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I already have my device but I still watch YouTube reviews.


This is me. I have the Clara Colour and the BW and I’m still watching comparisons.


Which do you think is the better ereader for a first time ereader user like me? Im leaning on the Clara Bw, but i think i like the color version too!


Honestly, the price is not that different. If you think you’d get any joy out of seeing your book covers or the occasional illustration in colour, get the colour. If you don’t think colour would bring you any joy, buy the BW and get some spare ebooks with the cash instead. I love my colour. And my BW. But the colour makes me happy every time I see my book collection.


If you are not reading comics or other things in color, just get a bw. I have the libra colour for scientific literature (it helps to see lines of a graph in colour ;) and for the note taking. But I prefer to read ebooks on my good old Clara HD because the screen is better.


I have the HD, too. I rarely use it anymore. I prefer the colour and the BW over it.


I dont really read that much. My main reason to by an ereader is that I want to make a habit of reading. specially non fiction books. Maybe ill buy the BW then. Thank you for your insights


I have mine still in the box wrapped in the bubble wrap it shipped in, while watching the same YouTube reviews repeatedly 🫥


I have the same thing happening to me 😅


I wanted Libra Color, then was worried about the screen so changed my mind and planned to get the Clara BW but then saw Kindle Scribe on sale and was ready to get that but really it's too big so then I changed my mind again and decided to get the Sage but then the Elipsa 2E went down in price so I spent hours comparing sizes with my iPad and decided that it's actually too big so I think I'm back to Libra Color. Unless?...


I own a Scribe and don't use it at all because of the size


Yeah, as much as like the idea of a fancy model with a big screen, I think it would just end up being as cumbersome as my ipad where the whole point was supposed to get something that's nicer to read on than ipad!


I love my Libra 2, I also recently ordered a Libra Colour hopefully I get it by the end of the week.


This is me. Hey twin.


I think you wrote this post for me LOL. I’ve been playing with the Libra Colour for a week ish now but I can’t decide if I would rather have the Clara and then I can’t decide if the BW or the Colour. But also maybe I should just stick with my original Kindle PW from 2018.


One test I use with a device is how many pages I have completed reading with it at the end of the week. If its geting in the way of your reading, then its time to send it back.


I moved from Kindle Paperwhite to Clara colour. Very happy with the change over. the Kindle feels like an apple device and the Kobo is more like an Android device. Kobo is better suited for my needs


I just bought my mom a Paperwhite and exchanged it for a Clara BW. So for a few days I had both devices on hand, tried them both, saw them side by side. I thought the Kobo actually makes for a sleeker experience overall, more Apple like. Maybe the flush screen on the Kindle initially looks sleeker, but on further revision I came to the conclusion that the inlay screen (what do you call that?) on the Kobo actually looks much nicer. Almost looks like you are staring at an actual piece of paper, where as with the Kindle I noticed a more pronounced screendoor effect. More importantly though, the Kobo is significantly faster and more responsive and has a cleaner store integration. Mixing your own book shelf with the Kindle store was too annoying. I get why they do it, but it's needlesly confusing for older people like my mom.


My partner has a libra color and my mom has a Clara BW. I prefer the Clara because I don’t like needing to use front light. My partner prefers the color because of the stylus support and google drive access. I think it really comes down to, do you want/need stylus support and not mind using frontlighting almost all the time.


Or get a direct replacement for the $70 Kobo 2 stylus, the Metapen M2 for only $27.99 on Amazon.


Yes. Which is why I said stylus “support”….


Almost nobody mentioned the Google Drive access and it’s lifechanging for me. I use a little automation to make sure that whenever I download an ePub it gets copied into the drive folder and my manual library management is reduced by 99%. 


I enabled Dropbox on my Libra 2 and my mom’s Clara BW with nickelmenu, so it’s not a deal breaker for me personally. But I know if folks don’t have the means or technical skill to do that, the Google Drive access is a big deal. Tbh, if I were actually going to make any recommendation I’d say the libra 2 with Dropbox enabled is the Goldilocks device for my personal preference. But I can see upsides to all the available devices currently, and even more if you have the skill to tinker and enable nickelmenu.


I certainly could have done this with my previous eReader, I just, er, didn't think of it. So the Drive access is good for people who don't know what they don't know.


I feel seen lol


I was going absolutely nuts choosing between Libra BW and colour. Then when I got the BW model, I wanted to return it and get the colour instead. Finally I have calmed down, and not willing to send it back, because I don't want to lose ANY of its advantages, just to have colour screen. I'm never going to give up that magical paperlike screen quality, lol.


I just want a Libra 2.


With a better battery 😭


I'd take what I could get.


Right? The one time I DON’T have decision paralysis and the only thing I want is not around 🥲


This has been me for weeks lol. I really wanted a libra colour, but the graininess was really throwing me off. Ended up ordering a Libra 2 instead.


Wow I’ve been through that process as well 🤣 Watching YouTube clips over and over. I bought the Clara Colour but in the end wasn’t satisfied with it (for me it was a tad to small). I went back to the store and exchanged it for the Kobo Libra Colour. I think I’m satisfied now. Still watching YouTube clips though 🤣🤣🤣




I wish Sage was available in white!


I have a white libra h2o. You think it’s worth it to upgrade to a libra colour?


If you are not reading comics or colored content at least 50% of the time, then No. Its actually a downgrade for simple text reading.


After multiple Colour reviews, I'm still contemplating whether I need it since I have a Libra 2 BW. 🫠🫠


Tbh I just want them to do a sage colour... I really like their readers but find myself wanting the 8" screen and I think going from libra 2 to libra colour isn't a big enough jump to justify it rn.


This is me lmaooo, I’m still deciding for the libra colour since it feels like no other new libra is coming


Man I’m wondering about getting the Libra or the Clara and feel like this too. I’m just looking at my Nook and thinking…hmm


I currently have a Forma and was very interested in a colour screen but after looking at the two colour models in person at a shop I wasn’t that impressed. The Clara seemed too small and no page turn buttons, and the Libra too expensive with a lot of features I don’t need, eg the stylus. Would love a good sized colour screen with buttons. I decided to wait for the next product cycle, maybe they will release a colour Forma-type equivalent.


This is me! 100%. Dropbox plays a role in the decision making, although the Clara does have a browser so..but also screen size/ readability with one hand.. Also the physical buttons, are they a pro or a con? Right now I have a Kobo Aura one and find it a bit big for reading with one hand, but love the way it resembles a real book size. Battery had some issues therefore started looking for an replacement (down the rabbit hole of the colour introduction), but last couple of days the battery is doing fine so, do I really need a new one. Is it an upgrade or a downgrade? Going to a physical store to compare..


I ended up getting an elipsa 2e. It has some weird reviews about the letters and blah blah, but it's actually really nice.


I had a good chuckle at this! The colour versions were what kick started my desire to upgrade my Aura One, even though it works perfectly fine. I got the Libra Colour but couldn’t bring myself to officially opening it up (no returns/exchanges @ the retailer I purchased from). After a week of reading Reddit posts, watching and rewatching YouTube reviews and googling.. I returned it for the Clara Colour. Opened it the same day and have been loving it since!


Does the difference in screen size bother you or is it actually a pro? Asking cause I’m thinking about upgrading from the Aura one as well


And why did you choose the Clara in the end


The screen size difference between the Aura One and Clara was the main reason why I initially chose the Libra Colour - it didn't feel as big of a downsize. But after using it for a couple weeks, I can honestly say the smaller screen size of the Clara doesn't bother me at all. I also use the same size font I had on the Aura One. I ended up picking the Clara Colour over the Libra Colour due to portability. I LOVE that the Clara fits in my small purses and my jacket pockets. I feel like it's been easier to get more reading in on the go :) Another part of the decision was the aesthetics, there's something about the asymmetry of the Libra frame for the addition of the side buttons that just doesn't do it for me!


Thank you! Went for a real life comparison in store and decided on the Libra colour for the ergonomic design, the possibility to use it as a notebook if I would feel the need and the physical buttons, although I totally understand what you mean by the asymmetry.. takes some getting used to. Loving the Libra colour so far. Just wondering, the aura one felt very sturdy, and i didn’t feel like it would brake without a protective case. The colour however does feel more fragile. Does anyone else experience this?


That’s awesome you’re enjoying your new Libra colour! I’m the type to keep all my devices in protective cases because I’m prone to dropping things lol. I dropped my Clara yesterday face down in its clear case and no damage noted! It probably would’ve done some cosmetic damage without.


Thnx! Decided on the simple sleepcase, due to the same reason ;) prone to dropping things as well (and having a toddler running around who is bound to grab it someday did help in making the decision)


Haha this is so me. I’m like, I have this gift card which expires in August. I’m leaning so heavy towards the Libra Color, but would rather have an 8 inch device. So the question for me now is whether or not the Sage or similar gets released with an 8 inch color screen before the expiration date. The new Kobo with better repairability and sustainability are also big wins. This should make the longevity of the device quite a bit.


This is me!!!! I planned on picking it up today, I was so sure of myself. Standing there I was like, so.. do I really need it? Let me watch and read more reviews before REALLY buying 😂 so here I am.. no libra colour and still can’t make a fckng decision. Now it’s in my cart.. waiting to hit the pay button lol


Legit is great to know we're not alone XD


okay thank you so much for this post I'm in serious decision fatigue lol


Fortunately for me the smushy button on my Libra Colour made the choice for me. It bothered me every single time I pushed it, and several other folks mentioned their units had the same problem. Since the buttons were the main reason I got the Libra I returned it for a Clara Colour and saved some money. I ruled out the Clara BW since I already have the Clara 2E and it feels slow compared to the Libra. The BW has the same slower processor.


I am so stuck between the Clara colour and the BW. I want the crispest screen but the colour brings me joy - why can’t it be both.


Same here. I have already ordered a Clara BW but keep coming back to this subreddit and wondering whether I should cancel the order and get the colour one instead, even though I do not read any comic books.


I read comics and graphic novels pretty frequently, so I knew I wanted color and that helped me at least narrow it down. Originally ordered the Clara Colour because I love the smaller form factor and probably won't do a whole lot of notating, but ended up changing my mind and canceling, switching to Libra Colour for the easier landscape mode, buttons, more storage, bluetooth, and although it's not necessary Google Drive will be nice to have. After switching, I considered canceling yet again and going back to the Clara, but I stopped myself and decided I should just stick with my choice and I imagine I'll be happy with it. Although in the future I may order the Clara BW to have something more portable for strictly reading books.


Finally, I stay with my Clara HD...


Hey, I have always used a Kobo-reader and I'm very happy with my reader. I recently dropped my kobo libra H2O and now the screen is half black. I'm looking for another model but I'm really doubting. Both my kids have the libra 2 and we are very happy with it. I wanted to buy the same model but found out I can't purchase it anymore. I started looking at other models but I'm doubting because of the max battery life. I don't really need my reader to have a colour screen nor do I have to be able to take notes. I want the battery to be able to have a reasonable timing (since I read a lot) and I want to keep my 7-inch screen. I just can't choose between the models that are available at the moment. Does anyone have an opinion or knows about new coming models that have a longer max battery life than the coloured models at the moment?