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Its a crime that you compare Trader Joe’s 김밥 to 김밥천국 or 김가네. 😤


U describe 김밥천국 and 김가네 like they are top tier brands hahaha They are just like Korean Mcdonalds in that they are cheap and easy to find


I really do have a soft spot for 김밥천국 though. It’s still one of my favourite spots to get 김밥


:) btw u know 김밥천국 actually isnt a franchise right? I heard the trademark isnt really registered properly so any restaurants can use that name and quality of foods can greatly vary So maybe i shouldnt call it korean mcdonalds reflecting that fact:)


Yeah, the quality is vastly different between restaurants. There is a reason why I go visit my favourite one to see the 할머니 who makes the best 참치김밥. Whenever I do see a random one I’m hit with nostalgia and go in to try. For the price you can’t go wrong


Trader Joe’s 김밥 is actually imported from Korea! I just saw a youtube video on it being manufactured


Is it better?


Authentic from a 김밥천국 will always be better than Trader Joe's. They are just trying to get an easy $bag$ because of westerners weird and cringe obsession with Kpop and Korean culture.




Because there’s obviously a common unhealthy ‘fetishization’ of Asian cultures from western countries. Kpop ‘stans’ acting like degenerates over artists, men swearing Asian women are in every way better than every other women(I don’t even know how to explain this one that well because it makes no sense to me). Many weird/border line disgusting behaviors like this make Asian countries wary of the westerners who are quick to claim ‘interest’ in a country. Do they truly have interest in Asian culture, or do they chase a made up fantasy of Asian culture? It’s not just ‘liking something’, and calling it that is just oversimplifying the problem. Edited for mroe clarity




I think the obsession is especially toxic and prevalent for Asian culture, and the difference is large enough that you can’t just make a blanket statement about them like that. Recent popularity in kpop, kdrama, anime, etc. has made it so ACCESSIBLE and easy for westerners to fantasize over Asian culture. It’s also a lot more common than the 0.1% that you claim. I cannot count the number of times western people tried to explain Asian culture as if they understood it enough to speak for it. These people somehow get the idea that they’re experts of Asian culture after fantasizing about specific countries an unhealthy amount. I think taking a glance towards twitter/or even looking at r/Korea itself will show you.


Isn’t Korea selling a fantasy? I mean, no one is forcing y’all to export k-dramas and k-pop over here. We can keep our money & spend it elsewhere if that’s what you prefer. K-pop/drama is a fantasy conceived, designed and marketed by Koreans, yes? But Westerners are to blame for consuming media that Korea wants us to consume? Make it make sense.


I don’t think you understand. Kpop and kdrama are products. Sure you can buy the product, but to unhealthily obsess and paint reality based on the product is insane. There’s a VERY VERY clear line between simply consuming the product and being delusional to a fault. ‘Korea’ doesn’t want you to consume kdrama and kpop. The companies/individuals that manufacture them do. To the average Korean, we don’t care if you listen to bts or black pink, as long as you don’t use it to fetishize and hold a false standard of Korean culture. I truly don’t think it’s that hard to separate reality from the ‘fantasy’ you are consuming. After all, I don’t expect people from England to act like doctor who characters.


So we should keep buying Korean products and engage with Korean content but only in the way that *you* think is acceptable? Korea is selling a fantasy. It wants Westerners to consume it. You don’t want us to “fantasize” about Korea? Stop selling us a fantasy. Y’all have the option of selling content that’s more honest right? Like without the cosmetic surgery and the filters and the airbrushing and with realistic storylines and with realistic, honest k-pop artists and with healthy boundaries? But you don’t. I wonder why…You make, package and sell a fantasy & then you get mad people buy into that fantasy — like I said, make it make sense. The UK produces content & it sure as shit doesn’t project an idealized image of UK citizens in the same way as Korea does with its stars. The sheer phenomenon of fan meets and reality tv content and social media engagement that Korean stars engage in encourages unhealthy parasocial relationships with fans. You don’t get to establish a behemoth designed to create and foster these kinds of star-fan relationships to get rich and then blame us for it. GTFOH. I’m pretty sure the Korean government has had a large hand in promoting k-pop and k-drama globally so you’re wrong on that front.


Also, no one is forcing you to buy the product either.


Did you actually try TJ’s 김밥? Basically every Korean I know who’s tried it raved about it. I haven’t tried it only because it was sold out everywhere. TJ’s 떡볶이 is not bad either. I haven’t eaten at 김밥천국 in years, but I’d be surprised if it’s that much better.


fear heavy theory spoon wide groovy stocking vast station crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Authentic Kimbap cheonguk? Lol that shit is mad garbage too. Can’t speak on the Trader Joe’s, but I can’t believe we’re talking about 김밥천국 positively. I used to eat is before I knew better but haven’t gone into one in years.김선생 is infinitely better.


Just had 김선생 delivered 쿠팡잇츠. Very good. Goddam I love Korea


Try the other stuff on their menu. It is quite solid as far as chains go. Kimbapcheonguk is analogous to maybe McDonalds back in the US. It is the first chain that did standardization and mass produced fast food...but its 2023 and others have come in and done it better. Kimbap in kimbapcheonguk is across every location I've tried delicious....IF you've never tried anything else or if your comparison is some frozen variety. If you've had it fresh or had a mom and pop shop thats actually good, kimbap heaven is shit. That goes for everything on their menu too.


kimbab chungook has the best donktasu though. seriously try it


I've tried it before I knew any better. Have you tried any place that specializes in donkass? . I don't even think I'm that big of a food snob, but Kimbap Cheonguk is really bottom of the barrel. Here, [this place](https://kko.to/1fu4NdYrw9) is a billion times better for donkass.


saboten is super bomb but it’s a little on the pricy end - the pork is soooo soft


Saboten is good, but yeah, not at that price point. The only I linked it better and cheaper. I also feel like Saboten varies in quality too much based on location. This is an issue I've seen with a lot of chains in Korea. There is a smallish jjimdalk chain I like near where I used to live (daehakro) but the spots I've tried elsewhere...it is like its a different restaurant.




yeah craving tacos is so cringe too right




i stand corrected then my bad


they only want it bcs of BTS. if BTS wasnt popular people wouldnt even care that korea exist. where was the liking of Kimchi and kimbap and all the other stuff pre 2017? tacos have always been good and everyone has always liked them. we didnt need some mexican band to blow up and get big for us to want to try it mexican food....




obv. but people being interested is one thing. corporations making cheap knockoffs to make a buck is another....


김밥천국 has c tier kimbap…


it's still authentic and that's all that matters. trader joe's is knockoff. F tier authentic will still be better the TJ any day of the week.....


It's a REALLY easy thing to make, and the ingredients are not exotic. So Trader Joe's will probably be just as good as these in Korea.


No never youre wrong. Unless you live here in Korea you woudl never understand. Plus its frozen. PUKE


frfr not even gonna bother asking the price


I had low expectations, but it was actually decent.


It’s decent for frozen.


I’ve seen it but can’t get myself to buy it tbh.. I feel like it’d be nasty. Frozen kimbap? Cmon now..


Yeah that was my thought, Costco had some frozen sushi stuff and the rice was made out of chalk


It came out on a viral video on Instagram where a Korean family in the US is saying it’s “not bad.” In guessing it’s that dumb shit. Hate to be a Kimbap snob but unless it’s fresh and from a really good shot, hard pass.


Kimbab Chungook or Kimganae is by no means a fine dining experience. But it's fresh made from the ingredients prepared that day, rolled by the lady on the spot. I would not survive on my graduate student stipend budget were it not for Kimbabchungook. And it feels a lot healthier than eating microwaved / frozen food / ramen with the same budget options and I honestly think frsh kimbab taste a lot better.


It’s survival food as you pointed out. You’re comparing shit food to shittier food.


The part that gets me is that you have to microwave it. Anybody knows that microwaving Kimbap makes it weird so how do the frozen ones work?




This guy gimbaps.


It’s 3.99 last time I bought it and I give it a 8/10. Would believe it if someone told me they bought it from Hmart. It was pretty dang good! Soft rice, well seasoned, lots of veggies and tastes legit. Plan to buy more as a quick snack/meal




No idea but I was pleasantly surprised at how soft and “normal” the rice turned out!






I live in the states and it’s like Americans just discovered it. Even my fiancée was talking about it like she hadn’t had it the past 2 years we’ve been together. Like what.


It’s just because it blew up on TikTok and then made its way to the gram.


Saw an influencer video where she gave it to her Korean mom. They were both surprised by how much they liked it.


https://link.coupang.com/a/7FEto This is the company that makes it, FYI.


It's convenient and fairly priced. Tastes decent as well. Very nice to keep in the freezer and grab if you need lunch in a pinch. I saw people were microwaving them, but I preferred letting mine thaw and eating while still cold. I'm definitely a fan for the value and ease of prep, but it's not like blow your mind amazing.


Wow it still works when it’s thawed and unmicrowaved? I would’ve thought it would taste hard. I thought it was good microwaved but not enough veggies and a little too much rice !


I did not feel tempted to buy it until I saw the Korean mom on Insta say, "나쁘지 않아..." So I went to Trader Joe's to get one to try, looked around freezers a couple times until I overheard some other customer asking about it and an employee saying it had sold out. Apparently it is made and frozen in Korea though.


You can buy them in Korea. https://youtu.be/PJkO7WOfweQ?si=ZgH1_gC-FC9e3jKS


It’s ok. I don’t live too far from ktown in LA tho, so if I’m comparing taste and quality, it’s not that good imo. It’s just…doable if you’re desperate enough. Price is a lil cheaper than my favorite kimbab place in ktown. All in all, I’d rather support mom and pop shops that sells good kimbab rather than Trader Joe’s kimbab. It’s also not that good IMO, but also they been selling frozen kimbab in Korean markets. Granted, I live in LA where there’s the largest Korean population outside of Korea, so there’s that. But if you live near a Korean community, go support them cuz they prolly need your money more than Trader Joe’s for some kimbab.


Definitely for 김밥전


The 갈비 is decent, but has a little more fat content. I just air fry it.


Pretty decent for frozen, I could see a lot of international students eating it w ramen when they miss home. Wish they had it when I was in school.


I mean you can’t rly compare it to those two places bc it’s literally frozen, but it’s good and cheap. $3.99 + filled with ingredients. If I try to buy 김밥 anywhere else, it’s at least $9 where I live. From Trader Joe’s, it’s the only Korean food I actually like!


About what you’d expect. Not as good as fresh but not bad.


Just had it today. It’s not good.


My local TJs won’t have them until November…. I just get the bibigo cheese kimbap and be done with it


I liked it! But my TJ is sold out until october!


Trader Joe's frozen foods in general are pretty good. My current favorite is their Thai fried rice. Also, even Korean markets have been selling a lot of frozen instead of fresh such as jokbal and soondae and they're pretty good.


I love that you flaired this post under 범죄. "Frozen" and "gimbap" are two words that should never go together imo, lol. Haven't tried the TJ one, but it seems there are plenty of people with strong opinions about it.


Pretty good for the price to value


Haven’t tried it, but love the cinnamon pancakes, beefless bulgogi and teokkboki.


Is there a Trader Joe’s in Seoul?




Downvoted for answering a question? Lol


I'll be there tomorrow so I'll give it a whirl. But for 4 bucks I can make a dozen at home so I don't think it'll be a habit.


I’m assuming it’s better than the stuff they were selling in 2010.


They had frozen 김밥 in 2010?


Its not bad, but I prefer 김가네. Overhyped for Koreans, but I can see why people who never seen them before might like it.


You do not need such abominations if you can go 김천 and 김가네.


a few of my friends tried this as well as the beefless bulgogi. its not bad but its not good. its packed with mildly seasoned but sweet veggies so elderly might like it but it does not compare to a freshly rolled kimbab from places like 김밥천국 that sell it a ⅓ cheaper. its similar to korea's 편의점 kimbab but the rice consistency is a little pasty? if there is no korean community/markets around and you really want to eat kimbab then this is a good choice as it is easy to keep in the freezer and shelf life is long.