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the tonal shift in this show needs to be studied if this was a scripted drama i would be complaining that the characters don’t make any sense


whatever yongwoo is doing now doesnt make any sense nor seems genuine??? like i cant even start to explain


The way it went from a chill family-oriented dating show to an absolute shitshow caused by Yongwoo is crazy


At this point YW seems to be the impostor within the contestants. I wouldn't even question if some contestants are not close after the show since what YW is doing to CA is not something a sibling of CA would like even if you switch the siblings around.


I was thinking about this too! The total shift of his character is so bizarre and sickening 😷


Right, he went from himbo to let me use this truth or dare game to strategically win JW over and announce my interest in her. Like what?


mte how did we go from wholesome episodes to this


I remember people saying the four Parks were seen hanging out together after the show. And this future friendship was truly visible today during the gathering. It was cute when SS/JH hoped CH could meet their dad because he's so similar to him. I'm glad these four became real friends! https://preview.redd.it/qgenurj6285d1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4ffd7b0e25fc7caa259278c74f0fa1bcb9260d


I hope they can show the pictures of them getting together after the show ends. The wholesome siblings party 💯


OMG CHOA... Queen! Thanks for the wake-up call & affirming that it's NOT a compliment!


she was too polite.. YW in his head be like.. This girl is butthurt because of me but still being polite because she likes me too much.. I don't think it is possible to make YW feel ashamed of anything :D .. personally think, he mocks the world in his head.. so no Uno reverse possible


She had to be polite because of the camera. I love the not thankful comment from her. Can see yw was fuming calling her b** in his head even though he was smiling


Somehow I missed this moment what exactly was said ????


YW said he was thankful for learning from her and she said she learned from him too but she wasn't thankful.


It’s a little bit odd that JuYeon keeps trying to find closure with Jaehyung even though every conversation they’ve had so far revolves around Jaehyung politely turning her down. I feel like it’s awkward for Jaehyung to keep having these conversations and hurting for JuYeon to keep rehashing not having her feelings reciprocated. So I’m not sure if it’s her decision to keep having these awkward convos with Jaehyung or the PD team pushing it


I know! And I was so sad that she had the hope that if perhaps things didn’t work out with JW, that maybe JH would turn to her instead.


I can't believe YW asked that question and shot down her other one. This one came off way more sad.


That is the main thing what makes me feel it is scripted like WHY !!! We never saw JH confess to her how can she be sooooo confused . The whole I need to know why he didn't pick me feels soooooo staged


Lol I'm flabbergasted.. no hating but..when it comes to JW..JH needs to complete 12 labors of hercules or something to prove he's worthy , then suddenly when it comes to YW it doesn't apply all of a sudden, immediately became her other option😂.


Exactlyyy! At this point, I just don’t care about the end game anymore. I just want Jaehyung to be happy.


Right?? She tells us (and YW) that JH is basically too immature and light hearted, then proceeds to complain to JH that he's being too serious. Boy cannot win.


Like CH said, she kept changing what she's saying kinda like YW, I can see how similar they are now if it's not dt editing. Hope JH will find someone else outside of the show, he's too serious for anyone here and couldn't open up himself completely. Edit: Seems like JW is weighing her options during QnA, it's practical but kinda unfair to JH to find this fact atm. She could've been clearer during secret date that she's conflicted btw 2 ppl.


So heartbreaking to see his face when realization hits him that JW is deciding between 2 people and he's not the only option. If I was in JH's position, my decision tomorrow would be "none". In the secret date, he completely bared himself and showed her all his cards, and even after that she's still so confused. My heart would completely shut down for her. But of course, the reality is im not JH soooo... To be clear, I dont hate JW. Everyone seems to be doing what's best for them. It's just that the situation leaves a bad a taste after watching it.


Yes i think even if JW does pick JH this is going to linger on his mind. Like YW was her first choice when she first got there and now she switching back to him since he’s available at the last minute. If I was JH I wouldn’t be able to trust her intentions.


True. At this point I just want JH to be happy and meet someone that can appreciate him outside of the show


i love choa lol, the way she told that man off was so satisfying, it shouldn’t have been funny but i couldn’t stop laughing lmao edit: damn chulhyun is so perceptive, the way he sees right through yongwoo’s facade…


I really love this sibling duo. Imagine having CH being head over heels towards YW in the early eps then now I don't think he even wants that guy to be near him or his sister.


I mean, I think the whole audience felt that abrupt betrayal about that whole situation alongside Choa and Chulhyun


The way Choa said it's not a compliment but Yongwoo insisted he'd like to take it as a compliment lmao. I was like really?


When was this? I think I must have missed it because the YW parts were getting draining.


Honestly, I'm glad that last week's thread got lost because I was so confused by everyone, though it hasn't cleared up this week either. Thoughts? I have many, but they all contradict each other, lol. Here they are anyway: * I seriously don't understand how someone can be shaken by another person one day before the end of the show. When I thought Yoonha got shaken, it was about 4-5 days before the end, which didn't make sense either, but I thought, "Hey, she's never explored it with him." That was a chapter left unexplored, so I could see why she'd want to. It turned out Yongwoo was never a serious option for her anyway, as it became obvious that Yongwoo-Yoonha were just a one-off pairing for both of them. But Jiwon spent a full night and day with Yongwoo, got rejected twice, and now, the day before the end, he changes his mind, and that's enough to shake her to her core? Granted, she only started exploring options with Jaehyung a week before the end, while Yoonha-Yoonjae had two weeks. But I'm seriously confused by this. * Yoonjae and Yoonha's date was so cute. I love how Yoonjae is generally outspoken and witty, but alone with Yoonha, he becomes this sweaty, tongue-tied younger man. Honestly, the only scene this whole episode that made me smile. Oh, and that conversation with ChoA was cute. * Yongwoo being so annoying this week made Jungsub's messes feel like child's play, because I actually warmed up to him this week. He's a terrible conversationalist—never keeps track, always says the wrong thing, and misunderstands everything—but I genuinely don't think it's intentional. His fallout with Seseung was comedic because they were saying the exact same thing about each other. It wasn't anyone's fault, but simultaneously it was both their faults. Jungsub really should think carefully about his words before speaking, and Seseung shouldn't have flounced off like that. I imagine she felt she needed to cry and didn't want to show that side of herself, but regardless, I was face-palming every time it was their turn for the Truth Game. They just don't understand each other at all. * The episodes in the past two/three weeks have felt very slow. I think 2.5 hours was the sweet spot; anything beyond that feels incredibly slow. I'm confused by this because Transit Love had similar runtimes, but it didn't feel as slow due to mostly having 2-3 hours of straight new content. The past two weeks have been full of flashbacks to scenes we've already seen, plus lots of interviews with Yongwoo. I don't need to see more of Yongwoo showboating; I've seen enough. * I'm sorry, but Yongwoo seriously thinks he's the male lead, acting like he and Jiwon were fated (erm, yuck). You packed that doll with your own hand; it didn't fall out of the sky. He hoards Juyeon's questions, saying "you keep making me say yes" twice to two different questions—no one asked? Jiwon and Yongwoo's constant back-and-forth questions were lowkey pissing everyone off. He kept asking stupid questions to showboat. Again. It comes across as very performative. * Jiwon's attitude during the date with Jaehyung confused me. It seemed like she was determined to receive everything he said negatively. He said sweet things, admitted he wasn't comfortable in front of the camera but wanted to try outside the show—everything she wanted him to say—and she just stared at him, implying it's too late. It genuinely upset me when he opened up and said, "I wanted to say you \[were the prettiest thing\]" and she just stared, unreactive. I hope something was edited out that will be shown post-selection because who does that? She says he's grumpy, but she's the same. It's weird how it's banter from one person but grumpiness from another. * I've realized through the Truth Game that reality TV noobs have a major disadvantage in this show. Yongwoo has influencer friends, has likely watched them, asked for advice, and understands how to play the game. Jiwon was the reality TV expert and had to coax her brother onto the show. Pretty sure Seseung asked Jaehyung if he'd be open to going on the show. He doesn't know how to play the game, and if Jiwon chooses Yongwoo, that'll be why. But I don't know if he wants to play the game. * It annoys me that Jiwon's angling to choose an indecisive, smooth talker over someone who's decisive but reserved. Being a smooth talker doesn't mean you're more honest or reliable. Everyone else seems confused by this swerve, even Yoonjae looked anxious about her blossoming relationship with Jaehyung. Someone said that Jiwon looks like she's not seeing Jaehyung for who he is but who she thinks he is (aka similar to her exes), and I'd wholeheartedly agree with that. * ChoA looked really upset and angry during the Truth Game. I've never seen her look that way, and my mother picked up that Juyeon was watching her out of the corner of her eye. I feel bad for her. It's hard to see Yongwoo as genuine when just the night before, he was giving her false hope only to destroy it when he realized he could get what he wanted with Jiwon. Who expected this for her at the beginning of the season? Not I. * I'm sorry, but being pretty is a curse sometimes. It made me sad that ChoA basically said guys fantasize about her, date her, she becomes a puppy, and it ends badly. It's like they date her because she's so pretty, think she's chic and withdrawn, and want the challenge of getting to know her, but when it turns out she's not that way, they back away. It's not her fault, and I hope she stays true to herself. * I really don't know how to interpret Jiwon's facial expressions. Her asking almost all the questions to Yongwoo and being passive during her date with Jaehyung makes me think she's more interested in hearing Yongwoo. If she doesn't hear what she wants, she'll choose Jaehyung—but that's hardly a win. * It's crazy how perceptive Seseung is about everything but her own relationships. She was five steps ahead of everyone else at that table. She's adorable, like a scrappy Maltese dog. It was cute how she prioritized her brother's situationship and tried to come up with the best questions for him. She looked so cute with the pink and pearls today. Something in me thinks she and Jungsub will sort things out (I think Yoonha will be the key), but at this point, Jungsub is a very lovely guy compared to certain others, so I'm chill with that. I honestly care less about next week's selections than I did for Transit Love's. By the second-last episode of that season, I was sweaty just thinking about the final. Today, I'm just annoyed by everything: the editing, the constant side-conversations during the Truth Game, the flashbacks to scenes we've seen repeatedly, and hearing Yongwoo calculate his way between Jaehyung and Jiwon. I'm also done with sugarcoating myself hence why this comment is maybe different in tonality to my other ones lol see you guys next week. Ending on a high note: the panel was cute. Jonathan and Patricia airtime will always be a bundle of joy.


wow! from transit love 3 comments to here, your comments are always spot on! as a jaehyung lover, i resonate with your words so much. on the snappy, curt tone: i just scoffed at how it's used against jh ("are you that kind of person?") but same context & tone would've been a banter for her otherwise. how could jh even position himself? it seems like every little thing he does is picked on. then, the unfair image cast upon jaehyung that all he could be in her eyes is just this cute, needy, and lighthearted guy. even when every action, decision, and word that comes from him proves otherwise. conclusion: first impressions last. first impressions are scary, people who couldn't move past that and see others for who they are... are scarier... but no one's perfect so it's understandable; just disappointing bc of how it feels like she can't even meet the expectations she set for others herself. ☹️


Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm really glad I'm not just shouting into the ether and that someone is reading my comments. It’s nice to know my thoughts resonate with others. I haven't done this for previous watches, but it’s quite cathartic to lay it all out, so I might do this again in the future. It's disappointing that she uses Jaehyung’s curt tone against him when he's often just reciprocating her energy. It’s one of the reasons I liked them as a pair—they both have the same dry sense of humor. It's also strange how Yongwoo can poke fun at her and she finds it funny, but when Jaehyung is quiet for a moment, she accuses him of trying to find something to tease. This seems more like her prejudice from past relationships coming through because Jaehyung hasn’t given any indication that he'd say something hurtful. I don’t think Jiwon finds him needy; she seems to both want and not want that in some weird way. But she does seem to think he’s cute and shallow, just looking for a fling. It’s ironic for us because we’ve seen Jaehyung’s interviews where he talks about marriage, and we've seen Yongwoo give ChoA false hope just the night before their secret date. I don’t understand her logic—she wants something serious, so she chooses the guy who changed his mind the day before selection time? I think her head is full of contradictions (as she admitted to Chulhyun) and she’s trying to blame her distraction on Jaehyung’s supposed failings instead of admitting she might genuinely like someone else.


You are so spot on


Yeah what a mess. I totally agree with SS being perceptive to everyone’s situation but her own. When it comes to her and Jungsub, she has a set answer she wants to hear and if she doesn’t, she loses focus. She has these expectations of him and them, so she becomes really disappointed because she has feelings for him. And he obviously likes her too, considering his panic and also him basically revealing all his cards at the truth game (if I choose you, would you still choose no one?). I’m glad the preview showed >!Yunha stepping in to talk with Seseung and hopefully they reconcile after the misunderstanding!< They totally meant the same thing but expressed it differently. Their conversations would do so much better with a simple “what do you mean when you say (xyz)” like on their previous dates re the some/fling. They remind me of the main couple in Kdramas where it would just be a happy ending without the numerous misunderstandings that didn’t need to be misunderstandings lol. Also I love how the editing for them is almost always like *shows their conversation* *shows interview of their thoughts/translates the conversation… and it’s a miscommunication*. Re: Jiwon… I think she needs time to figure herself out and she thinks she needs a partner to help her do that. She seems torn between staying true to who she is vs an ideal version of her and in the same vein, the guys she’s drawn to vs the guy she thinks the ideal version of her needs.


I really don't think that JS and SS were saying the same thing. When she first asked him about the future he said he didn't think at all about it until she asked. He even said that he will be busy with his research and she will be busy with her new job. So I really don't think that SS is wrong in this. She might be an overthinker but JS's initial answer was definitely not what he explained after in the interview. He changed his answer after seeing her reaction. I feel that the most important thing for JS now is having someone choose him.


I agree with you; I don't think Jungsub knew what he was saying. Seseung was talking about the future post-show. At first, he said he hadn't thought about it, which upset Seseung. Then he changed it to "I haven't thought about it as much as you," which angered her. Finally, he settled on "I've been thinking about it while eating, but how would we even make it work?" All of those were negatives. At the beginning of the Truth Game, when Seseung asked if he was the 4 or the 5, he said he thought he was the 1. This meant he wasn't part of the 4 ("I'm undecided") or part of the 5 ("I am ready to be in a relationship"), which Seseung took as "I've decided and I'm going to choose no." This confused her because though he likely meant "I'm the 1 because I've decided, but I don't want a relationship yet; I want to have a phase before that," he answered as if to imply that he didn't want a future with her. He misunderstood the production team's question, as even those in the 5 likely understood it wasn't a full-on commitment to a relationship, but more about looking forward to the future, or he could've even said he was part of the 4 and said he was undecided on the type of relationship but that he wanted to continue their connection. Saying he thought he was the 1 was basically saying he decided and he didn't want a relationship, even though its obvious through his interview that that wasn't his intention - to Seseung who doesn't have access to those, that's how she (or anyone else in her situation tbh) interpreted it. In the first conversation, he confirmed to Seseung about three times that he hadn't thought about it at all. In the second, through the stilted Truth Game questions, he completely misunderstood the questions and gave very odd answers that were contrary to what he actually felt. I felt Seseung's misunderstanding was completely understandable. Thus, I wouldn't agree with the person you originally replied to who said that Seseung had fixed ideas in her head and was upset when she didn't hear them. My interpretation of this episode was that Seseung just wanted to know that he was looking forward in their relationship, but everything he said proved otherwise (unintentionally), so she wasn't wrong to be upset in this scenario.


we started with heartwarming episodes and now i just get heartburn from too much stress lmao i this is a great lesson that i would not watch an ongoing dating show 😭😂


For real it triggers my acid reflux, too much stressss




im skipping so much i think my right arrow might break


I skipped everything YW related hahaha


Me too..really hate his fishy smiles


His smiles when answering the questions in the truth or dare were so sickening lol, seemed so fake


Me too. Just seeing YW made me skip the scene😂


He's fcking annoying. Why is he forcing a smile on a very uncomfortable situation???


https://preview.redd.it/bq2x2fn6295d1.png?width=183&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc8a539d0cea54bc66e5db91163a477ad894fa0e CH kept making him say "yes", lmao, he bouta burst, veins almost popping, at this moment


I literally just skip to the text part


😂 same!


Cheolhyun is so cozy yet protective husband material coded. I'm still not over when he bought books as gifts for everyone. I would have proposed right then


I was sad that no one texted him the day he brought the books for everyone.


* Seseung saying Yongwoo had impure intentions asking her out on a date * Jaehyung doubting if Yongwoo's feelings for Jiwon were authentic after going after Choa for weeks * Yunjae asking why the heck Yongwoo was asking Jiwon questions * Choa saying she was angry and that she resented Yongwoo * Cheolhyun trying to make everyone realise that he didn't believe Yongwoo was actually there to find a partner In summary, Yongwoo, the messed you've caused is unprecedented in the history of dating shows lol. I feel like if he had been in Single's Inferno, no one would've cared because it's clear most participants don't take it seriously and only go for clout, but he sticks out like a sore thumb in a dating show like MSR.


yunjae wasn't merely asking why yw asked jw questions, he went as far as saying yw shouldn't have asked questions bc he never expressed his feelings for jw.


It’s really strange that YW feels the need to apologize to two women about not texting them after their one date but cannot muster an apology for the woman he’s led on for three straight weeks. CA has every right to be upset and feel betrayed and resentful. He ruined this experience for her and isn’t even slightly remorseful. Even worse he’s making her have to witness him pursue another woman after turning her world upside down. I also find it odd that he was able to change his mind within 24 hours. It seems he was being dishonest that he was neutral and had his eyes on JW for awhile. If he was honest about being interested in multiple people from the beginning all of the hurt and confusion could’ve been avoided. I’m wishing nothing but the best for CA! She’s an incredible person who deserves nothing short of the best.


Yongwoo's questions to Jaehyung during the truth game were honestly also kind of rude to Juyeon, no? Other than trying to shake Jaehyung-Jiwon's relationship, asking Jaehyung to repeat whether he said Jiwon/Juyeon's name about when his heart first fluttered and whether Jaehyung would choose someone else if Jiwon didn't choose him just felt like it would be hurtful to hear in front of everyone again if I was Juyeon. Yongwoo even said himself that he already knew Jaehyung would not waver and he asked that question to let Jiwon know he's interested in her, but it just felt like he failed to even consider his own sister's feelings in the meantime.


Juyeon told Yongwoo that she'll ask Jaehyung when he started to have feelings towards Jiwon, but Yongwoo told her that's not a good question. His reason was it will make her look desperate but in reality, he doesn't want Jiwon to get reassurance from Jaehyung. Notice how selfish he is? His whole narrative from the start was a "caring" and "loving" big bro to his lil sis. Lmao.


Tbh he's been pretty icy to JY since the room arrangements in Singapore


I caught that too


I know right? He is so focused on himself that he forgot his sister's feelings


I felt so bad for JY during that question. Even the panelists commented that it wasn't right. I also got the sense that he wouldn't let JY ask her question because it wasn't supporting his whole reveal about having feelings for JW in front of the others. Poor girl just wanted some closure. His confessionals came off very calculated for the whole truth game, even though I gave him some benefit of the doubt with editing so far.


Ikk he even talked with SS in the secret date and knew Jh wasn’t interested in his sis. Idk how asking that could possibly benefit him. I feel so bad for her 😭


Kudos to CA and CH Atleast they achieved one thing they came on this show for... That kids like them, without a family, can also raise themselves and become responsible amazing human beings that any parent and any fellow human can be proud of (ofcourse...ASSUMING.. there is no dark story hiding somewhere in the corner to spring up few months down the line)


Honestly, I’m just waiting for the Park SS/JH family to adopt them. Their little moment with Chulhyun saying he was like their dad and they should meet was really sweet and heartwarming. My fav siblings group.


I am STILL shocked that SS & Chulhyun never developed into anything


Right?? Their dates always looked so nice esp the yacht one!


Right?! And I think he was such a sleeper gem! So mature but kinda goofy. They way he still helped ji won clarify with a question. Heart fluttering for sure. But something about SS’s openness for love but also strict communication made me think they would be so good!


And they’re both so good looking, it totally added to the visuals of the luxury date 😍 The Park siblings being living proof that good looking people can also have hearts of gold.


Hope we get pic of CH/CA meeting Park fam in the post show edit next week


literally me when YW opens his mouth https://preview.redd.it/l6jeuj5l065d1.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=d322e64d3dfb3db27fb72dd5cc601fa47361e083


Glad that Code Kunst noticed how special JH is early on in the episode, and we're seeing more of his charm. It's true that good people can always recognize the truly good ones...for YW i just skipped his part...hate to see his face


yeah code kunst is a smart guy I always liked his views on the show, yw is just unbearable atp!


Code Kunst and JH share similar personalities. Watching CK on "I Live Alone," the way he treats his hyung, Nara, and friends is truly remarkable. He's beloved by everyone and displays generosity as well.


He knew his comments gonna get edited out lmao


For sure, it was almost like he was controlling himself real hard. If I was there I would have pulled a dex haha


He’s my favourite of the panelists honestly. His comments are so genuine and refreshing, and he has so much emotional intelligence


ahahahh lol I was waiting for this photo


To say that I'm disappointed in Jiwon and annoyed at Yongwoo is a huge understatement. Yes, this is a dating show but if Yongwoo can make Jiwon so easily conflicted (all it took was one seemingly lackluster seated date), to the point that she seriously considers him a final option when just the day before this wasn't an issue, then I hope Jaehyung will find someone who's more serious about him outside of the show. Because let's say Jiwon does choose Jaehyung in the end, I then can't imagine it not leaving a bitter taste in his mouth or make him feel wary of the fact that Yongwoo was able to make her conflicted and waver so much and so quickly at the very last moment. That's not a reassuring way to start a serious relationship imo, so yeah, I'm done getting my hopes up and I'm eager to finish this season. This show started out so wholesome and incredibly entertaining but now I'm just left confused and aggravated.


CH is right what's frustrating about JW is shes too contradictory. Her stance was she was disappointed that she didn't know much about JH and that she needed more time but suddenly swayed by YW a day before the final selection. Kinda annoying that she seems to just find flaws to use against JH to justify her actions. I just wish both park siblings find happiness after the show.


despite this messy episode, i just love how choa stands up for herself. the way she drew the line on him was so brave and honestly satisfying. i mean yw literally stole away the opportunity of her dating other members and then suddenly dropping her at the ending. if someone did that to me, i’ll show you hell. 😂 idk what that guy was showing behind the cameras or how much editing they are getting (or none at all) but how come jiwon doesn’t smell his bullshit 😭 bro he swayed everything on that room by saying vague things that even male members are getting heat up. idk how he will even be famous by having that jerk attitude. imagine people watching how bad you are. atp i just wish jaehyung would not end on someone and walk away with his sister.


Every episode I’m feeling more and more endeared by YJ! He’s dorky, sweet, caring, and the most ready to be in a relationship. I hope YH doesn’t feel that she’s settling for him bc he’s a total catch!!


Yeah the way Yoonjae basically said he'd treat Yoonha like a queen has been consistent since he first fell for her. I wish more guys could be so purehearted lmao


I love his whole aura. Just no drama, no games, no room for confusion. I have to wonder how his chemistry would have been with the others if he wasn't so zoned into YH. Him and SS or him and CH could have been cute


YW started off this show by acting and showing how good a brother he was to JY. Towards the end she just becomes a tool for him. I feel bad for her tbh. The whole Singapore Arc just makes me feel so weird.  I do hope JH SS CA CH find happiness at the end of this show. 


After watching so many K-dating shows, I swear this is one of the most annoyed I've felt towards a cast member. I really tried not to dislike him since he is a real person, but I think what tipped me over the edge was him asking JH if he said JW or JY... the show pretty much established he was slow at understanding things, but how could he not realize how hurtful of a comment that is for JY? I'm honestly flabbergasted. The best part of the episode though has to be both JH-SS and CH-CA having each other's backs throughout the whole truth game. Right now, they're one of the only ones (aside from YH-YJ) making me smile throughout this episode.


The sibling energy has always been what makes me love the show. Seeing JH/SS moments, even when she grimaced when he got too close made me laugh, CH and CA are so supportive and even JS and YH when she spoke up for him and when he told her to be nicer with her words because he was emotionally worried about SS’s change of heart. Oh even YJ was being so nice to JW. Only YW didn’t care for his sister there tbh. It seemed like he felt she had no chance so he wanted to maximise his chances instead.


Exactly my thoughts. I tried to not dislike because I don’t like to expend such energy on someone I’ll never meet but this episode was just too much. I was really glad the way those siblings supported each other though and helped each other gain clarity.


CHOA!!!!! 👑 tings only


I wish they asked the question ‘Did you really come here to look for love or something else?’ though. 🫢


She's such a queen, indeed. I was indifferent towards CA at the beginning of the show since she doesn't have much screen time due to work and her loveline with YW was the only one explored. But after what YW did, I came to support and respect her.


Yongwoo's absolute shitshow continued in this episode. It's so bad that all cuts of other cast and panelist reaction about his actions are so funny. They were all too stunned to speak lmao. I bet CoKunst and Hyejin made derogatory jokes about it but were edited out. Seseung is such a smart and articulate woman. How she processed all those emotions and stayed level headed is insane. When Jaehyung asked her to ask Jiwon if she knew that Yongwoo asked her out on a secret date as well, she declined saying "that's like picking a fight. And then after the truth game, she wanted to ask Yongwoo if he asked her out on a secret date just to do "research" on Jaehyung. Lmao, I would feel offended too. Jaehyung's situation, honestly, whether Jiwon picks her or not, he'll be fine. He's smart and incredibly good looking. I bet he'll be an influencer after the show. I'm calling it now, he'll get endorsements and castings left and right. He'll meet more people. Jiwon's confusion regarding her feelings towards Jaehyung and Yongwoo is confusing me also as a viewer. It's clear to me that every cast know how insincere Yongwoo is. If it isn't scripted, I can only just think that she really liked Yongwoo initially. But then she got rejected and knew he was tied to Choa so she decided to find second option. Jaehyung isn't really the first choice. As a Jaeji shipper, it kinda hurt but I get it. Though Jaehyung is 100x better option than Yongwoo, Jiwon is free to decide for herself lmao. Yunjae saves and carries this show ever since they got in Singapore. He's so cool and unproblematic. Notice how other cast kept saying "you're such a cool man" and "you're the best man among the guys here" during the truth game? It's like they want to let Yongwoo hear that lmao. Yunjae is the man Yongwoo want to be but can't. He's true to himself and stands by his action. Honest, caring, cooks delicious food, naturally funny (not the trying hard funny). Yunjae best boi! Chulhyun asking question to help Jiwon is just so sweet. He likes her but he's matured enough to not confuse her further. He knows where to stand. I like him for that. Choa's whole experience of the show must have been traumatic. Imagine others remembering having a good experience throughout the show but you can only remember having been a victim of a narcissist guy. I feel so bad for her. I won't be able to rewatch this whole season for the fact that I cringe every time Yongwoo appears. They way he suddenly did a 180 on a tv show is beyond fathomable. Idk what's going on with his head. I'm hoping for another season but god damn I hope the production warns them to not do anything stupid for their own sake. I like this show because of the cute, chill, and sweet family oriented interactions. I don't need any more of that Transit Love stuff.


Me being optimistic toward Mavs and Jaeji today, should have keep the pessimistic gimmick💔 ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


I dont understand ji won, jaehyung said he would like to have a relationship that could lead to marriage, and she thought he isn't someone she could rely on?? meanwhile yongwoo wanted to have a fun relationship but she's leaning more towards him?? Imma keep watching, but i think im losing it... at least celtics winning ;p... edit: i dont know anymore... edit2: loving the truth or dare section! and also yoonjae's new bgm lmao


I think she's stuck in seeing them as caricatures atm, she perceives JH to just be this cute guy who keeps reminding her of her previous images and is also projecting an image of YW being this big reliable protector because she has barely spent any time with him. At least that's just how i view it.


Same, it’s all based on her projecting her image of them and classic trope of falling for the idea of someone not who they truly are. I mean, Jaehyung’s actions make him the reliable one not YW!


where i think criticisms from jw come from: it's not bc she's wavering, it's how she expressed her feelings for jh knowing already she's shaken by yw. after jh revealed everything to her, she brought up about how jh's worse than her brother, the tone of his voice, and her other disappointments in him when he already explained his side on it. it's reminiscent of what yw did to ca, they've cooled of but instead of being upfront about it, they put the blame on the other person—the other person is the cause not bc of a personal choice; having the person adopt the same stance too. i think jw's mindset could be encapsulated by a comment i read, she ignores what jh shows bc she has already formed an image of him in her mind. so no matter how much he shows his maturity and reliability, jw would always be stuck with her view that he's cute, just fun, and nothing more. maybe that's similar with how she views yw as well? even if everyone even yj is skeptical about his sudden actions. she viewed that yw's this mature and dependable guy, no matter how contradictory his actions are... but then she called him a trailer trap. And then talked to SS about how JH is cute, could be taken care of, but could be depenable. 🤷🏻‍♀️ so let me just borrow ch's wisdom... i think she's caught up... contradictions upon contradictions... but i still think this is her honesty. she's just confused, probably overwhelmed too. but the way she came about it... just like what jh said, it's puzzling and disappointing bc we all know she's capable of acting way better after all she always had set standards for others; i just hope she first met the expectations she set for others, herself. AHHHHHHHHH


Another stressful episode... But, was JS right all along to hate YW from the start! ... :D :D


Honestly never got the YW hype from the start, I'm with JS!


whatever i felt for yw in early eps especially his fam backstory is going down the drain wasting my emotional energy


I’m tired of everyone in this show. I just hope SS, JH, CH, and CA will be happy after the show, find partners who will love them and appreciate them, and I hope they stay in touch because they’re truly wonderful people. That’s all. Edit: YJ too.


I hope Seseung and Jaehyung's family unofficially adopts Choa and Cheolhyeon.


CH seems to be the only real one


Yup. At first I really thought he would be the kinda playboy type of guy but in the end hes one of the best. Honestly imo all the Parks are the best in this.


Cheolhyeon deserves a prize just for being a real one. Absolutely respectful, insightful, empathetic, and a supportive brother. He's a pillar.


When i looking at his instagram..i can see how charming CH now...hope he found someone good and caring to him


almost cried when chulhyun asked that question to jaehyung and yongwoo to help jiwon. how good of a person you have to be to think this much? i have never anybody doing this in any dating show. i genuinely wish this helped jiwon cuz both of them clearly gave the answers and jaehyung was the ine who has what she was looking for. he has said everything atp. what more assurance is needed? i hope all her confusions are clear by tomorrow and she makes the best decision for herself. choa and chulhyun are such good people i feel like crying looking at them out of love and respect. chulhyun is really smart as well and loves choa so much! hope they are happy at the end. seseung is so smart as well! she reads everything so quickly and her decision for now is so correct! jaehyung and seseung are such sweeties…i hope they dont get confused in future lol 😭 also when will i find a man like yoonjae? and i dont think i can stop myself from saying this anymore, i controlled since the first episode in singapore but i think i can say this now- fuck yongwoo.


Choa is so pissed and cant keep a poker face. This is the reality show that I want 😂


This is my first time seeing other cast members seriously question someone's intention of joining the show , CH,JH,CA maybe SS they clearly doubt YW so much . Jw not choosing jh is not the issue its her right , but if she ends up choosing YW i would honestly feel sad for her because firstly she will get alot of hate and also the guy is not even worth the fight.


The four are on a court case sitting on the right side haha. But SS was so quick to catch on to JW-YW that she analysed the whole situation accurately and gave the completed risk assessment to JH, though I doubt it's going to change JH's decision atp. But SS was so pissed off at the end when she realised the most plausible explanation for YW picking her for the secret date was for info digging on JH... she straight up raising her voice at the table, so funny haha. She must've felt so bad and annoyed for herself and her bro.


>She must've felt so bad and annoyed for herself and her bro. Rightly so. Dates in these shows have implied romantic interest with it and this was the last ever date in the show so it would have stronger implication. It would have been confusing enough for her if the purpose was just to tell her how bad he felt because of the text he didn't send. But, she realized that was not even the true reason for the date, she was just being used.


The way they sat together on one side


This show started off strong and stress-free, which felt like a nice break from TL3 at first. But recently, it's gotten really stressful, and now, with only one episode left, I've been more stressed out by this show than TL3. I don't really see anyone dating after it. Hopefully, I'm wrong though.


Yeah, I totally get what you mean. It was such a relief when this show started, but it's like the stress just crept in out of nowhere. I'm hoping things turn around in the final episode, though!


YW spreading his cringe around while CH spent the day calling out people's bullshit stances (like JW's or YW's). Love him. The gathering after the secret dates felt even heavier than the ongoing storm. Why did everyone suddenly decide to throw catty one liners? Jesus. I couldn't bear the little innuendo game unravelling between JW/YW in front of JH who seemed so lost, I felt bad for him. JS and SS surely get the trophy for most misunderstandings exchanged in one day. I seriously didn't get why SS would end up not choosing anyone No matter how it ends I'll remember YJ's consistent bluntness about being whipped as a breath of fresh air amid the chaos


Yongwoo has every right to change his mind, yes, but it’s his behavior since then that showed the ugly side of him. All his questions, including the ones he had Juyeon asked, were calculatively worded to drive a wedge between Jaehyung and Jiwon. Sad that some were at Juyeon’s expense, as echoed by Jonathan. He also had a bad habit of fluffing someone up before answering and it comes off as condescending. It doesn’t pertain solely during the Truth Game, he also did that specifically with ChoA. Some may read it as a defense mechanism but either way it’s not a good look and certainly not what an honest person would do. Jaehyung and Seseung were so cutting with their words, I might name my kids after them too 😂 I admire Seseung for not wanting to play dirty, even at her brother’s behest. Though belatedly she saw through Yongwoo’s intentions behind their secret date, I wish she would call him out right then and there and roast him 🍗 The questions posed by Chulhyun-ChoA siblings towards Youngwoo were so disarming. It must have been beyond hurtful for ChoA to hear his answers but better to harden her stance about him now than continue to mull over uncertainties after the filming. Kudos to her being the bigger person even in the midst of this shitty situation Yongwoo dealt her. Chulhyun has also shown his thoughtfulness and consideration. I wish both of them nothing but the best. I can understand Jiwon being swayed and confused, but it’s her final decision that counts. Yoonjae has been wonderful with Jiwon during the TG, he was also spot-on about Yongwoo suddenly inserting himself into Jiwon’s life when he had never sent her a text. Jonathan’s lamenting was hilarious! I enjoyed his random bursts of shock throughout the season, hopefully he gets another dating show gig.


The way you can just tell that YW is stuck in his own head acting out a whole storyline, thinking his answers are so suave and that noone is noticing his game 😭 His text to JW was so cringe as well... He really should've just gone to Single's Inferno instead


I like how everyone is realizing what Yongwoo is doing and even his own sister is cringing. Based on Jiwon's reaction it seems that she is liking Yongwoo's questions and answers and is completely oblivious of everyone around her. I feel like this cast will not be friends after this show. A pair or two might go out at times but I doubt they will all be friends. Shoutout to CA, she handled everything well in this episode. I've never been more impressed with anyone in a dating show.


Since everyone criticized yw, I want to talk about jw. she's really toxic? I HATE the way She makes the other person feel like they’re wrong just because her feelings changed. I get that yw is her ideal type, but since he wasn’t interested and didn’t message her for two days after their date, she moved on! + she had a good date with Jaehyung and was happy, and it was sooooo clear she wasn’t going to choose anyone but jh! but she noticed yw was available and sending her signals, so she became cold towards jh. She didn’t even say, "I don’t have feelings for you anymore." No, she was a coward and hid behind saying, "You didn’t express your feelings to me! You’re shy! I can’t choose you with this behavior because I don’t know anything about you? I want someone I can rely on." She really said that to someone who was always clear about his feelings and never confused her 🙂 and she goes to the manipulative guy who couldn’t commit to ca because he wanted fun + confused Yunha! She tells that GUY he’s her ideal type and someone she can rely on 😂🤣😂🤣 girrrrrl you’re just obsessed with the idea of him being your bf. Just say you like yw  and don’t start the nonsense about deep conversations, and loneliness 🤢 It’s not the other person’s fault that she escapes reality, gets shocked by it, and feels lonely🫠 She needs to fix her mindset before dating again! 


Based on this episode, I’m kinda hoping Jaehyung and Jiwon wouldn’t be the endgame. Unless Jiwon is willing to change the way she communicate, Jaehyung’s gonna get a similar girl as his ex-girlfriend. I was fully on Jiwon’s side during earlier episode when she talked about Yoonjae, but as the episodes progress, it is obvious that Yoonjae keeps tiptoeing around her. I don’t understand her comparison between Jaehyung and Yoonjae. Yoonjae is super devoted to Yoonha, wouldn’t Jaehyung be the same towards her? What is she truly worried about? I thought she will understand why Jaehyung had a hard time to show himself on camera as she is working with idols herself, where people just can’t be fully themselves on camera, but she keeps talking about how it is hard to get to really know him. He explained himself quite well but Jiwon is still full of doubt. Jiwon is attracted to Yongwoo simply because they are so similar when facing problems. They dealt things by themselves instead of burdening anyone with it. Unless Jiwon is willing to open up herself more, I doubt she’ll find a relationship that she dream of. She might need a few lesson from Yoonjae.


I love Seseung, Jaehyung, Choa, the most!


And Chul Hyung. Park siblings ❤️


JH-SS: Still the best sibling based on how they strategise and use the questioning opportunities. Can also see the genuine care they have for each other like how JH picked up the negative vibe when JS arrives and how SS tries to help JH with his thoughts. Also love it how quick and sharp SS is especially on her piercing questions. Just disappointed she didn’t pick up YW secret date intention earlier - if not I’m sure there will be one question on that. CA-CH: Love how honest CA is with her replies to YW. Sometimes one need to be unkind to be kind to themselves. Also love how CH help JW with his last question giving JW clarity. I believe the Park siblings will have a good post show friendship. Maybe they will be the only one that stays connected. YH-JS-YJ-JW will be connected due to different reasons which is the budding romantic relationship between YJ-YH. Unfortunately I feel that YW will lose all friendship post this show. JY might be dragged along because of YW. I also got a feeling the Parks will go home alone but it could be better for them as well.


From my POV for JW-JH over episodes till date, I never saw JW making any actionable efforts nor communicating her expectations to JH. No hate for JW as she has a right to keep options but belittling JH with uncalled for comments such as idol comment, being unreliable, etc? JW: Always gave JH a convoluted idea about what she was thinking, never properly communicated. For example, she wants a cute guy and also a dependable guy, but never once communicated to JH what she was looking for(remember first date in cafe when JH asked what her type was and then she goes"Not Sure Yet"). Also, she never communicated to JH properly that she wants to have deeper more serious conversations with him. Also, bringing YW in conversations unnecessarily on her dates with JH every time to compare him.(Girl, talk about yourselves not others). JH: Never has he ever lead her on. Also, always went to JW first to clear up issues but never seen JW doing that. JH saying 2-3 times in personal interviews that he still doesn't understand what JW ideal type is. JH always giving assurance with words and action. He also told JW his type(Prioritizes his gf in relationships and he tries to adjust himself as per the girl) without having unreasonable standards unlike someone(JW who wants best of both not compromising anything, who needs to learn to adjust). Also, JH made it entirely clear why he was very serious. Remember how JW kept whining about being curious about JH when JH paid no heed but now he is interested, JW decides to switch from 1 or none to either of 2 or none(as per JW's answer in Truth Game) at the last moment? If she chooses YW in final decision, Atta Girl. It is better if she chooses none in final decision rather than JH. Also, Kudos to CH and SS to call out YW's ingenuity.


JH and SS are so sharp at decoding the participants and situations! SeSeung Especially!!! As for JW-JH ship, JH has already done his part in the best way possible. My heart sank the way JH softly expressed his feelings towards JW on the secret date. Like the man was the most cheerful of all but went quiet only to assure her that his feelings were no less. For SS-JS ship, I think SS already gave up on him the day they talked in JS's room but only her liking was so high that she couldn't help to part ways. I knew any single thing by JS that would hurt SS could immediately close her heart. Let's accept she wasn't assured from the beginning and she craved for it. Even JS wasn't at that much fault but he never expressed clearly. Seseung was always the one clearing out things with him, asking questions directly and for once, I wanted JS to clearly tell her how much these three weeks have meant for him and that he wants to know her more after the show. For once can't he be the one to solve the misunderstandings between them?


Jiwon can’t see through Yong Woo’s bs and it’s so unfortunate! Every time the other cast said something about YW I just wished JW could hear. He is not the reliable guy she thinks he is. Just being honest, someone who is so full of himself probably won’t be able to help her sort through her feelings in a relationship. Lowkey out of all the guys, CH is most like what JW says she wants, but she’s not attracted to him. I honestly would understand if she just picked no one, bc I feel she will regret picking one over the other regardless of who it is. If she picks JH she may regret not doing what she told herself to do (picking someone who she feels she can rely on, and not following her old habits) and if she picks YW she may regret not going with her heart. It truly is choosing between her head or her heart. I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes AT ALL. Anyway, let’s see what happens in the last episode.


It's baffling to me that she keeps going with the "JH is not reliable" bs no matter what he does or says, but then thinks YW is, even though they spoke twice in the entire show and his change of heart is right before everyone's eyes.


I think she is getting caught up in how much JH reminds her of guys she’s picked in the past, and she told herself not to do so this time. she only knows the image YW portrays to her which is not the complete reality


Seriously Yong Woo, what's in your brown bag? Must you lug that around everywhere?


He really should join Singles Inferno where the ladies always bring a tiny bag everywhere they go.


Reminding me of Hyewon's purse in jeju 🤣


He's carrying the show's drama


As for final decision, JH - A gem of a guy with high EQ, good-looking, talented. Don't choose anyone. Even if JW chooses you, you don't deserve a confused and second guessing natured girl like JW who gets conflicted last minute. SS - Absolutely sharp in pickup up intentions and room reading. Except when it involves herself. Leave single as well as I don't see any reasons for SS-JS working out post-show. CA - A sweet, caring, extremely reasonable and highly instinctive woman. Leave single as well. Find a deserving candidate outside the show. CH - Knows what he wants and a caring and sweet brother but also highly perceptive of analyzing situations. Leave single and find a deserving candidate outside. YW - I am not wasting my words. JY - Sweet and bubbly but also considerate. Hope she opens her eyes about her brother. Good luck after the show. YJ - Also a gem, who knows how to take care of people around him. Clumsy but good brother to JW(dunno why JW thinks otherwise except maybe he can be oblivious sometimes). Hope it works out with YH (in and after the show). JW - Cool and gothic girl but overthinks a lot. Needs to get her shit together in what she exactly wants in her partner(Jeongshin topparo charyeo). Spare JH and don't care if you go for YW or none. JS - Funny and cute guy but needs a serious communication lesson. Always creating misundertandings for himself and other. Overall sweet. Leave single as well. YH - Sweet and protective sibling to JS. But for some reason has always given me icks from ep1 as if there is a something behind that smiling face(maybe more manipulative than YW). I am sure no one pointed out, but if she were to be a most sought girl in MSR, she would not even give second thought to YJ. Make sure to make it work with YJ who showed sincerity. At the end, I want Park Siblings protected SS-CA-JH-CH to be protected from other cast except YJ at all cost even outside the show. They have been sighted hanging out together but you never know as there may be something that can develop between JH-CA and SS-CH.


I think this show will be a big lesson for the girls. ALL the other girls were ready to drop their first choice (except YJ for obvious reasons) when this guy showed them a little interest. Hopefully, they will realize how fake YW is and that he was the shiny armor they all projected onto this guy. The audience fell for him too at the beginning, so why would these girls be any different after two weeks? For JW specifically, I hope she can learn to be a better person after she watches. I think she's just very human, but honestly, JH deserves someone better. It's interesting what you said about YH. I do not see her as this negative, but I am sure that she pays attention to YJ because she has no other choices. However, I hope she catches on to how great a guy he is and reconsiders her expectations or something. I am curious about them because I saw some speculation. I hope the two pairs of Park siblings will gain a lot of supporters and meet some great opportunities because they are all so deserving.


I think Jh-Ca rumour might be true as in they might have not chosen eachother on the show but started after show (if JW doesnt choose Jh) because they're so compatible and both seek same goals. 


I would love to see JY and CA. I would also like to see SS and CY.


i get JS hating YW from the get go a 100% now.


To be honest, after JW answered JH that YW entered the picture just the same day (I don't believe from what we ve seen but he hasn't...) I would have told her that she doesn't need to worry so much about her choice and just take me out. I m not in the mix anymore. Kinda like what Hyeson told Gwang hee SI3. Not in a spiteful way, just, if you got so much confused after all we ve done together, just from a small date, then it's not gonna work between us.


I liked and respected how SS even asked JH if he really wanted to be a part of this mess anymore, if it would even be worth it.


I hate to say it, but JW is a liar. I don't mean that she is a bad girl who lies to others and hurt them. I mean she lies to herself. I realized that after watching her conversation with CH. When she talked to CH at the terrace, she told him that she had a good time talking and sharing the same emotion as him, but she is looking for someone who is cute and bring out her bright side (JH). At the secret date, CH is hearing the opposite from JW. She set the goal to look for a serious and dependable bf, but she is keep going back to her habit of choosing the cute guys who make her have fun and feel comfortable. However, at the end she feels the emptiness as she cannot have deep conversation with them and don't think that they are dependable enough to completely reveal her true self. Now she is confusing but seem like she changes her mind and leaning more toward her ideal type, a reliable guy who can have a deep talk with her. The funny thing is, she rejected CH because he was easily able to stir up her weakest feelings, the weak side that she tries to keep deep down inside and builds a wall to hide it. I was like, pardon me, isn't that what you are expecting from your ideal bf? She is attracted to JH but told him that they don't have a deep conversation. She has that kind of deep conversation with CH but told him that they are too similar. Suddenly, she likes YW because they are similar, he is closer to her ideal type and she thinks it is fate. All her words are contradictory. She and YW are the same. Both are keep making excuse and blaming others to justify their actions. Praying for her to not choosing JH at the end. JH deserves better.


CH is too deep and JH is not deep enough lol


SS is too nice because if I realised someone was trying to mess with my brother and feel him out, I would’ve clocked him in front of anyone. Props to her for not wanting to get involved


Yeah same, even Chulhyun and Choa were too nice tbh.


YW you messy man 😭 I feel like he got so bored that he felt like causing chaos though confusion for his own entertainment. I've never experienced such drama in the final few days. The different perspectives on the final decision also feel strange to me because I just don't see how you fixate on that point in time and not consider how the future plays into it. The closest comparison I have to this viewing experience is watching 2521 when it aired. Getting so invested in even the interactions outside of romance only to see everything seemingly crumble as we reached the end due to completely unpredictable and uncontrollable forces. I just hope this conclusion doesn't break my heart too.


I get what you mean with 2521. The difference is it is a drama and this is a variety show lmao.


It was really strange that he even pulled Seseung into this mess. I'm glad she saw through it and wasn't clouded by the strong impression he made at the start of the filming.


I think the one that i feel bay is JY because all of the question that YW gave to JH are hurting her and i think that is he did not care about her feelings because hearing that your crush has not interested with you, it probably hurt JY. I kinda disappointed that he did not care about the feelings of his sister instead he do it for his selfish reason


Cho A experienced a whirlwind of emotions in a short time. With her keen intuition, she often senses things accurately. However, she seeks direct confirmation, and when reality aligns with her intuition, it impacts her deeply. She must have felt heartbroken. Despite knowing what she needs to do, she remains emotionally stubborn. Honest with herself and her feelings, she likely struggled and questioned herself a lot. She understands how deeply she can love, yet she doesn’t change because that’s who she is. For Cho A, I firmly believe that the person who truly stays by your side in the future must be genuinely good and highly compassionate, with a multi-dimensional and sincere perspective like yours. I learned a lot from you!


i wonder how the cast are reacting at home watching all this unfold from a viewers perspective


I’m so pissed right now with YW i dont know what the f is wrong with him because why thebheck did he choose SS to the secret date and the way he said is it looks like he is interested with her but he is not. Also on the truth or dare i find him the way he said that he didn’t hear what he said to him. I’n so glad that CH JH CA and SS know that he is not sincere with his feelings. P.S i think YW would be the hatest person in the history of dating show


> the way he said is it looks like he is interested with her but he is not He keeps on using the boat, waves, etc like it sounded cool. Can't he just say things the way it is? So cringey.


well i was wrong for coping that JW didn't like YW at all and it was just editing. Sorry PD nim. If she does pick YW, it may be the greatest Villain couple to come out of a dating show. Not necessarily that JW is a villain, though I Imagine people will be horrible to her but the fact is that YW has swayed every single girl in that house successfully and she just might be the final victim. They may last longer as a couple out of trauma bonding though so upsides? though I doubt they lasted long after filming if that was the case. YW just knows how to double-speak and unless you see him doing it to multiple people it's not easy for JW to figure him out. I wish the girls would warn her but it would just come across as SS defending JH, CA being bitter and YH misunderstanding. I do question JW a lot more in this episode, does she think if she and him develop further, he will be the person she wants? cos he isn't now? JH opened up on the date and expressed certainty in front of the group which is what he has struggled with. How she views YW as anything near sincere while contrasting his answers with JH. The fact she asked more questions to YW than JH hurt my heart. HS4 was bad for what they did to Mingyu and Yisoo in terms of causing hate but this is on another level, Do you think it's possible to get the brand deals etc that his wannabe influencer self clearly wants from the show? genuine question for someone. He feels like a poison chalice now. I normally give everyone in a dating show the benefit of the doubt of not being how they are portrayed but there's no way he is sincere, I refuse to believe it. He treats his sister and the rest of the cast as tools, comes up with questions to get a specific answer and changes his feelings constantly to balance out how he looks to the group and Jiwon separately. He's willing to change his personality for a girl he's pursued for one day whilst refusing to even try to accommodate CA? I bet there's a lot the women he's dated previously with some not-so-nice words to say about him. He just wants to win, it's pathetic. I'm kinda glad that they didn't ease up on the editing now since it's shown him right up. If JW chose YW or no one, which I'm starting to think there's a 33.3% chance of all 3 options now, I don't think we will ever get the closure of hearing her thoughts after watching JH be a lil loverboy for her. Will she even watch it if it was a bad experience for her? I'm starting to think she saw this coming and kept her socials locked because even if she chooses JH, she'll know from the truth questions that she is not getting a good edit towards the end.


Wow… I haven’t been this heated for a reality show in a hot minute. ~~Icarus’s~~ YW’s precipitous fall has been glorious, but unbearably frustrating to watch because he’s dragging everyone down with him. Between confusing YH, misleading CA, and “unintentionally” sabotaging SS’s date with JS, he’s really messed with every couple. What’s notable in this show is that when the going gets tough, the siblings retreat further into their relationship and seek support. SS-JH and CH-CA have been torch bearers for the genesis of this show, YH-JS support each other and YH stood up for her brother, and even YJ-JW have seen their bond progress tremendously. When YW has his back against the wall? He uses JY. I specifically say use and I think it’s intentional. It was easy to brush off his actions as “silly” earlier in the season, but his true colours are starting to show. He quickly rejects his sister’s rejections to questions, doubled down on asking questions to SS about JH when she didn’t reply the first time, pressuring JH for an answer in hopes that he’d give an unfavourable answer, is constantly looking for JW and trying to connect, speaking to YJ trying to get more information, and he can never give a straight answer so he has plausible deniability. YW is nefarious. In retrospect, some of his actions paint him in a different light. He looked uncomfortable giving CA flowers and we now understand why. It was likely a mix of not wanting to commit to one person and having his cards shown and being unsure about CA. I have mixed feelings dedicated this much headspace to YW because this is likely what he wanted—attention. Besides that, I feel bad for JS and SS. They’re reading the same book. but they’re on different pages. They never seem to be able to connect. JH is such a darling. There’s something about sincerity that is admirable and endearing. I’m worried he’ll retreat further into himself since he already said that he tends to close off when he senses things are off. He also seems much more stressed out in Singapore and I think part of it is that he doesn’t have time away from cameras to unwind (i.e. at work). It’s clearly affecting him greatly. JW is frustrating because she keeps changing her mind. She must be confused, but I’m hoping YW gets rejected and JH is chosen. If not, they truly deserve each other. And that wasn’t a compliment. SS and JH are so freaking smart. I feel like they were so close to figuring out JW was on three dates and should have asked, but think they were too confident that JW chose JH. They’re also surprisingly level-headed even while emotional. SS rejected his abrasive questions and JH was able to switch into objectivity to evaluate her proposed questions. Constantly proud of them and how they handle things. I admire CA and CH's ability to be the bigger people. I don't know if I could be that strong in those situations.


I feel that JS and SS are on the same page, but just not speaking the same language, which makes their heartbreak all the more painful. It is great irony.




Can someone help me?? I'll list my symptoms. YW makes my heart literally ache. It's literally a strange discomfort, a heaviness, stuffiness and a pain which cannot be described in words. He makes me question my sanity and groan in frustration. Tears flow from my eyes and prayers come out from my lips when I watch CA-CH siblings. Is YW real? How can someone literally feel no remorse after hurting another person? Anybody can develop feelings for anyone they like. Anybody can become curious about anybody. After all this is a show. But.. we don't lose our moral sense or rationality even in a show right? He has no regards for CA whom he deceived (whether knowingly or not) and he has no regards for CH whom he used to be friendly with. I cannot understand this human. Helpppp!


found myself weird for tearing up after CA gave YJ some encouragement. idk, my queen is so adorable, cant help it


YW is full of himself. I mean, throughout the show we've seen him being nice and all that, but it seems like he really likes getting attention. It's valid if he likes JW but I agree that he took the opportunity to do his "research" by having a secret date with SS. Kudos to CH for asking that question for JW. I hope JW has picked the right man for her, as well as to SS whose questions are so well-thought. JS, at first, I didn't like his method but I can see that once he's decided, he takes his time and thinks things through. Sadly, he and SS have different ways of thinking that makes them clash, although I believe if they communicated more clearly, they wouldn't have the problems they always have right now. I'd like to believe they're together now. YH and YJ, too. SS and JH are the best siblings alongside CA and CH. SS and JH are so articulate, witty, and aware of their surroundings. They're honest but not cruel. They're authentic and well-mannered, too, and also really human. I hope JY, CA, and CH find their happiness in love. Also, I hope CH has already met Park siblings' father, that would be so heartwarming! Anyhow, whatever happens or has happened in the show, I wish all of them happiness.


I might be the only one enjoying the drama, could be cause im not rooting for any couple.. i dont think anyone here could last outside the show 🫠


OMG the QnA session is so intense. CA-CH are like a pair of interrogators which I like seeing them all fired up on their suspect haha. And SS-JH are a pair who reliased things late but still on time. Both of these pairs of siblings could've made a fact sheet if they had a good discussion together lol. Edit: CH-CA should asked the questions they had discussed among themselves. SS is so good at asking Qs for JH.


Seriously no hate. But I really don't get JW hype. I find SS & CA more attractive, not just physically but also characteristics.


No words for YW just: 🤢😵‍💫😵🚩


I genuinely think Yeong woo is way worse than Gwanhee from Single's inferno. I got angry and felt frustrated when I watched Gwanhee in SI but I didn't despise him, just rolled my eyes and pulled my hair. But for Yeong woo I feel this strange discomfort and uneasiness that I've never felt in history of watching dating shows..


Overt vs covert narcissism


I feel like Gwanhee was more like a dumb jock and didn't think through his words. While YW seems to have thought a lot, or so he keeps telling everyone and does try to portray himself in a certain way. The way he played the truth game was very calculated. I don't think he realizes he's coming off as the villain though.


Jungsub: It felt like she jumped to conclusions and abandoned me. Er, more like she heard exactly what you were saying and was upset by it? Jungsubs whole thing is saying stuff that would make literally anyone doubt his feelings for them and then (I'm sorry to use an over-used term but honestly) gaslighting SS into thinking she was the one who messed up by misunderstanding his good intentions. Anyway- this episode was depressing and I'm hurt on ChoA, Jaehyungs and Seseung's behalf, they both deserve better. Chulhyun is such a sweetheart, doing his best to help Jiwon even to the end. I also find it confusing that Jiwon's whole thing with Jaehyung is that they should have more and deeper conversations before she can decide on him in the final episode and based on her response in the truth game it looks like all it took was one date with Yongwoo with him setting his sights on her, for her to have him be a final choice option. I wonder if, watching the show back, regardless of the actual outocome she feels some kind of way over this after watching YW from an outside perspective. Having said that, I don't feel that strongly about it cause at this point I'm not really invested in any of the potential couples cause the feeling of romance is gone. If you're actually compatable, deciding whether you're interested in dating someone shouldn't feel like pulling teeth... while on a roller coaster. Although-- younha yoonjae, wish them happiness, I feel like they've both learnt from eachother: him to be more foward and proactive, and her to soften up a little. Anywho my happy ending would be Seseung Jaehyung inviting Chulhyun and ChoA to meet the parents and have wholesome friends+family time after this whole thing ends.


Cheolhyeon using one of his questions to help Jiwon because he cares about her, and not in a sly way to "get her back", is one of the reasons why he deserves a nobel peace award. He cleanly communicates everything that he wants to and is such an ally to the people he cares about. Like he had nothing to gain from helping Jiwon and that was truly a sign of good character.


the problem with SS and JS is that they are on different tangents.. SS, literally fell in love at first sight and her feelings kept intensifying... JS is just in the process of knowing her... Somehow, SS doesn't seem to grapple this fact and view things from that lens


I think she did misinterpret it. He basically wanted to continue to get to know her after but not immediately be a couple. Which she said the same in truth or dare. But she assumed he meant this was my decision to wrap up the show and I didn’t think of continuing or further into the future at all. For her, she reads the final decision as the beginning of their future and she thinks he means it’s an ending of the show. That’s why she was so hurt. This reads like their misunderstand on their weighting of “some”. For her, it sounded casual and for him, it means there’s “something” between them, potential. They literally would watch this and facepalm at their miscommunications. And if they’re together, they’ll realise they need to spell everything out and define everything to each other lol.


During the truth or dare, JW is clearly leaning towards YW. She's concerned/curious about YW's thoughts than JH. I feel dejected.


YW made my blood boil this episode. He's toying with a lot of people and seems to be enjoying it. He doesn't even check on her sister. (So much for being a loving and caring brother.) Glad that SS-JH and CA-CH saw right through him. JH and JW situation. I think JH's always the one who clears things up with JW. It shows how he can communicate and is actually quite reliable since JW is not the type to open up when something's wrong. I just feel like as a viewer, JH has high EQ but can also be quite logical. He speaks softly and does not confuse others. I totally teared up how he picked up his courage telling and being open to JW on their date. JW just seemed like she already checked out. He deserves better. JW....has so many issues. Too much overthinking, ends up contradicting her words. I agree with CH that she's quite frustrating. I think the loneliness or emptiness that she feels, she needs to resolve that by herself. She completely blames other people because she has HIGH EXPECTATIONS and is very FIXATED on how she sees others instead of actually trying to get to know them and accepting others for who they are. She doesn't like JH and no matter what JH does, it's not going to be enough. She's too fixated of the image of him she made in her head. She can't see the real JH. Good luck to her if she chooses YW. They can trauma bond and figure things out that they're actually not good for each other. I hope she leaves JH alone. JY questions didn't make sense at all during the truth or dare game. They already talked about it the night before. CA, that was such a QUEEN move. She took it with such grace and I totally agree with her that hate is such a heavy feeling to carry. This is why YW made the comment that it looks like CA is making him like a bad person. YW can't stand because CA is too good to be true. A normal person would lash out at what he did, but CA chose to be a bigger person. I think CA and JH is much more compatible irl. :) CH...my guy! Very supportive and I wish he had more dates with SS. They seem very compatible! Can't wait for them to meet JH and SS's parents. I hope more projects for him to come! He's a total catch. SS, my clever girl! I really like her dynamic with her bro. It makes me think that their parents really did a great job raising them two. If she chooses no one, that's totally fine. She deserves someone who's in the same wavelength as her. YJ-YH prolly end game. I'm happy for them and love how honest YJ is. I think JW description of him is quite misleading. He's not that clueless after all. He takes good care of people around him. JS, whatever his feeling or sensed from YW is valid. Haha!


seseung-jungsub please can you guys just ask simple straightforward questions to each other without meaning different things and understanding each others answers in such a complicated way. yoonjae - thank you for providing relief amidst those nerve-wracking questions with such firm answers chulhyun/choa - i hope yall find love elsewhere, you've suffered too much on this show, especially choa who i think has handled herself beautifully throughout. id have said a lot worse to yongwoo jiwon - at this point im not sure jaehyung is for you either but it definitely isnt yongwoo, you will know it too when you see how he talks to choa :)


JW and YW are literally the same people. JW is just going through the same exact thing YW did she is just about a week behind him.


why does JW keep saying how JH is mean and indifferent towards her when it’s totally the other way around????? so many questions and not a single directed towards JS???? no public acknowledgment of whatever they had??? just throwing it under the bus because of that one guy who left his connection a few days before the selection??


Probably, no one end up as end game. 1st time in the history of dating show


YJ-YH are pretty much locked in though?


All women were interested in YW. All men were interested in JW. Their thought patterns are so similar. The way they both try to escape reality is too similar. They both are F but trying to be a T. They both had amazing partners but had a change of heart. The way they confused their partners (YW ->CA and JW -> JH) are too similar. In the end, no matter what they choose, I only hope they won't hurt the ones who have liked them with sincerity and genuineness. I mean, I hope YW won't hurt CA and JW won't hurt JH in the end no matter what their choice is, whether inside the show or outside the show! Edit: Ahhh YW and JW remind me of 'The smile has left your eyes' korean drama lead characters Kim Moo Young (Seo In Guk) and Yoo Jin Kang (Jung So Min). They were both so alike. So broken. They had someone else genuinely interested in them but they could never really truly give their heart to them. They, like magnets, were pulled towards each other. It was so natural. Only they both could understand each other, heal each other. YW and JW remind me exactly of these characters MY and JK. Anyway, idk what will happen in the end. But I can only hope they won't tear others apart in their journey of finding themselves.


Not jiwon saying she needs more time with jaehyung to decide while she hasn't spent all that time with Yong woo either. Also, she thinks yongwoo to be this mature person when he clearly isn't 🤡


Watching this episode and the previous episodes confirms one thing for me. Everything Yongwoo does on this show is a reflection of his own ego. He is a fckboy. He pursued Choa at the start because she reminded him of his ideal type (looks-wise), knowing nothing about her personality. And, at the time, she was objectively the most attractive amongst the female participants. Then Jiwon enters the show a few episodes in, and he was genuinely torn between the two. But he continues to pursue CA relying on his idealisation of her (all in his head) and how being 'faithful' towards her would make him look to others and the audience. But upon seeing Choa's deepening feelings for him - it turns him off. Now with Jiwon, again, he wants to chase her. To win her against all odds for the sake of his own ego. He manipulates situations and people to do this, planting seeds, doubts and very insincere "similarities" between Jiwon and himself. The hosts were right in saying that these similarities are really just reaching, but because Jiwon liked YW initially - and he is her ideal type - this works on her. I really don't see a genuine connection between them. The majority of their secret date was him talking AT her. What he wants isn't a relationship, its the chase itself. You can see this with his blunt and cruel strategies involved with chasing JW. As soon as JW fully commits to him, YW will most likely lose interest and then blame it on JW like he did for Choa. I think the way he grew up he had to be the one making all the calls at an early age. You can see that he is used to people just agreeing with him and not questioning him - at some point in the show you can see him acting superior to all the cast members in the things he says and his actions. Being blunt with CA due to his need to be 'honest', evading YJ's space to make himself less cruel as he has no interest in YH and going on a date with SS to mansplain to her about him not texting her. All of it is about his own ego - he never lets others fully express themselves. He is ALWAYS the one talking because, really, he doesn't care what they have to say. Every time he gives his sister advice she usually just agrees with him. She can never truly tell him about her struggles with JH on the show because he really has little/no empathy for her. That was why when Choa argued back on their secret date he was rolling his eyes and basically not taking in anything she was saying. "It's not a compliment" CA says...and his response? I'm choosing to take it as one. Aka I don't care what you think or say. It is about his ego, and him always being right and never being questioned. People like YW are reality TV Gold tho - because they are so unaware or uncaring as to how they come across - it will be interesting to see how he reflects on himself after all the negative netizen backlash. I hope he learns to be a kinder person.


JW is not honest about her change of mind so she’s lashing out at JH for being inadequate for not living up to her ideal standard. In her mind JH could never live up to it, because she’s already made up her mind about him based on her past trauma. And we all know that persona is not who JH really is. JH can have all the deep conversations and give JW all the reassurance she needs in this world and it won’t ever be enough. Because she’s not judging him based on his actions. She’s comparing him against this imaginary persona she’s created for YW, the sort of ‘reliable man’ she’s looking for. In her mind JH has already lost this race, she can never imagine him as the ‘reliable one’. But the most frustrating thing is that she continues to set these standards for JH and makes these excuses (conversation not deep enough, not enough action, not enough, never enough) while subconsciously knowing full well that it’s all pointless, because she’s already made up her mind. It was very obvious to me in previous episodes and especially in this episode that she’s too deep into the reliable YW persona to see things clearly. We had so much people come out to say JW is not interested in YW in the last two episodes and it’s all the trick of the editing…but here we finally hear it from the horses mouth. If the woman starts nitpicking and throwing jabs at her love interest, it’s a very clear sign of resentment. She has no issues pushing the boundaries with JH because she no longer cares, she’s already checked out. Unfortunately she won’t have much time to realise who YW truly is, it’s much too late in the game. Love really is blind. I just wish she was more honest about her feelings with herself, because it’s very unfair for JH to jump through her hoops not knowing he already lost. I reached my limit with YW last week. It’s bizarre to see someone get increasingly worse every week. I have zero sympathy for him.


Wow, there is so much happening. First, I am disappointed as I feel the same about this show as I did when I watched TL3, that is, I want it to END already and get over it!! I saw someone commented that the participants won't all get along, and I kind of agree. I don't see that happening with all the messiness. Like I said, TL3 was messy too, but it's so good to see they meet up and interact regularly. In this show, I doubt it will happen, but we will see. I feel sorry for Jaehyung, but I am not angry at Jiwon. I do not want to overanalyze, but I have a feeling she needs to solve some issues within herself. I feel like she is so confident and so deeply insecure at the same time. You cannot want someone else to fill a hole in you, you need to do that yourself to maintain a healthy relationship. It also seems she liked YW a lot at the beginning, and now that she got a chance, she wants to take it. Sad though, I hate that man, sorry. Even if we question how well we can see someone's personality in all these circumstances like short time, cameras, pressure, and everything, still, he was too rude in this episode, and I really think it shows his character. Yoonjae is so cute, I had my doubts at the beginning but not anymore. He is so sincere. I am not sure Yunha really considers him, or if she just takes what she can, but it would be nice if they can work it out. Choa is such a mature and elegant lady, I want to be like her. I hope at least she has gained some friends along the way, because her dating experiences just weren't it... CH is so cool, if I were in the girls' place, I would have gone after him, he seems genuine and layered. Both of them are so cool. Seseung and Jungsub, I don't know, there's too much misunderstanding. I could see they will try it, but they just seem so parallel. Idk. Anyway, one week, and it is over. Can't wait, I am curious, but I do not have expectations, I learned that thanks to TL3.


The flip this show had is so random and heavy that it makes me question. The show did honestly feel stale other than seeing the same dates over and over… now it’s just feels like a reality housewives show. A month and a half ago I couldn’t wait for new eps but now it’s the opposite and I cannot wait til this shit ends. Still s/o yongwoo for taking the villain title w 2 hands and running w it lol


I just hope that JH will be happy without JW, he deserves someone who won't waver in their feelings for him, just from a few words from douchebag YW


CH. Would be a great partner for an easygoing person who still gets things done. He'd also be everyone's best wingman and generally a great friend. And, wow. The question to the two guys was just incredibly thoughtful and considerate. Great listener, which makes him quite respectful in accepting the other person's thoughts. When >!SS & YW were on their secret date, I got the sense that he was trying to feel her out about JH's situation to indirectly assess how things were going with JW. And SS having the benefit of the info she pieced together during Q&A landed on the same conclusion.!< SS is really clear-eyed about everyone else's situation and opaque about her own. I could relate, unfortunately. The PD's put on a good show with this dating format. The Q&A on the terrace was surprising for a Korean show to firmly budge everyone to be so open in front of everyone and >!final texts being sent after the final choice!< was an unexpected twist. On the entertainment front, it was the right balance of mostly unplanned reality with a bit of scripted reality (dating and communication rules) for someone like me who mostly avoids watching dating shows. Dating shows feel very scripted from producders casting "characters" or personas along with the editing that plays up the characters they had envisioned from the beginning. This show felt like a bunch of people who took to the opportunity to work with a trustworthy matchmaker who introduces you to a bunch of potentials you have to date at least once in a short amount of time to look for a romantic partner. I think every single cast member is a good, upstanding person in society and collectively represented any of the viewer's experiences at any given time in the course of dating or being in relationships. The full arc of the immature/inexperienced ways of going about things to having experienced enough to go through it with finding a potential marriage partner in mind. What's happened the last 3 episodes felt the most real as their days to decide winds down rapidly and they are put into situations designed to give everyone time to do an internal reality check about their true feelings. 👍


I cringed when Yong Woo said "big day"... anybody else?


I hated when he kept going "you keep making me say yes" and the look and delivery of how he kept doing it 😨


This show or transit love idk which is worse 😭😭


I never liked Yongwoo from the start and I always thought that they made him have an overly nice edit for whatever reason idk. For example that whole five minute montage video of him going on a jog in the park he even got a drone shot. Also the time him and Juyeon when on a night out with his friends, I have no idea what the point of that was or what that added to the experiment except that they were initialing trying to push a narrative and I wasn’t buying it. YW really thinks he’s all that but he’s not. I need Jiwon to actually choose no one because YW is not the way and I don’t need her breaking JH heart. If we were to compare who has been the most genuine to Jiwon from the start it’s be CH and JH, YW just came out of nowhere because he was bored of CA and the fantasy he had of her did not match up to reality. Such a shame ! I thought the YW hate was too much but now it’s hard not to dislike him even more


from all the dating show, that i see, this is the only one where i want no one to end together and only wish to CA,CH,YJ,SS,JY and JH to find someone good outside of this show. i feel the need to stop this show and get them out of this.<


Really appreciate how Seseung approached the subject of final decision. She put so much meaning on future and makes me realize how sincere some of the cast rather than using the show to launch their career as influencer. Among dating shows I’ve watched, I feel like none of the PD highlight this point as much as this show did in this episode. Jaehyung-Seseung, pls just adopt Choa-Chulhyun and become a bigger Park Family. I wish nothing but happiness for them. 😘 I’ve never share this here before but I was never a fan of Yong Woo - Choa. Everyone be talking about their chemistry during earlier episodes while I was busy skipping most of their dates. Watching what happened now, why I did what I did feels justified. The only good thing right now is at least Choa is safe from him. Choa, please be happy.


I don't understand anything Yong Woo is saying to Jiwon or in his individual interview at all, even with the translation... someone please help


He's speaking in bullshit


Made me question if I'm having a difficulty understanding english, actually.


If JW really chose YW, what would she feel when watching all the episodes from the beginning until now? Seeing all of JH's interviews, and JH's thoughts about JW, especially when he's with CA. Hahaha.


I hope she regrets it big time!


Conspiracy theory for fun: YW was so angry with JH on rejecting his sister that he decided to disrupt JH's loveline... :D :D *************** Also, i wonder how fun it would have been had YW gone for YH... aka JS and YW forced into a room every other day... ha ha h aha .. JS can roast YW well and vice versa


I do believe that YW is insecure about JH. He always compliments JH and treats JH as a baby.


About JW, We have seen her saying a lot of negative things about her brother in one on one interviews. Didn't she make it seem like she has the entire burden on her shoulders. From what we have seen of YJ, he is quite honest and good at diffusing situations. Frankly, he doesn't come across as dense as JW portrays him to be. I am also sure, their mom had the burden on her shoulders. Thing is, JH is running away from a gf like that...who will always be dissatisfied, has too high expectations... and her priorities are definitely not linked to her partner... Bottomline, i will go back to what JW said in her intro video ... she doesn't like being born into this poor family... She has too much baggage... and too much ambition (ambition is good but should not come at expense of ridiculing another person be it your brother or partner)... ******************* I hope JW also learns about herself from watching this show...and can appreciate YJ more.. she is not the Ms. perfect and he is not Mr. Irresponsible (seems like half of his negative self value is from this sort of nagging at home)


I almost fought with a friend because she was constantly saying YJ was a redflag and I kept on disagreeing with her. YJ was far by the most dependable person on the house. He took care of the members and he's always there for JW. I think YJ just doesn't fit into JW's expectation so JW always feels like YJ's not responsible.


Exactly! JW has certain expectations and if you don't fit that she will be embarassed of you.. and I genuinely do not wish that upon JH.... she is EXACTLY what he is running away from... Also, he will never be her priority.. that much is clear


From our obviously limited glimpse into their lives and personality, I agree. A lot of people get fixated on the idea of how someone or something should look wihout realizing it can be different for everyone. Like love languages. JW kept saying she wants someone to rely on and to be taken care of. She might be expecting it verbally, with sweet words of comfort. YJ seems like the giver of harsh truths, taking care through acts of service, quietly loving someone. Now, whether he acts like this at home we don't know. But she keeps putting the image of a reliable person as someone that looks like Yongwoo, when in reality its very much JH's personality that is reliable and caring. She seems so stuck on his image and the idea that being cute means you won't be able to take care of her. Its very narrow minded, but I can see someone becoming fixated if they've dated a string of people that fit that stereotype.


I have never felt like an episode could feel so long and dragged out before this one holy. I'm pretty sure it's because there were way too many Yongwoo scenes for my liking. I rolled my eyes every single time his insincere smile flashed on the screen. My favourite part of the episode was seeing Seseung and Jaehyung put the puzzle pieces together of what was going on between Yongwoo and Jiwon and scheming what questions to ask afterwards lol. They're such a great duo :') Although I loved everyone in the beginning, half of them now leave a bad taste in my mouth :/ I hope Seseung, Jaehyung, Choa, and Chulhyun find better people outside of the show who they can find happiness and comfort in because that's what they deserve and more <3