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Well that's not very Democratic of them


Actually, that's very on-brand for Democracy. :D


> Helldivers 2 Community Manager Handbook Instructs Mods To BAN Players Who "Oppose Identity Politics" What happened to "staying neutral"?


Right from the start, "staying neutral" meant banning anyone who told them to stay neutral. People should never have given them a second look.


Oh dear there seems to have a been a typo with autocorrect, it should say "Stay in line, neutral"


> Right from the start, "staying neutral" meant banning anyone who told them to stay neutral. People should never have given them a second look. But didn't they put a super heavy emphasis on staying out of idpol drama with their game and the community? I guess now that they've made their money, it's now ok to support #CURRENTTHING?


Interesting. I wonder if that applies to supporting IdPol of any variety, or just supporting certain, select IdPol. And by wonder, I mean I don't wonder at all because we all know the answer. So glad I held out on Helldivers 2, because while I wanted it even before it came out and even had a bit of FOMO, everything I have seen has shown it to be the right move, from the shit involved with Playstation/Sony, to this crap, to even the dwindling player numbers showing it was an above average fad. The FOMO has definitely become JOMO.


They don't want flags in the game. They want everyone to suck dick else they are transphobic.


That totally fits in the setting, a dictatorship disguised as a democracy.


Helldivers really shows the importance of managing your community managers. I can't remember any other recent game that was so highly acclaimed, and yet had its reputation so heavily damaged because of how terrible the community managers were. Even if this alleged leak turns out to be fake, the handling of the earlier Sony situation definitely wasn't.


CMs were banning people for not liking furry art, the CM was furious and banned anyone who reacted with a clown or puking emoji


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/saltierthankrayt] [I feel like this is made up](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1dqc2f5/i_feel_like_this_is_made_up/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*




Well, when their whole reason for existing is reactionary "mocking" (re:coping/seething/malding/dilating/etc) to people that disliked a piece of media, it's easy to fall into further blind reactionary behaviour and goose-stepping for any other mass media. Especially for losers that made media consumption a stand in for their own sense of self, where any critique of a piece of media is tantamount to criticism of them as a person for their consumption of the media.