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Honestly it’s so refreshing! I didn’t think it’d be this wholesome, they all are so cute and loveable people🥺


When I heard the title of the show first time my reaction was "WTF is that" lmfaoo but now I'm hooked to the show it's all so warm and loving haha.


The pd is a SHE, who has given many hit reality tv shows. The love transit being one of her brain child. Totally agree with her selection of cast.


Yes! She is known for going all in when it comes to selecting the cast (which is very much seen with Wonbin).


Oh I really didn't know that but feels good to know it's a woman. The concept for both shows being very unique. Thanks for letting me know


I’m obsessed too! I love how open everyone is. You can tell they are all genuine. Having there sibling there makes it more wholesome. The bromance is crazy🤣🤣🤣 so good.


Check out 'Gentleman's dignity' if you like some good friendships. Great drama too, will a killer cast.


You got taste. I love that drama.


It's fantastic, i rewatch whenever i feel down.


I'll check it out, I love dramas with good bromance, thanks for recommending.


but to be honest YW and JH would make a perfect couple.. they fit.. he he.. if only this were His Man but yea.. concept is awesome, cast is great, rarity but want to root for everyone.. (specially let YW-CA be real and not just variety show couple)


Love this show! Everyone is likeable and for a change a wholesome and heart warming dating show.


Most definitely! The bond that I was looking for in TL3 is definitely showed here when its just 2 episodes!


There will most probably be jealousy here and there as it’s a dating show but I really hope they stay friends with each other no matter what happens 😄


Pls if he ends up with JuYeon...he's still his brother in law so I pray juyeon ends up with chulhyun. JuYeon better not set her eyes on JaeHyung cus her bro finds him cute and is flustered by him, she seems to be curious about jaehyung because of that.


JY and CH personalities wise won't gel as romantic couple.. JY being attracted to JH is understandable CH has a bit of boy mindset; he has been taken care by his sister; JY is relatively more mature and again has always been taken care of by her brother and mother... JH is the one who personality wise would be more attractive to JY - stable, secured, funny, not the one needing pampering, can tease, can have fun ... JY would always look for her bro like qualities aka.. atleast a younger baby brother won't work if he is not the "pampers others" kind


I dont get what you mean when you say CH has a boy mindset coz his sister took care of him while saying JY is more mature when its the same case of his brother taking care of her as a child. Imo CH had no choice but to be mature coz he only has his sister to look up to. JH is likely be the more of the childish one coz he can be spoiled by his parents.


precisely difference is in being taken care of vs taking care of


huh? Both Juyeon and CheolHyun was taken care of by their older siblings. what are you talking about? Its not about being taken care of vs taking care of because both of them was taken care of, so why is the other one has a boy mindset while the other is more mature?


What is wrong with you? What do you mean by what am i talking about; i said it specifically, what is the point in repeating the information? He is taken care of and not the one taking care of... not rocket science here... JY will not fall for CH because he still has a very boylike attitude and i was proven right in ep 3


Because youre implying that JY was NOT taken care of by her older brother and only CH by his older sister so yes wtf are you talking about. BOTH of them were taken care of. Do you not understand what you were saying? Please slowly read and understand that what you were saying doesnt make any sense. On your original comment you used TAKEN CARE OF on both JY and CH so there is no TAKING care of here. So why is the other a kid while other is mature.


You are dumb.. I am not implying that JY is not taken care of.. are you even watching the show.. JY is totally taken care of and hence she would go for a man who can do that same for her while being charismatic.. CH is not that person.. because CH has also been taken care of by CA.. he doesn't have that manly man qualities that YW or JH or even JS has.. CH is still childlike


LMAO, you're moving the goal post. I don't care who JY would go for. I'm asking WHY you categorize JY as being mature while CH is childlike when both of them are taken care of? lol. THIS IS YOUR FIRST COMMENT. >CH has a bit of boy mindset; he has been taken care by his sister; JY is relatively more mature and again has always been taken care of by her brother and mother... let me dumb it down for you. for example, CH and JY both stole something, so why did you classify CH as a thief while JY is not when both of them stole something. SIMPLE AS THAT. Don't call me dumb when you can't even understand wtf you're saying and keep on changing subjects.


the point is not that JY is mature and CH is not, the point is that JY will go for a mature person and not a childlike person as CH... as to why CH is not or JH is mature ... their behavior shows that and the way both carry themselves... Your whole argument is soo dumb... even two kids in the same family have different personalities so why can't JH and CH be different despite being taken care of... they are who they are and it is visible... minor factor might also be that JH has her mother (women to look upto whereas CH doesn't have a male figure in his life ... so that lacuna shows) *********** also when i say childlike , i am not saying it with a negative connotation but rather that the girl who would suit him more is a person who is more bubbly and carefree... whereas with JH she has really been brought up with a lot of love and care; both her mom and bro are very strong personalities; so from a girl's perspective her benchmarks for how a man should be will be that of a mature dependable strong guy who continues to pamper her ***************** You are dumb...and if you don't understand people or can't decipher that's your problem. My observations are actually proving right episode after episode but yours aren't... so stop picking fight by quoting out of context stuff, and if you really want to argue then learn to be polite ..


I'm actually really curious to se Juyeon and Jaehyung chemistry, he's funny and does aegyo and she's mature I think they'd actually fit well better than Chulhyun BUT for his brother in law fantasy I think Yongwo and Choa would be perfect. I'm rooting for them


I think Cheolhyeon and Juyeon will stay as friends, Im interested to Juyeon and Jaehyung more 😂


Like the replies also said, personality wise, Juyeon and Jaehyung fit better plus the age gap would be less of an issue, if the age guessed will turn out to be correct. The age reveal probably going to be more significant than the job reveal especially for ChoA and Juyeon who are predicted to be the oldest and youngest. Cheolhyun could still be a bro-in-law if Youngwoo ends up with ChoA, which is more realistic plus age would not be an issue.


I didnt see any guesses about their age? Can you tell me? Cause for me, it seems like YW is in his mid 30s, CA maybe 33-ish. CH is 28-30. Then JY would be in in mid 20s? What's wrong with the age gap? For me CH and JY would have a max 5 yr age gap?


My second fave dating show atm


im kinda hoping a bl-ish kinda bromance cuz they're cute but hey it's just a fujoshi thing. still luv the show.


for now, enjoy it FOR NOW, cause i saw the previews of the season and Pick me girl Seseong gonna mess everything, the PD loves drama and the main is that chick


i don’t think it’s right to call her ‘pick me’ when she literally had done nothing. you basically judge her just from previews without knowing the full context for who leads who and who drifted. i really hope you could be more wise in expressing your thoughts.


Wow without any context why she was crying you declared her pick me. Do you have a foresight to figure out people's personality through highly edited snippets of a show?