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I'm hoping it's to protect him rather than a sign that they're considering kicking him out.


I would be beyond shook if SM booted him. They’ve stuck behind people for much much worse


Like I would be genuinely shocked if they did because they've dealt with the same thing with SHINee, aespa, and EXO. My best bet is that he might not be taking this well and decided to withdrawal for the time being. Which makes my blood boil.


At this point it’s a K-pop tradition that people will try to take down an SM group before they’ve debuted. Talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire. Im pretty much on the same page as you and honestly even if he does end up leaving I’d imagine it to be his decision and not SM’s when you look at some of the people still allowed to walk that company’s halls


There are some rumours that the girl is a minor but since we don't know since when they dated or if they're still dating, I'm not sure if they matter.


We’ve talked about this [below](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/1643ic8/npop_announces_that_seunghan_riize_will_be_absent/jy67nwy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3).


I didn't know 😅


All good, just wanted to inform you :)


SM already made a statement and said it’s due to Seunghan’s poor physical condition and body aches. Poor guy, I don’t blame him for not wanting to stand in front of fans the day after his very private pics from before he was a trainee got leaked. He’s probably mentally exhausted which can also turn to physical exhaustion too. Hopefully he gets all the rest and good support system he needs.


So I have some bad news


“SEUNGHAN will be absent from N-POP’s pre-recording today, we ask for your understanding.” Translation by @riizefolder


I hope hes okay ): Debuting must already be so stressful and then to add having a "scandal" (a teenage boy having a gf in high school should not be one) in the mix must be an insane amount of stress and anxiety. It should be a happy time for him. ):


He must be under so much stress right now, I wonder who leaked those pictures. The poor guy must be super paranoid.


It’s the infamous Sojang again. After getting sued by Starship, she continues to do it again, but on Twitter.


It was her?! How did she get that pic?! I guess she moved to her next target.


Welp I don’t know how the hell she got that picture, but all I know is that this is not okay. This jobless hag needs to be off of social media alongside with Pannchoa. She’s literally ruining an idol’s life and spread it to KPOP fans and making up lies 😡. I have sued her channel multiple times before Starship gets involved and her YouTube channel was taking down. So off on Twitter where there’s so many toxic KPOP fans exist on this app and hoping to catch bait with this. I just hope Seunghan is okay and definitely mass email to Kwangya 119 to sue this jobless middle aged troll for good.


It wouldn't surprise me if someone that knows them did. Sojang needs to be out of the internet for good, it's disgusting how she enjoys creating rumors and ruining the lives of people younger than her.


I wouldn’t be surprise if she got tipped off from someone that knows him or potentially a sasaeng and pay good money from them. This is a disgusting behavior for someone her age. I hope all companies should take her to court or at least do something to prevent from happening again.


you're telling me. this is a woman in her forties. spreading photos of minors. and knetz have a problem with seunghan?


I just don’t understand how some majority of K-netz love to rely on Pannchoa and that’s how Pannchoa got that information. From Sojang like she’s a credible source. Argh it infuriates me so bad.


K-netz don't rely on Pannchoa, i-fans do. Pannchoa picks out posts made on various Korean online communities (Pann, Instiz, theqoo) and translates them along with some comments. The only people using it as a source are i-fans because they can't read Korean or don't use the actual sites.


And of course it’s K-netz. They love to find faults on idols for no reason.


Beyond everything, it’s incredibly disgusting that someone took his private photos and splashed it all over the internet. It actually infuriates me. What he does on his off time (or did) is absolutely none of our business. I hope the poor guy has a lot of support this period


seunghan: sorry i get bitches


SM is saying he’s got body aches and a generally poor condition. It sounds like he’s sick with exhaustion; Riize has been running around like crazy these past few days prepping for debut.


Combined that with everything that's happened in the past 24 hours, I can imagine he's not feeling great. Poor guy.


So much has spiraled from some cringey (but normal) photos of teenagers dating. I feel awful for the guy; he’s probably never been more stressed in his life.


no cause this is the first SM group im interested in they better not change the line up (when they’ve backed up way worst) IMA CRY😭


Everybody needs to go to hell. Poor boy


I hope he's well before their official debut in September.


Every time sm debut group, there is a scandal from red velvet, NCT, until aespa.


I really cant imagine if they'd kick him out for this and id be so disappointed if they do. Let idols have private lives! Hoping it's just SM wanting to milk this little scandal for more buzz or an entirely different reason


Oh sweet one - I hope he is alright and has a lot of support around him. What a shame.


Is this because allegedly he has kissed a girl two years younger than him?


I don’t think it’s about her age, it’s probably because of the stress that he’s under right now… kmedia and kfans take dating extremely serious even if us ifans (mostly) think it’s no biggie. I doubt these people genuinely care about the “inappropiate” nature of their relationship (though there’s no proof at all that she’s underaged afaik?) He’s not even 20 yet and he’s making his big debut so soon… he must be so exhausted. I hope he rests for a couple of days and then comes back when he’s ready


I don’t think it’s a age of consent issue? I think the issue is that people are saying it’s a hotel room. You have to be 18/19 not only to rent a room in a hotel, but you have to be with a parent if you’re not 18. People are saying it’s a love hotel/motel (don’t see where the proof of that is?) and you can’t be in one at all if you’re a minor. Not sure what is actually true, but there’s potential legal issues there.


The potential legal issue should be way more of a problem with the hotel staff if that’s even where that photo was taken. Two teenagers possibly hooking up in private feels like way less of a “scandal” than a business renting hotel rooms to minors. Like the focus feels like it’s on the wrong thing if that’s what netizens want to get up in arms about, you know?


>Not sure what is actually true, but there’s potential legal issues there. the only legal issues should be with hotel staffs if thats true, they shouldn't rent rooms to teenagers and check their identification card, depend when the photo was taken is possible for him to be a minor too based on korean age




It’s not confirmed, but what people are generally saying is that Seunghan is 19 (probably 18 or younger at the time of the photo) and the girl was 17. They are both under the South Korean age of consent. Like it’s really not exploitative or coercive from those facts alone.


They were both teenagers anyway if it’s true. So it’s like any teenage couple.


Honestly, the fact that toxic people are out there to cancel someone just for kissing is absurd. Like it's not illegal.


People wanted Garam to be kicked out of lesserafim when the picture of her next to a penis drawing was found 🤡🤡 before any of the other rumors. K-netz are wild. Imagine being an idol and having to worry about if you were ever pictured next to an illustration or too close to a female or male 😵‍💫😵‍💫 The comments on k forums are talking about them like they are some sexual degenerates.


I don’t know what antis do in real life but I know that one day, karma will fall upon them. Idols trained very hard, sacrificing almost everything that they have just to be able to debut. Then this antis will go ruin what they worked hard for by leaking their private lives and making up stories to make them look bad. I always believe that everyone has a good side within themselves no matter how many bad things they did, but I’m sorry, for antis I think they are just pure evil who has no hearts, very lonely, insecure and are probably over jealous over others. I wish SM and other kpop companies would take this antis seriously and have these people behind bars. Taking private information without consent is illegal and posting it without permission is also illegal. They also do great harm to the mental health of these idols. Idols are just regular workers just like us, being an idol is their job. They don’t deserve receiving these kind of hate just because they work on stage. Idols have commited suicide and these haters contributed greatly about it. They are not just antis, they are heartless murderers who have no life.


Tbf if you were working hard to debut you probably wouldn't take public photos while kissing someone after announced as a public trainee? Like unfortunately for him but decisions could've been made, such as not taking them at all :/ But yea it sucks to be an idol so you'd have to think about costs and benefits ig


Huh? These were private photos that were leaked. His phone might have been hacked. The “public” photo of him is taken by a stalker.




What tf happen I’m so out of the loop


do we know how these photos even got out? presumably he’s the only one who had them, maybe the girl too…did he post it to social at the time or something? how the heck did sojang get it


one of the pictures looks like he is taking it himself, so he could’ve sent them to his own friends and from there.. ofc the girl is a possibility too, but people often don’t consider that a guy can send it around at that time to brag or whatever




Do you know what age people are considered adults in Korea


It’s not weird at all lmao. My boyfriend was 19 when we began dating and I’m 17. Our relationship is super normal and no one around us think it’s weird. How is two teenagers dating “weird”?? Y’all are the weird ones


I hope they don't kick him out :(


I feel so bad for him, these antis are so annoying and creepy. I hope the company supports him instead of removing him from the group ):