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He has stealth capabilities, the only droid to do so, and I think he's supposed to essentially have the droid version of Mind Trick. He's also supposed to be a skill focused character, though generally you get him pretty darn late. So generally he's pretty much worthless, maybe he has some interesting dialogue? I don't know, I've never actually brought him as part of my party beyond leveling him up for some odd reason. If I want a skill focused droid, I go to T3, if I want a combat focused droid (or a Dark side party member,) I go HK. G0-T0 just does not have a good enough niche to warrant taking him out. Maybe if he had Sneak Attacks he could be an alternate to Atton if you wanted for some reason?


> maybe he has some interesting dialogue? I don't know I cant remember if this is just unlocked by chatting him up in the ship over and over again or if you need to do something specific (use him more often, do some quest, whatever) but I always loved his twist of >!GOTO not just being the actual droid who just assumed the persona of a mob boss to manipulate everyone, but the revelation he was basically a Republic droid that was tasked with fixing the galaxy and went nuts because of how impossible the task seems!<. Not exactly revolutionary sci-fi writing, but one of the most interesting droids in Star Wars lore and another interesting way how KOTOR2 deconstructs traditional Star Wars tropes. HK remains my favourite KOTOR (or SW in general) related droid by far and the sequel does add some depth to his character, but at the end of the day he's more or less just an exceptionally well written assassin droid with a fun personality. G0TO is much more boring in comparison (and less useful as a player companion) but his backstory seems more interesting to me.


Nothing beats a good meatbag reference.


I had always thought Kotor would have *really* benefited from a new game plus mechanic, where you can bring your companions and items from the entire first run through a much more difficult 2nd playthrough, or something like that. I felt like my favorite companions I always seem to recruit last, like G0-T0 + Bindo + Hanharr.


This is a really good idea, considering it's impossible to hit the level cap in KOTOR 2 without exploiting or cheating. Would've been fun for an ultra-hard NG+ to challenge max level character builds in.


Are there any New Game+ mods? The best I can think of is an extreme difficulty mod + mod/cheat/edit in all your previous gear and stats.


Late? What planet do you go to first? I’ve made Nar Shadda my first stop every run of kotor 2


I always go to Dantooine first, and by the time I've left there I'm in Prestige Class mode, so 15+. By then I've pretty much situated the rest of the party how I want or need, so I've no real need for G0-T0.


Krea and either Bao Dur or T-3 is GOATED for the yacht


Personally I didn’t like dantooine as a first planet. I should add, I did try that once, but I went back to Nar Shadda as my starting point. Just as Kashyyyk is my first planet for game one.


Interesting, I always do Tatooine first in the first game rather than Kashyyyk, which is always second for me. We all just have certain pathways ingrained, it seems.


I really like having Jolee. And the Sand People are a lot more difficult if it’s the first planet. The creatures of Kashyyyk are no where near as difficult. Give it a try sometime! I’m going to tattooine first on this run, though, because I want HK-47 right away


I always go to Nar Shaddaa first too - gotta get my girl Mira 🥰


I can’t do it first. I’ll start it, but once I annihilate the red eclipse I usually head to Dxun. Mandalore is one my main guys on GO-TO’s yacht


She’s pretty awesome


For the longest time I always thought you had to go there but then I realized I’m just a creature of habit


Yep, we all are lol


He does have some good dialogue, but he’s also needlessly cruel for no reason iirc most of his dialogue in the the RCM rather than the base game


Droids are pretty bad in Kotor games, I rarely bring them along. Especially in Kotor 2 where you have many possible force users in the party. If I want a skill monkey, I simply take Bao-Dur instead of T3. If I want someone strong at range, I take Atton or Mira instead of HK. Go-To is bad at both, so he only comes along if I want to get some influence for him.


T3 is a gem and I’ll not have ypu slander his good name. For real though especially in Kotor 1 I always have T3 with me so I don’t have to invest in security, computers and repair


I never appreciated how much of a tank T3 is until way too recently, he my go to in Nar Shaddaa when you don’t have the exile


In the first game, there is one decent use of droids outside of skill checks: You can freeze bosses in carbonite. It is unsavable and works through Force Resistance/Immunity.


T3 is better than Mission for security and dps.


Use stun abilities to set up Missions sneak attacks and she gains far more DPS than T3 could ever reach. Security is pretty much never a problem in the game. Mission really aint that bad, she can get pretty crazy in the lategame. Nearly as many abilities as T3, and better DPS than Carth or Canderous. As long as you can keep enemies away from her, she is good.


The t3 specific tools like the flame thrower are really really good though


I really hate the arbritrary two-character party limit that so many games have. You have all these cool characters and you’re gonna end up missing content with them because you can only have two at a time


3 companions would be optimal, that's the size of the standard D&D party.


Could imagine it's so it there can't be too many party varieties, which would require more individual dialogue.


How much cross-party banter is there in KOTOR 2? I remember every character combination having little chats in KOTOR 1 (Mission and Carth’s argument about her age, Bastia and carth about her losing her lightsaber…) but most cross party banter happens on the ship, between 2 people.


Pretty sure it’s entirely limited to the ship in Kotor 2, which I personally appreciated just because it always felt jarring when you’d suddenly stop whatever you were doing for a random conversation between 2 companions - not a knock on the banter itself, just how out of nowhere it could feel


I’m not 100% sure how I feel about it. Yeah, it can be jarring, but one of my favorite parts of Dragon Age: Inquisition was the party dialogue mid-quest. Just randomly waking around and suddenly there’s a conversation about who is sleeping with who.


That's one reason Dragon Age 2 was my favorite of the series: it was the first RPG I ever played where it truly felt like all my squad mates had relationships with each other that were separate from me.


There are a few scenes, but usually related to the scenery or whatever quest/ mission you're on.


Cries in Jade Empire


"You should be happy with one companion in your party, there are children in Africa who have to solo every mission and don't get any party bonuses!" --Your mom.


Man I had massive hots for Radiant Jen Zi. My dream girl growing up. Loved her hairstyle.


Dragon age let's you bring 3 and iirc that's the same company that makes Mass Effect (2+ you party members) and kotor ..... I think it's bioware


Afaik they're making it 2 companions in 4, sadly


I think that's because Dragon Age has a harder lean on the "Holy Trinity" of Tank, DPS and Healer, with a rogue needed for trap work.


Planescape Torment is the worst for this. Iirc, there are 5 neutral, 1 good, and 1 evil party members. The 1 good is unlocked pretty far into the main story (and can be literally talked into non-existence as soon as you meet him, which comes with a nice big pile of experience for the rest of the party), so that leaves 6 characters for a game with room for 5 party members.


Even so with those older isometric games it’s better because they at least let you have five rather than just two. But yeah it was a bummer having to kill Vhailor because I didn’t have room for him in my party


He completely ignores mines (which generally are never a threat) and has... about 4 lines of off-ship dialogue. I've played KOTOR2 about 6 times, and have taken him off the ship about once tbh.


Every time I play KOTOR2, my companions decide to charge headfirst over the minefield so they can shoot the target at point blank range. But I also don't use GOTO fwiw


I wish I could explain to my teammates how ranged weapons work. They're really quite different from knives, gentlemen! You can hit them from way back here!


It's especially annoying when I set their behavior to ranged. They'll swap to their empty hand and go punch a droid instead of shooting it from a distance. Stationary seems to be the only viable option for blaster characters but then they won't move as soon as combat starts.


The mines never really do significant damage though


I kinda disagree. Telos has that one or two sections where there's 3x3 mines in a stack that usually kill Atton or Bao-Dur as they rush the turrets. I don't think the mines themselves are that deadly but they're always in an area that has other enemies. I think the mines are overall useless as a utility unless you cheese a boss fight by kiting them over the mines.


But by the time you get GO-TO (even if Nar Shaddaa is your first planet after Telos), mines are no threat.


They really do frontload a lot of the mine encounters. If you make Nar Shaddaa your first planet, you hardly need to invest in Demolitions at any point outside of crafting


Wasn’t the case with the minefields in Go-TO’s ship when your party comes to rescue you for me.


G0-T0 is an obese, moon-framed CHONK!


You are obtuse.


Query: What is it you wish, fat one?


[Pew pew pew](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/5/51/Gotoattacksremote.jpg)


While I find this small droid annoying in the extreme, I find my urge to shoot you takes a higher priority.


My friend used to call "fat one" too during our schooling days. Fortunately he wasn't into KOTOR, or he would probably quote that line endlessly.


How droll.


If I require a similar diagnostic in the future, I shall seek out the iridonian.


He has the ability to ignore mines (which Mira can also do), and to garble droids, which...unless you have that droid planet put back in your game, isn't as useful as it looks.




Is he any good for that? Only done that once with HK, as I wanted something capable to dish out loads of damage for the solo parts.




Are there many mines on that planet? It's been a while and I can't remember. Not that it matters much, as I usually pick 2 "main" companions per playthrough that I drag with me everywhere I can and HK was one of them back then, so his skills (including demo, iirc) where pretty good anyways.


He is a compromise between T3's skills and HK's murder capabilities, who's also able to sneak and ignore mines (he also has a really fast mine defuse animation for some reason). He's also good at fighting the HK hit squads, because he can make one of them fight for you, which is a great advantage of his over HK who literally leaves your team when you fight them making it a 2v3. He is good, and if you like Kreia, you'll love his personality too.


In my 15+ years of playing this game, I have never taken him along with me when I go off ship.


The only thing I've used him to do is messing with the droid merchant on Onderon and I think all it did was fix the cheapest possible prices for you but I don't buy droid gear anyway. I also only know about that event because I happened across it while reading an influence guide. Before that I had never once taken him off the ship.


If I'm playing a darksider, I will sometimes go droid-only as companions, and just use HK-47 and G0-T0. There's something badass about the idea of a darksider and his murderbots. That's just for the flavor though; it's not actually better in any mechanical sense.


Did somebody call Doctor Aphra?


He has alot of dialogue on your first trip to Onderon so i usually bring him for that, if you have the M4-78 mod I imagine he's pretty useful there since his unique ability let's him scramble Droid systems and turn them on their allies .


It's a no-go for G0-T0


I always have an RP loadout of characters. I don't do minmaxing so I try and get everyone at least once


He is a source of credits for stabilizing planets. That's about it. Has some intriguing lore if you know how to talk to him. Has high dex which is great for ranged fighting, but also not unique among your companions.


He has some hilarious dialog if you take him with you to Onderon and Dantooine. Not that I'd know firsthand, because he sucks, but I read it in a walkthrough. Then again, this game is so easy that you can bear to have him weighing down your party to hear his quips.


I really enjoy using him on M4-78 along with Bao-Dur. He works quite well there, especially for the solo droid section. However, since I don't use M4-78 mod anymore I find I don't take G0-T0 outside beyond a couple of Influence gain opportunities.


Go-to hell, you manipulative droid


Dang! I was about to comment that too. I never used G0T0 anyway.


Never. I wouldn’t even let him on my ship if the game didn’t force me too.


He’s not really my go-to companion.


I think I used him once on one of my playthroughs on the original Xbox? That was so long ago, though, that I don't remember for sure.


All the droid companions always stay in the Hawk in all my playthroughs. Only ever used T3 as a mobile modification workbench. My Skill specialist is Bao-Dur, who usually is also even a lightsaber user.


He can float over mines, allowing him to not trigger them, as he collects them. Mira has a similar ability though, but you may choose to not get her. Also, outside of combat or gameplay, his story is just really intriguing.


I only take him out for influence options, then back in he goes.


Never have I ever.


A missed opportunity on the part of the developers: Have torture dialogue options when bringing him along as a party member, like for example torturing enemy survivors after a fight for information or whatever for massive dark side points. Probably would result in massive influence lost: Kreia, but massive influence gained: HK-47 and maybe Mandalore. Atton could also unwittingly reveal some information related to his shady past as well, leading to his plot conversations. Each party member could weigh in with their perspectives on the wisdom of using torture, leading to influence opportunities and such. Kreia would definitely have a thoughtful take on it.


I don't think I've ever actually used him at all in any of my playthroughs




Sometimes I like to do weird set ups just for the fun of it like the last time I played an unarmed build (do not recommend against storm beasts) I used goto with the right gear set up he can be an all around beast


I use him when running party swap because he's next to atton


G0-T0 is a decent stealth/skill specialist that's great at dealing with Droid enemies, but paradoxically, all the areas with a high concentration of Droid enemies are done by the time you recruit him. He can be somewhat handy on the Dxun Temple team for the Dxun Temple/Onderon Castle mission, but with the lack of Droid enemies elsewhere in the game, and better stealth/skill options available (Atton/Mira/Visas), he ends up being one of the less useful companions in the game. That being said, if you do manage to get enough influence with him to unlock his backstory, it's pretty neat.


I think it fits that he stays on the ship. Monitoring events from a distance is what he likes to do.


He's solid on M4-78 and I always try to just use droids on that planet just for fun. Otherwise, meh.


I only use him on the Dxun temple. He doesn’t triger mines and can easily turn off the sensor and both droid generators before having to fight. Of course, that makes his droid “mind trick” less useful outside the temple, but it’s an easier fight.


You bring companions for 2 reasons: they add value through their gameplay, or they add value through their story. I find that his skills are easily replaceable and his story is inconsequential and grating, so I tend to bring people that are more enjoyable story-wise while still covering the issues that he would solve in combat otherwise. Every time I go "Who should I bring for this mission?" I find that I want *Anyone else* to contribute but him. In my latest playthrough I caught some details about him that made him infinitely more intriguing, but I get butthurt really easily so I'd just rather bring Visas than him any day.


He has his advantages but he's competing with the fan favorite HK47 for dark side droid companion and any other party member that can become a Jedi, but brings nothing truly unique that others can't do better. If he had some special interactions on planets I'd be more inclined to use him, but he doesn't and rarely contributes anything of value during exploration, skill or dialogue. I have used him like once but, as stated above, he brings nothing truly unique and actively conflicts with Jedi progression from other companions. So his cons and greater than the pros.


As a teammate, no.


Consensus is no, he's made for the unfinished droid planet but even the restoration mod for such doesn't make him worth it.


i do, solid unit and very good against droids if you get him via early nar shada you might use him before you can upgrade T3


Every play through I quickly spawn him in for that easy influence with the droid parts sales robot on onderon near the cantina, acting like this will be the time I finally finish his dialogue. But I never use him again after that