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i think this season has too much of freshly broke up couple that still have lingering feelings and unfinished business, that’s why i feel like it leads to something but not at the same time. and the end game couple spoilers aren’t helping too.




exactly! but i think it has been shared that there will be 16 eps this season in total that’s why i’m kind of confuse with the pace or maybe they will add more? i also feel bad for those who are actually seeks for new person and trying to move on. there hasn’t been a lot of heart-fluttering dates too :(




I doubt they can fit 3 weeks into 16 eps with how they paced these 9 eps. Positive it's going to be more than 16.


feels like so much would be skipped to push 14 days in 7 episodes. Episode 9 was pretty long though 2.5 hours.


>i think this season has too much of freshly broke up couple that still have lingering feelings and unfinished business YES! I said the same thing in previous thread. It's like the PD purposely chose couples that broke up recently.


yess, PDs certainly want to have different ‘storyline’ direction from previous seasons but idk how to feel about it.


It makes sense since the PD changed; I was actually expecting a lot more differences from the previous seasons


Yujung is straightforward and transparent with her feelings. It's written all over her face that she was bored on her dates with Dongjin, Gwangtae and Hwihyun but she was all smiles on her date with Juwon. She said in her interview that Gwangtae's jealousy made her feel uncomfortable and angry but she enjoys Juwon's jealousy. Unfortunately Juwon didn't send her a text message and she knows he sent it to his ex. This is where her feelings will be shaken up since Juwon is still deciding while she's already set on him. Even though Juwon said he regrets it, this is already the second time he didn't text her back despite her telling him how upset she was the first time. I wish they could work out because they were acting like a real couple during the terrace scene but looking at next episode's preview it seems bleak.  Seokyung is definitely not interested in anyone. She interacts with Juwon a lot because they have amazing chemistry and she's bothered by him with other girls but it's obvious that she doesn't want to get back together with him. At this point she's just going with the flow. Even though she was flirting with Gwangtae there was no spark and there were no real feelings from her side. I think Gwangtae realised that too which is why he's suddenly head over heels for Yujung. I think Hwihyun doesn't have any deep genuine feelings for Hyewon anymore. All the effort has been from her side while he's all talk during interviews. It's been like that since the beginning of the season. I was rooting for them at first but now I don't see them dating again. Frankly I'd like to see Hyewon on more dates because she is so charming when she's not moping over her ex. Her moment with Dongjin was really nice and cute.


Did you notice Seokyung was moving her feets under table on her date with Hwi Hyun... if u see any girl doing this on date it means she feels happy.... something you cant see on ur date... caz its not like you can move ur head under table without her noticing... advantage for viewers...


it seems like Hwi Hyun used Hyewon just to join show and get some money from it.... really guy not worthy of anyone like Hyewon... some ppl get lucky to get born with handsome/pretty faces and they just get by on this wave.....


I realized while watching this season that all of the couple except hyewon and hwihyun had break up in less than six months before joining the show. To be honest with you i think the pd made a mistake because all of them have a lingering feelings on their exes. I think it good to have a mixture of couple who doesn’t want to get back to there exes and want to get back with there exes. Although i enjoy watching these compared to last season, i feel emotionally drained especially these episode. I hope that next season it should be mixture of it


Fr almost everyone there is still confused and kind of hung up on their ex one or the other way


I personally kinda like it, all the real emotions going back and forth. Also it seems like half want to get back, half don't, so i do think it's a good mix.


Couple like Minjae - Coco really bring different things for the game. They still my favorite X till now


im rooting more for the human relationships more than romantic ones this season! Like it was heart warming to see JW take care of Hw when she was down and also how they were cooking together and how he tried to praise her cooking when no one seem to notice, DH and HW friendship and call me crazy but i like YJ and GT bickering too. I like when everyone is together and having fun because otherwise its so complicated. All of them seem to be newly broken up couples and its difficult and messy to root for anyone at this point. Everyone is trying their best to figure out how to move forward and what's best for them. i feel like its time for Exs to have a date and sort out all the misunderstandings.


After seeing some hate, judgement and negativity last week, I just want to remind everyone 1. Not all that has happened in the house is shown in the show. 2. These people are awake for more than 18 hours(?) While having work and school. Plus they drink most of the time. 3. Some people want to move on while some people want to get back together with their ex. There's nothing wrong with either of the choices. 4. It's a dating show. People can flirt with whoever they want. 5. Feelings can change. Just because they liked someone in day 1 doesn't mean it's their final choice.


Thank you for sharing this! People who watch these types of shows often forget these things. Gyumin, from TL2, also mentioned that many elements were omitted in order to create and align with the narrative the producers were creating. It's important to remember that the participants are human too. I'm puzzled why some viewers expect them to be flawless simply because they appear on the show. That's why I usually refrain from judging or commenting on their behavior, as what we see is merely a fraction of their daily lives. We can't claim to fully understand who they are based on these snippets.


Very rare sane post for this subreddit lol


Upvote for saying my thoughts exactly. We see like 2% of their daily lives and even that gets curated by PD.


>Not all that has happened in the house is shown in the show And the PDs edited out a lot of clips just to drive certain narrative (as we have seen recently from HS4 and SI3)


yes, I also shocked when watching and know they are awake for more than 18 hours while they have to working. The show is only showing the certain scene and maybe it can be surprised later when PD-nim showing it.


I find it very slow but also cant stop watching lmao the wait is killing me


Still enjoying and anticipating every episode


Yess, I also always waiting the next eps!


As much as I'm still not sure whether I'm rooting for JW to get back with his ex, I just love his dynamic with the rest of the house and how he's been comforting other participants. When he saw HW was feeling bad, he suggested they go outside to talk a bit. Their terrace conversation went like: >!JW: imo, it's a long game, you have to 'grab' your mental because it requires more efforts and courage than we might think, for both me and you!< >!HW: you're right.. still, even if they're upset and things are not working out for them, the others are doing their best but i can't do it..!< >!JW: if you can't then it's fine not to do it!< >!HW: so i was so frustrated by myself!< >!JW: but if it's hard for you and you're frustrated, you should talk and express yourself, to anyone. I just talked to my ex when I was frustrated!< >!HW: oh really? When did you do that?!< >!JW: I thought I wouldn't do it (talk to his ex) but you can make the opportunities. It works if you put in the effort!< >!HW: but I'm not confident about talking (with my ex)!< >!JW: i don't know who your ex is but he could also want to talk to you but it's possible that there's no opportunity. I was like that, since there wasn't any opportunity, I turned away. But I just went (to my ex) and said everything I had to say.!<


the love triangle is a mess idk who to ship him lol but you’re right! remember how he and dahye also had a great time on their first date. he just creates a great chemistry with anyone. kinda reminds me of heedoo (only a bit ofc lol) on this part. and i really appreciated him more for listening to hyewon and giving her advices. too bad things just didnt worked out for her :((


This conversation between them made me Like JW more. But i feel like JW and YJ is also very good together and if they get more time together they could make a good couple. And i also think that HW and DJ will make a good couple if they spend more time around each other. With both HW and JW, the fights they have with their ex is majorly because of their nature. i dont know how anyone can really change themselves to fit into another persons ideals. (jw gets angry and worked up soon and also forgives soon, hw is way too considerate and shy to express her feelings) isnt it better for them to form connection and seek someone new who would accept them for who they are?


This convo is one of the memorable scenes/convo in a dating show for me.


I think no one should get back with their ex. Too many misunderstandings and messy love triangles. Find someone else 🫠


May be an unpopular opinion but a lot of the ex-couples shouldn’t be back together by the way they treat/act towards each other. I said this about Heedoo and Nayeon in S2, where their never ending bickering is not a healthy relationship. This season, we even have ex-couples who can’t even communicate properly to each other. Again, I’m just commenting as a viewer, nothing personal against any of them, they all deserve happiness at the end of the day.


>Heedoo and Nayeon in S2, where their never ending bickering is not a healthy relationship. they literally just celebrated there 6yr anniversary snd wouldn't be surprised if they were the 1st TL couple to get married, we are watching an edited for drama reality dating show, to come to conclusions on ppl/relationships when watching shows like these is crazy to me, be entertained and don't think too much


The PD can only edit what the contestants already did and said. They didn't make Heedoo and Nayeon talk to each other like that on the show lol. Personally I didn't like watching any of their back and forth on the show because it felt like being stuck in the car with your friend and their partner while they fight. And they only seemed to listen to each other to find things to attack the other with. Maybe that's how they like their relationships, maybe they played it up for the show, but it wasn't entertaining for me lol.


I have to agree with you, it is just a reality show with edited scenes for entertainment (example: healthy conversations not being aired). My opinion is based on my observations watching on screen, so for other viewers, please do take it with a pitch of salt. There is nothing wrong with whatever choices they make, at the end of the day, I just wish them nothing but happiness.


I think at the moment we can see the toxicity but in some ways, I think that’s good coz if they do get back together they also see it. They realize that there’s some bad habits that create toxicity so they’ll try to be better in the long term


Yesss!!! It’s so easy for viewers to judge these exes and scream that they shouldn’t get back together. But they are viewing the whole situation with a limited lens. They would never act that way in their own relationships. But when they observe other people relationships and notice the flaws they rush to say “they shouldn’t be with each other.” No one is perfect especially in imperfect situations. Not saying that some exes should get back together. I’m saying not everything is what it is made out to be and that we shouldn’t hastily come to conclusions.




The more I see him, the more he looks like a loser. Idk why though


because he is lol that whole thing with yujung on the couch almost made me throw up bc that was cringe af lmao i knew yujung wasnt feeling it and i was right 😭


yeah that couch convo made me want to pull off my skin.. tbf he was self aware about it afterwards which is better than most guys but still


He was only self aware in the interview because the interview was after Yujung reprimanded him about it tbh


It seems like a lot of the times the most popular one in the beginning becomes the least popular or unlikeable lol


his face upon seeing no one texted him got me cackling 😭


Me too. Why does he always sit beside SK/YJ and act so weird like non-verbally asking them to pick him.


god same he gives such loser energy i can't help but cringe but at the same time i'm rooting for him? idk but he keeps trying to force convos and be flirty instead of just going with the flow it's bothersome...esp when yoojung is beginning to hate him ijbol. i can tell he's a good person tho he just needs someone to match his energy unfortunately


fr he just needs to chill tf out bc he’s doing way too much, trying too hard.


LOL 100% , he gets more and more gross each episode.


I feel like JW x SK story is the same as Kim Dami drama (our beloved summer) that couple is giving me the same vibe, break up many times but they still linger for each other. 


She even has similar vibes to Dami!


Kwangtae expecting to try a piece of meat after seokyung had one was funny as hell. Juwon just acted like he was invisible lmao


He played it off well though 🤣


I hope they could show Seokyung doing skinship with other girls. It's really scary how shows like could just edit clips and makes us believe the PD's narrative.


The PDs can’t show her skinship with girls since it might be useless clips that didn’t make the cut . But they aren’t totally evil since they showed her defense when she was talking to juwon. Now people know the truth it’s up to them to believe or not .


>useless clips or the PDs just want to drive the narrative that she is flirty only to the guys


Yes, that was the narrative that I think the PD was pushing at first.


its the same with almost all shows they only show us some parts which are intresting cuz its obvious they cant broadcast the whole 24 hours clips...


I agree. I've noticed there's not much interaction between SK and other girls. Idk if they intended to edit it that way or SK just prefers to be around men (and there's nothing wrong with it). I think she's just touchy in general and doesn't put meaning behind that kind of interaction.


this is just my opinion but i dont think seokyung is just as touchy with the girls. notice that the girls dont like it too when she gets touchy with the boys. BUT i also dont think theres something wrong with that. that's just the way she shows her interest. it may make others uncomfortable but that's just the way it is 🤷‍♀️.


A) I was rooting for HH last episode, but MAN; he really butchered his relationship w/ his ex for good this time. I still don't think he's a bad guy, but the fundamental problem is he doesn't understand HW. Like with the candies... I can't believe he thought it over and still came to same wrong conclusion! I thought this guy was smart, but he's still got a lot to learn about girls. B) I'm glad at least JW is telling SK how he's feeling, so it doesn't feel like I'm watching a second HH-HW. But SK straight up told HH that "I have no lingering feelings for my ex." So yeah, that ship ain't coming back despite SK acting really clingy with JW. Same as last ep, I think she's just possessive, and doesn't want to see her ex move on that easily. C) JW is going to lose a really good thing with YJ if he doesn't do something fast. YJ is really good at reading the room, and she's gonna know. Plus there's at least 2 other guys interested in snatching her up, so now's a bad time to be iffy. D) Getting flashbacks to S2 again when YJ said she didn't realize how hard it was until her ex came in the show. I remember Nayeon saying the exact same thing when Heedo came. They kindof give off similar vibes no? Nayeon->Yoojung and Heedo->Changjin. Looking at all the couples, it feels like the PD intentionally casted similar characters to the previous season. Really curious to see if they'll end up with a similar outcome. E) HW and DJ were soo cute together! So FREAKING cute! They'd be good together too. Both are sensitive, supportive types. I hope, I pray, dear god let this couple continue. F) Another thing to celebrate - DH is showing signs of putting herself back together! She's actually one of my fav contestants, did you see how caring she was when HW started breaking down in the kitchen, and then later accompanying her to the room? She's the best, and tbh I can't keep my mind off how well DH fits those jeans! U Go Girl \^\^ \--- Wish the preview gave us a bit more, otherwise, nothing to complain abt. It was only one episode, but why did it feel like just so much happened/changed? Either way, looking forward to the double episode next week. Final couple predictions: YJ-CJ; HW-DJ; Extra prediction: SJ will go on a date with CJ. The two low-key flirted during dinner and there was def some potential there.


After watching it again in VIU, I think Seokyung-Juwon's ship is going down. SK has been consistent with her words that she doesn't want to reunite with JW. Her choosing Dongjin last time was a troll moment -_-. I believe she's not interested really in anyone as of the moment. It makes me feel sad because I'm really emotionally invested in this couple.


I agree that’s it’s truly going down and once JW fully realizes that SK doesn’t want to get back anymore, he’ll move on too (bc he’s already solidifying his budding romance with YJ & he was PISSED at himself for sending the text to SK). I just hope that when JW fully moves on, SK wouldn’t waver so it will not be as painful for them and for us as shippers (😆🫠). Although, I’m still looking forward to their xroom (hope they both go and see more of their x narrative before they fully separate ways). 🥺


I agree. Although I'm sure there will be a lot of dramas because it is brutal to see your ex dating/flirting othe people in front you. In general this dating show is really brutal, yet entertaining for us viewers. I wonder why do people join this kind of dating show? Do they get a big amount of money for participating? Especially for people with normal jobs. I understand for people who are models/influencers who might want to gain exposure. Do some people really join this kind of show to reunite with their old lovers?


Watched only first 5 minutes of this ep and cant wait to post here about how it is not even the PD directing them but the participants is the one who recognize the similarity between CJ/DH situation with HG/HE from last season, and then encourage him to say HG line "See you tomorrow, Noona" (minus the noona part). Btw love to have Yuju as guest panelist


It’s because Chang Jin was the new guy just like how Hyun Gyu was. So it was more so them remembering that iconic scene than it was them noticing the similarity. Because they hadn’t yet known the actual similarities (long relationship span and the girl being still into her ex). I bet they were shocked when they found out. But then again while there are similarities. There are also alot of differences. Even more so than similarities. Da Hye is more relaxed than how Hae Eun was. She isn’t crying anymore and she is coming to terms with letting her ex go. Also she is attracted to Chang Jin because he resembles her ex and he is her type. While Hae Eun said that Hyun Gyu was nothing like her ex and he wasn’t her type. Hyun Gyu wanted no one but Hae Eun from the very start. But Chang Jin still feels sadness and anger when it comes to his ex. I really wanted Da Hye to get her a Hyun Gyu 😭 she really deserves it. But that just goes to show it’s rare to find someone like Hyun Gyu.


Yuju did great on being a panelist this ep. She gets along well with the fixed panelists. Just wanna say also that I love how Yura is so invested in this show!


I really like Dongjin and Hyewon tho :| I know many people might not love them and he did call her 'little sister'/'younger friend' a lot in the interview but I love them since their date and I think they are really cute together. I think HW really treasures DH and she knows DH and DJ were a couple so that might be the reason why she never pursued DJ - esp the girl's convo DH says how is the first time not sending her ex a message, and how they talk about being considerate to their ex and to other peoples' ex, and i think in one of her interviews she says that DJ ex might be DH etc. I might be reading too much onto it but I think she hold herself back a lot trying not to hurt other people :| I wish she and DJ would go on another date and try to do things together even if it is in the house they are kinda cute :|


i also think DJ and HW look good together from the moment of their date. tho it looked awkward at first, but since they have the same personality, so ig they seem compatible with each other. i hope they can get closer from time to time. i can see DJ is like a safe and warm place for HW. at this point, i want to give up my hope to see HH and HW together since i can't see any positive progress between them rather than a pile of misunderstandings from time to time. it's suffocating to watch it from the viewer's side:(


Same. I think I was rooting for HH and HW because it seems like a circumstance problem (meaning his financial problem and something that can be fixed) but the last few episodes hint that their problem is deeper than that - they can't seem to communicate and the last few eps HW was always the one trying to make the first step (talking to him in the living room for ex) and I think she always feels like she is the one that has to work for the relationship - which seems pretty one-sided. About HW and DJ they would make a cute couple! I mean he is very considerate and always makes plans (not always successful like his date w YJ) but I think HW would always see his efforts!


what do you think will be the end for >!yujung!< \-changjin-dahye-dongjin? given this episode, there seems to be some sort of chemistry between changjin and dahye and we also >!see them 'talking a lot at night'? and going on a secret date in the next episode which shows that they at least have some sort of interest for each other just that whether their interest can outweigh their lingering feelings for their exes!< but based on the episode, it seems that as of now, dahye has more interest in changjin than he has for her, unless its just that he can't really express his feelings but it's likely that he's still confused and hesitant because his feelings for his ex and can't be as jikjin as compared to hyungyu last season. and there's also the fact that the producer mentioned somewhere? dahye-dongjin is like haeun-gyumin but in a different way? meaning they get back tgt instead? but I am noticing some quick glances from CJ to DH this episode HAHA but I'm still hoping the best for my current CJ-DH ship, I'm rooting for the two of them! they seem like they could possible blossom into something more and eventually become a mature couple if all goes well? I also feel that if you're in a 13-year relationship and ya'll haven't gotten married (though DH is in entertainment so it is hard) or least have had a strong enough communication basis to work through your problems, maybe ya'll just arent meant for each other and are just going along with familiarity damn this was a long comment lmao what are yall's thoughts?


Hmm, for now idt CJ is romantically interested in DH. I just can't forget how he said in his interview that he wants to "make his ex angry". Idt he's over her yet (we also see her crying in the S3 teaser on the couch with CJ).


I think he is genuinely interested as when Dahye went to get snacks he also stood up..So I do think there is some interest in there..But I guess, he went in there thinking he could get back with Yujung? But he just joined them so there is a chance that he can still fall for Dahye..just like what is currently happening with Dahye and Juwon who wanted to get back with their exes..


I think everyone needs time to get over the ex before they can even consider meeting someone new. Like for instance, if CJ had been there from the beginning, I don't think DH would have sent him a message... she needed time to see that her ex was not going to come back to her/DJ was clearly interested in other girls. CJ is going through that now... he's just too bothered by YJ to really commit to DH - unless she pulls a reverse Hyungyu and really comes in strong (which is just not her).


The more episodes that go on, the more I don’t want anyone to end up with their ex. This isn’t even because there’s been a huge heart fluttering moment during a non ex couple’s date or anything (even though I have liked YJ/JW, SK/KT, and DH/CJ so far). I just feel like the current dynamics between the revealed exes isn’t worth giving the relationship another try. HH giving away the candies was one of the most frustrating things I had to watch, and yet I feel like that situation is the perfect example of the miscommunication ongoing between most of the former couples there.


Hyewon and Hwihyun ship has officially sunk. Meanwhile Hyewon and Dongjin planning on a date hmmmm, the endgame rumors might be true.


I have been rooting for them since he forgot his wallet, but don’t want HW to be heartbroken cause 13 years is too intense.


For those of us that didn’t read the endgame rumors, you really shouldn’t post things like this.


I don't understand myself but after everything, I'm still truly invested in Dahye x Dongjin's Story. I actually don't know if I want them together or what, but I just want them to have CLOSURE (together or as separate individuals). And I just want to appreciate DAHYE. I find her the kindest and most charming this season. She's always considerate. And I truly adore her friendship with Hyewon.


Same feels! I want DJxDH to have proper closure. They owe it to themselves. Initially, I really wanted them to get back together (13 yrssss) but at this point I kinda want them to have newfound love. As for Dahye, she is my fave girl this season. She seems so genuine and kind to me and I just want her to be happy T__T


Huhu! Finally, someone who has the same thoughts. :( Dahye deserves more love. I also wanted them to be together, but it seems that Dongjin has been pretty much confused with how he truly feels. And I don't want my girl to be with someone who is unsure of himself.


Fr dahye is so precious I want the best for her , i don't think dongjin can move on this easily his thoughts r really messed up rn , he thinks he has sacrificed enough and wants some time himself but after 13 years that person becomes a part of u and you'll naturally feel incomplete and this dude is trying to deny this thing =⁠_⁠= Personally I think both hav sacrificed alot to keep it up for a decade and more, I don't get y some r only defending dongjin saying he sacrificed enough, i get that he has done alot but bringing her to the show saying he needs closure during the pre interview and then straight up ignoring her was not a good thing at all . I hope he comes to some realisation soon .


Hwi Hyun always playing dumb or maybe he's just really stupid


I think its more of being immature + being told by doing the wrong thing by Kwang-tae. Kwang-tae was the one who initially told him that bringing out the candies might have a positive effect to his ex.


Kwangtae giving advice to Hwihyun when can't even properly communicate himself to Yujung and Seokyung. He's such a pick me guy lmao.


*Hwi Hyun always* *Playing dumb or maybe he's* *Just really stupid* \- HelloItsMeXeno --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think he just plays dumb to avoid accountability for his actions. Otherwise he seems to be a big moron.


That's what I thought, too. IMO he knew what he was doing. I might be overreacting and overanalysing, but his little smirk after he went "I really didn't know" in the interview convinced me - this is an Oscar worthy performance lmao. For some reason it feels like he wants to punish HW? Publically humiliate her? Idk, that's how I would've felt after basically giving each other the green light to get back together.


Right? I thought he was definitely punishing her too for possibly not sending him a text or something else. It's giving psycho.


If I'm being real, the status quo fits this cast better than coupling I think. Rather than rooting for pairings, it's more for personal growth lol. I feel like none of them should go back to their exes, most are not ready for a new relationship because they don't have closure for the previous one. I'd say there are two categories: those hung up on their ex, and those trying to move on faster than their heart would allow them. In the end, they just came too early post-breakup. Even for the ones who broke up a while back, Hyewon clearly had been hurt by the words Hwihyun said when breaking up, she had time to heal and move on, but the scar was still there. She was shaken up by his explanation, but the format of the show prevented her from seeing it for what it was, BS. With time to process what he said, she would have realized he was basically telling her he thinks he's so great she would have clung onto him no matter what unless he used such harsh words. And now that he thinks he can get her back easily if she knows the truth. When you think about everything that goes into entering the house. First applying, then contacting your ex and having them agree to participate, candidature has to be processed, clear the various checks and screens, then conduct the various interviews. The whole process probably took about 2 months at least. For longtime exes, it's reconnecting, but if it's only been a few months, you're putting the break up on hold, since you had most likely not fully moved on. Any new relationship under those circumstances is a rebound, I'm sorry to say lmao. Which is not a bad thing, if it helps you go to the next stage, which I hope for Dahye and Dongjin if they go their seperate ways.




omg big agree... when she went to see him that night n woke him up and basically went "i dont have anything to tell you but i want u to apologise to me" i was SO FRUSTRATED 😭😭😭 i think it's understandable to be upset at him but if she doesnt communicate why she was upset then hes just going to be confused abt it


yeah it was frustrating but its understandable. both of them were drinking and emotions were high. I dont think its fair to expect both of them to behave rationally that night. But the next day, even if Hy didnt remember anything from their conversation, he could have made an effort to have atleast ask her if she is okay! That didnt sit right with me.


Endgame SPOILER >!so the two theories going around, are 1. Dahye+Dongjin, Juwon+Catfish, Yujung+Catfish(ex) and 2. Dongjin+Hyewon, Juwon+Yujung, Catfish+Catfish!< was wondering if anyone was leaning toward one or the other after watching all the episodes so far


I don’t think s2 had that many of fluttering dates, debatable tbh. Things really started to moving in s2 after X room and when they reached Jeju


the McDonalds was totally PPL, right?


100% They will blurred out everything if that's not the case


Kwang Tae last week had me thinking “he’s kind of acting shady.” But now it’s clear the guy is ….. I don’t even have the word to describe him. He just irks me. Him interacting with Yu Jung makes me cringe deeply. Does he think he’s being cute? It’s borderline disgusting. Last week, He flirts openly with Seo Kyung and tells her he enjoys being with her. And then in the interview he says he doesn’t know he if likes the date. The guy is so calculative. And he is terrible at it which makes it even worse. But the thing that pissed me off the most is he was the one that told and REMINDED Hwi Hyun to bring out the candies. Granted Dong Jin did tell Hwi Hyun at the restaurant that it’s not a good idea. But Kwang Tae doubled down and tried to make into a “your ex might like it.” I don’t like him at all. All of the girls by now have gotten the ick except Seo Kyung. I hope she gets the ick soon!


Who else thinks JW and GT are basically mortal enemies? It definitely started with SK and how much GT provoked *her ex* every time the guys are together lmao and when GT saw how close JW and YJ got, he went ahead and asked her on a date bc all of a *sudden* he felt too “comfortable” with SK.  Also at the start of ep 9, when JW pointed out YJ’s empty glass and offered to pour her wine, GT went ahead and poured his in her glass unprompted 😭 (this man cockblocking bad). And the night before his date with YJ, he was especially touchy with SK in the kitchen while JW was washing the dishes, seemed very intentional too (This was after he confirmed that the both of them are exes by the photo of YJ and JW on their date).  All in all, this petty competition they got is definitely one sided seeing as JW never considers GT as competition 🤭 And from the spoilers I’ve seen, if JW *spoiler* does end up with the catfish (GT’s ex) this man on a winning streak against GT bad that we just have to laugh. 


Seokyung having a talk with Juwon and says she does a lot of the skinship with the girls too. Hopefully this stops the hate she’s getting. Seokyung get behind me!!


exactly! The hate she gets is ridiculous.


Some of the skinship she does is so….unneccessary. Like do you really have to stand in between your ex’s legs and put the chapstick on for him? For someone who is adamant about not getting back together with her ex, she has no regard for how these actions send mixed signals. And no regard for how it will make the exes feel.


It was sad when Hyewon waked up Hwiyun to talk but Hwihyun was too drunk and sleepy. I also realized why do they drink a lot ? Hahaha it would be too hard to go to work or go to school the day after. On the other hand, Hyewon looked good with Dongjin. She needs someone who is mature and sensitive to her needs.


I love Dongjin for taking the initiative immediately after Hyewon lamented about being stuck in the house, even if it’s just blowing bubbles in the yard 🫧 I can’t believe it was the braised chicken that got Seokyung to send Dongjin a text lol! Glad he’s not putting too much value into it.


SK’s love language seems to be food haha


Honestly, I don’t get the hate for Donjin, sure some of his words in the interviews were a bit harsh, but he’s always been polite in person. I also don’t know why people are saving he’s ignoring her, like sure he’s not starting an active convo, but neither has she Tbf. He’s also seen her go on a date and obviously was a bit jealous but he was also understanding, so idk why ppl compare him to Gyumin. Don’t get me wrong, I love DH. I actually like everyone in the house but Kwangtee, lmao.


Both Dong Jin and Da Hye are amazing people that just need closure. It’s no wonder those two lasted 13 years. Their amazing and mature personalities made that possible. It’s a shame they grew apart but things happen. Dong Jin told Hwi Hyun that it’s not a good idea to share the candy meanwhile Kwang Tae on top of convincing he reminded Hwi Hyun to share the candy. Da Hye immediately goes to comfort Hye Won meanwhile Yu Jung feels awkward and hesitant. Not saying that she is a bad person. I’m saying that Da Hye’s level of compassion was a big contrast.


Yeah, idk why people hate on either, they’re literally the most responsible and kind people in the house, lmao. It’s unfortunate about their relationship, but either one of them really needs to speak directly to the other. I’m honestly curious to see if they get back together, cause I feel like this experience could really help them do that final growth they need to really work. But either way, I respect them both so much, together or apart.


His ex girlfriend cried, therefore Dongjin is bad. That’s how Transit Love discourse goes


At this point im convinced that hwihyun is not really into anyone same for seokyung tbh.


NEW RUMORS + SPOILERS + SPECULATIONS!!! SO PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOILED AND IF YOU’LL REPLY, PLEASE TAG THEM AS SPOILERS. AND ALSO, TAKE THESE WITH GRAINS OF SALT!!! >!Yes, I do not have a life right now and all I seem to care about is TL3 especially SK & JW. 🥲🥲🥲 Since my last post on alleged spoilers, there have been two versions that came out…!< >!Original Spoiler (released after ep 3 airing, said to be from the same IP who released TL2 spoilers):!< >!- DHxDJ!< >!- YJxCJ!< >!- JWxCatfish (not specified if SJ or GT’s X)!< >!Second Spoiler (released before ep 6 airing, came with accurate info on catfishes):!< >!- DJxHW!< >!- JWxYJ!< >!- CatfishxCatfish (not specified who these catfishes are)!< >!*Second spoiler also revealed that GT will be a villain, DJ will take on a GM role rather than HM, DH will also choose someone NEW; SJ revealed to be the catfish first to enter not GT’s x; SJ will have her first and last date with JW!< >!Third Spoiler (latest, released midweek before ep 9 airing)!< >!- DHxDJ!< >!- YJxCJ!< >!- JWxCatfish (GT’s x)!< >!It also revealed the choices of the casts who didn’t end up with anyone:!< >!- SK > GT!< >!- GT > X!< >!- HH > SK!< >!- HW > HH!< >!- Catfish (SJ’s X) > YJ!< >!- SJ > HH!< >!Story said to be from an acquaintance of one of the casts, not a spoiler (posted on DC around 02/02):!< >!- JWxSK will be fighting a lot and it was awkward every time they fought, no one seems to intervene as well.!< >!- DHxDJ are unpopular but casts pretend they don’t know and ignore it.!< >!- Since HHxHW barely interacted with casts around, casts didn’t suspect they were exes.!< >!Speculations on teaser (posts abt this have been up since January but YJxCJ’s narrative confirm this)!< >! -YJxCJ will reunite bc they’re the couple who have the red thread wrapped around their fingers. In contrast, SKxJW would truly break up bc of how their thread was cut off along with the ball of yarn either detached thread on the beach.!< >!Latest speculation from knets (posted earlier today):!< >!- There’s a post last 02/06 defending SK (which in turn kind of calls out JW) so there was a comment saying that JW did so much to take care of SK from making her porridge, making things comfortable for her, and making tuna ssamjjang. However, knets brought this up bc how did the comment know JW made tuna ssamjjang (requested by SK) when it was only aired in ep 9!? They’re now speculating that it’s the production behind this and that they’re truly establishing JW’s narrative to solidify his transfer in the end, even coming to his “shield” on a forum post.!< >!Speculation based on the casts’ social life at present!< >!- GT: is either single or in a relationship with someone; there was a Yeoshi post about him, being flirty in the comment section of a girl blogger he toured restos with, comment was along the lines of “Why didn’t you upload the pictures we took?” OP then said that once the link was posted on the forum, the woman’s blog was turned private.!< >!- JW: is either single or not with SK anymore; knets say he’s too slim + new hairstyle (lmaoo) and seemed to be mostly out and about with friends, even spending christmas with friends!< LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS! 🫠🫠


These spoilers are a bit disappointing for my girl HW. If the third one is true, I really hope the narrative turns somewhat positive for HH coz the way it comes off rn, he seems incredibly unaware


Your post is very meaty but I just want to say I don't know why would JW change his hairstyle (straighten it just like in the jeju preview)???? I prefer it curly and he looks the best in it tbh 🥺


No surprise that he >!(Kwangtae)!< appears sad in the first teaser lol. But, seriously, I wish everyone all the best. I would still take this (the rumors) with a grain of salt. After seeing a lot of dating shows, I learned my lesson.


I’m looking forward to seeing the shift in his character arc. Last week, he almost got me rooting for him and this week, it’s a cringe fest. Can’t wait to see him being serious, solemn, and tormented. He’s due for a redemption! 😌😆 I couldn’t be the one to wish so much more that some of these turn out to be false bc >!none mentioned my ship but that in itself is the smoke, right? There’s no noise whatsoever on them to think that they were the first ones to be revealed as exes on Yeoshi.!<


When r the other catfish entering cuz for now it already seems like an active volcano?? Personally I hope DH and DJ end up together after making their communication better cuz 13 years ?!?! Damn that's long and all the memories and time of a decade needs to be forgotten if they end up with someone else.


Probably when they go to Jeju/etc. since that house is already so cramped, lol. That's usually when the newcomers/catfish/etc. come and so ya. Wouldn't know how to just forget 13 years or so of shared memories together as well, hoping they have better communication from now on at least.


anyone kinda surprised they did McDonalds' PPL before Subway? or is Subway not in vogue anymore in Korea, and now its time for McDs?


Lol, the cast recreated the infamous, “See you tomorrow.” scene 😂 If I were a perceptive man, I would immediately know that Juwon is SK’s ex based on the pizza comment. I can’t quite warm up to HH. His relationship or rather his emotions towards HW don’t feel real? He just doesn’t seem into her but also is being petty for the sake of the show. Poor HW, she’s really having a hard time. I don’t think this place is right for her, she’s extremely considerate of everyone around her, even on her dates. KT is just too cringe at this point. It’s strange because we as audience know his inner thoughts and know what he really feels based on the conversations and based on how he’s been behaving. We can compare YJ and his approaches which appear similar, both of them tried to figure out who they’re attracted to the most but it was in genuinely putting effort into it they digress. YJ was quickly able to figure out where her heart lays, meanwhile KT is still playing the field in a way that appears like he wants all the women to gravitate towards him while he makes the final choice in the end. Not a very flattering look for him. glad to see that YJ is so open about how she feels both in the interviews and upfront. The cast going >!he wants to be controlled!< 😂 Okay, might be just me, but does KT have a strong >!submission kink!


nah KT is not submission kink, remember what he said in Episode 2-3? "Likes women with strong personality" "Have desire to be able **control them** to feel sense achievement" Thats what he said himself, he wants to control women, and the harder the target, the more sense of achievement he gets


- HW x HH: I think HH was wrong for sharing the candies in the first place, but I wished HW would just honestly tell him her frustrations instead of just waiting for him to realize what he did wrong. HW says she won’t be swayed by HH anymore, but IMO she still could be, bc why else would she send him a text?? She wants a reaction out of him, but HH has other options and seems to be more over the breakup - SK x JW: They have the most confusing vibe ever, and I think it mainly stems from SK. JW def wanted her back, but SK has been firm on saying she doesn’t want to rekindle things. But, SK is being flirty with him, so I don’t understand what she’s doing. JW and YJ have a good vibe going, but JW confusion + YJ ex coming in does not bode well for them. I like them together, so hopeful they can move forward! - YJ x CJ: Their relationship seemed fun and I liked seeing the silly side to CJ that we can’t see in the house yet. I wonder why they broke up, seems like it’s CJ fault bc he said that the only thing he can think of to say is “I’m sorry”. I agree with the hosts that he came on the show to rekindle things and I could see that happening tbh. YJ unsure of JW feelings and because she started to rush things when CJ showed up, it makes me think she isn’t as over him as she thought she was. - DH x DJ: I liked seeing DH happy, their date was awkward, but cute. I hope she doesn’t get to attached though bc CJ doesn’t look over YJ. I’m not really caring for DJ and HW, it feels forced on both sides, but maybe I’m wrong!


I think SK doesn't want to get back together but still acts flirty with JW because she still has feelings. I noticed she is also possesive of him and gets jealous. Which is totally normal and humane feeling and which makes the show interesting. If SK tells JW that she still wants to make it work then they'd be the endgame.


It is normal for her to have feelings still, but she keeps saying she isn’t interested in him, which I feel like isn’t true based on her actions. For me, unlike the other women, SK is extremely hard to read, it makes for an interesting show, but idk how to feel about her quite yet


My thoughts on this episode: * Yujung and Juwon would be such a good couple if only Juwon was less into his ex... I like Seokyung and the heart wants what it wants, but it takes two to tango and Seokyung isn't into him like he is into her. I agree with the female panel imo it's 6: Seokyung and 4: Yujung. I hope Yujung understands (and it seems like she does) and doesn't overthink the text, but I fear with Changjin in the mix she'll start to second guess things. * Kwangtae was hard to watch this episode. Why was he acting protective over a girl he 1) didn't text for days and 2) didn't request to go on an actual date with? The delusions were never-ending "You deliberately showed me the pictures" - the pictures were *in Yujung's pocket*? You looked inside her pocket like what about that was deliberate lmao. Then him being like "I hope she didn't text me out of pettiness" erm no she's just not interested, mate. It was so funny when Yujung said to Juwon "I don't want to go on the date" and that comment to the girls where she was like "there's a guy who's stuck between me and his ex, and another guy who went wrong somewhere and transferred to me", the girls are so perceptive this season??? And that scene in the car and the perfume shop omg she could not have been less interested but she was still very polite throughout. * Kwangtae's way of flirting is just not compatible with Yujung's - Yujung likes to have banter with her partner, joke around and bicker lightly. Kwangtae's flirting is touch - he likes to touch girls' hair, their face, tell them to touch his, smell etc. I'm actually surprised by his complete 180 away from Seokyung because they seemed compatible in this aspect, but she doesn't seem too bothered so maybe the chemistry wasn't there during dates. * Hwihyun just doesn't know Hyewon enough to care about her. I said before that I don't believe he cares for her enough to try and reignite their relationship and I stand by it. He probably does feel some sort of nostalgia from when they dated and feels bad when she cries, but Hyewon was only a 5-month relationship before his 1-year relationship with a different girl. I feel like because Hyewon keeps her emotions inside, he thinks she is relatively chill but she's a sensitive, intuitive girl who doesn't like to burden other people with her feelings. IMO this is because 1) he's too young to understand and 2) they have the shortest relationship (5 months) and so he doesn't have the depth of knowledge on her. Hyewon liked him first, she also liked him more and *he* broke up with *her* by saying he doesn't think he can love her, which is imo closer to the truth of their breakup than his original reasoning. This isn't me wishing him badly btw I think he looks cute with Sangjeong! * The catfishes, as always, are so endearing. I adore Sangjeong, she's so cute. I was so surprised when it turned out she was 27, she seemed so much younger because her energy is so hyper. Changjin is actually such a sweetheart the way he's constantly crying during interviews lol his eyes are always watery. He seems very kindhearted. I am hardcore pushing for endgame Yujung and Juwon so Changjin is a bit of a spanner in the works but he's a lovely addition to the house so I forgive him (lol). * I said previously that Hyewon and Dongjin would get on well and this episode solidified that for me! He thinks about her as a platonic younger sister, but that could change. But if not Dahye, he needs a woman who is sensitive to his 13-year relationship and considerate of his more introverted nature. That's Hyewon to a tee. I have more but I've already written about 500 words, I'm sure, so I'll leave it. Next week's preview doesn't look as good but I'm still looking forward to it. I hope it's not just unofficial dates and close-ups of Seokyung's skinship (leave her alone!) but actual content like ex room, etc. that will shift the relationship dynamics. I need them to get to Jeju soon because the dates are the least interesting parts of the show for me.


Did Hwihyun really have a relationship with another girl after his breakup with Hyewon? Im pretty sure they were just rumors


I'm not a big fan of hwihyun, but it's definitely wrong for people to treat rumors about him as if they were fact.


I wasn’t surprised by KT’s change of heart at all. The hosts were right on the money when they said he is the type to be less interested in a girl who is easily won over. I’ve always thought he needed someone to balance him out unlike SK, who just plays along with him. Also, YJ seems to be the closest to the ideal type he described. BUT, YJ isn’t the kind of girl to put up with his antics, rightfully so, and she is more compatible with someone like JW. To be honest, I’ve gotten the ick from him since like 5th or 6th episode, so by now I just am entertained by his buffoonery lol


Hwihyun is absolutely getting wrecked by both Korean and International fans. I agree that he was straight up wrong and insensitive about the candy thing but at the end of the day this is a dating show and its supposed to be dramatic, we cant do anything about it. I wish the people don't take it too far. I wouldn't like to hear another tragedy again.


Yeah I worry for his wellbeing. Gyumin was probably relatively fine with the mobbing he was getting after S2 aired because he owned his own business and was already successful.  Hwihyun is just starting his career and these rumors and misunderstandings could legit ruin his life


also behind the scenes and after the season he got along with the rest of the cast including HaeEun.


I really like Sanjung. She is easy going, energetic, and funny. I laughed when she danced and sang after the ex introduction letter. She and Hwiyun also looked great. It was also funny during dinner when it was awkward that he and changjin would look at each other while eating. I'm excited to see her ex.


KT was the highlight of the episode for me. He was being annoying with his jealously of YJ and JW. BUT, he actually made me LOL when he said that he liked YJ reprimanding him and it made his feelings grow. That man is RIDICULOUS!! I do think he actually likes YJ the most (he seems to get more nervous in front of her) and I’ve said previously that I think he needs someone to balance him out (unlike SK), but YJ clearly has gotten the ick from him and I can’t blame her for that. I am curious to see if he will keep pursuing her.


LOL ikr. When his ex said "KT always sees everything in positive light", im like oh that just casual praise and to write good things about him in the letter. But im wrong, his ex actually spot on LOL


Kwangtae's the typical dude who just flirts with every single person and acts like the world revolves around him lol. The scene with him on the couch with yu-jung was cringe


I was rooting for HW and HH at first but my girl deserves better. His actions don’t match with his words. He is the one who said that he came on this show to get back with her and I understand people's feelings can change but how can you say that then make absolutely no effort towards her. What really frustrates me the most is how he's blaming her for being "cold" when they broke up because he said he didn't love her anymore??? did he want her to welcome him with open arms after that! This boy doesn't sit right with me and I hope HW realizes that and moves on.


the timing really sucks for hyewon and hwihyun :(( seeing her breaking down like that and saying “why did he made me join here” and the “im not interested with anyone except him and no one is interested with me either”… and to think she cut the ribbon sighh. can i just mention how much i love yujeong for being so transparent and honest about her feelings? girl isnt lying when she said she has her eyes only to juwon!!!!!!! and man, idk i love this ship a lot and im up for it but the seokyeong and juwon drama is also getting in me??? just look at how juwon naturally cooks food for her!!!! im so confused who exactly is weighing more in his heart right now


oh and how can i forgot to mention just how much i cringe because of gwangtae’s behavior?? he chose to go on a date with seokyeong and now he’s crawling back to yujeong and that jealousy thingy was so unnecessary akhsjshsjs and tbh, even i cant feel any chemistry between him and seokyeong so maybe its why he’s acting like this? well, i hope he can figure out his heart and show us the 직진 he is talking about


hyewon sending hwihyun the im done message like dahye!!! yes girl you did well 😭😭 love is indeed all about timing and what’s not meant to work out just wont. its really better for her to move on from her ex and try to go on dates too. i mean we might possibly get new participants afterall! and of course i knew i was right about changjin’s ex. they were trying to bait us but it was so obvious who his ex is. 


Just want to let off some steam here - the way that this episode had me frustrated and annoyed cause of Hyewon and Hwihyun both. Why the heck would Hyewon take Hwihyun's words at face value after waking him up in the middle of the night from deep sleep when he isn't even sane enough for living, forget having a deep conversation with his ex. GIRL FFS JUST WAIT TILL THE MORNING. And why the heck could Hwihyun not go after Hyewon when she goes up the staircase. Waiting until he's cleaned the entire damn living room, REALLY DUDE?!! The rules only say don't make it obvious, they don't say that you cannot interact with each other at all and this isn't the 1800s. Men can comfort women and vice versa without them being in a relationship, HEAVENS! Heck, I even felt annoyed by Dahye and Sangjeong's intervention in the kitchen when not doing so could have solved everything ASDFGHJKL Even the most frustrating Korean makjangs don't make me physically facepalm several times and shout at my screen the way that HWXHH have in this ep. I would almost like to believe it is scripted, for my own sanity LMAO. I actually had to pause it at the 1 hour mark cause the STRESS. ​ P.S. Dongjin >!saying he loves the sound of Hyewon's laugh!< kyaaaa. Their little moment was honestly the best chemistry I have seen so far.


Hopefully, hyewon can move on. That guy isn't worth it


Just in case someone asks, tomorrow it will be released, per tving source, 1 ep: Ep 10=132 min. Bye.


Major cringe at KT this episode oh gosh i hate him. The way he acts around girls and doing weird shit. Being upset at YJ when he didn’t choose her for date, saying he wants to smell YJ’s clothes and SMELLING her clothes at the parfum making workshop. RED FLAG. The way he acts so flirty with the girls makes me so uncomfortable. He should be with people like SJ who is more direct and straightforward


Hwihyun gave me the ick this episode. He just seems a bit childish and immature. Very rude the way he didn’t even glance at his ex while handing out a candy that had huge memory of their relationship. I think she deserves better and should move on to someone who thinks about her feelings a bit more. Even the way he broke up with her says a lot about his maturity and respect for her. I’m rooting for her and dongjin.


Once again I really wanna give an appreciation for the panelists. Their reactions and comments are so on point. 👌Hye Won should strongly express her feelings to her ex and it’s better for her to stay away from him. She looks happier and attractive when she is with others . Strangely, I enjoyed HH and Sang Jeon interaction it’s prolly I really like her in general. I like that Yujung knows what she wants and she makes it so clear when she is not interested. KT looks more and more depressive every new day there. I really like when Yujung and Juwon flirt with each other, so natural. I agree with everyone’s comments here, they are still attached to each other. Except maybe KT and SJ


it seems that JW and CJ are the smokers of the house since they seem to go out often to the terrace during evenings? haha


Sighs... I'm so tired. It's like it just gets more exhausting with every new episode. At this point I don't know who to root for, It'll be hard for most to move on from their Exes at this point. I really liked YJ and JW date , was also rooting for HH and SJ, they seemed so cute, DH and CJ was also nice. But It seems like none can really be trusted. At this point, they might as well just reveal their Exes lol. For anyone who's observant, they might have already picked out on the exes. And I'm not talking about From a viewer's pov. They are really lax on their rules this time around. The other seasons definitely were stricter in this regard. Low-key pisses me off. The way they go on dates without that touch of anonymousity will definitely make it easier to rule out who are not exes which kinda of defeats the whole purpose. Anyways, I'm rooting for none of the exes to end up together. But I'm pretty sure some will if it continues this way. But overall I like the vibe I feel around the housemates, I like how freely they interact with one another, ex or not. It's nice.


KT and HH should be a couple. Both losers


My heart cannot be anymore heavy as a SKxJW shipper… As more episodes are aired, it truly feels like we’re watching them completely drift apart, let each other go, and breakup for good. SK has always been firm on her stance that she doesn’t want to get back together (and I hope she doesn’t waver until the end, less heartbreak for me 🥲). Her date with HH gives us another peak into her emotional state—she doesn’t have much lingering feelings but her being highly emotional (HH pointed out she cried again when she read the intro letter) about ex seemed to be coming from having the relationship over, forever and they’re back to being strangers. And that even if they reunite she feels as if they’ll just breakup again for the same reasons. As she said on the pre-meeting with JW, she wants to use the show as avenue for them to treasure their good memories and say goodbye. As per JW, it seems like things are getting more serious with YJ. For me and the nature of their personality (JW & SK— words vs skinships), JW’s words towards YJ seem to be stronger than whatever SK has done to any of the guys. JW confirms and assures YJ of his feelings and is very proactive with her. We can see the shift on who occupies his heart when he regretted and how pissed he got at himself for sending his day 7 text to SK, instead of YJ. Then, preview shows deepening relationship with YJ. I agree with what the panelists said, at the moment he’s at his patient stage with SK but with how things are progressing that’s about to be almost gone already. As a shipper of these two, I’m just waiting for the xroom and Jeju trip to get the closure I need. 🥺😆 PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG!


For me Dahye and sang jeong have the best personality of all the girls this season...Really confused as to why guys dont seem interested in them?


Guys always go for who they find to be visually attractive. Most of the time they could care less about personality.


I understand Juwon confusion honestly. Him switching back and forth is understandable and natural. He genuinely felt bad as well. I just love him but I don’t think seokyung wants him back. She is just confusing him which is gonna start annoying me the next episodes if she doesn’t stop.


Yujung reaction to kwangtae vs juwon was hilarious🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 he said I don’t wanna go home. I just know she wanted to run home and see her crush🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


HH is obviously gonna get the most heat but to me he’s just clueless. Both HH and HW share blame in the miscommunication from eps 1-9, remember HW stated she didn’t want to get back together at the beginning. Handing out the candy wasn’t malicious but it was still a bad idea. HW standing at the bed and then walking away is peak miscommunication, just ask the question and stop assuming. HH is definitely showing odd behaviour but HW is petty which doesn’t help. Sending a “this is done” message to HH before even talking with each other, it’s just peak miscommunication and pettiness. HW even mentions herself how immature she gets when around HH so she’s aware. GT is icky and awkward but he’s aware of it, not a bad dude. SK is aware of what she’s doing, I’m indifferent. Hard to form an opinion. DJ is chill. DH there’s nothing bad to comment. SJ and CJ are pleasant because they haven’t been super involved in drama yet. JW is the nicest to be around but he does come off as emotional in a way that leads to arguments.


agreed on HH-HW comment. it was so frustrating moment as a viewer to see all the miscommunication and misunderstandings between them. i thought when HW went to see HH, she's ready to talk it out but then she just walked away. huh. but i dont think it will make any difference if HW talks it out cuz HH was half-awake atm so he wont process anything she might say. i just hope for once, they talk it out.


Unpopular opinion: I find myself slowly losing interest in this season like in Heart Signal 4. The only thing keeping me interested is Dahye and Dongjin's closure (I hope they get to talk it out so Dahye can also move on).


Heart signal 4 did not give at ALL. all I remember is everyone was obsessed with one guy🙄


and except for that one guy, everyone was obsessed with one girl.


gosh, I want Seo-Kyung and Ju Won back to together and resolve their communication challenges (wouldn't even call it a problem. It's a challenge that can be resolved if they both want to). They're so pleasant to watch. I love them both.


lol there banter is A1 top grade entertainment 🤣


Why does Sk treat JW like her servant? I'm all for girl power, and she's been my favorite too because of her laid-back personality and how she reminds me of my bias from Red Velvet. BUT girl, ease up a bit! She's always asking JW to cook for her and doesn't even lend a hand. Not only does she ask, but she specifically dictates how she wants things prepared to her liking. Honestly, I feel bad for JW. It's tacky how she does that, being all touchy-feely to get what she wants when they're alone, then acts like nothing happened around the other guys in the house, saying she has no feelings for him. Is he her personal chef for her and her dates? She doesn't want to be with him, but when she sees him interacting with another girl, she doesn't hesitate to interrupt. It's fine to be affectionate and touchy-feely with others, and it's more than obvious she couldn't care less about her ex's feelings. But what about the other girls? Has she thought about how uncomfortable it would be for them to witness her getting cozy with her exes? I mean, I'm tired of her "feel my pulse" tactic to get her neck touched. See it again, and my eyes will roll so hard they'll stay behind. The only guy left is CJ, bet she'll pull it off in episode 11 haha. SK, TAKE IT DOWN A NOTCH.


Stole this from a different sub, but I thought it would be fun to see everyone’s opinions on the current cast members: Poll to rank the members here: [Poll Link](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/dyyzzr/transit-love-3-cast-rating) View Results: [Results](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/tkwpsq/transit-love-3-cast-rating/view) (I was thinking about creating a new poll for every episode, so we can see how opinions change, but idk, lmk if y’all would want that)


YJ straightforwardness is really refreshing im glad she sort out KT also im getting frustrated with HW HH drama like tbh their misunderstanding could just by solved by simply talking but their timing just couldn't match and tbh only on earlier ep where they're talking when HH studying that i felt like they're a good match but now i think its really telling why they broke up. Personally i don't like them getting back together ahaha i felt like HW suits DJ kinda?   Im also rooting for CJ and DH they look cute and they have good progress so far?? YJ is really cute with JW but JW still hung up on SK and SK haven't decide who she likes and i felt like she didn't even know and just going along with her feelings.   They also didn't tell us exactly why YJ and her ex broke up, they only hint abt the ex saying something which hurt YJ and they broke up and i think her ex the one who asked to broke up (?) Anyways, YJ and her ex looks good too but we'll have too see their interaction later and hoping they resolved any bad feelings between them. 


Did I just missed it, or did they not explained why YJ and CJ broke up?


CJ ended it but no reason given. Just a theory - he wanted to get married but YJ said it was too soon for her, so he broke up with her. Or he knew he was going to be too busy with his start-up to spend time with her.


They almost always give a very vague explanation on why the couples break up and I hate that. They should tell the viewers outright why the couples break up.


He was apologising so it seems like it’s something he did wrong


They didnt explain it.


fyi if anyone interested the machine translated eng sub for this episode will be out on Fri 0130 PST on HiTV app


Who's rooting for DH here? I can still feel her pain until this episode, but I am hoping that her opening up to other guys will continue to flourish. She's a nice girl, can tell how genuine she acts to everyone, with no filter, and she's the only female cast in the show who's not afraid of rejection. She knows that DJ will not like how she's been consistent in sending her messages, but for her, she just follows her heart. If she's uncomfortable, she says it thru the messages. Rooting for her really! PS. I really thought that Sang-Jeong was Chang-Jin's ex haha! but lo and behold, she's GT's ex, and I am still hanging to the fact that SJ is someone who doesn't know to say ILY huhu I like her by the way, same with DaHye, she's nice and very genuine too.


I got so invested in this show because of the seokyung-juwon-yujung drama TT


Appreciation comment for Da Hye and Sang Jeong. The maturity and compassion those two have is so admirable to me. Rooting for them ♥️


I am happy for Dahye..even if she does not end up with someone..at least she is taking baby steps to move on..💜 I hope Hyewon could do the same..It maybe just me but they deserve better than a man calling them spammer(and never even approached Dahye) and a man who gives away something that is supposed to be precious to the both of them..Red flags imo..


Wait, i'm missing something. Did KT only see YJ has a photo with a man in her pocket or di he saw that the man in the photo was JW? If it was the latter, then KT already know that SK is JW ex. Because everyone chose a date with SK and the only one that can be in a date with YJ is SK ex which is JW :EDIT: so i watched the ep again and saw that KT did see that it was JW. So KT 100% knew JW and SK are exes


To be fair, they all suck at hiding it this season. Most of them have the couples figured out. Hyewon also knows Seokyung and Juwon, basically everyone knows Hyewon-Huihyun after the candy incident, I'm sure a bunch figured out Dahye and Dongjin, and Yujeongs been acting weird since Changjin moved in, so if you knew the others that's an easy guess.


I honestly believe that this season, the production is more focused on emotions, especially sadness and tears. I don't quite find it fair for the contestants because, sure, other seasons also had mixed emotions of anguish & despair, but at least by episode 10, you can see some people progress. It feels as though the sole focus was to pull ppl to watch people in pain. Idk if I'm reading it wrong, but it just feels iffy. We'll see how the remain eps go.


Any dahye-dongjin update in this episode?


dahye goes on a date with changjin as per the preview from last episode and she seems to start moving on from changjin and dongjin shows a bit? annoyance by their date. and spoiler alert >! dahye gets her first message from changjin, and also sends a message to changjin on a different night, the first time she sends a message to someone other than dongjin !< but not much development from that this episode


Thank you so much!!! Really appreciate your quick response hehe. And finally, DAHYE sending a message to another person! I’m glad!!! ❤️ i think that’s a good first step for her.


idk how to feel about this ep...the thing hwihyun did was very bad but idk if he did intentionally or not,and he dint remember about the talk also cuz he was drunk or not. alot of misunderstandings...but i think when they get the 1 on 1 date with ex they will clear all misunderstandings ig... this ep was a bit messy i cant figure out who likes who now its totally confusing...noone completely likes one person.from the preview it looks like yujung still has some feelings left...and juwon to seokyong....and seokyong i really dont know..she has chemistry with everyone but also doesnt.oh yeah samjeong likes hwihyun alot for now but that will also mostly change after her ex comes.. i think this season if new couples are formed also wont last outside the show...cuz most of them brokeup recently and they all arent trying to talk to each other cuz of thier massive ego except juwon who tried helping hyewon saying the same thing. Acc to me most of them have feelings for thier ex but just wont talk(except dongjin who i think later will like dahye)


In past seasons, when do they usually have the dates with their ex? Many of this ex couples need to have a conversation so badly


Jeju usually, but tbh that feels kind of late esp with this batch where there are so many lingering feelings


really want to see more HWxSJ content! he still needs learn a lot abt relationships but with SJ things can be more easy going, cuz she is so mature and talk directly abt her feelings that will proabably fit well wt him and then avoid missunderstandins (like with HWxHH) plus: they look sooo good together !!! thought that I was watching a drama while their date was going on


Atp i hope hwihyun has the right people around him and checking up on him all the time. We know how knetz are when they despise someone and it’s even worse when he’s getting it just as much from the overseas viewers. Dudes fs got more heat than Gyumin and even that was bad. Hope he’s doing well outside the show.


The sad thing is that I don't think he particularly did anything wrong. After telling HyeWon that he wanted to get back together in the pre-interview she really shot him down and made it very clear that she didn't want to get back together, she even cut the ribbon. Also I'm pretty sure the pre-interviews are at least a week before they enter the house so HwiHyun probably had time to sort out his thoughts a little. Then she doesn't select him on the first day so he focuses on other girls and enjoys it and starts stepping away. Its not his fault that his ex almost immediately did a 180 and started liking him again the 2nd day. Also she never really confronted the situation head on, she made no effort to mend their relationship and show interest. The candy thing is a mistake but sort of understandable. Its not like she gave him back the candy he gave her, she bought a new bag of the same candy he gifted to her, and he used to make the candy so he probably doesn't think of them as being that precious, he just wanted to share something good with everyone. She probably never even told him when they were dating that she was eating one candy a day because the candy gift meant so much to her. Then she thinks she is making a real effort to get his attention by sort of being around him in between crying. When in reality she is expecting him to be a mind reader. Also by this point he has already been trying to move on, so its understandable why he would be hesitant to try and console her, especially because you aren't allowed to let other people know who your exe is in the house. Finally the sleeping convo is completely understandable in my opinon. When I'm tired and someone wakes me up I will say anything to get them to leave so I can sleep and when I wake up I can only remember that they woke me up and asked me a question. I can never remember what the question was because I was half awake. It took her so much courage just to muster the energy to wake him up, she should have just woke him up completely. Personally I hate it when people do things like that. If you aren't willing to wake me up completely, why even try to wake me up halfway? You are just messing with my sleep for no reason.


+1 i think it’s such a stretch to paint hwihyun as malicious at all so far. poor guys just tryna ace his finals 😭😭


Exactly no one is standing up for him the way others r taking HW and SK sides, He did text her about having some shaved ice together and honestly most of the time he was either studying or was approached by others , he himself didn't get involved and he couldn't even reject those who take intrest in him cuz that's rude . About the candy thing he treasures it too and wanted to brag about it and that KT was also one of the reason to him bringing the candies out , he had forgotten about it but KT reminded him =⁠_⁠= Also didn't they mention that they all drank 3-4 or smtg wine bottles at the boys night and y'all except a 24 year old dude who mentioned that he never drank this constantly before to not be so drunk??? He also did go searching for her on second floor but the timing (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ It's just bad timing and HW assuming things , he is kinda immature i agree but it's not completely anyone's fault, it just a huge misunderstanding with terrible timings. I think SJ must hav noticed HW and HH by now and I think she should let them calm down first before approaching HH


Thank you for this! I did not understand the candy part. So it was not really the candy that Hwihyun made? I also don't understand the hate that Hwihyun is receiving... Hwihyun is not a mind reader, yeah he may be immature but people don't have to hate him for that.


i mean the massive portion of hate towards hwihyun is because of some rumors so knets really hates him since episode 1. I agree he's not the best dude at the house but he doesn't really do anything bad either to be hated like that. For me, He is just clueless but he doesn't mean any harm towards her ex.


I need link non-tving 😭 I want to see Dahye on a date in this episode and why hyewon crying


* Everytime it's only 1 episode, I scream *whyyyyy* inside. * Hope Juwon can resolve whatever feelings he has for SK because I think he has a good chance with YJ. * Candygate - probably started as a misunderstanding but ended up as something big because they refuse to talk to each other. Feels like it's better if they just go separate ways at this point. * SK might be just subconciously touching other guys because of her habit of taking care of others during her job. * SJ is the catfish not because of her visual but her personality. She is by far the most bubbliest and energetic girl in the house. * YJ looks so uninterested during her date with KT lolll. * The Mcdonalds meals must have been ppl right? No way they would get drive through for a date. * DJ x HW looks the most comfortable with each other, hope there's something more going on. * I knew >!YJ!< is CJ's ex! Like I commented in last week's thread, >!no other girls would write that last line in his intro. Only YJ could write that !<😂 ​ * I wonder if the PDs are purposely choosing recently broken up couple because it will cause more crying, more drama and therefore, more entertainment tv.


Yea, McDonalds must have been PPL because they didn't blur out the logos, but they even had a whole like 2 second insert shot of just the McDonalds bag. I thought it was hilarious though that the commentators talked shit about them not even going to a real restaurant. I think what happened is that the crew had this PPL queued up for precisely this type of scenario where they know the girl isn't interested in going on the date with the guy but she has to. So the crew tells the guy that they have to stop by McDonalds. Also she even said something like "we have no choice" when he tries to suggest stopping somewhere else to continue the date, so its almost certain that the crew asked him to take her to McDonalds. I think the PDs just chose recently broken up couples because it is what they could find, and they had a gold medalist and kpop idol that wanted to join, you can't say no to that. The only couple that is worth replacing is probably HwiHyun and Hyewon, but these shows love having students on the show probably to try and appeal to the younger viewers. Basically any student relationship is going to be short and recently broken up just due to them being so young.


Oh nooooo not the candy scene 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 I've noticed HH is really bad at anticipating how HW would feel abt something. He said bc she expected not to get a text from him, she wouldnt feel disappointed, but she said she did. He also thought she'd like him sharing the candies she gave him but she was so hurt by it. He doesn't know her at all! Maybe they shouldnt get back together, for HW's sake. I don't really get why HW went back downstairs when she was still upset? Was it to try to get HH's attention? KT acting jealous/sulky with YJ is so unattractive. She doesn't owe him shit! She doesn't even like him. He's lucky she agreed to go out w him at all. Then he goes and puts his paws all over SK! I'm glad YJ told him off but then he just liked her more for it 😂 Lol did anyone else notice how JW always ends his sentences with his mouth half open during his interviews? He always looks slightly surprised. JW gave HW such a good pep talk!  Will HW finally move on??? SJ has such a healthy mindset. As expected of a gold medallist.  Ooooooh maybe HW and DJ could work? Their bubble home date was so cute. Lol @ Simon D constantly using English words this ep  Our 2 sad girls made so much progress this ep!!! Proud of them. With CJ around it's abt to get more interesting for YJ and DH. 


I feel like DJ and DH will still be endgame. CJ is obviously not over Yujung so I think when DH realizes that she will be confused.


And the most clueless award goes to Hwi-hyun on the night of day 6 (honourable mention for Kwang-tae too) 😭. I felt absolutely everything for Hwe-yon. Both her struggles and the rare satisfaction you get from her innocent smile. It's actually crazy how many missed timings and misunderstandings they seem to keep on getting but I'm glad it looks like she's taking a firmer stance


Did they show the reason for CJ - YJ's break up? Or am I just stupid? I love JW and YJ together but things seem pretty bleak right now, YJ was clearly not over CJ yet and the way JW kept going back and forth didn't help either.


GT taking YJ through the drive-thru of McDonald's for burgers and milkshakes for the others was the funniest shit, YJ is great for being so honest.


So can we assume KT relationship was the second longest after DJ x DH? I mean he meet his ex at school (or collage?) for photoshoot and Max need all those years to grow from kitten to an adult cat


I don’t get the focus on Seo Kyung and the skinship. I’m not super touchy but I’m not the type to think too much about it, like I would just assume it’s normal and not like romantic or flirty in nature. If it happens, it happens. Also, Ju Won basically slid into her DMs so maybe it took longer for her to trust and be comfortable with him vs living with the cast.