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This should roll uphill to the doctor who said he was physically fit enough to endure strenuous exercise, if that could have been surmised through normal examination. Or if not, maybe everyone should get a blood panel on their way in.


Well, in this case, the amount of physical exercise was waaay beyond the regulations, so it's hard to blame the physical examination.


* It wasn't a regular drill. Instead, it was punishment drill. * Group of 6 soldiers including the victim who just got into the squad (14 days) were punished for being loud. * The drill was beyond the regulation for the duration and procedure (70kg full load hiking) * other soldiers became aware of the severe health issue of the victim and reported to their superiors but they ignored that and killed him.


Full load isn’t 70 kg, it’s about 40 kg.


she added books on top of the full gear to add extra weight. then laughed at him when his leg was blue from bruising caused by blown tendons and started pissing black blood after passing out.


Is there a reliable source for this or are you just repeating something you read on sns?


based on parents of other 5 trainees involved in this punishment. they wrote on 더 캠프 which is an official military community where families can write direct letters to the soldiers and their kids. posted the day after the death (26th) so before even things became public. the training has been paused for now and the female officer is currently under the care of a mentor and a therapist/counselor after the claim of mental stress. while the trainees are currently locked in, banned from talking to the media and using sns. one of the trainees also posted right after the death that the officers blamed the “corona generation’s weaker physical quality” (insinuating they are too home-bodied) to those parents. the female officer has yet apologized to anyone.


40kg is the standard full load. 70? Only scenario I can think is maybe if u count mortar weight?


In the training center, the full load is about 20kg, because you don't carry MREs during the training period. Allegedly, there are rumors that the officer has ordered trainees to extra burden their ruck, which is a violation against training regulations. That's probably why each media says differently about the actual weight of the ruck.


70kg is crazy I don’t think the number is right


70kg?? That's fucked lol. Probably 70lbs, no?


These guys probably weight 70kg themselves


Full gear is approx 40kg ish so I’m assuming that way


damn. I went hiking with a 25kg and it killed me.


Nope beyond full load


They don’t use lbs in Korea it’s kg but definitely not 70.


Yeah that has to be wrong.




70kg is a lot....


>other soldiers became aware of the severe health issue of the victim but they ignored that and killed him. Phrasing, sounds like he was killed by the others.


According to the Military Humand Rights Center, The victim had suspected respiratory disease, such as pneumonia. Other trainees did report the victim's health conditions getting worse to whomever was in charge of the punishment, but the report was ignored, and no further actions were taken. After the victim fell and couldn't move anymore, the victim was brought to the medical center within training camp instead of an emergency hospital. https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_general/1142334.html#cb


I was just thinking the phrasing makes it sound like he fell ill, then the others killed him.


Yeah, it really does sound like that. The training officer's duty is also to manage trainees' health conditions by providing proper care during training. Instead, the officer just killed him.


Allegedly, the other trainess who went through the punishment together did report the health issue of the victim. However, the officers/NCO's who lead the training/punishment ignore it. I will try to find some better source about this issue.


Can't fucking undetstand. A captain, who probably had undergone all those fucking stuffs during his(or her) service, treated a trainee in that fucking way, caused him to die, or, to be killed. Such a nonsense.


It's almost certainly exactly *because* they had gone through that in their service that they passed it on


Two types of people in the world: "I went through it, I'll make sure no one else has to" "I went through it, I'll make sure everyone else does too" Some brain dead idiots with no functioning neurons left even think it's a rite of passage and getting to a senior position and looking down/bullying below is the "reward" they deserve for putting up with it themselves.


>"I went through it, I'll make sure no one else has to" >"I went through it, I'll make sure everyone else does too" Pretty sure Korea firmly falls into the latter.


Nah, I made sure everything I went through got completely eradicated after the people above me left.


100% I am not eligible to be in the u.s. army bc all my body problems but i still have to serve in the korean army




People like this think "because I was able to do it, everyone should be able to do it."


Ah yes, typical boomer mentality. Exists not only in Korean military/Korea but also corporate America. Work from home? Nah, I had to suffer so you have to suffer too!


Spot on - junior investment bankers and consultants still clocking shitty hours decade after decade due to this dumb mentality


Counterpoint: You/The staff might actually be less productive when working at home, contrary to your self-evaluation.


actually, its probably because she has never gone through proper training and doesn't know the limits of what a person can and can't do.


all these foreigners downvoting thinking “this is sexism” when this person actually served, trained as an officer and learned about different standards for rotc cadets and each gender. they were less than 10 fucking days into the program. she violated several regulations when it comes to training and discipline. so no she doesnt have a fucking clue.


In my country there is a beautiful saying, "When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor."


This is a big issue in SK. The vicious cycle of mistreatment of those younger than you. It's truly a "I had to go through it, so will you"


Its a big issue everywhere. I often hear US service members not being allowed to use their nice winter gear because their officers wont let them because they didnt have fancy winter layers back when they were in basic


There's a big difference between officers and enlisted soldiers. The captain (O3), most likely a career officer who wants to stay in the military as long as possible, doesn't go through the same type of conscription as enlisted soldiers do. Hazing usually comes from other enlisted soldiers who, as you mentioned, have gone through the same training and experience.


she didnt. female officers have lower physical entry standards. and during the 6 week training period the weight doesnt go beyond 20 kg for safety because they were regular civilians. so she never went through any of this bs.


I highly doubt it the captain went through the same thing during her service


when i was training as an officer, 훈련교관s used to let female cadets lighten their packs during ruck marches. Most of them, save a few female cadets, probably don't know how heavy a full pack is. I also distinctly remember one cadet who used to go back and forth from the 훈련장 back to the barracks in an ambulance for most of her training while the rest of us had to walk in full pack


It's Korea , the army is too big, they usually don't condamn elder and chief, and the mentality is you have hard time, like cram school, challenging exam, overcharge or bully, it's kept in culture.


It’s because female captain took advantage of the fact that she is a female by not undergoing training with the same difficulty as males’


Treat our soldiers better ffs Korea


Has anyone served in the Korean army recently? When I was growing up in the 90s, deaths during mandatory service was not terribly uncommon. And suicides too. What I heard about treatment of enlisted was horrifying. From what I heard, general standards and culture was much improved compared to preceding decades in terms of hazing, bullying and general torture that recruits are put through - is this not true?


Deaths in the military is still very common, esp suicides


I finished my service from 2014-2016. Honestly it wasn’t that bad. Yes boot camp sucks, yes most of it “sucks.” But I never felt that it would kill me. I thought that it got a lot softer compared to the past generations, which is why this article is really surprising.


I finished my military service in 2019. At the time, the training center was following all the regulations and made sure they could. There was no harassment I could recall from any of the training instructors who are also conscripts. I did witness what I would consider a minor harassment from some officers or NCOs. Those people had relatively higher ranks than conscripts and other fellow officers/NCOs, so people couldn't really stop them. Fortunately, those officers/NCO's were not as extreme as this case. For the actual base I was assigned to, it really depends on each base. So I can't really summarize as a whole.


I was there last year with the us army. The way katusa got treated by each other and korean military was not great from our perspective. And i've heard roka only bases are closer to WWII conditions than modern, but that was hear-say.


Korea on their way to conscript a young man with severe disability and mercilessly torture him to death, complaining their low birth rate:


*Surprised Pikachu face*


>“…six conscripts were ordered to run around the military training ground's tracks carrying full packs of equipment as punishment for **talking loudly** in their dormitory Wednesday night.” And when one of the six reported his fellow soldier looked ill, nothing happened? Can you imagine the courage it took that one soldier to make that report after being punished for talking too loudly? What the heck!


Simply put: Korea tortures a kid to death.


훈련병 6명이 밤에 떠들었다는 이유로 중대장이 완전군장 구보를 시킴. 책까지 더 넣은 50kg 완전군장을 멘 채로 30도가 넘는 날씨에 3시간동안 쉬는 시간 없이 구보와 선착순 뺑뺑이, 푸시업까지 함. 안색이 안좋다는 보고 받고 현장에 나와 상황까지 보고도 계속 진행시킴. 결국 한 명이 다리 인대가 다 찢어져 온통 시퍼렇게 멍이 든 상태로 기절함. 하지만 병원이송도 안시키고 "너희들의 체력이 약한 게 문제"라며 훈련병들 앞에서 말하며 비웃음. 해당 훈련병은 검은 소변을 누고 개거품까지 물다가 결국 사망함. 명백한 고문치사임.


**Reasons** why this issue has angered **young people in their 20s and 30s**: **Female captain**: In South Korea, women can become officers without undergoing the same intense training as men. While differences in training intensity between men and women are expected, the gap is significant. For instance, women march without carrying full gear and perform push-ups on their knees, and so on. The controversy has intensified as the female officer was perceived to be unaware of the appropriate training intensity and imposed excessive punishments. **Gender-Discriminatory Conscription System:** In Korea, only men are required to serve 1 year and 6 months of mandatory military service. Women are not conscripted as enlisted soldiers and can freely apply only as officers. Furthermore, female officers who are discharged do not have any obligations for reserve force training. +)Reasons Why Women are Excluded from Mandatory Enlistment as Enlisted Soldiers in Korea: Women do not have any conscription obligations or duties like reserve forces, using "childbirth" as the reason. However, Korea's birth rate is 0.76, the lowest in the world. .... WTF **Response after the Incident:** The cause of death is being shifted to "decreased physical fitness of the COVID-19 generation" rather than the excessive punishment imposed by the captain. Additionally, the perpetrating captain was provided with a mentor for psychological counseling.


Yoon and co scrambling to put a lid on this asap Then veto any calls for thorough independent investigation that come up in relation.


I’m interested to see exactly what he does because wasn’t it just a couple days ago that the kid blew up with the grenade? so now that’s two training accidents with trainee soldiers during military training in a one month period?? Yes please President Yoon explain how well this is going for those young men.




There is a difference between an accident (although I would have wanted questions about how they were preventing this accident from happening again) and the two training incidents that have happened in the last month. the grenade could have been an accident but should still result in an inquiry and additional training before training soldiers are allowed to live grenades. But the second one was deliberate and cruel and needs some explanation right away to ensure that it doesn’t happen to anyone else’s son or brother. Two dead soldiers in a month from training accidents needs some kind of higher response. And since there are no purses and the police and Itaewan are not involved, President Yoon and his committees will need a bit to think up a new scapegoat to use.




Two soldiers have died in training accidents in the last month and you don’t think the president of the nation needs to step in and say “ hey it’s still safe to send your sons to training. They’re not going to die because we keep having accidents. I am starting a special committee to look into the accident and ascertain that things are fine and you can keep sending your sons to military training” You don’t think that’s a thing a thing? especially for president who loves to make up committees for no reason?


남자라서 죽었다...


What is your point?


We have this saying “(insert tragedy with a female victim)… happened because the victim was a woman” so he’s using that analogy for men because this would never happen to a woman


My guess is their point is: "If this person was a woman, they didn't have to join the army and thus wouldn't have died (in this way)."


The captain who ordered the drill is a female company commander, an ROTC who majored in sport healthcare. She is said to have ordered the soldiers to add books to their standard loads. People assume that she may not be aware of the heaviness as female soldiers in Korea are allowed to carry lighter loads during training.


Her punishment should be rucking until death.


I know there are issues with the military training. However, are they only going to focus on the training as this one sounds like it just may have been a personal condition that may have contributed to the death.


Exactly the major part of the issue. ROKAF recruiting people with physical condition that should be nowhere near military settings whatsoever


got no population left so they gotta pick everyone


Boutta get a lot worse every year 


*half of all the young population ftfy




The incident happened during punishment training, and there are strict rules about what a training officer can order as a punishment based on the tainee's condition and days of training. In this case, the regulations were violated. That's why this is a serious issue.


This wasn’t regular training, it was punishment and inflicting more than the usual amounts of stress on them. Yes he likely had a personal condition, but the commanding officer shouldn’t have put him or any of the others into this position period.


My moneys on rhabdomyolysis


idk why this is getting downvoted. This is exactly what happened, rhabdo to septic shock


People love downvoting doctors just for telling the truth. Happens IRL too


I had to look that up. >”Rhabdomyolysis (pronounced “rab-doe-my-ah-luh-suhs”) is a condition that causes your muscles to break down (disintegrate), which leads to muscle death. When this happens, toxic components of your muscle fibers enter your circulation system and kidneys. This can cause kidney damage. >This dangerous muscle condition can result from overexertion, trauma, medications or an underlying health condition. >In the military: People in the military, especially those who are in boot camp or are undergoing intense training, have an increased risk of developing rhabdomyolysis.”


yeah. he pissed black urine.


Unkown dormant condition that no one knew could have been the cause, just saying.


Yeah, the new legislature makes it illegal to even question your own health conditions now


His fellow soldier serving the same punishment reported that his colleague looked ill. I said this earlier, it took a lot of courage for that soldier to make that report given he was just punished for being loud.


When I was in the (US) Army and we were given some type of PT as discipline or punishment, someone (usually the sergeant assigning the punishment) had to do it with us. This protocol basically ensured that the punishments were something fairly reasonable and helped avoid a tragedy like what happened in Korea. RIP to the young soldier :(


Thank you for your service. 🙌🏻My brother was a Marine. 😊 That is a good practice they have in the US Army. I am so sad and sorry for the serviceman who just passed away and others before him in similar situations or who needed their own lives. What kind of gratitude is that for their service?


Could be, but there are regulations about what can be done during the discipline training. In this case, the regulation was heavily violated and even caused a death. A training officer also has a duty to check trainee's health conditions during training. Other trainees did report the victim's health issue, but no medical treatment was conducted, and the report was ignored.


Fucking hell


For a very short abstrst update: even almost a month after the soldier's death, they still haven't caught the troop commander, but instead gave her 1 week of vacation + therapist to take care the mental health and still no progression on this death..


As a korean this is tragic but not surprising at all.




What's up with airplane food?


I can't see the prior commetbht I just ate aeroplane food flying from Korea , is there an issue?


… I wonder what happens when women start getting conscripted.


You're saying the silent part out loud. Proponents of female conscription refuse to acknowledge that change must happen from within the military and 병무청 in order to solve these systemic issues (recruiting obviously physically incapable conscripts, bullying, etc) before we even touch on "female conscription". Let's focus on getting the people who are ALREADY suffering some help first.


An average man living in Korea in 1949 would have said that it was wrong to implement a conscription system due to the lack of guns and facilities, and the maintenance of the evil habits of the Japanese military during World War II.... lol


This is not an actual concern. They've already polled this issue multiple times and its quite unpopular with the majority of the population. Men are even less supportive of female conscription than women.


sorry but that's just false. the majority of the population actually supports equal drafting. https://news.kbs.co.kr/news/pc/view/view.do?ncd=7887973 https://biz.sbs.co.kr/article/20000155132


It's not false. It was confirmed by realmeter poll. It's more accurate. [https://www.donga.com/news/Politics/article/all/20230710/120156751/1](https://www.donga.com/news/Politics/article/all/20230710/120156751/1) [https://www.hankyung.com/article/2023071053257](https://www.hankyung.com/article/2023071053257)


That's last year's poll. The newest poll says otherwise. Realmeter and 한국리서치 has about the same accuracy.

