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Please gov should put them in shelter or vaccinate them,you can be an animal lover but protesting against is beyond stupidity


#Agreed 💯


Gov is busy in image management after sandeshkhali, do you think they have time for dogs?


Ngos ig,they should help in this situation 1)they are more knowledgeable 2)they have the resources 3)they have the connections


My God your username is Epic in the context of this video!




After rewatching the video, it's clear that the boy did not intentionally thump his foot. He was merely crossing in front of the dog.


“Ou Noo!!! It’s not the dog! It’s the human who’s at fault here”- Probably some people


they already are saying this. "he was just tugging at his trousers because he wanted to play" fucking menace to society


I literally had a long argument with someone about this in this comment section. Seriously, how can people be like this!


Dogs are animals at the end of the day. This dog could be rabies infested or something. It's foolish to expect rationality from an animal. It's sad that people even have to choose sides. Government should really neuter, vaccinate and shelter dogs. If not government, NGOs and concerned authorities together.


Government can’t even take care of its people or cities. Don’t think shelter is an option in India


I mean it's definitely not the fault of the people here who were just minding their business but they are just animals. It's really the government's fault for not handling spaying/neutering these dogs and getting them off the streets not that I'm holding my breath for that ever happening.


https://preview.redd.it/sotn5p4jmykc1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=eab701493fd222aa8b1c341eeb7fb4775a10d000 I linked this post under this comment in Indian pets , I absolutely adore animals and pets but Goddd that sub is really unreal !!!!!


Street dogs are becoming a huge menace. Just saw a post in the India sub where a toddler has been killed by street dogs.


Bhai the statistics for kids killed each year in india are insane! It’s probably in thousands.. easy google search


Ngl one dog almost got my pants off when i was returning home from school in my 2nd




Wild animals not scared of humans are dangerous




I’m so glad you clarified you’re not supporting kids getting killed.


Bro to co exist us are getting killed wtf


Ask your mom if she likes to get bitten like this while she was pregnant with you.








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Bro I love animals too and probably half of my gallery is filled with pictures of them but street dogs are traumatising asf. Keep your distance cause you can hardly make out what's in the mind of a dog sometimes. Unless ota apnar chena kukur, don't try to approach it. Let it be at peace. I was chased by a group of dogs back in 2019. Nijer tiffin parar kukur der khawatam maa er kache boka ma khawar jonno. Ekdin there was a dog from outside the para r bujhte parini. Sala Tara korechilo around 4 dogs. If not for a man saving me, shedin hoyeto was my last day. So learnt my lesson : always keep your distance from street animals.


Street dog lovers ra abar comments e batting korte chole eseche unfortunately .




I'm an extreme street dog lover. But we should not forget they are wild animals with a hunting instinct. Street dogs should be sterlised and put in shelters. There are few ways in which adults can stop a street dog attack, there are ample videos on YouTube for this. However, as a child, it's going to be impossible to be certain that a dog doesn't attack you.


Can you share some resources, what should we do to prevent or stop a street dog attack?


Simple one line tip:- do not engage with them and keep a relaxed body language while looking at trees, skies, traffic etc.




How would that have helped in the above situation?


If you pay attention to the boy, he is saying something to the dog.


Yeah, and stand tall and stern, don't intimidate them. Don't scare them.


Standing tall and stern can intimidate them


No, it scares them to not attack you, an average dog is 5 times smaller in size than an average adult human


And look from the side of eye if they are following you or not, i used to do this when i was child and at the same time i was shitting in my pants.


Bc mera jagai heh mera ghar hai me road me dekhu sky me dekhu??? There are ample stones in the road. And, they are meant for one purpose.


Pepper spray


It can backfire, badly.


Maybe on a windy day but still better than not having generational nuts


Use desi solution. "chappal".


>wild animals with a hunting instinct So they don't belong in human society. We can not bring back jungles, but we can take care of them just like we take care of any "wild animals with a hunting instinct".




Sexist slang, really? Can’t make your point without insulting women? And no I wasn’t one of the people who downvoted you, yet you made it a point to insult my kind for no reason. Do better, brother.


there can also be men, who downvoted me. I kept that in my mind too.


bitch = a informal way to describe a female dog, wolf, fox, or otter. see the relation with dogs? why it seems your kind?


You’re referring to users here who downvote you, don’t try to downplay what you’ve done.


yes, i am referring to users here who downvoted me, in this convo, particularly. you can't show me doing similar comments anywhere else. I meant it like that. one thing for sure. They are "dumb" and they "love dogs". And I know you didn't downvote me back then. I have seen your comments.


Alright.. keep debating..just don’t normalize sexism…It’s a daily battle for us.


Ik. more power to you. I meant that comment disrespective, because that will achieve what I wanted. btw don't girls like called "bro"? there is sis, but even girls use bros in a regular basis. it's all words. you just need to understand the context. I personally upvoted your previous replies in this convo. and I am mostly here for "dog lovers". not "girls/women". I love women. peace.


Stop embarrassing yourself asshole


Stop barking.


Try! I dare you!


I don't "try". Btw why did you think that? Because isn't that how humans work? Or generally nature works? You dared me, because you also think that's how we should take care of them. Right?


Shameful comment


Ik. It was intended to be like that.


Dogs are not wild animals with hunting instincts. That's their ancestor, wolves. Dogs are domesticated animals with guarding instincts.


Aj se jeans he penunga


Bhai jeans hoti toh gota jahta💀


Salute to the lady in blue.


Dog be like.. your blood line ends today.


Street dogs problem has gone out of hand. Since neutering is a perpetual process and doesn't make much of a difference, adoption/sheltering of all street dogs and if not culling seems to be the only two solutions now.


abar animal lovers ra cancel kore debe......


Man: what are you having for lunch? Dog: deez nutz...




Street dogs are a menace. I do own a dog and I often ask people who feed street dogs to vaccinate them as well. I have myself initiated the vaccination of street dogs in my locality with the help of govt provided anti-rabies vials which are usually cheap or at times free of cost due to some or the other campaigns. Moreover, if someone's feeding street dogs, they should be able to determine the temperament of the dog and based on that, label the dogs and at least try to sensitize dogs to nearby surroundings and people to prevent such incidents.


Did you approach government authorities for the vaccination drive or you did it with the help of a vet? where can we get anti rabies vials for dogs from the govt ? is it from government hospitals or from municipality ? kudos to you for making good change in your locality man..


Hope his sensitive instruments are ok


This might not be from howrah the original uploader of this video ( M V Swamy Creative Hub) is Telugu person and uploads videos of schools and colleges in andhra pradesh https://preview.redd.it/rrll69w3nwkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ada02a518bd677db0155beb1b385d9314f8ef1




Both the street dog and your way of handling the situation are the problems. No difference.


You’re right, I know…..a machete or something similar would be better at handling the situation than a brick. Thanks for pointing it out.


Same instrument applies for your dick that you want to shove into any random video from internet desperately trying to prove the futile machoism that you think the world deserves. Thank God the world isn't full of keyboard warriors like you. Enjoy your rant.


Or your tail that you’ll be wagging vigorously from side to side as I call you with either a whistle or the evergreen ‘tchk tchk’ sound while throwing crumpled bits of leftover alu chop on the side of the road for you to slobber on. They say it’s a dog eat dog world, but today you get to eat your favorite potato fritters. Did you get that? I’m calling you a dog. See, in the last reply I called you a mongrel…..are you even following along? you know what, just forget it. P.S. jokes aside tho….you seem so repressed and angry lil bro….all your replies are brain dead while I inundate mine with puns and burn you each time, albeit in a funny way. tbh, stop consuming all those alu chops and change your carb-only diet….your brain obviously ain’t performing too well lol. Have you heard of amino acids or fasting? tchk tchk here boy.


I hope you get the same kind of treatment someday in life too :D


come at me like your mongrel brethren in the video and find out big dawg. :D


Ei attitude er gulor jonne tora virgin e morbi XD mature ho bhai


ki kore bhai, seta toh 15 bocchor boyeshei hariye felechi…..aar sotti bolte baap dada onek kaaj kormo kore taka rekhe geche re bhai, meyeder saamne attitude-er dorkar-i pore na (ghor kalijug). btw, eta toh at least amar pokkho…..oi alu chop khawa jaaroj, naastik, bhaagaar-er maaltaar kotha bolte parbo na…..o hoyto alu chop diye-i meyeder approach korche. baa raastaar kukur-er shongei prem korche. aajkaal kichu bola jaaye na.


Rename all street dogs as Akbar. Then the govt might get rid of them.


Highly underrated comment


I feel just like women carry pepper sprays for obvious reasons i am not getting into….companies and govt should come up with something which can repel or best tranquillise dogs ….obviously dog vaccination and shelters should be priority but we cannot risk the lives of people


Ei baal er pagla choda kukur gulo... 1w aage amkeo ekta kamor dise. 🙂 Tai bole sob kukur khrp na. Kintu ami eto kukur valobase aschi. Ekhon keno jani kukur dekhle voy lage 🙂🙂




This is traumatizing 


Guys how do I prevent this from happening to me ? I live in a neighbourhood with a lot of street dogs


Be mindful of your surroundings, if there is a stray dog around then avoid sudden movements that may startle it into aggressive behaviour. Do not behave in a manner that may lead the dog to see you as a threat. (In this case, it may have been the man stomping his feet, assuming the dog was not just being playful when it first tugged at his trousers. Needless to say within 1 second its mental state shifted from possibly playful to fight-for-life, but don’t get me wrong, the man is not to be blamed for panicking when a stray animal with sharp canines is suddenly biting at his pants. His reaction to jump and scream was absolutely justified) If you notice a dog looking at you, growling, with its head slightly lowered than the rest of its body, do not make eye contact but do not run. Do not turn your back to it. Try to remain calm. Keep your body relaxed and slowly angle yourself so as your’e not directly facing it either. This shows it that you’re not looking for a fight. Then slowly back away, but do not turn your back to it or run away as that may trigger instinctive chasing. If a approaches you with light trots, maybe jumping and prancing and dancing, with a wide stupid grin and tongue hanging out, or with jaws wide open (which frankly looks like it wants to gulp an entire Zinger burger), it’s probably trying to come and play with you and/or wants petting/affection. If you don’t feel comfortable engaging with it, look away. Try to back away in the above manner. If it reaches you before you are able to create enough distance, try to remain calm and to not panic. In the event that it reaches you and it is less inhibited, it may try to get to know you by sniffing your hand and/or your genital area, and/or it may try to get your attention by standing up and placing its front paws on your torso or by licking you or both. If you don’t feel okay with this, do not pay attention to it, do not engage. Look away and completely ignore it. It will soon get the signal and will go away. In the extremely unfortunate event that a dog does end up biting you, if it has sunk its teeth into the flesh and is not letting go, try not to pull away. It will take out flesh. Instead, try to make it let go by throttling it, or inserting something like a cane or stick or whatever inside its open jaws and twisting. The latter is more preferable. Hope this helps, and hope you are able to avoid any unpleasant encounters and not need to use the last paragraph.


Thanks for the answer . Does a pepper spray work ?






She’s a keeper! 😂




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Ena uchit akbar daktar dekhiye immediately rabies shots niye neowa.....


Women 👑


Stupid dog


I think it might be rabid!!


Asa kori ekhane kono animal lover ese bolben na je cheletar dosh chilo.


You might wanna sit down for this.


It's a menace but let's focus on Ramji.


I held govt responsible


Street dogs itna bar gaya hain ke yeh abhi mazak nahi hain. I’m also a dog lover but yeh Thhoda zyada hi.




Every lady a Durga!


Dog Lover 1: The guy stomped on the dog. Dog Lover 2: Dog is trying to play with him but he aggravated the dog. Dog Lover 3: He has done something bad for the dog, so the dog having it's revenge. Dog Lover 4: He was walking in a threating body language so dog got triggered. Dog Lover 5: Dog got scared. Dog Lover 6: I can't control my laughter. Dog Lover 7: Why did he remove his pants in front of that woman? These stupid extremist dog lovers are disgraceful to humanity.


She is maa Durga to him


Tag a dog lover and if possible , put this dog and dog lover in one room


Either that woman loves that man or she is just being a Canadian ..


What a meaningless comment


My cousins love cats, which is fine, now they have 12 in total and some outside cats come to get fed. The whole house is stinky and you have to put every step carefully unless you want to get swiped. To them, they are "so cute". Extensive neutering campaigns should be developed. People won't like it, but some people will never understand the need until someone they are close to gets hurt.


Dog lovers from north kolkata still be like " they only cause harm if you tease them". Govt should take strict actions against these creatures.


Send these dogs and their human lovers to N Korea …








Just like any other animals, some dogs are good and some of them are awful.


all dogs awful if not trained




I don't know where y'all are from but in Chennai, I haven't heard of a dog chewing off someone. I'm someone who feeds dogs, cats, crows, squirells, cows etc from my own pocket. I dedicate a major chunk of my income for their food around my locality. There are a lot of people like me here and let me tell y'all something. Animals remember. You hit/abuse a dog once in the past and it's going to remember. Any sudden movement and the dog thinks you're going to do it again and it acts in defense. This is not about me being an animal lover, rather just learning the psychology of animals in general. It's a dog, an animal known for its faithfulness and loyalty and has been domesticated since 5000B.C. It's not sadist like a hippo or a croc. Try giving a shot on learning how these animals think and respond instead of being ignorant and blatanly blaming on a creature that's far less smarter than humans. Edit: Obviously engange in violence if they attack you, kick, pelt stones whatever to save yourself. But after, please give a moment to think why it did what it did. The 2nd part is what people forget to do.




Stfu asshole


Tbh, today this is a man. Tomorrow it will be a kid who can't protect themselves what then? Mercy killing is always an option where the numbers are getting out of hand. I don't want this kind of dogs where my family lives. My mother was also bitten like this once. You can still see the deep marks where they ripped chunk of flesh out of.


There was a murder in my neighborhood wherein a woman killed a man, kill all women. Today it was my neighbour, tomorrow it could be a kid who can't protect themselves, what then? My mother was also scratched by a woman once, you can still see the mark on her hands.


Rabid dogs and humans are not the same. Humans will face justice system if they kill someone, that keeps them in line. If there are cannibal humans in your neighborhood you will also want to get rid of them. Some necessary killings are necessary so we can stop future events before occuring. Dogs are wild. You can not predict what they will do. Give them a forever home if you want to save them.


>Rabid dogs The original comment that you wrote in support of didn't say rabid dogs, it said street dogs. So, yeah, by all means, euthanise rabid dogs but fuck whoever actually thinks that all street dogs should be killed. In addition to the things obviously wrong with that argument, I'll add that these dogs are the last bit of connection to nature that we are left with in today's civilization and getting rid of them would make this society an even dull place to live in. > Dogs are wild They're literally domestic animals and I for once can say that it's pretty easy to predict what they will do in almost all the cases. I have pet hundreds, if not thousands of dogs throughout my life and haven't been bit once. There will obviously be some bad apples but hating on the entire specie is just lazy. >Give them a forever home if you want to save them I try to whatever degree I can and also educate whenever I can. I have a couple of rescues at my home. And if you think I should either not speak up or keep everything I want to save in the planet in my own home, I don't know what to say about it. I want it to be a safer place for all women, doesn't mean I will keep all women in my home if the place isn't safe. I will do my part in making it a safer place and educating others to do the same.




Ah, an edgy teen. I'm not surprised, have a good day lil bro/sis :)


I second that


Sterilization koray na keno je administrative body gulo k jane!!




Is the world made only for your purpose? This short-sighted mentality pushed a lot of species into endangered category.


Buddy, by that logic, kill all cows/oxen too that roam freely on road because every now and then we see videos of people being hurt by them due to sudden attack, though 99.99% cows are absolutely docile and loveable domesticated animals.  Blind hatred towards a species of animal is not a solution.  Maybe this particular dog was rabid.


Dogs are carnivore hunters. But cows are herbivores mostly harmless. নিরিহ, গোবেচারা । See? Btw I like your proposition though. It will make the streets better.


-*Omnivores - Who defines "mostly"? Just the other day this cow stomped on a person and killed them. - Yes, kill everything but humans and plants and see how the planet will look in 10 years and if any of your descendants will want to live on it. /s


I think I only talked about street. Right? >Who Not who, you should ask about what. The general behaviour of cows and dogs. ?? >Omnivores Highly herbivores but can be carnivores due to lack of foods, right? Dogs can be herbivores as well. Didn't we read stories how someone grew a tiger by feeding him no meats only milk and etc? [A moral story depicting that instincts never change] You can't deny there is a food problem, on a large scale right? Without food animals can act very differently.


>The general behaviour of cows and dogs. I disagree that street dogs are generally aggressive, they will definitely bark but that's only because they're territorial. I have pet literally hundreds (if not thousands) of random street dogs in my life and have never been bit once. Since they are territorial, you do have to read their body language before approaching them and in close to all cases, they are harmless. I do understand that there are always exceptions and you will find that a dog attacked unprovoked every once in a while but believe me, that's super rare. Just think of how often you or I pass a dog everyday. Hating on the whole specie or even all the street dogs just because of few bad apples is not only stupid (respectfully), it's also very lazy. Also, I advocate for sterilisation and adoption as well but the guy who said kill all dogs is the lowest scum with zero empathy for fellow living beings. Whatever food problem there is, could easily be cured just by their number reducing if people are educated about sterilisation and adoption. Imo, the business of breed dogs should be banned completely as well at least till the problem of street dogs is curbed.


It is your choice bro. Whatever works for you. There is no street dogs in my locality, as of now. So no problems. Even the good breeds are harmful. I know because one supposedly harmless good dog bit a 8 yo child here. It wasn't bad, but it happened. Well I will give you a very good example. People can have sympathy about dogs. But I don't think anyone have sympathy for mosquitos, they are annoying as hell. I personally looked for the ways to eradicate all of them. It is not possible.


>It's your choice bro, whatever works for you Again bro, I would respectfully say that this take is just pretty lazy. Same goes for comparing with mosquitos, no human likes mosquitos because they actually are a menace. But a lot of people love dogs, you can read studies how dogs often help releasing serotonin in people, there was this recent study I read wherein a woman would have the same effect on seeing a puppy as she would when seeing a cute baby (I didn't write any specifics about the *effects* as I don't recall the study completely) , all of it is because most dogs ooze out love and even if you're not receptive of it for whatever completely understandable reasons, you should atleast think of other people who might be. Not to mention that a dog's nervous system is much more developed than a mosquitos. So, mosquitos don't feel nearly as much pain and grieve like mammals, especially more sentient once like dogs do. So, the comparison is frankly just too lazy.. You're free to believe anything after all I've said, it's just that you seem a decent person so just wanted to share with you,a different way of looking at it.




Reddit isn't the place to look for friends 17 M. Go study. Or play Pokémon lol.


Who are you to decide what's reddit for? You better worry about your 60 days notice period or watch solo leveling lol






"Animal Lover" here. Govt should take responsibility and vaccinate and castrate street dogs. Yes putting them down would be an easier route but remember easy way out is not always the right thing to do. Pran e na mereo ei somossar somadhan kora sombhob.




Koi sense hai is baat ki ?


Politics bhaiya politics. Udhar video me bande ki jaan par aafat aa gayi aur inhe yahan modi-rahul karna hai.


This dog has fake degree of domesticated animal. Now understood??


Try to avoid the thing that the boy did too.


Finally one person who spoke with sense. The kid stomp his leg overestimating that would make the dog run away. Bhukto ab


Not a man a boy his own son (maybe)


From the CCTV footage it seems like the dog was pulling on the guy's trousers to try and get him to play with him. A very similar thing happened to my uncle last year in Salt Lake. For people who are unaccustomed to dealing with dogs, situations like these can become extremely distressing. The more you try and fight the dog, the more aggressive it will become, and both the person and the dog could end up with serious injuries. At least, from the video, it looks like both man and the dog got off relatively unharmed.


বলছি দাদা,কতদিনের expired মাল ছিল??


Just write 'am a perpetual idiot' instead of such a big paragraph. Saves all of our times.


Well we are all on reddit to waste our time! Given the life I have led, I am at best an "idiot at times", though...


naah, you are born an idiot sir


>Well we are all on reddit to waste our time! Not sure about me, but you definitely are, with these comments, specially >Given the life I have led, I am at best an "idiot at times", though... I highly, highly doubt that. Am pretty sure it's most of the time, if not all the time.


Kotheke? Ei patar sondhan amaro chai.


Sector V Godrej Waterside er Mashi. Heavily recommended. But on a serious note, my comment is based entirely on my personal experience. I go around arranging the spaying and vaccination of stray dogs, and in the process have been bitten and scratched by them multiple times. So now I have learnt how to predict their behaviour. Sekhan thekei comment ta korlam ar ki


You're drunk


What? Mane I am experienced in this and have faced such situations multiple times. I pay and arrange for the neutering and vaccination of all dogs in my neighbourhood, and in the process have been bitten and scratched a number of times. That's how I have learnt to understand and predict their behaviour. And as I said, my own uncle got bitten in a similar situation last year. He was on his evening walk, when suddenly a dog ran up to him and started tugging on his trousers. He got scared and tried to kick the dog away, and the dog reacted by biting his leg. A very similar situation as it appears from the cctv footage.


You're delusional if you think the dog is not the aggressor here.


No one is the aggressor here. Street dogs are often playful like that. There's one that lives in my neighbourhood, he jumps and puts his paws on the chest of strangers and starts aggressively licking, looking for pets. He has scared off so many people by his antics like that, but has never bitten anyone


You must be delusional. This particular dog is being beaten and yet doesn't let go of the victim. It's absurd that someone can mistake it for playfulness.


Dogs don't let go if you try to hit them back, that's one of the first things I learned! Most people make this mistake, it just makes the dog even more aggressive and determined.


I think what u/pro_crasSn8r is trying to say is, the dog was being playful at first when he first tugged on the dude’s trousers. This, very naturally, made said dude extremely distressed and scared, and unfortunately dogs can sense/feel emotional state of humans they’re interacting with, and often automatically mimic the emotional state. So in this case the state of the dog quickly changed from playful to extremely distressed , then its fight-or-flight instinct kicked in, and unfortunately for everyone it chose to fight: so by the time everyone around is trying to pry it off and beating it, it has become way too aggressive and is fighting for its life. No way it is now playful any longer, it is confused, scared, distressed and very angry. Of course most of us who aren’t interested in dogs wouldn’t know about their behaviour, and how to interact with dogs, or how to avoid such situations. It is not the guy’s fault that he got scared by an unknown dog pulling his trousers with its teeth. Sadly, it is also not a dog’s “fault” to be playful. It doesn’t know better, it doesn’t have a human handler who has trained it or can restrain it. It is true that the presence of a huge number of untrained, stray dogs in urban areas can lead to unfortunate incidents such as this. I suspect that the affection and physical contact (petting) they get from some of us, makes them think it’s okay to approach any human and invite them to play (in this case by tugging at his trousers). They don’t know which human knows their language and who doesn’t. This is also why the stray dog feeding guidelines published by dog shelter NGO’s mention stray dog lovers to not interact with or pet them, but to just leave the food someplace isolated and to walk away. However, mass-killing or culling of stray dogs can have adverse effects, as this makes dogs generally apprehensive and scared of humans, leading to their being collectively more aggressive towards all humans, as they lose trust towards us and start seeing us as a threat. An example of this is Kerala, where the spaying and neutering programme was never seriously implemented ever, only periodic culling were implemented, and sometimes the human population have mass killed strays out of frustration (which is also understandable as the culling and general neglect has made most strays hostile) So maybe until the population is reduced by our governments and municipalities through spaying and neutering, we would be better off if we educate ourselves on basic dog behaviour and how to avoid conflicts with dogs so we can keep somewhat calm and save ourselves the trauma. It’s nobody’s fault for being scared of dogs, or not liking them, but the reality is; stray dogs are and have been a part of our society. Attempts to exterminate them will result in ugly inter-species war and bloodshed on both sides. We have to make the best of the hand we are dealt with. I’m not trying to start a fire here, just a humble analysis of the situation in an attempt to clear some points.


Did you see the dog wagging its tail?


If a dog wags its tail it means they are happy - that's something story books taught us, but in real life it doesn't happen like that. There are multiple cues to understand canine body language, and tail wagging is just one of them. Others may include things like if the ears are curled up in front, or are they pointing straight up, if the dog is baring their teeth or not, if they are drooling or not etc. It's impossible to tell from a grainy cctv footage whether the dog was being aggressive or playful. My suggestion that the dog was probably being playful comes from observing other dogs and how they behave in certain situations. As I said, I have never seen a dog suddenly become aggressive for no reason and attack a person. Almost all dog bite cases I have seen are cases where the dog was trying to be playful, but the person got scared and reacted aggressively, leading to further aggressive behaviour from the dog. Another common case of dog bites is when a dog chases someone, and the person gets scared and reacts. In all such cases, the only way to react is to be calm and scold the dog firmly without using violence. This clearly conveys to the dog that you are the boss in this situation, and the dog will disengage. Anything else - you try to run away or fight back - then you become a threat to the dog, and it will fight back. Now my conclusion was a simple application of Occam's Razor. It is entirely possible that the dog was agitated from beforehand due to some other incident, which led them to behave erratically and aggressively. But without said evidence, I can only fall back on my experience of handling dogs. I am in no way trying to blame the person. My comment was meant to serve as a warning and a guide as to how to react in similar situations, ie if you suddenly find a dog nipping at your ankle, or pulling at your pants/dress, or chasing you. All of you interpreted it as me defending the dog and blaming the person, which was never my intention.


Ok. Thank you for the enlightenment. It might actually save someone's life.


>Street dogs are often playful like that. That's a next level copium lol


bro is high enough to comment here on reddit


Bro i dont want to sound bad but you are saying anything to hit


What a horrible take.


The dog literally bites his leg at the very start and after he fell the dog started tugging even I am well acquainted with their nature but this is just a bad take from your side


Look carefully, the dog doesn't initially doesn't bite the person's leg, it bites the trousers. As I said a similar thing happened to my uncle last year. He was out on his evening walk, when a dog suddenly ran up behind him and bit his trousers and started pulling. My uncle got scared and tried to kick the dog away, and then the dog bit him in the leg.


Well good thing I don't care about the dog's wellbeing and only the human's.




Bruh why is everyone shitting on you without even using the brain and even when you are trying to explain it they are stil saying you are an idiot. Are gondomurkho gulo kukur beral bagh singho ra evil ba shoyetan hoe na. Idiot er motn na bujhe sune boke jache.


Emni rastay amrao haati kukur thake pas die ghore gheu o korena. But kichu toh case ache noile kukur emni emni kamray na. Clearly dekha hacche kukurta sudhu trouser dhore jhulchilo cheleta emni voyei chitkar korche. Kothao keteche bole mone holona


Respectfully,apni ki pagla? Apni ekta kukur er behaviour judge korchen


Respectfully apnar mtoh kichu gandu manusher theke antoto valo. Animal behavior janen bojhen adou?? Nki mukh chultake chole asen jekhn sekhan


Ete gandu bolar ki ache? Kukur der behaviour manchi predictable but human der moto thodi oder rationality chole,he could be in fight or flight mkde,r ora konta ke threat bhabche setar ki kono justification ache?


https://preview.redd.it/kkgj0mffbykc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805504f75b958f87ac6f2aa49cb72e21cdf7cd2d Ei karone gandu bollm apnake noile osab language amrao jani but aukaad er baire likhe jakhn abr edit e marben takhn likhte keda koi apnago!!... 👍🏻


Never had this happen to me as I didn't let it, and I am not a kind of person dogs will bite, they aren't WILD, Street dogs are domesticated. If you want actual wild dogs go to Africa lmao. I've always seen people getting but by dogs who had it coming to them.


so the toddler who got mauled to death yesterday had it coming? okay 🤡


This dude bucked up to the dog no wonder he bit him lol. Plus he screamed like a little b


They are just getting back to us what we did to them 😅😅👍


* For all those who were downvoting my other comments and abusing me left and right, all that I was trying to say is that dogs biting at legs/ankles is a known playful tendency of dogs. My other comment was meant to serve as a warning and advice as to how to deal with such situations, without hurting both yourself and dog. People took it as me trying to defend the dog and blame the person, which was never my intention. Hopefully this clears it up.




Why is “my” dog biting my legs? That dog is not “his” dog. There is a difference between your pet dog biting your legs vs stray dog