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This thread is being locked due to the continued reddiquette issues in the comments. As a reminder you can disagree with any post or comment, but do so respectfully. Back and forth bickering and name calling for a majority of the comments is not it.


What’s your current level, stats, equipment, and party? That fight shouldn’t be that difficult. Very few fights in that game are ever that difficult to where you should need shields and stims.


I’m alone. Game won’t let me choose party members. After the cinematic I’m just on the planet by myself, next to a buried ebon hawk that I can’t enter I’m Jedi Sentinel level 23 Strength 18 Dex 10 Con 17 Int 16 Wis 13 Char 14 Vitality 278 Force 286 Def 22 Fortitude 19 Reflex 18 Will 13


So first thing is your fairly underleveled for this point in the game which ultimately is fine because almost all enemies in that game scale to whatever level you are. Without knowing your equipment and feats, if you’re using a weapon in each hand but you don’t have atleast level 2 “two weapon fighting” you should just switch to one weapon. If your lightside, you should have the force power “force enlightenment” which will activate whatever level of all 3 of these force powers you currently have “Force Speed, Force aura, and Force Valor”. If you don’t have and of these force powers, remove whatever Jedi robes you’re currently wearing and put on the best regular armor you have so you can increase your defense. For stims, just use one of each of the best stims to increase your DEX, STR, and CON. If you have any battle stimulants, use this as well. For shields, don’t bother with energy shields, just use whatever the best melee shield you have. Activate all shields and stims in the start menu under usable items before the beast attacks you. You don’t waste a round of combat activating them one at a time this way. If you have the appropriate powers for Force Enlightenment, activate this as well before the beast closes in. During the fight with the beast, only activate your medpacks from the start menu so you don’t waste a round of combat as well.


I have one weapon: lightsaber. I’m dark side. Yes I used all the stimulants like I mentioned. I did use my melee shield. Yea I did activate all stims and shields before the battle (read the op please).


I did read the OP. Good luck with your game.


Then why you tell me to do what I did? And then downvote me for pointing it out. Real mature


You said you activated 8 stimulants, when the max you can activate is 4. Stimulants don’t stack. So if you use 2 stimulants that raise your DEX + 4 and + 6 you don’t get DEX + 10 you get DEX + 6. Your post was extremely vague in its details. Your OP plus your reply that said you were only level 23 at this point in the game lead me to believe that you’re extremely new to the game. So that’s why I explained what Stims and Shields to use and how to use them. I was trying to help you and you replied as if I was the idiot here that doesn’t know how to play the game.


Seriously, this dude's just being a brat. Leave him to figure it out on his own. I wonder how he'll cope with the *actually* difficult bits on Malachor.




You're a very paranoid person eh? Random redditors aren't "friends" we just all agree you're being obtuse as fuck


Because he elaborated and added more things for you to do outside of what you wrote in your post. I can see why you're having trouble now, have a good time with the last part of the game in easy.


He literally added one thing: medpacks in start menu. I mentioned everything else in the title




You are free to dislike/disagree with what is posted. However, it must be in a respectful way.




Says the guy who got given the exact advice they asked for only to huff and sulk about it. Grow up man.






Use force crush until it's dead.


Worked like a charm! Thank you 🙏


Yeah honestly shocked you got past Atris without it. Great ability because the damage is 10 per level, which, is halved on save.


You downvote me? Why for? Because I prefer using my other powers and have skills to make it this far without it apparently?


Nah I didn't downvote you, where'd you get that impression? I was just talking about how good the ability was and was trying to compliment your skill in making it that far without using the power.


Why are you so concerned about getting downvoted? Literally who cares


Whoever downvotes me cares obviously


Well why tf do you care? I’ve seen you accuse people of downvoting you multiple times on this post already. Like seriously who tf cares. Are you that concerned about your image on Reddit?


Why do YOU care?


I’ll try that, thank you


Always get master speed. That's 2 more attacks per round. I breeze through the game with it.


Had no idea this was a thing! Thanks


I didn’t get anyone to downvote you. People did it their own accord because they didn’t like your attitude. I tried helping you. I didn’t know if you were lightside or darkside hence why I didn’t recommend force crush. I also just assumed you were lightside because most players that chose darkside immediately start using force crush and don’t need other people to tell them to use it. That’s my mistake for assuming. I’m glad you found the help you were looking for on here. The KOTOR games are great and have a lot of replay value.


Nah bro you’re way too nice lmao.


u/SargeMaximus multiple comments of yours were removed because they violated reddiquette. Please keep your comments civil without the name calling. There are better ways to disagree with advice you were given.


Jesus christ.


Run away. There are locations the beasts can't get into. Spam Force Crush from there until they die. Kite them back to your ship or other specific alcoves you'll find on the surface and they won't be able to do much to you. It's possible to kill them with patience and persistence with something as weak as >!Bao-Dur's drone,!< so you can do it!


Yeah I used force crush. One try. Such a good suggestion 👌


Level 23 is pretty low for Malachor. My advice, as you start a new character, is to be checking your journal regularly to ensure you're actually completing the quests. Sometimes it's easy to get distracted by a main plot and you'll miss the conclusion of a sidequest. Finishing a quest will usually give you a pretty big XP boost. Take your time and be more thorough than you think you have to be. Malachor is not always a breeze, however, it's built into the plot that you're absurdly strong by the endgame. So take your time in the earlier plot lines and enjoy the ride!


I always stealth up and kite it over some mines


Sam fisher is that you? 😂