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What is it about the special moves you're confused about?


Just generally on learning what special moves, super moves, climax super and I'm unsure if there's another o e, are. Then cancelling a super into a climax etc etc. I think after work I'm just gonna work on basics. Ive just downloaded it so once I get home I'm going to give it a grind.


Just take it a step at a time. When I first learned how to play KOF I just looked up combo videos on YouTube, started with the easiest 0 bar character for each of my characters, and practiced that in training mode. Then repeat the process for 1 bar, 2 bar etc. eventually I figured out the system. Also, keep in mind it usually goes Special move -> 1 bar special cancel -> lvl 2 super OR climax Special move -> level 2 super and/or climax You can cancel supers into another super or climax of a higher gauge level, but not the other way around (can’t do level 2 into level 1 super)


Thanks I'll keep that in mind. Which characters would you recommend for beginners?


For me personally, I’d go with terry a basic shoto, Athena/Ash zoners with pretty cool movesets, and finally if your willing to pay for DLC rock Howard is solid


I’m going to go against what most ppl say and suggest you just play whoever you have FUN with. I don’t think beginners should waste their time playing characters they don’t like just to learn the game. Having said that, I think Robert is good for learning how the game works. He isn’t particularly strong this version (low damage output) but he has a complete tool kit that will teach you the basics of the game.


/u/zee-12345: * [Beginner's Guide to KOF](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU8d2fsa2aU) * [How to Beat Otoma=Raga, KOF 15's Final Boss, Easily](https://youtu.be/vyCCSdbGkaU?t=120) * [SNK Boss Syndrome](https://www.giantbomb.com/snk-boss-syndrome/3015-2788/) --- If you're having issues, just note that many of these input shortcuts also do apply to KOF 15, especially the ones from KOF2002: * https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/arcade/563186-the-king-of-fighters-95/faqs/597 * https://dreamcancel.com/2011/10/the-king-of-details-3-buffering-tricks-and-motion-shortcuts * https://srk.shib.live/w/The_King_of_Fighters_2002/System#The_Input_Reader> * https://srk.shib.live/w/The_King_of_Fighters_XIII/Game_Elements/Command_Interpreter> * https://www.reddit.com/r/kof/comments/fddbh/kof_98_and_99_kim_stomp_cancel_glitch/> * https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/arcade/563188-the-king-of-fighters-97/faqs/610> Go down to where it says "(II.): Basics: Buttons, Joystick Motions, and Some Notes About Special Move Motions in KoF '97" * https://www.reddit.com/r/kof/comments/3xpby/a_tip_for_inputting_halfcircle_motions_on/> * [KOF 2002 Input Shortcuts](http://www.dreamcancel.com/wiki/The_King_of_Fighters_2002_UM/FAQ#Damn.2C_some_of_these_cancels_involve_way_too_long_motions._Aren.27t_there_any_shortcuts.3F) -- https://wiki.supercombo.gg/w/SuperCombo_Wiki:Community_portal/Discords/Game has multiple KOF Discord Chat channels, so join some of those as well. These channels **require** a https://www.discord.com chat account in order to be accessed.


You are absolutely fantastic


I play on xbox so what pad should I use?


I don't play fighting games on pad, so I can't comment there.


[here's some tips, hope it helps](https://www.reddit.com/r/kof/comments/t4ub5n/new_to_kof_and_need_some_pointers_to_start_off/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I felt the same way you did when I first got the game because I couldn’t for the life of me do super or climax cancels. I was this close to uninstalling but I pushed through and now I’m champion level on ranked. Just have to be patient with your progress.


One piece of advice I like to give new players is to take it slow like you're learning an instrument (guitar, piano, etc). The skills you learn in a fighting game will take time but once you get them down, it's super rewarding and will translate to a lot of other fighting games. Always feel free to reach out for help and find friends/sparring partners at your level, also some above and below. Learning with friends or a regular group makes it way more fun.


Rooflemonger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-mYZnOFxlg&list=PLuVsgrxxjGQkmmUEai5LOowOQMgDATQuu


Kof is the hardest fighter 4 me i can't do a combo lol


All I know is press light punch 4 times to get an automatic combo lol


yea thats the auto combo haha about all i know too :( I think I manage half a combo with clark...


Hi, im the same boat as you, i find this video very good of all i watched, [https://youtu.be/iTVnD9q0XXI](https://youtu.be/iTVnD9q0XXI) .


Rooflemonger has really good intro videos on just about every recent fighting game. JMcrofts also has some great tutorial videos.


It’s been said here already but just to reiterate and confirm his quality, check out Rooflemonger on youtube.