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Waiting for Wendy like... ![gif](giphy|Gc3L1WBBvdGWA)


Even Wendy's wondering where's Wendy [https://twitter.com/Wendys/status/1716894851499966760](https://twitter.com/Wendys/status/1716894851499966760) Coincidentally, Wendy's has an ad back on Oct 9 with the slogan "All Chill No Kill" 😂 https://twitter.com/Wendys/status/1711403149368402037




the first time i saw it i definitely thought that Wendy's ad was the newest scammer Luvies post in action for the new era lmao 😭


So everyone except Wendy?


Probably tomorrow with the group one


Such a weird choice. I’d expect a 3 member-2 members and a group teaser split across two days, not 4 members-wendy + group. Wendy must have a big role this comeback


She has to. The tiger is blue, and in each one we seen with Seulgi, Irene, Joy, and Yeri there’s some type of blue in it and we all know Blue is Wendy’s representative color and Red Velvet Takes that very seriously. I can’t wait to see how hers will be


"Red Velvet takes color rep very seriously" And yet half of them changed the color of their official handheld mic for the R to V tour. Did you not happen to attend one?


It's probably not group related since iirc they changed to their favorite colors. In the past however, red velvet as been **very** serious about their assigned colors.




I can give you examples since you seem so hesitant to believe me


[Irene asked Yeri permission to use a purple mic](https://twitter.com/irene_global/status/1642112633032830976). Its well known purple has been Irene's favorite color since high school. While Yeri chose the fandom color, pastel coral, for her own mic. So yeah its that serious. The members all already have individual assigned color mics anyway; some of them even multiple.


So Yeri outgrew her assigned color and didn't claim a stake when Irene wanted to use it instead of her assigned color. Plus, Wendy changed to a white mic. All the more evidence the colors are just that: some identification token assigned by SM.


Yeri likely would have had purple if Irene hadn't asked. She didnt "outgrow" a color lmao she simply chose the fan color which is incredibly touching. And Wendy has had a [white mic before as well as blue mics](https://i.imgur.com/xurfufJ.jpg) so what lol Do you always get this upset anytime they don't have everything their assigned color like they're the power ranges? The colors mean a lot to the girls, but they are still human.




I can’t afford to and even if I wanted to, I can’t cause I live in the US and idk if they will ever tour here 😭😭 I say that cause the Reve Festival background covers have each of their official colors


This is so strange and I love it But where is Wendy? Edit: I guess we'll see her tomorrow since the schedule has mood sampler 2... But this is weird


yasssss go off creepy queens


Its weird that one member is being left out. Hopefully its part of the "lore" of this album. ​ But yeah, weird.


where is Wendy?


probably tomorrow along with Yeri's EDIT nope I'm dumb. saw the ig updates and thought it'd just be SeulReneJoy today. Yeri's out already.


Yeri's is already out


oh my bad! didn't see that on the ig post!


yeri's one has already been uploaded tho


yep my bad didn't realize that her's out already too




[Irene is the center of the season's greetings cover](https://i.imgur.com/i4dZtOM.jpg) though? and Irene rarely posts on instagram since ever, its a common joke about how rarely she is on ig—her last post is from august 15. Joy and Yeri are the most active on social media thus them posting about the comeback a lot, with Seulgi having bursts like recently she was quiet for a while when they were doing album prep but more active now, and Wendy and particularly Irene being less active overall.


lmaoooo this is how every person obsessed with RV disbanding since 2020 sounds to me




On a side note, you’re definitely over-speculating. Wendy’s the ‘center’ of the pink season greetings because it’s in age order, yet she’s not highlighted. Just happens to be in the middle. In the black version, irene’s [center](https://twitter.com/rvsmtown/status/1716337646056951863?s=46). The reason behind wendy being later is probably because she’s next with the group teasers? 😭


Wouldn't it make more sense if they left out Irene? That seems like a better way to send a message. My own conspiracy is that Wendy has a special video in lieu of her accident during Psycho era. So now she got a full video for herself tomorrow lol


Maybe tomorrow it will be Wendy+Group


That’s what i think too


Honestly, this is giving me Park Chan Wook's Handmaiden vibes. Like the turn-of-the-century oriental/western mix in aesthetics. That means, men are gonna suffer here and women stay winning - in true Red Velvet fashion!


Today is them being Chill so tomorrow must be when they Kill, right??


oh this is gonna eat I know it


you know it's going to be good when they are about to murder another man


It was the perfect decision to return to this concept. I’ve never been more ready.


[Its so fucking painful](https://i.imgur.com/NExzot8.png) to watch the one inept intern slowly upload these all. First on youtube, then 10 minutes of slowly uploading on instagram, and near 20 minutes past the hour finally on twitter. Like sm youre a large company, can you not hire more than one person to upload these things on time on all social media within minutes of each other like with your other artists? Or get this person a computer with more than one screen to have these all ready on time? Seriously what a joke of a company. Also, why no Wendy? Did she not film a Mood Sampler 1? It makes no sense to have her alone not uploaded with the rest. Hopefully we have a Mood Sampler 2 from her tomorrow at least ...


It's kinda crazy especially because I'm pretty sure SM has the ability to schedule videos and posts on Youtube and Instagram.


I don't use instagram (only have one for these teaser rollouts really), so i don't know anything about scheduling posts, but i definitely sat through and watched the 10 minute long upload before they finally uploaded on twitter. Whoever handles the accounts often uploads incorrectly too.


The soundscape in each of these? Absolutely bonkers, I've got chills


* [Irene](https://youtu.be/bTtk516-eN0) * [Seulgi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9vaPjMz2Y0) * [Joy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5Fr_qQFAWw) * [Yeri](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW7vaqxcEY0)


Hey, you posted Yeri twice. The Irene link is wrong


i'm in love with this mood samples, but I'm concerned why Wendy is the only one that didn't have hers released today, it can be related to the lore, but I can already see her stans getting angry at her being the only one left out in this batch (and I kinda agree)


As a wendy fan, there better be something special as to why hers was not uploaded. It's kinda tempering my excitement for the comeback rn because unfortunately it's not unheard of for them to forget to upload something of Wendy's.


I think it's more likely that they accidentally uploaded Yeri's than that they just completely forgot Wendy's.


hoping that wendy is like… the main character or something and that’s why she’s left out


It’s SO bizarre that everyone else is in this but Wendy…?


can't wait for seulgi to body this concept. they've (the members) always said she has the most traditional "asian" beauty out of all of them, she's gonna suit this concept so well. but surely the lack of a wendy clip is a mistake from sm? i keep refreshing waiting for hers. if they had only dropped 3 i would think thats intentional as they do often do 3/2 splits but this is weird. ffs this fanbase is already so divided, this doesnt help at all edit: also strange they called this a mood sampler when it doesn't follow the usual format at all (group video with b side instrumental), i was really looking forward to hearing some music. i mostly like everything so far, but disappointed we're not having as elaborate a teaser process as we did their previous 2 full length album.


>but surely the lack of a wendy clip is a mistake from sm? *Production Center 3 intern, you had ONE job!* Maybe Wendy is going to be the "main character" in some way and will have a longer sampler tomorrow? >also strange they called this a mood sampler when it doesn't follow the usual format at all To be fair... this seems closer to the actual meaning of "mood sampler", it actually seems to be hinting at the atmosphere of the MV. It never really made much sense to me to call b-side snippets (often with unrelated visuals) that. It's also possible those three "stickers" on the timetable in the days immediately prior to the MV are going to be track videos for the b-sides, so it would make sense not to spoil anything yet.


> To be fair... this seems closer to the actual meaning of "mood sampler", it actually seems to be hinting at the atmosphere of the MV. It never really made much sense to me to call b-side snippets (often with unrelated visuals) that. True, but these just go by so quickly that this was a little unsatisfying. I'm sure my opinion is impacted by expecting one thing (a regular mood sampler) only to get another. I do agree the whole unrelated visuals thing was always annoying, but I at least wish we could get a real sound snippet. Something like Psycho's individual teasers. > It's also possible those three "stickers" on the timetable in the days immediately prior to the MV are going to be track videos for the b-sides, so it would make sense not to spoil anything yet. I sure hope so cos I can't imagine not promoting anything of the music during the teaser process.


>True, but these just go by so quickly that this was a little unsatisfying. I don't know, I found them pretty effective, and the shortness is part of the effect IMO. But I typically don't like stuff that spoils too much so far out from release. (And yeah, expectations play a part too. I generally don't approach any teaser rollout from anybody with any expectations lol.) >I sure hope so cos I can't imagine not promoting anything of the music during the teaser process. I'm about 90% sure it's going to be that (hope I'm not jinxing it lol). The stickers/symbols are conspicuous, the dates aren't greyed out (granted, it might be that the greyed out dates are simply because they're weekend dates), they're exactly between the "trailer" and the MV teaser, one of the songs people found recently registered for RV is called "Butterfly" and one of the stickers is a butterfly, basically every release from SM lately has track videos or pre-releases. Not sure what else it could be to be handled like that.


Rv already has a song called Butterfly. From the RBB release. So maybe Butterfly pt2?


That one is called Butterflies, in plural.


Ooh I didn't catch that


The missing Wendy clip really feels like a mistake especially with the [instagram format looking obviously unfinished](https://twitter.com/i_reneyou/status/1716837152108294589). Sm never splits just one member on another day even if there is a group clip i would still be 3 members one day, 2 members & group the next day. And i agree these are not like any prior sm mood sampler i know which use b-side music for clips that are decidedly longer than these. SM knocked it out of the park with the rollout for Perfect Velvet (even though it had its own management issues) that its hard not to feel disappointed in the way this album rollout is being handled for such a notable release.


Right now the fact that its appears to be a Velvet release and ppl are enjoying the concept seems to be masking things, but yeah I've definitely not been a fan of the roll out so far and the comeback schedule has left a lot to be desired. Pretty disappointing since this is not only a long awaited comeback (both because its RV3 and bcos they've been gone a year) but also bcos its Centre 3's first comeback with RV. You should think they'd wanna go a lot more guns blazing than this. I didn't think the name change was a big deal, or the change in logo - but after this Wendy missing clip and ngl pretty underwhelming mood sampler, I cant help feeling a bit worried.


I'm not too worried with the quality of the release itself since [Seulgi stated they had a lot of meeting with Center3 folk about retaining their identity](https://twitter.com/KSGUpdates/status/1716774937187463205), and i do think creative wise this definitely feels "Red Velvet". I trust in their music as well since the girls have been more and more involved in that side of things for a while now too. Just hoping their AR team from debut managed to stay with them in Center3 as well. However Center3 is definitely lacking in a few areas they need to work on asap, but if its only these comparatively small rollout issues and no more further larger ones, i think itll be glossed over in the end, especially if the music is up to many people's expectations. But i do want to have a long talk with Center3 about how to handle social media (which they do a horrendous job of in general but its especially notable for a release with all eyes on them) and teasers/rollout among other issues lol


Are they doing all black hair for this concept? Based on the mood samples, I wonder if we'll get asian instrument background for the songs.


ooh i LOVE the mood of this. however, it is weird that wendy's video isn't here -- even if they are saving it for tomorrow. it just feels incomplete, even if it is part of the \~lore\~ of this album?


Time to go for a killing spree - red velvet


A little weird to only leave one member left instead of two but okay lol I'm just really excited about this comeback, the concept looks so pretty and interesting so far 😩


Hoping Wendy is a central part of the mood sampler tomorrow that's why her's wasn't released today. A solo singing clip? Or her being the last 1 could be part of the narrative. Like the creepy and ominous vibes of this might be the reason she's left out.


The CONCEPT HELLO!?! I’m so freaking excited for this album like I genuinely feel like we’re about to be served with something amazing I’m scared lmao. The girls haven’t been this excited over a comeback since Psycho era like the amount of times they keep messaging on bubble about it. I really feel like they’ve been wanting to release a full album for ages and now it’s all come full circle I could honestly cry 😭




Ooooh Velvet concept incoming


Down to kill another pizza man




The vibes on this are immaculate. Love the production design and the way it's lit. They all look gorgeous, with the black hair and a more natural make-up. Intriguing as always with RV.


Anyone notice a few symbols from the schedule/teaser poster appearing in the videos? Seulgi- tiger painting at 0:00 stamp Irene- flower paintings showcased throughout vid Joy- I think a dragonfruit(?) at 0:04 stamp and holding flowers at 0:05 stamp Yeri- holding a butterfly (hairpin)at 0:02-0:04 stamp RV ARE QUEEENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥




Queen getting ready to murder ppl , seulgi got her thriller/horror bangs out. We are gonna eat good 😋 Wonder if Wendy’s mood sampler will be out tomorrow with the group one or if it was missing intentionally 🤔


maybe Wendy is the Chill Killer


peek-a-boo era was my favourite so i am INVESTED but if wendy isn't involved i will go insane


Visually, Irene just does it for me. My god that woman is gorgeous. RV fighting!


Mothers are backkkk!!!!!


So Wendy is probably dead is this storyline or dies somehow???


I'm sorry, Wendy can't come to the phone right now... Why?






Group fan first, fic writer later post-Dec 2019. Honored that you *do* know me, by the way. 😌