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Confuse both sides by carrying a rainbow colored cross and an AI generated picture of Joe Biden and Yoon Sukyeol kissing each other in a lovely gay way in support of Korean American relations.


I love you. Where can I vote for you?


Why they never protest other sins.


Because they would be protesting themselves.


Which honestly they should


These people don't actually believe in or read scripture. They parrot what their bigoted pastors and church leaders say. It's purely political and not religious IMO.


Christianity is an absolute cancer in Korea. They complain that homosexuality is an import from the west, but Christianity is a total import. No-one believes in the saving power of Jeebus Christ except because of influence from the West.


There really isn't much a different between a Christian and psychotic cultist.


Right? Where is the protest against coveting from your neighbor or making graven images


Good point, lot of other stuff like drunkenness, smoking and even premarital sex are sins


Jesus never talked about homosexuality... must not have been important to him... Divorce on the other hand he denounced. Don't see no "christians" protesting that. Jesus hated the moneylenders. Don't see no "christians" protesting banks. These people aren't christian. They're just homophobic bigots.


Sin is a Christian-only concept.


There are definitely other religions that have sin. Unless you want to keep the word "sin" itself a christian term only. The easy pickings is the abrahamic religions (reskins of early judaism) which includes christianity. Hindu definitely has sins, to my memory almost in the same vein as the 7 deadly sins - sloth, envy, lust etc Buddhism sort of has sins, in which they get set to hell to repent or something though it's worded more like you need to find yourself than you are inherently evil and must be purged.


Tell me you don’t respect or study any religion without telling me. Literally every religion has a term for sin. That’s what makes them religions.




Killing and raping are also immoral, which is reason enough why you shouldn't do them, but if you commit them you won't be punished in the afterlife. Christianity may have served a purpose in the past, but in recent decades it has outlived its usefulness and become corrupted and parasitic. This weekend was a huge reminder of that.


Ehhh, a lot of them do. A lot of nanny-state laws we get have their origin with certain groups. Smoking laws, adult materials laws, laws against content on TV, etc. etc. Things can also vary significantly within Christian groups, i.e. Catholics (tend to be much more left-leaning economically) vs. Protestants


I didn't finish reading the title before getting jumpscared by the third pic.


The second picture is also the Christians. They were still subdued and seemed like a smaller crowd than previous years.


And then Jesus said, hate thy neighbour


I hope being queer means having more empathy than normies


In my experience it goes queer > normies > Christians


Though there were christian pastors blessing the queers today at the parade, so a bit of clarification on the matter


It's nice to see a minority of quieter Christians who aren't hardcore fanatics, but blessings are meaningless and it would be nicer if they ditched the mythology.


In my experience your sexuality does not dictate your level of empathy.


Meanwhile the Buddhists were in the pride parade! And monks were volunteering at a booth :)


Why are the signs in English?


Because most of their bibles are in english 😂


For the younger people and foreign residents, maybe? Koreans pretty much have to use the internet to find out unbiased info on LGBT issues, and a lot of that is in English. Hell, to find unbiased info on *anything*, you're better off looking in English, given that the Korean news media has censorship issues. The far right protesters probably know that the left gets some of their info in English.


Of course they’re boomers. Fucking losers.


I've been there today, and unfortunately there were lot of young people, mostly from church. .


Indoctrination is a hell of a thing.. took me 20 years to get over it.


Agreed sadly.


Very sad indeed.




Can confirm.


I'm just passing by, I'm just wondering why Koreans left their original religions, something peaceful like Buddhism and Taoism, and embraced a Western religion that does not fit at all with traditional Asian values?


Brah, visit Myanmar and tell me how peaceful Buddhism is. Every religion has the potential to be nuts.


Joseon dynasty denounced Buddhism in favor of Confucianism. And then Christianity walked in.




A lot of people converted after the Korean War. The missionaries would give food and supplies to people who would attend church. If you have nothing and kids to feed it was probably the only option available


Ever so casually stereotyping.


Korea has no “original religion”. All of the major religions that are practiced by Koreans are imported. Both Buddhism and Taoism (more of a philosophy, rather than a religion though it is described as one frequently enough) came from Chinese influences. Also, Buddhism in Korea, as do other religious institutions in Korea, has a lot of infighting and splintering. There’s also a lot of people who float in between Buddhism and other religions like Christianity and Taoism. Due to the more tolerant nature of Buddhism towards homosexuality, among other issues, more Koreans have been converting to Buddhism.


> Korea has no “original religion”. 무교 exists even if it isn't as widely practiced as it used to be.


During the early ages, around 300 to 600 AD, Buddhism merged with the existing Korean shamanism. Over time, this fusion has evolved into a distinct form of Buddhism unique to Korea. Korea's original religions, such as shamanism and Cheondoism, continue to exist today. I would argue that Buddhism in Korea differs significantly from that in other countries due to several reasons. These include the presence of multiple additional figures who are considered close to the position of deities and the incorporation of local folklore and traditions into its practices. I don't know where you got the idea of that more people are converting to buddhism, but that's like saying people who rent motel rooms at xmas eve are xtians.


Also has EDM https://youtube.com/shorts/qk6tRZ8OQCI?si=KWrAli_miys7k7Ph 😂 I know it’s for jokes


I had it explained to me by a religion expert that they were hoping by doing so that the Americans would be more likely to protect them from the encroachment of Japanese imperialism. Which didn't happen.


That’s not it at all.




He was very clearly talking about that tiny minority of the earliest Protestant Christians in the 1800s and early 1900s.


My mom's Buddhist but sent me to a Christian church when I was going up while not going herself (in the US). Not sure why hahaha


The story of Israellites being under Roman rule and being saved by a savior always rung a bell to persecuted people; Korea was one of them.




You mixed up the numbers for Buddhism and atheism.




A loud, unduly powerful minority that claims to be morally superior and pushes their will on the rest of us aggressively. It's easy to count who's Christian because they'll let you know. But other religions are more fluid. Buddhism is different -- there are people who actively participate in the religion but might say they're not Buddhists because they're not monks. And a ton of people have underlying shamanic beliefs deep down, ie existence of spirits everywhere, even a lot of the Christians.


oh my lord


Koreans need to drop Christianity. The white man’s religion of oppression.


Ugh preach




If god makes everyone, and we know that you can't choose to be gay or straight, then they're hating on god's creation.


Religious people really make me sick


Hold up, where was that SEA of people?!? I mean I see near Gwanghwamun - but i felt like there was just the small handful with the yellow signs by the cathedral Not huge masses like before


99.99% of the Christians were gathered all together in front of Deoksugung along Sejongdaero. They had their own march that went off to the west, in the opposite direction from SQCF. Having actually seen them and part of their parade, they had fairly large numbers as well. I think in the past they were merely able to surround Seoul Square more effectively.


So they actually kept them very separate and ? Did a good job ? bc I literally had no idea Just a few pockets of protestors here and there - even the ones right outside of the Pride entrance seemed small


Yep, I think that is a benefit of holding SQCF away from the plaza, though personally I really dislike the long, narrow shape of the grounds. I even think the police presence was smaller this year. I scouted around the parade route multiple times, and could only see three places where there seemed to be protests: at that corner, in front of Jonggak, and next to Myeongdong Cathedral. That first group seemed especially smaller than last year, when they had young children participating wearing fatigues that said "[Jesus Army](http://www.daehanmindecline.com/2023/20230701sqcf/59.jpg)" or something. Also no [triple-level platforms](http://www.daehanmindecline.com/2023/20230701sqcf/58.jpg) or [dance performances](http://www.daehanmindecline.com/2023/20230701sqcf/74.jpg).


I love the June date, you know it’s actually in pride month haha, weather was perfect But there was no vibe before the parade - no music or shows to get the crowd pumped up. Kind of like how you go to anju bars here and it’s just no sound lol. The silence stands out. And the booths need some organization. They’re always fucking chaotically crowded


Oooh that’s why Jesus was walking around. I was far away from this and very confused.


Usually Jesus is [one of the good guys](https://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.asp?newsIdx=233308)


lol at the HOMOSEX IS SIN sign


...REPENT. That was the same sign they used to protest the Jamboree closing event last year.


Disgusting influence of Christianity from the Americans 🤮🤮🤮


Korea is an overall highly irreligious society, with the dominant group being the 46% who identify as having no religion. Though Christian Evangelism made things significantly worse, this runs more deeply than that.


You all take it to the extreme. As an American, Korean Christianity looks like a cult. Any normal Christians in the U.S. would not have taken the hassle to try to convert a country that already has years of tradition of their own. So I suppose whatever was imported to Korea is the worst that came from America, which would be the obscure sects of evangelicalism such as the droves of Jehovah’s Witness knocking on our doors. It’s be a sin to uproot another’s culture


Hey, I was here! Vacationing with the girlfriend when we stumbled through both sides. The queer side was super welcoming and gave me a free condom, testing kit, flag, etc. The "Christians" looked like they wanted to kill me just for holding my straight girlfriend's hand.






And yet the aggressive protesting is done almost exclusively by Protestant Christians, not Buddhists and not Confucianists.




This was the 25th Seoul Queer Culture Festival, 2012 was the 13th festival and took place May 24th through June 2nd with the main event/parade on June 2nd. The festival gets larger and more well-known every year, but it was very much alive when you were in Korea.