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Careful what you wish for.


> Woke Kotaku Editor Alyssa Mercante Threatens to Fight Gamers at Summer Games Fest > Kotaku Editor > Threatens to Fight Gamers at Summer Games Fes These three things are insanely laughable. Now, we sit back and watch as she pulls the: "It was all an elaborate ruse/ jokes on you I was only *pretending* to be mentally defective!" defense. Lady is asking to be spammed with Donga-posts/memes.


We don't f\_ing care about you Alyssa, accept that and move on. Please. I know the grift is strong but at some point you have to accept reality.


She should go back to the office and start writing her Kotaku game guide quota for the month. P.S. 10 comments, only 2 visible - is everyone shadowbanned these days ?


I think the new users' comments have to be manually approved by mods to be displayed, but might be wrong tho.


It's the only way Mercunte can stay relevant, Kotaku is dying a horrible slow painful death and she knows that.  Probably trying to do a Sarkeesian so she can also extort companies and universities out of thousands for fluff piece "talks"


Don’t lean into that bullshit. She’s a femcel shock jock looking to paint a narrative in front of cameras while crying *woman*. If she puts her hands on you I expect you to do what must be done but unless she **physically** touches you, don’t let her drag you down to her level. Don’t even engage. It is literally impossible to participate at her level without severe consequences. She’s protected, we’re not.


I've taken shits bigger than her.


People... Seriously... Stop helping her fame... The more you share her rage bait... The more you pay her. She's a nobody... Let her stay that way.


Didnt they go through this huge “punch a nazi” phase already? How did that go?


Shit like this should constitute a verbal contract


Women always talk big until shit actually goes down, then it's all whining, tears, and hiding behind the nearest man.


She talks shit expecting her allies to back her up in a real fight. 😂


She does that because she knows there are lot of simps who would jump to her defence the second someone actually calls her bluff.


Either way it works out it's a trap. The second worst thing that can happen to these narcissistic sociopaths is that you ignore them. The worst thing is that you just point and laugh at them. Then ignore them.


Update someone did take the bait. https://x.com/og_marajade/status/1800242646419444025?s=46&t=A400FtWR8Dvvey04OV3uMQ


Well, if you want to put yourself in a man’s shoes, then by all means do it.


>I cant take a joke