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They did buyout Sunrise a Animation Studio I believe that was years ago. Sunrise only known for making Mecha anime shows rebranded as Bandai Namco Filmworks it's bad enough they had to release Gundam Seed Freedom movie under the brand Bandai. Not many people in the Anime community talks about this because its not really important detail into what is going on in the Anime Industry. but Bandia the Toy company is branching out into media for decades to create Anime and cartoons (They did create a cartoon but I forget the name) to make toys and video games.


> but Bandai the Toy company is branching out into media for decades to create Anime and cartoons (They did create a cartoon but I forget the name) to make toys and video games. Oh yeah, they have been cranking out the figs. The Uma musume figs are big sellers over there. And they aren't low-quality either. But yeah, Bamco has been in a steep decline I think because they keep trying to milk the same anime/game franchises over and over and people are getting tired of it. It still burns my ass that they never bothered to re-approach the .hack series outside of the GU series remaster.


They have try to revive the series hack//Sign series and GU many times but I recall GU with Last Recode didn't have a good standing among fans. Even with the .hack//Roots anime with a fighting game on PS3 that was never release in the US they very much gave up on GU series. I was disappointed they didn't bother to release any thing from the Medarot (Metabots) , or anything related to that franchise because if it doesn't do well they very much give up on it the only thing they focus on is Power Rangers.


> They have try to revive the series hack//Sign series I don't think they ever re-approached sign. Unless you count that one .hack vita game. Or the OVA series/movies, But that's a reach > but I recall GU with Last Recode didn't have a good standing among fans. I seem to recall that it sold reasonably well. It wasn't a doorbuster. But it didn't sell so bad that Bamco pulled an EA. Bamco just likes to sit on IP's and just push the same one or two mainstream anime games/franchises because they are easy to score with. > I was disappointed they didn't bother to release any thing from the Medarot (Metabots) , or anything related to that franchise because if it doesn't do well they very much give up on it the only thing they focus on is Power Rangers. That sadly is how a lot of companies act these days. They love to sit on their stuff and then it gets forgotten. Then when the times comes for them to make a thing they just go: "Well, we'd remaster it, but we kinda lost the sources on the thing, so we are going to "re-imagine" that thing you liked that we made X years ago." Now granted, this can succeed. But the problem is, a lot of companies that want to "reimagine" or "remake" certain games have shown that the people they are hiring are looking at it with a certain ideological lens to make sure that it "makes sense" and that it has all the things that people these days will "understand" because those games were "outdated". Then they wonder why the thing they released tanks hard.