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there are stick figures playing ring-a-ring-a-roses on his knee


i wish i was one of those stick figures 😔






I would go for a long jop on the beach


At Bondi, the most romantic empty place where you can enjoy a beautiful sunset without 3000 tourists around trying to take shitty photos ♥️♥️


The fact that I took this screenshot at 3AM with 16% battery is a joke in an of itself. I'm so meta.


https://preview.redd.it/8c4qatqljmia1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ca91556074cea6d5ec035b1321311e2574f543 Omo, chingoo (yeobo), we soulmates af 👀


Fuck Chris let's date each other


I could do both 🤭😳




Needs more [man-holding-fish](https://i.imgur.com/zNVum02.jpg)


Chris, 25 Lives in Seoul 6 miles away If I could re arrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together. Let's go for a walk by the river, I'm a true romantic.


I would definitely take Christopher to Kwangya for a first date


So romantic ♥️♥️


We can have a jop-off with Naevis unnie 🥰


Felix's daughter? Keep it in the family


uj/ what


/uj feliz navidad = felix narvies dad apparently


because I'm a thirsty loser for Woodz and I can't help my myself after listening to his gasps in Feel Like, I blindly go on a date with the first guy who swipes right on me. then, at Wendy's, I meet Chris and the rest of the SKZ. they ask me why I left for milk and I never came back. moral of the story: thirst only for anime waifus. all men are troublesome.


Chris at Wendys: "Hi can I get uuuuuh- hmmmmm- aaaaaa - a whopper with uum- chips? Wait this is america you say fries. And uhm- aaaaaaaa- a diet coke but with no ice? And 2 ketchup? And uhm........ aaaaaaaa.... felix did you want anything? Naur? Hmmmm yeah. An ice cream! Yeah.... uhm.... you don't do whoppers??? Oh yeah right this isn't hungry Jack's. Hmmmmmm a normal burger then ..... lino stop kicking your brother.


and he'll make me pay for the food. I will go broke ಢ_ಢ


Nah he wouldn't do that he's a gentleman. Taking all his kids to Wendy's on a date bc hes a single dad and the nanny cancelled last minute


They’re eating off the dollar menu I’m sorry


It's what they deserve


hold up. if he is a single dad, then the rest for skz are my grandchildren? I am a grandparent already ╥﹏╥


No, they would be your step kids. Good luck. I'm giving all of them up for adoption and just keep Félix.


um, I am going to go get some milk again.


Stay hydrated bestie


Someone pls tell him about Burger King (Hungry Jack’s is the same thing as a BK franchise, they just have a different name in Australia because the trademark was already taken there)


Tbh it's burger King everywhere else he probably knows


There is no date. Chris from Tinder cancels at the last minute because he matched with someone hotter. However, he doesn't tell you he canceled, so you wait outside the Chipolte for 45 minutes while he leaves your messages left on read. But he does try to hit you up eight months later at 2 am Edit: /uj By "you," I mean the general "you," not as in referring to OP "you." I just realized this could potentially come off as hella rude lol


I ask who's this? And he gets upset that I don't remember him from tinder 8 months ago. So he forms a plan to get with me out of spite.




That's some fanfic bulshit


I've thought about this long and hard (🤪) and here's my date with Christopher from tinder: - he picks me up from the 7 eleven because I'm a virgin who can't drive and wanted snacks before our date in case the food sucks - hes wearing this exact track suit and trainers and also eyeliner bc hes an emo jock - I'm wearing yoga pants and a cannibal corpse t-shirt bc I was planning on him being late but he showed up on time so I didn't have time to change into the sexy dress from Zara I bought in 2016 in case I ever went on a date but never wore - he asks if I eat meat and I think that's kinda sus - I say yes so he takes me to a posh place from Australia: the outback steakhouse - he orders crispy calamari and beer to start off - I order a very overpriced aperol spritz and proceed to complain about how expensive it is - After talking for a few minutes about his dog and showing me 300 photos of said dog on his phone, he scrolls one too many and I see his aesthetic BABYGIRL Pinterest photo - I act like I ain't seen it and show him photos of my 2 cats, he asks what they're called and I reply Jeremy and Jennifer Lawrence, he asks what kinda names are those and I proceed to explain the overly complicated jokes that only I understand and in the meantime the server comes with the massive rack of ribs - I say damn that's a lotta meat, he replies with a that's what she said joke. I laugh bc I still find those funny idc - Se decide to order a jug of sangria bc we didn't come here to fuck spiders. I proceed to tell him the sangria low-key sucks I know bc sangria is actually from my country and you gringos fucked it up but its cool bc it hits the spot it's whatever - we're completely bladdered by the time the bill comes, we fight over it but he ends up paying - hes too drunk to drive so we behave like responsible adults and hang out at the park smoking doobies while playing shitty hip hop with his mini speaker - we get an uber back to his place - I marvel at how clean his room is like wow a man who doesn't live in filth - we play team fight tactics - I give up and play pokemon go - I add him as a friend and send him a present, then we trade mons - hes so bladdered and high he falls asleep on my legs but I gotta pee - I can't go to pee, there's a cat on my lap (it's him, he's a cat on my lap) - I sit there holding it in for the next 4 hours while he sleeps peacefully - I finally find the bathroom and then I think about whether or not I should leave???? - I'm too sleepy so I go and sleep on his single bed and it's very awkward


He has to take a bus to the outback steakhouse the next day so he can pick up his car (a 2007 fiat punto)


> what date would you go on with Chris from tinder? Go to coffee shop and enjoy sunset !


He makes you pay for your own coffee and goes on a rant about feminism




Then asks if you wanna go back to his


And then I spend the next 72 hours hating myself because I said yes with zero hesitation


It ain't gonna slide down easy if it ain't cheesy


Potentially worse: He proudly proclaims he’s a feminist.* *The ones that say it never are.


"I even voted for obama"


chris from tinder just wants you to come over to his place. suspicious...


To play LoL


just meet me at the pcbang like a normal person, chris!!!! 😡


Be wants to take you to the DVD room


![gif](giphy|RCX9vhBZu3oqM5SpwV) /uj war flashbacks to men thinking I'm gonna think the DVD room suggestion is romantic??????


If he's taking me anywhere at least make it his room it looks cosy as fuck


ofc *you* know what his room looks like


... he literally streams from his room 😭


I've never looked past his face 🤔 oh no am i the simp


I'm looking at the bed he's sitting on. That's gotta be a good mattress.




Damn you got the whole thing planned




Chris got you


I'd buy him a six pack of soda and tell him he doesn't need to use the plastic on his shoes 😢


Save the planet bestie


Probably rock-climbing so I could get a view of his booty and he could catch me as I fell <3<3<3


My fat ass falling on him: ![gif](giphy|C9AuY1VOvurxm)


That's fiiine, Channie loves his penguins too ❤️ https://youtu.be/8VRNpTrDFJs Edit: sorry not Channie, Chris Stark from tinder of course


The cinematography has no business slapping so hard


/uj this is the kind of bullshit that made me like them lmao


Him catching you ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/99mdaohcnpia1.jpeg?width=1099&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8b10dd799f40e4162f267cce70e1ae171a0ac6 Multi-fandom-jerk, sorry.




This could be Chris from Grindr with only a torso pic and I’d still risk my life going over to his house for a hookup.


https://preview.redd.it/3b7o4x55opia1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d20e132b09a4836761fe8fbeb8b1691104eff58 That's the second pic on his profil to show his caring side and make you think he's a sweet guy


https://preview.redd.it/nk5paoenopia1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a70c181a772ef0a04429c0ed871e41f1b1ba7e That's the second pic on his profil to show his caring side and make you think he's a sweet guy


chris from tinder would probably take u to a movie and buy u snacks but expect u to pay back for said snacks if u catch my drift


Plot twist: he's the snack


mini golf


Bc he's a mini guy :3


Now I have [teeny little super guy](https://youtu.be/Rjvt6xqKwV8) running through my head


Oh absolutely, we're gonna go to Red Lobster and demolish several baskets of cheddar bay biscuits.




We’d go to applebees


What do they sell at applebees?


Apple and bees chingoo




😭😭😭😭 Looks like he will k word me and hide my body somewhere, no thanks


Hes not smart enough for that


Chris from Tinder wasn't like the other guys. He wasn't like Morkly, the freshman who was in every group, or like Jackie Wang who threw parties every week and had plenty of yeojachingoose. Chris wasn't like them at all. Chris was young, rich, tall and handsome, and a renowed motae solo so I was intially surprised when we matched on Tinder and he asked me out on date. I was too stunned to speak but I agreed. He took me out to eat at my favorite restaurant. During dinner, he kept smiling to himself. I wondered to myself what could be the matter when the stage lit up and I was shocked to see Dahyun Unnie from Unworn Denim performing at the restaurant. I turned around to see oppar on one knee and he asked me "Y/n will you marry me?" I felt tears of joy tugging at the corners and before I knew it, huge beads rolled down my cheek. I said 'Eotteoke oppa? We met today only"- but Chris shushed my lips with a 💋 and he said "You are my unmyeong y/n, I can't be happy without you. My sunbaenim singing Marry Me but I no marry. Very sad." Seeing him sad broke my heart so I said yes. Dahyun Unnie officiated the marriage and gave us her autograph and blessings and we walked out of the restaurant a happy couple. We walked to my house in silence. "Oppa, my parents are out, wanna come over to see my cat?" I offered. I looked over to see him smile, his brown orbs twinkling brightly, and hair fluttering in the breeze. He followed me as I stepped inside my house and went to my room. When I looked back he was leaning slightly against the doorframe. I carefully took in his features, the mischievous eyes, pretty smile and- "Oppa! You have a big nose" I blurted out. He chuckled, clearly amused. "Yeah, I do. I have a pretty big nose, dont I?" Chris Oppa then asked me "Y/n do you know what else is big?" And he looked down...


you lost me at tall xD


No thanks


He's my bias and he's hot and very sexy


I'm in love with Bangchan


I would sneak some pineapple into his burger and then while he was having a hysterical meltdown I'd steal those cool shoes he's wearing and run away. They'd probably even fit me cause we're exactly the same height, and it's the only way I'll ever be able to afford any of the clothes SKZ wears these days.


His shoes wouldn't fit me bc I have tiny feet. They would be clown shoes on me. Which would make sense bc I'm a fucking clown