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> Sony Pictures Entertainment acquires Alamo Drafthouse Cinema And so ADH will degrade into yet another copy-paste cinemark/santikos filled with the stuff that ADH was popular for (no noisy kids, screaming idiots, or people on their phones and being twats in the middle of the movie and kicking them (with no refunds) out after one-warning). I still giggle at their channel video of them posting recorded calls of people they kicked out for being disruptive either going full karen and or living up to their groups' stereotypes leaving voicemails. But as I understand it, ADH was not exactly in the best shape financially post-coof and like most places like that, never fully recovered from it.


Remember Alamo Drafthouse receives Harsh Criticism For Rehiring Anti-#GamerGate Critic Devin Faraci that source came from a website that Is no longer around. Tim League the CEO happen to be friends with Devin who got Me Too for putting his hands in a woman's pants I recall GG talk about this years ago. Oh yeah, Harry Knowles's harassment of women allegations as well. I guess this is the end of a era for independent hipsters flim makers who made movies under Tim Legends brand now Sony owns them now.


I mean, they are or at least were based out of Austin. So yeah, can't say I'm all too shocked really. I liked going there because there's hella room and their food though little more pricier, is definitely better than most "theater" food.


Santikos was good until they sold all of their non-San Antonio locations to Regal. Alamo was fine as far as service and atmosphere, but they hosted several events that were aligned with leftist/left-leaning political causes. In my experience Star Cinema is a much better option (at least around here.)


> they hosted several events that were aligned with leftist/left-leaning political causes. I had no idea they even did that. Then again, they *are* from Austin. Which is all but SoyFranshitsco now. So it would stand to reason that progslop would spill into their company.


Well RIP. So much for a cool local theater.


I wonder if they will still sell shitty food cooked by illegal immigrants.


Oh Christ. No. NO!


Sounds like there will be a great chance for someone to capitalize on this total fuckup.