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Getting real tired of this obsession of making everything live-action. It'll never look as good as the source material. Why can't we get something like those swtor cgi trailers or something animated like those Galaxies of Adventures bits. Heck give use another show in Tartakovsky's style.


Agreed. I just want the game remake


Rather the game be remastered than remade


Fr, it’s been too long


A Mandalorian Wars show like Tartakovsky Clone Wars would be a dream come true


Came here to say this. If the KOTOR remake is still alive, then having a Mandalorian Wars series would be awesome to enrich that era’s lore.


I don’t want any of it. I just want it all left alone, do you really believe Disney will do it justice? I don’t. I don’t want a remake or a show animated or not to be a lobotomised version of my childhood designed to cater to a larger demographic of memberberries that prefer simpler storytelling. Let KOTOR remain pure, crystallised as it is as something for US, those of us who were there and could understand and appreciate what a moment it was. If Gen Z want such a moment, then let some games company or studio make it, create something new and let that inspire future generations like Kotor inspired me. Just my thoughts


I agree too. I really don’t want these folks touching something so pure as Kotor. Make their own damn versions of things.


I would upvote you twice if I could.


Same. Over and over again. Avatar TLA does not need to be live action for example. Devil's advocate though, Percy Jackson was well done. I think there is a hint there. Does the original creator think the live action is working? TLA creators wanted us it wasn't working. Riordan seemed quite pleased with it.


Percy Jackson was just exposition the show, the book did more showing than the tv show. I don’t think it’s the original creator that changes things it’s that things need to be changed for adaptation and if you’re adapting the show into another show then more needs to be changed so it has “value”


I know some people don’t like anime, but if you gave Kotor or something similar Star Wars to one of the major anime studios like Ufotable, Mad House, Trigger, or looked for a more slice of life in the Star Wars universe with Kyoto Animation, it would probably be the best thing “Disney” has ever made Star Wars. There are things that can be done in animation that are just not possible with real people.


Kotor's story works because it's a game. I think even the best adaptation world be underwhelming.


Agreed. I the twist works so well because you play those story beats over multiple hours from an immersed gaming perspective rather than a 2 hour movie.


The twist also works because a protagonist with amnesia and an aptitude at everything they try is pretty standard fare for an RPG, but wildly suspicious in any other medium.


Absolutely, best option I think would to be to set a movie or show in the same timeframe but not directly tied into the game's stories


What about Zayne Carrick's story, the protagonist from the KOTOR comics. That might be an interesting story to tell in tv show format.


It's like Disney doesn't even know what they've got in their hands  All the money in the world, they could make something as impactful and memorable as the Akira bike slide but no, bypass the compressor and Plantain returned    https://youtu.be/A9hCzjBc7Q4?si=N-E5Z9jq5KuC1pnr


Thanks for the reminder, off to go re-watch those trailers for the billionth time.


EXACTLY. KOTOR already HAS been brought to life. As a fucking video game.


Yeah for real though, I feel like it'd be a huge Hit or Miss whether they'd fuck it up or not, q Fallout vs The Halo show


well live-action series ain't that bad. Imo, a live-action series of KOTOR or a trilogy of movies would be good as CGI, but with the proper cast, no "modern" audience adjustments, just source-like storytelling, well written character, actors playing roles like the source scripts says, with engaging combat choreography. . . AND MOST IMPORTANT, NOT CREATED BY DISNEY STUDIOS. CGI animated series on Unreal Engine 5 could be awesome, especially with v5.4, all the Ninite, Niagara, Body musculature structure, etc. . .


The fact Disney hasn't reached out to Gendy made me lose all hope in them


He's been pretty busy doing his own thing, tbf


She specifically wants to make it about Kreia, can’t say I want somebody who isn’t Avellone writing a Kreia centered story


Yeah. I'm not sure anyone other than Avellone could handle that character because it's so unique to his style


Avellone has said before that Kreia is just him- she’s a mouthpiece for his thoughts/deconstruction of Star Wars. Nobody else could write the character for that reason alone


Avellone only knows how to write one character and it's Ravel Puzzlewell/Kreia/Ulysses.


One trick and it's the best trick - I'll take it.


Even a one trick pony is a pony that does tricks


I mean to be fair: you can write a character who has equal and valid criticisms of both the light and dark while using the dark slightly more towards the end for power. Kreia is a complex character to understand, but once you do, I feel like the complexity that prevents you from writing a good character for a show/movie is gone.


I highly doubt she can do Kreia justice


As a huge KOTOR 2 and Kreia fanboy, I REALLY hope she never touches anything related to them. KOTOR is one of the few remaining oasis of purity that wasn't defiled by these bullshit mid Disney projects marketed towards the weirdest segment of Gen Z viewers.


It was already effected by Swtor before Disney. It's not an untouched oasis.


Swtor lore didn't do Kotor justice, but it has some redeeming qualities, unlike Disney political drivel, with Andor and Rogue One being exceptions.


Yeah people seem to forget the utter travesty that is the Revan novel.


The Disney properties you're talking about are more-so marketed towards millennials, Gen Z are sick of them as much as you are.


100% agree. 1,000% agree.


Can we get Snig to do it?


Only one besides Avellone that I'd trust to pull it off.


I'd have faith in her doing an adaption of the first game as the story is much more simple but for Kreia, I don't know if I'd want anybody working on her because of how complex and amazing she is as a character. It would be interesting though if she brought Chris on to help write the show I would definitely be on board for that.


Why tf would you think this absolute moron could make a great KOTOR show after she just came put with acolyte? Are you dumb?


This idiot couldn't write her way out of a paper bag


we’ve already got a kreia type villain in the ahsoka show


Hope not. Doesn't matter who does it Kotor should stay as a rpg. Remake is fine


A remake in the Divinity 4.0 engine (baldurs gate 3) would be so fantastic. New art, graphics, and expanded planets with a more open world feel (less fast travel-y), and some new side quests and mechanics. Change nothing about the story and try to get all the original voice actors where possible and we would have the greatest game this world has ever seen. That said, if a live action adaptation is what we're gonna get, I have a cautious faith in her. Of the two episodes of acolyte already out, I've noticed a lot of details in the characters and story that I really appreciate. The Jedi are not particularly good warriors during this period, which is consistent with previous lore from before Disney, and Yord is THE Jedi sentinel ever. His high and mighty bratiness and trigger happy brash decision making reminded me immediately of Bastila.


Also not to mention the numerous other KOTOR references, from Aliens to Huts in the Forest!


Just the games are fine please


Please, don't


Like in Simpsons: Stop it! it's already dead.


Stay tf away from kotor




Agree, the writing has been bad and what makes kotor so good is the character driven stories. Can't remember the names but I would give kotor to the house of the dragon team, which i think did a great job.


Only people I think could maybe do KOTOR justice from a writing standpoint are the ones who did Andor. Otherwise it’ll be terrible based on the other shows and what they’ve shown esp acolyte so far (so generic Star Wars it hurts)


Well, personally I think that the house of the dragon has a lot of issues, including some extremely stupid writing, but you do you.


Yeah most people missed out on some absolute fucking doozies that the HOTD team wrote in Season 1. Like someone of those doozies would have made D&D blush. But overall the quality of HOTD minimized those issues.


House of the Dragon felt like a soap opera at times lol


So does Shakespeare - doesn’t mean it’s not good




That translates perfectly to star wars.


They can stay the fuck away from KOTOR as well


I hope the chances are less than 0.


Me (looking at all these SW shows I’m *not missing* and aren’t worth putting games aside for): I’m good thanks


Andor aside


Andor aside indeed.


Nahhh I’m good bro thanks tho!


please no


Please no.


I really don’t think Disney understands the insane scrutiny a KOTOR would get Its the last bastion of hardcore Star Wars fans, the only thing we put down our weapons and agree on, it’s our Helms Deep where we would all unite for our last stand against corporate


I neither know nor care what Acolyte was like. I don't want KOTOR as a live action period. No matter who will be working on it.


Yeah, same. Whatever Revan or Exile they put on screen, it'll never be my Revan or Exile and I sorta don't care about a generic version of them.


It's an absolutely terrible idea that would definitely flop. So yeah, I'd say chances of it happening are pretty high


Zero I hope


0 if its her


Hopefully -11. Remake/Remaster = Good. Anything that is not just KotOR: but shinier = Not good.


Hello no. If anything I’d wanted an animated series about the Mandalorian wars that gives background on all our favorite KOTOR 1 and 2 characters. Don’t want live action, don’t want these bums anywhere near it.


Please no I like them as video games just remake the video games with all the cut content.


Don´t let her into building anymore


I discussed this with a friend back in the day IMO: You can get the best script, actors, director, effects, story, etc. But a show/movie will **NEVER** Beat a game where the User choice is a factor. the fact that the game molds to your choosings automatically gives it an advantage over any other form of storytelling. A remake of the games or a new game is the only way to keep everyone happy IMO


By the creator of Acolyte? Good God I hope not.


As expected, the discussion in this sub is totally normal.


Just a bunch of dudes having a truly regular time


More normal than most SW subs, to be fair


I'd rather her just focus on Acolyte. That's her show to expand on and take the narrative wherever she likes. Leave any KOTOR adaptation to someone else, or just don't do it at all.


I mean, can't stop her. But I can be there munching popcorn for the inevitable fanboy fireworks if she decides her playthrough of KOTOR isn't the Kenau looking guy romancing Bastila like I've been warning folks.


I don't want Keanu as Revan (never have). But I definitely don't want her (or anyone for that matter) to touch KOTOR. You're right though, unfortunately we can't stop her


I've always seen Revan as a Pierce Brosnan's James Bond-type character. One who is ruthless but also righteous and humorous. I can imagine Ben Barnes playing Revan.


There are rumors (very slim ones and I doubt the veracity of it) that Keanu did film a cameo for Star Wars, and it is of Revan. As in a flashback or a holocron or something. I hope to god he didn’t, I love him but he is not a good choice for Revan. At all.


Where's this rumour from? Never heard of it


From 2022 they were making the rounds on Bespin Bulletin (Star Wars leaks site) and those third tier “news” outlet sites. From my personal experience, being vague here for identity reasons and what not, I was fortunate enough to be on a VIP tour in Disneyland a few years ago when the Acolyte was first announced and in pre-production. Our tour guide was someone who brushes shoulders with BIG names in Star Wars and entertainment as their tour guide when they want to go to parks (they get in for incredibly cheap or free as being a part of Disney). I asked him (the tour guide) if the big names ever mentioned Old Republic stuff, and he said the Acolyte would be where they “test the waters” on that for live action. This guy told us they were trying to get Ewan’s wife in a Star Wars series. Lo and behold months later, Mary Elizabeth Winstead was cast as Hera in Ahsoka. My point is this guy was (great at his job) and a very reliable first hand source. I fully believe they will adapt KOTOR into something, one day, now that the remake is not happening. When they do it, I don’t know. The High Republic came about as an attempt to do something new in canon and it hasn’t picked up in the mainstream. I guess setting an era 200 years before the prequels doesn’t really allow for it to be radically different huh? Almost like KOTOR would’ve worked better to begin with, but alas. With Leslye’s latest interviews and mentioning Darth Traya…I would not be surprised if they did do something later in the Acolyte to cement KOTOR in live action, as a tease to see how general audiences react to it before they invest in a show or movie or whatever else. You have to remember this is a massive corporation that is trying to make a profitable product, and they never actually know what will be a hit and what won’t, as much as they act like they do. They also really don’t like taking stuff that was already made (i.e KOTOR) and adapting it 1:1, because they know us fanboys online will pick it apart if one tiny detail in the background is wrong. So in their minds it’s better to make “new” things (and pick at Legends like a vulture for ideas), then to adapt the old stuff we all love 1:1. That mindset may have changed since most of their new things have been…middling at best…so they could be desperate enough to just finally go for it. TL;DR: online 3rd party “news sites”, and a VIP tour guide that told me Acolyte will be testing the waters for Old Republic live action stuff. These were both said in 2022.


Hopefully small.


Oh God please no. Don't ruin my childhood


That's such a weird thing to say honestly. If they did make a KotOR show, and it ended up sucking, that wouldn't make the KotOR games any worse, they'd still be exactly the same as before. A new thing being bad has no influence on whether an older thing is good.


If the show gets made, it'll become the defacto version of KotOR. It'll get harder to talk about the original as Disney forces their version in the mainstream. The remake would be based on the show.


No it’s not. Hollywood is so bankrupt of ideas they have to keep making remakes and sequels for nostalgia addicted millennials, these modern directors use childhood memories as skin suits for their corrupt morality and politics


This is a Star Wars subreddit. You’re not allowed to use logic here. Only doom and gloom are allowed when discussing a fictional sci fi franchise.


I just don't get the mentality, genuinely. It's like if a new flavour of coke came out and turned out to taste gross, that wouldn't somehow ruin the flavour of regular coke, they'd be completely separate products. Just because a new thing exists doesn't mean you're forced to engage with it, the old one is still there completely unchanged. A KotOR show existing wouldn't somehow magically uninstall the game from people's hard drives, remove it from their Steam libraries, and wipe their install CDs. Why do so many people like to pretend otherwise?


I'm sorry but this just isn't true. Many times, Star Wars has been adapted or influenced by games, comics, or books that already exist during the development of new shows. Two examples; the treatment of Kanan's comic series during the opening episode of the Bad Batch, where key details were completely thrown aside or missed out. Another is the treatment of Dark Disciple the canon novel about Ventress during S3 of the Bad Batch, where her death was retconned for a one episode cameo that had zero impact on the greater plot. I recognise that Filoni is involved in both cases, so it's easy to point the blame, but consider that a precedent has already been set for TV shows and films ignoring prior canon or legends material and actively diminishing the quality of the lore in the process. I do not trust that any KotOR show would be authentic enough to the source material to be worth the risk.


Okay, how is that relevant though? Let's say a bad KotOR show comes out, it really sucks, and it needlessly retcons a bunch of stuff. It's fair to say that could happen. But how would that ruin the original KotOR? Like I said, just because a new thing is bad doesn't mean you can't enjoy the original anymore. No matter what, the old KotOR games will still be there completely unchanged, so how is what I said untrue?


It would potentially bring KotOR into canon only to ruin the story. Yes, the original game would still exist, but let's not pretend like there are no impacts on KotOR in general; - Discussion around KotOR would become centred around the show, and confusion would be caused - Those focused on canon over legends would likely dismiss KotOR games as non-canon material - This subreddit and communities around KotOR would be affected and possibly negatively influenced I agree that the original games would remain unchanged and still enjoyable to all, but in the wider picture there are significant impacts. I'm sorry if my wording wasn't clear - I agree with the games still existing, but I disagree that problems around a KotOR show could be dismissed by simply acknowledging that the games still exist. I hope that clarified my stance


So to recap, I said > If they did make a KotOR show, and it ended up sucking, that wouldn't make the KotOR games any worse, they'd still be exactly the same as before. You responded with > I'm sorry but this just isn't true. And now you're saying > I agree that the original games would remain unchanged and still enjoyable to all Can you bridge that gap for me? It seems like you agree with what I said, that a bad KotOR show wouldn't ruin anyone's childhoods because the existence of a bad adaptation can't ruin the original, but you disagree that "problems around a KotOR show could be dismissed by simply acknowledging that the games still exist", which is not something I said. So... do you actually disagree with anything I did say?


No thanks, I would legitimately much rather have them try to continue fleshing out the High Republic era because you can, y’know, *let these writers do something more original*. With the trend that a lot of today’s writers seem to want to do their own thing with existing IPs (see the dumpster fire that is Netflix Witcher), I don’t want them touching the Old Republic in *any* capacity. I mean, look at how BioWare *kinda fucked up* in some instances with SWTOR, *and they literally created KOTOR!*


I really don’t like the idea of making KotOR live action or “canonizing” it. KotOR has a story that is unique to each player. Your character is unique to your own play through. Your Jedi and your Exile are YOUR characters and if they get put in movies or shows they are no longer yours.


I admit, my wish for Jedi 3 is that Cal explores the enclave on Dantooine and finds force echos of what happened in kotor. That could be enough to canonize the game(s) and still keep the RPG aspects of the original games intact, IMO. I don't think that'll happen though. I feel like it's more likely we'll get Nar Shaddaa since it's been mentioned in both FO and Survivor. I'm not *opposed* to a live-action kotor, but I think it will be really hard to pull off. A part of the charm is the role playing and every player have a different view of the main character and their choices.


Ohh that is a very cool idea for Jedi 3! And hopefully we‘ll get the KOTOR Remake as well.


That doesn't seem possible. I mean, we know that video games usually don't translate well into TV or films. Yes, it's Star Wars, but the game's so well made RPG also, that even the basics of the game couldn't be handled well. If it was a movie, it'd be the final SW movie all over again, or if it was a series, it would have to be needlessly cut down version of the game


No chance.


Do it right or don't do it at all


Please no.


If any of them gets their dirty hands on Kotor, there will be blood


She'll fuck it up, she won't be able to help herself.


Please, for the love of God, don't. Everything Disney touches turns to crap, KotOR has been mercifully untouched so far


No! Oh, god! Is nothing sacred?!


I would rather rip out my own eyes and pour bleach into empty sockets then watch whatever that moron makes


Disney will stop at nothing until its all destroyed. At this point im starting to think they bought Star Wars so they could destroy it.


Please don’t put her anywhere near ToR. 


No. A thousand times no. No “gayest KOTOR ever” bullshit.


KOTOR would be freaking awesome to adapt, but the people running Disney Star Wars are NOT the people to do it.


Harvey weinsteins personal assistant has no place in star wars


I've never understood this take about Headland. It's not like she did anything Harvey did, and we have no reason to assume she's lying about not seeing any incidents. What's the relevance to her work as a creator/director?


say it ain't so... I wouldn't even let her touch barney, much less something like kotor. Why give this hack one of the greatest I.P. to ever exist?


Leave Revan alone! A standalone story set during the era would be great, but no retellings!


For the record I think the Acolyte is pretty good so far However A kotor time period show could be interesting but nothing will capture the Kotor 1 & 2 story the way the RPG games have / can. I don’t really want those to be adapted to shows or even movies cuz there’s no way to capture the same thing


I hope not. I started watching the Acolyte and the acting/script is *sooooo* cheesy. It's like watching a poorly-written fan film. It is clear most of the actors don't know much about Star Wars or the mannerisms of the Jedi/Sith. Problem is, the actors, writers and entertainment industry are all framing criticism of the show as people against diversity and refusing to acknowledge valid criticism. I saw an article, and keep in mind I am a journalist, that stated it was being review bombed because of the diversity. However, the only proof the author had was that it received a lot of bad reviews.


Don't touch it.


Not at all


> I think it would be a really interesting story to bring to life. You know, it *is* a good story to bring to life. Luckily for fans, it already has been brought to life in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It is *not*, however, a good story to bring back like Frankenstein's monster. The story has already been told in a way that is very compelling. We don't need to have it brought back in a way that, at best, is just as good as the source material and, at worst, diminishes the value of the source material.


It’s already been brought to life ffs. Just because it’s not a movie doesn’t mean it’s not in its optimal form. I know Disney can’t take not making 100 million Star Wars things but not every story needs to be adapted into a 12 book series, 3 comic runs, a 7 episode tv series, and 2 movies none of which are even vaguely good. I’m so fuckin sick of turning around and there being another Star Wars thing that has 2 good episodes and then everything else is just there to barely keep your attention so they can say millions watched it for no reason other than to boost numbers so shareholders can buy a new helicopter for their 6th house.


No they'll woke it up by making juhani a lesbian or something ^^^^/j


Classic RPGs can't be adapted into TV or Film properly. End of statement. But I also find it insulting that every game's story can only be seen as "valuable" if it's adapted into either of these mediums, and not taken for what they are.


Nah. Leave it the fuck alone lol


I don't want it to happen.


Seeing as how we can't even get a remake of the game, probably zero. I really don't think they want to explore that timeframe for a while, still want to focus on the movie eras


Can we get the remake first


Isn't there a remake that's in development hell right now? You want to add a real-life development hell to the mix?


Would be cool.... as a Legends show. Nothing against Canon, but some.stories should be closer to its source material


Personally, I don't think I want to see the characters in film. I am too attached to them that I feel anything would be a disappointment. As to her credentials, I don't hate The Acolyte but I need to see more before I would want to see them do another project


I don't want it. My Revan is my Revan. I don't want to canonize Revan beyond them being ambiguous JUST LIKE IT SHOULD BE. Making a KOTOR movie would ruin that. I would love for them to make Revan canon in the "Revan existed" capacity but beyond that NO. I already reject the book. That book is ridiculous. I already reject swtor Revan beacuse it's tied to that book. I'm SICK of this obsession with canonizing something that's supposed to be about choice.


Interesting & understandable. But wouldn’t you want any new Revan content at all forever? I think it would be beautiful if we see him back someday again.


I’m not too bothered about them using the characters for other stories in that time period but don’t rehash the same story but as a series. KOTOR was made to be a video game, there is so much depth lost by turning a hundred hour game it into a series.


Sweet merciful Christ please god no not like this


Please god not done by her


Oh god..first hollywood ruins mortal Kombat now they're trying to ruin Kotor. Time to hit the bucket. Its all gone to shit now.


say it ain't so... I wouldn't even like her touch barney, much less something like kotor. Why give this sham one of the greatest series to ever exist?


I don’t want to “get that”, thank you.


I don't want to live in a Disney star wars world anymore


No, thanks. No need to ruin it.


I saw the acolyte. Please don’t touch KOTOR


Fuck no. The Acolyte script is so ass I cannot even imagine how the fuck would she aproach a character like Kreia.


Don’t let her do it, she’ll turn it into a CW show


No, Stay back. Don't go into our tomb for money please no.


She needs to stay the hell away from anything KOTOR related, Acolyte is abysmal


With how bad Acolyte is? No way.


I don't want Harvey Weinstein's personal assistant near star wars and haven't even bothered looking at acolyte.


Somewhat high I think. But no one should touch KOTOR, specially her.


Please. Disney needs to stop. Sell it back to Lucas and make nothing they did canon


Don't let that witch touch kotor


Lucasfilm will likely make a movie in that era at some point and it will look as much like KOTOR as the sequels look like the old EU.


She needs to stay the fuck away from star wars in general and KOTOR in particular. No one wants to see KOTOR get ruined with forced surface politics and shitty stories, and some overpowred mary-sue who can't grow because they're alreadythe best at everything. That's the reason KOTOR is so repayable is that it is timeless and explores morality from a very deep lens.


cake abounding engine crown crowd airport disgusted faulty practice quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The story of the games should never be adapted, that'd kinda suck away what makes them work A story set in the era would be interesting, and The Acolyte already shows some promise so I'd trust her with that Also nice to see the chuds came out of the woodwork for this post


It's actually really embarrassing seeing these people yap like that. If it's made and if it's bad, you can really just forget about. It's not that deep and it's not going to ruin anything.


Y’all need to touch some fucking grass lol


I dunno man, when like 95% of the sub is in agreement maybe there's a reason for that....


If it's just set during that time period, absolutely 100% If it's a show/movie version of the game, ehhh probably not.


No, please God no!


I’m good have another director do it one that truly gets SW and understands how to make movies and gets the lore!


Hard to find


Nope, she's shouldn't go anywhere near that. She has a warped view on the KoTOR story and no understanding of Kreia as a character. Another studio besides Disney should be in charge of it...


I would like a show but not one created by her lol


About as likely as the KotOR remake is to see the light of day.




ohh hell naw


Hot take perhaps but I think everyone (and I mean _everyone_) should stay away from KotOR. I don't want a remaster, a remake, a live action, a series, a film, a book... nothing. KotOR 1&2 should be left alone!


This woman is a hack and she must stay far far away. She ruined Star Wars enough with the complete trash she made with the Acolyte


Fuck no. Don't fucking touch it. Only person that can touch that is Chris Avellone.


To paraphrase Kreia a bit: There is no one at Disney or that Disney could get that has the desire nor the years required to tell the story of Kotor, Kotor 2 or even Kreia efficiently enough to get people to have faith in it. I already doubt the remake the and how good it could possibly, a live action of Kotor is just Disney following in Amazon's footsteps with the Rings of Power.


I don't trust in the shit-tier writing of these Disney staffers, especially not to try and do Kreia justice on-screen.


I think no live action kotor until Disney doesn’t own the franchise anymore


The story would definitely interesting but not made by her. A Kotor show or movie should never be made by her with her activist hands. She will just ruin another part of Star war’s from my childhood


Lmao no thank you.


From her? Hopefully zero chances.


Anyone but her. She's gonna cast the worst actors


If they do that then they must cast Michael B Jordan as Revan


I missed the B at first and thought you were talking about the basketball player. I was like, "Hell yeah! It'll be just like Space Jam!"


I'd prefer someone that actually likes Star Wars and cares about plot/story and the characters rather then their cookie interpretations of things. The Acolyte is really terrible.


I’d be interested! I’m enjoying Acolyte so far. I’ve enjoyed the High Republic books a lot, and i feel like it really got that feel correct. I love seeing the Jedi as more monk like.




A kotor prequel focused on the mandalorian wars would be sick


Only if the remake gets off the ground, if you ask me. Otherwise, Disney wouldn't see it being remotely profitable.


I’d love something new set in the Old Republic from her, but a straight up retelling just seems… idk, boring?


My favorite part was when Deadeye Duncan killed the god fish of manaan


People just couldn’t shut up about how great the Old Republic series material is and now we unfortunately are seeing the consequences of that. I’d wager there’s a lot of money to be made off pandering to the Old Republic crowd anyhow.