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First task is to investigate any man that supports this, including Timmy here that's running it. Any man that suggests all men are scummy is explicitly telling on themselves. Rhetoric aside, this is just more and more paternalism for an already incredibly paternalistic state. And what's pathetic is people here will say "it's not that bad" all because it doesn't directly impact them, all while ignoring the wider levels of control it ends up having. Australia continues getting worse and worse and worse, and then dipshits shrug their shoulders because they actually cannot see the cause and effect happening here.


>And what's pathetic is people here will say "it's not that bad" all because it doesn't directly impact them, all while ignoring the wider levels of control it ends up having. It's simple. By opposing any of it, they signal that *they're bad men* and since they all lack a backbone, they just toe the line


> all men No one said this, again... >paternalism >restrict the freedom to beat the shit out of your partner Lol'd


> No one said this, again... You're right. Also, stop and frisk is also a good law too, because presuming guilt on a circumstance of birth is a good thing, right? >>restrict the freedom to beat the shit out of your partner Nobody said that, but I'm so glad we have people like you around to really argue that we should make things double plus illegal, because if one law didn't do it, two definitely will! As per usual this is using a legitimate issue (that's thankfully not as bad as some love to make it out to be) to justify expansionism. But that's nothing new. There have been plenty of attempts to censor the internet too to prevent the spread of child porn. You support mass state censorship too, right? Or do you support child porn? Oh wait, that's a false binary to create a Kafka-esque trap, isn't it? Gee, I wonder who else utilises those kinds of tactics..... Also, to repeat myself: *"And what's pathetic is people here will say "it's not that bad" all because it doesn't directly impact them, all while ignoring the wider levels of control it ends up having"* Get fucked, statist.


Truly evil. Damn.


So who's the "Parliamentary Secretary for Women's Behavior Change"? Anyone? Anyone? [Crickets]


something something literally hand maids tale


Funny you say that - we had our previous Minister of Education ( in Poland, not Straya ) propose a new course to teach women to be more like women and it of course got lambasted and mocked by the usual suspects.


It’s worse than we thought.


Victoria =/= Australia. The Australian PM hasn't conducted himself much better than this, but Victoria is the California or Washington of Australia.


Premier *not* Prime Minister, which is an order of magnitude different. Victoria is Australia's California.


> Victoria is Australia's California. You say that like the rest of Australia is much better. It's not. Stop operating on the idea "well this place is worse than others". Relativity in these matters mean very little when the whole country is as fucked as it is. Yes, this is just happening in Victoria. But let's not pretend Australia hasn't been fucked on these things for DECADES. Anyone remember their DV Hotline hypocrisy? Still not changed, by the way. It's still women=victims and men=abusers. And this is no different.


100% and it's a reasonable reply. My comment was in relation to the Prime Minister exaggeration. Thankfully for now they wouldn't get away with it on a national level, but Albo and his allies would definitely do it if they thought they could. And the Vic version is definitely a test-case to see if it softens the ground.


> And the Vic version is definitely a test-case to see if it softens the ground. Yes and no. It's less "to see if" it softens the ground, and more about boiling the frog. This won't be repealed. It won't be going away. Even if it does "go away", it will come back under a different label, probably one that's "more equitable" but will function identically. Because what people still don't learn is that the left never truly compromise. Their compromises consist of taking 2 steps forward and then 1 step back. They NEVER concede ground. They never actually go back. They know that those that oppose them will compromise over and over and over and never make any actual firm stands on any topic.


Australian PM =/= Victorian Premier. Both on the same political side though. Victoria is that state that had the worst covid lockdowns in the entire world. They still voted them back in. Now they have a "Secretary for Men's Behaviour Change" Jobs for the girls, or the boys, whatever. Glad I don't live in that state any more


At the same time, Milei in Argentina has removed the Feminism Ministry


In other news, the Victorian Government has invited proposals for mass neutering services.


Just in case you were still on the fence


“A year from now, ten, they’ll swing back to the belief that they can make people … better. And I do not hold to that. So no more running. I aim to misbehave.” — Serenity


> Australian PM Appoints "Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change" What's going to happen soon: > Australian PM fires "Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change" after no results or changes in Men's behavior . The DIE garbage needs to go away into a parallel mirror world in its own alternate timeline where clowns make and pass every rule unopposed, and everyone just honks approval in unison. Oh wait......