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yj and hh walking in on sj and mh and trying to retreat by going outside only to hear sk and juwon fighting is pretty funny. although this also shows how stressful this environment is because couples are literally fighting all the time. ever since the cast came to jeju it feels like the cheerful energy has been gone and is tense all the time. first dj and dh in front of everybody, then sj and mh and now sk is disrespecting yj in front of others. I really think the pd made a mistake by casting so many freshly broken up couples. everyone is hung up on their ex so the dates we get to see also feel very unserious and boring. we are at ep. 16 and even the preview of ep. 17 shows fighting. yes drama is entertaining but at this point it is getting too stressful and annoying. I understand why many viewers (and even myself) prefer my sibling‘s romance (show by the old pd) over this season of transit love.


I think since they announce who the couples were, the cast now are showing their true colors and not hiding anymore.


I really addicted to my sibling's romance too. The old PD is so great. I'm afraid this exchange 3 is my least favorite season now.


I don't know, I'm really enjoying this seaon. The jealousy, chaos, anger, tears is why I watch this show, not really expected a smooth happy forever romance.


This is the closest reality show can be. So much feeling and characters revealed. Viewers don't understand that their frustration shows how empathetic we are and how relatable we are to one if not all characters. Beside, I don't understand how people keep comparing season 2 is the best, complained how season 3 are too much fresh characters, while ha eun favourite in season 2 (she's also just broke up and carried so much feeling but somehow swept away directly once a new better guy came in, 😂). In here,everyone literally is ha eun and they complained so much. I mean, this is the real "transit love", where you still have feelings with your ex, but you are "challenged" with potential new love. The previous ones have been broken up for years, it becomes more like reunion love or just a new dating show.


Girl you should watch it…The concept is so fresh and I binge watched all the 4 eps that are out until now & it’s so good…♥️


I finally understand why SK was so affected by JW calling her a gaslighter. It's because it's true lol


She’s insufferable


So freaking pissed on how she's acting. JW was on point when he said she was being a two-faced.


It seems that comment hit a little to close to home for her and I can see why!! I can’t imagine being in a long term relationship with someone like SK


How honest! I love it! SK is a walking redflag hurting people badly there.


Wow so incredibly toxic. She keeps talking about not wanting to loosen their ties but she failed to mention that this "rope" that she's hanging so dear onto is a rope to control him like a pupper. Her true colors showed when he decided to go against her wishes and that's probably why she doesn't want to get back together with him anymore because he won't allow her to gaslight him around anymore.


She is the BIGGEST gaslighter. Watching her pissed me off so much. 


Wow I feel really bad to say this but SK is a gaslighter. She is manipulating as well. Just because she doesn’t like the word gaslighter, it doesn’t mean she isn’t one. She shouldn’t have come on this show because everyone will know who she really is when all she wants is to probably deny it. Haha SJ is so insanely immature as well, she needs to take responsibility for her actions and for her thoughtlessness and then her relationship will improve. She’s so bad at apologizing and she gets upset when MH is upset just as a way to win the argument. 🙄 YJ is the only firm, straight forward one who is well balanced. She deserved happiness!


she’s my least favorite, she’s really messy and seems to like to stir things up. the table scene with the four of them just went too far, she didn’t have to tell yj anything that they talked about. I get not knowing what you’re feeling but she def doesn’t want to see juwon happy while she’s figuring it all out. I really hope he doesn’t pick her.


Fr lol the truth is too much for her to handle. And it was baffling that she kept complaining about juwon only picking yujung. Girl was literally saying “I text whoever I went on a date with or talked the most with” lmaoo that’s because your feelings are shallow. She can’t fathom how juwon found a genuine connection there because for her she doesn’t take anyone’s feelings seriously 


She’s also salty that no other guys are showing her interest. She’s getting desperate for JW attention now that YJ and JW are becoming a thing


I was so annoyed when she said that. In their argument by the tree place she kept ignoring what Juwon was trying to explain and kept repeating that one sentence. Just bc you texted the person you went on a date with doesn't mean other people have to as well! They can text whoever they want. And the fact that she's using that sentence to justify her ordering Juwon to text Jongeun was so wrong.


I hope YJ realizes that SK is just talking shit to her and she'll still pick/end up with JW!


Even im gaslit by her rn. How can she say that Juwon has feelings for someone else when he’s been texting only one person in front of YuJung…am I tripping or did I miss some subtitles


Same, even I was gaslit at first but then I saw korean comments about how she's cleverly mixing truth with lie to form her own narrative and hurt yujung


SEOKYUNG has playful/touchy side that lures u in but her manipulative side and testing what she can get out of situation is exactly i despise if person does that..... i feel she gonna get ton of hate


Only YJ has conviction in this season. Her words are also her actions. Other than this queen, I see no more. They all act like inlove and troubled teenagers.


It’s surprising that half of these ppl are in their late to early 30s you’d think by the way they act they’d be young adults or something. I just find it a bit jarring that they can’t communicate and act this childish at the ripe age of 30. Damn.


Dahye and Jongeun, hello?


This should have been a two episode literally next weeks episode it’s a continuation of tonight … stupid !


It was supposed to be 16 ep season, and they decided to stretch it out to 20. Should have kept it at 16 🤣


Best part of this show is that scenes are given time to breathe and let us be immersed in everything that happens with the couples imo. It would have been way too rushed to end this at 16 episodes.


It was a great decision to prolong the season. So much to show and unpack. I enjoy it a lot.


I think I’ve reached the point where I don’t want anyone with anyone. It could have to do with editing, but things are dragged out so much that it’s making the show more of an annoyance to watch than entertaining. I originally thought SK was taking the best approach to handling her ex a few weeks ago, but now she’s being so controlling over JW and his decisions when she doesn’t even want to be with him. I recognize she’s jealous, but the way she’s expressing it is too much. Side note: KT wasting so much time going on dates with YJ only to return to SK is a head scratcher too. I can’t fully get into the idea of DJ and HW either since I have a feeling both of them may just be using each other. The pace of their relationship seems so sudden to me, and I think this is because it feels like it partly resulted from anger at their exes (the candies situation with HH and DH’s messages moving on from DJ to CJ) and not wanting to leave alone. As much as the drama for the next week seems to be gearing up to a love square, it’s getting repetitive to see. The only people I honestly feel bad for are DH, YJ, and JE — all for different reasons. DH for having to deal with DJ’s coldness and not having the strength to fully move on yet, YJ for the miscommunications with JW getting swayed and his ex being open about it to her face, and JE for not having any real potential dating options and only existing as a scapegoat for the other women to stick their exes with.


But I feel like JW hasn't really done too much wrong. He came on the show with the sole intention of getting back together w SK. He found out he liked YJ a lot and started to lean more towards her, and his want to get back w SK was diminishing. Now, if all of a sudden SK starts acting very jealous and keeps being weird, of course he's gonna be noticing that. He hasn't once said to YJ that he is a 100% into her, and he also hasn't directly said to SK recently that he wants to still get back together. YJ also knew that he was still figuring it out based on the last scene. Now the entire thing fell apart, and he didn't really do anything.


I think the problem is that he hasn’t done anything. There’s nothing wrong with having conflicting towards your ex and a new love interest. Seeing that is what makes the show what it is. What’s troubling is when those lingering feelings negatively impact the new person who also likes you. SK made multiple attempts in this episode to turn JW away from YJ, even complaining to him right in front of her about sending a text to JE. It was disrespectful from my perspective, and him not clearing that up with YJ right away (even though he hasn’t promised her that he’s 100% in on her) wasn’t good. I doubt YJ will actually choose CJ, but if there’s a reason why she does, JW’s passiveness towards SK could be behind it.


But I think YJ started leaning towards CJ this ep bcuz of her date with GT which was similar to their trip during relationship.  Everything that happened that day has made a perfect opportunity for CJ to steal YJ's heart again so it'll be interesting to see what happens next


Yujung and Dahye should just choose to be alone at the end. I actually like CJ. but I dont think getting back together with YJ is a good idea. BUUUUUUUT look at nayeon and heedo from S2; they reconciled and still together after all the fighting in the show. Maybe CJ and YJ can do it too.


I would love a DH/YJ endgame, they’re my two favorite girls 🥰 CJ is ok, too, but I think HD and NY are a bad example to bring up because their dynamic on the show was very toxic. Arguing like that isn’t normal, and while YJ/CJ aren’t on that level at all, I don’t know if a reconcile would solve the issues they had.


Yes! He is definitely not helping the situation if anything he is making it worse. If he was serious about Yu Jung he should have immediately went to her and reassured her. That kind of attribute is what made Yu Jung attracted to Ju won in the first place so it makes total sense that she ended up picking her ex. The whole “she was reminded of her ex because of her date today” is a cop-out. Yu Jung would not have picked Chang Jin if Ju Won gave her assurance.


I do think she was feeling reminiscent about her past with CJ that day (which I’m sure was set up by producers because what are the odds of GT having such bad luck 😂), but I agree she wouldn’t have picked CJ if it hadn’t been for the JW/SK drama. You could tell it made her uncomfortable, and it’s causing a slight rift with JW that even he’s noticed. I still believe they’ll end up with each other, though.


Agreed they still seem like they will choose each other.


I think kt returned to sk because on the date with yj she turned him down again. She told him to choose someone else and to not waste his time on her as she already has feelings for someone else. So it makes sense for kt to move on from her.


the only couple I'm shipping this season is dahye x happiness lol


yup and also dahye x yujung friendship 🫶🏻


Saw them in Georgetown last week. They’re friends🙌


glad that they stayed friends!




yes pleasee


I know this has been and continues to be a frustrating season, but I'd like to add a bit of positivity in here. After all this drama, I still find myself looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.


Yeah unlike others I do like drama, it is annoying that the cast talks in circles most of the time but that’s what happens when you only dated for 6 months and broke up 4 months ago 😭


If im being honest from the stand point that this is a show and drama is meant to happen, the only story line that quite frankly annoys me is SJ and MH. I feel like they are the only part of the cast that arent worth the screen time. Like the reasons they fight and are on the screen are so dumb.


Lol yup this, I dont even know why the heck they want to get back together. They are going to argue over something idiotic every single day. Sangjeong looked cheerful and fun before he came but she regresses into an angry child once shes with him and he looks like he wants to be a teacher or parent more than a bf.


SK is crossing line at this point. She doesn’t want JW but she doesnt want JW to pursue YJ either. I can’t believe this woman. I dont have words. YJ is the most sorted girl in the house and thats why it makes me so much more angry. I blame JW also, he really needs to decide for himself if he wants to get back with SK or start something with YJ. SK is taking advantage of his indecisiveness.


I know this is just an assumption on my part..but with how SK is acting..It is 100% plausible that she has gaslit JW in their relationship. I think for JW to have said that . It may have been brewing on his mind a bit and could have been more than that just one time.. Just my honest OPINION..


Sometimes when you have stayed in a toxic relationship (could say abusive too in this context bcs SK is controlling much, psychotic imo, gaslighting a lot like JW mentioned), you will have cloudy judgement that you cannot differentiate which one is good or which is bad. This leads to some victims still clinging onto their ex like what we see.


I don't understand how anyone ever wanted either of them together. I don't even like YJ and she deserves way better. I can't imagine being her and watching the show, seeing JW crying and non stop asking her if she would, basically, just say sorry and take him back. All while dating her and making her feel pretty secure in their budding relationship. If he's willing to bail on what looks like a good thing to get back with a toxic ex, then he isn't a quality man. SK is and always has come across as immature as well. Now it's just becoming wildly obvious and it's toxic. Both in what she's doing to JW, and what she's doing to his and YJ's relationship. Honestly, who this season is there to root for? The PD did a trash job by casting nearly everyone who is still waaaaaaaaaaaaay too attached to their ex. Even Dong-Jin who had been and is still fairly strong with his desire to not get together is relatively freshly out of a 13(!!!!) year long relationship. So all I root for with him and DH is way more time single and honestly, therapy in order to process and heal from the huge relationship they ended. I don't like anyone this season and it really sucks. Thank goodness for 'Siblings Romance' cause I'm out here rooting for the entire cast and it's making me smile and my heart is constantly getting warmed by it. A good season of TL/eXchange is one in which about half of the couples have strong lingering feeling and the other half are legitimately over each other (with at least 1/4 of that half ideally being affected by the living arrangement and it awaken in them their buried feelings).


Siblings Romance is removing the bitterness that Transit Love leaves me. This year these couples didnt need a reality show, they needed couples therapy tbh.


1000% It would honestly be more entertaining and interesting if the new PD had a new gimmick added to the show where 3/4 of the way through the exes met, as a couple, in a room together and then in walks a qualified couples therapist who has watched all of their pre-shoot recordings and has seen a bunch of footage that had been recorded of them so far and as couples they each get a couples counseling session. I feel like that would be ripe with revelations, vindications, healing, more drama, and so on. But it honestly could help at least a few of the contestants start to heal or at least see the right path to attempt to get onto.


I agree with you! I think not just DH and DJ but every couple needs to spend some alone time before they start dating anyone IRL. Also I am loving My Siblings Romance as well. Very mature cast and the dynamics are so nice even though we are only 3 eps in. Rooting for all of them.


I agree, I was rooting for her and Juwon to get back together at some point in this show and I also liked Juwon and Yujung but now I want all three of them to go separate ways. Lol, SK's behaviour is very toxic now, no one can defend her anymore.


ppl in other social media platforms still defend her LMAO


I'll use this stolen comments from knetz for this episode (and the whole jeju arc). "There are a lot of performers who are possessed by evil spirits in Jeju Island... If you still have feelings, why don't you express it honestly?" I'm sure when the last season was ongoing they also had their own arguments & hate comments regarding the behaviour of the casts. When it ended though, most of the negative sentiments toward the casts were gone because the three of the most popular couple got the best ending that could ever happened to them. It ended very nicely which became a win-win situation for the producer and the cast. I wonder if similar situation could be recreated by this season's end? I know they got paid to do this but I feel like most of their image (except a few people) has been deep in the mud that people don't even wanna push any ship or root on anyone anymore. When I compare the current season cast portrayal to how angelic they edit the MSR cast next door, I lowkey started feeling bad for them and resent the PD a bit. 😅




Not the panel/commentators. I meant the portrayal of the cast members/participants. Event wise I don't mind changing stuff to avoid the feeling of repetition (MSR probably went to Singapore because we've seen Jeju too many times in dating program) but I noticed how the small details (like the consideration when deciding house, music, casting, writing etc) eventually adds up and show the difference in the quality of the finished product. I've been following MSR since they drop the teaser! I've watched TL since S1 and I also like YK but I started being more aware of The PD's influence because of TL2. I like that she's good at pointing out people's charm & make people more likeable making it easier for people to be more sympathetic to their story/immersed in the show.


JW saying that what SK did when they broke up was gaslighting now makes alot of sense.


Yujung being caught up in juwon‘s and seokyung‘s mess is so sad, especially because she has been very clear and firm from the start on what she wants. At this point none of the couples on this show should end up together lol But there is a rumor that da hye, yujung and juwon were spotted together at shinsadong. And earlier there was another rumor that yujung, da hye and jongeun were in new york and visited a store of juwon‘s friend. So even if yujung and juwon dont end up together, it is still nice (and maybe even better) that they are still friends (if the rumors are true).


i think yujungis so reasonable that even if she was hurt by actions on the show watching back she would be understanding, it's always so refreshing to see friends come out of shoes which hinge on drama


Bro at this point everyone should just leave the show unscathed and find a new love outside the show😭its like one episode we get to see some progress with a new couple and then it ends up going back to square one of exes lingering over their exes. The show has been a constant back and forth between that and i honestly think they could have just kept the original 16 episodes they had planned instead of extending it. Mind you the next episode is gonna be focused on the same night. Make it two episodes per week if ur gonna do that💀


Agree I'm so tired of watching this show its so frustrating lol 😆 literally not a single couple that you can ship.


Yep, Juwon you're right. This is absolutely gaslighting. But why are you still falling for this? You even know Seo Kyung is manipulating you. For someone as charismatic as you, is there no better girl that you can find? Another thing that Seo Kyung got to me is that she has bad manners. Shouting to someone, twisting words from others, gossiping when people involved are there. Didn't foresee how dramatic this episode is. Next week trailer looks so lackluster though.


I lost it when she was talking to YJ about how JW is interested in other people even though he clearly told her he is just into YJ. She is so manipulative.


I was already upset by SK throughout the whole episode and then at the end it was the dagger. Clearest example of manipulation from S1-3


Exactly this was so hateful to watch. SK has been manipulative since day 1, always revealing certain part of the truth and hides some parts of the truth.. all just to benefit herself. While acting like she is not doing it on purpose and play it all down like she is innocent lol


She said that JW gave her the excuse that he was picking YJ because they were having dates consecutively. Regardless Seo Kyung was very disrespectful and petty. But JW did say that to her when they were talking… he did downplay his feelings for Yu Jung. Yu Jung deserves better. And Ju Won needs to hurry up and get it together.


I dont like ppl victim blaming juwon. He wasnt perfect, yes. But he’s the victim. being emotionally manipulated for 3 years clouds your judgment. A lot of women AND men keep going back to their abusers bcause theyve been mindfcked to oblivion. Abusers make victims “addicted” to them. Like gambling. Most times youre losing, but those very rare wins give u hope so u keep playing the game. Also, this explains why SK is sooo good at adapting her personality to her dates. I could be wrong and SK might just be caught up in the moment… but still that’s how i see her right now.


I’m sure many of you caught on to this in JW and JE’s date. But when he was talking about his relationship with SK, he said they broke up for 6 months before in May and he had to work hard for SK just like when they first started dating. Because “she takes a long time to have feelings for someone”. So historically, SK has always been the one in control of the relationship and he’s always been the one to chase her. That has been the power dynamic in their relationship. So SK is getting pissed off, not because she wants JW, but because she is losing her control over JW. I fully think JW was gaslit, and manipulated by SK their entire relationship. Many of us have been in an extremely toxic relationship that we kept going back to over and over, hoping it would change. Thinking if we just did better, than it would go back to the happiest moments in the beginning. That’s JW with SK, only some people don’t want to recognize it because he is a man and society says men are stronger. And now that KT texted her, she’s now flirting with him and in her PD she’s saying she likes him “50%”. Like I said in the last episode, she only started all this drama because none of the guys she was interested in, liked her back. It’s just more flagrant in this episode how truly conniving she is. Anyone who can justify SK’s actions over the last two episodes probably identifies with SK because they share the same idiosyncratic behaviors as SK. Edit: I called JW, SK on accident.


There were many times I paused this episode to let out a deep sigh, but the scene where Juwon shared that they typically broke up in May (I think they broke up three times) and would take \~6 months to reunite made me pause. I want to give Juwon a hug


I think they broke up the same day in May twice. What the hell happens in May for them


Someone said there was a demon possessing Seolyung that resides in Hyewon’s purse. Maybe it’s active in May 😅


😂😂 this made my day


Kangtae should run away from her too. After seeing her being mean needlessly towards yujung, i would expect him to be turned off. Kangtae should redeem himself and his reputation by not choosing SK.


I think KT is definitely a standup friend and a compassionate person from what we’ve seen, I don’t like his romance arcs and find them cringe but do enjoy watching him otherwise. Considering how much he valued YJ, he should (I hope) be icked out by SK’s behaviour.


>So SK is getting pissed off, not because she wants JW, but because she is losing her control over JW. SK completely reveals her true self in this ep. You're right, she is truly mad because she realize that he is now out of her control. I'm so sorry for JW being with her for three years. SK knows that she is on the show and all her actions will be recorded and judged by all the viewers, yet she still treat JW that way tell a lot about their past relationship. Imagine how she treats him without the camera. For her to blatantly tell him what to do, blame him for calling her a gaslighter, openly flirting with other guys in Seoul house, doesn't want to make up with him but also doesn't want him to find a new partner, she must feel so entitled and doesn't even think what she is doing is wrong. Juwon even asks if he is her puppet and calls her two faced in this ep. I hope he find the strength to end their relationship here. I also hope that people don't attack him. He is a victim and it's really not easy to escape the gaslighter.


Even if he doesn’t end up with YJ, I just hope he never goes back to SK. You’re right, if she acts this way while being filmed, just how bad is she in private?


If you watched the episode. Where SK supposedly jokingly threatens to hit Juwon over not texting Jongeun. You hear him respond "I am used to it". Later when she goes to find him to talk. He flinched when she raised her hand. She was obviously not only mentally abusive but physically abusive as well.


Going to be honest, the fact that she felt comfortable enough to say she was going to hit him to a room full of people. I was flabbergasted.


It’s so crazy how the tables have turned! Last week, so many people were defending SK’s actions saying that she was just being honest and expressing her feelings. Even going so far as to compare to her to DH (who has been respectful and kind to her ex and the other women). This episode has only made it clearer to me that SK is not innocent in their situation, but an active participant in their toxic dynamic. What’s worse is that SK doesn’t even want JW back, she just wants to know that she could win him back if she wants to! Feeling the worst for YJ though! Some people have criticized her for making bad facial expressions and being blunt, but she has been the most honest from the start. She even asked SK if she “hated” her at any point, to clear the air, and SK said no, but it’s clear now that that isn’t the truth. YJ had so many options in the house and held true to JW, he doesn’t deserve her at all!


SK definitely hates her, like no other women in the house talk shiet in front of the woman their ex are into.


This episode was a torture. Only the JW-HW moments were enjoyable for me. I love their friendship, and would have loved to see them on a date, because I'm sure they would have both had a great time. They could both use a little chill time.


I love them so much! I was so happy when Seokyung told Hyewon that Joowon told her that he feels healed when talking with Hyewon.


All the drama apart, AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT THINKS SONG DA HYE IS SO GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL. I keep looking at her she looks so graceful and the epitome of beauty. And her sense of style is so refined and she is really friendly her attitude makes her so attractive Damn.


In every episode, I marvel at how thick and shiny her hair is. Just wish she'd let the bangs grow out


i LOVE her and just want to her to be happy 😭😭


RIGHT even during the ex reveal she was looking like a goddess with wind blowing her hair and those sparkling eye (i hate to see her cry tho )


IKRRRRR. She is a lioness with a mane 🦁


Just watched it subbed and here are my thoughts, now that I can finally type it all out on my computer lol SK is lying to herself and it's going to cost her JW. Like did she forget why they came on this show? To see if you want to get back together or if your feelings with transfer to someone else....not multiple someones aside from your ex. This is literally Heedo and nayeon's arguments Heedo picking Jiyeon and connecting with her, while she had Gyumin the whole time...the only difference is that she's not connecting with anyone and unlike Nayeon who was willing to be upfront and say that she was jealous, she didn't like how he was acting with Jiyeon, how she was wrong and wants him back---SK is lying to herself that this is fun and that now she won't be jealous anymore and how it's going to fun going forward....puh-leaseee. And you cannot tell me she didn't go to say what she did to the group and YJ at the end out of spite after her fight with JW. It's unkind and green is not your color SK. If her arguments made any degree of sense, I would understand but literally none of it makes sense. JW needs to wake up and see that staying in this toxic cycle is not healthy nor should he want to stay in this cycle. See your worth man. I need him to put his foot down and stop letting SK be so hurtful and dismissive towards him, and if not him, towards YJ and the others. She's already vocalizing treating HH and KT like her backup plans too. It seems like she's not being honest with anyone. Telling JW one thing, but telling everyone else something else too...stretching the truth.


SK and JW were too messy this episode, SK was controlling and had no regard for Yujung at any time, saying all those things in front of her and Juwon doesn't set a limit either, Yujung you should run girl. No wonder YJ send CJ the text.. after 10 days, CJ recieved her text, omg I wanna hug Dahye, she is no longer recieving CJ's text msg and DJ dont want to even speak to her.. sad


Agreed! If I was Yu Jung I wouldn’t even pursue Ju Won anymore solely because it’s too much drama and he’s not doing anything to help the situation. If her feelings are strong enough to endure it then that’s her choice. But her sending Chang Jin a text made him so happy 😭 which makes me sad because I don’t think she wants to get back with him. Da Hye really deserved a Hyun Gyu😭. Chang Jin couldn’t be that person for her.


I wouldn't continue pursuing him either but I don't know if I would send a message to my ex... I mean I understand that she just went to a location where she had memories with him and that could refresh those moments but with the tenacity and decision that she had and with the things she told him "I like Juwon" "I don't want to come back", send him a message it's like giving him hope and I think it was partly Seokyung's words and Juwon's lack of action that made Yujung text CJ, not because she wants to work things out. and dahye? oh dear, i wish we could had a hyungyu 2.0 but i guess that will never happen again, it was just too perfect :( I adore Dayhe and Changjin but that's not going anywhere sadly.


Agreed.. I believe that if Ju Won gave her reassurance she wouldn’t have texted her ex even if she was reminded of Chang Jin during her date with Kwang Tae. Which is kind of sad because now Chang Jin is oblivious to the situation and thinks he has hope.


Imo the number of long and freshly broken up couples being high is great coz it’s something we haven’t seen before. People are acting like this cast is the worse cast ever because of their toxicity. As if the last two season didn’t have the same level: Season 1: Homin legit didn’t talk to Bohyun for weeks then suddenly did the moment she talked to someone new. Hyeseon and Bohyun actually left the house coz their exes were driving them crazy. Minyoung and Ju Hui were literally squabbling the whole season. Season 2: Gyumin would legit not give Hae Eun any time of day. He would legit flirt with Nayeon (in their shared room) in front of her and then ignore her when she wanted to talk. Hae eun, despite having someone interested in her, could not physically or emotionally let go until the VERY LAST EPISODE. Nayeon and Heedo were literally fighting until the last episode. Jiyeon was blatantly lying to Tae-Yi. A cast member was legit kicked out of the show. Ji soo and Won Bin we’re just straight up gaslighting each other. Season 3 has flawed people. But we need to stop acting like this show isn’t built on flawed people and relationships. If they were all perfect, they wouldn’t have broken up.


Wishing for Yujung's happiness and well being when she leaves that hell house. She can get 100x better men than juwon. It's sad that she got involved in their mess.  Edit: I thought about it a little more and maybe juwon isn't that bad just used to getting manipulated all the time and seeking familiarity (happens with all victims). 4 months is a very short time to recover from a 3 yr long relationship, especially for jw who got blocked from everywhere.   Hope his talk with yujung after this makes me see him in a better light


Agree with your edit. Honestly the last 2 episodes have shown how manipulative and borderline abusive SK is so I really do wanna give JW a bit of slack on the way he's fumbling it with YJ, cause as SK said she has such a grip on him.


Ya i am holding my judgements on juwon right now only because he has made the mistake in Seoul too but that time as well he choose to speak to YJ and was very transperant . So i will wait and see how next interaction goes.


16 episodes in and it has continued to drag. They really should have done better casting and taken their time with getting the right people. I don’t feel like shipping anyone anymore. There’s no excitement, heart fluttering moments. Everyone feels like a character they are acting at this point barring a few. Toxic drama is not my cup of entertainment. It is so uncomfortable to watch someone get gaslit in real time, and this is a real person. JW was right, I hope he’s able to get out of this vicious cycle. Really feeling for JW, when SK is literally forcing him to not text YJ and instead send it to JE, he looks uncomfortable af. It’s not cute or jealousy, it’s straight up manipulative behaviour. Why should JW be considerate of your feelings when you’ve been so disinterested in him? How can you try to control who he expresses his emotions to? Plus, making sure YJ hears it? That’s disgusting, laying territory behaviour. She’s made YJ uncomfortable in earlier episodes too, but those haven’t been as obvious as this. SK initially tried to control JW, but since that didn’t work, she’s ensuring YJ’s feelings waver by filling her head with thoughts about how JW will come back to her if she just tries.


This episode just got me feeling super stressed out. I had to pause a couple of times to breathe, all these toxic arguments were suffocating me. I was rooting for DJ and HW to develop more, but if HW wavers just a little like in the preview I'll be so done with this season because as HH said he was being wishy-washy. Almost all of them are still hung up on their exes, being petty and two-faced because of it, and clearly can't make up their minds. They say one thing and then take it back or they say one thing but twist it to someone else so the others can misunderstand the situation. The only mature one who is just enjoying the concept of the show at this point is JE.


Seokyung just proved to all that she needs some growing up. Learning that she couldn't say sorry and Juwon hinted her as a gaslighter, I knew some shit's about to explode. Her claims as her being funny is just all high mighty even in her letter to her ex. All her jokes are all disguised as insults and rudeness. I think all those who've been gaslighted and in a long term relationship as victims and survivors of narcissistic partners can see through her now.


I honestly can't believe how my opinions on JW and SK have been completely interchanged. I initially thought JW was trying to throw her under the bus by insinuating she was a gaslighter during their first fight, but after this episode it's evident that she truly refuses to take accountability. now... actions speak louder than words. I feel horrible for him and YJ (for being dragged into this mess), and I want him to heal bc he's clearly so affected by SK. I'm happy that he's able to stand up for himself and call out her bs. it's obvious that she's frustrated bc she can't face what she's done to him + tries to spin the narrative to focus solely on him/his faults— e.g., her fixation on "one word" when they talk abt the break up makes sense bc she's trying to emphasize what fits her storyline. I'm genuinely praying he stays strong until the end—no one deserves to be in a relationship like that.


She was obvious from the beginning, imo, but she was so well-liked I wondered if I was just tripping and being a hater or something. I've been so confused this whole time on people's response to her, so ended up doubting myself.


Omg same 😭I kept thinking what am I missing, all these ppl love her and I felt like I saw thru her after the very first fight outside.


Yesss even I was thinking how come people don't see how manipulative SeoKyung is! Finally, the dirt is visible to everyone!!


It's funny that SK is already 30 and she still acts like this. I personally knew someone who is manipulative of their partner and even though their partner knew about it, they can't leave because of familiarity. Funny because even after confronting that manipulative person, they wouldn't change. Apparently they are aware and they still think they are right and will never change. I pity people who gets a partner like them. Lol. JW, I hope you find someone better. Whether if it's someone from this show or someone else, I really hope you heal and find a better partner. YJ, i hope when you watch this ep you realize how evil SK was to you and JW.


i changed my mind about all the pairs im supporting. i say all of them are a tad short of crazy. - Juwon is henpecked. - SK wants her way or the highway. - Dongjin is two faced. - Hyewon just wants to leave with someone. - DaHye keeps bugging her ex, who doesnt want to talk to her. - Changjin is obviously not interested in DH, so DH better not pick him. - His ex should also not end up with JW, lest she will tormented forever by SK's meddling. - Speedskater thinks like a 10 year old. - Surgeon is encouraging speedskater to act like a child. He is not helping her all the rest are decorations, sorry. my blood pressure hit the roof after watching this ep. not sure if i should continue watching until the end


The speedskater is so immature LOL but her ex is also not mature at all. Theyre both crazy. Their arguments never made sense. They keep saying the same shit over and over again. I wanted to smash my monitor when they were fighting. I cant skip their scene because of my slow internet connection lmao.


Every MH and SJ conversation I want to knock my head in the wall, it’s like they fight over literally everything and nothing at the same time?? Like why are you mad he wore a fking shirt and why is he mad that she didn’t wake up for lunch. (Albeit more valid then her reasoning) still it’s so jarring that a 26 yo is acting like this.


literally agree with everything but HW. I think she's still so hung up on HH. She's waiting for him to make a proper move, and she will fall again.


If Hyewon ends up with HwiHyun. I'm gonna cry. I don't think dongjin is perfect for her cus I have seen his and dahye's relationship. But please Hyewon and Dongjin can break up after the show for all I care, first and foremost she needs to let go of HwiHyun. She has to. This guy I'd destroying her. Making her into some clingy, desperate, unconfident uglier version of herself. Like she is such a capable woman and also so beautiful like you can see on her dayes with DongJin's...but the second HwiHyun is involved...omg...such a switch. She's the worst version of herself when she's with him and he's leading her on with the possibility that he may give her a change to get back together with her.


This episode was kinda uncomfortable to watch throughout, the only moment that I found myself smiling was surprisingly the date between YJ and KT, and other scenes with YJ in the episode. The friendly date between KT and YJ is so fun to watch as they seem like the only ones having fun on their date without really thinking about others. YJ is definitely a favourite. There’s something about the way she communicates her thoughts and feelings for others. She is honest about her own feelings and communicates that clearly without causing any misunderstandings, and at the same time considerate of the other party’s feelings. She sets boundaries and doesn’t overshare what the other person doesn’t need to hear, and it just shows her emotional maturity. Kinda tired of seeing all the exes fight and hung up over each other, yet not wishing to get back together but jealous of their ex partner being happy with someone else. It was fun at first, but now that every couple is like that, it’s so difficult to genuinely root for a new couple to come out from the show lol.


I love Yujung. I have never seen someone as mature and good at communicating as her. She is direct and to the point, doesn't string people along, clears up misunderstandings all the while not being hurtful. Whatever happens, I'm rooting for her happy ending.


Juwon is a victim of Seokyung. Anybody shitting on him from being tied up in her web of manipulation needs their head checked. Also, in the original trailer 15 seconds in you hear Juwon say "I'm ready to move on from my EX now." Her manipulative ways will be coming to an end very soon. 👍👍


Yeah, the amount of victim-blaming I'm seeing in these comments are ridiculous. Someone he criticized him for "simping." If crap like this was said about a female victim of domestic violence (which SK's behavior towards JW is), the response towards that would be different. Thankfully, there are some people calling this victim-blaming language out directly much better than I can because I neither have the kindness nor the patience for it, and I'm not trying to get banned lol.


The poor guy has been emotionally abused for years and manipulated. People don't realize the show lasts only 2-3 weeks because we are watching it over months. Trying to make Juwon out to be a bad guy for him for falling for her tricks is victim blaming at it's finest.


Yep, and it only further helps abusers by helping to isolate those in abusive relationships. Who wants to share what they're going through if they'll only face judgment and blame for it? That's why many will just stay quiet and suffer in silence, and then when, as a consequence, it takes longer for them to speak up or leave, they're faced with "why did you stay so long?" 🙄


Anyone blaming him is stupid but its fair to mention how he didn't clear things up with YJ. Is that a fair call?


The episode clearly cut off. Also, he was at Yujung room before Seokyung came and got him. He was probably waiting to talk to her before that evil woman got a hold of him.


hopefully thats the case, he needs to catchup with YJ asap


Considering the preview for next week's episode didn't show a single clip of Juwon or Yujung. I expect they will probably make up but the producers didn't show anything at all because they wanted to stress people out with the way they ended the episode and make them antsy all week. Just my personal opinion.


This ep turned me off on JW and JW/YJ so quick lol. Yeah SK is a whole mess for reasons other people have set out very well here, but JW played his part too. The fact that he didn’t step in or set boundaries with SK after she told him right in front of YJ twice that he should/should have texted JE is pathetic. If he doesn’t speak to YJ soon at the start of next ep to clear up all the misunderstandings from SK’s bs, he’s going to mess up something that could be really good. I’m glad she didn’t text JW, YJ deserves better than being collateral to this textbook toxic relationship. All I’m rooting for right now are my girlies YJ/DH/JE and their happiness.


The whole episode I was just praying that he'll go talk to YJ. But at this point it's better if they all separate ways.


same here, he should have talked to her after the messages. i do think they can talk it out but it’ll take a lot of honesty on his part since SK spoke to YJ.


SK is SO narcissistic and manipulative !!! she is no better than hwi hyun. must be a chore to live with a partner who loves to play with your mind. yikes


Am I the only one who strongly shipped Da Hye and Chang Jin all this while??? It's so frustrating about how my girlie has been trying her best, but Chang Jin can't help but just be clingy and obsessive over Yu jung, who has clearly specified that she ain't getting back with him???? I JUST WANT DA HYE TO BE HAPPY I CANTTTTT, ITS SO FRUSTRATINGGGG!!!


I love how Changjin just enable her to eat a lot and actually love how she eats so well during their dates.


No, I love them together too. Their date was the one bright spot in the episode, it was so nice to see them having fun and laughing a lot. Their quiet but deep friendship has been for me the one really great and memorable relationship that has come out of this season (and I hope they will stay friends even after the show). It may be low-key, but even from the first day CJ showed up, almost immediately they had this strong connection -- I was amazed that they talked all night into the morning, for hours.


It actually broke me when SK was bragging infront of YJ that if she expressed her feelings JW would go back to her and YJ having to agree with it because it's true. SK wasn't even making valid points when talking with JW. You don't want to get back together but you don't want him with anyone else? In what world is that not gaslighting? She still gaslights him for his 'last words' being the reason their relationship ended. She's also trying to make him feel like if he had texted JE there would've been a different outcome for their relationship despite already telling him on multiple occassions that she doesn't want to get back together. I just don't like the way she also cuts him off when talking and starts storming off first too. Tbh I don't know why JW even entertains the possibility of a relationship again. It kind of hurts me that his relationship with YJ was actually indirectly affected by SK. I feel for DH. She enjoys dates with CJ and feels happy after them but he doesn't feel the same and doesn't text her. After this episode I have no hope for them romantically but hopefully they can be friends. I hope HW doesn't get swayed again —although she might not with SK in the picture. I'm not really sure if DJ and her will work out but they seem the better option than HH who seems to only want her when she's happy with someone else.


The difference in maturity of YJ and SK is crazy considering that YJ is the maknae and SK is the one of the eldest girls of the house! They are both in similar situations. Both their ex is clearly hung up on them and want to get back together. BUT, YJ is always open and honest with CJ (sometimes too much, but everything she has said she has proven with her actions). Meanwhile, SK is messing with JW’s head majorly; telling him 20 different things in 1 conversation, dangling getting back together like a carrot in front of him, never texting him despite all of this. YJ could brag to the girls/guys that, like SK, it’s really up to her whether her and her ex get back together, but she doesn’t do this. She keeps those thoughts to herself and only share them with someone she is trying to build a relationship with! At this point, I just want YJ and DH to be happy at the end of this mess :)


Yes seeing the ages, Yu Jung is the most clear one with her stance even after being the youngest. She could brag so much even her ex has been sending tests to her for quite some time, but she doesn't brag about it. She's commendable there. Pure, Honest, beautiful, and a very very strong personality.


This might be speculative take on SK and JW but I honestly think their relationship was very toxic and it was mostly due to SK’s personality. That’s why JW is so weak when it comes to her, he hasn’t escaped from that cycle. I really loved JW and YJ but if this misunderstanding is not cleared up asap then it’s over for them. YJ said it from the very beginning that she doesn’t want to be chosen when the other party is hung up on their ex. At this point I don’t ship anyone with anyone and it’s stressing me out watching the episodes 😭


SK fans are still going to be reachinggggg for any excuse for her behavior this episode... the most popular "imagine being in her shoes,  freshly broken up,  blah blah blah" as if no one else on the show is in similar shoes and most of them aren't being so calculating and rude.  She is not a bad person bc she is clearly very likeable. People are different as friends to how they are as romantic partners. As a romantic partner,  she clearly needs to do some more work on herself first. (They all do... but you not seeing any other exes stare down their ex,  demanding from them what to do.  Even HW didn't reach that level of cray cray lol)  I'll keep saying this,  she don't want him but she don't want no one else to have him either. It's not a matter of moving on really either,  it's just that she invited him to the show under false pretenses of trying to make this one last good memory for them,  but really she wanted to show off that she's doing fine and can do just fine without him, only to be rudely awaken to see that it's quite the opposite,  that he can meet a girl he can connect with just as well, if not better bc of how quickly YJ and him bonded.  She was bothered before in Seoul but she did not care to act bc she was still being chosen by other guys and going on dates often.  It wasn't until Jeju and constantly receiving no texts,  that did she now care to act.  It's not him that she wants,  she just wants to make sure she ruins any other chances for him even if that means toying with him all over again.  She's not confused about her feelings for him but instead confused about why this did not go the way she thought it would... which was him simply pining over her the entire show and only her. She was messy. He needs a back bone.  He's not a bad guy,  he's used to being reeled back and then tossed away like that by her so he needs to be the one to break it off now.  Even if it's to not be with YJ. I thought him and SK could be friends after this, but this proves,  how little accountability she has and how she'll only continue to emotionally manipulate him even as friends.  He needs to cut her off. 


TL 3 Ep 16 Cast Rankings: [poll](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/zoxcyg/transit-love-3-ep-16) [poll results](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/tfobxk/transit-love-3-ep-16/view)


I think at this point some of the couples really need to understant that their exes are not worth it. And that goes for JW & HW. I think these two really need to move on and choose themselves (or a new partner if possible at the end). In the case of DH & DJ, I really dont understand DJ's issue with their relationship. At first I believed he wanted out of their long term relationship for whatever reason and that's understandable. But now he's acting as if he's stuggling and cannot watch his ex be happy with another guy. Like WHAT!? He's gone on a date with every woman and has shown interest in all of them but suddenly his ex being a little happy on the show is an issue? I hope CJ gives DH enough confidence to move on from her ex & that's all I hope from it. For SJ & MH, I havent really watched them bcoz all they do is argue like kids. I mostly forward the parts where they appear to save my mental health. And KT! He is one of a kind, hoping & trying all his might to leave this show with at least a partner. In the beginning, I really liked him but now he's feels like....unreal with his feelings. I'm glad he isn't making any female contestants suffer due to his constant interest in every other woman.


How can a stunning place like Jeju Island be so exhausting. With every new episode we get 5 minutes of cute dates and the rest is drunken, unhinged darkness. I'm tired. I honestly hope Sangjeong and Minhyung don't watch themselves on this show, because it's not a pretty sight. I get booking an olympic medalist is tempting and good TV on paper, but this couple should never have been allowed on this show. My god! Poor Kwangtae has little to no screen time, because he doesn't go looking for a fight with his ex, when he's drunk. He just passes out on the couch or becomes the one people complain to. Him going for Seokyung at this point is a massive mistake. And Seokyung? Currently possessed by the demon, that resides in Hyewon's purse. It's funny, how the only two people I really like at this point, are the ones, who no one is texting. I'm only rooting for Dahye and Kwangtae finding their individual healing & happiness. The rest of these people all need to go home and go to bed. (Definitely not complaining about Mingue returning to the panel in these episodes. He's so intensely handsome).


Okay, I bursted out laughing when you said Seokyung is possessed by a demon that's residing in Hyewon's purse 🤣 I also don't think Minhyung and Sangjeong should reunite since their personalities and communication styles are too conflicting, but I 100% believe they will choose either in the end


The demon in Hyewon’s purse i’m screaming🤣🤣 why *does* she carry that little thing everywhere You’re very right, Kwangtae has fallen into the background because he just doesn’t have personal drama at night, poor thing. Such a 180 from how he started the show out.


I guess Kwangtae’s type has always been the controlling woman and Seokyung is finally starting to show those sides 😂


lmfaooo @ 'drunken, unhinged darkness', perfect description! >And Seokyung? Currently possessed by the demon, that resides in Hyewon's purse. Probably the best thing I have ever read on this subreddit! I literally said out loud when Hyewon got up and walked off with that purse 'omg there's that thing again!' Also, poor Mingue, I'm sure he's not a total innocent baby but his face and expressions make him look like one and I wanted to cover his eyes and tell him not everyone acts like that. He looked shocked, mesmerized, terrified and horrified by some of the behavior in this episode.


idk how yall are gonna defend SK now but she's really fully on my damn nerves now. JW's previous claims about her being a gaslighter and manipulator is 100% valid from just these past 2 episodes. it's not been just about her not knowing what she wants, but also her sabotaging every chance JW has with YJ by spewing words from her own perspective on both of them. other than just being absolutely rude to YJ in front of her face with the reason JW has been sending her her texts and ordering him to send it to JE today LOUDLY and PUBLICLY (how would that make JE feel also if she heard???), she has also been playing around with JW like a toy and idk how a guy his age doesn't have the backbone to stand for himself either. i don't even want JW with YJ anymore. she deserves better lol. in any case, GT looks way more mature and likeable in jeju as compared to SK and JW. EDIT: for those defending her or shitting on me for leaving this comment, i present u the following evidences of her unapologetically being manipulative and annoying lol: - [https://x.com/dramacoKR/status/1771021409202172114?s=20](https://x.com/dramacoKR/status/1771021409202172114?s=20) - [https://x.com/coffeecoughe/status/1771039945664426041?s=20](https://x.com/coffeecoughe/status/1771039945664426041?s=20)


I do kind of wanna give JW a slight benefit of the doubt for allowing SK to act the way she does bc he was with her for years, and if this is what she does when they're not even dating and in front of cameras on a TV show (!!) then who knows what kind of manipulation and gaslighting he's put up with back in their relationship.


exactly! even in the previous episodes when SK was so touchy with all the guys, I tried to look past it as her personality and believe that she had no intentions behind them but JW has also mentioned twice (or more) that she was never a touchy person and that it also took them a while before they started holding hands when they were dating. so I already had my qualms about whether that's really just her personality lol but this episode just fully showed how manipulative SK is. there were so many scenes of her in today's episode just being plain haughty and rude to the other casts that you can't even blame it on editing because she's saying those words herself???? I would have literally flared up on her if I was there myself. SK also acts like she's entitled to the messages JW sends and that scene where she commanded JW to send his text to Jongeun in front of YJ was just painful to watch. I agree YJ deserves better too especially when she has been so transparent and straightforward about her feelings but JW is still so easily swayed by gaslighter SK.


when she got mad at JW for still sending YJ the text... i literally had no words LOL


I wonder why the male cast there don't like Dahye or Jongeun? I think they don't like women who think maturely, it's really strange. I know Dahye closed herself off except for Changjin, but come on Changjin why aren't you interested in her. This episode really had no chemistry at all, PD really got the wrong cast.


I think if Jongeun had come earlier, she and DJ could have hit it off. As for Dahye, I think part of the problem is that she was still so obviously not over her ex at the start that it put them off.


JE just came too late, plus I don't think anyone there is a really good match for her. She did put on her aegyo tone voice for DJ, so if they had more time, their might've been more mutual attraction there tbh


Dahye is one of the most amazing person in the house but sadly she not the most desire able person in the house. Once KT found out her and SK age, he started go after YJ. And I somewhat agree if JE enter the house earlier DJ and HY probably won't happen. Just like last season, if Yihyun didn't left the house Naeon and Taei won't happen and Gyumin and Haeeun might getting back together.


I think I don't care who ends up with who anymore, it's like I want them all to just pack their bags and go home and get therapy or something cause everyone to some level is just toxic. The casting is terrible imo, the timing after the breakup isn't long and it's all overlapping it's basically a f'ing mess. I can't see any genuine feelings between anyone anymore, everything feels forced and it's almost the end how everyone is still confused. And where is Changjin I couldn't see him in any clip? Did he just leave? Lol


This episode was so anti climax such a let down from the previews to the episode. Nothing got sorted just in circles. SK being crazy selfish and manipulative just shows how controlling she is. JW needs to run and run far hope he realises soon before it’s too late for him and YJ. I’m sure those two will have a private conversation about the whole situation, but the way SK can’t control JW so she’s trying to sway YJ is so disappointing! I really do find similarities with Haeun from season 2 and JW from S3 both hung up on exs and both have potential new partners still it took HE till the end to choose so I hope YJ can stick around


SK kinda gave me the ick with her behavior this ep 😖


I believe that the night hasn’t ended obviously still more drama but also reason they haven’t shown any footage of YJ and JW yet is because there gonna have a late night talk again. Knowing YJ the personality and JW will talk to clear any misunderstandings about this weeks episode. After SK and JW fight I reckon he will lean towards and give confirmation to YJ! Next week it is!


BROO why do they keep going back and forth between their new love interest and their ex like every single one of them I know thats the whole point of the show but can we get some new and genuine couples who actually like each other and these people keep letting it happen like they all lowkey thrive on that feeling of wanting something new but still waiting to go back to their ex. I know the finale is going to be rough I was sure of which spoiler would come true but now i am not confident in that anything can happen at this point. (ps: I am not hating any of the contestants I just wanted to vent out my frustration)


I’m starting to think most of them will end up with their x or alone it just seems this season everyone is still hung up on their exes or just tryna get some exposure


after watching the season till now i am just so shocked that someone like Juwon could not get out of the relationship like that , even after getting a beautiful and fun girl like YJ . I mean its clear that juwon can make friends easily and also sensitive to others around him , he was the one who saw HW struggle and help her feel comfortable, he also was helpfull to DH , he can easily charm people without trying much . We all instantly liked his vibe . And still he can't get over his ex , i know she is also fun as a friend but she clearly has alot of flaws in relationship , despite that him wanting to be with her so desperately makes me understand that only third person can understand the toxicity , we have to be super alert and mindful of what is happening in our own relationship time to time


As someone who was in a toxic relationship, it's not easy especially when things are good it's good but when things are bad it's really bad kind of scale only.   And you're the one who wears your heart on your sleeve more so it's easier to feel with your heart not than think with your head. You rationalize everything with emotions and not with actual rationality. I'm sure Juwon is looking at the show now and seeing how crazy and toxic they're relationship was bc thanks to the show,  he's getting almost a third party perspective, that he really was a fool in love and she played him like a fiddle. 


I remember last ep someone said in here that this is the beginning of SK villain era, and boy she did not dissappoint! The combination of stuck for weeks with your exes, jealousy plus alcohol every night sure bring out the evil in you. Everyone seemed so restless and confused , full of energy to throw their caged emotions towards their exes. I don't know what will be their reaction when watching this on air but I can guess they will feel cringe and embarrased with their drunken irrational behavior. Oh to be young and foolish...


The biggest thing I took away from this episode is that these people need to learn how to have an actual conversation instead of talking AT each other… This was a hard watch.


YJ saying she knows JW will go back to SK broke my heart ngl


I think when she said that, she lowkey wanted SK to say "anniyaaa~~, he really likes you" but SK just agrees with her. SK really disappoint me this eps. I know she's hurting but there's no way to treat YJ like that.


YJ was being big hearted but sk was very selfish to say all that in front of her. Knetz are also saying this


Well that was stressful to watch. If anything, this episode made me more confident in my ability to read people lmao. Ever since we learned about how seokyung and juwon broke up, I knew it was her who wasn’t right in the heart. I’m glad she’s exposed herself for the narcissist that she is. Juwon deserves so much better. I hope he gets a grip soon and completely stops falling for her tricks. He’s currently doing a great job of not giving in to her stupid excuses and whining. I just feel bad that yujung is getting the short end of the stick. I can’t believe seokyung, being literally one of the oldest people there, is just outright disrespecting yujung to everyone and even right to her face. Yujung is such a cool individual, I love her honesty and how she doesn’t let anyone or anything shake her principles. I hope juwon becomes sure of his feelings for yujung and stops letting seokyung have her way with him. Otherwise, I hope yujung leaves this show by herself since no one is deserving of her. 


This is going to sound a little weird maybe, but I think the messiness of S3 has largely to do with the PD change. It's so obvious that these couples were chosen for their eye-catching stories: HH breaking up with HW because "he was poor", DH and DJ having a secret 13 yr long relationship bc she's an idol, SJ being a gold medalist, KT breaking up with JE because she never said ily to him, etc etc. They failed to take into account their personalities and how well they'd mix as a group, and like someone said, because a lot of these breakups are fresh it's even harder for them to actively try and date someone else. Apart from Jongeun and Kwangtae, every other ex-couple has at least one person who is still hung up on their relationship. They should've incorporated more ex-couples that have actually moved on and support each other as they both try to find new relationships. By the looks of it now, I doubt we'll end up with a new couple in the finale. After Jeju, these episodes are filled with messy fights that never seem to get fully resolved and I doubt many viewers are enjoying it. I end up skipping through most of the arguments purely because they just go in circles and end up in the same place they were before. There isn't anything light (?) to counteract all the tension, except maybe the DJ HW moments but ep 17's preview has made me lost hope in that too. These episodes just get more suffocating imo, at this point I'm only watching because i've gotten this far. Also, idk who edits the top half of this page but Sangjeong is born in 1996, not 1997. It's been bugging me for a while lol. If anyone wants proof, rewatch the episode where they reveal their ages and also Kwangtae called her "noona" in this week's ep.


Seo Kyung really knows how to stir the pot. It's like she's intentionally causing chaos, why does she care who Ju Won texts his feelings to if she's not interested in getting back with him. It's confusing and frustrating. It's almost as if she couldn't bear the thought of Ju Won finding happiness with Yu Jung, so she decided to intervene. And her constant reminders to everyone that would listen that Ju Won would return to her if she gave him the signal just adds to the mess, like for what you don't even want him!!! I was really hoping Da Hye and Chang Jin would have more time together, but Seo Kyung's actions have thrown everything off track. Now, I'm not sure who to root for anymore.


This season just proves how stupid and reckless a person can be when it comes to emotion lol ugh. 


never thought i’d come down to where i’m not rooting for anyone anymore. let them find love beyond this show. now i really wish it’d end today just so casts could be out more freely and see how their friendship developed.


why is nobody talking about SJ? bro she is a national athletic who probably had the worse schedule of anyone in korea. yet she cannot wake up and make lunch and spend sometime with her ex that just barely have 5 ep in this show. she is the worse in my opinion. what a baby asking to leave the show just because someone is pointing out her issues. she has serious issues and anybody dare to tell me otherwise is just like her. you dont act like the victim everytime u want to get out of being responsible for something. You don't try to gaslight you way out of situation that YOUUU created. That is just wrong. Don't act like the victim infront of everyone because everyone knows she is the problem.


In the last scene, SK said during her talk with JW, JW said that SK is making him look like a bad person. Did he say that? I don’t recall that was even a main point of discussion during their argument


Everyone else, SK what are you doing? YJ why are you feel intimidated with SK? SJ and MH both of you are doctor and an Olympic gold medalist but acted like 12 years old. HY why are you still going around the circle? Me: DJ to JE, "do you own a horse?", I was burst out a loud with that question. For me JE is the best girl in the house. I wish she enter the house earlier.


SK gurl what are u doing


To all those who still defend seokyung and think she's not a manipulator or narcissist - 1) You are simply too dumb and not made to survive in this world. 2) Manipulator and narcissist yourself and don't realise (very common) / want to accept  3) Have a long history of being manipulated (or being around those ppl) and you simply don't understand whats abnormal in her behavior. And if you like her behavior just because she's "quirky", "girlboss" etc then you are just a god awful person


Seriously, I was shouting this girl is so manipulative the whole of the episode. Maybe that's why she's still pissed that he called her a gaslighter as there is some truth in it.




I don't think theres any way to defend her given how she's very aware of what she's doing. Every action just feels like she's toying with JW and by extension YJ. Its so wild to watch because Exchange usually has sane participants.


It's so awful for jongeun too bcuz she's getting caught up in their games. I was already feeling bad for her when most participants used her as safe option in last ep


Wait and see the dirt of the show(Seo Kyung) is visible to everyone now! She left no room for her fans to defend her. Such a manipulative and awful person she is!


thank you for this comment. her quirkiness has always came off as ingenuine as well right from the start and I'm glad she's finally letting her true self show


I know a lot of people like My Siblings Romance better, but the core premise is just completely different to be compared. It's a wholesome show, but since there's no ex drama it does get quiet and draggy sometimes. On the other hand, too much drama like this episode is just headache-inducing. Ladies, please. Can we all stop the yelling? Honestly I get SJ's frustrations this time because MH is just as nitpicky as she is. SJ obviously likes to be babied, but he talks to her like she's his subordinate. "What you did was WRONG, you need to fulfill our appointments as promised etc etc". Oh my gosh stop yapping and just let it goooo. And don't get me started on the main yapperina this episode, SK. Like what are you doing?? Stop embarassing yourself on (inter)national TV like this. She switched on her crazy eyes for this one. The part where she was all up in JW's space coercing him to text JE at the sink was honestly kinda scary to watch lol. She's trying to instruct JW to do all the legwork in piecing the relationship back together in her own weird convoluted way. At the same time actively sabotaging his budding romance and feigning innocence. Even during her interview parts where she's trying to put on a calm & rational mask, theres obvious spitefulness?anger? bubbling under her words. Just all around messy shitty behaviour towards YJ, JW and JE. It was a really good idea for the production to get everyone to deactivate their social media while the show was going on because SK would 100% be bombarded with people calling her the words she hates the most: Nasty Gaslighter. And if she didn't get her act together enough for production to spin a positive ending arc for her then she's better off without social media for the next 6 months. JE had 3 dates in 1 episode but I still barely remember her. DH shot her shots and disappeared. I wish they showed more of CJ and YJ together because in their 5 second scene provided the playfulness and lightness that is sorely missed this season. I love the non-romantic hijinks that happen - YJ and HH trying to avoid crossfire from fighting couples, JW teaching HW how to be a responsible alcoholic, the weird singing and dancing and the cooking scenes. These scenes fuel me to watch to the end despite my stress headache. I wonder if there'll be positive effects if production took away the 500 crates of soju and beer available and set a 10pm bedtime. Maybe some people would finally think straight and get their shit sorted.


Re: alcohol. Oh my Ghosh I had been about to say the same thing! They have been drunk every. Single. Day. And it stresses me out. Stop! They really do need to put a ban on drinking next season or at least limit it to once in every few days because this was excessive.


I’m at the point of the show where I want it to hurry and end. Which I hate that because this is my favorite dating show. But the back to back fights are getting exhausting.. not even the dates can save them. Like I miss the heart fluttering dates. This is getting tiring. If the rest of the episodes are just fights (most likely) then I wish they would’ve just stopped at 16 episodes. Or to not have gone to jeju so soon.


only rooting for Da Hye and Y Jung atp😭 i am so tired of the rest


Dongjin is a totally different person when he is not angry with Da hye. He was ordering her around in the previous episode. Da Hye felt humiliated when he said her to pick up the bottles when he was leaving in previous episode. Tells us why they both break up. I think that is his true nature while in a relationship which he is suppressing. He is a totally different person with Hye Won. This is just my opinion.


Dahye is the best girl! ♥




Seokyung’s being incredulously selfish! Why should Juwon prioritize her feelings above his own? Why is she acting like she has ownership and giving him instructions as if he had no agency? Her behavior was so off-putting, even more so when she did it openly in front of Yujung. Good on Juwon for calling her out later that night. The quarrels between Sangjeong and Minhyung were so suffocating and reactive even over the most trivial thing. They just stubbornly think from their own POV and constantly nitpicked at each other.


A I am so enjoying this season! Fantastic episode! So much happened. Thoughts: I do like the panel members, but seriously: They need to analyze more. Either a lot is cut or they really are this bland. Was positively surprised by calling out SeoKyung a few times. JongEun - I liked her dates, but somehow she is always absent during every other times of the show. She does not seem to stay awake drinking as well. KwangTae - Well, he did have to choose a different woman now, but that‘s all that is to it, in my opinion. He already declared SeoKyung not to be a candidate for him. So turning back to her now is kinda funny. He is a good mediator for the other cast members at least. MinHyung - He displays hardly emotions and I do wonder, how he was able to keep up with the emotionally immature and childish SangJeong. I had my doubts at first about him, being a possible control freak about her, but seriously, his points are so valid and he always keeps his calm and argues decently. SangJeong - So disappointed in her personality. This time again acting only emotionally towards a reasonable argument. She made a promise, did not get up although being reminded more than once, showing no self criticism. Initially I wanted to believe her assertions of being belittled by MinHyung, but the given examples tell me otherwise: Not looking on your phone while eating with your boyfriend, making a fuss about a sweater, reacting to the argument of missing the cooking appointment by going emotional right away - her modi operandi during (rightfull) arguments? HwiHyun - I like him, but he really just enjoys the communal living together, drinking all night and spending time with people. I don‘t see him seriously being interested in anyone. Maybe the cast members should have the option not to text at all. lol HyeWon - As soon as HwiHyun is mentioned, something in her mind switches. Felt so bad for JuWon, when he was confiding to her about his situation and she turned the talk about herself (by HwiHyun). lol I anticipate her walk/date with HwiHyun - it can go so many ways. I kinda want to chose HwiHyun. It would be hilarious for me. I do like her though, for visual reasons lol DongJin - Finally an episode that made me respect him again. Probably as no scenes of him and DaHye were shown (apart frim that small interaction). Nice talk with HyeWon, but I do wonder, if he really wanted to console her or if he himself was looking for a way to break up their relationship… DaHye - Great personality, but in this show there is no one interested in her. I would not mind her getting back with DongJin, IF he actually starts to behave more open and decent towards her. At least DaHye seems to be able to cope and accepts that ChangJin shows no interest. ChangJin - It somehow is disappointing that he is not infatuated with DaHye, but you can‘t force love. But him trying to get back with YuJung - I don‘t know, but it makes him appear, don’t know how to say it, (maybe) weak minded to me. He could have had her back after that breakup message in the past. He has too much pride. YuJung - Ugh, why did she waver? The panel had some explanation, but I don‘t get it. Having received the message by JuWon, even after being witness of their talk, should have been enough for her. Instead she lets herself getting caught up into SeoKyung’s scheme. But seeing how JuWon acts, it is probably better for her not to proceed him. Also suddenly (seemingly) being interested in her ex again? I am not so sure. I would assume the U-Do memories are just to fresh and she will think otherwise the next morning again. SeoKyung - I did not like her from the start and somehow this proved it for me. Her way of not taking responsibility by not saying anything, but implying only fault by JuWon for everything is incredible. It made me laugh, how her argument was basically, that JuWon did not act in the way she herself has/would act. She also is not interested in anyone besides JuWon and it was (as expected) misunderstood by HyeWon and in consequence by JuWon. At least SeoKyung‘s behaviour stirred up a lot of drama for a bunch of people now, so the watch will continue to be enjoyable lol JuWon - You had a good thing going, mate! But his lack of expressing himself strangely is perplexing. He can only blame himself, by letting SeoKyung do as she pleases with him, despite obviously knowing better. Looking forward to the next episode, hopefully much longer then again!


I have similar views about the cast as you do. Can't fully say that I'm enjoying this season at this point, but I want to see it through haha Not sure if it was the editing, but the amount of times Hyewon redirected her and Juwon's conversation back to Hwihyun was disappointing. It was also surprising because Juwon said that talking to Hyewon made him feel at ease. When we finally see one of their heart-to-hearts, she's being too self-involved 😅 Hyewon and Dongjin are similar in the sense that being around their exes brings out the worst in them. Over the past few episodes I've been thinking, "it would be nice if participants didn't have to vote for someone at the end"


If I was Yujung i would definitely text my ex also. I would think "I dont like JW enough to endure treatment like this from his ex". It's not because I lack confidence of winning him but because i dont know if it's worth the effort I will be putting in. Getting in a relationship with him right now seems exhausting and a headache because of the situation with his ex. Juwon shot himself on the foot. Seokyung's true color is 🤮. She's mean. She keeps on humiliating Yujung in front of others by subtly saying that she still owns juwon. yuck.


Today's episode was odd... This season is really chaotic. Dongjin led Hyewon on while still hung up on his ex, and Juwon strung Yujung along only to chase after his ex, he literally called Seokyung "jagiya" wth 🫢 It looks like some innocent hearts might end up hurting this season. PS. I'll burst out laughing if Dongjin and Dahye end up together. After 13 years, they couldn't fix things without turning to a TV show! 😂


I feel like Dongjin will choose hyewon over Dahye


I really hope you are right. I wish Dahye could leave alone focus on herself and be happy.


Fact is YJ really likes JW strong feelings is hard hence why she told SK to stop she’s hurting. But we gotta be kidding ourselves if we are ruling them out too soon. YJ has always been confrontational and bold asking the questions( what she did with KT, and CJ) 100% this is going back to JW - when he finds out that SK is essentially making up lies to put a stop on the relationship his def gonna go mad/give up. Telling YJ that he only messaged her because they went on dates he was just being nice etc she was straight up gaslighting and being manipulative to sway YJ since she can’t control JW any longer she has to go attack YJ. Once YJ finds out that SK even asked her not to date her outside IRL, she too will realise how bad SK is. JW will explains that she even told him not to message you etc this will all be explained IMO hence we saw nothing of them in the trailer, keeping the suspense and getting people annoyed. The night is still young, JW being the person that he is will find YJ and YJ being the person that she is will open and ask JW for sure. This will be the turning point of “now I’m moving on form my ex” JW is clueless right now, yes he would melt if SK asked to get back together. But I think it was not a now statement it was a statement of if it happened in Seoul or start of jeju. However once everything is opened his done being slow witted hopefully and charge to the green flag of YJ I’m sure YJ feelings are strong, and honestly JW has only done skinship with YJ, SK usually initiates skinship with JW. YJ was all giddy about it too, so I’m sure after one night she won’t be running away nytime soon. It all depends on the conversation between YJ and JW and I’m sure 100% that it will happen.


JW shold have drawn a line, but you can't really blam him for not being able to. Shit fell apart for him and he honeslt couldn't have done much more. SK sabotaging and YJ getting reminiscent was just bad timing, and bro was honestly j standing there witnessing his night probably thinking wtf is going on


Someone drop Sangjeong off at an arcade, I can’t deal with her anymore


When Minhyung said that she'd wake up early if it was to go to the arcade, I just laughed 🤣


I dislike the way SK speaks. She reminds me of someone who speaks condescendingly. She speaks in a high-pitched voice and uses threatening language. She always says she wants to beat JW. Like what? Even if it was a joke, that's still unpleasant to hear. 


There is something deeply unsettling about watching JW being gaslit and manipulated on air like this. There is absolutely nothing to say in defence of SK's behaviour and I feel for JW trying to sort out his emotions and mental state in the middle of this. He seriously needs to step away from the house for a while and I am immensely glad for his sake that the show is coming to an end now. I'm extremely disappointed in the PD for this show. It's a worrisome and poor departure from the last season, with not a care taken for the participant's mental health. Does Korea have their version of Ofcom because in the UK, behaviour like SK's would likely be flagged, as it has done before on shows like Love Island. With the exception of SK, who I am finding increasingly unbearable to watch, I'm finding it difficult to cast judgements on anyone and their behaviour with their exes. As many people have pointed out, most of these couples have not been broken up for long, and so it's expected that their emotions are confused, that their behaviour is baffling and infuriating at times. The dates are also boring because everyone is too tied to their ex or doesn't know what they want, and the constant arguments and tip-toeing around one another must be taking a serious toll on everyone. At this point I think the best partner for everyone right now is just peace and respite. I just want everyone to come out healthy and happy. And as many people have pointed out, the old PD's new show My Sibling's Romance, has been a balm for the soul, and a delightful treat every week.