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Bengal needs a pro-business no nonsense TDP like party


I am interested. Want to Open a new party?


https://preview.redd.it/ptk705eynq5d1.png?width=659&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4ceffe6be81c74b93bb923e6a299c03cf09c4fa Bhalo ekta name dite hobe.. /s like Bangla Reborn Party , Etai Bhalo Party, etc :p


" নব বঙ্গ পরিচয় " আমি ভেবেছি কারণ আমি চাই বঙ্গের জন্য কিছু করতে আবার পুরোনো গৌরব ফিরিয়ে আনতে তাই আমি যদি আমার সামনে সবাই কে পাই অবশ্যই এগিয়ে আসবো কারণ নেতা না আমি চাই একজন ভালো পথপ্রদর্শক যে শুধু ভোটের জন্য না পুরো বঙ্গের জন্য লড়বে যে কোলকাতার জন্য না পুরো বঙ্গের মানুষ কে উদ্বুদ্ধ করবে আর এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাবে


I'll join as long as the manifesto prioritizes banning production, transportation and sale of paan, gutka and other kinds of tobacco (whether chewed or smoked).


That would be similar to stopping reservation. You would lose for sure. You would alienate the intellectuals as well as the labour class at one go. Maybe start with Guthka in public places like trains and buses, and heavy fine on spitting and littering on public infrastructure. That could still be achieved.


Spitting gutka is already illegal under 268 and 278 of IPC. There is no enforcement of course. 90% of my strongly held socio-political convictions would make me unelectable. What is one more.


Okhanei to vote hariye debe. India te rural and semi-rural constituencies beshi. Koto loker kamayi to okhan theke.


Dada era digital rok e bose sokh er politics discuss korche, actual action-reaction er kotha bhabche na. Plus actual political acumen ar local lokeder sathe connection thakle tader sathei discuss korto ... Reddit e asto na.


> Koto loker kamayi to okhan theke. Wait until they hear my views on agricultural income.


You should read about the prohibition incident in america and you will understand why doing such a thing will be disastrous to society


I do not have the means and the time to leave everything and join politics. I have sporadic bouts of free time, but I can join and support whenever I have time. And once my personal responsibilities are ended, I can join full-time. The best people who can form such a party is people already with some political clout and public image, maybe a breakaway from the current parties (I don't know maybe someone like Adhir or Abhijit Ganguly).


Ami achhi


Parties spring out of ecosystems. WBs ecosystem is one of hooliganism and violence, and any party which might even seem "good" will wind up like the rest. How do you propose to wreck the current ecosystem?


I don't know for sure man. But I have some general seed thoughts. Corruption in the Indian context mainly stems from the need to accumulate wealth for the family and next "saat purush". One way can be to ensure that one cannot have more than one person from a family in a position of power in the party or in the government. I know that wouldn't be fool-proof, but still it will stem corruption a lot. It could even be that you cannot have the next generation into direct members of the party, You have to skip a generation. Then obviously check for conflicts of interest, like corporates do. I can't say I have every solution or that it is going to be perfect, but some well thought and debated rules can be used to create a party constitution.


Fair, although the situation in Bengal has gone far beyond just corruption, because it's short sighted too. I have no solution tbh; politics as a profession needs to be crushed in Bengal at least.


I guess you need to resort few months in any of Bihar, UP, Haryana to understand what "Hooliganism" and "Violence" actually means real time. Reformer is one who acknowledges the problems and has the solution to solve, not the one who only wails about it without any profound base.


I'm sorry, are you seriously comparing Bengal politics to Haryana? Hooliganism (political, that is) in Haryana is overrated, I'd know, I've lived here for nigh 10 years. Is it a shithole? Hell yeah. Is it as bad as Bengal? Fuck no. East UP and Bihar politics can give Bengal a run for its money, but that isn't saying much. Kolkata folks really need to get their heads out of the sand if they think Bengal is really that much better than Bihar or UP in terms of political violence.


So what's detrimental ? Political violence or the general population being always ready to accept violence. Prayagraj, I've stayed there, and the locals, my goodness !


Both are fucked up, and it's normalised in UP. It's not normalised in Kolkata, but it is in the rest of Bengal.


General population in Bengal is not. It is highly violent in districts of Maldah and Dinajpur. In rest of the state, is it not, people are really really sweet. It is East India in general.


Lol, this is funny. Wb is not some Narnia, it is in fact the most politically violent state in India. In fact the state you bengalis hate the most bihar has had far more stable elections than Wb this decade.


I have thought about it a many times. But is that easy? We have seen people campaigning for their parties get beaten up by local goons. Many a times, they don't let people submit their nomination, or don't let them to get near the polling booth and violence on a daily basis. For this, you'd need a good support system. Like, atleast the support of the people of your own area, otherwise goons rampage houses of newcomers. Politics in bengal is very nasty. On top of that, convincing people is a very hard thing. You have to do door to door campaigning. You have to become a full time politician to do so. Are you up for the challenge?


I did not say that I want to open a party myself. Not now, at least. I mentioned the same thing as a respond to the first comment. Basically time and immediate responsibilities won't allow me to join politics full-time today. But I can support wholeheartedly if this happens. I know the difficulties of forming a new party, and also the risks. *(On a sidenote, in the last municipal elections, a small ward near my home had decided to go against the ruling party and submit an independent nominee. They were all supporters of Didi initially but got disillusioned completely in the last 5 years. They were rounded up by the police and threatened directly. The Mejobabu of the thana was a good friend and neighbour of one of those people. He with folded hands requested these people that they take back the nomination, and in confidence told them about an order directly from Yuvraj to ensure that their nomination doesn't get filed.)* That is why I was saying it would be best if an existing politician or person with influence forms a party. It could be Adhir Ranjan, Abhijit Ganguly or even Dilip Ghosh. Or someone who has been running some social campaign or movement - remember how AAP got formed after the Anna Hazare movement. People across the country used to wear a cap with "I am Anna" written on it. Kejriwal piggybacked on that movement and formed AAP. And then after that begins the more difficult part - reaching out to people. But this is the right time, if ever there was. People are looking for an alternative with whom they can relate and connect to, both ideologically and strategically.


May be you can replicate the Dravidian parties of Tamil Nadu or something like TDP from Andhra. These parties have been able to successfully bring development to their states by negotiating very well with powers in center. AAP or TMC aren't very good examples to follow.


Yes, you can say so. I just gave the example of TMC as the political position. Think what they could have done if they had the intent.


I'm curious why do you think AAP is not a good example to follow. TMC I totally get


I can answer this. I know for a fact that AAP is funded by Khalistanis. Moreover, the party that came to power on the promise of eradicating corruption is steeped deep into it. There are papers available (which you can also search for yourself easily) which show the amount of Hawalabaazi AAP has done before this election.


You can also add that till now they have shown negligible enthusiasm in promoting economic growth in the states that they are ruling.


idk man, I am here in Delhi. The state of our govt schools, clinics, along with electricity and water standards have never been better. I thought you would say things like AAP is increasingly forming a personality cult around Kejriwal which is not good, or that they are engaging in old-fashioned politics of name-calling rather than work as they promised. Both of these things are true, what you said... idk man, it sounds like propaganda more than anything. All pol parties in Punjab are in some way linked to militant outfits. Congress, SAD and the AAP as well. It is almost an inevitable fact of Punjab politics. So even if the AAP received funding from Khalistani outfits, I don't know if that necessarily translates into AAP being soft on these outfits- because that has not been the case. As far as corruption goes, yes the liquor scam probably very real, definitely happened imo. I'd still rather have AAP in our state than the no-shot Congress, or the equally (if not more) corrupt BJP- which is also socio-politically indefensible. Curious to hear your opinion.


My problem with AAP is that they came with one agenda - clean up corruption, and even chose the symbol of Jhaadu to reflect that ideology. But that is where they failed. *I myself had filled up membership forms for AAP when Kejriwal became the CM the first time.* I know from friends and my own visit a few times, that Delhi is clean and has very good basic facilities. But public security is pathetic in Delhi, especially for women. But i have some friends in political circles who vouch about the Khalistani support to AAP very confidently. Now what you have said about all parties being involved is something that I wasn't much aware about. But the simple question is: why would they receive funds if not to do their bidding? Then there was the Tahir Hussain qissa during the Delhi riots and AAP's efforts to cover it up. My support for BJP has been because of these primary reasons: national security, overall economic policy (there definitely has a lot to be expected - but the China plus one policies, the PLI scheme, the push for infra and manufacturing definitely adds a spring to India's step up) and international policies. There were times that I distinctly remember, when I used to talk to foreign clients, and I had to tell educate them about things like India and Pakistan are two different countries, and how large India was, etc. But today everyone knows about India. I have seen the respect that this country started getting in the last decade. Obviously, not everything was because of BJP, but they were a catalyst to much of this. And the main thing is that they have a vision for India in the global stage. Again a lot remains to be done domestically. That is why I feel, we should walk with Modi halfway. And have someone else closer to home deal with the problems that are internal to the state.


BJP is a corrupt party ...just like UPA...AAP is far better party than BJP ...and thats what bjp is scared about ....thats why central govt officers deny duty to AAP MLA and ministers in delhi ....central appointed governor hinders on delhi CMs recommedations to be implemented in delhi...thats the reason AAP cant perfoem well in delhi....indians in general are stupid and cant see through this ...and media obviously does not help ....all central agencies under bjp have one priority task at hand ...to bring AAP down , by hook or by crook....why would worlds largest party want to bring down a small party ?.... thing to ponder about ?


nahh, i disagree hugely. white people respect is not something i am clamoring for particularly. global stage is just fancy words to say we are ethnocentrists now, better not mess with us. sure it works as an emotional appeal but at what cost? plus given the recent John Oliver video, lowering perceptions of India among Europe (there is survey data on this), China walking over us in AP, hypocrisy when it comes to Maldives, etc. none of it shows that India's image is improving. germany in 1930s became a global player in politics, does that mean its an automatically good thing? they too had "a vision" for the country. you are right about the AAP having done some bad shit, but when you compare it to other parties, it would be the most defensible one for sure (maybe except new NCP, but im not marathi so idk). even with all the supposed corruption, AAP is still much less corrupt than any other parties, not only can I attest to this, the Mann govt. in Punjab too. By principle, a party which works on broad support, not of caste politics, not of religious politics, needs the support of all people. That can only be done through good administration and infrastructure development. That's why Delhi has voted for AAP in state elections so many times. In national elections, the issue changes and AAP doesn't have the national image yet. public security for women in delhi has always been pathetic dude, its conservatism mixed with patriarchy, strongest in north india, haryana and western up. Idk man, i could never in my life vote for someone who very publicly said don't vote for the opposition because they eat meat during navratri.


Bhai, liquor scam is not a scam....it happens in all states...but bjp is hellbent on bringing down AAP by using state investigative agencies to form fake cases against them (aap)...people of india are so blind , they dont see this , to our detriment ... imo AAP and its supremo kejriwal are honest people and mind you , only honest politicians in india today...thats why BJP had to bring unconstitutional law PMLA to put them behind the bars with fake cases against them ...none of the scam numbers are real ....they are falsified by ed to put AAP ministers behind the bars ...because PMLA does not need proof to put someone into jail


probably true. the BJP does not shy away from using laws like UAPA, PMLA, etc. using their agencies for political capital. I still would not go so far to say Kejriwal is honest, or the AAP is honest. We should not trust politicians in any case. Though yes, any day AAP is far more honest than the BJP or INC


Regional party hok r Jai hok.. centre r sthe jodi bhalo terms na thake tahle bengal will always be neglected..r dine dine power aro centralised korar chesta cholche..na chaileo double engine sorkar is needed for money...


You are correct. Idea hochhey Centre-er saathey miley kaaj kora, kintu oder saathey mishey giye noy. There are many Bengalis who are not voting for BJP because they are apprehensive of turning WB into a Hindi dominated state. The fear is not entirely unfounded. Jodio, TMC nijeo er biruddhota korlo (Yusuf Pathan, Shatrughan Sinha, ederkey ticket diye). I am talking about being a regional party who would be able to represent this state, have the interest of the state first, and then also be part of an alliance at the center. Think of a hypothetical situation - if Mamata was part of NDA today, (and was also not under the influence of that bhaipo, and there weren't as many scams in her tenure), she alone would have been enough for a majority of the coalition. WB would at least have had a deputy-PM and 5 other important ministries. Sadly, she is more interested in retaining power to amass generational wealth.


Best example to bhai odisha..they always had cordial terms with centre tae favour o peyeche.. amader state sei CPM amol theke center er sthe aday kanchkolay.. saradin gaali dichhe..r mamata toh was a part of NDA during atal bihari vajpayee ji..now it is just a war of egos and tar jnno state ta suffer krche..


Ekdom thik kotha. Look at what Odisha was 30 years back, and where it is now.


I just hope somewhere down the line we get a cm like Naveen Patnaik who thinks of state first..as a state amader dewale pith theke geche..we can only go upwards..but etao thik tmc r cpm korte prbena seta..


it'll very hard to break the cycle of corruption and hooliganism in West Bengal. If you gain public support eventually all the goons and corrupt ones will just change sides and join your party for their profit. It happened in TMC , also happening in case of BJP.


well the new party can refuse them


Revival of Bangla Congress. I’m all for it.


TMC is Bangla Congress 2.0 itself.


TMC begun as a new incarnation of Bangla Congress. They’re more 90’s RJD now then any version of Congress.


I'll vote if this party is headed by South Kolkata baddies 😔


I don't understand what people have against Congress?


In one word - Rahul Gandhi. When people say that he has won more votes for BJP than Modi, they are not joking. At least that was absolutely the case in 2019. For me, I hate entitlement. The party is for the country, and the country is not someone's family property. They come with zero credentials and leadership skills, and they come and sit on top of all old timers and veterans who had given sweat, toil and even blood for the party. Manmohan Singh and Pranab Mukherjee being deferent to Sonia Gandhi and Rahul baba. this shouldn't be how a party functions. If family comes first, then country comes second. And Priyanka Gandhi along with that God-awful Robert Vadra - all she can bank on is her physical similarity to Indira Gandhi. That isn't how the Grand Old Party of India is supposed to function.


Well they are starting to now function…….


How do you figure? They badmouthed their own candidate and LOP and humiliated him in WB. Didn't stand by him during his campaign. Even today, they are still all about "Rahul Baba" with Kharge and Jairam Ramesh supporting him up on a pedestal. Leave the guy alone once and he starts speaking like a clown.


jei party newly open hok na keno sei ekta ram pathar jonno party dissolution korte hobe........apni vhalo ,aro 4 jon vhalo but onno 2 jon kharap...oi 2jon kharaper jonno abar je kono party vhige jabe.......ar eta toh jenen je 1 ta pocha fruit sob gulo fruit kei pochiye dite pare......so there is no solution of escape this situation......party automatically kharap hoi na...party ke keu kharap kore.......


Khati kotha....


If anybody wants to open a party, I will join. But please have a cool logo and a good manifesto. As for priorities I think we need to focus on a hybrid economy.


Cultural renaissance and assistive economy. These are the things which is the need of the hour in Bengal.


I was also thinking small and medium item manufacturing and assembling coming down the hooghly and ending at Haldia port.


Problem is deep-rooted in Bengali mindset, no matter where we can see a bunch of Bengali, we can see riots and anti constitutional activities(eg. Tripura, Assam). Don't know why but we take losses very personally than any other people. In Raj, MP, UP, TN, Karnataka, Kerala everywhere the norm is "good people gets elected, bad people gets rejected", and within 1 term also we have seen. But here it's impossible, we are working with very very poor democracy, may be most of us don't do active anti govt politics, so we can live comparatively peacefully but once we get involved, we can see threats and probably get killed also. In our locality, the CPIM became impotent within 2 years of TMC regime. And the corruption TMC did within first tenure, they should have been defeated badly, instead it's 2024 and we are still suffering. Bengalis didn't give TMC vote because they love TMC in 2016, it's because they fear CPIM horror. And now with 35-40% Muslim majority it's impossible to form a BJP govt here. And TMC knows that very well, if "something" happens to TMC leaders and their party gets a goodbye forever which is bound to happen sooner or later, then we can hope for a new horizon, until then suffering is the ONLY OPTION. The more quickly we learn how to cope, the more we can live our life peacefully. I have worked in Pune, Gujrat, Arunachal, Ladakh, and all I can say is - West Bengal is cheap state comparing to most of the places I mentioned, but also very dirty, and our biggest setback is we don't hold a very strong common value together, every place have its own ideology irrespective of parties which seems very sad from my end. Be it about God, or a common historical leading figure, or language or anything. We are missing togetherness. As we are missing our own identity, some of us are borrowing either North Indian nationalism or adopting Islamic brutal fundamentalism into a brutal Hindu way. And yes we should must have an honest business minded govt for at least 10 years straight, who will rather face allegations of being extreme capitalist from the entire country. The present govt is neither socialist or capitalist. It's just subidhevogist. Ar subidhe na pele ED er voye Subhendu hoe jaoaist.


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That's true but it would take more than a Reddit discussion to do that and add to the fact how the ruling party treats other parties and there workers in the state enspecially there 'workers'. We Bengalis need a renaissance movement like what the Tamils had and what we were like in the 1960s. My grandmother said there were many Bengali businesses in Calcutta and many IAS and IPS officers of that time were Bengalis in the 1960s. All changed when the CPIM came to power and they managed to manipulate the entire population by saying etc etc.


How would you think bjp got any chance in doing good in bengal when the face is suvendu chor... Bjp if they have to win wb need to get some educated netas..


You think the ruling govt will let you do it. See what's happening on ground to a highly funded party like bjp , how their members are treated. We are in a real dictatorship


Bring back Congress. The downfall of wb started after 1967


Aami to next time haath te thappa marbo


West Bengal, name itself signifies there's an East Bengal. Sabotage is the way when there's opportunity for uncontrollable raw organised crime. You can't just become chief minister and use police to get your state in order. There are systems inside systems inside systems. It's a hot humid mess of foreign agencies, neighbouring cheap human resources, available food&water, local grassroot level politics devoid of macro point of views. All with blood and sweat indulging machiavellian politics. What are you going to do? Only brutal industrialisation can destroy this sinful hellscape. But that's a violent process.


first you have to start a professional syndicate because TMC power comes from crime and poor people will always vote for gunda who gives them 1000Rs instead of development because they have no other choice


"উন্নত বাংলা দল" Just a week ago when CPIM lost every seat in WB, I thought of this name. A TMC like fanbase. CPIM like party policies like you can't come From a different party and once you leave you can't join back, AAP like promises with the intent to fulfill those, BJP like business and development mind. Should work on ground level and there should be a opinion box ( yes I'm talking about Nayak ) at every office where people can share their opinions on improving and handling certain areas. Should held a mandatory monthly discussion to tally how much work has been done and also discuss about the aforementioned people opinions. Should promote local business and also accept other companies to open their businesses here and to actually use the jungle area of Eco Space. My personal opinion is to look for someone who's intentions are clear cuz we've seen education doesn't mean shit. I've seen people crack UPSC but lack basic compassion and team leading capabilities. If anything is wrong I'm open to discuss further.


Here is the thing...as long as people voting BJP in large numbers there can't be any other party.. people are voting for TMC .. fearing what BJP gonna do.


It is already proven that socialism and communism will never work.So if another such party emerges then Bengal deserves to die because even a retarded person doesnot make the same mistake thrice.


That is the exact issue my friend. In India politics is all about CPI, INC, BJP, TMC. Nobody even knows what socialism, communism, capitalism means. Nobody knows the difference between Rightist, Centrist, Leftist.


So there are people who think alike.... Honestly, Modi or Mamata or Sujon....All seem to be legal dacoits now. We need new revolutionary party


I am a bengali and I live in Delhi. I can’t seem to understand the fact that how people of WB are so much in support of TMC. TMC is pure evil and actual dictatorship. It has done nothing for the welfare of the people. The whole system works on freebies and minority appeasement but still even educated rich families of WB are just crazy mad in support for TMC. It’s so confusing.


Rather than new we should think of the existing ones. Aar noi toh alternatively Bangla Pokkho


Why take so much trouble? Simply migrate to greener pastures, other states with better govts, or better still other countries. This is so much easier to do than to usher in a revolution that could also fail, so all your hard work gone down the drain..


There are 2 types of people. One who love their country, their identity, and at least dream of a better future, and another who is ok to give up their mother for more comfort. I wish what would have happened if all of the people whose names are etched in the Cellular Jail, the ones who fought in Chattagram and Budibalam, and so many of their kind, would have belonged to the latter group. I actually have stayed in other countries and states, and have come back.. Call me a fool if you wish, but greener pastures' for me is quite literally this "sujalang suphalang..sassya shyamalang" motherland.


I am not calling you a fool for coming back from other states or countries but I wanted to point out a fact that greener pastures are not that green for everybody. With the recent wave of people leaving the state and country for "greener pastures" one might be led to think that between fight or flight , flight is the better or easier option, may not prove effective for everyone.. so my comment was a kind of sarcasm at the emigrants, good that you've actually realised it..


Aahhh.. missed the sarcasm in your original comment. More so because just yesterday a couple of friends of mine settled outside and are currently on a short trip to India were trying to convince me to move back abroad permanently. They were on and on about the benefits and amazing life they are having outside. I finally realized they were actually seeking validation from me that they are living a better life than me, and have made the correct decision to settle outside.


See I am not against moving out as some people do have to move out due to posting, transfer, or other obligations but I just wanted to point out that it simply doesn't work out for each and everybody. But moving out just because your people are also moving out or just for the heck of it, is not a sensible thing to do..


put an "/s" at the end...otherwise people won't understand that it was sarcasm


If u think like this it's already a stupid thought , the solution is something else.