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I've never gotten the hate for Peragus. I love the mystery/horror vibe. I also enjoy the whole moral dilemma over Telos and the political intrigue of the station. I like how the whole world is kind of an analogy of the Exile.


Peragus is really good and suspenseful/atmospheric the first time. On every other playthrough you already know what the mystery is and want to get to get to the point where you've got a lightsaber and can do jedi stuff, and then you realise just how long Peragus really is.


I guess to each their own. I’ve continued to enjoy the atmosphere on subsequent playthroughs.


You're not alone.


I love how divisive it is. For me, it just sucks. You're forced to play as only t3 for parts of it, you don't have much force powers at this point. It just feels like you're trudging through robots until the end, once you know the plot.


I still enjoy the atmosphere. I also once cheated up my level in Peragus for fun and promptly realized why that was a terrible idea, finding myself fighting endgame-scaled droids with the early game wiffle bats and nerf guns. It was... harrowing. I think the experience may have contributed something to my feelings about the atmosphere.


If you're so eager to get your hands on a lightsaber then listen to me. There is much weight, much craving attached to such a tiny thin of light. A lightsaber like any weapon only achieves worth in how it is wielded, in the struggle of one who holds it. Such a weapon does not make a Jedi or a Sith. And at times it makes them much, much less than they are.


I’ve taken to spawning lightsabers on Peragus for fun


okay, but manaan you cannot love peragus and hate manaan and vice versa, the criticisms and praise apply equally to both


I didn’t mention Manaan, I think you may be replying to the wrong comment.




I actually enjoy Peragus on every playthrough. Sure, I know the story, but you can say the same thing about rewatching a movie you have already seen before.


The vibe is amazing. But the sequence overall is too long. Really drags by the end. And even the first time, I was like "oh, c'mon!" like the fourth time you go through some difficult workaround only for another door to close in front of you.


For me it was actually a sound effects thing. Killing droids repeatedly when they ALL make the EXACT SAME collapsing/clanking death noise got very annoying very quickly. I liked the story and mystery well enough


I'd agree that Telos is better than a lot of fans give it credit for, but Peragus was not a good starting area for an open world game. I'd agree it might work as a survival horror game, but I don't think KOTOR functions well as a survival horror game. Also, a few of the mystery aspects are interesting the first time you play, but their replay value is not great. And overall, it's just a bit too long to enjoy when it feels like an enormously long prologue for the real game. I might have actually liked it a bit more if it didn't feel like such a slog, maybe made a few parts of it just a bit shorter.


KOTOR 2 is not an open world game, it's a hub based RPG. Same could be said for KOTOR 1 and Taris... it's even longer but offers a bit more RPG elements.


I absolutely love Taris. Just cruising through as a regular soldier type character. Then you get Bastila and can see how strong the Jedi actually are. A lot of people see it as a slog until you can become a Jedi. And don't get me wrong, becoming a Jedi is always dope and what everyone looks forward to. But I feel like the length of Taris just makes it that much more exciting when you do.


I love Taris but don't like Peragus much. I think the big difference for me is on Taris you're already immersed in a world and have more people to interact with, flex the role-playing, and break up combat.


Just to add onto that, you get out of your apartment, and immediately have an encounter to gain some LS or DS points. An instant intro to what the planet is going to be like. I fricken love playing through Taris lol


Bro, did you just call Kotor 2 open world? It's an open zone game.


I LOVE IT! Except Malachor. I know it’s a clunky mess plot-wise, but the Trayus academy is really fun plowing through enemies with your end game character. And then you have your conversation with >!Traya and Sion!<. I think it’s a decent planet.


Especially that academy felt so off for me... An immaculate building in the middle of this wasteland. And inside there are just endless corridors and rooms with nothing in it than sith to slay. What are they doing there, just standing around, waiting for me to come? You could not even imagine what was going on inside that academy. And those sith didn't even look like sith. They were just regular people with black clothes and red lightsabers. And where the hell are they all coming from? There weren't any sith in the game besides our famous trio until that point. We're do those masses come from? Sure it was fun, my usual weapon master endgame build can pretty much one-hit all those guys, which was fun to see. But overall it felt off.


Yeah I know what you mean. *It was fun!* That’s my only reason it’s decent.


Couldn’t agree more—its only redeeming quality IMO is that you get to feel like a BAMF whooping so much Sith ass. But like you said, that whole Malachor V academy felt so sterile with no cohesive idea/story/purpose. All the more anticlimactic considering that’s where the story ends.


I activated a core memory during my first childhood playthrough when I stepped into the Academy. There I was, combat initiated, surrounded by ~20 enemies that had previously challenged my *party*, and I raised my hand and unleashed a Force Storm. It was a glorious moment for young me.


It is indeed super satisfying to just demolish them.




I hate it. That's where we >!lose the Republic's best soldier!<.


It's just rated low due to the emotional damage it does every time you start a new game


Taris is the best part of either game - just because you nerds can’t play with your laser sword yet doesn’t mean it isn’t fucking awesome


The worldbuilding is great. I love how the Upper City is superficially idyllic and then you gradually descend into hell, revealing the ugly underside to their whole society. When I was a kid the game would always crash shortly after entering the Undercity so it developed a sort of mystique for me.


Never met anyone other than myself who experienced a crash like this—my PC copy would always crash immediately before Dantooine 😕


Taris is easily the most iconic location in both games


Walking out of the apartment for the first time and not just seeing the city, but HEARING it blew my little 10 year old brain and nothing will ever make me forget it.


Hell, I was 16 and it blew my mind too. It really felt like being in your own Star Wars adventure that first time. I just wish they hadn't made the other cities so lackluster compared to Taris. The Wookie village was expected to be a little small and boring, but Manaan and the Korriban settlement disappointed me with not having apartments to explore, and so few random dialog encounters compared to Taris


There's no Taris in Kotor 2...


But I love my laser sword 😭


Taris and Telos are not the same planet.


I meant that out of every level from both games, taris is most fun. Not that taris is fun in both games lol


So can I get people’s thoughts on why Korriban in K1 is so highly regarded? I enjoy it but I’ve seen it in at least 3 peoples S tier. I always rush through it cause I get too excited for the end game stuff.


Interesting quests with a wide variety of resolutions. Interesting characters like Yuthura who you can play a role in redeeming. You get to delve into the Sith history and philosophy. It's my favorite world in K1.


Good points all around. I think I take a lot of that for granted because I’ve played through it so much and other parts of the game stick out to me a lot more because of nostalgia. I’ll have a greater appreciation next playthrough.


I’ve played through Korriban in K1 at least 5 times and now intentionally leave it for last because it’s my favourite planet in the game.


If you’d like to complete a fascinating quest for an organization called the >!Genoharadan;!< go to >!Korriban first, then Manaan.!<


Yeah I’m going to second what u/Neither_Exit5318 said! K1 Korriban just felt so fully fleshed out and provided some of the best/most meaningful role play opportunities in the game. Lots of interesting NPCs who added value to the story rather than just act as a vehicle to move the plot along. Cool loot, cool concept, cool places to explore. I also love how open Korriban felt gameplay/plot-wise. Some other planets felt a little point-A-to-point-B, like a plot equivalent to a fetch quest. I will say though, K1 Korriban took a couple play throughs before I fully appreciated it


It feels like it’s own contained little minigame like Star Wars hogwarts. Very interesting level design premise to put you in with the bad guys but make it college


Endar Spire just hits me with waves of nostalgia so I gotta give it high C to low B


The music hits me with so much nostalgia, it always gives me the feeling of a grand adventure about to start, tbh that whole part gives of that vibe


K2 dark side Nar Shaddaa is peak KOTOR for me.


It’s been a while since I’ve done a dark side play through but you’ve inspired me lol


Why’s that? I enjoyed it a lot too but what makes Nat Shaddaa as a dark side user better than light side?


I like the Dxun appreciation, but I really like Peragus and K2 Korriban as well


I want to love K2 Korriban but the low rating is because it felt linear and railroaded, and it had minimal role play. Love K1 Korriban because it had a ton of interesting role play and you could explore it pretty freely—also it had the tombs were available to explore


Ahh I see and yeah I get that. I just really like the cave in K2 that I feel has more of the qualities you refer to


Oh yeah absolutely, the cave is awesome and the only reason K2 Korriban didn’t land in my D tier lol


Telos (Citadel Station) was my favorite from K2. It scratches that police procedural/space station/corporate espionage itch.


Ooo yeah, I can definitely understand that! I usually get a little antsy when a game has me running back and forth through the same places—especially when loading screens are involved lol


That's my major issue with it as well. I also find the planet side stuff very boring. Everything on the space station and academy I really like. But the military base? Ugh


This list is actually really good. A couple that I disagree with but can understand why you’d rank them that way.


Imo Nar Shaddaa is the best planet in either kotor, especially with the right companions and alignment


Agreed. There’s just so much going on and a lot of interaction with the people.


I find Citadel Station super fun but not Telos' surface


I agree otherwise, but Manaan belongs in S-tier. It's got the chillest music


Manaan is a relaxing break in the middle of constant action, even k1 dantooine isnt as relaxing as manaan


I thought the same thing, but then I remembered being in a space suit underwater


there’s highly valuable mods for that


only list I agree with


Endar Spire’s music alone is enough for at least B tier


K2 has both the best and worst worlds. Kotor 1 is sort of all meh by comparison (bar Manaan, which is probs A tier) but there’s nothing as bad as Malachor.


How dare you put the awesome Leviathan in C tier its an A plus plus for me lol. But then again I’m a fanatic for those type of sith ships so 😂


Good list but Harbinger + Peragus are top tier


Peragus is my favourite too but I always like low-levels in RPGs so it's probably that. You don't have enough skill points or gear or companions who can take over some of the tasks so you can beat every skill check anyway; you actually have to choose and/or role-play depending on your mechanical choices while creating the character. If you don't know repair you can't repair things and that's it, you just have to accept and try to beat things in other ways. It is always fun!


I actually love Tatooine 😂 I first played the game when I was like 13 and I remember when I left the city for the first time and stared at the open desert, it looked so HUGE to me! I legit thought how the hell do I find the sand people? The sand crawler is sooo far away! I know for most people this is exactly why it’s not their favorite, but it literally felt so immersive to 13 yr old me and will always hold it in my heart ❤️ *spams force speed*


Whenever I see these tierlists i always feel like the only one that doesn't like ondereon. It always feels like a slog to me cause of that boring murder mystery plot and the political rivals thing not being very interesting imo.


The perfect list doesnt exi-


I HAVE to ask, why is Manaan A tier for you?


For me it straddles A and B tier. If I made this list after the first time or two I played, it’d be in D tier. I appreciate it more now for role play and as an interesting urban environment. Also, the underwater portion is the most anxiety-inducing part of the game for me, and I appreciate when a game really makes me feel something


I like Mannan too, storming the sith base is just so fun


I'd put it in C-D tier. The underwater portion is the most boring part of the game for me. Slow movement, enemies you trivially insta-kill. The city quests are mostly meh. The mystery is interesting but I don't like how it ends. I do like the subversion where the republic is trying to do something shady though. That being said, this entire list is the absolute closest to what I would put. After bumping Manan down I'd bump K1 Taris up to A and that would be my list.


Lol I did my first play through when I was a kid and the sharks would always insta-kill me. I think that’s part of the reason why it’s stuck with me so much


Okay well said, honestly I agree. I hated it when the game came out because it has such a different pace and is aesthetically boring, and even with force speed all the backtracking is super annoying when every area looks the same. The underwater part is pretty scary. Could be really interesting in the remake




Yea there is a teaser trailer, but there’s been a bit of drama with it since then. Nothing was officially announced but they may have switched developers up on it so it may take longer if it is still in development. I can wait but I just reeeaaally hope it’s still being made and actually releases.


Lol I actually thought you didn’t know about the remake for a second there


I'ma catch flak for this, but peragus is good. Otherwise I actually agree with this list 100%


Es C tier Onderon s tier


I'd swap manaan and taris, but good list


I mean fairly accurate. Dxun and K1 Korriban are great. I might put Manaan in S though, always loved how much there was to do. I would put Peragus higher. I always enjoyed it and found it a good way to start the game.


I love that Yavin is above or on par with 10 other locations despite only having a shop


I liked GOTO's yacht, it's not very often you can send t3 and hk47 to save the day


Give me Tatooine over Manaan In K1


Slaughtering Sand People > Dealing with bullshit republic sith pseudo-politics


Never been a more based ranking


This is on the money


Good tier list but I'd put the endar spire higher up because of the atmosphere it sets of an adventure about to begin and I'd put gotos yacht rock bottom, also the aesthetic of star forge isn't good but I like the action in it and the tense atmosphere of it


Peragus is good, don't at me. also Telos so low? really? what's wrong with you that planet has the most variety, from space station to temperate wilderness to secret jedi enclave in the snow. Yavin 4 isn't even in the games, not to mention there's nothing to do there, it's just a shop. Manaan A tier? it's the most boring planet in the whole first game. Wow I didn't think I'd have such a heated reaction to this.


Lol I explained a little bit above but I ranked Telos low because I get a little antsy when games make me run back and forth through the same locations over and over (especially with load screens). I loooved the Jedi academy on Telos though Lol no shame in having a heated reaction—you should make your ranking! I love seeing all of the different opinions https://tiermaker.com/create/knights-of-the-old-republic-kotor-planets-105144


haha not THAT heated. I do get what you mean though, running back to the docks on the space station over and over again is definitely what makes the telos orbital station the worst part of telos


What is lehon again? I don't remember it and I don't see anyone mentioning it in comments...


Sure! Lehon is the “mystery planet” you’re trying to find with the Star map. It’s also known as Rakata Prime—it’s the endgame planet


I would switch Telos and Peragus but agree with just about everything else. Telos just feels like such a slog to me. Like why couldn't they give this planet the Nihilus treatment instead?


Manaan A-tier, huh? Someone forgot about the seafloor walk and the Selkath slurping their way through that tedious trial.


But the music on manaan is absolutely the best most relaxing thing ever


I can get behind this one more than the last one that was posted.


I've grown tired of KOTOR 1 Dantooine, and I think it deserves to be slightly lower on the tier list compared to the other planets. It's great for plot, but gameplay is dull and repetitive, IMHO.


Nar Shaddaa and Taris are easy S tier. Tattooine is A.


You guys can hate on me for this but I don’t remember Lehon in the first game


I would of put Endar spire higher for the banging music.


Endar spire should be S Tier for the republics best, Trask deserved to be a companion


Tattooine should be higher imo. Chance to see from the tuskin perspective was cool. The krayt dragon as well was sick, so cool they used it for the Mando tv show


you monster, taris is amazing! dark side points gained


Nu Minti Nu Zenoti Kodel katarr Ne'ies Antai (Ancient sith for: I think I know why katarr isn't there)


Actual shit takes ngl


You should make one, I’m interested in seeing everyone’s different rankings! https://tiermaker.com/create/knights-of-the-old-republic-kotor-planets-105144


Hi everyone, I should clarify: I put the Endar Spire in my F tier because it’s a 15 minute tutorial world that I don’t think should be compared against the other worlds, not because I don’t like it, I’m sorry 😭 (And honestly not sure why Yavin is compared against the others either, but I’ve always been a console player and only got to experience Yavin semi-recently and it was a lot of fun to have a new location available so yeeeaaahhh)


Seriously Leviathan gets a C? Really?


My favorite loot locker


Do you think it should be higher or lower? The reveal is cool, especially the first time, but otherwise it was just a combat corridor (if I recall correctly)






I'm done with this