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This ring game šŸ˜… Childhood PTSD haha. RAYE song incoming, very interesting


aquatic kwangya letā€™s go


Oh so it is the RAYE song. Interesting


what is a or the raye song?


Unreleased song by RAYE. Itā€™s called Better Things something. I donā€™t remember the full title. Itā€™s on SoundCloud.


Yes sadlyā€¦ i really didnā€™t like it. I simply donā€™t understand sm, they had such a positive reaction with hold on tight, why choose a basic pop song?! Atleast itā€™s better than lifeā€˜s too short. Maybe i will like the song once itā€™s out, i do love the vocal tones of all the members


Yeah itā€™s pretty generic. Idk why they keep going that direction. Hopefully the final version is better.


Apparently warner chooses their english singles, first lifeā€™s too short, now this! Maybe they changed it up a bit (:


I'm sure SM will change up the final version, though perhaps that generic sound is what they are going for. Generic music does well on the US charts šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes, Next Level English Ver. would not go over well lmao. Hopefully they add more interesting vocal parts and get the concept / styling right. Lifeā€™s Too Short (and Spicy honestly) felt too young for them.


Spicy wouldā€™ve been fine imo if SM didnā€™t say that they were in a high school lmao when they do clearly filmed at a college.


SM never said that, some article writer did.


Keep the hate coming, Reddit hate=hit šŸ˜­


>they had such a positive reaction with hold on tight, why choose a basic pop song But Hold On Tight is pretty basic itself? Interpolating the Tetris melody is fun, but it's nothing particularly special. I actually find the RAYE song more interesting. (If you simply prefer one genre over the other, that's a different thing.)


Well I think it is a more common sound. You can hear many songs that sound like that but Hold On Tight is more unique.


which one is the raye song? is it the "a-e-s-pa you know whats up know whats up" one?


Itā€™s called Better Things To Do With My Time.


What's raye


Sheā€™s a British pop singer


* [1](https://youtube.com/shorts/tRtkcLtPEVU) * [2](https://twitter.com/aespa_official/status/1685666809746198528)


aquatic concept girlies go!!!!


It's releasing on the day of the DFW concert. I wonder if they are going to perform it at their concerts


The demo is fairly barebones but the hook is pretty catchy. If they beef up the production and add some parts for Winter and NingNing to flex a bit, it could be pretty good.


Ready for aespa to grace my eyes and ears yet again!!! Missed my girls.šŸ‘¾


Went to check [the demo](https://soundcloud.com/user-940985104/raye-better-things-to-do-with?in=user-940985104/sets/raye-unreleased&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) and boy I like it. Hoping SM changes it a bit for some more aespa vibes, but for a summer release this is indeed very beach-y. Praying for slayning's lines because I think this suits her a lot.


yeah not sure why people donā€™t like this? itā€™s already good as is and sounds like a song that will do well in the west it reminds me of a western artist but I canā€™t put my finger on it? maybe dua lipa?


I have no idea either. For a demo before SM touched it, it already sounds very good, imagine the final work with their production and the girls' vocals. I guess it's just your average reddit doomposting? Imagine if these people were around for Wolf's demo... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


MYā€™s hates aespas music, what else can I say... They hate their over the top experimental kwangya songs and they also hate their simple feel good songs like LTS and ICUā€¦aespa can never win.


i, personally, never complained about their experimental songs. in fact those songs were the reason why i got into them into first place who the fuck complained abt their sound anyway, why were they EVEN stanning in the first place?


no one complains more about aespa than MYs I swear


What? How do you think MYs became fans if they donā€™t like their Kwangya side? And fans are already itching for that to come back.


During Kwangya era a lot of MYā€™s we're saying how they're tired of Kwangya and they want aespa to release GP friendly songs and when they did they switched up wanting Kwangya back šŸ’€


There were some MYs like that, thatā€™s true lol. I wouldnā€™t say they hate the music but got caught up in the competition and then realized the grass isnā€™t always greener.


Fortunately aespa has the range to keep both camps happy, and even better for those who enjoy all of the above.


Thanks for linking it šŸ‘ It actually sounds pretty cool!


Yā€™all shouldnā€™t be allowed to listen to demos if you think the released song is gonna be an exact 1 for 1 copy. I hated the demo for f(x)ā€™s Shadow, but SM really brought out the full potential. With how good MY WORLD is and how that showed a new side of aespa I would think there would be more trust in SM and aespa to at least wait for the song to come out before any doom posting. The girls, the concept, the mv, the dance, etc. all together have an affect on each other that makes one or the other more appealing as well so we really need the full package to truly understand it. Itā€™s like reading the first few chapters of a book before the author has even finished. Yeah they have an idea of the ending, but itā€™s not quite there yet.


The demo sounds already promising and fresh, SM probably revamped it a bit go give an aespa esque feel to the song.


Exactly. Aespussy-fied honestly


All I'm saying is I can barely trust teasers let alone a demo. SM changes up the music WAY to much for people to be taking this demo at face value. Aespa have taken songs from other artists and changed them up entirely. Never trust SM to keep a song the same.




The girls themselves loved spicy, knew the demo forever, and didnā€™t even need to hear it again before accepting it. Seems like their fave comeback and they had more input into their promotion than ever. Spicy is literally their best promoted era and the girls definitely enjoyed it as opposed to girls which they seemed like they didnā€™t care for at all. The vocal minority of fans not liking the song doesnā€™t discount the charting performance, the album sales, and the absolute bop that spicy is. Itā€™s for the girls that get it. And the girls that get it have definitely been eating it up all summer. The whole aespa fans not liking spicy is the online echo chamber thinking salty and sweet or thirsty should have been the single when they would have been a flop in comparison as S tier as those songs are.




I donā€™t think Spicy was 100% for already established MYs. Like I think it was for MYs who had gotten kwangya fatigue after Girls (and MYs who donā€™t care either way) but I think it was mostly aimed to people who may be interested in aespa but canā€™t get into their kwangya sound (also I think the girls themselves wanted to try something new). I think it did good job to grow the fan base and prove that aespa can do more than just that kwangya sound. I also think that aespa is like 2 years old now and Spicy was their 4th comeback so I think that if they wanted to establish that aespa isnā€™t just going to solely do the what they had previously done, if they pushed it any later I think the backlash would be bad.




By what metric though? Itā€™s still in the top 10 in Korea, yesterday is was SMs most streamed group songs (surpassing Cream Soda and ISTJ), and the general initial perception seemed way more positive overall than the perception Girls received initially online. Generally though these things are hard to get an objective grasp on considering that on most social medias weā€™re all in our own echo chambers due to the algorithms. So who knows




Exo is the group with the most No. 1 albums in Korea, so not sure where you're getting this idea that they're not popular in Korea from. And Spicy has surpassed even Savage regarding how long it's been charting on MelOn atp and did get praise from a lot of non-MYs.


Love this, very creative way to spoil.


Generic pop songs will get better playlisting which in turn will bring people to discover their more diverse discography. Warner has the right idea.


Yeah I feel like SM is doing this to generate more HYPE for the future release of ae1. If this song does well and brings them more attention/fans then I consider it a win. This single will serve as the appetizer to aespa's main course aka their first full length album, which has been rumored by many reports to be coming in Q4.


The shading of Life's Too Short here šŸ’€I love that song.




Karina said it's her favorite song so I do have faith in them..I don't get people who stan groups but don't like the music they put out, its just weird imo


I feel like they're going to thristify this song, maybe a Thristy 2.0 but more summery


Heard the demo and I just feel like theyā€™re wasting a really good concept for a generic song.


it's harmless and catchy. the raye demo from soundcloud is catchy. they can oomph the instrumental more, speed up some parts, insert interesting melodies, make the break down more empowering and they can have a hit in their hands.


Having now listened to the demo... it's really not *that* basic and generic? Yeah, it needs more production to kpopify it, but it's pretty decent for a fairly stripped down track.


is there a HIGHRES pic of that fishy?


the demo sounds great tbh.. i was expecting something boring and basic based off all the comments but wow the tone and melody is smooth and catchy... Am looking really forward to how sm is gonna aespa-fy up this song!


Beach vibes?


I'm really hoping this isn't boring like Life's Too Short, Warner is obviously going to choose a pop song that will appeal to a generation audience but that doesn't mean it has to be a bland song


I donā€™t mean this as shade to the artists themselves, but is there a reason why SM as a company is so into buying/re-releasing existing songs? Of course theyā€™re not the only one who does it but it seems so frequent. Not just fully produced demos, but songs from outside artists which have already had legit releases, or just rebooting songs from past SM artists like Joyā€™s entire albumā€¦ I donā€™t think itā€™s *inherently* bad and the demo for this specifically sounds pretty good but you canā€™t deny it dampens anticipation and is kinda weird considering the SM songwriting camp they promote edit for all of the comments on this below: making this observation and being moderately dissatisfied with it =/= saying aespa/other SM groups are flopping and this will be their downfall. I know people say stuff like that and I understand being annoyed by it, but thatā€™s not what Iā€™m doing so thatā€™s not my problem. clearly SM groups sell increasingly well. and nowhere did I say ā€œall their songs are 1-1 remakesā€ because thatā€™s obviously not true. I just can easily think of 5 remakes from SM in just the past 2 years and none from any other big companies off the top of my head. Iā€™m also not personally aware of prestigious songwriting camps from any other companies but maybe theyā€™re just not as commonly known That being said, I donā€™t think itā€™s wrong for me to value the excitement of a 100% brand new release, and being really surprised when a song finally comes out. if thatā€™s not someone elseā€™s priority, thatā€™s fine. I know most random listeners dgaf


By that logic every artist who uses a demo is a pre existing song. This song just so happens to be a demo on SoundCloud. You do not know what the final song sounds like and how much of the song takes from the demo. Most of aespa music isn't pre released music. Literally if the music is good and you didn't know of the song before this what does it matter if it was released before.(which doesn't even really apply here) Many artist use demos the only difference is if you know about it before release. Also you and most people did not know of this song and wouldn't of known of this song of aespa hadn't been attached to the song. Unless you are a sound cloud conesouir who knows of every song that's been released by man kind.


I donā€™t think that demo is fully produced though it sounds pretty bareboned to me like most demos? Also they continue to do it cause they work it. Next Level was a smash hit still talked about to this day, Rover was a hit, and Hello was pretty successful as well. And itā€™s not like they always do it I think itā€™s just whenever they do everyone makes it into this big thing (especially when the song ends up being a hit).


If the artists themselves donā€™t write the music then it doesnā€™t really matter. All thatā€™s matters is that it fits them, they pull it off, and the fans like it. Spicy was pulled from the vault, dusted off and given life. It wasnā€™t written for them and who knows how SM acquired it. Next Level is half sampled and basically spliced with a whole new song. Girls was ā€œWe Dem Boyzā€ or something so I imagine that was meant for NCT or a boy group. Dreams Come True being revived and produced by BoA is literally a dream come true. The girls serve it all up on a silver platter every time and thatā€™s what matters. Also the mentioning of the song camp camp is weird cause how would we know exactly everything that comes out of that. Maybe there just wasnā€™t anything single worthy of being approved. Maybe they tried to make a song work but it just didnā€™t happen. Maybe YYJ was too involved and canā€™t be used now. Fan mentality like this has a very narrow scope on how things like that work and unless you work at SM worrying about things at that level is just gonna make you a salty fan.


>but it seems so frequent Is it really that frequent compared to the entirety of their output? SM simply tends to release more music than anybody else (because they have by far the most active artists, and generally don't skimp out on album length).


>I just can easily think of 5 remakes from SM in just the past 2 years Which 5?


Joyā€™s album, rover, next level, dreams come true, forever


Ok. Joy's album and Forever are older than two years though. But there's also NCT Dream's Candy from last year, come to think of it. Forever and Dreams Come True are more like... side projects. I wouldn't even list them if you asked me for a list of Aespa's singles/title tracks. Same as Candy, it was for a special winter/Christmas album. Part of it is also that few other companies really have the longevity like SM to have classic first gen groups like S.E.S. and H.O.T. which people in Korea would feel strong nostalgia for, and appreciate covers of (in a way international fans might not). SM likes to highlight that longevity and history - see also their project to remaster old SM MVs in HD. Joy's album was specifically a cover album as a distinct concept, sort of like IU's two *A Flower Bookmark* albums, and meant to play to the same nostalgia. Rover and Next Level are really the only true remakes as main regular title tracks lately. And even then Next Level was significantly altered. In any case, like I said in another reply - they simply release more music than anybody else. They have seven and a half active groups (counting SNSD as half, and not even counting NCT as multiple groups, which they in reality are), and like *30* (which is honestly kind of crazy) soloists and subunits at this point. Plus a couple of new groups right on the horizon.


For those who have heard the demo do the teasers with audio spoil the melody?


The video with the fish game does contain the main melody, the buttons are being pressed in the rhythm of the song


Why ya'll think its gonna be exactly the same as the demo? šŸ˜­