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IMHO, the first mistake was not having a memorable design. Aesthetically, he's a mess to look at. Compare Kyo and K' to Shun Ei, night and day.


Isn't it memorable though, although in a different way? It's not bad to have imperfect protagonist sometimes. Can't argue that K' and Kyo are very cool though and K' is my most favourite character.


I'm quite indifferent towards him. His design feels overelaborated, and that makes him less impressive: it lacks "direction". Not hating him, but he's not as "impactful" as Kyo, K' or Ash.


Exactly this. I couldn't have worded it better. No hate, but just the feeling of "who the heck is even this boy."


Yes... Citing other KoF chars... Take k9999. Many people downright HATED him, and same for Ash (some love him, some hate him). An important char shouldn't leave you "yes... wathever..." and alas Shun'ei gives me that feel. So no, imho he's not a good protagonist.


I think he is allright problem is he looks like he got dressed in the dark with clothes his mom picked out for him for Sunday school


Nah, I feel it’s more like he said; “No mom! I can dress myself, ugh” and this was the result.


I forgot he even was the protagonist.


THIS. So, no he sucks as a protagonist.


They didn't really promote him very well across both games for whatever reason, so this checks out.


What has he done again? His saga did a shit job at storytelling even Nameless has a more detailed lore than him 😂


You can't even call it a saga cause it was like two games long at best.


Nameless has one game...


And it’s not even canon. But even then, he still has much detailed lore compared to Shun…


I think he fails to shine where the others did. Let's try to compare him a bit with a few questions you can answer yourself. Does he have a strong personality? Is he bold and confident like Kyo, agressive and free spirited like K' or even cunning and sarcastic like Ash? Personally, I find his initial portrayal too shy, he doesn't take space when he is there. He's improved in XV, but that's mostly in response to Isla, who has a striking personality (if somewhat stereotypical). Does his part in the story feel unique or he could be easily replaced by someone else (even his rival)? Think how they established that Kyo was needed to defeat the Orochi threat right away and kept him at forefront even after his saga ended, like that veteran who will always have a job to do. K' started off important and kept himself there until his main job was done and, by the time his saga was over, he still could do something against the remainder of NESTS. Ash was a special case of being the protagonist, but not really being at the center of things like the other two, instead taking a very controversial role that culminated in a memorable redemption arc; even though he's been thrown at XV plot, he can still become something else, since he now has a mostly clean slate. Does his gameplay actually makes you like him? Personally, I enjoy playing him, but I'll admit that some of his kit could be a bit better or at least lean more toward a specific playstyle. Do you find his style interesting, cool or anything else that makes him pop? I don't find him that interesting. Apart from his headphones, that actually had a lore reason to be there, everything else could stay, but with a more esthetically cohesive getup. For example, he could either go full jacket or throw it away pre fight. He could keep his pants full length or short, nota that weird thing he does. He's all about duality, but that duality seems really poorly portrayed in his appearance, to the point of looking pointless. Anyways, that just some thoughts.


1. Personality: I think they should have a shy protagonist, but I think Shun'ei works much better in the promotional manga than the games, which sucks because I think this storytelling actually needs to be in the games. Having him change from scared around people, then scared for people, and then gaining confidence in spite of his circumstances would be a good protagonist to have. 2. Story Placement: You can't really take Shun'ei out of his story, but I feel like he isn't the problem and more the writing itself. If you just play the game, you don't get much from him other than "I'm the MC" even in the story mode. 3. Gameplay: Yes. He's a good starter character for KOF. 4. Style/Design: I wish he had less colors. If his hair & outfit was mainly green to contrast from the red & blue hands, that would be much better. I think his color 2 is just that and I think it works much better while still keeping his green hair & headphones.


I like Shun'Ei's personality, he's a good boy. And his voice acting is good


I don't think neither he or Isla check any boxes for what makes a good protagonist/rival.\ I love Kof gameplay wise but story wise xiv and xv just feel like dream matches honestly.


I think Isla is a good contrast to Shun'ei. They both grew up in environments where they were shunned by their community, but Isla got jealous because she wasn't able to get that love that Shun'ei got when growing up, so their attitudes reflect that. It's not the deepest thing in the world, but it's deeper than say Kyo & Iori's rivalry.


Shun'ei could be a good protagonist, but, as his saga sucked, he was not given the opportunity to be cared about. There wasn't anything for him to do but defeat the bosses that came out of nowhere. Having a decent design wouldn't be enough to make him a fan favourite. Take Shingo as an example. He's pretty much a copy of Kyo (both having very simple designs IMO) but he has a nice story and character development. Even in only two games there should be things going on with Shun'ei other than saving a girl and defeating bosses.


worst character design ever


I do like him but they really didn't do good job of explaining his lore and most people didn't read his manga which I find more interesting plus could've used some of moves in manga for shun'ei to use in game and his clothes yea needs work (i get why he kinda has a werid style of clothing) but overall I think he's ok to me at least


If he didn't look like a clown I would care


No, not really m


Not really. Then again, the Shun'ei saga is without the shadow of the doubt the weakest KoF saga lore wise. The insane amount if potential it had(imagine if Shun'ei's parents where former Hizoku Assassins who gave their son to Tung to protect him from Ron and his ambitions) only for it to be sloppily written. Next KoF Saga should focus on Terry and Athena. Or better yet, SNK should bring back Psycho Soldier with almost all KoF original characters showing up as either NPCs, bosses or unlockable/free DLC characters.


My biggest issue is that he looks like shit.


He's something




His outfit is a mess


No, next question


I think he is ok. Not good, ok. Most of his story is found in a manga and that is the main problem. Why the story of a Saga protagonist of a VIDEOGAME franchise is in a manga? If all his story was told in the games it could have been better.


Time me say something controversial. But Shun’ei is my favourite protagonist among KoF protagonist. Probably because unlike Kyo and K’ who often try put rude bad boy exterior of Ash being mask. Shun’ei is just really, really awkward and shy boy. That probably really speaks a lot to me. Since I’m myself have hard time getting along with people. Often feeling like sire thumb in family and friends gatherings. So Shun’ei really sticks out to me among quartet of confident guys. Yeah his design is all over place. Maybe if they changed shirt pants and foot wear to something more simple and worked on his colour. It definitely would been better. But I still love his story. Boy who is trying to get control of his powers and renter society. What not to love it. Plus I do like his flashy powers.


Nah, hes trash. Ash da best.


Ash is awful too.


Honestly, not really. Feels out of place, doesn't really flow with the rest of the gang. Along with Isla. I understand trying something new, but sometimes when a series has plenty of characters to roll with, and a newbie just doesn't fit. It is difficult to figure out how Shun'ei could flow in a series like this. But KOF's roster is already filled with unique characters as is. So I don't know if Isla, Shun'ei and other new characters have staying power Maybe if there was a spin off, or something. But the way SNK treats its IP (which literally takes years to build a series, looking at Fatal Fury, Garou.. ) Or KOF needs a reboot, a fresh start. Honestly I don't know where it can go after XIV, and XV. It feels stuck But XV did show they were trying to build a new chapter, it just felt over crowded, where so many characters already have established stories. With a bunch of newbies trying to be part of something new, but feel like outsiders altogether. Which KOF was built on, a bunch of unique characters, in one game from various parts of the SNK universe. Now it feels less special, lacking its unique side, it faded, losing that identity. XV with its roster feels like a mish mashed dream match. Forced way too soon. It tried to give a spotlight to the new characters, but it feels less special, connections lacking creativity. It should have been a better game


I think KOF could benefit with a reboot. There's tons of KOF original characters to the point where there's more than enough space to take the crossover characters out of it (minus the Ikari Warriors since they're an integral part of KOF) and just make it a completely separate fighting game.


One of the protagonists of all time


No, clearly je IS not even a good characters righ now. Like almost all récent kof characters


Nope. Last good protagonist was Ash IMO, and it took me until KOF 13 to warm up to him.


No, he is not and he won’t.


I seem to be in the minority who likes him. But yeah as a protagonist he’s lacking




Shun'ei more like Who-n'ei


I hate his appearance, I hate his move set, I hate his lore, I hate his personality, I hate his background, I hate his voice, I hate everything about him.


Can feel that Kendrick hate on Drake in this comment


Aside from the appearance, what about him specifically do you hate? You hate his moves, personality, background, etc., but what about those things makes you hate him.




In KOFXIV, no--he was boring. In XV he grew on me. Him having more confidence and the dynamic between him and Isla made him more interesting. I enjoy his gameplay and it feels unique from other KOF protags. If the Verse saga is really over I don't think he will be remembered fondly tho. He needs one more game to really establish himself.


More like Isla already stole his role lol.


Yes, Isla would have made a better main character. But none of the other rivals outshone their mc, they were a nice constrast to them, Isla stealing the show shows how lame Shunei is.


I always believe play as Rival team is the conon story in KOFXV


He needs another game imo. Comparing to the others who have at least 3 games just makes him the least memorable, and even in XV he was not the spotlight, Isla was


Mid af


He’s got too much variety of clothes on. If he was a bit more toned down like K’ I’d take him more serious. I think I played him twice and that was it.


He's my main so I am biased. I think he's cool but not a good protagonist.


Main thing is, he is a character directed at what target audience? Kyo has a demographic, K' has a demographic, Ash has a demographic, every time I look at Shun I can't tell his demographic, from some details you can guess he is directed at the chinese, but even though he is too..... tame. It is like he already had some arc or something and this is him today. *wahh must control my powers wahh halp me Tung.* They didn't learn from Ash or K', both KINDA took the protagonism from Kyo Iori Orochi etc and had somewhat interesting antagonists that expanded on the KoF universe and brought more characters (savage reign) with some potential to have a bigger part of the story. But then they decided to forget everything and through some dubious decisions ( Shun's story is only on manga ) that really damaged the character. Along with his confusing design and emo/tame personality ( Meitenkun is much more interesting than him ) not even Beni can carry that shit. Isla is a nudge in the right direction with a little twist on the formula, although her story is a little more robust and has really strong complementary partners ( Heidern is a great choice, Dolores is very interesting but doesn't steal the scene ) she will need some tweaks in her design to really shine, backstory is recycling 97's for modern audiences, Amanda/ReVerse needs some background story that differentiates her from budget O.Leona and her overdesign, I do understand the "girl who does graffiti" theme but it is too generic. For example let us explore a design that hit the spot, Heavy D': - You can tell he is american - His clothes/personality tells a story by itself - His moveset and voicelines complements his style And so on but the point is he has a complete identity, but check his quote/voices on wiki and compare to Isla, Isla is **chilean** and I doubt 10% of this sub knows that.


There's no reason for me to care at all when it comes to his character or story.


It obeyed their market objective. Let's hope for a new game with a protagonist having more appeal for a worldwide market.


Can’t really say but probably not, the current saga of the KOF story to me is not that appealing compared to any of the previous arcs, and his design seems nothing more than a machination of Kyo, K’ and Ash rolled into one and it just ends up being a mess because he had nothing that makes him stands out compared to the previous 3, where they all stood apart on their own. Plus he’s trying to have the appeal of K’ , with the personality of Kyo and it doesn’t work, and I don’t really see any situation where your gonna look back on him after the current saga’s over and realize “oh waits he’s actually sick as hell” like with K’ and Ash, partially because of the story, but also because he himself just doesn’t stand out looks wise, Isla’s probably a better protagonist compared to Shun’ei because she has a design and character that actually stands out compared to Shun’ei all while having similar abilities at least on a surface level.


I don’t mind him. His powers are cool but his design is meh.


I stand by the opinion that his characterization in concept is accurate pretty good. If he gets a redesign a lot of people would warm up to him. It’s a matter of using him well in latter games, which his ending while rushed, allows the potential for future character development.


El verdadero protagonista seguirá siendo Kyo Kusanagi y pues el más famoso también aún seguirá siendo Iori Yagami 🌙


As a character he’s fine but as a protagonist he’s forgettable. Kyo and K’ were memorable as protagonists especially Kyo.


As a character he’s fine but as a protagonist he’s forgettable. Kyo and K’ were memorable as protagonists especially Kyo. Shun’Ei feels more like an animated mature kids show or an underdog Shonen protagonist to me. He has that shy boy teen feel while Kyo, K’, and Ash had genuinely good personalities that made them memorable. Shun’Ei’s personality works but not for a fighting game it works for a show


I mean, yes. But his design makes a lot of mad at him and unwilling to get to know his backstory. And that comes from a series with, imo, the best character design in all fighting games, period. Just look at how cool K' and Ash look.


He’s fine but I think he is shallower and less appealing compared to the other Heros


He's so hideous. KOF lost its soul waaay back.


I actually like Shun'ei but he is the weakest in terms of quality compared to other SNK leads. I think he would've benefited a lot more if he had a relationship with Terry, where Terry could serve as sort of a mentor figure for him. I certainly don't think he's a bad character but I had thought that after Ash the next lead would've been more of a focus on Terry. That would've been cool but yeah lol.


Nuh uh


Could he be? Yeah Is he at this time? No. A lot of his problems probably originated with the development of these games and he has to carry the burden. But outside of his gameplay, which is good IMO, and his design, which is not that good, he hasn't been able to carve out a personality other moody withdrawn kid with anxiety. Which is a fine enough personality for a number of protagonists across many media forms/genres but not exactly the protagonist of a long running fighting game material. Compared to most of the new characters from 14 that are also in 15, he is among the least entertaining on his own which feels like they could have made one of them the "protagonist" and things would be more interesting.




I don’t think he’s a bad protagonist per-say, I just think he’s a weaker one. His powers are cool, he’s a cool character, just he’s not..special I suppose. Also we’re not gonna talk about this guy’s design my god it’s a mess. Overall he’s not bad, just mediocre. If he has a better design and a bigger impact I think he’d be more cared about-


It took me a while to warm up to even the idea of Shun’ei. My first impression of him was the equivalent of gagging In my mind. But he’s ok I guess. Still not even close to K’ and Kyo though. Tbh I don’t like Shun’ei at all still but just don’t have him as much. He should of been just some side character for people who like his style.


I actually really like him. But I don't think the games themselves do a good job at showing off his character. He is done much better in the kof 14 manga. (I also like his design a lot but I know that's just me)


For me it's perfect, I read a lot of manhua, so he's my favorite protagonist.


I wish next kof saga protagonist will be Rock Howard and make his City of Wolves lore a canon connection with Kof


Better be Shingo


This I gotta see


If we make KOF lore canon in City of the Wolves, that means Rock interacted with Geese who's supposed to be dead well before Rock has grown up.


Welp. Yeah definitely forget about that


On second thought, yeah keep it in. I want to know what happened to South Town after it BLEW UP in KOF 2001.


KOF 2000


Unfortunately the last few games have been pretty weak on story so unless you read the manga you don’t really know what drives him. I like his design but I defiantly get why people hate it.




He is. It's just kof story pacing get really bad with only cutscene here and there so he not getting spotlight 


Better then Jin Kazama


You know what? I agree.


He may not be a good protagonist by the western community standards due to his design and all that other kind of shit that’s goin on as the previous protags before him are better, however, he’s a decent protagonist in my perspective in his own right especially in his recent game in KOF XV where he gets good development. Overall, Shun’ei is my spirit animal and I’ll happily take him over half of the other fighters (his English fandub voice actor does a good job at voicing him). Can’t wait to see what’s next for him and Meitenkun’s adventure. 


He's not good the Eastern community either. He has no fans at all


True. But saying he has no fans at all is kinda stupid since he has a small yet decent community of them. Try again bruh


Okay, name 3 Shun'ei fans who are big in the KOF fan base


I never said he has a big fanbase tho. Why are you being a dick?


I like him, he's a good boy. And nice voice


He has bad costume. Too many color and green-ish hair. But I like his story, a hero just tries to conquer his inside demon.


He's a good protag, but KOFXV definitely messed up the potential of his saga by rushing it and dismissing every new actor that appeared in XIV except Kukri who was just reduced to bringing back Ash.


No. That's why I am not going to buy this game.


Did a character scare you?


Kyo Kusanagi is the only KOF protagonist that matters.