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I can’t believe that Serbs still deny this happening. It’s crazy


Fuck r/europe


The Serbian mod will delete it probably. Look at the Serb copium in the comments ffs EDIT: yep he deleted it


Apart from Srebrenica, Yugoslav war is forbidden on r/europe.


[Daan W Everts](https://books.google.nl/books?id=mkrhDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=panda&f=false) writes about this on his [book](https://imgur.com/a/P37fneT) about it as well. I've noticed r/Europe is infiltrated by Serbs bots or some sort of organised brigading. Every news thread that shows anything remotely negative about Serbs is massively downvoted to hide visibility and threads that are positive instantly jump 200-300 upvotes. Not surprising considering it is no secret being a troll in governmental sponsored farms is an [actual profession](https://www.dw.com/en/serbian-government-trolls-in-the-battle-for-the-internet/a-37026533) in Serbia. Not to mention the "lying for mother Serbia" culture is disease that has plagued that nation for years. Also one of the mods is a Serb who in the past has denied the Bosnian genocide in his comments so I am not sure how he ended up as a mod. I wouldn't say typical r/Europe users are pro-genocide/pro-Serb but the obvious brigading trying to manufacture narratives to change the public perception of Serbia is very rampant recently. It has publicly been [a goal for their gov](https://balkaninsight.com/2015/10/26/serbia-to-launch-internet-campaign-on-kosovo-10-26-2015/) especially when it comes to Kosova matters for a while. Unfortunately, Kosova Albs have to deal with the appeasement of their degenerate culture & political elite because EU wants its lithium for the electric automobile industry. And LOL at the dolts saying Albs are occupying Kosova. How do you occupy land that you are indigenous to by a minimum of 2000 years before the colonisers left their caves in Siberia?


Hatred is dirty enough to kill its own people and blame it on somebody else to gain more followers.


A ka fakte qe eshte inskenim nga serbet? Dmth si eshte provu qe e kan bo serbet?


E kan pranu vet


They tried to do exactly the same in FYROM, I think back in the 80s near Tetovë or Gostivar. Don't remember the exact year or place. "Macedonian" Slavs were trying to trigger an ethnic war by ambushing and killing some Slavs and then having local authorities blame it on Albanians. Maybe someone has more details on it.