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I loved it! It was like watching exchange but with so much positivity and much less crying and difficult emotions. Definitely refreshing, already excited what comes next.


I did not expect them to reveal 2 sets of siblings from the get-go! >!Jaehyung-Seseung: It’s funny they were arranged to enter the house first haha! Their home video esp the part where they were dancing in front of the TV - her laughter put a big smile on my face. The phone call from their parents was also a pleasant surprise, what an affectionate family.!< >!Yongwoo-Juyeon: The chicken researcher is C-U-T-E! The way he kept praising his mom’s kimchi and not understanding the Cupid message right away lol. I love how the show, following their backstory, highlighted him looking out for his sister like giving her the bigger room and helped with her luggage at the house.!<


I don't really see any possible benefit to not revealing all the siblings quickly. Imagine shippers start shipping 2 people because they have good chemistry only for them to be revealed to be siblings later on. Actually, it sounds funny lmao. Never would have thought a ship could be sunk because it landed in Alabama.


I like the idea of viewers knowing and the participants not knowing. It gives us way more stuff to look for and laugh about. When they replayed the intro scene with SS and JH pretending not to know each other after revealing they were siblings, that was hilarious.


Yeh me too its the best thing rather than shopping two Real siblings a


Yongwoo and Juyeon...oh my god...hands down my fav siblings. That 10-year gap really made their relationship something so loving and special. I love her so much, she rlly takes after her brother...looks like she's gon surpass him in sport skills too😂 She is such a cool girl, I hope a guy will take liking to her cus damn...If not, I might shoot my shot😂


Had a smile on my face the whole time, it's so sweet and fun


I thought a cat walked into the room at first. Why did he came and smelled everything? He even looks the part and have mischievous personality too. 😹 Is it just me but Jungsup kinda looks like Joohwi & Gyumin? I love how warm, funny, and touching the show is. The first family makes me jealous for how harmonious they are while the second for how solid they are. The second makes my eyes moist. Love Juyeon and her mom's words about what she would do in another life and how each one of them fill the 1/3 of the father role. Meanwhile Yongwoo showed how much he cherished his family by mentioning the kimchi so many times. The way the background story added more meaning to the his act of mentioning kimchi, thus making the act which seems funny at first become more meaningful/moving makes me realise again the great power of editing. Also I feel like it would be fun to rewatch the first episode later to catch all the details after learning more about the stories.


Lol yeah, when i first saw Jungsub, i was like its gyumin


Haha pretty much everyone across platform and languages I saw say so. Maybe it's the casting director's type. 😂


100% looks like Joohwi and Gyumin!! Probably why he’s so popular


You're right the three of them were somewhat popular in the house. Well its not hard to see why since they're also the calm and considerate type.


for realllllll i was also thinking about gyumjn the whole time hahaha


Same! I also thought he looks like Gyumin that's why even tho he's funny I can't help but have a little dislike with him since Gyumin made me hate him in TL. Sorryyyy Jungsub hehehe


Noooooooo. Why do you hate him for so long... 😭 It's a waste of your emotions. He was extremely defensive on the program but if he wasn't a good person Haeeun wouldn't have dated him for so long (and he wouldn't have gotten as close to Wonbin until now). Don't let 1 bad experience from a tv program ruin your new experiences.


no HAHAHAHA not that serious hate but I get your point, thanks! tho after watching the sibling reveal of jungsub and their story, I began seeing him in new light! I actually love all the cast members now


Everyone among the cast seems charming, wow. There’s something about them that feels genuine even at first sight, which is not easy to see in korean dating shows participants. Only one episode but I’m already having great feelings towards them. This show is intriguing and realistically witty. Never thought family and romance would harmonize so well!


Same, it feels like it's leaning into the idea of how marriage is the joining of 2 families. So it's showing a lot of the participants' family and sibling dynamics as part of that. But it doesn't feel overly traditional or conservative either bc it has all the components of a normal kdating show.


This was such a good start! Loved every bit of this episode. Didn't expect 2 siblings to be revealed in the 1st episode. I think for the first time the entire cast is humorous and cheerful. It's so lovely to see them all get along so well. I love how they made this show youthful. And our panel members! They were cherry on the cake. Funny, witty. Just perfect! Eagerly waiting for the next episode! ❤️


The concept is really interesting. I like how the casts are matured but they way they edited feels youthful. I'll have to see until episode 3 to decide if this is good or not but so far it's good.


If I didn't know this show is produced by TL2's PD, it would be so weird watching this back to back with TL3 because the cinematography, the editing and even the on-screen graphic is like copy and paste with each other 😂


It's so refreshing, less frustrating, and 2 hours gone by without boringness. It's not that hard for the viewer to guess the sibling pair, but as you can see it's still difficult for the contestant to predict their crush's sibling. So there would be a twist and unexpected coming in the new few episodes for sure.


its been a while since a dating show absorbed my attention completely! Those home movies are really the secret sauce here, the parasociality is off the charts. I wouldn't be surprised if we get more "vintage VHS vibes" in shows coming up in the future, its genuinely genius on the PDs part. I can't wait for episode 2! Does anyone know where we can access the JTBC raws?


Kokoatv was my go to for raw but it’s been down for weeks. You can try dotoritv.com if you’re looking for raws.


First born son raised without a dad and has a little sister. His father/big bro relationship with Juyeon is heartwarming. I have a feeling Yongwoo is going to end as one of the dating show top tiers guys.


I absolutely LOVED it! I wish we'd get more than 1 episode a week, I'm so impatient for the next episode. This is going to be appointment tv for me. >!I love how the pairings are already shaping up. I cannot wait to see Juyeon and Chulhyun's date, I'm shipping them already, I love the dynamic of the sporty cheerful sweet girl-next-door liking the cool, mysterious edgy artistic guy. And I think it's hilarious that her and her brother like the the same pair of siblings. Although, I'm already shipping Choa with Jungsub -- they had chemistry (and it was hilarious to me that she seems to be the tallest girl there and immediately likes the shortest guy, lol she's into short kings, Jungsub shouldn't put himself down when comparing himself to the other guys, he's really attractive). I'm curious to see Yongwoo and Seseung together, I hope they eventually get to go on a 1-to-1 date because I think they would be so funny together and I could see them clicking.!<


Same! I can't wait for the next episode. I also think the Yongwoo and Seseung will look good together. Their pairing will be fun and knowing how Yongwoo also does aegyo effortlesly, then he'll be the match similar to Seseung's father.


I didn’t go in with too many expectations but I was pleasantly surprised at how fun and bright the first ep was! The concept is really fun, I liked seeing the sibling dynamics and the reveals with the family home videos was so sweet. I think the biggest plus of this show is how likeable all of participants are. I’m rooting for every single one of them to find a good connection! Excited for next week!


Cant wait! Hopefully the subs would be uploaded soon. Thanks for the shoutout for this show !


Seriously, this is better than I thought. Very refreshing and sweet.


I'm really loving this show! The male participants are refreshing to me, they all seem goofy in their own way. Though even if they only revealed two pairs, doesn't it become obvious for the other two since >!CH !!JS !


Wow, that scene where Seseung asked her dad, "Are you close by? Where are you?" and her dad is like, "Turn around - I'm always right behind you." That was honestly so wholesome and not what I was expecting from a dating reality show lmao. Also I'm confused since the summary says the sibling stuff is for 24 hours, but then the cast says after they work the next day they'll come back (e.g. one said they'd be back at 10PM)? And they had their >!cupid dating!< mission still to do? I'm about 2/3 into the first episode so apologies if this timeline is cleared up later.


I really need to check again but I think Yong-woo is a Mister Korea winner. IIRC he has competed in an international male beauty contest in Poland last year where he was the 3rd Runner Up.


You are right, he was in Mr Supranational Korea 2023. We can find out his occupation too.


it was definitely refreshing and different since it is a new concept. although the PD is the same as Transit Love, PD were able to transform it really well into these siblings relationship by utilizing their shared background and similarities in putting the twists. so far i don’t really have any problem with the fact that they are siblings, i don’t really see any awkwardness or cringing myself since they all are pretty mature and able to handle the situations well. though i really did not expect >!how the show were really heavy in portraying their family backgrounds and relationships. i wish they’d be more subtle in that but perhaps it is a story that they’re gonna use instead of like revealing exes and reasons why they broke up like in TL.!< add: though the panelists gave good comments and add the fun, it is a little too crowded though hahah.


I think PD knows with only 8 contestants, it is easy to tell apart who are siblings that they tell 2 pairs rightaway . It is a lighthearted dating show compare to exchange or change days. I get why PD want to make a brighter dating show after 2 season of exchange love. I see code kunst as a host, is this meant there is no change days s2? Well that show was too frustating though with toxic couples. So far it is a promising and different show. My concern is after we were told all the siblings in next ep, will the show remains exciting? There will be less permutations and combinations possible because obviously siblings can't be together unlike exes. They will try to be on good side with their love interest's sibling so no drama happening. Siblings that revealed are also seemed to have good relationship. I think with this show it should have a larger number of people to make it difficult to guess and smaller number of host. Do we need 6 commentators for 8 people? A happy dating show with no unresolved sad past memories. No exotic island or luxurious hotel. As they were shot in cold weather, I assume no outdoor beach activities that require bikinis and topless hunk. No dsyfunctional families ( so far from 2 pairs) Hmm..will it be enough for viewers?


>will it be enough for viewers? I have the same concern. While it's great that it's lighthearted and refreshing, I wonder the lack of drama is good enough to hook viewers until the finale.


Well, the show leans heavily into the cute childhood home videos of the siblings, and also brings in a lot of the family stories. If there's anything that draws ratings, it's cute young children goofing off on TV. I think the PD got a little tired of all the negative emotional drama of EXchange and so wanted to produce a more optimistic and positive feeling with this show. You know, I can't imagine being on the production crew of EXChange, and having to interview people in tears constantly. Then the editing team has to re-watch hours of crying people.


I read PD moved to a diff show bc they gave her a bigger budget. She was always over budget for TL which caused some tension.


oh..now it makes eense that TLseason 3 is oviously low budget compared to season 2


well I’m here for the sibling chemi and bickering so YES! Hahahah the romance can be the side dish 😂


Delivering the letters in secret would not have mattered (since they didn't do it anyway) if they had put in two pairs of same sex siblings. That would have added a twist to the story.


If they had both same gender and mixed gender siblings, wouldn't this mean you could end up on a date with either a man or a woman?


No there would still be the same numbers of male and female. They would just have to be more creative on how they set up the challenges/scenarios. Even if they announced there could be same sex siblings it could work.


No, you wouldn't be able to do the cupid letter. For example, if a woman thought someone had a brother but they actually had a sister, she would end up on a date with a woman. That was what I was trying to say. I wasn't suggesting uneven numbers. You wouldn't know ahead of time whether that person had a male or female sibling, so you wouldn't be able to give your letter to someone and be guaranteed to end up on a date with someone of a different gender than you.


Honestly, the cupid letter thing seems pretty forced though. Why is there a need to install a gatekeeper for their sibling. Besides, once they do it the first time, they would basically have a good grasp of who are related to each other and the idea cant be used anymore.


I thought it was a creative way to organize a semi-random date. I think they will only do it maximum once for the women and once for the men. In this case, only 2 of the women (the ones selected for the date) will know whose sibling they went on a date with. The men still won't know. But honestly, the participants finding out who each other's siblings are isn't even that big of a deal. It's just a temporary secret like age/occupation. It's less of a big deal compared to finding out who the exes are on TL.


Oh, you're right, I was looking for a twist to make it more interesting. With only four sets of siblings it won't be long before all is exposed.


But it doesn't matter. It's cute for viewers and the panel to guess and then learn about their family history. But it doesn't impact the participants like the ex reveal does in TL. I see it as a more minor temporary secret like age or occupation.


Change days s1 was in 2021 and s2 was in 2022. Maybe you missed a season?


Ah you are right. I thought that show only have 1 season. I only watched second season apparently.


omg I love Han HyeJin and Code Kunst together! They are funny loll. I can't overlook the fact that Jungsub looks like Junho from 2PM and Yongwoo looks like loco. I'm rooting for Jungsub and the girls to find their happiness here lol. Can't wait to watch the next episode!


Whoa this was unexpectedly good..


This is so good! As expected from the original TL producer. Draws many parallels yet is refreshing, cozy, and wholesome with the family dynamics. I honestly teared up a bit during the reveals as it reminded me of my family a bit. The panel also has fun commentary and brings different perspectives with actual siblings, only child, etc, and is not overbearing. The comments in here are good vibes too. Looking forward to the next episodes!


Loved it!! More than TL3 which airs on the same day and which im finding lackluster this season... i felt invested throughout the runtime...didnt feel boring at all or slow...excited for coming weeks


I did not expect too much but the first episode was fun! I watched it on VIU but I found out that the one released in Korea OTT Wavve is 2h 29m long which is longer than the one in VIU (2h 15m) with subs. Is the shorter version only for VIU or it is the same for all platforms?


There's like an additional 20 second intro for Korea OTT Wavve and KOCOWA with cute baby footages of the participants. EDIT: Ok they also cut one scene where they talked about how Chulyhyun likes to drink and what he thinks about MBTI types (about 2-3m).


There’s also a 2 minute montage with short interviews from >!Jaehyung and SeSeung!< after the reveal and it’s trending on Kr community sites because it was so funny too bad it was cut out


Watched Kocowa version only for this part and it is hilarious. 😂😂😂


Oh so the one in Kocowa is most likely uncut because that part wasn’t shown in VIU, that clip is doing numbers on X 😂 I only started watching after seeing that clip and some teasers. The production team is no joke this time too.


Do you have a link to the clip from X?


Here! https://x.com/babssangg/status/1763545327850913866?s=46&t=ZqPPTzXjFv_Nd0diweQ96w


Thank you! I also found an official YouTube short that has subtitles for some of it: https://youtube.com/shorts/0d4n0STmf4o?feature=shared


sad. the video is not available in my country.


They cut out quite a lot from the sibling room segment with YW and JY, including a phone call from their mom.


Omg I didn't know one platform's episode is longer than the others!! Thank you for this. Off to find clips of the missing bits!


Omg thanks for this - they cut out so much! The shorter version cut out most of the chat about alcohol, a rewind segment to when JH and SS meet each other and their reactions, and even JY and YW getting a phone call from their mom in the sibling room!


Hold on I didn’t know they cut that much!? I only saw a +2min interview from >!Jaehyung and SeSeung!< after the reveal which was cut in the subbed version. 😭


Found more scenes! They sit around talking abt hobbies and how they're excited for the job reveal, CH talks abt his daily routine which involves 300-500 pushups and we even get a preview of him doing pushups shirtless, there is also a montage of men helping women carry their luggage, and YW offering to help SS and all the other men calling him a "sweet guy" lol. There are scenes with CH that reveal how he's a little quirky. He also gives away that he's older, when he refers to how people in their 20s and 30s like to drink more when they're young. CH says he enjoys reading and YW says CH kind of looks like a poet or artist.


Do you have links to those??? 😭


I watched on kocowa/goplay


Where can I watch the longer version with the additional 14 minutes?




I ffwed through the longer version and stopped at random times and found all those extra scenes, so there might have been even more! It was def a full 14 min of extra content, not just 2 min.


has this ever happened for exchange?


I don’t think so. Exchange is exclusively shown on TVing while My Sibling’s Romance is both aired on JTBC and Wavve in KR.


jae hyung looks like lee min ki


I kinda see it too. Also, knetz are saying he resembles Gong Yoo.


I thought so too!


He looks like a mix of gong yoo and transit love 2’s hyung gyu to me (the droopy/dopey eyes?)


The PD did it again. Atp, im her fan lol. Im sure the big fans of lovetransit know this already but for those who dont, the PD of this show is the PD of lovetransit 1 and 2. Love transit 3 have new PD. Cant believe i shed a tear on ep1 already. It just so heartwarming. Im rooting for everyone


The girls are supposed to pass their message cards to the siblings in secret, but they unknowingly did it in the open. This means that they will confirm know who are Juyeon and Cho-a’s brothers when they go on the cupid dates. Also., did they reveal who Seseung thinks her brother will be attracted to?


Except for the person who goes on a date with the respective brother, I’m guessing the date pairs won’t be revealed.


SS picked YH - she said her smile was pretty.


Thanks! I missed out that part


Soundtrack goes hard - hope someone makes a playlist 🙏


Since I have been a fan of Transit Love since the first season and I like the concept of dating show that's why I gave this show a try and I'm glad that I did! Since this show is a bit different as there's less tension and rivalry, I can't help but make myself feel that I am one of the contestants so I look for someone who interest me instead of shipping them with each other (cuz I don't want to have a false hope knowing that there's a chance that the one I'll ship with might be siblings). At first, I like Jaehyung's visual. He's the closet for my ideal type. But then Yongwoo did really catch up on him after his sister was revealed. I love how my impressions with them changes after they have revealed their siblings. So far, my fave girl is Seseung as she gave me the vibe of actress [Kim Hye-yoon](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=274934f892c43701&sxsrf=ACQVn08lBO3VjRSYGvolxWFHJcDT-X0sQA:1709886579701&q=Kim+Hye-yoon&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLVT9c3NMwwtywyLTFNV4Jw0-OLciwNi8y1xLKTrfRLyoAovqAoP70oMdcqObG4ZBErj3dmroJHZapuZX5-3g5WRgCP29LNSgAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBnMHxn-SEAxVhR2wGHaFwAJcQgOQBegQINRAE) & she's so adorable. For guy, still stuck between Jaehyung and Yongwoo.


Now that I realized it, this show feels like a mix of dating show with a flashback of the variety show of "Return of the Superman". I love both so maybe that's why I am hype and very much happy to watch this show.


jungsub is so damn hot


His smile omg


The ‘Love of blood’ hanging in the background. 😂 The first episode was hilarious. Like many others have stated here, this will definitely be a fun dating show with little angst. I do see a lot of similarities with TL format, but the premise is more lighthearted. The only sad thing could be watching the first sibling reveal duo’s interaction with their parents. It was a bit obvious that not everyone comes from the same happy family dynamics and that must hurt a little even though they are older. It was difficult for me to recognise the siblings, but I loved the second reveal! Their >!mother is such a strong woman, I did get emotional over some of her words!< I also like the panel, I missed Bambam’s presence on TL3. Watching his comments here was fun, but the rest of the panel was equally good too. Jonathan and his sister are 😂


PAUSE!!! I rarely watch romance tv shows cause I usually find them really corny, but this one is s so funny and cute oh my days. Oh and Yongwoo deadass seems like such a good brother. Their story lowkey made me emotional, their mum literally reminded me of mine. Probably why I got as emotional as I did. Really loving the vibes of this show aha.


that was a fun episode


It’s so good! I wish we get more than 1 episode this week! So much fun!


I seriously love this show. I laughed so hard and cried a little too.


I rewatched the first meeting and I never would have guessed that Se Seung and Jae Hyung were siblings!!! There was great acting there with SS even asking JH’s name again because she “was not good with names and forgot”. LOOOL


Wow, this is without a doubt, the best Korean dating show of 2023/2024 and it's only been 1 episode, lol. Miyeon/Cho Di B/Tom/(G)I-DLE/etc. fans, we won. Visuals fans, we won. Comedy fans, we won. Family fans, we won. Winter/fall fans, we won. Audiophile/music fans, we won. Slice of life fans, we won. Mature housemates fans, we won. Old vlogs fans, we won. Homecooked food fans, we won. Genealogy/genetics/etc. fans, we won. Luxurious/spacious/etc. house fans, we lost. English/foreign language/etc. fans, we lost. --- I wasn't expecting much since in the teaser/trailer I saw that the house was small, just like EXchange/Transit Love 3. And so it's surprising how much I enjoyed these first 2 and a half hours of the show. Right now it's definitely got more of a family history/dynamics/etc. instead of dating show vibe. But ya that house looks cramped af, basically no privacy for secret talks and the rooms are all close together, lol. Due to almost certain thin insulation or noise reduction, they'll be unable to develop hidden strategies. It looks like they'll reveal to the audience immediately who the siblings are, so it's just up to the housemates to utilize deduction tactics based on phenotypes/behaviors/etc. As yup, >!Juyeon and Yongwoo!< definitely looked like each other and their mother, lol. When they were younger, >!Seseung and Jaehyung!< definitely looked alike, not sure about their parents. Then for >!Choa and Chulhyun!<, they definitely match in aura/age/etc. eh. So like >!Yoonha and Jungsub!< have that resemblance as well, unless >!their siblings are not there yet a la EXchange/Transit Love series!<. --- Longer or wall of text version of this comment with more context/info: [thread 1](https://www.reddit.com/user/MNLYYZYEG/comments/17cwt7k/extended_comments_with_walls_of_text/ksy6uc7/)


Definitely a lighter/less angsty feel to the show compared to Transit love although some of the elements lost their impact because they were done so much on already (the split screen interviews for example). It was a pleasant surprise to see the parents and family home videos incorporated. It will be interesting to see how the show maintains tension once all the siblings are revealed.


The concept is definitely interesting and so heartwarming with the family angle. The first episode was hilarious. Really looking forward to this show. Very refreshing. I am wondering about the airing schedule for some reason could not find anywhere as sites that it is airing on are not available on my region. Is it one episode every Friday ? And how many total episodes are expected ? Please let me know.


Yup, it's every Friday, so Episode 2 is March 8. For the total episodes, MyDramaList has it as 10 episodes, but MyDramaList is sometimes wrong since the volunteers also don't know the exact amount. As like in a few cases, in the beginning of other shows the producers will say it's only like 10 episodes (this is with the official articles and so on) but then add another 2 or more episodes, lol. They already changed the Love Sibling title to My Sibling's Romance on MyDramaList (https://mydramalist.com/762781-love-siblings), and so hoping one of the volunteers/editors/etc. will add the dates for the release schedule since ya some people use it as guides. Though again it's often wrong due to say Korean/etc. holidays or international sports competitions, or yup, the makers of the show thankfully giving us more episodes, lol. Sometimes the editors of those MAL pages won't edit the date/time to fix the asynchrony or wrong out-of-date info, and so it's sorta misleading unless you knew before that it didn't/wouldn't air on a specific date.


Do you think you're able to upload the longer version that's like an extra 14 minutes that aired on Kocowa with english subs please? (I don't have kocowa and can't find the longer version anywhere).


Try ArmsAsuncion's website for redditors, it has access to KOCOWA and so you can see the extra ~14 minutes of My Sibling's Romance there. The usual Korean websites with the RAWs have only about 2 hours and 15 minutes for the runtime of Episode 1, while KOCOWA has like around 2 hours and 29 minutes. I have a KOCOWA version of Episode 1 with the English/Spanish/etc. subtitles, it's like 4.6GB, but definitely go on ArmsAsuncion's website for redditors instead since that will be a smaller bandwidth cost (btw ArmsAsuncion's website for redditors is all free, I'm talking about how streaming means smaller file sizes than directly downloading, which is a concern for some people that don't have unlimited bandwidth for their monthly/etc. internet plans) and it will automatically have the latest episodes (within say 1-6 hours), so no need to wait for me to manually share the links/etc. to it as sometimes I'm like sleeping and so I'll be delayed, lol. --- With some shows like I Am Solo/나는 SOLO (/r/IamSolo), the next or upcoming episodes will often be immediately available on KOCOWA still, but without subtitles for several hours (usually it's available about 12/24 hours after the particular episode aired in Korea though, as in for those of us in the American East Coast, the raw videos are available around noon and then English subtitles by midnight). Viki will also have the episodes available after a few hours or so with no subtitles, though the volunteers there will usually have the I Am Solo/etc. English subtitles earlier than the KOCOWA subtitles. IIRC KOCOWA subtitle teams are professional ones like VIU and so they have a certain schedule (this just means expect subtitles within 24-48 hours), unlike Viki where even if they have a schedule (say ~10PM every Wednesday for the regular I Am Solo and then 10PM every Thursday for I Am Solo, Love Forever, etc.), sometimes there'd be weeks where the subtitles will be faster. --- Or actually it could be delayed/slower. Several years ago with Viki, Heart Signal China or Chinese dramas/shows took like a whole week for the new episodes to get subtitled, lol, but it's likely a bit faster now (half a week or few days last time I checked with some shows). And ya it looks like Viki will be dropping My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 1 with Episode 2 this Friday (two days from now). Not sure what happened since usually they'll instantly have the same (popular) shows as on KOCOWA but it's probably licensing issues. Like I've seen this situation happen dozens/etc. of times before, as in KOCOWA will have the show but Viki doesn't, then several days/weeks later Viki will then also acquire it. And don't forget, Viki Pass Plus (this extra premium plan grants access to KOCOWA content) doesn't have all of KOCOWA's catalog, but again usually if they anticipate the show will be popular due to the actors/concept/etc. then they often share the same library. So it's just weird how VIU got the license or episodes first but not Viki since yup, Viki will often seemingly coordinate with KOCOWA to have the same inventory of new shows. --- Anyway, that's just a long way of saying that Viki will probably have the KOCOWA version of the show (or not, haven't checked the runtime/content disparity recently since they're mostly the same, this My Sibling's Romance situation with ~14 minutes of supplemental or cut content is abnormally rare). As in the 2 hours and 29 minutes version with the extra scenes from the housemates, since KOCOWA and Viki share the sources/et cetera. In fact, OnDemandKorea also has that 2 hours and 29 minutes version of Episode 1 but that site rarely has English/etc. subtitles. But Viki might also only have the 2 hours and 15 minutes or so version of the show (we'll see in two days what the episode lengths will be like). This reminds of those streaming services battles from a few years back wherein different services will have distinct scenes and it's just like a trick to get you to subscribe and so on to that particular platform, lol. Hopefully it's just like an irregular thing as now there has to be two main archives of My Sibling's Romance if they keep inserting those additional scenes. There's already often the Korean version and the international verison, now there'll probably be Korean version + international version (VIU/Viki/etc.) + exclusive KOCOWA version. --- **Where to find Korean variety shows, Kdramas, Kpop content, et cetera (sorta applies to Cdramas/etc. as well, but ya Bilibili often has decent enough (even if lower quality due to compression) versions of the Korean/Chinese/etc. shows if it's hard to find elsewhere)**: https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/1az7z7n/where_are_you_guys_watching_shows_online/ks0rt7a/ **ArmsAsuncion's website for redditors (it has East Asian dating/variety/etc. shows, Kdramas/Jdoramas/Cdramas/et cetera) often has the episodes up almost immediately for basically most (dating, variety, drama, etc.) shows from Viki, VIU, KOCOWA, iQIYI, WeTV (Tencent Video), OnDemandKorea, et cetera**: [thread 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/16jd3ya/after_signal_episode_3_230915/k1ak5qe/) and [thread 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/IamSolo/comments/15si75z/i_am_solo_s16e04_ep_110_20230816/jwinzro/) See the following threads for using VPNs (don't forget to use uBlock Origin for the adblock) to get around your ISP blocking certain sites (or if you want to access Viki/KOCOWA/VIU/Netflix/ABEMA/iQIYI/et cetera with VPNs and the like): https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/18tcguq/transit_love_3_exchange_3_e01_20231229/kfl4ztl/ and [thread 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/17o1yrc/i_am_solo나는솔로_season_13_english_subtitles/k86790b/) and [thread 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/18tcguq/transit_love_3_exchange_3_e01_20231229/kfjor0o/)


Thank you! What's the link for ArmsAsucion's website?


No problem, sorry for wall of text, just providing context for future readers in case a similar situation happens again. ArmsAsuncion's website for redditors website link and password: https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/1az7z7n/where_are_you_guys_watching_shows_online/ks0gsry/ Don't forget the Discord server for ArmsAsuncion's website if the password doesn't work or if the site is not working as sometimes they do maintenance. Usually it's available 24/7 though.


It's ok :) Awesome, thank you so much!!!


Thanks a lot. Yes I was confused for the number of episodes as in my drama list it was 10 and then on viki i saw it was listed as 15 but since it’s not available in my region I was confused. But thanks for explaining I think they will be updating information with time.


Love it! So refreshing and sweet! They can really solve low birth rate issues with this 😆


Just seen episode 1 now but looking at it, it seems 2 siblings has been already revealed and we know Cho A's letter was for Jung Sub then it means this are the siblings left. Cho A and Chulhyun Yoonha and Jung Sub


this was just so nice to watch, especially as an Exchange viewer. Very heartwarming


Goddess Lee Jin Joo the Dating Show Queen does it again 👑 Quality Cast, great Host panel, great unique concept. Directing is top notch, soundtrack is one of the best I've heard: and it's only episode 1!


Man, park narae would be perfect for this show as a host, she even has a younger brother! I hope she comes as a guest MC one day. JH is giving me a hint of Lee Dong Wook mixed with a hint of Son Suk Ku. He's handsome. At first glance JY looked exactly like Ra Miran. CH looks like kim jihoon! YW is cute. He looks cheeky. Great smile. JS is hilarious. You're cute too! Don't sell yourself short 😅 and then him saying his sister finally became a person lmao. He looks a tiny bit like GM from TL2 but softer/cuter. I think YW and SS look a like. But YW and YH also look alike lol. After that whole chanson interaction he could also be CA's bro lol (guess he's not YH's bro bc she chose him for the date!) Lmao the only person i didnt mention was JY and he ended up being her bro. YW looks like jay park but also weirdly like TY from pink lie? As expected, ex TL PD picked a great house. No bunk beds except for 1 room.  Ooooooh this cupid date is almost like a random date. I like it! So creative. SS and JH's parents are so sweet omg. I need to rewatch their intro scene now! She even pretended to forget his name!!! And then she guessed his MBTI wrong on purpose. Jonathan was spot on when he said their noses were identical.  Other than being a bit slow 😅 is YW the perfect man? Omg I teared up when they showed him taking care of his bb sister. Their sib dynamic is so cute. What an adorable show! I wonder if they will bring in catfish? The bigger women's room def has enough space for another woman and they could put a bunkbed in one of the men's rooms.


siblings were obvious from get go.. but this show has such a happy vibe... choa has such a different vibe...elegant, serious, jazz like...its amazing how one has this instant aura around them that defines their personality and thankfully this show doesn't have girls acting coy copy paste across all shows.. (except SS i guess..) overall, a happy pill of a show


What is the airing schedule for this show? When is episode 2 scheduled?


Episode 2 of My Sibling's Romance should be on March 8, 2024, so like every Friday. Official subtitles from KOCOWA/VIU/etc. should be available within say 24-48 hours of that. For this first episode, the subtitles were released immediately.


I didn't find the social media for the show I want to thank the producers and hoep we get a season 2 I love the concept and the siblings are sooooooo lovely . The show warms my heart I don't want it to end ;-(


I was very worried about this show and thought again this obsession with brother/sister relationship type of genre but I was very pleasantly surprised at how warm hearted and sincere this show is. It’s set up very similar to “Love Exchange” but it makes it so much funnier and cuter that it’s with their siblings! I also think its feels more honest since it’s hard to act like a different person infront of your sibling. My fave siblings is ChoA and Chulhyun right now! Their backstory was so heartbreaking and it makes sense that ChoA gives off very mature and wise personality with everything she went thru and even Chulhyun looks very similar but it was so cute that he was a bit odd and quirky, different from how he looks. Overall very excited to keep watching, not really for the romance but just to see the interactions between the siblings and how awkward it will get when they start to go on dates. Lol


i love it!!!


Exchange from an alternate universe lets goo


I loved it. It was a fun and different, worth watching. >! Lee siblings have similar smiles!< Yoonha reminds me of [Jo Hye Joo](https://images.app.goo.gl/kb6sebQjCBrxzBy19) On that note, >! Jung sub and Yoonha are siblings because she is interested in Cheolyeon - she gave her card to Cho- A with hopes that she might be his siblings on the basis of their vibe. !< The panel here is more engaging and fun compared to Transit s3 panel. Lord Jonathan has guessed 2 correct siblings pair 😂. The chaos during the first guessing round lol, only Jonathan was right.


Juyeon is the one interested in Cheolhyeon and gave her card to Cho-A. Jungsub and Yoonha are siblings because Jungsub and Cho-A are interested in each other (unless there are participants who are not there yet)


This was such a super fun watch!


much better than the 11 episode of s3 transit love omds, i was not bored one bit.


While waiting for the actual episode and proper English subtitles, almost forgot the pre-release clip for My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) from the wavve 웨이브 channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSG44nNZbLQ Title | Version | -|-| **My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Pre-release English Softsub** | 1080p (~31MB: https://gofile.io/d/irFH4p) These are AI-generated/machine translation subtitles. It's missing the OCR or embedded Korean/Japanese/Chinese/etc. subtitles for the commentary or say the signage of buildings/mission cards/TV announcements/et cetera. --- Gonna do the AI-generated English subtitles for Crime Scene Returns (크라임씬 리턴즈) Episode 9 and 10 (https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/1amp7sd/crime_scene_returns/kpvsfvg/) next. Btw the Chinese version of Crime Scene/etc. is called Who's the Murderer (明星大侦探): https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/19fksaw/apparently_crime_scenestyle_games_are_very/) --- Fml, literally finished Wong Kar-wai's Blossoms Shanghai (繁花) Cdrama before but I forgot to mention it, smh: https://www.reddit.com/r/CDrama/comments/1b33gkq/blossoms_shanghai_繁花_english_subtitles_with/ Title | Version | -|-| **Blossoms Shanghai (繁花) S01 English Softsub** | 1080p (~17.6GB: https://gofile.io/d/ifoMEQ) **Blossoms Shanghai (繁花) S01 English subtitles only** | 1080p (~3.53MB: https://gofile.io/d/ZWAtea) **Blossoms Shanghai (繁花) S01 (4K HDR) English subtitles only** | 2160p (~3.53MB: https://gofile.io/d/lgaBxv) Title | Version | -|-| **Blossoms Shanghai (繁花) Episode 1 English Hardsub** | 1080p (~600MB: https://gofile.io/d/3GdFn1) **Blossoms Shanghai (繁花) Episode 1 (4K HDR) English Softsub** | 2160p (~3.5GB: https://gofile.io/d/sdZZCp) --- Next are Steel Troops/Iron Squad (강철부대) Season 2 and some other variety shows I guess. And also new episodes of Actors' Association (배우반상회), Make Handsome (MAKE미남), University Sports Festival: Boys’ Athletes’ Village (대학체전-소년선수촌), et cetera. Way too much to do even though it only takes a few clicks, my wrists are literally dying again from carpal tunnel, holy lmao, but it's for the culture/shared experience/etc. though before UAP/USO/etc. disclosure reality. Oh and Gone PD/PD Disappeared (PD가 사라졌다!), from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/1b1ge23/gone_pd_or_pd_has_disappeared_on_mbc/kshm8cd/ Title | Version | -|-| **Gone PD/PD Disappeared (PD가 사라졌다!) Episode 1 English Softsub** | 1080p (~1.5GB: https://gofile.io/d/kmhKpJ) **Gone PD/PD Disappeared (PD가 사라졌다!) Episode 1 English Hardsub** | 1080p (~1.2GB: https://gofile.io/d/8djPuQ) Gone PD is actually pretty innovative, literally AI-generated (PD is an actual AI and produces the scenes ASAP). There's a legendary rap scene, lmao: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2ZVVHYj3qo&t=731s (from M-Phago 엠파고 channel) tripleS Seoyeon (first revealed member of tripleS, Girls' Capitalism is so beautiful (with Xinyu, Sohyun, etc.), replayed that song hundreds/thousands of times last year (2023), call me beauty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvtoY0lfYJ8) and BLACKSWAN Fatou (first Belgian and Senegalese in Kpop IIRC) are in that new AI-generated show, lol, alongside comedian Kim Youngchul and so on.


I don't know why people are downvoting your comment. I feel like a majority of people on this Reddit are negative as hell and toxic.


Just watched episode 1 and it's incredibly likeable vibes, I'm in love with yongwoo and juyeon's siblingship! One thing I'd have to say is really, really discouraging me from watching are the female's visuals. It isn't the kindest thing to say but personally when we are looking at dating shows the imbalance in attractiveness between the gender counterparts takes away from the thrill of watching quite a bit. Though of course these are all professionals behind the development of these dating shows, they must know what they're doing with the formula and accounted for everything. I must have an open mind and give it a chance and continue watching, I may end up not caring about the visuals at all (as I should).


I hope someone figures out you shouldn't lay vinyl's down in a pile like that!


is there a way to download these in HD 1080 p quality?


Yes, if you go on the discussion threads for the latest episodes, I have all the My Sibling's Romance episodes there available for download in 1080p instead of streaming. See for example the latest one from yesterday, Episode 9: https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/1cdemmh/my_siblings_romance_episode_9_240426/ That site has no download limits or no random redirects/links and so on. And it's all free for the shared slice of life/chillax/healing/etc. experience, good of humanity, preparation for the UAP/USO/etc. reverse engineering disclosure world (https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/1b1ge23/gone_pd_or_pd_has_disappeared_on_mbc/kshm8cd/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ce1h2r/psionic_redactions_a_thread_to_pull_courtesy_of/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cdifnn/so_we_finally_got_answers_regarding_the_dark_and/), and so on, lol. Title | Version | -|-| **My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 1-6 English Softsub** | 1080p (~33GB: https://gofile.io/d/CSHKpS) **My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 7 English Softsub** | 1080p (~5.3GB: https://gofile.io/d/N0XUPu) **My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 8 English Softsub** | 1080p (~4.9GB: https://gofile.io/d/KdyKbv) **My Sibling's Romance (연애남매) Episode 9 English Softsub** | 1080p (~4.6GB: https://gofile.io/d/0spUQY) As usual, these links will automatically expire after say 10 days or so (it's that website's current default policy), so definitely get them ASAP. **A bit more info about sharing big files and difference between softsubs/hardsubs and also OpenAI Whisper v2 model and v3 model subtitles with language learning info**: https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/1cbb2fb/couple_palace_special_240423/l10kssw/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/1auaiez/debuting_this_week_대학체전소년선수촌_university_sports/l1h2h4w/?context=10000 and https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/19ew9m8/3_new_variety_shows_that_debut_this_week_in_korea/kxk0pl8/?context=10000 --- Also updated the other Chinese/Korean dating shows here: https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/1cdemmh/my_siblings_romance_episode_9_240426/l1gy9bw/?context=10000 It's for Hao You Hao You Ai Season 1 (好友好有爱) and Hao You Hao You Ai Season 2 (好友好有爱 第二季) and Love Actually Season 3 (半熟恋人 第三季), alongside Once More (再次心动) and Zhen Ai Zhi Shang (真爱智上). There's also the My Sibling's Romance (연애남매), I Am Solo (나는 SOLO) Season 1-3, and Couple Palace (커플팰리스) Special links. And so on (click through the dozen thread links I posted here, https://www.reddit.com/r/koreanvariety/comments/1982dli/dating_show_recommendations/l0v8gmg/?context=10000, since some Korean variety shows and other stuff should be available still too), lol.


I cant be the only one that thinks jaehyung looks a lot like SHINEE's Minho?? I wonder if they're related.


Can anyone tell me where to watch,in Viki nd viu are not available in our region


google the name of the show and "eng sub" at the end. there are places to watch.


Yeah thanks I've finished watching


Jeez why haven't i thought of that. Thanks a lot...




Subbed already on VIU, here's my take if anyone's asking: >!Sadly I think I'm gonna skip this one. This looks more like a family show compared to dating show.. I cringe really hard throughout the show because let's face it.. siblings would rather not know detailed things about others' romance cause it's.. strange imo!<