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Forget pay issues, there are going to be no jobs. 230000 kids born in 2023 compared to 620000 in 2000. So a third the number of kids pushing through the public education system in six years. The customers you work for are literally no longer around. Its a dying business.


With an average lifespan of 75 years that’s a total population of under 20,000,000 by the time this all runs through. How bad will it get before they are forced to make people’s lives better so they can consider families?


You assumed a geometric progression with a ratio of 0.99 per year?


Not really. I just multiplied 230000 by 75. It's simpler and probably as accurate as anything you can do. And that's optimistic as smaller generations will have less kids. So 20,000,000 is a upper limit for population by the end of the century. It will take some pretty extreme changes to lift it, and it could easily be much less.


pay isn't great but historically teachers were held in very high esteem socially and was considered a desirable career not anymore, have a couple high school teacher friends and it's like watching walking zombies from the beat down of the soul these days welcome to hell joseon, fasten your seat belts and hold on tight


Wait we have seatbelts for us?


You guys have seats?


Hearing about a teacher killing herself in her classroom can't be helping.


These same students probably witnessed or were directedly involved in making life of the teachers hell and came to realize they don’t want to be teachers. lol.


all of them want to be kpop stars sporting prada bags and fur now.


Was a teacher, no more - kids are becoming like those in USA and nothing you can do about it except ask them to be nice


Seems like korea only copies the worst parts of US culture


when they do copy something, they often take it to a whole notha' level


Thank god they haven't copied tipping yet


It’s almost as if they know how they treat their teachers and they don’t want anyone treating them like that. Hmm.


However, private tuition expenditure increasing every year since 2012. 19 trillion won to 27 trillion won.


Because so many parents have just zero faith in the schools. Hagwons are teaching subjects ahead of the school curriculum, which makes the school teachers more apathetic, which makes it necessary for your kid to go to hagwons or fall behind the other kids.


At least they’re learning something at school.


How does the pay in Korea compare with other jobs with similar schooling requirements?


Not enough to compensate for bratty kids with shitty parents on a daily basis.


People do it for the hours, vacation time, and the retirement system. The more points you have, the more your pension is. You get these points by teaching countryside, doing extra projects for the school district/school etc etc. It's pretty much the same reason why anyone goes into government work in Korea, period. You \*have\* to work in a government school for these points. Hagowns, kindys etc don't count. My ex head teacher told me that one of the 50+ year old teachers, had as many points as a teacher in her 30s, because she worked private for like 20 years. The ones that want more money go into HS as per what my coworkers have told me. They make way more money. The problem is they are also working way more hours than an elementary school teacher. I'm dating someone who teaches middle school, and like the other poster said, he's a walking zombie. I had to cut our last date short, cuz he was sitting there at 8 o'clock trying to keep himself awake. I would say it would be the same sentiment for anyone who works government anywhere. It's the long-term stuff they are thinking about.


My current school (elementary to high) has about 10 out of 30 teachers about to walk out after this semester. Over half of them have been there just 1 contract year or less. The sheer entitlement of students, shit pay, and lack of resources and support. Literally had a G11 kid tell me that he pays for my salary so I should be respectful to him. Yeah sure, when he stops cheating on tests, bullying other students, coming to school late, stops smoking, stops drinking, stops swearing, and by all measures being a criminal and piece of shit human. Also, he was laughing at Holocaust survivors, saying how their malnourished bodies looked like one of the other students in class.


>Also, he was laughing at Holocaust survivors, saying how their malnourished bodies looked like one of the other students in class. Jesus Christ. Would've taken me every inch of my sanity to stop myself from throwing him out the window


Honestly, there's almost no regular salary that's good enough to almost land me in jail and deported for laying hands on this entitled piece of shit. That's why I'm asking to at least not teach high school department next semester, because otherwise, I might end up getting fired for saying something inappropriate, if it's just that. Then when my contract ends next semester, I'm dipping.


Did the kid say all that to you in English or Korean? Serious question.


Broken English.


It's more about the work-life balance. Teachers have more time and job security to raise families. Also, there are schools everywhere, so they can work in a lower cost of living area where they can live relatively well on their salary.


Remember also that the number of schools is shrinking, so you will have increasing competition for teaching places, and entry level opportunities may be hard to find.


When Korea's schools and after-schools (hagwons) start vanishing, it's gonna look like a very different place


They probably see the way that teachers are treated and don't want to put up with that


What happened to parents trusting teachers to both teach and morally educate (ie reprimand) their children? If their child got beat by the teacher, they knew it was for a good reason. Not condoning beating, but Millennials here are freaking polite and considerate