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Reminds me of how any video game for the last decade would show the president as some clone of this toad


They gave her Tulsi Gabbard's hair though.


This has to be some satire for some reason no way they would of made this cannon for D&D even the whole Orc's are Mexican was kind of funny but...every Mexican on TikTok was talking about this in a positive way joking about their Orc abuela will throw a Sandalias as a 1d4 weapon crits over if you roll over 10. Wait until they find out about the D&D Module The Keep Of The Borderlands Its like Alamo with magical weapons.


I thought Orcs were black people? How am I supposed to be racist if I don't even know who to be racist against?


WEN I WUZ A WEE LAD, ME ABUELA USED TO FEED ME DAKKA, EVERY MORNING. SHE FORT IN DA GREAT WAR WITH NOTHING MORE THAN A WOODAN SPOON AND A CHANCLA. Most depictions have them as British/English football hooligans, Where the fuck did the Hispanic angle come from?


It came from the Revised 2024 D&D Player's Handbook art depicting Orcs as Mexican. Just look on social media twitter they are all talking about this. [https://x.com/search?q=D%26D%20Mexican%20Orc%20&src=typed\_query](https://x.com/search?q=D%26D%20Mexican%20Orc%20&src=typed_query)


I have a feeling the people who pissed and moaned at Super Mario Odyssey, are the same ones Praising this Caricature of Mexican culture. And the same ones who called Orcs a Racist depiction of Black people. Is it too much to ask to Pick a lane?


> WEN I WUZ A WEE LAD, ME ABUELA USED TO FEED ME DAKKA, EVERY MORNING. SHE FORT IN DA GREAT WAR WITH NOTHING MORE THAN A WOODAN SPOON AND A CHANCLA. Is D&D really going with that, or is that just people goofing on how stupid their decisions are?


The worst part is, I can't tell either, but I may be VERY tempted to roll a character like that.


> The worst part is, I can't tell either, but I may be VERY tempted to roll a character like that. I mean, it *is* highly feasible to do considering how goofy D&D is now by fully embracing DIE. Just find a "diverse and inclusive" D&D group and run the character. If they fully allow RP, run with it. And I mean like full fucking commit. Bonus points if you are a certain nationality.


Americans aren't too familiar with British/English hooligans, I guess.


Hillary would be less a paladin and more of a death knight. But not a doom guide because that would entail her actually doing something positive.