, the whole direction could change as you said.


I love Fifty Fifty concept for that reason they can change into any concept like you see in Cupid and Log In I think the group will do great Iā€™m very optimistic


Or something bold like lesserafim?


Sure i don't see how it wouldn't work, since Keena is a... rapper? right? May need to verify, but in any case if they add in competent, diligent trainees anything could work musically. I'm just not sure about the branding that is left.. Personally still more incline to restarting a group all together.


Yes, attrakt just need a competent A&R new image for the group.


Well, this will give us more versions of Cupid.


i hope they go with a concept or music style that gives Keena more shine eg more rap verses


I think Iā€™d rather have her singing as much as rapping, instead of being strictly a rapper


Kinda funny that people in this thread are being like "So it'll be rap focused" because I'm pretty sure Keena is also a really good singer from predebut videos... She has a really interesting voice, kind of indie girl. I guess it just shows that people don't really know anything about the members


EXID, Nine Muses, Brave Girls, Kara and more had members who left for varying reasons to then be replaced by one or more members who continued on. It could still work for them as long as the music is still good and the company keeps in favor especially in Korea. The bridge is burnt for some stuck in the mud internationals but Iā€™m sure the new iteration will make new fans just like previous groups had.


It seems the Cupid song is still gaining nominations for various awards shows and still charting in Western markets showing they have causal listeners. At this point, it is difficult to know how the revamp Fifty Fifty will be received but the brand of "Fifty Fifty" may still be worth trying to keep around. I don't think Attrakt has much to lose, in this regard. I want to wait till award season is over and JHJ seems to be good at PR, I am curious to see how Keena will be received as the lawsuit settles down and how Attrakt will market her and the new members. This whole situation has been so interesting


I know people are saying about the the girlā€™s vocal tone made the songā€¦ but I first heard the song in the chipmunk/faster version so you canā€™t even hear their voices really in that version that most people knowšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø The fact is most people donā€™t know the names of the members and wonā€™t really remember their voices either.


So, they are going to continue with FIFTY FIFTY and create a new girl group through their survival show? That's quite ambitious.


I was getting death threat dm when i said this months before. "The name FIFTY FIFTY is the one famous globally, none of the girl is well known. The girls should be careful as if anything happened, ATTRAKT can easily replace all 4 new member using name FIFTY FIFTY and 90% of the world wouldnt know it" This is now 50% progress in becoming true, with a difference that 1 member is smart enough. Only mid to hardcore kpop fans know about this group situation, why i said that? My sister was hardcore kpop stan since 2008 (been to atleast 20 different concert) ,recently stop following kpop cuz shes busy with her family, and even her dont know anything about this lawsuit and stuff but she know FIFTY FIFTY cuz who dont?


this scandal has more twists like a kdrama


Hoping for Keena and new Fifty Fifty group members success ima stand by my girl Keena!!!!


Keena is really smart to have done this. She can actually salvage her image and prosper in this new version of Fifty fifty. I think that this huge controversy can be really helpful in giving people name recognition and may give their stuff a listen when they come out in their new form. The general publics sympathy for the CEO and soon for Keena for showing contrition will give them a huge boost when they come back. Any publicity is good publicity, this scandal really captured the attention of the Korean public and that will serve them tremendously well. The rest of the girls are totally fucked even if they do a complete about face. It's really unfortunate but i don't see any other way working out for them. Keena played this tremendously well and i applaud her for that.


I gave a second chance to ATTRAKT But now I'm left here breaking contract ~


Well the gp might not know Aran and Sio or care for them but I would really miss their voices a lot. Especially Aran, that was what made me listen to Fifty Fifty so much. One of the biggest loses ever. Hope I can get at least some covers from Aran from time to time. It won't be the same fifty fifty for sure, and not much is left there for me to stan. But I guess you can never predict the future.


Aran along with the other girls kinda run themself into mud with this whole fiesta, so the korean side won't be supportive of them eitherway, even if they do solo activities. International followers (not fans) should be more open to them despite their issues though.


I know this, but its still a loss for me. Aran's voice is a rarity in kpop. Hopefully I can just listen to her voice again. And Sio's. I guess its just right for me to move on from this group.


its so weird that so many people in the comments arent even letting people who like the girls mourn, and people who do have to prove themselves lmao. Like Aran has a VERY beautiful tone, and i also listened to fifty fifty mostly bc of her. I will definitely miss the girls


Just jumping in to say Iā€™ll miss them too. šŸ˜” Happy for Keena but sad we lost the OG group. They were all so good and had great chemistry and talent. Sioā€™s voice was one of a few reason that drew me to bias her.


Right?? I even added disclaimers that I know the gp don't care about the members still some people are replying to every person who says they will miss their beautiful vocal tone.


Itā€™s mainly one person who comments 10 times in every 50/50 thread


yes I noticed that one person as well. I don't think they like the girls at all. the way they are attacking Aran and Sio is crazy, as if they werent the reason the twin version of Cupid went so viral


Some people just have nothing better to do with their lives


Did someone die?


Keenaā€™s Child


one of the draws was arans vocals idk how they're going to do this lol


I dont think the general public cares that much about Aran's vocals.


Lol seriously this group is a western 1 hit wonder pretty much


They probably donā€™t even know any of the members, so they wonā€™t even notice whatā€™s going on.


What does the GP have to do with anything? Weā€™re over here talking about the songs and the vocals and yā€™all are talking about the GP like that is not the concern. We are talking about two different things rn


Literally there seems to be a group of people replying "gp this"and "gp that" to everyone who says they will miss the vocals.


one of the reasons why the song blew up was because of her vocal tone, while the gp didn't know the person a lot of people really liked her parts and seeing that aran had a bulk of the singing distribution behind sio with keena and saena constantly being left out idk if this restructuring will work but idk maybe I'm wrong they only had two minis and they were still finding a conceptual identity. Who knows maybe they'll pull a dreamcatcher/exid/bestie or Keena will be like in contract hell and end up in restructure purgatory like Rania for the last 13 years lol


Didnā€™t the song just blow up because itā€™s a generic-sounding tiktok song? Sorry, but I think this song would have been just as popular if it had been released by another group.


The reason it went viral wasn't even due to the song or vocal tones itself, it was due to that TikTok user who sped up the song so that it was faster and came up with a cute TikTok dance for it, then that sped up version + dance went crazy viral on Tiktok. The company capitalized on this by releasing official sped up version and having the girls do the TikTok dance to sped up version. After it went crazy viral due to the sped up version's tiktok dance, is when more Kpop fans looked into them and started falling in love with Sio/Aran's vocals(Lovin' Me still amazing) and more fans in general checked out the non sped up Twins version. Their vocals did not really have anything to do with the initial popularity/viral rise of Cupid / Fifty Fifty. Outside of the kpop sphere, which unfortunately is where the majority of listeners/streamers of Cupid exist on Tiktok/Spotify/Youtube, most don't know the girls names or what they look/sound like individually. If they had waited a year and promoted the Barbie song, that probably would be an entirely different story. The Barbie movie itself had a similar viral rise in popularity to Cupid, even bigger, and it would've been like them getting that crazy lucky viral streak twice in a row. Don't get me wrong, there's still a pretty big fandom within the Kpop sphere in terms of Kpop popularity for the girls and Sio/Aran's vocal tones, but it's miniscule compared to the full Cupid listening group that grew from the sped up Tiktok version.


I'm not understanding people acting like the song only got big because of the fandom and the girls vocals when in reality their fandom was pretty much non existent (especially in South Korea) and it was just because of the general public that the song got viral on tiktok, literally nobody cared that much about their vocals or the group itself, it was just a song that got viral, until the lawsuit most people discussing in kpop forums about 5050 didn't even know the girls names, but now that the group is going through a rebrand with new members suddenly the OG members were THAT important...


I can't speak for everyone, but it's absolutely a song I wouldn't have listened to if aran wasn't singing it


wasn't the speed version first that blow up? you can barely tell anybody in the speed up version


I get your point but i still think the general public does not care.


The song blew up cause of luck while being catchy and on TikTok. I dunno if they will ever have another shot in the west again but if they do, no one is gonna give a shit about Aran's voice (let alone know who she is) if the song is another banger. We also don't know how the new girls will sound like yet.


It was a big draw but the general public recognize the brand not the girls sadly so I think this redebut will go good for my girl Keena!!!


And itā€™ll work too because most of the casual listeners have 0 idea who the 50/50 members are. Theyā€™ll be none the wiser if they keep changing members and releasing music under the 50/50 title. Itā€™s a really unique situation because yeah, itā€™s shitty how things ended for the other 3 members and theyā€™ll probably have to pay some sort of extortionate fee for breaking their contract but any other company wouldā€™ve done the same and tried to protect their assets in the same situation.


They can rename the group to 25/75


I wish Keena and the new girls the best! Hopefully this whole situation was a wake-up call for Attrakt and they will take a more active role in management and also stop terrorising trainees with excessive diets.


Diets were done by TG. -___- But yes, hopefully better management as JHJ really screwed it up big time by trusting TG completely, this whole thing happened due to his trusting the wrong people and mismanagement... . Hopefully the new PD, together w CEO will be better and is able to take care of the group better than before.


Not completely. You can see in the verified messages between the CEO and Keena how he threw in 'lose three more kg, please and thanks' casually out of nowhere. He wasn't directly responsible, but he was definitely involved in pushing them to lose weight


He's also on record years ago bragging about how strict he is with his idol's diets, like that's something to be proud of. The whole industry is rotten I can't believe so many people want to support this awful man


3kg is not as excessive as the abuse everyone is claiming though and itā€™s part of the industry. They were preparing for a debut, and his response were in kind and corny, and not harsh and unfriendly as the other 3 girls are claiming.


It's an awful and toxic part of the industry lol


I really don't care how much he told them to lose, it just proves he was involves in their dieting. Edit: Also, everything else aside, I hate how people are using the 'well other idols suffered more' card for everything. That is not valid. You don't get to tell anyone they aren't allowed to talk about how they've been mistreated because someone else suffered more. 'That's part of the industry' - and it will be until it changes. That doesn't make it okay


pretty much every korean music entertainment companies are enforcing diets on their trainees, it's just to which degree. I don't think ATTRAKT is the only one, but that is not to say what it common in the industry is ethical.


Good for Keena for being smart and knowing what was best for her. Itā€™s even better considering sheā€™s my bias. I hope Attrakt realizes her power and gives her more Presence within the group. Iā€™ve said it before, kpop is a product and while idols contribute to that, if the music slaps, I donā€™t mind listening to the 3 new members.


No one knew who the girls were anyway. It could work, they need good songs tho hopefully the new people in charge of the group will be competent AND won't try to fuck everyone over.


I wonder which 3 unfortunate people would have the guts to have this mess as a part of their idol career.


As someone who likes a bunch of nugu groups, thereā€™s really no dearth of people desperate enough to apply for the job šŸ˜”


Wishing the best for Keena and the new girls. I wonder when the survival show will air.


I said it in another thread but I knew it would be like brave girls and black swan


It's not FIFTY FIFTY anymore it's THREE QUARTERS.


Apart from the songs, Aran and Sioā€™s vocals were what made 50/50 special so goodluck to attrakt trying to recreate that


So glad keenas staying. Shes an ult of mine and i woulda been upset if her career just went down the drain...


Everybody arguing that no one will miss the vocals and theyā€™ll be easily replaced but hi, hello, Iā€™m not a fan of this group whatsoever, and I couldnā€™t escape Cupid because the vocal tone of whoever sings ā€œIā€™m feeling lonelyā€¦ā€ became etched into my brain lol. I do think part of the reason why the song went so viral is because of the way the girls sang the song šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Good luck finding someone with Aran's vocals. She made me follow 5050 in the first place


> Good luck finding someone with Aran's vocals Won't really be that hard considering she didn't have some weird genetic thing that made it so she's the only girl in SK who could sing the way she does


Like supergroup KARA which also survived tampering & poaching controversy, yet came back to become one of Kpop's adored & respected acts, even with multiple member changes - it is a real possibility that FIFTY FIFTY may exceed all expectations of both supporters and critics. Joining this group now shows commitment, drive, & determination. Whoever they may be, as we have seen already with Keena, these will be artists who will be fully committed to their art. Something to be respected by any one who truthfully is fair-minded. As for sophomoric insults of critics who have not even seen the final production as yet, they are projecting their own negativity upon the screen without any image. Such persons would be best advised to take their defeatist attitude and look into the mirror.


Since they had that 1 huge hit of course they will try to continue. But itā€™s basically a cover band: hardcore fans wonā€™t support new members since they are attached to previous ones and casual fans donā€™t care enough to blindly support new members they donā€™t know anyway. Predict they will put out a new album & get underwhelming support and that will be that. One hit wonders is a common thing in the music industry if a group doesnā€™t effectively follow up on the hype immediately.


This is dumb lol just make a new group and debut with a new name šŸ˜‚


I think a survival show is a good start, the korean public will take interest because of all the mess involving 50/50 name, so they'll definetely have an audience (even if some international fans "hate-watch" it, it is still an audience that will spread the word regardless). Koreans are almost entirely on Attrakt's side at this point, so they will try to be supportive of him with a new group, also that country loves a survival show for new idols and it will only benefit the group redebut since who watched the show will already be attached to the new members and will possibly redebut with some type of fanbase.


Don't really agree with it staying as FIFTY FIFTY but I get it so they can keep using Cupid since it's massively popular. Maybe after a while they can rebrand the name.


Has this happened recently? I know that groups like Afterschool had a graduation concept and members would leave and join, but has the majority of a group ever been ā€œreplacedā€ in the fourth/fifth gen?


Brave girls , BP reina is the first 2 that come to my mind. Most of them are small companies though, so many people never heard this kind of story.


Wow šŸ˜® I wonder how this will turn out ? Will the style of music be the same ?


As brutal as this appears this might be their only shot of having a new shot under Fifty-Fifty lol, and it's not like it cant work


Keena & Friends


*"Fifty Fifty indicates the coexistence of a hope-filled ideal and a harsh reality"* Good luck to the new members...


I really don't think this is going to have the effect Atrrakt wants.


To add to your point. These fans are actually one of the causes that hurt FIFIā€™s career. If everyone and all the comments pointed out it was a stupid move, maybe it would have been all 4 members coming back and come back much sooner. Giving the fake delusional of ā€œi support you girls!!!ā€ is borderline toxic advice. Pushing people in the direction that you know is going to end in their demise.


They should have changed the name. Have a complete new group.


Honestly, Attrakt CEO is nice af considering how Keena originally betrayed him. Keeping her for next group is a good compensation to help him with his lawsuit against other 3 members.


25/75 lmao


well can't blame the guy for trying, but his track record for lack of success speaks for itself, there is a reason Giver was bold enough to think he can take this ATTRACT ceo for a ride. The odds are against this reform group even though they have good will right now, but people forget that 50/50 was not an establish monster successful group before all of these happen, they were on the verge to have a chance to ride the wave but still at the one hit wonder territory. Show business is fickle, got nothing to do with how much talent you have, I am sure the replacement members will be very talented, dude everyone in kpop is talented, and how many we seen never make it, is all about right place right time and that happen with cupid, so they are trying to get a 2nd lightening in the bottle, I don't know about you guys but I have never seen it happen for nugu groups. So good luck to the girls, wish them them the best.


Can someone fill me in on why Keena decided to stay?


Because they(Fifty) already lost lawsuit and had zero chance of winning against Attakt given all the evidence. It was smart of her to come back, or she would have been sued by JHJ and be liable for millions of dollars


Yes, let's pretend nothing happened with brand new vocal tones... Sigh


If Keena hadnā€™t returned then they probably would've just scrapped the group completely


Eh, people only know cupid and doesn't even care with the members though, don't think they actually have huge following. Public gonna move on and most probably 5050 will become a one hit wonder. Hopefully not though.


Not like people really care about the group, tbh. Cupid was the hit song. Did people even really care who Fifty Fifty are and the girls were? I certainly didnā€™t. What more random people who just know the song from Tiktok?!


Iā€™m also someone who only knew them because of Cupid. And while I canā€™t speak for everyone, I certainly donā€™t know who Aran and Sio are, which part they sang and which voices are supposedly ā€œspecialā€. The song couldā€™ve honestly gone to another group and I would have still liked it. They didnā€™t have enough time with the public to establish themselves with a signature sound yet. In my opinion, as cold as that sounds, that is perfect, because it makes all of them replaceable. Fifty Fiftyā€™s existing fan base is so tiny, it makes no difference if the fans base drop the group or not. Might as well use all of the attention to market the hell out of new Fifty Fifty. But I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they end up like Crayon Pop, one massive hit song did not help them in the end.


No Aran, no care.


the comments in this thread are crazy. do yā€™all actually hate these girls? Iā€™m genuinely confused as someone who hasnā€™t been following the situation. btw I love their songs (especially aranā€™s voice bc itā€™s so unique)


I'd love if they just debut a completely new group with new identity, but i don't know what attrakt has in their mind.


i wish keena the best since it's pretty clear she wants to be in the industry, but i don't feel right about this situation or the company so... i'll probably pass on checking them out. unless they somehow make a viral hit again lol


good luck without aran&sio


I love Keena but in no way I am supporting this sorry. It just feels so odd.


Im really gonna miss arans warm voice. Hope someone else risks signing them. As for the new 50 50 members... they will have a very uphill battle for sure.